Fun questions to ask child: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid

Опубликовано: September 9, 2023 в 6:33 am


Категории: Child

Fun Questions to Ask Kids

By: Kia Chamberscomment

Kids say the darndest things!  It’s really interesting to hear what they are thinking, especially a toddler or preschooler!  A fun way to connect with your child is by having a little Q&A questions for kids session with them.  You’ll get the best responses if you just do it randomly one day.  You can come up with your own questions or I have a few here today that you can use.  These particular questions are funny questions to ask kids about their parents.  These questions can also be used for anyone else your child may know, just switch the name.  The questions aren’t necessarily funny, but the answers are sure to be funny or cute for younger kids!

If you’d rather ask daddy than mommy, just switch out “mommy” for “daddy” of course.

1) What’s mommy’s favorite food?
2) What does mommy say the most?
3) What’s mommy’s favorite drink?
4) What’s mommy’s favorite thing to do?
5) What game does mommy like to play the most?
6) What makes mommy upset?
7) What does mommy do that makes you happy?
8) If mommy was a Disney princess, which would she be?
9) How old is mommy?
10) What food does mommy make best?
11) What’s mommy’s job?

YouTube Tag

If you’re looking for YouTube tag questions for kids, the ones above are perfect!  Here are my 4-year-old daughter’s responses to the “That’s My Mom Tag”. Record the responses and have some adorable memories to look back on for years to come!

That’s My Mom Tag! | Fun Questions to Ask Kids | Toddler Interview

We have a fun toddler interview. Joia answers questions about mom on Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day fam bam! These are such fun questions to ask kids! Want to ask your child these questions? Grab them below! We tag any mom that wants to do this tag with their kid(s)!

I had her to answer the questions a second time so I could put it on our IGTV.  The second time was even more hilarious than the first time!  Take a look.



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Our oldest daughter who is now 8 years old also did this YouTube tag for kids when she was 4 years old!  See her responses to “That’s My Dad Tag”.

That’s My Dad Tag!

Don’t forget to watch in HD* Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! Keep reading for linkage! Tag Questions: 1) Daddy’s favorite food? 2) What does daddy say the most? 3) What’s daddy’s favorite drink? 4) What’s daddy’s favorite thing to do? 5) What’s daddy’s favorite thing to do?

Aren’t both of them so cute!  Their answers are hilarious!  If you’re looking for more fun questions to ask kids, check out our Toddler Interview post.  Those questions are for your child to answer about themselves.  Make sure you check out the kids YouTube channel DoubleJAndPlay!


Do you have any fun questions to ask kids? Leave them below!


10 Top Fun Questions to ask the Kids so that they can talk

Children, by nature, are a curious lot. During their growing up days from infancy to toddlerhood, they are always on the lookout for information, and once they start talking, they become question banks of sorts. They come to you with one single question, which keeps getting extended into a question-answer session, irrespective of whether you are in the middle of something urgent or in the washroom. Most of the parents would have handled these little question banks at one time or another, wouldn’t they? Then you must be wondering why there is a need for parents to ask questions to kids. Or you might be like me, who wants to understand what’s going on in our child’s mind and hence find out different fun questions to ask the kids. Whatever may be the case, this blog discusses the importance of questions and kids.

Why should we ask questions to kids?

Before I give my arguments as to why we should ask questions to kids, let me ask you two questions.

Have you ever donned the role of an investigator in your kid’s life?

Did you ever wonder what’s going on in the little brain (or even the big brain of your teenager) of your kids?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then I don’t have to talk about the importance of asking questions to kids. But for others, here is my argument, which I strongly believe:

  1. Asking questions right from an early age develops decision-making capabilities in kids

2. It will help the parents to forage a strong bond with the kids

3. It will also help the parents to understand their kid’s emotions and thoughts better

4. It will help the kids to develop the most important traits like empathy, kindness, mindfulness, etc.

5. It will also help to develop the kid’s curiosity and creativity, especially with open-ended questions.

Different types of questions to ask the Kids:

Now you understand the importance of asking questions to kids, here are a few different types of fun questions to ask the Kids.

  1. Funny questions:

First, here are a few sample fun questions to ask kids, that can act as conversation starters and make even the reserved or shy kid open up.

