Child care in alexandria va: THE Top 10 Daycares in Alexandria, VA | Affordable Prices

Опубликовано: August 10, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Child

The Struggle is Real: Alexandria Daycare Costs are Among the Highest

It’s not an exaggeration when parents in Alexandria say they’re paying “more than the mortgage” for childcare every month. 

The average price of a home in greater Alexandria is $582,000 — more if you want to live in certain areas like Old Town, Fort Hunt or Mount Vernon. The average monthly mortgage in this area tops $2,560 per month, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. 

“I have friends who pay around $700 per week per child,” says Ashley Burris, a mother of two. “Especially in Old Town, it’s around $2,600 per month. And it’s even more during the summer when we pay extra summer activity fees.” 

The Washington, DC metro area has the highest child care costs in the nation, according to Child Care Aware, a nonprofit that serves as an information clearinghouse for parents and caregivers. 

The average cost for infant care at a daycare center in the region is $1,885 per month. Families who also have a child in pre-school can pay an additional $1,485 per month. The cost of infant and child care in a “family” setting (in someone’s home) can be less expensive — but often not by much. 

Of course, the cost of a family’s child care can vary widely depending on what type of care they family chooses, the hours, location and other factors. 

Earlier this year, SmartAsset reported that Alexandria had the fourth-highest median earnings for women in the country at nearly $67,000, tied with San Francisco. Even in dual-income households, paying the equivalent of a second mortgage for childcare is a significant cost. 

Burris, who works as an analyst for the Department of Commerce in Reston, and her husband, who consults for the Department of Defense in Arlington, originally paid to have a full-time au pair for their 4-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son because they had trouble finding any child care centers with openings for both their children. 

Though most people think having an au pair sounds expensive, Burris says once the bigger up-front costs were out of the way, her regular stipend was actually cheaper than paying to send their children to full-time day care.  

The J-1 Visa for their au pair’s first year with them was $8,500, she explains. The second year she was with them was only $5,000 since she was staying with the same family. The au pair lived with them in a bedroom in their home, and the Burrises paid for her to have a car to get around and a phone to stay in touch. 

After those costs, her regular stipend was $200 per week, she says. 

“If you do the math, it averaged only $350 to $400 a week for the year to have full-time, in-home care,” she says, after the visa costs. “We were really blessed to have that experience.” 

Unfortunately, after 16 months, their au pair decided to move to another state, leaving the Burris family less than two weeks to find full-time child care for their two young children. 

This time, they opted for a full-time child care center that would be reliable year-round — which proved easier said than done. 

“Most places had a waiting list of at least a year,” she said. “And, at first, the costs made me sick to my stomach. ” 

When they finally found a place that was affordable — around $2,160 a month for the two children — there was only an opening for their daughter, and not their son, since the center only took children 2 years and older, and their son was 16 months old at the time. 

They finally found another center owned by the same company that would take their son, but that means Burris and her husband currently do two different morning drop-offs and evening pick-ups, in addition to their commutes to Reston and Arlington for work. 

After all that, they still hope to have more children–and with their daughter starting elementary school soon, that would mean three different drop-offs with a new baby and, of course, more money for child care. 

“It might be hard, and the cost might be crazy, but it’s what we want to do, and it’s the life we want to have, so we decided, we’re going to make it happen,” Burris says. 

Some parents might think the costs go down once the children are in school full-time, but the Bevins family says they also pay around $2,000 per month, even though one of their two children is in elementary school most of the day.  

Their daughter goes to SACC, or School- Aged Child Care, on site at her school before and after school. 

“SACC for her is around $600 per month during the school year,” says mom Erika Bevins, who works for the Department of the Treasury in D.C. full-time. “And then full-time child care for our youngest, our son, is around $1,500 per month.”

That doesn’t even include summer camps and extra-curricular activities for her daughter, who loves to take dance and gymnastics, she says. 

The family trip to Disney World, or even having much of a savings at all, have been on the backburner for years, and are likely to stay there for several more, she says. 

“Once a year we get to go to Delaware to the beach for two weeks, mainly because we have family friends with a house there that will rent it to us for only $100 a night. But we don’t get to do as much as we like,” Bevins says. “We’ve never taken the kids to Disney World. I’ve never gotten to take my kids on a European vacation or an island destination or Disney World, because you’re talking $7,000 to $10,000, and that’s just not doable. ” 

Lack of savings aside, life for the Bevinses can be a little chaotic between the various schedules and commutes as well. 

Erika’s husband is active duty Air Force. When he’s not deployed, Erika says he has a truly horrible commute back and forth to Fort Meade in Baltimore during the week, forcing him to be out the door by 5 each morning. The drive home is even worse and can take nearly two hours most days, meaning Erika does the morning drop-off and evening pick-up routines all by herself the majority of the time. 

The chaos and finances have led Erika to consider staying home with the children, but living on her husband’s income alone would be even tougher. Plus, Erika loves her job. 

