Pay as you go child care: Drop-In Daycare: Flexible Part-Time Child Care Options

Опубликовано: October 30, 2022 в 11:48 pm


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Child Care Assistance Program | Division of Child Care Services

Child Care Assistance Program | Division of Child Care Services | OCFS

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home childcare CCAP

You are on this page: Child Care Assistance Program

The New York State Child Care Assistance Program, commonly referred to as the Subsidy Program, is administered by local social services districts (LSSD) and overseen by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). The goal of the Child Care Assistance Program is to help Temporary Assistance (TA) and low-income families pay for child care in order to help them become self-sufficient.

For Parents and Caretakers

How much money can I receive?

If eligible, you can have some or all of your child care costs paid for, depending on your circumstances. Click I Want Help Paying for Child Care below to learn more.

What kind of providers can I use?

You are free to choose a provider that meets your needs so long as they are licensed, registered or enrolled as a legally exempt provider. You can even ask a family friend or relative to enroll as a legally exempt provider.

Is there a limit to how much money I can make and still be eligible?

In most cases, currently you cannot make more than 300% of the State Income Standard to qualify.

How do I apply?

To learn how to apply and find out more, visit to the Help Paying for Child Care page.

I want help paying for child care.

For Providers and Caregivers

What does this program mean for me?

If you provide care for families using the program, the LSSD will pay up to the cost of care, or up to the applicable market rate, whichever is less either by paying you directly, or by sending the money to the family to pay you. The family may be required to pay a portion.

You may be eligible for enhanced or increased rates depending on your qualifications, ability to provide care during non-traditional hours, provide care to special needs children or other circumstances outlined in each LSSDs Child and Family Services Plan.

Providers are eligible to be paid a minimum of 24 absences per year, but LSSDs may pay for more as outlined in their plan.

Depending on what the LSSDs pay for in their plan, you may also be eligible for payment when the program is closed.

Please see the Additional Resources section below for more information or view your LSSDs Child and Family Services Plan.

For Local Social Service Districts

Recent Regulations and Policies

  • 22-OCFS-ADM-13 – Market Rate Revisions, Removal of Work Requirement in Limited Situations, and Other Changes to Child Care Assistance Program Regulations 2022
  • 22-OCFS-LCM-08 – New York State Child Care Block Grant Assistance program Allocations SFY 2022-2023
  • 21-OCFS-ADM-30 – Changes to Child Care Subsidy Regulations: Parts 404 and 415
  • 22-OCFS-ADM-03 – Availability of Supplemental Funding for the New York State Child Care Block Grant

Additional Resources

  • Monthly Child Care Assistance Block Grant Spending by Federal Fiscal Year (Posted Sep 14, 2022)
  • 22-OCFS-LCM-14 – Child Care Assistance Program Market Rates 2022
  • Child Care Market Rate Survey 2019 Report
  • Help Paying for Child Care
  • Early Head Start – Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnership
  • District Directory
  • Child Care Plans
  • New York State Child Care and Development Fund Plan
  • Become a Provider
  • Child Care Deserts Grant
  • Combating Child Care Subsidy Fraud
  • Services for Young Children Experiencing Homelessness

External Resources

  • NYS Resources for Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Applicants
  • ACF Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships (for general information about the grant)

The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) staff are happy to share valuable information on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Grant Program. We especially want to share this information with local Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes, as they are in contact with potential eligible families.

The Earned Income Tax Credit, EITC or EIC, is a benefit for working families with low to moderate income. To qualify, you must meet certain requirements and file a tax return, even if you do not owe any tax or are not required to file.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Grant Program is an IRS initiative designed to promote and support free tax preparation service for the underserved, in both urban and non-urban locations. Service is targeted to low-to-moderate income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking.

If you need general information about the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Grant Program, your OCFS Division of Child Care Services Regional Office can help you.

  • OCFS Division of Child Care Services Regional Offices


Help Paying for Child Care

Effective June 1, 2022- we are no longer accepting Essential Worker Child Care Applications

Essential Worker Child Care Assistance will end December 31, 2022

How to Apply for Child Care Assistance

Every year the State of Arkansas helps low-income families cover the cost of high-quality child care and early childhood education for children ages birth to 12.

To Qualify

Do you…

  • work at least 30 hours a week?
  • attend school full time?
  • spend at least 30 hours a week in a job training program?

A combination of the above qualifications equal to at least 30 hours a week will be considered.

If the answer is “yes,” then you may qualify for child care financial assistance through the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF).

Please fill out the application for assistance. You can submit the application by emailing the caseworker you are working with, if you have one, or you can drop it by your local DHS county office. You can find your local DHS county office here.

What is the qualifying income?

Use the Sliding Fee Chart to determine your eligibility. Include all earned income from all family members. This will include SSA, SSI, and VA.  Families may be required to pay a percentage of the cost for child care.

  • Child Care Assistance Sliding Fee Chart

If You Do Not Qualify

Contact your local DHS office or your family support specialist and ask why you didn’t qualify and what other help may be available. Examples: Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA), Early Head Start, Head Start, Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) program.

Selecting the Right Child Care Provider

Every child deserves the best start in life which is why choosing high quality child care is important. Research shows that high quality early learning programs have a positive impact on a child’s readiness for school and life.

To help you make the right child care decision for you and your family, use the resources below:

  • Find Child Care – Don’t just chose a child care center that is close to home or work, chose one that is right for your child. Visit several centers and use the checklist below to discover how each center differs.
    • Child Care Checklist
  • Find Support – Child Care Aware of Arkansas help parents and families find high-quality child care centers in their community and offers support and guidance.
    • Child Care Aware Area Map and Contact List
    • Visit Child Care Aware for more information
  • Find Quality – Better Beginnings connects Arkansas families with information and care that helps children experience a safe, happy, and healthy childhood. Each Better Beginnings facility in Arkansas has a 1, 2, or 3 star rating to indicate their level of quality.
    • Visit Better Beginnings for more information
  • Find Your Center
    • Visit Local Child Care Centers.

