Dogs birthday party ideas: 160 Dog Birthday Party ideas

Опубликовано: October 28, 2022 в 3:00 am


Категории: Dog

The Ultimate Guide for Throwing Your Dog a Birthday Party

Dogs like humans deserve to celebrate their birthdays. After all, who doesn’t love delicious cake? In fact, nearly 11% of Americans have thrown birthday parties for their dog and 30% treat them to a special birthday present each year!

If you thought celebrating your dog’s birthday might be weird – it’s not! It’s time to get on board and throw a party for your pup, and it doesn’t have to be a fancy affair.

Not sure where to start? How is a birthday party for your dog different than a human party? We can help. Here at Dope Dog, we’ve compiled a great guide to throw a fun birthday party for your dog. Read on to learn more:


Who to Invite?

All party planning needs to start somewhere and the most natural first step is determining whom to invite. When planning a birthday party for your dog, knowing who’s coming can help you figure out where to have the birthday party for your dog and what theme to choose.

Fellow Dog Invites

As it’s a dog’s birthday party, start by listing other dogs that are good friends with your dog. Be careful and only invite dogs that have already met and familiarized themselves with your dog. Dogs that are not well socialized make bad party guests. If dogs that aren’t acquainted with your dog come to the party, this can create a stressful time for both the dogs and their owners.

When it comes to creating a list of invitees, an excellent place to start is by brainstorming other dogs your dog has played with either at the dog park, at a friend’s home, or at family gatherings. If it’s unavoidable and you need to invite dogs that haven’t been introduced to your own, then be sure to carry out introductions outside the venue rather than inside to avoid any initial territorial issues. You want the birthday party for your dog to be enjoyable for all the dogs and not become a territorial dispute.

Related: 10 Ways to Help Your Nervous Dog

Inviting Humans

When inviting your friends and family, check to make sure they will be comfortable having many dogs around them. Also ensure there aren’t any medical conditions, like allergies, that might make it impractical to have them there. 

And finally, when or if you invite children make sure they are comfortable with being around a lot of dogs. Or if you have medium to large dogs, have the parents prepare their children for being around larger dogs. Kids may need supervision when near the dogs at the party and very young children may not be comfortable or may get scared easily by the many dogs present.

Choosing a Theme

Now that you have an idea of who will be attending, you can start brainstorming an appropriate theme for the party. There are various themes you can choose from such as:

  • A princess theme
  • A leopard theme
  • A jungle theme
  • A super hero theme
  • A generation theme (like the 70’s or 80’s)
  • A movie theme (like Star Wars) 

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination and don’t have to be creative – even a simple idea such as a backyard barbecue can work! Go with a theme that sounds fun and fits with your dog’s personality. Need some inspiration? Here’s a list from The Dog People that may spark some ideas!

Picking a Venue for Your Dog

With a theme in mind, you can now start looking for an appropriate venue. Our recommendation is to keep it simple and in a familiar place that your dog is used to and feels comfortable. 

We recommend a good-sized backyard. Picking an outdoor space allows you to have plenty of pups around without worrying too much about what they may do. Make sure the invited dogs are well trained if you decide to choose an indoor venue such as your house.

If you don’t have a spacious backyard or in a city, then inquire with your local doggy daycare on whether there are other appropriate venues pet owners may be allowed to rent out for special occasions. With the growing popularity of owning a dog, there are now more venues that cater to dogs. You may be surprised to find several places or businesses available to host a birthday party for your dog. Also, we’ve heard the next best option has been your local dog park or dog beach and it’s a great way to meet new pet owners who might be at the dog park during the party!

If this isn’t feasible, explore a friend or family member’s place that may have a spacious, fenced backyard you can use. 

Related: Top 5 Dog Beaches in Los Angeles and Orange County

Invitations for Your Dog’s Birthday Party

Once you’ve got a list of invitees for the party, a theme, and venue. The next step is sending out invitations.

The easiest way to do this is digital invites and there are plenty you can choose from online. In your invitation, be sure to list out the details of the event beyond the when, where and theme. Let your guests know if other dogs will be in attendance and that they’ll need to let you know if they’ll be bringing their children along.

Give Your Dog a Birthday Makeover

Now that the invitations have been sent out, your pup needs to look his or her best for all their canine pals. Plus, a little puppy pamper here and there is always greatly appreciated by your dog—birthday or not!

Give your dog a fresh wash and shampoo using Dope Dog’s CBD shampoo. The shampoo is made specifically for dogs and fights against inflammation, itching, and any dryness your dog may be experiencing. Soothing Suds will have your dog smell great and be birthday-ready, leaving their coat and skin soothed and moisturized.

If you’re short on time and can’t pamper your dog yourself, you can always take him or her to a dog salon before their big day!

Don’t have time to take your dog to the salon? Check out our post with a lot of great tips on Pet Grooming at Home for Special Occassions.

Related: 10 Best Dog Shampoos Brands of 2019

Food & Drinks for the Pups

All the best parties serve great food. And a birthday party for your dog is no exception. Here are a few suggestions to elevate your dog’s birthday party.

A Birthday Cake is always fun.

It’s not a birthday party without a delicious dog birthday cake for him/her. You can either choose to bake the birthday cake for your dog or pick one up from a bakery known to make pet treats.

If you’re thinking of baking a cake yourself, there are plenty of online recipes you can follow. Here’s a great one to check out. 

Dogs love a variety of different dog treats.