“We decided that we knew it would be tight for several years, but me staying in the workforce outweighed the benefits of me staying home,” she says. “Plus, I have a really great job. If I didn’t, it would be a different story.” 

The Judy Family 

Military families are fortunate to receive assistance from the government to help cover the cost of child care for families in which both spouses work full-time.  

However, as the Judy family will tell you, that doesn’t always go far, especially when it comes to the Northern Virginia/ D.C. area, which has one of the highest costs of living in the country. 

Melissa Judy is the mother of a 4 ½-year-old daughter, and her husband, whom she is separated from, is an active-duty Army officer currently stationed at Fort Belvoir. Melissa works full-time in the Alumni Relations Office at George Mason University in Fairfax. They live in the Kingstowne neighborhood. 

Melissa said the Army currently deposits $850 per month directly into the family’s account at the full-time day care center their daughter attends in Kingstowne, but the full cost is around $1,400 per month for their one child. 

Melissa said she realizes they are fortunate to get more than half of their monthly childcare bill covered by the Army, but in order to receive that, they are severely limited in the centers that are approved–and with such a large population of military families in the area competing for a spot in an approved center, it can be difficult, to say the least.  

“There’s often a waitlist for approved centers,” she said. 

Melissa said the waitlist at the center that was their first choice for their daughter was more than a year long- -and once they finally got to the top of the list and got a call to enroll her, the Army had suddenly taken it off the “Approved” list. 

“There are on-post child care centers at most stations, like Belvoir, but the waiting lists are always extremely long,” she said. “If there’s a spot on-post, you have to take it, but if they are full, you can usually get fee assistance to use off-site care like we do.” 

She explains that many of her friends opt for in-home child care providers, but in the past, they have proved unreliable. 

“If a home-based caregiver is ill or needs to take leave for a while, we’re left without care. We’re stuck,” she said. “We didn’t want to deal with that either. At child care centers, they are fully staffed and employees can cover for each other.”

If they had more than one child, she said their situation — even if they weren’t separated — would be impossible.  

“There would be no way we could afford it, even with fee assistance. There would be no way,” she said emphatically. “At that point it would just be cheaper if I stayed home.” 

As for other military families, in this area or elsewhere, Melissa highly recommends reaching out to the National Military Family Association, where she previously worked helping military families find the assistance and resources they need, such as the child care assistance funding they use. 

“[They] work hard to educate military families, so I’m always trying to let people know there is this wonderful resource out there.” 

The Irwin Family 

In addition to the high cost of childcare, for some families the chaotic commutes and pick-up/ drop-off scrambles take a toll on family life. 

Purvi Irwin and her husband are parents of 2-year-old twins and a rising third-grader. Before having three children, Purvi worked for more than a decade as an architect. Post-children, she opted to transition to consulting rather than leave her career.  

“I put a lot into my education and career,” Purvi said. “When the kids were born I realized I could either be stressed out at work, or stressed out at home. Being stressed out at home didn’t seem like an option for me. I like my career.” 

With her consulting job, Purvi negotiated an agreement that no more than 10 to 15 percent of her time would be spent traveling, substantially reducing the amount she was traveling before as an architect, visiting clients around the country. 

Purvi’s husband is a government contractor, meaning they both have full-time work schedules, and therefore the role of “dropper-off” and “picker-upper” varies from day to day depending on how crazy both of their schedules are and who needs to be in the office earlier. 

“Typically my husband gets up first at around 5:20 a.m. and then makes the coffee while I get the twins dressed and then send them downstairs to him so he can feed them breakfast while I get myself ready,” Purvi explains. “Then, depending on how both of our days are looking, we decide who will do the two drop-offs. ” 

Their older daughter, who is in elementary school, can’t get to school any earlier than 7:30, so Purvi said they all usually try to leave the house by 7 or 7:15 a.m. and go to drop the twins off at their daycare center first, then drop off their daughter at 7:30 to eat breakfast in the cafeteria at school before the first bell rings at 8 a.m.

“Some days one of us will do both drop-offs and pickups, and some days we split it, it just depends,” she adds. The same goes for evening pick-ups. 

Sometimes it takes a few tries to find the right after-school program for elementary school children. After looking at their options, they decided to send their daughter to the Boys and Girls Club right across the street from their school. “She likes it at the Boys and Girls Club, they have other activities like dance, art club, field trips and so on. She can walk there right from school, and they are open until 7 p.m. Sometimes she will stay late because she likes to do art club, and sometimes we pick her up earlier. ” 

Purvi said she and her husband realize such a busy schedule can have an impact on the children — especially the young twins. 

“I think it definitely impacts them; I definitely think that it’s hard for them sometimes. Like the fact that most days, we barely get home just in time for dinner and bed,” she said. “And being kind of rushed in the morning, they can feel it. Some days they’re happy to have us leave [them at daycare], sometimes they get upset and it takes us longer to get out of there.” 