Arkansas’s child care programs can serve over 200,000 children.

Arkansas’s Total Child Care Slots

  Facility Type Child Capacity
  Child Care Centers 171,845
  Out of School Time 26,297
  Licensed Child Care Family Homes 3,666
  Registered Child Care Family Homes 80

Arkansas WIC

The purpose of the Arkansas WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) is to improve the nutrition of eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants, and young children during periods of critical growth.

For more information click English or Spanish.

Licensing and Safety

Licensing, Monitoring, and Inspections

Licensed child care facilities must meet specific guidelines to become certified. There are no licensed exempt facilities in Arkansas. All facilities that receive funding are either licensed or registered.

DHS Licensing Specialists will visit facilities and homes unannounced at least three times a year to ensure that each child care facility meets minimum licensing standards While onsite, they may interview and observe staff to determine their daily routine and effectiveness in age-appropriate instruction. Example items Licensing Specialists may review:

  • Personnel Policies
  • Programs
  • Behavior Guidance
  • Records
  • Safety

Visit Better Beginnings and the Arkansas Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education to view facilities and reviews for the last three years.

  • Licensed Child Care Family Home Checklist
  • Registered Child Care Family Home Checklist
  • Out of School Time Checklist
  • Child Care Center Checklist

Health and Safety Requirements

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 requires States and Territories to have professional development, health, and safety training requirements for all Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) providers.  All new and existing providers who accept vouchers for reimbursement must meet the training requirements. Visit CCDBG Health & Safety requirements for more information or contact The Child Care Licensing Unit to learn more.

Phone:    501-682-8590
Website: Child Care Licensing

Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnostic & Treatment (EPSDT)

The Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnostic & Treatment (EPSDT) helps ensure that children and teens get preventative dental, mental health, and developmental screenings. It can also help identify any specialty services that may be needed. 

Child care facilities are required by The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to refer a child that may have developmental delays or disabilities to the right agency for help. However, if the child is under the age of 3, the provider should contact First Connections. If the child is 3-21 years of age, the provider should contact the Arkansas Department of Education Special Education Unit for assistance.

Parent/Provider Complaints

If a situation arises that you are unhappy with, it is important to calmly share those concerns with the person(s) who is causing you stress. Working things out, if possible, should be the first step. Keep in mind that changing child care facilities can be stressful on your child.  However, if a resolution cannot be reached or a serious issue has occurred, you may contact DCCECE using the following link:

Contact DCCECE

Child Maltreatment Hotline

The Arkansas Department of Human Services is committed to protecting those who are most vulnerable. If you suspect that a child is being maltreatmented based on something you have witnessed, or a child has told you that maltreatment is happening, it is your responsibility to report it to the authorities.

Call the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Hotline at 1-800-482-5964.

Aggregate Data

DCCECE strives to ensure that every child in Arkansas is in a high quality, safe, and loving environment. This is achieved by offering resources, technical assistance, and trainings for families and providers.

Child Deaths, Serious Injuries, and Substantiated Child Maltreatment 2021

Providers Child Deaths Serious Injuries Substantiated Cases of Child Maltreatment* Total
Registered Child Care Family Home 0 0 0 0
Licensed Child Care Family Home 1 0 7 8
Child Care Center 0 19 79 98
Out of School Time 0 0 0 0
Total 1 19 86 106

*Substantiated instances of child abuse do not have to be separated by category of provider and licensing status.

Consumer Statement

Lead Agencies must provide CCDF parents with a consumer statement that contains specific information about the child care provider they select. This information about the child care provider selected by the parent includes health and safety requirements met by the provider, any licensing or regulatory requirements met by the provider, the date the provider was last inspected, any history of violations of these requirements, and any voluntary quality standards met by the provider. It must also describe how CCDF subsidies are designed to promote equal access, how to submit a complaint through a hotline, and how to contact local resource and referral agencies or other community-based supports that assist parents in finding and enrolling in quality child care.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about child care in Arkansas, please contact us.  We will be happy to assist you. Call: 501-682-8947

Working Connections Child Care | Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families

Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) helps eligible families pay for child care.  When a family qualifies for child care subsidy benefits and chooses an eligible provider, the state pays a portion of the cost of child care. Parents may be responsible for a copayment to their provider each month.

  • Copay Calculation Table – Effective beginning April 1, 2022
  • Child Care Subsidy Regional Map for Licensed Family Homes and Centers

Families experiencing homelessness may be approved for up to 12 months to help resolve issues surrounding homelessness.

Basic Eligibility Requirements for Child Care Subsidy Benefits

  • The child must be a U.S. citizen, legal resident, or otherwise eligible for federal benefits
  • The family with whom the child resides must live in Washington state
  • The family’s income must be at or below 60% of the State Median Income (SMI) at application or 65% of SMI when reapplying
  • The family must have resources under $1 million
  • Child Care Subsidy helps pay for child care while the parent, or parents in a two-parent household, participate in an approved activity.   Approved activities include:
    • Employment or self-employed in legal, income-generating, taxable activities
    • Education activities include:
      • High school or high school equivalency programs for parents ages 21 and younger
      • Attending community, technical, or tribal college full-time and seeking an associate or vocational degree
      • Attending community, technical, or tribal colleges part-time and seeking an associate or vocational degree AND working 20 hours per week
      • Activities approved under the parents WorkFirst or BFET plan

Income Eligibility

The maximum household income increases from 200% of the U.S. federal poverty level (FPL) to 60% of the State Median Income (SMI). The maximum monthly income limit by household size is listed below:

Family Size

$0 Copay 
(0%-20% SMI)

$65 Copay
(20%-36% SMI)

$90 Copay
(36%-50% SMI)

$115 Copay
(50%-60% SMI)

$215 Copay
(60%-65% SMI)

