Fun questions to ask for kids: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid

Опубликовано: May 5, 2023 в 2:51 am


Категории: Kid

Fun Questions to Ask

Here are some really fun questions to ask and answer. They cover all kinds of different subjects, so there are sure to be some that’ll be perfect for you and the person you’re talking to.

We’ve got some more links to other fun questions to ask at the bottom of the page, so don’t forget to check those out as well.

A lot of these questions will bring out some really funny answers, and some are just enjoyable to discuss. There are also some that might lead to an interesting deeper discussion but those are few and far between.

List of fun questions to ask

Feel free to cherry pick the ones you like or go through them like a list. Just remember that the point isn’t to ask all the questions, but rather it’s to have a great conversation!

1. What would you name your boat if you had one?

The Unsinkable 3? The Cowboy Bebop? The Please don’t Sink? Your choice! Also, what would it look like? Do you want a motor yacht, a sailboat, or perhaps a dinghy?


What’s the closest thing to real magic?

With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you the most?

3. Who is the messiest person you know?

If your answer is “I don’t know any really messy people”, that means that the answer is you. You are the messiest person you know.

4. What will finally break the internet?

Take this question in a serious direction or a funny direction, either way it’s sure to get an interesting answer. Maybe even get a good conversation going.

5. What’s the most useless talent you have?

You’ve got one, we’ve all got one. I’m pretty good at estimating what time it is, or maybe it’s just confirmation bias.

6. What would be on the gag reel of your life?

Those moments when the audience that has been watching your life bursts out in laughter.

7. Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?

You know, that place where you gagged and almost threw up? Yeah that place!


What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?

Great for guys or girls, see how your ideal type matches up with your friend’s. And if you are horrible with celebrity names like me, just think of a movie or show with a perfect 10 in it and IMDB it.

9. What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?

You’ve got lots of body parts! Surely there a few you could part with. Who knows, maybe missing a few toes will become a fashion statement!

10. What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

Let’s face it, we’ve all had some injuries that were caused by less than dignified circumstances. So lets hear them! Everyone loves a good cringe worthy story.

11. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?

Sure it’s easy to focus on the exciting, thrilling characters. But how about showing the boring ones some love!

12. What is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

Oh we’ve all made some seriously bad purchases, so what are yours? And what about the best purchase, and where can I get one?


If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?

So how about it? Will you be Inigo Montoya or Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff? Or perhaps something a bit more mainstream?

14. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

Along the lines of humble brags, but things that you would say to your frenemy. Sorry, as portmanteaus go, frenemy is almost as bad as phablet.

15. What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen?

Whether you did it when you were a kid or a as misguided college student, you’ve had a seriously bad screw up in the kitchen. So what happened?

16. What’s the worst commercial you’ve recently seen? Why is it so bad?

It almost seems like some commercials were designed to be so irritating that you can’t forget them. So what are some of the worst?

17. What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?

I’m sure we’ve all had that one teacher with a couple of screws loose, or how about the teacher that just absolutely lost it during class.

18. When did you screw everything up, but no one ever found out it was you?

What have you gotten away with? How sneaky were you when you were younger? Or was it something recent that you messed up and got away with?

19. What problem or situation did TV / movies make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t?

For me it was quicksand, always with the quick sand. That and the memory loss. I’ve never come across someone who had a complete memory loss or quicksand. Sure they exist, but they happen a lot more on TV than in real life.

20. What quote or saying do people spout but is complete BS?

One that always gets me is “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” You better occasionally say sorry, or there’s a good chance they aren’t going to love you for very long.

21. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

It could be as intense as the urge to jump off a high place. Or as mild as trying to stop yourself from itching that mosquito bite. Or maybe just saying something you shouldn’t at a really inopportune time.

22. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

You can make it serious or funny, your choice. It’ll be interesting either way because we’ve all got plenty of questions we want answers to.

23. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

Time to share that really cool article or fact that you ran across on the internet. Just make sure to fact check it!

24. What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

We’ve all had our gullible moments, and everyone loves to hear about someone else’s embarrassment. So ask away and enjoy!

25. If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that you couldn’t sell, what would you fill it with?

Will you change the world? Annoy a lot of people? Inspire them? Or just use it as a platform to further your own diabolical plans?

Other fun questions to ask

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  • Fun questions to ask a girl
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90 Fun Questions To Ask Kids (To Know Them Better And Get Them Talking)

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As a parent, it’s natural to want to find out what’s going on in your child’s life and to get them talking to you. However, getting kids to open up and share information about their lives can be a challenge.

One way to encourage communication is with these fun questions to ask kids, that help spark conversations while having fun and gaining insight into who your child is, what they like, and what is important to them.

By asking the right questions, you can get your child talking and opening up to you, and help build a strong relationship with them.