“Especially with our 2-year-old twins, some days are smooth and happy, and other days are full of temper tantrums. But we try hard to do something special with them every day at least a little bit, like sit with them and read a book or play a game with them at night, and make sure they get Mommy and Daddy time.” 

“Mommy and Daddy time” includes taking as many little family trips as possible, like the five-day camping trip they just took recently, as well as lots of playing on the weekends or going to family festivals or to see the local 4th of July fireworks.  

As for costs, Purvi said they are fortunate that they can afford the roughly $36,000 per year they pay for the twins’ full-time daycare as well as the donation they make each year to the Boys and Girls Club, which only requires a small registration fee each year and is otherwise free. However, it does mean some things take longer to save up for, such as the addition they are finally about to put on their house. 

“That’s something we’ve been saving up for, for quite a while,” she said. 

This piece originally appeared in the September/October 2018 print edition of Alexandria Living Magazine. Subscribe here.

Childcare Centers in Alexandria, VA

There are 120 daycare centers in Alexandria, Virginia. If you need more day cares you can also use find daycare centers near me.

Alexandria KinderCare 4616 Minor Ln, Alexandria, VA 22312 Preschool
Buckman Road KinderCare 4287 Buckman Rd, Alexandria, VA 22309 Preschool
Childtime of Alexandria 2272 Huntington Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22303 Preschool
Fordson Road KinderCare 7901 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306 Preschool
Franconia KinderCare 6323 Grovedale Dr, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Franconia Road KinderCare 6123 Gum St, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Kingstowne KinderCare 6301 Kingstowne Commons Dr, Alexandria, VA 22315 Preschool
La Petite Academy of Alexandria 6175 Charles Arrington Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Telegraph Road KinderCare 7136 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315 Preschool
ALIVE! Child Development 2723 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302 Preschool
Abracadabra Child Care & Developement center 6 West Masonic View, Alexandria, VA 22301 Preschool
Aldersgate Day School 1301 Collingswood Road, Alexandria, VA 22308 Preschool
Alexandria Country Day School 2400 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22301 Center
American Day School # 1 917 Princess Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
American Day School #2 501 N. Henry Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Center
Aquinas Montessori School 8334 Mt. Vernon Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309 Preschool
Beacon Hill Academy 2704 Beacon Hill Road, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
Beth El Hebrew Congregation Preschool 3830 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22304 Center
Blue Bird of Alexandria 346 Commerce Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Brentwood Academy 3725 Nalls Road, Alexandria, VA 22309 Preschool
Bright Start Learning Center 4920 Brenman Park Drive, Alexandria, VA 22304 Center
Bright Start Preschool 4915 Brenman Park Drive, Alexandria, VA 22304 Preschool
Browne Academy 5909 , 5917 and 5923 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Burgundy Farm Country Day School 3700 Burgundy Road, Alexandria, VA 22303 Preschool
Butterfly House Virginia Theological Seminary, 3737 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22304 Preschool
Cameron UMC Pre-School 3130 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Campagna Center – Cora Kelly 3600 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Preschool
Campagna Center – St. Paul’s Head Start 228 South Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Campagna Center Jefferson Houston Head Start Program 1501 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Campagna Center John Adams Head Start 5651 Rayburn Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22311 Preschool
Campagna Center NOVA Head Start Program NVCC – T105, 3001 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311 Preschool
Campagna Center Samuel Tucker Kids Program 435 Ferdinand Day Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302 Center
Campagna Kids – Douglas MacArthur EDC 1101 Janneys Lane, Alexandria, VA 22302 Center
Campagna Kids – George Mason Head Start 2601 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, VA 22302 Center
Campagna Kids – James Polk EDC 5000 Polk Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314 Center
Campagna Kids – Lyles Crouch EDC 1501 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Center
Campagna Kids – Maury EDC 600 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305 Center
Campagna Kids – Mt. Vernon Campagna Head Start & Campagna Kids Program 2601 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Center
Campagna Kids – Patrick Henry 4643 Taney Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304 Center
Campagna Kids – William Ramsay EDC 5700 Sanger Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22311 Center
Campagna Tiny Titans Child Development Center 3330 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302 Preschool
Capital Kids Preschool & Learning Center 8758 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309 Preschool
Chesterbrook Academy #807 6200 Interparcel Road, Alexandria, VA 22315 Preschool