1 $0  to $928 $929 to $1,671 $1,672 to $2,320 $2,321 to $2,784 $2,785 to $3,016
2 $0 to $1,214 $1,215 to $2,185 $2,186 to $3,034 $3,035 to $3,641 $3,642 to $3,944
3 $0 to $1,499 $1,500 to $2,699 $2,700 to $3,748 $3,749 to $4,498 $4,499 to $4,872
4 $0 to $1,785 $1,786 to $3,213 $3,214 to $4,462 $4,463 to $5,354 $5,355 to $5,800
5 $0 to $2,070 $2,071 to $3,727 $3,728 to $5,176 $5,177 to $6,211 $6,212 to $6,729
6 $0 to $2,356 $2,357 to $4,241 $4,242 to $5,890 $5,891 to $7,068 $7,069 to $7,657
7 $0 to $2,409 $2,410 to $4,337 $4,338 to $6,024 $6,025 to $7,228 $7,229 to $7831
8 $0 to $2,463 $2,464 to $4,433 $4,434 to $6,157 $6,158 to $7,389 $7,390 to $8,005
9 $0 to $2,517 $2,517 to $4,530 $4,531 to $6,291 $6,292 to $7,550 $7,551 to $8,179
10 $0 to $2,570 $2,571 to $4,626 $4,627 to $6,425 $6,426 to $7,710 $7,711 to $8,353
11 $0 to $2,624 $2,625 to $4,722 $4,723 to $6,559 $6,560 to $7,871 $7,872 to $8,527
12 $0 to $2,677 $2,678 to $4,819 $4,820 to $6,693 $6,694 to $8,031 $8,032 to $8,701
13 $0 to $2,731 $2,732 to $4,915 $4,916 to $6,827 $6,828 to $8,192 $8,193 to $8,875
14 $0 to $2,784 $2,785 to $5,012 $5,013 to $6,961 $6,962 to $8,353 $8,354 to $9,049
15 $0 to $2,838 $2,839 to $5,108 $5,109 to $7,094 $7,095 to $8,513 $8,514 to $9,223
16 $0 to $2,891 $2,892 to $5,204 $5,205 to $7,228 $7,229 to $8,674 $8,675 to $9,397
17 $0 to $2,945 $2,946 to $5,301 $5,302 to $7,362 $7,363 to $8,835 $8,836 to $9,571
18 $0 to $2,998 $2,999 to $5,397 $5,398 to $7,496 $7,497 to $8,995 $8,996 to $9,745
19 $0 to $3,052 $3,053 to $5,493 $5,494 to $7,630 $7,631 to $9,156 $9,157 to $9,919
20 $0 to $3,106 $3,107 to $5,590 $5,591 to $7,764 $7,765 to $9,316 $9,317 to $10,093

Use the chart above to determine if your family may be eligible for WCCC and to determine your approximate copayment. (Example: If your household consists of yourself, your spouse, and two children, your household size is four. If your income is $4,100, your copayment would be $90 per month.) 

Application Process

The parent must complete the WCCC application and verification process.

  • Families can apply by contacting the Child Care Subsidy Contact Center at 1-844-626-8687 or online at
  • DCYF gathers and reviews information to determine a family’s eligibility.
  • Families will need to provide DCYF with the name and phone number of the child care provider. You do not have to have a provider before applying for child care subsidy.

View the instructions on creating an online account with Washington Connection.

Child Care Subsidy Program – You May Qualify

Read the printable flyer (available in English, Spanish, and Somali)

Verification Process

DCYF will need to verify the following information, as applicable. Some verification may be obtained using existing DCYF or state systems, or DCYF may request verification from families. All statements must contain a name, address, phone number, date, and signature.

What may need to be verified? (if applicable) What may be provided? Verification may include:
Residency or citizenship of children DCYF uses internal systems. If information is not available within these systems, the family will need to provide a social security card, birth certificate, U.S. passport, or immigration documents. 
Homelessness  DCYF compares the family’s living situation with family records. When conflicting information is presented, DCYF will obtain verification from a reliable source. The reliable source must be aware of family’s living situation and must be willing to attest under penalty of perjury.
Custody  Court order, signed statement from the parent(s), or a statement from a third party if unable to obtain verification from the parent(s).
Single parent status Consumers may provide the declaration form (DCYF form 27-164) or a statement indicating the name and address of the other parent for each of the children OR attest under penalty of perjury that they are a single parent, the whereabouts of the other parent is unknown or that providing this information would cause fear of harm.
Household composition (everyone living in the household) Completed landlord statement (DCYF form 16-238), current lease agreement, or signed statement from the homeowner.
Earned income DCYF will attempt to verify using available systems. If information is not available electronically, DCYF may use wage stubs, payroll history, or an employer statement that the family lists the actual gross income and month it is received, including any tips, bonuses, or commissions.
Self-employment Federal or state tax return, tax transcripts including all forms for the most current reporting year. If you use a state tax return and you use a state tax return and claim all business expenses, verification of expenses will be necessary. Verification would include a profit and loss with receipts or bank statements to support the amounts claimed.
Other income (social security income, supplemental security income, unemployment benefits, or any other income received by someone in your family) DCYF will attempt to verify using available systems. If information is not available electronically, DCYF may use award letters or notifications from corresponding agencies to verify monthly amounts.
Child support DCYF will attempt to verify using available systems. If information is not available electronically, DCYF may use a signed and dated statement from the non-custodial parent, including the amount and frequency of support, including a signature, date, and phone number where the non-custodial parent can be reached.  
If support is ordered through another state, a statement verifying the amount and frequency of support, including a signature, date, and phone number if not printed from the state child support office.
When court-ordered, the consumer pays child support and shows in internal systems, verification of the court-ordered will be required, including verification of the actual amounts paid.
Schooling and education Copy of school registration and a written statement from a school employee verifying enrollment and the program.
Work-Study Participation Statement from the college or case manager, including total hours awarded.
BFET participation DCYF will use internal systems to verify current enrollment in an approved activity and the amount of time participating in this activity.
WorkFirst activity participants DCYF will use internal systems to verify current enrollment in an approved activity and the amount of time participating in this activity.