When you can talk about the fun things, in a lighthearted way, and make having conversations easy, then talking about deeper and more difficult topics will be a whole lot easier.

Additionally, research shows that having conversations with your kids is good for their brain development, especially when you carry a conversation with them, rather than just talking at them.

When To Ask These Questions

These questions can be asked at any time, but some may work better than others depending on the situation. For example, asking “What’s your favorite thing to do for fun?” is a great way to start a conversation when you’re first getting into the swing of asking questions.

If you’re trying to get your kids to open up about their day, asking “What was the best part of your day?” rather than “How was school today?” as soon as they get home can be a good way to get them talking.

Asking these types of questions on a regular basis can help you build a strong relationship with your kids and encourage communication.

If you make it a habit to ask one or two of these questions every day, you’ll be surprised at how much you learn about your kids and what’s going on in their lives.

You could also make asking questions like this part of your regular trips or activities. For example, you could ask these questions:

  • on a road trip
  • while eating breakfast in the morning
  • after dinner but before bed
  • on the way home from school
  • over the dinner table

Asking questions and having conversations in a fun way during normal daily routines, like at dinner time, can create good conversation habits, and encourage open communication from your kids.

Tips When Asking These Fun Questions For Kids

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when asking these fun questions for kids:

Avoid yes or no questions. These types of questions can lead to short, one-word answers that don’t give you much information.

Try to ask open-ended questions. These are questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. Asking questions that require more than a one-word answer will encourage your child to share more information with you.

Be patient. Don’t put pressure on your child to answer any of these questions if they don’t want to. If they’re not ready to talk, that’s okay. Just let them know that you’re there when they’re ready to talk.

Consider your environment. Some kids may feel more comfortable talking in certain environments than others. If your child seems reticent to talk, try asking the questions in a different setting, such as during a walk or in the car.

Modify questions to be age-appropriate. If you have younger kids, you may need to ask simpler questions than you would for older kids. However, do give young children a chance to answer the questions, even if you think they may not entirely understand. It can be an excellent way to give you insight into your child’s mind and spark conversations you may not have had otherwise.

List Of Fun Questions To Ask Kids

Use these questions to get your kids talking, get to know them more, and build a stronger relationship with them.

While some of them may seem like funny questions or silly questions, they are meant to be used as conversation starters. Once you ask these simple questions, you can listen to the answers, and use their responses to dig deeper, and have more meaningful conversations.

Be sure to give your kids your full attention and be an active listener, hearing them answer questions and tell you more about themselves is such a wonderful thing.

Remember, our kids model the behavior of their parents, even if they don’t realize it, so be sure to show them how to actively listen in a conversation.

1 – What’s your favorite thing to do for fun?

2 – What’s your favorite game to play?

3 – If we could have just one thing for dinner every night for a year, what would we have?

4 – What’s your favorite kind of food?

5 – What’s the best movie you’ve seen lately?

6 – What book are you reading? What’s it about?

7 – What’s your favorite song right now?

8 – What was the best part of your day?

9 – What made you laugh today?

10 – What was the most challenging part of your day?

11 – Who is your favorite teacher?

12 – What do you like most about school?

13 – Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend?

14 – What’s something you’re really good at?

15 – What are you passionate about?

16 – If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

17 – What’s your favorite animal?

18 – If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

19 – If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

20 – What’s something you want to learn how to do?

21 – What’s your favorite TV show?

22 – Who is your hero? Why are they your hero?

23 – What’s something you’re grateful for?

24 – If you could have a wish, what would it be?

25 – What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

26 – What’s a goal you have?

27 – What is the best day you can remember?

28 – What does happiness mean to you?

29 – What are some things you worry about?

30 – What do you think ‘life’ means?

31 – What do you think happens after we die?

32 – What makes you feel brave?

33 – Do you have any fears or phobias? What are they?

34 – What’s something that makes you really angry?

35 – What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t been to yet?

36 – What are some things you want to do when you’re an adult?

37 – What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

38 – If you could be any animal at all, what animal would you be?

39 – What is one rule you wish we had at home?

40 – How do you know when you are happy?

41 – How do you know when you are sad?

42 – What does love look like?

43 – What does family mean to you?

44 – Who is someone you look up to and why?

45 – What do you think makes a good friend?

46 – What is something special about your mom or dad?

47 – If you could have any animal as a pet, which animal would you have?

48 – How do you think people can show they care about others?

49 – What is something you’re excited about or looking forward to right now?

50 – If you could tell your teacher anything, what would it be?

51 – What is something you’re proud of?

52 – What are some things you like to do for fun?

53 – What is your favorite thing about your life?

54 – What are some things that make you feel happy?

55 – What would you do if you had a million dollars?

56 – If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would you choose?

57 – What is the best dream you’ve ever had?

58 – If you could write a story, what would it be about?