Child & Family Network Centers – Birchmere 3701-A Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Preschool
Child & Family Network Centers – Cora Kelly P/S 25 West Reed Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305 Preschool
Child and Family Network Centers – Wythe Street 901 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Child’s Place at Hollin Hall 1500 Shenandoah Road, Alexandria, VA 22308 Preschool
Children’s International – Alexandria 25 South Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Creative Learning School 8331 Washington Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
Creative Play School I 845 N. Howard Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 Preschool
Creative Play School II 100 E. Windsor Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301 Preschool
Creative World Learning Centre – Landmark 241 South Reynolds Street, Alexandria, VA 22304 Preschool
Daystar Children’s Center 6409 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Fairlington Preschool 3900 King Street, Fairlington UMC, Alexandria, VA 22302 Preschool
Fort Hunt Preschool 1909 Windmill Lane, Alexandria, VA 22307 Preschool
Frog Pond Early Learning Center 7204 Harrison Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306 Preschool
Grace Episcopal School Preschool 3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, VA 22305 Preschool
Great Beginnings Early Learning Center 618 N. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Greater Mt. Vernon Community Head Start – Gum Springs Glen 7839 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
Gum Springs Head Start Children’s Center 8100 Fordson Road, Alexandria, VA 22306 Preschool
Happy Home Child Learning Center 5001 Seminary Road, Suite 109, Alexandria, VA 22311 Preschool
Happy Home Child Learning Center II 5001 Seminary Rd., Suite 109, Alexandria, VA 22311 Preschool
Helen Day Preschool Academy 1224 Princess Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
INOVA Mount Vernon Hospital Child Care Center 2501 Parkers Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
Innovation Station Child Development Center 500 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
James L. and Juliette McNeil Preschool Academy 8543 Forest Place, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
Lee District RECenter Preschool 6601 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Lincolnia Academy of Early Learning 4905 Lincoln Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22312 Center
Little Acorn Patch at Kingstowne 5801 Castlewellan Drive, Alexandria, VA 22315 Preschool
Little River Day School 6481 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria, VA 22312 Preschool
Montessori School of Alexandria 6300 Florence Lane, Alexandria, VA 22310 Preschool
Mt. Vernon Lee Day Care Center 3434 Campbell Drive, Alexandria, VA 22303 Center
Northern Virginia Academy of Early Learning – Landsdowne 6414 Landsdowne Center, Alexandria, VA 22315 Preschool
Northern Virginia Academy of Early Learning – Lincolnia Campus 6396 Lincolnia Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Preschool
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Belle View 6701 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA 22307 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Bren Mar Park 6344 Beryl Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Bucknell 6925 University Drive, Alexandria, VA 22307 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Bush Hill 5927 Westchester Street, Alexandria, VA 22310 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Cameron 3434 Campbell Drive, Alexandria, VA 22303 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Clermont 5720 Clermont Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Franconia 6043 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Groveton 6900 Harrison Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Hollin Meadows 2310 Nordok Place, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Hybla Valley 3415 Lockheed Boulevard, Alexandria, VA 22306 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Island Creek 7855 Morning View Lane, Alexandria, VA 22315 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Lane 7137 Beulah Street, Alexandria, VA 22315 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Mount Eagle 6116 North Kings Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Mount Vernon Woods 4015 Fielding Street, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Parklawn 4116 Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Riverside 8410 Old Mt. Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Rose Hill 6301 Rose Hill Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Stratford Landing 8484 Riverside Road, Alexandria, VA 22308 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Washington Mill 9100 Cherry Tree Drive, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Waynewood 1205 Waynewood Boulevard, Alexandria, VA 22308 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Weyanoke 6520 Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Woodlawn 8505 Highland Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
OFC School Age Child Care Program – Woodley Hills 8718 Old Mt. Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309 Center
Old Town Montessori School 115 South Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preschool
Queen of Apostles EDC Center 4409 Sano Street, Alexandria, VA 22312 Center
Resurrection Children’s Center 2280 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311 Preschool

