Games with lights: Lights Out! 6 Totally Fun Flashlight Games to Play after Dark

Опубликовано: October 25, 2022 в 12:21 pm


Категории: Game

30 Fun Flashlight Games for Kids

What kid (or adult, for that matter) doesn’t love playing with flashlights?? They help turn something scary–like the dark–into a fun, magical place. Take the fun to the next level by playing these flashlight games with your kids after dinner, on your next camping trip, or whenever you want to add a little activity to your night!

1. Flashlight Tag

This fun take on the classic game Tag will have all of your kids excited for the sun to go down! Instead of tagging the other players with your hand, you tag them with a beam of light!

Learn more: Anderson Party Of 5

2. Flashlight Limbo

Another twist on an old game is flashlight limbo. In this game, the limbo dancer tries not to touch the flashlight beam to see how low they can go!

Learn more: Ultimate Camp Resource

3. Shadow Charades

Who knew there were so many ways to use flashlights to put new life into classic games?? Use a flashlight and a white sheet to play a game of shadow charades! Make it a competitive game and play charades with teams!

Learn more: Mott Children

4. Shadow Puppets

Wow your kids with all of the different shadow puppets you know how to make, and then teach them how to make them, too! This simple flashlight game will keep kids entertained for hours.

Learn more: Scribble

5. Night Time Scavenger Hunt

Take your children on explorations with light and have them do scavenger hunts using their flashlights in the dark! The great thing about this fun game is it can be adapted for both older and younger children. Your kids will be asking for more flashlight fun!

Learn more: Frugal Coupon Living

6. Shape Constellations

If you are looking for activities for children in the dark, then creating shape constellations might be just the activity you are looking for! Using the provided template and a strong flashlight, you can create constellations on your wall!

Learn more: 123 Homeschool 4 Me

7. Flashlight Dance Party

Get your entire family up and moving by having a flashlight dance party! Give each person a different colored light and let them get their boogie on! You can tape glow sticks to each person, and the one with the goofiest dance moves “wins”!

Learn more: Fantastic Fun and Learning

8. Flashlight Firefly Game

Like Marco Polo in the dark, this fun twist using a flashlight will have everyone running around trying to find the person with the flashlight who is designated as the “firefly. ” This game will quickly become a family favorite! And when the time comes, your kids will be excited to capture real fireflies!

Learn more: Willy’s Wilderness

9. Ghost in the Graveyard

In this game, one player–the ghost–finds a hiding spot. Then the other players grab their flashlights and try to find the ghost. Whoever finds the ghost must yell “ghost in the graveyard” to warn fellow seekers so they can make it back to base before they are captured!

Learn more: Project Play Books

10. Silhouettes

Display each person’s silhouette on a piece of paper and create silhouettes. Use black paper and a white crayon to trace each silhouette. Crafty people can take this a step further and frame the pictures to make a cool family art display!

Learn more: Project Play Books

 11. Shadow Puppet Show

Another activity for crafty people, this shadow puppet show is fun for the whole family! Have hours of fun creating your characters and putting on your shows! Use the same characters and make up different storylines! You can also make different themed puppets–like dinosaurs, pirates, nursery rhyme characters, etc!

Learn more: Kid Spot

12. Capture the Flag

Use flashlights or glowsticks to play capture the flag in the dark! Instead of using a flag, you can use a glow-in-the-dark soccer ball that the other team tries to capture. Make sure you have a big, open area to run around in for this game!

Learn more: Youth Group Collective

13. Morse Code with Flashlights

Use a regular flashlight and a dark wall to send each other Morse code messages in the dark! Your kids will be thrilled to discover another way to communicate and will feel like they are speaking a secret language! And hey, you might learn something, too.

Learn more: PPLDTV

14. Manhunt in the Dark

A variation of hide-and-seek, every person hides while one person is designated as the seeker. Arm each person with a flashlight, and as they are found, they search for the other people hiding in the dark. The last person left hiding wins!

Learn more: Instructables

15. Flashlight Pictionary

Whether you are camping or just want some late-night, backyard fun, flashlight Pictionary will keep the entire family entertained! You’ll need a camera with a long exposure time or an app on your phone to make your exposure time longer. You and your kids will have fun seeing what you drew and trying to figure out what each thing is when looking at the pictures.

Learn more: Traversing

16. Easter Egg Hunt in the Dark

There are multiple ways to do an Easter egg hunt in the dark. One way is to hide the eggs and grab the flashlights! Kids will have a ton of fun looking for their hidden treasures. Put glow-in-the-dark bracelets on your kids so you can see everyone in the dark!

Learn more: The Frugal Girls

17. Flashlight Fort

This school had an innovative idea on how to make reading time fun–flashlight forts! Have your children create forts and give each of them a flashlight so they can play or do quiet activities for a bit! You can use headlamps in place of flashlights, too, in their forts.