Finding Child Care

There are different provider options parents may choose to fit the needs of their family. Parents may choose from:

  • Licensed or certified child care centers
  • Licensed or certified family child care homes
  • Unlicensed care, typically referred to as family, friend, or neighbor (FFN) child care

Licensed child care providers follow minimum licensing requirements set by Washington State to ensure children are in safe, healthy, and nurturing places.

Learn more about licensed child care

If you are not sure where to find licensed child care providers, your local Child Care Aware Washington agency can help. Call 1-800-446-1114 for help.

You have a choice in finding quality early care and learning settings in Washington State.

  • You Have a Choice! A Guide to Finding Quality Child Care
  • For more information, go to the Find Child Care / Early Learning page
  • Child Care Check is a search tool for you to get information about individual child care providers and early learning programs in Washington

Some families prefer to have a family, friend, or neighbor care for their child or provide care in the child’s home. When you choose a child care provider who is exempt from licensing, you have extra responsibilities.

The provider you must be:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • A citizen or a legal resident of the United States
  • Pass the DCYF background check. If care is provided in the provider’s home, then anyone older than 16 who lives in the home must also pass a background check
  • Physically and mentally healthy enough to meet all the needs of the child in care
  • Someone other than the child’s biological parent, step-parent, adoptive parent, legal guardian, in-loco parentis, or spouse of any of these individuals
  • Meet the health and safety requirements in WAC 110-16-0025, 110-16-0030, and 110-16-0035 if not related to the child

For more information go to the Family, Friends and Neighbor provider page

Note: In-home providers who are relatives and are paid child care subsidies to care for children receiving WCCC benefits, may not receive those benefits for their children during the hours in which they provide subsidized child care.

Additional Support

Parents of children with special needs may qualify for higher rates to help pay for additional supports needed. Further information is provided below.

  • Special Needs Child Care Rate Request


Families or parents with questions about their copayment may call the DCYF Child Care Contact Center at 1-844-626-8687.

Child care providers with questions about a family’s copay may contact the DCYF Provider Help Line by emailing [email protected] or calling 1-800-394-4571.

Paid educational services. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

  1. Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist’s, PhD, Middle-Level Specialist Training Program

    Agreement on information cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a bank and an organization
    Bank details

    Sample contract for the provision of paid educational services

    Master’s degree, Specialist, Bachelor’s degree

    HE Education Agreement 2-sided
    HE Education Agreement 3-sided (for individuals)
    HE Education Agreement 3-sided (for legal entities)

    Training program for mid-level specialists

    Agreement on the formation of secondary vocational education 2-sided
    3-sided agreement on the formation of an SPO (for individuals)
    3-sided agreement on the formation of an SPO (for legal entities)

    Postgraduate studies

    Agreement on education Postgraduate studies 2-sided

    Regulations on the provision of paid educational services

    Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist’s, Postgraduate studies, Training program for mid-level specialists

    Regulations on the procedure for the provision of paid educational services
    Regulations on the procedure for reducing the cost of educational services

    Document confirming the cost of education for each educational program
    2022/2023 academic year

    Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist’s, Middle-Level Specialist Training Program

    Order No. 293 dated 05/27/2022 On approval of the list and setting the amount of fees for educational services for the main types of activities for the 2022-2023 academic year

    Postgraduate studies

    Order No. 294 dated May 27, 2022 On approval of the list and setting the amount of fees for educational services for higher education programs – programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies for the 2022-20223 academic year

    2021/2022 academic year

    Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist, Intermediate Specialist Training Program

    On approval of the list and setting the amount of fees for educational services for the main types of activities for the 2021-2022 academic year

    Postgraduate studies

    On approval of the list and setting the amount of fees for educational services for higher education programs – programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school for the 2021-2022 academic year

    Documents establishing the amount of fees charged from parents (legal representatives) for supervision and care
    children mastering educational programs of preschool education in organizations that carry out
    educational activities, for the maintenance of children in an educational organization that implements educational
    programs of primary general, basic general or secondary general education, if in such an educational
    the organization has created conditions for the residence of students in a boarding school, or for the supervision and care of
    children in extended day groups in an educational organization that implements educational programs for elementary
    general, basic general or secondary general education

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MBA named after K. I. Scriabin does not provide paid childcare services.

    The implementation of the program of secondary general education is carried out within the framework of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education 35.02.15 Cynology and 36.02.01 Veterinary medicine on the basis of basic general education.

    Other information

    Order No. 189-f dated 04/02/2021 On paid additional services on campus
    Order No. 295-f dated 05/27/2022 On approval of fees for accommodation in dormitories from 07/01/2022
    Order No. 121-F dated 03/10/2022 ” On compensation for the costs of re-issuing electronic passes”
    Order No. 395-f dated 07/20/2021 On administrative regulations for living in dormitories
    Order No. 356-f dated 07/02/2021 Procedure for payment for accommodation in dormitories
    Order No. 367-f dated July 2, 2021 on amending the order “On approval of the list and setting the amount of fees for educational services for the main types of activities for 2021-20
    Certificate on the results of monitoring the cost of VET in 2022-2023
    Certificate of results of monitoring the cost of SOC in 2021-2022

    Answers to your questions | Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital №2

    Question: >>Anastasia

    A 6-year-old child undergoes a planned operation.

    Will mom be issued a sick leave for the period of stay in the hospital?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Anastasia! The mother will be issued a disability certificate to care for the child.
    Question: >>Anna

    Hello, please tell me if it is possible to go to your hospital with a child together with dad and mom? Maybe this is possible in a paid ward?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Anna! In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation”, we inform you that your application has been considered.
    Vologda Oblast Children’s Hospital No. 2 provides affordable free medical care to the children in the Vologda Oblast. In its activities, it is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Vologda Oblast, local regulations.
    According to Part 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, one of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is granted the right to free joint stay with the child in a medical organization when providing him medical care in a hospital during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the age of the child.
    When jointly staying in a medical organization in a hospital with a child until he reaches the age of 4 years (with a child older than this age – if there are medical indications), payment for creating conditions for staying in a hospital, including for providing a bed and food , from the specified persons is not charged.
    We hope for mutual understanding!
    Question: >>Daria

    Good afternoon! Tell me, please, what tests and procedures do you need to undergo for planned hospitalization? What do you need to take with you? We live in Babaevo and the necessary things or reschedule for another time is not very convenient.