In addition to baking a cake for your dog, you should have extra treats around for your dog and other dogs in attendance. Not all dogs have the same taste in treats, so get a couple different treats for variety or dietary needs. Try to stock up on quick treats that are smaller in size and save the more ‘rewarding’ treats, such as chewy bones, as a departing goodie bag item.

Treats are great but also let your guests know to use them sparingly with their dogs. It’s an easy way for dogs to get territorial and aggressive if they see other dogs snagging lots of treats they’d like. If any of the pups get too anxious, consider giving them a CBD treat, with their owner’s permission, of course!

Drinks are essential.

When it comes to drinks, place plenty of water bowls around so that water is readily accessible for all the dogs. Be mindful of topping them off should they run out. In a backyard on a sunny day, this can happen quite often, especially depending on how many four-legged pals arrive.

Now that we have the dogs covered, make sure you plan to have a nice spread of food and drinks for the humans too! 

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Activities for Dogs

Another critical element needed to throw a dog-themed birthday party is having some fun activities for the puppers in attendance. This will minimize the chaos and keep the dogs busy in a constructive way. You know your dog best, select some of their favorite things to do. Not quite sure what to do with a bunch of dogs? Here are a few suggestions:


Swimming is a great activity that most dogs enjoy. If your dog’s birthday falls during the spring or summer, then cooling off by the pool will be a welcome activity. If you have a pool or are near the beach, let the dogs swim and play to their delight. Another option is to put out several kiddie pools and let the dogs have a splash party.

Do you live in Southern California? If so, check out our list of The Top 5 Dog Beaches in Los Angeles and Orange County. 

Spa Treatment

Some dogs just love to be pampered. If your dog and her friends love to be groomed, then invite them to a total spa treatment. This can include:

  •  Doggy Yoga
  •  Pup Pedicures
  • Massages and Belly Rubs
  • Coat Grooming and Doggie Hairstyles

Your dog will love the extra attention and look great afterwards. Who doesn’t want a day at the spa?

Obstacle Courses

One easy activity that the dogs will love is to build a small obstacle course in your backyard. You can get creative and build some tunnels and jumps out of PVC pipe and sturdy storage boxes lying around, or you grab some pre-made obstacle courses. This is a great activity for everyone as it lets the guests get engaged, play with their dogs, and it creates some funny, hard to forget memories. Don’t get discouraged if the dogs don’t quite understand how to navigate the course, remember this is just for fun.

Clean Up

Now with all these treats, cakes, and excitement comes a lot of clean up. Prepare yourself mentally, a birthday party for your dog can be messy depending on what you serve or do with the dogs. Also, you’re going to want plenty of poop bags around so owners can pick up after their pets during the party. It’s also a smart idea to have scheduled breaks where the dogs in attendance can be taken for walks in case they’d like to relieve themselves.

In addition to all these, it’s good to have a few general cleaning supplies around such as pet stain and odor removers, lots of paper towels, and some lint remover for the human guests.

Throwing a great birthday party for your dog requires a bit of planning and effort. But follow our handy guide and you’ll be well on your way to creating lasting memories with your special dog! Be sure to check out our shop for all your CBD dog treats needs.

Now that your party is planned, don’t forget the presents. Check out our list of 25 Best Gifts for Dog Lovers.

Related: 10 Best Apps for Dog Owners

How to Throw the Ultimate Dog Birthday Party

More than 69 million households across the United States have at least one dog as a pet, which makes them the most popular type of animal for families. Many families treat these pups like the important members they are! So, that means special outings, toys, and even a special way to celebrate their birthdays, like a dog birthday party.

Throwing a dog birthday party is becoming more and more popular and it’s easy to see why. It’s fun to plan and dogs are pretty easy to please. If you are thinking about putting together a fun celebration for your four-legged family member, we’ve got a bunch of information in this article to help you. We’ve got a checklist of the important things to consider and even a fun list of 12 theme ideas for the milestone moments. Read through these before you start to ensure that you have everything you need to prepare, plan, and enjoy the doggy party.

Let’s Roam Custom Birthday Events

Planning parties is one of our specialties, and our birthday scavenger hunts can be personalized for any guest of honor! Let us put together an event for your pooch, and we’ll make sure it’s exciting enough for the dogs and their puppy parents. We promise that it will be epic! All you’ll need to worry about is how you’ll keep the birthday hat on your dog’s head while you race to the finish line. Contact our guides today!


Planning a Dog Birthday Party for Your Pup

Nothing says “Happy Birthday” like a party thrown in your honor. And even for the adopted pups who didn’t come with a specific birth date, there is a simple option to celebrate their Gotcha Day, which is the day they joined your family. First, we are going to cover a few of the main points you should think about when planning a party for your animal best friend. can be customized

Where To Throw Your Birthday Bash

When you begin the party planning process, the first thing to think about is where you’re going to have the party. If you have a bunch of small dogs, you can easily choose a dog-friendly place, like a brewery, where they can mingle and so can the humans. If you have a group of larger dogs, you might want to have more space for them to run, like a dog park. 

Many people choose to throw the party in their own backyard, especially if it’s fenced in because then you don’t have to worry about disrupting others. Consider the number of people you would like to invite when you decide on the place because you want to make sure it can comfortably accommodate the guests you are inviting.

Your Dog Birthday Party Guest List

Once you’ve got your spot picked out and you know the number of guests you want to attend, you can start putting together the guest list. List out both the human guests and the dogs so you can plan for the right amount of attendees. This is especially important for food and party favors, since you’ll probably offer items for the dogs and not just the dog owners.