Learn more: Tippecanoe School Corporation

18. Flashlight Letter Hunt

A fun game using a flashlight for literacy learning is a flashlight letter hunt! You can follow the directions attached to recreate the letter hunt, or you could make up your own rules and set your letter hunters out with their flashlights. Either way, your children will be learning while having fun!

Learn more: Growing by Book by Book

19. Science Fun–Why the Sky Changes Colors

Have your children ever asked you why the sky changes colors? Well, answer this question by using water, milk, a glass jar, and a flashlight. Your kids will have fun with this flashlight experiment and won’t ask you why the sky changes again.

Learn more: STEAM-Powered Family

20. Flashlight Walks

Make a normal walk more exciting by exploring outside at night by giving your kids flashlights. There are multiple ways to make this fun and interactive–have them shout out what they find or if they are older, have them write down all of the things they find and compare lists at the end.

Learn more: Bambini Travel

21. Flashlight Sentence Building

Write words on index cards and have your kids make sentences by pointing their flashlights at words in the order they would like their sentences. You can play a game of who can make the silliest sentence! For younger kids, write word sounds and have them pair them together to form words.

Learn more: Mosswood Connections

22. Paper Cup Constellations

A twist on the flashlight constellations, this variation uses paper cups. You can have your kids create their own constellations on their cups, or you can draw actual constellations on the cups and have them poke out the holes. They will have tons of fun displaying their constellations on your dark ceiling.

Learn more: The Seasoned Mom

23. Flashlight Building

Kids have a fascination with flashlights. Teach them how flashlights are assembled by taking them apart and letting them put them back together! After, they can use the flashlight to play some of the other fun games listed.

Learn more: Living Montessori Now

24. Glowing Rock Star

Create fun flashlight microphones that illuminate whoever is singing, making them a glowing rock star. Your kids will feel like the center of attention! Follow the directions attached or create your very own design.

Learn more: I Heart Crafty Things

25. Flashlight Bat Signal

What kid doesn’t love Batman? Help them create their own Bat signal using a flashlight, contact paper, and scissors. Whenever they need help from the winged crusader, they will shine their light on their bedroom walls for all to see!

Learn more: Pink Stripey Socks

26. Fun with Shadows

Have fun with your younger children by having them explore all the things they can make their shadows do. Can they dance? Jump? Get bigger or smaller? Use a flashlight and a wall in your home for them to explore all of the things their shadows can do.

Learn more: Tinkergarten

27. I Spy

The attached activity explains how to play I Spy using flashlights during bath time, but if you do not have time to do the setup ahead of time, you can play this game in any room of the house by simply using a flashlight and having your children find things that are different colors.

Learn more: Play at Home Mom LLC

28. Flashlight Game

If you have a big open area, this game is a lot of fun! Hand everyone except the seeker a flashlight and have them run into the field or large space you are playing in. It’s like hide and seek, but the twist is when someone is found, they leave their flashlight on. The last person left in the dark wins!

Learn more: Creepy Pasta

29. Dinner by Flashlight

Is dinner crazy and hectic at your house? Make it a fancy, calm occasion every night by eating by flashlight. Yes, you can do this with candles as well, but this way you don’t have to worry about any open flames!

Learn more: Red and Honey

30. Lightning Bug

A twist on the firefly tag earlier in the list, the lightning bug tag has one person hide with a flashlight and flash the light every 30 to 60 seconds. After they flash the light, they move to a new location. The first person to find the lightning bug wins!

Learn more: Fatherly

8 fun games to play in the dark

Looking for fun games and activities to play in the dark? Look no further. Whether the power is out or you’re just looking to shake up your nighttime routine, playing in the dark can be fun for kids and adults alike. When the lights go out, it’s an opportunity to unplug and play in the physical world, says Dr. Glenda Revelle, an associate professor of human development at the University of Arkansas.

“The two most critical areas of experience for children’s development during the early childhood years are exploring and experimenting with physical objects in the environment and engaging in conversation and play with parents or other adults,” Revelle says.

The potential for fun goes up in the dark because there’s a sense of mystery and excitement. While some kids can get a little scared, others find it thrilling and full of possibility. Parents can take this opportunity to create a safe environment where kids can explore and expand their comfort zone.

“The valuable role that adults can play in helping children become children is by fostering these kinds of settings where they really can play freely,” says Dr. Peter Gray, a research professor in the Department of Psychology at Boston College and the author of “Free to Learn.” “A setting where there is an adult there that can protect them from serious dangers and who maybe can teach them some games but they’re not required to play.

Gray suggests setting up the play environment, then stepping back and seeing what happens. “Kids want to invent their own ways to play,” he says. “Kids are amazingly good at knowing what they typically can and cannot do. That’s a very valuable kind of play that children are being deprived of in this day and age.”