Alexandria, VA (Childcare & Programs)

There are 211 Daycares in Alexandria, Virginia, serving a population of 154,710 people in an area of 16 square miles. There is 1 Daycare per 733 people, and 1 Daycare per square mile.

In Virginia, Alexandria is ranked 286th of 1092 cities in Daycares per capita, and 114th of 1092 cities in Daycares per square mile.

List of Alexandria Daycares

Find Alexandria, Virginia daycares and preschools.

A Child’s Place At Hollin Hall

1500 Shenandoah Road


Abracadabra Child Care & Developement Center

6 West Masonic View Avenue


Agudas Achim Congregation Of No. Va.

2908 Valley Drive


Aldersgate Day School

1301 Collingwood Road


Alexandria Academy Of Fine Arts And Science

425 South Washington Street


Alive! Child Development Center

2723 King Street


American Day School #1

917 Princess Street


American Day School #2

501 North Henry Street


American Day School #3

1108 Oronoco Street


Aquinas Montessori School

8334 Mount Vernon Highway


Baroody Camps At Grace Episcopal School

3601 Russell Road


Beacon Hill Academy

2704 Beacon Hill Road


Bethany Lutheran Church

2501 Beacon Hill Road


Beverley Hills United Methodist Church

3512 Old Dominion Boulevard


Blessed Sacrament School – Extended Day Program

1417 West Braddock Road


Blue Bird Of Alexandria

346 Commerce Street


Blue Bird Of Alexandria Ii

1412 Duke Street


Braddock Baptist Church

6519 Braddock Road


Brentwood Academy

3725 Nalls Road


Bright Horizons At Inova Mount Vernon

2501 Parkers Lane


Bright Horizons At Old Town Alexandria

411 John Carlyle Street


Bright Mind Preschool

322 North Alfred Street


Bright Start Learning Center & Preschool

4920 Brenman Park Drive


Bright Start Preschool I

4910 Brenman Park Drive


Bright Start Preschool Ii

4915 Brenman Park Drive


Bright Start Preschool Iii

4901 Brenman Park Drive


Browne Academy

5917 Telegraph Road


Burgundy Farm Country Day School

3700 Burgundy Road


Bush Hill Presbyterian Church-Bush Hill Presbyterian Day

4916 Franconia Road


Butterfly House

3737 Seminary Road


Calvary Road Baptist Church

6811 Beulah Street


Cameron Umc Pre-School

3130 Franconia Road


Campagna Center – St. James

5140 Fillmore Avenue


Campagna Center-Alex H/S – Eh/S G Washington

1005 Mount Vernon Avenue


Campagna Center-Alex H/S Jefferson Houston

1501 Cameron Street


Campagna Center-Alex H/S Mt Vernon

2601 Commonwealth Avenue


Campagna Center-Alex H/S Nvcc

3001 North Beauregard Street


Campagna Center-Samuel Tucker- Head Start & Kids Programs

435 Ferdinand Day Drive


Campagna Ctr – Alex.Head Start-Cora Kelly

3600 Commonwealth Avenue


Campagna Ctr – Alex.Head Start-George Washington

1005 Mount Vernon Avenue


Campagna Ctr – Alex.Head Start-Patrick Henry

4643 Taney Avenue


Campagna Ctr – Alex. Head Start-St. Paul’s

228 South Pitt Street


Campagna Ctr – Alexandria Head Start – Fumc

3900 King Street


Campagna Ctr – Alexandria Head Start – Jefferson Houston

1501 Cameron Street


Campagna Ctr-Alexandria Head Start / Jackson Crossing

120 East Reed Avenue


Campagna Kids – Douglas Macarthur

1101 Janneys Lane


Campagna Kids – George Mason

2601 Cameron Mills Road


Campagna Kids – Maury

600 Russell Road


Campagna Kids – Mount Vernon

2601 Commonwealth Avenue


Campagna Kids – William Ramsay

5700 Sanger Avenue


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Caring Star 2015

Braddock Glen

Provides: Adult Day Care

4027 Olley Lane, Fairfax, VA 22032

“This program should be considered a national leader of its type. The staff at Braddock Glen are exceptional. My mother with dementia has been going there for 2.5 years. I love taking her in the…” More

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Ends in 96 days

“This program should be considered a national leader of its type. The staff at Braddock Glen are exceptional. My mother with dementia has been going there for 2. 5 years. I love taking her in the…” More

Please ask about our special incentives!

Ends in 96 days

Iona Senior Services – Adult Day Heal…

Provides: Adult Day Care

4125 Albemarle Street Northwest, Washington, DC…

“Iona House is an extraordinary facility that provides a full range of adult day care services as well as delivered meals and health and wellness services. The staff is warm and welcoming and there…” More

“Iona House is an extraordinary facility that provides a full range of adult day care services as well as delivered meals and health and wellness services. The staff is warm and welcoming and there…” More

Crescent Ridge Adult Day Care

Provides: Adult Day Care

7001 Oxon Hill Road, Oxon Hill, MD 20745

“My mother was going to Crescent Ridge Adult Day Care at one time before her dementia got bad. I saw it maybe two years ago. It’s a very active facility. They had a little dog staying there, and. ..” More

“My mother was going to Crescent Ridge Adult Day Care at one time before her dementia got bad. I saw it maybe two years ago. It’s a very active facility. They had a little dog staying there, and…” More

Greenleaf Senior Center

Provides: Adult Day Care

1200 Delaware Avenue Southwest, Washington, DC …

“This is senior housing, subsidized for those who qualify. It’s a massive place that takes up several blocks””in a gorgeous location, just behind the Potomac River. It is close to the new baseball…” More

“This is senior housing, subsidized for those who qualify. It’s a massive place that takes up several blocks””in a gorgeous location, just behind the Potomac River. It is close to the new baseball…” More

Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Day Care…

Provides: Adult Day Care

926 11th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001

“Easing the work of caregivers by providing care to clients during the day, the Center’s services also mean that seniors can remain in their own homes. Seniors spend their days meaningfully…” More

“Easing the work of caregivers by providing care to clients during the day, the Center’s services also mean that seniors can remain in their own homes. Seniors spend their days meaningfully…” More

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    School: 571-206-1687
    Admissions: 703-884-0226
    Email: [email protected]

    Monday-Friday | 7:00 am – 6:00 pm

    Programs For:

    Toddler (16 months to 3 years)

    Children’s House (3 years to 6 years)

    Elementary (6 years to 12 years)

    Spanish Immersion Offered

    Tours and Events

    Guidepost Montessori in West Alex is one of the most trusted Montessori schools in Alexandria, Virginia. Indoors, rooms are spacious, bright, and light-filled, creating a warm and calm space for children to work. Our school is a growing community conveniently located between King Street and Walter Reed Drive in the new West Alex Shopping Plaza.