Since dogs don’t come home and tell you all about their friends, you might be struggling to figure out who to invite. Check with the doggy daycare to see if there are any dogs that your pup plays with all the time. You could then reach out to the pet parents and see if they are interested in coming to the birthday party. This could be a fun way to meet more people with dogs like yours. Otherwise, you can stick with neighborhood families and friends that have or love dogs. The guest list is totally up to you and your pup will most likely be happy to see anyone that shows up.

Party Supplies for Your Doggy Party

Party decorations and supplies for your dog’s birthday party can be very simple. Puppies of any age aren’t going to have any demands on certain characters or themes, so it is completely up to you how much effort you want to put into it. There are lots of great DIY ideas and party games you can put together with little effort. Etsy is another great option to order something fun and personalized (plus you’ll be supporting a small business.) 

One popular idea that costs very little is party hats. Have you ever seen a dog in a party hat? It’s wonderful. A photo booth is another easy party activity to set up. Hang a backdrop and set up a few photo booth props that match your theme and invite people to take selfies or use a phone stand and self-timer to take some pictures. For some special photos of the birthday pup, you can also utilize a chalkboard to let everyone know how old they are, some of their favorite things, and maybe a funny habit they have.

Special Dog Treats to Serve Up

Food is the central focus for any party planner. You have to prepare snacks of some kind for both your human guests and the four-legged attendees. Plan for some finger food that is easy to grab and snack on because it’s not always easy to sit down and enjoy a meal with a bunch of dogs running around and playing. Chips, veggies, fruit salad, cheese, and other similar items are simple and work as crowd-pleasers. 

And of course, you need a dessert. Standard cupcakes or cookies work for people, but you can’t just use a normal cake mix for a dog cake. Check to see if there is a dog bakery in your area that does dog birthday cakes or pupcakes. You can also find some cake recipes that are dog friendly and include their favorite flavors, like peanut butter and pumpkin. In addition to dessert, make sure you have lots of water bowls out to rehydrate while playing. Maybe include some small dog treats on the tables so that the pet parents can easily reward their pups for good behavior while playing.

It’s important to remember that, like humans, some dogs have dietary restrictions, so make sure to label the items in case there’s a dog or two who needs to stay away from any of the treats. 

Ideas for Doggo Party Favors

Party favors can be a fun way to thank your guests for coming to celebrate your birthday boy or girl. If you are sticking to a theme for your party, you can find a party favor that goes along with the theme. Dog toys are popular… because what dog doesn’t love a tennis ball or squeaky toy? You could also put together little goody bags with treats. Bandanas and bow ties that attach to the collars are adorable and can be used by all dogs. 

Don’t go overboard on the party favors, but have some fun picking out some small gifts for the other attendees of your party. If you put them out at the beginning of the party, you’ll be able to let the whole group enjoy the toys as well. 

A Dozen Party Themes for Your Dog’s Birthday

When it comes to themes and dog birthday party ideas, you have tons of options. You can ask yourself “does my dog have a favorite toy” and then build the theme around that. Did you name your dog after a character or something that you could build a theme around? Do you have children that can help you come up with a theme? This should be a fun process with very little pressure.  

1. An Ice Cream Party (Complete with Doggy Cones)

Many ice cream shops offer a smaller version of the basic vanilla ice cream for dogs because it’s one of their favorite treats (always in small doses). So why not bring that concept to your pup’s party? Especially if you are hosting an event in the summer heat, this is a perfect dessert to serve that is fun for the dogs and the humans.

You can set up two separate sundae stations, one for dogs and one for humans. Include a variety of toppings that you can set out ahead of time. For the dog side, think of things like kibble, shredded carrots, bananas, coconut, and other dog-friendly options. Once it’s time to let people start dishing up. Bring out the ice cream from the freezer. 

If you want to simplify the dog ice cream treats a bit, you can find Ben & Jerry’s dog ice cream, as well as other brands like Frosty Paws. These can be found at many large grocery stores around the country as well as pet food stores.  

2. A Puppy Pool Party

Another great idea for warm weather celebrations is to incorporate water. Does your dog love to spend some time hanging out in the kiddie pool? Have a pool party. If you don’t have access to a pool, you can collect as many kiddie pools as you can from neighbors and friends and set them up in your yard for the dogs to splash and play. 

You can also incorporate water toys that kids love like a slip and slide or a sprinkler to run through. Make sure to leave out some old towels so your party guests can be toweled off before getting back in their cars to drive home.

The water theme could be incorporated into the decorations by getting some fish balloons or handing out some cool water bowls for the party favors. 

3. Tennis, Anyone?

If your dog can’t get enough of his tennis balls, build that into the theme for your party. You can visit a party store and find balloons and decorations with tennis rackets and tennis balls. Maybe you show old rounds of Wimbledon on screens in your yard for the humans and enjoy the signature drink from the U. S. Open that year.

You can also find great tennis-themed printables that will be perfect for the photo booth. Each dog can take home their own fresh pack of tennis balls as a party favor. If you’re really creative in the kitchen, you can make some tennis ball cookies and cake pops for the event as well. 

For a unique event location, you can check with the local parks and recreation department to see if it’s possible to rent out the tennis court at the local park for your dog’s birthday party.

4. A Fancy Function

Give the pups a chance to put on their fanciest outfits by hosting a fancy doggy dinner party. Imagine all the cute dogs running around wearing bowties and ear bows. You could put out a red carpet (or green turf to be more on brand) for the pups to show off their outfits. Many dog owners have purchased ridiculous outfits over time, so why not invite them to dress in their Sunday best and take photos with all their canine buds.