When the lights go out and the video games turn off, it’s a perfect time to go back to basics and let kids explore. Try these fun games and activities to play in the dark, and see what new ones your kids come up with armed with their imaginations, flashlights and glow sticks!

In Statue Tag, the person who’s “It” stands at the front of the room and turns their back on everyone else, who are pretending to be statues. When their back is turned, the statues can move toward “It.” The person who is “It” can turn around and shine a flashlight on the statues at any time. If “It” catches a statue moving, that statue is out. The goal is to touch the person who is “It” without being caught.

2. Spotlight Charades


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Actors of all ages love to be in the spotlight. Train a flashlight on one player as she acts out the title of a movie, TV show, book, song or plays a famous person. Talk about an impressive Bart Simpson!

3. Glow Stick Ring Toss

Set up a glow stick on its end by securing it in a mound of clay on the floor. Take turns tossing glow bracelets, trying to loop them around the glow stick.

4. Glow Stick Bowling

Image via Mindi Niebuhr/Instagram

What a cute idea from Mindi Niebuhr. To play Glow Stick Bowling, simply insert glow sticks in empty water or soda bottles, set them up in a triangle and knock them down in this cool twist on an ordinary game.

5. Ghosts in the Graveyard

Image via Colorado Littles/Instagram

The name may sound creepy, but this fun nighttime game is anything but. Everyone gathers together at home base with flashlights and decides on who the “ghost” is. Once the ghost is chosen, the non-ghosts turn off their flashlights and count to 20 while the ghost runs to hide. The non-ghosts then turn on their lights and look for the ghost. Whoever finds them, yells “ghost in the graveyard!” and everyone has to run back to home base without getting tagged.

6. Treasure Hunt

Talk about fun! Popular YouTube family, The Adventurers, came up with the idea for a nighttime treasure hunt, using only clues that glow in the dark. Whether you map out a treasure hunt or a scavenger hunt, the kids are sure to have a blast.

7. Flashlight Limbo

Hold a flashlight beam horizontally and challenge players to limbo under it without getting hit by the beam of light. Lower the beam with each turn. The last person to be hit by the beam of light as they go under the limbo beam is the winner.

8. Monsters

Each player is a monster trying to catch the others. Players spread out around the room (or yard), and when someone says “go,” players try to move quietly and sneak up on each other. When one monster tags another, they yell “gotcha!” The person who is tagged is out. The last monster to be tagged wins.

13 fun activities to play in the dark

When I was a kid, the general rule for outdoor play was, “come home when the streetlights come on.” Being in a safe space when it gets dark is always an absolute priority, but the sun going down doesn’t have to mean that outdoor fun needs to end. There are many games that pay real money and adventures to keep your kids (and yourself) active and having fun well after the streetlights have come on.

Play in a backyard, a front yard, a schoolyard, a park, a field, or anywhere there is lots of space for movement. You’ll want to be a safe distance from roads and parking lots, and ensure that the playing space is free of any tripping hazards and that everyone knows the boundaries for play.

When the kids aren’t quite ready for bed, outdoor play is still definitely an option. Kids will be thrilled to play under the stars and might soon be asking, “what streetlights?”



Think of this as hide-and-seek backwards. Choose one person to be “it.” The other players count to 20 while “it” hides. Using flashlights, the players look for the hidden person. As each finder finds “it,” they hide alongside the hider (and all get squished in the hiding spot like sardines). The last person to find the hider is “it” in the next round.

Required: flashlights for each player.

2. Hopscotch

Make the boxes for the course in different colours and shapes using either glow in the dark chalk or glow in the dark necklaces. You could even use rechargeable LED light strips.

Required: glow-in-the-dark chalk or necklaces.

3. Ghost in the Graveyard

Despite its name, the emphasis in this game is less on creepy and more on fun. All players have flashlights and gather at one spot – home base – to choose who will be the ghost. The non-ghosts then all turn off their flashlights and count to 20 in loud voices while the ghost runs and hides. The non-ghosts then turn on their lights and split up to seek out the ghost. When one player spots the ghost, they yell “Ghost in the graveyard!” The ghost and all players then must run back to home base. If the ghost manages to tag a non-ghost before they reach home base, that person becomes ghost for the next round.

Required: flashlights for each player.

4. Hula hoops

Pull out those hula hoops and twist and shout. (Well, maybe keep the shouting to a minimum, other kids may be sleeping. Let’s go with twist and laugh?) Wrap the hula hoops with some neon or glow-in-the-dark tape and switch up the moves to keep it even more fun. Go with the traditional twist of the hoop around your hips, or spin the hoop on your wrists, your ankles, or even your head. Try changing the direction of your twist or, instead of moving from side to side, try twisting with one foot ahead of the other.

Required: hula hoops, neon or glow-in-the-dark tape.

5. Red Light, Green Light

This perennial favourite, usually played during daytime hours, is even more fun at night. Pick up a roll of red cellophane from your local dollar or craft store and make an actual red light by taping a circle of the wrap around a flashlight.