# What is the funniest sound you heard to date?

# Do you want to become an ant or a big lion for a day?

# If you find a genie, who can give you only one wish, what would you really wish for?

# If you want to be at some other place right now, where would that place be?

2. Social or Get-to-Know Questions:

# What is your favorite color?

# What is your favorite book?

# Who is your best friend?

# Which teacher do you love most in the school?

# What is your favorite food?

3. Would you rather type of question?

We can start asking these questions from a very tender age itself, as it will make the kid choose and decide. With a little creativity and quick thinking, we can use these questions so that kids can do what we want them to without undergoing any power struggle and making the kids feel that it’s their choice.

# Would you rather swing or slide?

# Would you like to take a bath now or later?

# Would you rather sit inside the house without playing or enjoy the weather outside?

# Would you rather read a book or go for a walk?

4. Questions about School:

Once the kids start going to school, then we need to understand how their day was in school, and few kids wouldn’t want to discuss anything about the school immediately. So here are a few sample questions to ask them so that the kids can get talking.

# Who made you smile today in school?

# What made you happy in school today?

# Which story or funny incident the teacher narrated to you today?

# With whom you shared your snacks today?

5. Open-ended questions:

Open-ended questions will make the kid think and develop his logical thinking capabilities. These questions would lead to more questions as there is nothing right or wrong, but we get to learn about our kids, and they get to think about many things.

# Why did you choose to read this book?

# What makes you laugh and feel happy?

# Are there other ways to solve this problem?

# What can we do differently next time?

The same open-ended questions can be used to teach the value of family and inculcate other important emotional characteristics in the kids like:

6. Value of Family relationships:

# What is your favorite family tradition?

# What do you like the most about our family?

# What can we do as a family?

# What do you want to change in our family rules or traditions?

7. Empathy:

# Did you get teased at any time in the school?

# Did you stand up and support the kids who got teased in school?

# Are you been kind to someone today?

# What do you think if someone has helped you?

8. Confidence:

# What do you think you are good at?

# What do you have to do to improve your skills in that area?

# How can you help others or change the world today?

9. Gratitude:

# Are you grateful for something today?

# What are the things that you can give to others so that you can see the joy in them?

# What are the things that are not necessary for you, but still you have them?

# What are things that you have that others don’t have at this moment?

10. Mental Strength:

# What are the things that you are really uncomfortable with?

# How do you want to face your fears?

# What do you do when someone criticizes you?

Though this post lists so many different types of fun questions to ask kids, not all the kids would be enthused to answer the questions at the start. It takes consistent time and effort from the parent’s side to make the kid understand that the parents are willing to spend time with them without any deviations. Also, they need to understand that we are trying to spend our quality time with them and not interrogating them. Only then would they start opening up.

An easy tip to get the kids to start talking is while going on long drives. The kids know we are concentrating on driving and wouldn’t react too much, even if they say something outright. That’s when most of the kids do the talking.

Suhasini, IP, is the Author of the book “Practical Tips for Kids Mental Health.” As a certified kids and parents life coach, she helps/guides you toward a happy family life for your kids. She firmly believes, “Emotionally Happy Kids of today are the Mentally Strong and Happy Citizens of tomorrow.” Let’s make the world a happy and beautiful place for our kids to thrive.

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How to talk a child? 63 funny questions

How can we support our children in their curiosity and motivate them to keep asking questions? The answer is simple: we should also ask children questions. It has long been proven that children adopt the phrases and behaviors of their parents. In addition, by asking questions, you show the child how a good question should sound.

When asking your child questions, do not limit yourself to the standard: “How was your day?” Consider interesting questions that will help to talk the child.