    Explore Our Programs

    What are the Montessori equivalent names for preschool and kindergarten? The preschool years correspond to our Toddler program, and the kindergarten years correspond to our Children’s House program. Click each image below to read a program overview and discover what your child will learn when they join our school.


    For children ages 16 months to 3 years old (age varies according to location)

    Children’s House

    For children ages 2 to 6 years old


    For children ages 6 to 12 years old

    Spanish Immersion

    For children ages 16 months to 6 years old, at select Guidepost locations

    Guidepost at Home

    For children ages 0 to 12 years old

    Hear what parents have to say about Guidepost Montessori

    Changing the world, one student at a time

    We are a school where children find the joy in learning — and thus make it possible for them to continue learning for the rest of their lives.

    To think mathematically.
    To solve problems.
    To create things.
    To encounter great literature that inspires their character development.
    To build themselves as capable, efficacious beings.
    To place themselves in history and in society.
    To spark meaningful friendships and deep personal values that last a lifetime.

    Our goal at Guidepost Montessori is to serve each individual child, to help them realize their limitless potential, and the opportunities they will have to create real and lasting change throughout their lifetime.

    Hear from our West Alex Families

    Enrolling our daughter at Guidepost has been THE BEST decision we have made. We were nervous because she is so young and due to COVID, hadn’t been around many other children or have any experience in a school environment but the administrators and guides at Guidepost were welcoming, patient, helpful and kind. After only 3 weeks, our daughter LOVES school and can’t wait to go each morning. And we see her developing new skills in front of our eyes. We could not be happier with our experience at Guidepost!

    “Guidepost has been a perfect fit”

    Guidepost has been a perfect fit for our pre-schooler! The staff at Guidepost are truly amazing. The guides are compassionate, understanding, and informative. I love the app they use to provide daily updates about what my little one is learning. Since enrolling at Guidepost, my daughter’s independence has increased, she’s learned skills to more effectively express her emotions when she’s upset, and she has learned so many things! Each day on our drive home she tells me about her daily artwork, the fun playground, and the new lessons she learned. Aside from the education component, the community is phenomenal. The school has hosted multiple virtual events, including pumpkin painting and hot cocoa in October and a book fair!

    “The best decision we have made”

    Enrolling our daughter at Guidepost has been THE BEST decision we have made. We were nervous because she is so young and due to COVID, hadn’t been around many other children or had any experience in a school environment but the administrators and guides at Guidepost were welcoming, patient, helpful and kind. After only 3 weeks, our daughter LOVES school and can’t wait to go each morning. And we see her developing new skills in front of our eyes. We could not be happier with our experience at Guidepost!

    Start your journey with us

    Book a Tour

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    Enrollment Guide

    Read about our programs

    Contact Admissions

    Get Started

    Look Inside Our Classrooms

    Interactive Tour

    Meet our School Team

    Interim Head of School

    Mary Akatu-Speakman

    Toddler 2 Lead Guide

    Jade Lomax

    Assistant Head of School

    Gracie Virgil

    Language Immersion Options

    Children under the age of six absorb language effortlessly, which is why we are pleased to offer bilingual environments. In our Spanish Immersion program, children learn both Spanish and English literacy skills, however, the prevailing language spoken throughout the day is Spanish. The overall emphasis on Spanish rapidly increases fluency, as children feel naturally compelled to communicate with their Spanish-speaking guides. Learn more about our Spanish Immersion program here.

    Montessori for Military

    We are committed to bridging financial assistance, community, and continuity of education to our nation’s heroes and their families. When duty calls, we firmly believe that your child’s education should not be a sacrifice.

    We can offer a seamless transfer process from one location to another, replacing disruption with stability. To date, more than 30+ of our campuses based in the U.S. are located within 30 miles of military installations and have joined Child Care Aware of America’s fee-assistance program, bridging early childhood tuition assistance to eligible families off-base.

    Learn more about Montessori for Military here.

    Stay connected to your child’s learning

    Thanks to our app Transparent Classroom, you get a window into your child’s experience of school daily.

    Your child’s Lead Guide will share what your child is learning and what their real-time assessments are – this way you can very closely follow your child’s development throughout the day, months, and years you stay within the Guidepost network. If you transfer from one of our locations to the next, your child’s progress and continuity will be tracked in the app and readily accessible. Read more about Transparent Classroom here.