Pick one player to be the “traffic officer.” The officer stands at one end of the playing area with their flashlight while the rest of the players stand at the far end. With their flashlight off and their back to the players, the officer calls “green light!” and players move towards the officer. Within a few seconds, the officer turns quickly towards the players, turns on their red light, and yells “red light!” Players should then freeze on the spot. If the officer spots anyone still moving, that player must return to the start line. Play continues until one player manages to get past the officer. That player becomes the officer for the next round.

Required: one flashlight and red cellophane.

6. Stargazing

As calming as lying on a blanket during the day and watching clouds, have your kids lie down and watch the stars. Print out some star charts (there are free printables on the Internet and some amazing apps for your mobile devices) and see if your kids can spot the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia, and Orion. Or, just like when you watch clouds, see if kids can find shapes in the patterns of dots. Do some star groupings look like they’re an outline of a dragon or maybe a happy face? Try to find the brightest stars and look to see if the moon is full.

Required: blankets or towels to lie on.

7. Glow-in-the-dark bowling

No need for rental shoes in this awesome version of bowling. Gather up a minimum of six empty plastic bottles and remove the caps. Place one or two glow-in-the-dark bracelets or necklaces inside the bottles and replace the caps. Line up the bottles on a flat surface and use a plastic or rubber ball to try to knock them down. Points can be assigned for each bottle knocked down or different values can be assigned to different colours of bottles for older kids.

Required: empty plastic bottles, glow-in-the-dark bracelets, and a ball.

8. Shadow puppets

Shadow puppet shows make for great imaginative theatre under the stars. Use either a wall or fence and set up flashlights facing the “screen.” Kids can experiment with their hands to make a multitude of animals, or cut out figures and glue them to popsicle sticks to move through the light.

Required: flashlights, craft supplies.

9. Glow-in-the-dark ring toss

Using glow-in-the-dark necklaces, have kids stand at a set distance (closer for the littler players) and have them try to throw their necklaces around filled water bottles or other rigid targets. This game will ring them in for hours (sorry, I couldn’t resist).

Required: glow-in-the-dark necklaces and a rigid object around which they can be thrown.

10. Flashlight tag

The most important moves here are to dodge, duck, dip, and dive … away from the beam of a flashlight. Choose one player to be “it” and have them close their eyes at home base and count to 20 while the other players scatter. “It” then has to find the players and tag them with their beam of light. When tagged, players must return to home base. The last person tagged becomes “it” in the next round.

Required: flashlight.

11. Limbo

How low can you go? Get your (not too loud) music playing, light up the area with some flashlights, and use a rope for kids to move under. Players must walk bent over backwards, feet first, without falling, while the others cheer them on. After each player makes it under the rope, the rope holders lower it closer to the ground and players try again and again until they can no longer make it under the rope. Warning, this game comes with a lot of laughter.

Required: music, a rope, and flashlights.

12. Jump rope

There are so many games that kids can play with one rope (or two) and at night, a glow-in-the-dark or lit-up rope makes the game even sparklier (that doesn’t sound like it should be a word, but it really is).

For the smallest kids in the crowd, snake-in-the-grass is always a great game. Have two older kids hold the rope on the ground and shake it. (Having the older kids make snake “sssssss” sounds as the younger kids jump is always a fun touch).

For the older set, a double dutch game using two ropes is always fun. Two kids turn the ropes in opposite directions, while a jumper tries to hop in between them. Even a classic one rope jump is still fun as jumpers see the sparkly rope set against the night sky.

Required: glow-in-the dark, or lit-up ropes.

13. Signals

This game is perfect as it can only be played in the dark. Players partner up and decide on a signal with their flashlights (such as two long flashes, three short, or something similar). Pairs then scatter to different spots in an area (a large space, such as a schoolyard or park would be perfect). Players must find their way to their partners in the dark by identifying their flashlight signal. Players have to make sure their signals don’t get mixed up with others’ which often leads to mixed-up fun.

Required: flashlights.

Review: Night Lights – Movies Games and Tech


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Have you ever noticed how quickly the world changes when the lights are turned off? While everything is illuminated, there is a sense of safety and warmth. Yet, when darkness strikes, even the most familiar of locations can appear alien. So, what’s the solution? You must switch on the lights to illuminate the gloomy environment, that’s what! This is the core idea behind Night Lights, a funky light manipulation experience.

Developed by Meridian4 and published by Ratalaika Games, this is a puzzle platform title. Comprising forty-five levels in an array of locations, Night Lights becomes increasingly more complex and convoluted.

Night Lights is a fresh look on a well-trodden mechanic. 