You can serve champagne to your human guests to include them in the glamorous event. You can find little steak-shaped treats for the dogs. Put together little swag bags for favors and have fun with the party decorations using gold and silver balloons and some confetti if you’re feeling ambitious enough to vacuum it all up later.

5. Puppy’s First Birthday

Puppies are a treat, but they are also a ton of hard work because you spend the first year trying to potty train them and work on obedience. You’ve survived the first year with a lot of middle-of-the-night potty breaks and lots of chewing. So, having a puppy birthday party to celebrate your dog’s first birthday is a fun way to say goodbye to the puppy phase and usher in the “teenage” years.

Think about all the things that parents typically do for a one-year-old’s birthday party and alter them to work for a dog. Work with a dog bakery to make a smash cake that you can give to your pup while you are holding a camera and get some great photos of them just crushing it. Hand out party hats and have everyone sing along and celebrate this special milestone birthday.

6. A Breed-Specific Bash

Incorporate the breed of your pup with their party. There are many ways to do this. One way is to think about where the breed originated. For example, if you have a German Shorthaired Pointer, you pay homage to the country that the breed comes from and have a German birthday party. There is dog beer that you can find and you can serve pretzels and make it an Oktoberfest theme. 

Each dog breed has a special skill and you can incorporate that in the party. Herding dogs are able to round up a field full of farm animals, so you could throw them a farm-themed party. Another option is to celebrate famous dogs of the same breed, so if you have a Dalmatian, you could have a 101 Dalmatians themed party. 

Many dog trainers say you should lean into the things that each specific breed is known for because it provides great engagement and works their brains and bodies in a way that feels natural for the dogs. Have some fun with that when celebrating their birthday.

7. Pup Pampering With a Spa Pawty

Do you want to really spoil the pups for your event? Host a pampered pooch party for your dog and some of their pupper friends. Hire a mobile groomer to come to the party. These services are available now in most cities and the groomers arrive with all the supplies and tools. This can be a big benefit for the other pet parents who might struggle to find time to bring their pups in to get their nails trimmed or get a nice bath. 

Have some fun with dog-friendly hair dye or nail polish if you want to give everyone the chance to do something a little funky and unique for their pets. Make sure that, if you want them all to have playtime, you do that ahead of time so everyone can get their energy out and relax during their pampering session. 

If you want to do something special for the people who come, you can lay out face masks, have a masseuse come to do quick shoulder or foot massages, or just serve some great detox juices and healthy snacks.  

8. Canine Cinema

Some of the best movies that have come out of Hollywood center around dogs, so why not throw a movie-themed birthday party? Some dogs even tend to perk up and pay attention to the screen when they hear dogs barking and playing. Choose between classics like Lady and the Tramp, Scooby-Doo, or Homeward Bound and put it on a big outdoor screen in the backyard. 

Make sure to serve popcorn and some puppy treats to the guests during the show. Lay out blankets and set up chairs in the backyard for everyone to sit back and relax. For many Disney movies, you can easily find party decorations with those characters on them if you want to really stick to the theme.

9. Doggo Games and Obstacle Courses

High energy dogs will need a high energy party. Consider setting up an agility course for your pups. Some dog parks already have these obstacles set up, but you can also DIY them in your own backyard. Using treats, you can invite each pet parent to guide their pup through the obstacle course. The common items include bars to jump over, hoops to jump through, or tunnels to crawl through. 

You can make it into an Olympics theme or even feature your favorite professional sports team with your decorations. Make up some awards, like the most creative maneuver in the course or the fastest time. Have fun with it and, hopefully, you’ll all leave the party with worn-out and happy dogs.

10. A Canine Costume Party

Do you have a drawer in your home somewhere filled with Halloween costumes for your dog? You are not alone, so why not give everyone a chance to use those costumes for an event other than Halloween. Invite your friends and their pets over and ask them all to dress up. You can serve classic birthday cake and have fun playing and mingling.

To really encourage participation, hand out some awards for things like the best dog costume, best human costume, and even the best pair—so people can dress up to match their pup!

11. Over the Hill

Many adults have big milestone birthdays for their 40th (or even 50th) birthday party where they have an “Over the Hill” theme. This is a funny play on the fact that they are over the hill of their life and are in the second half of their lifetime. Black is usually the color of choice and there are all kinds of silly gag gifts that come along with these parties. 

Any theme you can do for people, you can make a few changes and put it together for pups too. If your dog is reaching their later years in life, it doesn’t mean they can’t have some fun. Throw your pup an Over the Hill party and take advantage of all the fun decorations they have for people and make it work for the pup. Give out joint supplements for dogs as party favors and include party activities that involve lounging around and being a little lazy instead of high-energy activities. 

Birthdays can be celebrated at any age, so have some fun with your event! We promise, your dog can take the joke and won’t be upset with you. They will love getting extra attention and ear scratches for the day.

12. Laid-Back Hawaiian Luau

Hawaiian-themed parties are always a blast. There are Hawaiian shirts for people and dogs of all sizes and shapes, so it’s easy to help people get in the mood. You can make shaved ice treats for all attendees and even serve up a roasted pig if you’re having a huge party (with tiny bits that the dogs can sample). 

Set up a Limbo game for humans to try and lead your dogs through. Put on a nice soundtrack of music that you would listen to at the beach or next to the pool in a tropical location. Mix up some fruity, ice-cold drinks for the people and maybe some simple frozen fruit treats for the dogs as well. 

Start Planning a Fun Dog Birthday Party!