    In this app you will see important notes and milestones such as:

    • Daily toileting, eating (bottle feeding for infants), and sleeping habits
    • Curriculum introduction, progress, and completion
    • End of day summary of all activities
    • Notes such as bringing in more diapers or a new set of clothes
    • Reminders for upcoming classroom events like birthdays, holidays, or special occasions

    Interested in becoming a room parent? Let your child’s Lead guide know!

    What sets us apart from traditional schools

    As the largest network of Montessori schools in the U. S., Guidepost Montessori is recognized for its outstanding academic standards, its steadfast commitment to Montessori education, and its deep respect for the potential in every child. At Guidepost, it is our mission to empower and equip your child with the knowledge, confidence and agency needed to reach their highest potential.

    Education for life

    Our education provides the freedom and guidance needed to construct a sense of self and purpose through joyful, meaningful work. We support your child in all areas of their development – social, emotional, physical, academic, and beyond.

    Deeply individualized learning

    Lessons are carefully structured and designed to appeal to each student’s level of development and needs. Our proprietary curriculum gives students increasing responsibility over their learning as they grow.

    Dedicated teachers supported by industry experts

    Our programming has been designed by leading education experts, and is implemented by passionate, qualified teachers. All of our Lead Guides are required to be AMI, AMS, or PMI Montessori certified and receive ongoing training and professional development.

    Carefully prepared environment

    At the heart of our school is our belief that children thrive when given freedom and responsibility in environments prepared for them. Guidepost Montessori classrooms are light, airy, calming, aesthetically beautiful spaces. Each material is carefully chosen and carefully displayed — to inspire and entice your child to explore.

    Year-round programming

    We think the education of our students is stronger when we can serve the whole family, which is why we are committed to very few closures throughout the school year, and offer extended day options for families.

    Continuity and mobility

    Our schools offer a continuing Montessori education for children as young as 10 weeks through to 18 years old. With a growing network of 100+ schools across the U.S., China and Europe – combined with our virtual and homeschool options – we can support continuity and consistency in your child’s education to meet your family’s changing needs.

    Hotels with Babysitting and Childcare in Alexandria, Virginia

    Club Wyndham National Harbor

    250 Mariner Passage, Oxon Hill MD – 20745

    (855) 516-1090

    4.52 miles

    The Apartment-Style Units Come With Free Wi-Fi And Full Kitchens At Wyndham National Harbor. This High-Rise Wyndham Is Home To 250 Non-Smoking Units, All Boasting Fully Equipped Kitchens And Free Wi-Fi. Layouts Range From One To Three Bedrooms. All Units Feature Cable Tv, Dvd Players And Hairdryers. Guests Swim Year Round, Thanks To The Seasonal Outdoor Pools And Indoor Pool. The Complex Has A Restaurant, Business Center And Fitness Room. Late Arrivers Are Happy To Know There’S A 24-Hour Front Desk. Additional Perks Include Concierge Service, A Game Room, Available Parking And A Convenience Store. The Wyndham Is Part Of National Harbor, A 300-Acre Development Overlooking The Potomac River. It’S Next Door To The National Children’S Museum. The Harbor Is A Block Away, As Is A Bus Stop. Head 20 Minutes To Washington D.C. For Visits To The National Gallery Of Art, The War Memorials And The International Spy Museum. Also 20 Minutes From The Resort Is Fedexfield, Where The Redskins Play. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Is 12 Miles Away, And Amtrak Trains Stop 10 Miles Away.

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    Hyatt Regency Crystal City

    2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington VA – 22202

    (855) 516-1090

    5.65 miles

    Find An Outdoor Pool, Pillowtop Beds And Multiple On-Site Dining Options At The Hyatt Regency Crystal City, One Of Arlington’S Most Popular Hotels Among Our Guests. With Its Stone And Glass Facade, The 18-Story Hyatt Regency Is One Of Crystal City’S Most Handsome Buildings. The 686 Rooms Make You Feel Pampered With Pillowtop Mattresses. Non-Smoking Rooms Are Available. The Decor Is Inviting, Mostly In Neutral Shades, With A Few Pops Of Color. Modern Touches Include Flat-Panel Tvs, With On-Demand Movies And Video Games, Sound Systems With Docks For Your Mp3 Players And Wi-Fi And Wired High-Speed Internet Access In All Rooms. If You Need To Get Down To Business, There Are Spacious Desks With Ergonomic Chairs In Your Room And A Business Center On-Site. On The Third Floor, You’Ll Find A Seasonal Outdoor Pool And Hot Tub On A Sunny Deck. Video Monitors Give The Fitness Room A High-Tech Flair. There Are Several Restaurants On The Premises, And Room Service Is Available. Valet Parking Is Offered For A Fee. The Hyatt Regency Is A Mile From Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Arlington National Cemetery, The Iwo Jima Memorial And The Lee Mansion National Memorial Are All Within Three Miles. George Washington Memorial Parkway Is Close To The Hotel, And It Helps Speed You Into Downtown D.C. You Can Drive To The Washington Monument And Other Popular Attractions In 10 Minutes.