Questions for young children

1. If your teddy bear could talk, what would it say?

2. How do you feel when I hug you?

3. If you could draw your thoughts and feelings, what would you draw right now?

4. What do you think you will dream about tonight?

5. What sounds do you like?

6. If you could spend a whole day outside, what would you do?

7. What can be used to build the strongest tower?

8. Do you think animals talk to each other?

9. Describe the best day of your life. What are you going to do? What needs to happen to make this day special?

10. What is the best animal to ride?

11. Do you like it when other people share things with you? Why?

12. Who is your favorite fairy-tale character?

13. What will you do if you want to do something on your own, but you need adult help?

14. If each family member had a different name, what would you call them?

15. What can make you happy?

16. If you could do anything right now, what would you do?

17. If you had your own dragon, what would you name it?

18. What would you like to do with your family?

Questions for preschoolers

1. Have you ever thought about calling colors differently?

2. What is the funniest character in a book or cartoon?

3. If you had your own store, what would you sell?

4. If you were a superhero, what would your name be and what would your superpower be?

5. If you could grow any plant in your yard, what would you grow?

6. What do you like to share with people?

7. What made you smile or laugh today?

8. Imagine yourself as a chef. Tell me about your restaurant. What kind of food does it serve?

9. Where would you like to visit? How would you get there?

10. If you could ask an animal any question, what would it be?

11. What do you think is the best thing in nature?

12. If you were a photographer for one day, what would you photograph?

13. What makes you anxious?

14. Do you have any ideas for inventions?

15. Would you be interested in learning a foreign language?

16. If you could come up with a new holiday, what would it be?

17. What is the most unusual thing you have eaten in your life?

18. Come up with three new traditions for the whole world (or for aliens from another planet).

19. What rule would you set in your house?

20. What makes some people smart?

Questions for school children

1. What do you like to dream about?

2. Tell me something about yourself that I don’t know.

3. What do your friends like to do?

4. What memory makes you happy?

5. What do you expect from a new day when you wake up in the morning?

6. What is the first thing you do when you go to the beach?

7. What makes you feel brave?

8. How do you know that you are loved?

9. How do you show concern for people?

10. If you could donate 100 UAH to charity, what exactly would you donate it to?

11. If you could build any hut, how would you design it?

12. If you could write a book, what would it be about?

13. If you could come up with a new design for clothes, what would they look like?

14. What is your favorite way to help others?

15. What makes you feel grateful?

16. If you were to build a dugout in the forest, how would you equip it?

17. What makes you feel tense?

18. What character would you like to play in a play?

19. What makes your friends cool?

20. What makes you cool?

21. What are three things you want to do this summer?

22. If you had friends all over the world, how would you communicate with them?

23. If you were performing in a circus, what would your number be?

24. If you were a teacher, what would you like to teach your students?

25. If your friend asked you to keep a secret and you felt uncomfortable doing so, what would you do?

Don’t worry if your child doesn’t rush to answer your questions right away. Do not force him to answer and do not rush to move on to a new question. Allowing your child to take their time will show that you are genuinely interested in their answers, rather than automatically asking.

30 funniest questions you can ask your child coming home from school usually leave your child completely indifferent.

But since you really want to know about his life outside the home, you can try to get him to talk with the following out-of-the-ordinary questions. We bring them to help all parents of schoolchildren, and at the end – instructions for use.

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1. If you could start the day over from the beginning, what would you do?

2. What would you like to forget about today?

3. If you had a camera with you, what picture would you take at school today?

4. What book is your desk mate reading now?

5. Which of your classmates would you like to become friends with?

6. Does anyone in the class have parents who work in another city? What can be done to help such a family?

7. What books are currently displayed in the book review in the school library?

8. Who suggested the most interesting game during recess?

9. Who is the best artist in your class and what interesting thing did he draw recently?

10. Who made you laugh in class today? How?

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11. Who in class made you sad today? Why?

12. Did anyone sit alone at dinner today in the canteen? What can you do if this happens again tomorrow?

13. Did anyone play alone at recess today? What can you do if this happens again tomorrow?

14. If your teacher had a large sum of money to improve the classroom, what do you think she would spend it on?

15. What kind of pet would you have in your class if it was allowed?

16. Who in your class would make the best teacher?

17. Who in your class would make the worst teacher?

18. If you had to teach a lesson tomorrow, who would you take to help?

19. What other profession did or did not suit your teacher at all?

20. What rule did you almost break today? Why didn’t you break it?

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21. What rule do you think the teacher should add? Which one to cancel?

22. What is missing in your school playground?

23. Which adult student made you laugh at school today, and what exactly did he say?

24. Did you hear a good joke today? Tell it to me.

25. What did your teacher do on weekends? Do not you know? Ask her about it next Monday.

26. What did you learn today that you can ask Google about?

27. What would you like to know but didn’t know today?

28. If you could teach tomorrow, what subject would you teach all day?

29. Tell me about your plans for tomorrow that might make someone else happy.

30. What would you like to do at school tomorrow?

It will be interesting if you write these or other questions on cards that you put in a large bowl.