Remember, this process should be fun and never stressful or overwhelming. Dogs don’t know when it’s their birthday, so they definitely aren’t going to notice if you skip a year or only do this once in their life. But the parties are a time to make some great memories, take some great photos, and surround yourself with dogs having fun which is the greatest gift itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I celebrate my dog’s birthday?

Looking for a venue for your dog’s birthday party? Organize a meet-up at a dog park, head to the beach, check out a nearby grooming spa, or just put together an entire event at your house!

Do a lot of people throw their dogs a birthday party?

If you are considering throwing a dog birthday party, you are not alone. One recent survey shows that about 7% of pup people throw birthday parties for their pet so have some fun with it!

What are the best themes for a dog birthday party?

Celebrate your dog with one of these puppy party themes! From a day at the spa to a canine costume party, any one of them will be perfect for your furry friend’s special day.

Are there any fun dog-friendly activities I can do with my friends?

More and more places are becoming dog-friendly, especially places with outdoor patios. You could even try an outdoor activity with the pups, like a scavenger hunt from Let’s Roam!

10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday

Last updated on By Puppy Leaks 17 Comments

Looking for some nice and simple ways to celebrate your dog’s birthday? You’ve come to the right place.

Our dogs are part of the family, so when it comes to their birthday we want to make it special. The good news is there’s plenty of fun and easy ways to make your dog’s birthday memorable.

So if you’re not sure what to do to celebrate your dog’s birthday don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. From hosting a doggie birthday party to having a special movie night, here’s 10 fun ways to celebrate your dog’s birthday.

1. Host a Doggie Birthday Party

If you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate your dog’s birthday you can host your own doggie birthday party. Invite some of your friends and family over (along with their friendly dogs) to celebrate.

If you’ve never had a bunch of doggie guests over to your home before I recommend starting small. When it comes to doggie birthday parties there’s nothing wrong with keeping it intimate; having a few doggie friends over will be more than enough to make it a memorable day for your dog. You can serve dog friendly cake, give out “doggie bags” filled with treats & goodies, and play some fun doggie games.

If you’re going to be holding your dog party outside remember to make sure that all of the dogs have access to fresh water and shade at all times. And remember to keep an eye on things and make sure the dogs are supervised at all times.

2. Let Your Dog Pick Out a Gift

If you’re looking to get your dog an extra special gift for their birthday try letting them pick it out themselves. Take your dog to your local dog-friendly pet store and have them browse the aisles and pick out their own gift.

3. Make a (Dog Friendly) Cake or Treats

You can show your dog some extra love on their birthday by making them a special treat. You can make your dog a pupcake (dog friendly cake) by using some puppy cake mix, or you can make one of these homemade dog cake recipes:

  • Doggie Birthday Cake
  • Mini-Berry Almond Cake
  • Grain-Free Peanut Butter Apple Cake
  • Dog Friendly Cake

If you prefer treats over cake check out these 25 easy homemade dog treat recipes.

4. Explore a New Trail With Your Dog

How much does your dog love their daily walk? You can make your walk extra special on their birthday by taking them somewhere brand new. Explore a new hiking trail together or take your dog to a new park. To make it even more fun for them remember to give them some extra time to sniff around and take in all those new and exciting smells.

5, Pamper & Spoil Your Dog On Their Birthday

If you want an easy way to make your dog’s birthday extra special make it like a doggie spa day by pampering them. Spoil them and give them some extra love and attention on their special day. Give them a nice homemade meal, an extra long walk, a stuffed Kong, a relaxing doggie massage, and some nice cuddle time on the couch.

6. Turn It Into a Game Day

Another fun way to celebrate your dog’s birthday is by turning it into a game day. Rather than celebrating your favorite team together set aside some time to play some extra games with your dog. Our dogs love to play, and engaging in some extra games on their birthday is a simple way to ensure it’s a fun day for them. Some of my favorite doggie games include:

  • Fetch/Frisbee
  • Hide & Seek
  • Tug of War
  • Food Dispensing Toys
  • Find The Treats

7. Let Your Dog Unwrap a Present

My dog Laika gets a fun new toy on her birthday, and I make the unveiling process a little more exciting for her by letting her unwrap it. If your dog doesn’t have unwrapping experience keep it simple by using a gift bag. Remember to watch them closely — some dogs have a tendency to eat anything in sight, including wrapping paper and shredded bags.

8. Set Up a Doggie Playdate

Another simple way to make your dog’s birthday extra fun is by setting up a doggie playdate for them. Invite your dog’s best dog friend over for some play time. It may seem rather simple, but that one on one play time is really fun (and exhausting) for your dog. Just remember to keep an eye on things, and make sure the dogs have access to fresh water at all times.

9. Take Your Dog For a Swim

Most dogs love to swim, so if you want to make their birthday a fun one turn it into a swim day. You can take your dog to the local beach, or search for any dog friendly pools in your area. Just remember to keep an eye on your dog at all times, and follow the basic swimming safety tips for dogs such as bringing along fresh water and cleaning them off afterwards.

10. Have a Doggie Movie Night

One of my favorite ways to celebrate my dog’s birthday is by having a movie night. Put on your pajamas, make some popcorn, and cuddle up with your dog on the couch and watch some movies together. Bonus points if you watch dog movies.

How Do You Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday?

How do you celebrate your dog’s birthday? Have you ever hosted your own doggie birthday party? Do you wrap your dog’s presents? Does cuddling up on the couch with your dog watching movies sound like a perfect evening, or is it just me?