Light manipulation and puzzle titles go together like Ant and Dec, peanut butter and jam (jelly for our American friends), and Christmas and Santa. Heck, I’ve recently covered Tandem: A Tale of Shadows, which incorporates this idea brilliantly. So, with so many games using this element, you have to do well to stand out. Fortunately, Night Lights does just that. Its striking style, drip-fed mechanics, and interesting stage design all work in harmony. Furthermore, its simple approach won’t overwhelm you. Though, a pinch of Metroidvania gaming adds a little spice that increases the challenge further.

The story, or what little there is of it, revolves around a tiny robot. He finds himself on a darkened planet that is ominous and overbearing. He begins life with limited skills, and this restricts his ability to explore. As the game evolves, the robot learns new abilities and previously out of reach locations can be visited.

Where will this door lead?

Wonderfully straightforward. 

Where Night Lights excels is its lack of complexity. I adored the freedom to explore each of the four zones and the introduction of new mechanics. You will learn the ability to jump higher, dash, sprint, and will gain a head bulb. These new skills were fascinating and you’ll love uncovering hidden areas on the map. This creates an engrossing exploration adventure experience, and this is where the Metroidvania elements sneak into play. It was easy to become lost as you attempted to find collectables or new routes, and some may find this frustrating. I, though, enjoyed how this added to the longevity while demanding you stay focused.

Your newly acquired skills need energy to work, and this is where the collectables are essential. Dotted around the map, you’ll find lightning bolts to gather. These tricky treasures are always just out of reach! Ironically, the skills that need them must be used to collect them. Alongside this, you must find a limited supply of crystals! They are the key to progress and power multiple tools and portals en route. Without these, you have no chance of completing the game, so keep your eyes peeled.

Allow the light to guide you.

Night Lights is beautiful to look at. 

This 2D side-scrolling title is absolutely beautiful to look at. Set with a mainly monochromatic palette, I was amazed by its haunting style. The bleakness is punctuated by moments of colour and warmth from any light sources. This was a classy touch that complimented the striking black on white. With four worlds to explore, the developers did a great job of creating variety in a minimalist setting. Moreover, I never tired of what I saw, and this was aided by the buttery-smooth gameplay. 

Meridian4 tried to enhance the eerie atmosphere with a monotonous choral soundtrack. Sadly, it didn’t work as well as they hoped. I could see what they were trying to achieve, but the end result was repetitive and annoying. Furthermore, there is a bug with the audio settings that mutes the sound as you start the game. You’ll manually alter it to your liking, or play in silence. Either way, it’s a frustrating issue that needs to be addressed. 

I take it back, TV is not useless.

Familiar platform controls. 

If you are a veteran of the genre or even played just a few games, you’ll be familiar with the controls. The well laid out setup and in-depth tutorial make this a pleasure to play. Yes, it can be fiddly and precision is key, but any shortcomings are user-related. Many games require finesse and practice to progress, and Night Lights is no different.

Thanks to its many levels, unlockable skills, and collectables, there is plenty to keep you playing. Furthermore, the Metroidvania style exploration adds mystery to this stunningly simple title. Sadly, though, the achievement list is tiny and doesn’t add to the longevity. Subsequently, the replay value is found in the gradual learning curve and the expansion of each area.

Night Lights reignites the genre. 

When a game uses well-trodden mechanics, it’s easy for it to become bland. However, Night Lights twists familiar elements and reignites the genre. I adored the simplicity of the gameplay, the mystery behind the exploration, and the striking aesthetics. If you love puzzles and platforming, then this is the game for you. I enjoyed it and I recommend you to buy it here! Can you add light to this gloomy planet? Explore, unlock new abilities, and find every collectable.

My video review with footage captured from my Xbox Series X, enjoy!

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Recommended to you

Review: Night LightsNight Lights is a fantastic puzzle platform experience. You must manipulate the light to form new paths and overcome puzzles. Fresh abilities are drip-fed throughout and this helps to explore previously blocked areas. With a beautiful minimalistic approach, you’ll be amazed by the simplicity and stage design. <br/>
+ Wonderfully basic graphics.<br/>
+ Excellent stage design.<br/>
+ Simple controls.<br/>
+ A fresh take on a well-trodden genre.<br/>
+ Drip-fed mechanics.<br/>
+ Great value for money.<br/>
– The music was repetitive.<br/>
(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.)<br/>

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Touch Games For Your Nanoleaf Shapes & Canvas Panels


Nanoleaf Blog

Nanoleaf Hacks & Tutorials

Nanoleaf Shapes & Canvas

Smart Lighting & Smart Home

When it comes to lighting, you may not even notice when it does its job well but you’ll always notice when it doesn’t! And what does doing the job well even mean…it’s much more than just turning on or off. With Nanoleaf Shapes or Canvas light panels, have your lights do more than just illuminate your space—be able to interact with them and play various touch games!