    I was told to look for information on the site, I did not find it.

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Daria! We are sending you a list of the necessary conclusions of specialists and examinations when referring children for REGULAR SURGERY to the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2:
    Conclusion of the examination by a specialist referring for surgical treatment
    Conclusion of the examination of the district pediatrician, referral number
    Conclusion of the examination by other specialists (according to indications)
    Information about preventive vaccinations (Certificate)
    Certificate from the polyclinic about the absence of contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and children’s institution for 21 days. Valid 3 days
    Compulsory medical insurance policy
    Research results:
    Complete blood count, platelets, clotting time (beginning and end), bleeding duration
    Complete urinalysis
    Coprogram, examination for helminths and protozoa
    Scraping for enterobiasis
    Blood serum test for HbsAg and antibodies to viral hepatitis С
    The test is valid for 1 month.
    Blood test for syphilis (for children aged 14 and over). The analysis is valid for 1 month.
    The results of the survey on form 50 (HIV). The analysis is valid for 1 month
    Results of a fluorographic examination for children 15 years of age and older. Valid for 1 year
    ECG (valid for 1 month)
    Blood group and Rh factor (for otorhinolaryngological operations)
    Results of biochemical blood analysis: ALT, AST, bilirubin, coagulogram (fibrinogen, PTI, INR, APTT, thrombin time) – for otorhinolaryngological operations operations
    Bacteriological analysis of feces for salmonella for children under 2 years 11 months. 29 days. Valid for 2 weeks
    Test result for COVID-19(valid for 3 days)
    Clinical and non-chemical tests are valid for 10 days
    List of tests required for hospitalization of the mother to care for the child:
    Blood test for syphilis (valid for 1 month)
    The result of a chest x-ray examination ( valid for 1 year)
    Test result for COVID-19 (valid for 3 days)
    Bacteriological analysis of feces for salmonella for hospitalization with children under 2 years 11 months. 29 days. Valid 2 weeks
    The list of documents required when referring children for ROUTINE NON-SURGICAL treatment to the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2:
    Referral for hospitalization with the number
    Information on preventive vaccinations (certificate)
    Certificate from the clinic about the absence of contact with infectious diseases for 21 days patients at the place of residence and children’s institution. Valid for 3 days
    MHI policy
    Research results:
    Complete blood count
    Complete urinalysis
    Coprogram, examination for helminths and protozoa
    Scraping for enterobiosis
    Blood test for syphilis (for children 14 years of age and older)
    Results of a fluorographic examination for children 15 years of age and older. Valid for 1 year
    Bacteriological analysis of feces for salmonella for children under 2 years 11 months. 29 days. Valid for 2 weeks
    Test result for COVID-19 (valid for 3 days).
    Question: >>Larisa

    Good afternoon.

    How to sign up for an initial consultation with an endocrinologist Karganova I.G. and surgeon Bochagova A.M. for out-of-town patients of the Vologda region?

    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Larisa! Registration for consultations with specialist doctors is carried out by phone 8 (8202) 28-76-33.
    Question: >>Elena

    Good afternoon! Tell me, please, do you eliminate the defect of the auricle (protruding ears)? The child is 10 years old.
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Elena! The defect of the auricle (protruding ears) is not eliminated in the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2. I recommend contacting Levan Avtandilovich Eremeishvili (plastic surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon). Clinic “Constant”, Vologda, st. Karla Marksa, 7. Opening hours: Monday – Saturday 8. 00 – 20.00, Sunday 8.00 – 18.00. Contact phones: (8172) 20-90-60, (8172) 20-90-80.
    Question: >>Irina

    Hello, a 3-year-old child is indicated for adenotomy, tonsillectomy, eardrum bypass. Are these surgeries performed in a hospital? If so, are the techniques minimally invasive? Is microsurgical equipment used for control?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical unit
    Dear Irina! Currently, the listed interventions in the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 are performed under general anesthesia with video endoscopic control. These are minimally invasive surgeries. When working with the tympanic membrane, the middle ear cavity, if necessary, microsurgical equipment and instruments are used.
    Question: >>Love

    Good afternoon! Please tell the child (9years) there is a planned operation in the direction.

    Can a parent go to bed with a child for a fee? or be present on the day of the operation and during anesthesia?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Love! If there are medical indications, one of the legal representatives can be hospitalized to care for the child free of charge.
    Question: >>Tatiana

    Good afternoon! The child is allergic (birch pollen). An operation is indicated to remove the adenoids and cut the tonsils (severe snoring with pauses in breathing during sleep for a long time). 1. Is the permission of the allergist required for the operation, or is it enough that the ENT insists on the operation (according to indications)? 2. Previously, there were long queues for this operation. How is the recording going today? 3. Are these operations carried out on a paid basis out of turn? Thank you for your attention!
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Tatyana! The conclusion of all specialists at whom you are observed is necessary. The queue for an appointment for an operation to remove adenoids is organized at the polyclinic at the place of residence. You need to contact the deputy chief physician for the medical department of your clinic.
    Question: >>Anna

    Good afternoon! Please specify what form is used to provide a referral for a stationary scheduled non-surgical examination in the department of gastroenterology for a child from the Vologda region? By whom should the referral be signed (issued) (by the head doctor of the district hospital or the district pediatrician)?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Anna! For hospitalization, you must have a referral form 057 / y, signed by the local pediatrician.
    Question: >>Nina

    Hello! Today they called the doctor to the house for the child.