Please share with your friends 🙂

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Recommended Reading:

Dog’s birthday – TOP-7 ways to celebrate


  1. How to celebrate a dog’s birthday?
  2. 1. Treat your pet with an entertaining gift
  3. 2. Organize a play day
  4. 3. Trust the birthday person to choose a present
  5. 4. Go to the “amusement park”
  6. 5. Take a walk along the new route
  7. 9005 Organize a dog party 6.005 7. Help other animals

How to celebrate a dog’s birthday?

When organizing a celebration, an individual approach is important – so you can please your four-legged pet as much as possible. Draw on your pet’s key qualities, habits, and preferences when designing your dog’s birthday party concept.

Let’s remember the main points, without which the festive atmosphere is unthinkable:

Among the many fun and easy ways to organize a dog’s birthday in a special way, we suggest taking note of the seven most interesting congratulation ideas.

1. Treat your pet with an entertaining gift

Do you want to give your dog maximum pleasure on his birthday? Start with gift wrapping. Wrap a toy or other item prepared for the occasion in special paper, and let the dog try to unfold it on its own. To rustle, turn over, gnaw – how interesting it is! Make sure the birthday person does not accidentally swallow a piece of gift wrapping.

2. Organize a game day

A dog’s birthday will be special for him if he spends it actively: frolicking, running, jumping, sniffing and looking for hidden things. Use interesting games:

Take a break between games, allowing your pet to quench his thirst and hunger. End the play marathon on your dog’s birthday with a special treat to help replenish their lost energy.

3. Trust the birthday boy to choose a present

An excellent way to make your dog’s birthday unforgettable is to let him choose a present himself. Find a pet store that you can go to with your pets and go there with the birthday boy. Let your dog walk around the store and choose the most attractive toy, and maybe several.

4. Go to the “amusement park”

Today there are many specialized places where you can have fun and usefully spend a dog’s birthday. Take your pet to one of these establishments or organize leisure activities yourself, for example:

  • set up a massage parlour;

  • fill the dog pool;

  • equip an obstacle course;

  • fill the room with tennis balls;

  • hang dog bones at different heights;

  • arrange a photo shoot in dog costumes.

5. Walk a new route

Take an unusual and uncharted route on your dog’s birthday. You can take your pet to a large park that you have not visited together and let him sniff all the paths, benches, and bushes. So the pet will show his instincts and satisfy curiosity, enjoy new exciting smells.

6. Organize a dog party

Invite your friends and relatives to a party along with their friendly pets. The presence of a few dog friends will suffice.

The dog’s birthday will be fun and easy if the guests have something to do all the time. To do this, make a holiday program, for example:

  • welcome guests;

  • handing out festive caps;

  • taking out the dog cake;

  • sing a song for the birthday boy;

  • handing out bags of dog treats;

  • play games.

In warm weather, you can have an outdoor party for your dog. The main thing is that pets have free access to drinking water and the opportunity to hide from the sun in the shade.

7. Help other animals

Make the most of your dog’s birthday by asking invited guests to donate to an animal welfare fund or any dog ​​shelter in need of financial assistance to keep their pets. A donation is a wonderful alternative to a gift.

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How to organize a dog’s birthday and what to give a pet

How to celebrate a dog’s birthday? This question is often of interest to owners of four-legged pets. Undoubtedly, with the appearance of a furry critter in the house, each of us understands that he used to live an incomplete life and can no longer imagine life without a little fluffy “robber”.

We forgive them any pranks: chewed up new expensive shoes, “eaten” sofa, sleepless nights due to the fact that your dog ate some disgusting thing on the street and he is sick and weak.

We suffer and find no place for ourselves when they are sick and sick, and we just rush about, not knowing how to help them.

And, in the end, we rejoice in each of their achievements, each new command executed the first time. We are glad that the baby pooped on the diaper, ate well, did not bark when you left for work.

And all this because we love them boundlessly. We love not for something, but we love for the fact that it is they who, with their boundless devotion and faith in us, make us be a little kinder and more responsive. We are everything to them, we are the whole world to them.

Therefore, a dog’s birthday for a four-legged owner is no less significant event in life than all other holidays. But your beloved dog will not be able to say what gift he would like to receive and how he would like to celebrate his birthday. Therefore, you will have to think for yourself how to please your faithful friend and celebrate the dog’s birthday.

Choosing a place to celebrate

Let’s try to think not like a human, but like a dog. So, I am a dog.

How do I want to spend my holiday? At home, in an uncomfortable cardboard cap that keeps slipping off and scratching your ears? Or maybe I want to dance around me and sing songs?

No, it’s not for me. Of course, you can put on a cap, like that for 2-3 minutes, but only in order to take good photos. Well, then – get out of the house, into the street, run, jump, frolic!

So, the best way to celebrate a dog’s birthday is a trip to nature:

  • A few hours in the fresh air, carrying tasty sticks, frolicking and chasing pigeons and ducks, wallowing in fragrant grass, or swimming in a warm pond – that’s it dog happiness.
  • And in winter – in winter you can swim in the snow, dig tunnels in it, eat snow and jump after fluffy snowflakes – unforgettable impressions.
  • Yes, you can just lie in the shade in the fresh air, enjoying various smells, listen carefully to every rustle, basking under the owner’s barrel.
  • And you can gather all the yard four-legged friends and arrange crazy games with catching flying saucers and tennis balls.
  • Or even just chase the neighbor’s cat in the country, catch a frog and dig a huge hole, trying to get a mole.
  • Well, in the evening, after returning home, munch a delicious congratulatory treat and fall asleep, cozying up in your soft and warm couch.