You may already know this but, if not, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that with the Nanoleaf Mobile or Desktop App you can check out interactive lighting Scenes on your Shapes and Canvas Panels. I’m not talking about just tapping them either, you can actually physically play games on your custom Nanoleaf wall installation (this is one great party trick). For more information on all of the different kinds of Scenes, you can try, check out this blog.

Let’s start with the basics! Find all of the games and interactive Scenes in the DISCOVER tab through the Nanoleaf App. Once you’ve decided which ones you want to play and select a device to use them on, hold your hand on a light panel to activate the game. 

Now let’s get to the fun part where I show you how to play these 5 awesome games on your Nanoleaf lights: “Whack A Mole,” “Memory,” “PacMan,” “Simon,” and “Touch Paint.”


Reimagine Classic Touch Games Like “Whack A Mole”

In our number one spot, we have a classic fair game…”Whack A Mole.” This game has been loved for generations so it’s not a huge surprise to have this on our list; however, this version has a modern twist on the beloved classic. In this rendition, the Moles are the light-up smart LED panels, but what hasn’t changed is that your goal is to whack as many panels as possible as they pop up (or light up in this case). At the end of the game, the number of colors that flash across your Nanoleaf layout will show your final score.


Master The Interactive “Memory” Touch Game

“Memory” is one of those age-old games we start playing as children with flashcards. In this version of the game, all of the light panels in your installation will light up with different colors. Take advantage of this short flash and try to memorize the colors and placements before they all turn white because here comes the matching part—tap the panels to match the colored pairs. If the colors match they will stay on, if not they will revert.


Nom Nom Nom With The “PacMan” Touch Game

Alright, time for a vintage victory with “PacMan” reimagined! In this version, you will start with four lives and your mission is to capture all of the white light panels before the Ghosts get you! PacMan will be represented by the yellow panel and you can change his direction by tapping on the layout. 


Always Do What “Simon” Says 

In the number four spot, we have another oldie but a goodie. Similar to the “Memory” game from earlier, here you have to watch the panels and remember what is shown, and reenact it. Although this time you have to remember a sequence of patterns and once the sequence is done, tap the panels and attempt to retrace the steps. Watch out because this one can get intense!!


Channel Your Inner Picasso With “Touch Paint”

Last but certainly not least is “Touch Paint.” This one is less of a traditional game but rest assured it’s still a great interactive Scene. Start this one by holding the panels in the bottom left corner of your layout. The longer you hold each Panel brighter the brightness of the color. If you want a new color, simply swipe across the panel and even mix colors together—exactly like how you would with real paint. The result will be truly creative and custom! We got the chance to speak with one of our Nanoleaf fans, Braylee Wee, and this happened to be one of her favorite all-time Scenes.

At the end of every rainbow there’s a pot of gold, right? Well, here’s your pot of gold….

…here are some bonus games to try:

“Game Of Life”: Tap the cells (aka light panels) to bring them to life. Lonely or overcrowded cells will fizzle out but cells with 2 neighbors will survive.

“Canvas Crush”: This one is perfect for all you puzzle game addicts on your smartphone! Swap the positions of the color panels by swiping across the surface, the goal here is to form a chain of 3 or more colors. “Crush” as many colors as possible with a limited number of moves.

You may be asking yourself when would you have the opportunity to play any of these games, so let me help you there. Enjoy any of these interactive light games with family and younger ones, friends as a fun party trick, or even try to incorporate these into different types of therapy as this organization did

With smart lighting, you get so much more than just illumination—you probably don’t even realize all of the cool features you have right in front of you. Learn more about the different touch features you can access with Nanoleaf Shapes and Canvas in the video below. Anyhow, that wraps up my list, now take to the Nanoleaf App and conquer!

What’s your favorite interaction game, share it with us! Also, find us on Instagram @nanoleaf, Twitter @nanoleaf, or Facebook @thenanoleaf and join the Nanoleaf Community.


10 Fun And Funky Ways To Design Kids Rooms & Family Spaces Using Nanoleaf Shapes

Educational games with light: taberko — LiveJournal



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Playing with light is the most accessible and most spectacular form of activity for kids. This is real magic and magic.

Let’s start with the fact that the Chief Reader hardly walks past the switches – we click.
We determine the light sources (what gives light and what does not; you can put any objects in the box).
We find and name natural and artificial light sources – headlights, lanterns, New Year’s garlands, light bulbs, gas on the stove, fire in the fireplace, sun, month, moon, stars, fireflies, etc. We find where the light bulbs live in the house – chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces, table lamps, spotlights, etc.

We let the sunbeams in, we catch them in turn.

We are celebrating a “doll” birthday. Learn to blow out a candle.

We launch floating candles-ships, blow them so that they float, but do not go out.

Walking around a dark house with a candle.
You can try to move in the dark or blindfolded to the voice and sound (for example, musical instruments). The Chief Reader is still small for this, does not like it when his eyes are closed.

Take turns lighting objects with a flashlight.