    We asked a pediatrician to prescribe medicines for a 1.3-year-old child for free. The doctor replied that they do not practice this. Please tell me where to go and complain about such doctors?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Nina! You need to contact the administration of the clinic at the place of residence.
    Question: >>Love

    Good afternoon! Discharged from the hospital on March 8. I understand that professionals are very busy. Where can I get at least a certificate stating that there was a hospitalization (required at an educational institution). Thank you!
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Love! A discharge summary and a certificate for an educational institution can be picked up at the information desk of the children’s hospital from 08.00 to 18.00.
    Question: >>Danil


    How can I book an operation? Was at a doctor’s appointment, he gave a phone number for an appointment, but the number is not available.

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Danil! Registration for planned surgical operations is carried out by phone 64-53-88 on Mondays and Thursdays from 13:00 to 15:00.
    Question: >>Elena

    Received with a high temperature. First into the fourth infection, then transferred to the fifth. I want to say a big thank you to the nurses of the fifth infection! Responsible and responsive girls! But in what conditions they work, it’s scary to see (the nurse herself). Schedule day after day, also with additional shifts. It shouldn’t be like this in such a tough environment. A separate question to the administration! Who came up with the idea of ​​transferring children from department to department through a dark, cold basement?! Children with pneumonia, bronchitis and fever.

    And how the sisters drag a cart with things uphill, there are simply no words. I didn’t manage to reach the head doctor, but I informed the right authority and sent photos.

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Elena! Due to the mass morbidity among employees, including coronavirus infection, the staff has to work in tense conditions. Currently, the personnel situation in the fifth infectious disease department has normalized. The scheme for routing patients through the basement when transferring from the fourth building to the main one is used to separate flows from patients with a new coronavirus infection. We apologize to you for the inconvenience caused.
    Question: >>Alexandra

    Hello, can you tell me when elective surgeries will resume in full? Recently I came with an older child, about a hernia, they were in Traumatology. This was explained by the fact that the planned department was closed for infection.

    A month later, she lies down again, with another child. If you go back to Traumatology, you won’t have enough nerves. A lot of people are crammed into the ward, there are not enough places, both big and small lie together. Why should children suffer? If the planning returns in the coming months, I’d better re-record.

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alexandra!
    Due to the worsening epidemiological situation and the increase in the number of children with a new coronavirus infection, two departments of the hospital have been repurposed to treat such patients.
    At the same time, taking into account the need of the population for the provision of planned, including surgical, medical care, we did not limit it and tried to provide planned medical care to the maximum possible number of children. Indeed, in such a situation, patients may be in somewhat cramped conditions. We ask you to treat this situation with understanding.
    Unfortunately, due to the possibility of the emergence of new strains of coronavirus and the undulating course of the pandemic, we cannot predict the timing of its end and therefore cannot tell you the exact date of cancellation of the placement of surgical patients on the territory of the orthopedic and trauma department.
    Question: >>Julia

    Hello! A day ago, the child had an operation to remove the adenoids. For family reasons, we urgently need to go home, we are from another city, but the doctor refused to discharge. Can we write a voluntary waiver of hospitalization?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Julia! The child may be discharged from the hospital under the responsibility of a legal representative. To do this, you need to issue a waiver of hospitalization.
    Question: >>Natalia

    Hello! Is it possible to do an EEG during sleep? The child is 4.5 years old. Is it on a paid basis?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Natalia! Yes, daytime video-EEG monitoring (VEM) can be performed. The EEG is recorded for 2 hours during the child’s sleep, simultaneously with video recording. Telephone department of paid services (8202) 28-13-14.
    Question: >>Alena

    Hello, are there paid rooms?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alena! A monohospital is currently open on the territory of our hospital, and paid wards are not provided.
    Question: >>Anastasia

    Hello, how can I book a child to see a neurologist? Nothing can be done on the site, and through public services, too, since it does not find a hospital. Do I need a referral from a pediatrician? We just need for a consultation. Or only for a fee? Our registration is Cherepovets
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Anastasia! To clarify the information on your appeal, please call the head physician Valentina Alexandrovna Ivanova at (8202) 28-79-61.
    Question: >>Anna

    Good day! Interested in this question. Is it possible to write a refusal of hospitalization at the age of 17 (the referral for it was issued by the pediatrician of the Children’s City Hospital No. 3), without legal representatives?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Anna! Yes, at the age of 17 you can independently write a waiver of hospitalization.
    Question: >>Maria

    Hello! How can I find out when a child is discharged from the neurology department? We have been calling for a week, the number does not answer
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical unit
    Dear Maria! The telephone numbers of the institution temporarily did not work due to the repair of the automatic telephone exchange.
    We apologize to you!
    Question: >>Natalia

    Hello! Can you do an x-ray of the hip joints? The child is 5 months old, there is a referral from an orthopedist.

    Currently, there is no specialist in the polyclinic to which we belong to decipher the image

    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Natalia! You need to contact the administration of the polyclinic at the place of residence to resolve this issue.
    Question: >>Ilmira

    Two children are admitted to the hospital at the same time (7 months and 2 years). Can both parents (mom and dad) lie with them?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Ilmira! To resolve this issue, you need to call the chief physician Ivanova Valentina Aleksandrovna at tel. 8 (8202) 28-79-61.
    Question: >>Lina

    Hello! Can you please tell me where to get a list of tests to pass them before the operation at the urologist?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Dear Lina! The list of conclusions and examinations necessary for planned surgical treatment is available on the official website of our institution (https://dgb.
    Question: >>Tatiana

    Hello! Please tell me how to get through to the head of the neurological department for older children? They said to call from 15 to 16 hours, but I have been calling for the third day everything is busy, they wanted to sign up for hospitalization
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Dear Tatyana! In the neurology department for older children, there is a very large flow of phone calls. A special time has been allocated for recording for hospitalization from 15 to 16 hours, during which there is a continuous recording. If it is impossible to get through at the specified time, you can call later, until 16.45.
    In addition, we would like to inform you that currently and until 01/21/2022, the PBX is being repaired, and some telephone numbers are temporarily out of service.
    Question: >>Julia