59 – What is something you wish all adults knew?

60 – What is your favorite time of the day?

61 – What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?

62 – What is something that makes you laugh?

63 – What is something that makes you feel loved?

64 – If you could spend a whole day doing whatever you wanted to do, what would you do?

65 – What are some things that make you feel angry?

66 – Would you rather be near the mountains or be near the beach? Why?

67 – What is something you do to make other people smile?

68 – If you could be any age, what age would you be?

69 – What do you think adults do all day?

70 – If you could mix two animals together to make a new animal, which ones would you choose?

71 – What nice things have people done for you?

72 – What nice things have you done for other people?

73 – What do you think about before you go to sleep?

74 – What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

75 – What is something you could teach other people to do?

76 – What is your favorite subject at school?

77 – What is the best thing about being you?

78 – What is the worst thing about being a kid?

79 – What is your favorite family tradition?

80 – If you had to give up one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

81 – What has been the funniest thing you’ve seen lately?

82 – What is your favorite type of ice cream?

83 – If you had a pet dragon, what would you name it?

84 – If you had a time machine, would you go forwards in time or backward?

85 – What kind of animal would make the worst pet?

86 – What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever seen?

87 – If you could switch lives with a fictional character, which would you choose?

88 – If you discovered a new planet, what would you call it?

89 – What would your superhero name be?

90 – If you had to give up your favorite food, or video games, which would you choose?

These fun questions to ask your kids are just a starting point. The most important thing is to make sure you’re spending time talking with your kids every day.

If you can find ways to make conversation fun, they’ll be more likely to want to talk with you and open up about what’s going on in their lives.

With a little effort, you can foster a great relationship with your kids that will last a lifetime.

Are you still looking for more fun questions to ask kids? You might like this – 101 Would You Rather Questions For Kids

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How to organize children’s leisure so that the children have fun and are interested? What to offer them for a useful and boring pastime? The optimal solution to this problem will help the tasks we have collected on a separate page, the question and the answer for children are funny. They contain formulations that involve the manifestation of a sense of humor, non-standard thinking, attention to trifles (details). Adults can offer such tasks to children during any events or holidays that take place in a relaxed atmosphere. Answering them, the guys will be able to show off their erudition and understanding of the intricacies of humor.

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Game “Funny questions and answers” for teenagers

It is known that joint games bring people together. This element is important not only for “breaking ice” and relaxation. With the help of fun games, people learn to act collectively, communicate, understand each other, and adults, playing with children, get an excellent opportunity to establish contact with such “incomprehensible creatures” as teenagers.

Try this game and you will be in a good mood!

Game questions-fasteners

Rules for the game “Questions-Outlets”:

Each Question and each answer are written on a separate leaflet, which is folded several times so that the text is not visible . All questions are collected in one hat (box, cap, etc.), and all answers are collected in another. Next, each participant is given the opportunity to choose one piece of paper from the header with questions and one from the header with answers. When everyone pulled out 2 pieces of paper, each in turn begins to read out his question first, and then the answer to it.

Sometimes it’s a very funny combination. For example:
– Do you pick your teeth with a fork after eating?
– Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.

Questions for the game:

Do you comb your hair every day?
Do we get up in the morning with a smile?
Do you pick your teeth with a fork after eating?
Do you cheat from your neighbor’s desk?
Does your dog listen to you?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you stumble on your way to school?
Do you read books for children from 3 years old?
Do you yell at your sister?
Do you enjoy weekends with your family?
Do you often dream about polar bears?
Do you know your sister’s secrets?
Do you wear holey socks?
Do you often visit?
Do you do your hair in expensive salons?
Do you look in the mirror before going to bed?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do they give you gifts?
Are your family holidays fun?
Do you talk on the phone on an empty stomach?
Do you cut your toenails in front of guests?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you raise your voice to your friends?
Do you fall out of bed when you have a bad dream?
Are you glad that you have to go to school?
Do you often joke around with friends?
Do you break plates every day?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?

Answers for the game:

Smart people don’t give out secrets.
Depending on what time I wake up.
You don’t get it, I like it so much.
No, it’s no use anyway.
Yes, especially after training.
This is an overly philosophical question.
Every day except today.
Yes, when you need to look smart.
Only when the weather is bad.
Yes, if there is something to eat.
Sometimes when everything is upside down at home.
Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.
This is my sore spot.
Why can’t I see it?
My hairstyle speaks clearly of this.
Yes, it’s so poetic!
Yes, the doctor prescribed it for me.
I am very sad to admit this.
Don’t bother me, this is my sad secret.
Yes, it causes a brutal appetite.
Oh, have you already been told about this?
Yes, not to wash the dishes.
Yes, the neighbors will not stand it soon.
Yes, but our cat has tantrums because of this.
All normal people are against it.
My mind does not allow this.