Determine what affects the brightness of the light. We change the distance and strength of light sources: a flashlight is closer, further, more or less light bulbs.

Observe whether the light of a flashlight passes through fabric, cardboard, glass, wood, water, etc. We usually shine the Main Reader on the belly through the obstacle. We play tourists at home with a flashlight and a “tent”. Alright, let’s go hiking.
We watch how the flowers reach for the light. We specially rotate the vase.

We spread the sunlight into a spectrum – we make our own rainbow. We pour water into the container, lower the mirror there at an angle, wait for a sunny day and put everything in front of the window. We catch a “beam of light” with a mirror and observe a rainbow on the wall. You can “catch a rainbow” with a crystal glass on a white sheet of paper.

Mixing colors without using paint. To do this, you need Perelman’s magic top. We take an ordinary top, cut out paper circles of its same diameter with a slot from the center to the edge. We put them on the top so that the edges overlap each other. We study shades. For example, the red and white sectors merge into pink when the spinning top rotates. Increasing the white sector we get more and more light shades, decreasing – dark ones. You can take circles of red and yellow. Then, when rotating, the top will turn orange. Yellow and blue will give green, etc.
Making a rainbow in reverse – instead of splitting the light into a spectrum, we collect 7 colors into white. We divide the circle into 7 parts, paint them in accordance with the arrangement of the colors of the rainbow, spin the top and get white. The accuracy of the drawing is very important here.

Looking at our “experiments”, dad wonders when we will both grow up to the set for experiments “Light and color”: – Light and color. 100 colorful experiments | Scientific entertainment | Research kits

Playing with glow sticks – making rails, bracelets and just having fun. I have already shown a light tablet for drawing in a post about games with cereals:

We ask the child to take a photo of the lights at a slow shutter speed. We give beauty to everyone we know.

We can’t help ourselves either, and take some pictures )
There are many spectacular “tricks and tricks” with fire: fireworks, sparklers, fire shows, paper sky lanterns, candlesticks made of glass jars and tracing paper rolls, etc. not only fry lard, but also “draw” then through the air in the dark with smoldering firebrands.

Making a home theater of shadows. To do this, we stretch tracing paper on a cardboard frame or a frame from a photo or picture, glue the supports with adhesive tape, set the frame on the edge of the table, happily crawl under it, put a light source behind us (we have an old filmoscope, but a lamp will do), seat the audience in places and start a magical performance.

Hand shadow theater. Now I can do something incredible thanks to Igor Skripnik: – Shadow theater: the art of chiaroscuro | I. S. Skripnik

Guessing familiar objects and toys by the shadow. The degree of difficulty can be quite high, interesting for adults as well.

Playing out scenes and fairy tales with toys.

A variety of household items are used for entourage. Color filters, blue films for night, red films for dawn, etc. add mystery to the atmosphere.

And – a real performance of “Fairytale Shadow Theatre”. Hang up posters, check tickets (blue for children, white for adults).

We put out the light, put on quiet music, open the curtain and start a fairy tale: “Teremok, teremok is standing in the field …” for which many thanks to him from all of us and from the Chief Reader. Here they are:

Went to bow:

If you are interested, you can see other fairy tales that we play in our home “Fairytale Shadow Theatre”.
Today there are two sets of table shadow theater created based on the works of Elisabeth Boehm on sale: – Desktop shadow theater. Chicken Ryaba. Little Red Riding Hood – Desktop shadow theater. Kolobok. Masha and the Bear

To receive printed materials for the games, you can subscribe to the e-mail newsletter here: http://taberko. ml (Posters and tickets for 14 fairy tales, silhouettes of theater heroes)

And, of course, we turn the lights on and off. How do you play with him?