    Hello! For planned hospitalization in the surgical department, a smear for covid-19 should be taken only by the accompanying parent or the child too? If the parent is vaccinated, is a swab necessary?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Dear Julia! A COVID-19 test (PCR or rapid antigen test) is required for both the child and the caregiver in the hospital, regardless of vaccinations. The result is valid for 48 hours from the date of execution.
    Question: >>Alexander

    Hello, does a 12-year-old child need to go to the hospital for removal of adenoids and for how long. And one more question, is it possible to perform the operation on the same day they are found?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Sasha! You need to get a referral for planned surgical treatment at the polyclinic at the place of residence and pass the tests necessary for hospitalization (https://dgb.
    Question: >>Christina

    good afternoon. On April 27, 2020, they were discharged home against receipt. I need to somehow get an extract, but I can’t find the phone number of the ENT doctor Prytov Sergey Pavlovich. How is it possible to get an extract.
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Christina! You can get a discharge summary at the Children’s Hospital Information Center from 08.00 to 18.30 (daily), t.26-22-80.
    Question: >>Ksenia

    Hello! A neuropathologist for a 10-month-old child. Electroneuromyography (EMG) of the lower extremities was prescribed. I would like to know about the availability of such an examination in your hospital? Possibilities of paid passage. And about the day hospital, because I have an older child with a disability.

    Answer: Head physician
    Good afternoon, Xenia!
    The electroneuromyograph is currently broken beyond repair. The purchase of this equipment in 2020 is not planned.
    Question: >>Julia

    Good night! Tell me, please, where can I report a violation of quarantine by a person after returning from abroad?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Good afternoon, Julia!
    Violation of the self-isolation regime after returning from abroad can be reported to the Duty Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate:
    (8202) 57-32-50
    (8202) 57-11-68v
    Or call the hotline at the city hall of Cherepovets – 083
    Question: >>Alexandra

    Hello) Tell me please, how does the allergist E.V.

    Malysheva take it, is it paid or is it possible to get in for free? Thank you very much)

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alexandra! In connection with the high alert for coronavirus infection, all consultations with specialist doctors have been canceled.
    Question: >>Veronica

    Good afternoon, please tell me where can I find an example of a referral for planned hospitalization on the website? (we are traveling from the Nyuksensky district, the last time we were hospitalized, we were told that the direction was not drawn up correctly and we were hospitalized urgently, the receptionist refused to give us an example of the direction, they told us to search on the site, unfortunately we cannot find it).
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Veronica! A referral for planned hospitalization (with a number) must be issued by a doctor (paramedic) of the district clinic, in addition, the necessary tests must be performed. The list of examinations and conclusions is posted on the official website of our institution (
    Question: >>Svetlana

    Hello, could you tell me, please, on what days are the conversations with the doctor of the 4th department of infectious diseases? I did not find information on the site
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Svetlana! Children in the 4th infectious department are with their mothers or other legal representatives, and conversations with the attending physician take place on a daily basis. If necessary, you can call (8202) 26-71-33.
    Question: >>Olga

    Hello! Will quarantine be lifted at the hospital next week?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Dear Ekaterina! The decision to cancel restrictive measures in the Vologda Oblast aimed at preventing the spread of the influenza and SARS epidemic is made by the Government of the Vologda Oblast.
    At the moment, we have no forecasts about the date of lifting the quarantine. Follow the information on the website of the Department of Health of the Vologda Oblast and on the website of our institution.
    Question: >>Ekaterina

    Hello. Can you please tell me when the quarantine is expected to be lifted?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for anti-epidemic work
    Dear Ekaterina! The decision to cancel restrictive measures in the Vologda Oblast aimed at preventing the spread of the influenza and SARS epidemic is made by the Government of the Vologda Oblast.
    At the moment, we have no forecasts for the date of lifting the quarantine. Follow the information on the website of the Department of Health of the Vologda Oblast and on the website of our institution.
    Question: >>Anna

    Good afternoon! Please tell me if the hospital is planning to start endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux in children in the near future.

    Previously, they were sent to Vologda, now they are sent to St. Petersburg … Thank you!

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Anna! Indeed, operations for endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux have been started in our hospital. You need to make an appointment with a doctor – urologist A.A. Logval at tel. 26-22-80 (the specialist is on vacation until 03/22/2020) and coordinate this issue with him. To do this, you need to get a referral for a consultation at the clinic at the place of residence.
    Question: >>Ludmila

    Hello! Please tell me if you have an appointment with a gastroenterologist, what phone number can I make an appointment with?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Lyudmila! You need to get a referral for a consultation with a gastroenterologist at a polyclinic at the place and place of residence and make an appointment at t. 26-22-80.
    Question: >>Natalia

    Hello, could you tell me how to get an appointment with child psychologist Pichugin?
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Natalia! Free psychological assistance is provided to children who are in hospital. You can sign up for a paid consultation at t.28-14-13.
    Question: >>Oksana

    Good afternoon! Please tell me what tests you need to take for a planned operation (umbilical hernia) for a child. And me, in order to be with him in the hospital. Thank you.
    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Oksana! The list of conclusions and examinations required for planned surgical treatment is posted on the official website of the institution. (http://dgb.
    Question: >>Yuri

    Is it possible to use the services of a paid ward at the Department of Neurology and what is the price?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Yuri! Currently, unfortunately, in the context of restrictive measures for influenza and SARS, there is no way to resolve the issue of providing a paid ward.
    Question: >>Elena

    Hello! Please tell me how the doctor-traumatologist-orthopedist Egorov A.A. takes
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Elena! Traumatologist – orthopedist Egorov A.A. Accepts on Wednesdays from 13.00. Record by phone 26-22-80.
    Question: >>Ekaterina


    Information about quarantine and restriction of visits appeared in the city news. Will we get to the day hospital from February 11? Or do we have to wait until the lockdown is lifted?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Ekaterina! During the quarantine period, the day hospital has been cancelled. You need to call the head of the department.
    Question: >>Maria

    Good afternoon, do I need a certificate from a stamotologist for planned surgical treatment? And where can I find a complete list of examinations for hospitalization? Thanks
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Maria! The list of conclusions and examinations required for planned surgical treatment is posted on the official website of the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 (“what is needed for hospitalization”)
    Question: >>Alexandra

    Hello, please tell me if it is possible for you to perform an operation to remove adenoids of stage 3, a child of 9 years old.