Well, how do you like this dog’s birthday? Really great?!

What to give your pet for his birthday

Choosing a gift for a dog’s birthday is easy and difficult at the same time. I want to give everything to my beloved prankster. You go to the pet store – your eyes just run up. Beautiful collars, fashionable outfits, goodies, luminous medallions. But does your furry need all this? He doesn’t care what collar he wears, what bowl he eats from, or whether he’s wearing a jumpsuit from the new collection and not from last year’s collection.

Better buy your favorite prankster a toy. But one he really likes. You must know what he likes.

Well, the best gift for a dog’s birthday is to spend the whole day with his beloved owner. Yes, not just lazily sitting at home on the couch, but so that the owner runs, has fun and jumps along with the tail. I would throw sticks and toys to him, swim with him in the lake, lie on the grass.

How to make a delicious birthday treat

Some pet owners allow their pets to swallow a piece of sausage or a delicious candy to celebrate their birthday. Under no circumstances should this be done. Otherwise, the dog’s birthday may end up going to the veterinary clinic.

Do not disturb your usual diet. You can only pamper your pet a little with small pieces of delicacies, the recipes of which I want to offer you today.

Cottage cheese casserole

You will need:

  • 2 tsp. butter.
  • 200 gr. cottage cheese.
  • 2 yolks.
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.

Mix everything well until smooth and steam for 10-15 minutes. Or pour into a mold and bake for 10-15 minutes in a preheated oven.

Cabbage cutlets for the dog’s birthday

You will need:

  • 500 gr. meat (beef heart, poultry meat, chicken liver – all in equal proportions).
  • 100 gr. cauliflower.
  • 1 egg white.
  • 5 tbsp. l. buckwheat porridge (not cereals, but ready-made boiled porridge).
  • Some milk.
  • 2 tbsp. l. bran.
  • Bone meal and dried seaweed, half a tablespoon each.

Mince meat and cauliflower. Add buckwheat porridge, protein, milk, bran, flour and dried cauliflower to this mixture. We make flat cutlets and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. A great treat for a dog’s birthday is ready.

Sweet biscuits

You will need:

  • 3 cups of flour.
  • 1 cup applesauce.
  • 100 gr. butter.
  • Half glass of water.
  • Olive oil and honey, 2 tbsp each l.

Mix everything except flour until smooth. Add flour, mix thoroughly. Form cookies, put on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Turn over and leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Chicken balls

You will need:

  • 300 gr. chicken liver or any other chicken meat.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 200 gr. flour.
  • Some milk.
  • Greens.

Grind the chicken in a meat grinder, add eggs, milk, flour. If the mass turned out to be liquidish, then you can add more flour.

You can also experiment and add zucchini, carrots, grated on a coarse grater to the balls. You can add some boiled rice and greens.

Shape into small balls with your hands. Boil them in boiling water until they float, or bake them in a preheated oven. Let them cool slightly to room temperature. You can serve your pet!

Liver cake

You will need:

  • 300 gr. liver.
  • 150 gr. zucchini.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 100 gr. milk.
  • 150 gr. sour cream.
  • 100 gr. flour.
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil.

Scroll the liver and zucchini through a meat grinder, add milk, 2 eggs, flour, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly. Divide the resulting mass into 4-5 equal parts.

Spread each part in an even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Remove from the oven, cool and turn the resulting liver pancake onto a cutting board. We also bake the rest.

Boil carrots, rub them on a coarse grater. We put the first pancake on a plate, grease it with sour cream, then put the grated carrots, and then the next pancake. And according to the same scheme, we lay all the other layers.

Top the cake with sour cream. You can boil another egg and grate it on top on a grater. We remove the cake for 1-2 hours to the side so that it soaks. I think that such a tasty treat will be a great gift for a dog’s birthday.

The liver cake can be made even easier:

  • We twist the liver in a meat grinder, add an egg, milk, a little flour.
  • We bake liver pancakes in the oven.
  • Lay on a dish, soaking each layer with kefir.
  • Top with grated cheese and grated boiled carrots.

You can watch the video recipe for making beef liver meat cake.

And in this video, see what a jelly cake we made for Jack on his ninth bone day!

Well, today I told you about how to celebrate a dog’s birthday so that your beloved pet is happy.

Love your furry and take care of them. Well, if someone is ready to share their recipes, we will always be glad to see new dishes that you can pamper your four-legged friends with.

How to celebrate a dog’s birthday?

Celebration, gifts, congratulations to the dog on his birthday – this is not at all stupid, as it may seem from the outside. Dear dogs, we are the happiest people, because we always have devoted, infinitely loyal friends who do not notice shortcomings and forgive any insults! Why not celebrate the day on which the irreplaceable tailed miracle was born?

It’s a pity that you can’t ask your pet what he would like. Rather, you can ask something, but getting an answer, to put it mildly, is problematic. You will have to think for yourself: what to give a dog, how to please a pet, where and with whom to celebrate a significant date? You can do like most: read happy birthday poems to the dog, feed the pet with ice cream and sweets, dress him up in a cap and a funny costume, call a bunch of guests.

Only now, an uncomfortable cap and an elaborate outfit hinder movement, sweet things make eyes water and stomach itch, noisy guests annoy, and happy birthday poems make a dog neither cold nor hot. No, you can wear a cap, for example, when meeting guests or taking pictures. And inviting friends, four-legged and two-legged, is also a great idea if the pet is sincerely happy about their arrival (although dogs don’t know how to rejoice in another way, for which we love them). But still, it’s better to try to think like a dog than like a human. After all, it’s the dog’s birthday, and the main goal is to make the pet happy.