Tags: games and activities with the Chief Reader


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Playing with light

The secret of color in the interiorOrganization of home lightingLet there be light!Combination of colors in the interiorBlack and white in the interiorEvery room has its own colorColor can be anything if it is whiteLight designBlue is the color of 2020Yellow color in the interiorBlue color in the interiorLight for your homeColorful checkered pattern in the interior Each room has its own color and lightPlaying with light in the bedroomSymbol of colorMore light!Color-2010Playing with lightLight kitchenLighting the interiorChoosing wall lampsLight under the stretch ceilingLighting in the apartmentPlaying with lightControlling color and shapeRules of lightWith the speed of lightLight under the canvasHis Majesty colorDark colors in interiorControlling the lightDecorative psychology, or color choice in the interiorGray color in the interiorHow to fill the interior with colorsGreen in the interiorChoice of color. Color trends in interior designHow to organize interior lightingThe power of colorColor-2018 in the interiorGray – the new blackTurquoise in the interiorLight and color in the interior of restaurants and cafesSockets and switches in the interiorBlack color in the interiorTrendy colors in the interior-2019The combination of cold and warm colors in the interiorIvory color in the interiorColor in the interior – redBeige color in the interiorTerracotta color in the interiorBrown color in the interiorColor in the interior – purpleZoning with lightColor in the interior – orangeDecorative lighting: trendsMint color in the interiorColor in the interior – coralColor-2020 in the interiorStyle and color in interiorOlive color in the interior – combination featuresColored ceiling in the interiorChocolate color in the interiorShades of pink in the interiorBlue color in the interiorHow to combine colors in the interiorMonochrome interiorLighting in the houseHow to let light into the apartmentHow to avoid mistakes when creating a white interiorPistachio color in the interiorColor in the interior – burgundyColor in the interior 2021Color in the interior taupe – multifaceted and sophisticatedPeach color in the interiorLighting design trends 2021Marsala color in the interior: design featuresWatercolor motifs in the interiorFloral print in the modern interiorMonochrome interior: pr Rules and mistakesGold and silver in the interiorYves Klein’s blueColor combination in the interior: formula 60-30-10How to change the space with colorCoffee color in the interiorChoose an interior color paletteVery Peri – the color of 2022Lighting in the living roomWarm palette for the homeColor-block in the interiorChoice of colors for each room in the homeLighting trends 2022Best color combinations in the interiorHow to visually enlarge the space with the help of color

In order to update the interior, hide the flaws and emphasize the advantages, sometimes it is not at all necessary to change the situation globally. Sometimes it is enough to start with lighting, play with light. Thoughtful lighting will allow you to place accents, emphasize important interior details. Poorly selected light can not only depersonalize, but also destroy the perception of the interior, interesting design solutions will disappear.

Pay attention to which light bulbs are screwed into the lighting fixtures in your apartment. All artificial lighting is divided into warm and cold. Warm light sources are light sources with a color temperature below 3500°K. They are characterized by a glow with a predominance of a yellow tint. This includes incandescent and halogen lamps. For cold light sources, a glow with a predominance of a blue tint and a color temperature of 3500°K-5000°K is characteristic. These include fluorescent lamps. If the color temperature is more than 5000 °K, then such light is called daylight. To date, the leader among light sources are cold cathode lamps. They are characterized by high efficiency (lum/watt), low energy consumption, a large palette of colors, ample opportunities for programming and light control.

Cold and warm light affects a person in different ways. Warm light is as close as possible to the light of the morning or evening sun, therefore shades of warm tones are preferred in the home interior, they create a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Cold light lamps with a high color temperature stimulate human activity, they are best used in work areas, offices, offices.

Council of the head of the studio

Yulia Sementsova

Head of the studio

Each of our projects reflects the needs, taste and lifestyle of our client

Depending on the warm or cold glow, the perception of color also changes. The main characteristic of the light source responsible for the perception of color is the color rendering index, the ability of the spectrum to reproduce colors as correctly as possible. In particular, sunlight has a color rendering index of 100, and colors illuminated by sunlight can be seen without distortion because sunlight has the most complete and balanced spectrum.

Incandescent lamps make warm colors even warmer, allowing you to emphasize soft colors, but create errors in the reproduction of blue-blues, yellows and reds. Red colors under such lighting become even more saturated, orange ones approach red, light yellow ones become white. Halogen lamps, like incandescent lamps, muffle the tones of cold tones (blue, gray, cyan), leaving the yellow-green tones unchanged. The opposite effect is achieved when using fluorescent lamps – warm tones are cooled, cold ones look even “colder”.

Increase the power of the lamps to brighten up the room. The working part of the kitchen should be illuminated at the rate of approximately 200 lux per square meter; for rooms, bathrooms and corridors, 100 lux is enough; 50 is enough for a bedroom. If the room has a lot of dark furniture and dark-colored finishes, add light. The same should be done if, on the contrary, the walls of the room are completely light or white – good lighting will add expressiveness to the interior. It is worth considering that matte and textured surfaces scatter light, muffle it, unlike glossy ones, which reflect light.

To visually enlarge a small room with a low ceiling, lamps with light directed upwards, which can be hung on the walls or “inverted” floor lamps, will help to visually enlarge.

Psychologists have long established a connection between the temperament of people and the illumination of their apartments.

If you are a phlegmatic who appreciates functionality in interior items, try to move away from strict rules, and, in addition to standard chandeliers and auxiliary light sources, introduce “dramatic” lighting into the interior, which creates intrigue in the interior, emotionally colors it. So your life will become brighter and more fun.

Cheerful sanguine people, whose apartments are dominated by bright sunlight and artificial light, can become more calm and balanced with cool colors – blue, green, gray, white and black.

For melancholy people who prefer the subdued light of sconces and floor lamps instead of bright lighting, you can add sunny yellow, orange, red and its shades to the interior to cheer you up.

Cholerics who often mix different styles in their homes should stick to cool blues, turquoise and greens, adding brighter accents of red and yellow to them.

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