    Are there any fees involved, and if so, what is the cost? Can a parent stay with a child? What is the procedure for registering for this operation from the Babaevsky district?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alexandra! To resolve the issue of the urgency of surgical treatment, your child needs to consult a doctor – otrhinolaryngologist G.A. Pavlova.
    You need to contact the admission and diagnostic department of the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 at 13.00 on weekdays, except 02/06/2020 and 02/07/2020.
    legal representatives.
    To carry out planned surgical treatment, you need to get a referral for hospitalization at a polyclinic at your place of residence. Operations are carried out free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
    Question: >>Paul

    Hello, I would like to make an appointment with a urologist.

    Does it require any direction? And what phone number should I call?

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Pavel! You need to get a referral for a consultation with a pediatric urologist of the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 at the clinic at the place of residence and make an appointment at tel. 26-22-80.
    Question: >>Tatiana

    Hello, tell me, the child was dehydrated a year ago, we were in your hospital, according to indications, we need to undergo a complete EEG, how to sign up? Do you need any tests? and is this service free?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Tatyana Vladimirovna! Dehydration is not an indication for an EEG. For all questions regarding the examination of your child, you need to contact the district pediatrician or head. outpatient department.
    Question: >>Alexandra


    Please tell me, my child has grade 3-4 adenoids, they said it should be removed. But I have a friend who has been in line for removal with a child for a year now (the child has already begun to have hearing problems). Why is there such a big line? Or is it better then to go and remove for a fee? Thanks)

    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alexandra! To resolve the issue of the urgency of surgical treatment, your child needs to consult a doctor – otrhinolaryngologist G.A. Pavlova.
    You need to contact the admission and diagnostic department of the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 at 13.00 on weekdays, except 02/06/2020 and 02/07/2020.
    legal representatives.
    Question: >>Ekaterina

    Hello. I would like to know the list of documents for admission to the day hospital. In the reference they answered that the information is on the site, but unfortunately I could not find it.

    Thank you

    Answer: Deputy chief physician for medical affairs
    Dear Ekaterina! The list of documents and examinations required for planned hospitalization is posted on the official website of the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2 ( “what is needed for hospitalization”).
    Question: >>Elena

    Good afternoon, how to get an appointment with a urologist Logval AA There is no pediatric urologist in the polyclinic.
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Elena! You need to get a referral for a consultation with a pediatric urologist at a polyclinic at the place of residence and make an appointment at tel. 26-22-80.
    Question: >>Alla

    Good evening! A child is 4 years old, how can we make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?
    Answer: Head physician
    Dear Alla! There is no infectious disease specialist at the Vologda Regional Children’s Hospital No. 2.

    Paid educational services

    Application for paid group download
    Curriculum for additional educational services download
    Rules for the admission and deduction of consumers POU download
    Procedure for informing the customer about the provision of POC download
    Regulations on the activities of the person responsible for the provision of POC download
    The order of actions of the contractor and the customer in case of detection by the customer of a defect or a significant defect in the software download
    Order No. 137/2 dated September 10, 2020 “On approval of the form of the contract for paid services for the 2020-2021 academic year” download
    Order No. 49/4 dated March 15, 2020 “On approval of the Regulations governing the provision of paid services for the 2020-2021 academic year” download
    Order No. 107 dated September 10, 2021 “On the organization of paid educational services” download
    Appendix to Order No. 107 dated September 10, 2021 “On the opening of a group as part of the provision of Paid additional educational services” download
    Appendix No. 6 to Order No. 107 dated 09/10/2021 – Schedule for additional paid services for the 2021/2022 academic year download
    Order No. 107/1 dated September 10, 2021 “On approval of the cost of education for paid additional educational services (programs) in the 2021-2022 academic year” download
    Order No. 137/4 dated September 10, 2020 “On approval of job descriptions for employees providing paid additional educational and related services” download
    Regulation on the provision of paid educational services download
    The procedure for organizing childcare and childcare in afterschool groups, as well as calculating the collection of fees from parents (legal representatives) for childcare and childcare in afterschool groups download
    List of paid additional educational services download
    Staffing table for paid additional educational services download
    Paid Supplementary Education Program First Grade Development School download

    If you are asked to pay for educational or other services provided by school employees, you can contact the following phone numbers and email addresses:

    (4852) 20-70-14

    director of the school Boretskaya Maya Valerievna

    (4852) 31-43-45

    “Hot line” of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region. Works around the clock in the answering machine mode .

    [email protected]

    e-mail address of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region for sending information about illegal fees

    The hotline can be used by students, their parents (legal representatives) in cases where the actions of the head and other employees of the educational organization violate their rights and legitimate interests (violation of the rules for admission to the educational organization, facts illegal collection of funds from parents, etc.)

    – Training in educational programs of primary, basic general and complete general education

    – Carrying out the state final certification

    – Providing services as part of extracurricular activities

    – Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process

    – Organizing and conducting educational events

    What to do if you decide to become a philanthropist?

    1. Decide what you decide to donate: an item or money.

    2. Contact the principal in person or call 20-70-14

    3. On your own or with the help of the school’s specialists draw up a donation agreement

    4. Make a donation.

    What happens next with the donation?

    1. Funds are transferred to the school account, the thing is at the disposal of the school administration

    2. At the pedagogical council, or at the general meeting of the school staff, in accordance with the needs of the school or the wish of the donor, the funds are directed to the needs of the educational organization. In the event that an item is donated, it is sent for use to the study room, or transferred to the administrative and economic part.