  • 1 Home comfort or new experiences?
  • 2 What can I give you, not my dear man?
  • 3 Treats

Home comfort or new experiences?

How wonderful that all dogs have a unique disposition! Only give one free will – they will wind up kilometers from morning to night. Others are absolutely happy, lying next to their beloved owner on their own sofa. What is your pet’s personality?

The best birthday greeting for a dog is a trip to nature. Spending a few hours outdoors chasing squirrels and carrying delicious sticks, chewing juicy grass and basking in the sun is unforgettable! What if it’s winter? Well, many dogs love to dig in the snow, dig tunnels and, pretending to be deaf (Spit, who do I say?!), stuff their mouths with snow.

Your dog doesn’t like running and fuss at all? Grab a blanket and goodies for guests of all stripes, sit in the shade. And let a clumsy fat man or a venerable dog slowly explore the surroundings, smells and sounds of nature. Even just lying around and breathing fresh air, not hurrying home after “peeing” is already happiness. And if the dog’s birthday fell on absolutely unacceptable weather for such outings?

You can sit at home and arrange crazy games. The pet is not very athletic and likes to take a nap? For such a dog, the height of pleasure is to spend the whole day in the company of a loved one, “talking”, basking in affection and looking into the eyes of his best friend. It seems to you that such a pastime is a little like a holiday. But the doggie, who sees the owner in the morning and in the evening, considers every weekend a holiday.

Does your pet love meeting new people and craving new experiences? Then how to celebrate the dog’s birthday depends only on your financial capabilities. If your pet does not have enough communication with their own kind, go to the exhibition. As a spectator, of course, in the ring – this is not a vacation. You will definitely like the audience there. And the birthday boy will have plenty of fun with well-mannered, non-aggressive, healthy and clean dogs. Why not a birthday present for your beloved dog? If the pet prefers to communicate with bipeds, go to the spa for dogs, where the attentive staff will kiss on the nose and massage, and bring beauty. Dog, not you. Dreaming!

On the way, you can look into the dog cafe, where the hero of the occasion will certainly be fed with various goodies and useful things. And without risk to the stomach – no “hangover” in the form of heaps and puddles in the morning. Maybe your friend likes to swim? Then to the lake, and in winter – to a rented cottage with a swimming pool. Expensive, of course, but you will rest with the whole family.

What can I give you, not my dear man?

Choosing a gift for a dog’s birthday is both simple and difficult at the same time. You go to the pet store – your eyes run wide. Shiny bowls, collars with rhinestones, trendy jumpsuits, luminous key chains, cosmetics, combs! But answer honestly, does the dog need it? Affectionate fool doesn’t care what bowl she eats from and what collar to wear, a new shampoo will not touch a furry soul, a haute couture dress will only excite a dog neighbor.

Buy a toy for your pet. Yes, not simple, but … No, you don’t need gold – this is again human aspirations. Buy a toy that is interesting, interactive or logical, something that will really captivate your pet. Sonya can be pleased with a warm lounger with comfortable sides. In general, sit next to the dog, but look into her eyes. You will see how an excerpt from a children’s song sounds in them: “Finally, all dreams come true! My best gift is you! The attention of a loved one is the best gift for a dog’s birthday, and no material values ​​\u200b\u200bcan replace it.


Many owners allow their pets to “in honor of the holiday” eat a piece of fatty sausage and sip a chocolate bar, and some (“some”, if you are reading this, hit yourself lightly on the forehead) even pour a glass! A kind of fun: first we think about how to celebrate the dog’s birthday, and then we wonder how to pump out the birthday boy and which clinic to run to, because the unfortunate man returned a half-digested treat a couple of hours ago, but continues to stain the furniture with liquids of a cheerful color.

If your pet has health problems, don’t think about deviating from the usual menu. If a happy gourmet easily tolerates a change in diet, we offer several recipes for dishes for dogs. Compared to the “human” ones, they may seem modest, but you are preparing for the dog’s birthday, and here the main thing is taste and safety, and not the pretentiousness of the ingredients. And to add solemnity, you can give the treat a thematic form.

Tasty morsels:

  • butter 2 tsp;
  • non-sour curd 200 gr.;
  • 2 yolks;
  • oatmeal 2 tbsp;

Mix well, stick on heart bows, steam for 15 minutes.

Cutlets “Cabbage Delight”:

  • kidneys, beef, poultry meat in equal proportions;
  • cauliflower 100 gr.;
  • protein 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat porridge (not cereal, already prepared porridge) 5 tbsp;
  • some milk;
  • bran 2 tbsp;
  • bone meal and dried seaweed, half tbsp.

Turn the meat in a meat grinder, mix everything. Milk is needed to give the minced meat a consistency (buckwheat and flour take moisture, minced meat will turn out dry without milk). We make flat cutlets of a festive shape, and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cookies “Sweet moment”:

  • flour 3 cups;
  • half glass of applesauce;
  • butter 100 gr.;
  • half a glass of water;
  • olive oil and honey, 2 tbsp each

Mix everything except flour until smooth. Add flour, mix thoroughly. Form cookies, put on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Turn over and leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Layered Surprise Cake:

We bake cakes according to the recipe for cabbage cutlets (layers of any shape and in any quantity). For the filling, we take meat or fish, turn it through a meat grinder and mix with mashed boiled or raw vegetables (potatoes, carrots, the same cabbage – the taste of the birthday man).