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    Mandarin Oriental, Washington D.C.

    1330 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington DC – 20024

    (855) 516-1090

    8.34 miles

    Overlooking The Tidal Basin And Within Minutes Of Washington Dc’S Monuments And Capitol Hill, The Pet-Friendly Mandarin Oriental, Washington Dc Features Rooms With Feng Shui Touches, A Zen-Like Spa, On-Site Gourmet Dining And Meeting Facilities. The Nine-Floor Mandarin Oriental Features 347 Rooms And 53 Suites, All With Water Or City Views. All Rooms Are Designed With Feng Shui In Mind And Feature Elegant Asian Decor, Handmade Silk Tapestries, Exclusive Reproductions Of Smithsonian Artworks, Marble Bathrooms, Designer Bath Amenities, High-Speed Internet Access And Imported Linens. Non-Smoking Rooms Are Available. Relax In The Extensive Spa, Which Features An Indoor Heated Pool, Amethyst Crystal Steam Room, Fitness Center With Water View, Treatment Rooms And Zen Relaxation Rooms. Indulge In Sumptuous On-Site Dining Or Partake In 24-Hour Room Service. Meeting Spaces Are Available. Small Pets Are Welcome At An Additional Fee. Parking Is Available. Mandarin Oriental Is Within A 10-Minute Walk Of The Picturesque Tidal Basin And A 15-Minute Walk To Smithsonian Museums. Guests Can Reach All Of Washington Dc’S Monuments By Foot. The Capitol Building And Nationals Park Are A 5-Minute Drive From The Hotel. The Nearest Metro Station Is Three Blocks From The Hotel. Reagan Washington National Airport Is Four Miles South.

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    Trump International Hotel Washington DC

    1100 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC – 20004

    (855) 516-1090

    9.03 miles

    Ideally Located In The The Mall Area, Trump International Washington D.C. Promises A Relaxing And Wonderful Visit. The Property Offers A High Standard Of Service And Amenities To Suit The Individual Needs Of All Travelers. Service-Minded Staff Will Welcome And Guide You At Trump International Washington D.C.. Designed For Comfort, Selected Guestrooms Offer Flat Screen Television, Air Conditioning, Heating, Wake-Up Service, Desk To Ensure A Restful Night. The Property Offers Various Recreational Opportunities. No Matter What Your Reasons Are For Visiting Washington D.C., Trump International Washington D.C. Will Make You Feel Instantly At Home.

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    Willard InterContinental Washington, an IHG Hotel

    1401 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, Washington DC – 20004

    (855) 516-1090

    9. 07 miles

    Washington D.C.’S Original Grand Hotel, The Intercontinental The Willard Washington D.C. Is Lauded By Our Guests For Its Old-World Elegance, Impeccable Service And Location Two Blocks From The White House And The National Mall. The 12-Story Hotel, Unmistakable Because Of Its Corner Location And Beaux Arts Architecture, Has 335 Rooms And Suites That Subtly Reflect Its Place In History. The Views From The Front, Which Include The Washington Monument, Are Spectacular. The Pillowy-Soft Beds And 300-Thread-Count Sheets Will Have You Sleeping Like A Baby. Even Standard Rooms Have Ipod Docks And Flat-Panel Tvs, As Well As Wi-Fi (For A Fee). Look For Fluffy Robes And High-End Toiletries In The Spacious Marble Bathrooms. The Spa Offers A Long List Of Health And Beauty Treatments, From Seaweed Wraps To Sugar Scrubs. For Fitness Buffs, The 24-Hour Gym Features More Than A Dozen Cardio Machines And A Selection Of Free Weights. Intended As A Refuge For The City’S Movers And Shakers, The Willard, Not Surprisingly, Has A Prime Location. It Takes Just A Few Minutes To Stroll To The White House, The National Mall Or A Dozen Or So Dining Options. If You Need To Get To Other Parts Of The City, There Are Two Subway Stations Within Four Blocks – Metro Center And Federal Triangle. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Is Five Miles Away, And Taxis Waiting At The Hotel’S Front Door Will Whisk You There In About 15 Minutes.

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    Rosewood Washington, D.C.

    1050 31st St Nw, Washington DC – 20007

    (855) 516-1090

    9.11 miles

    An indoor pool and an outdoor pool are on site. Other recreational amenities include a 24-hour fitness center.

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    Four Seasons Hotel Washington DC

    2800 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, Washington DC – 20007

    (855) 516-1090

    9.22 miles

    With One Of The City’S Best Addresses, The Four Seasons Hotel Washington, D. C. Boasts An Award-Winning Restaurant, A Three-Level Fitness Center And An Indoor Lap Pool. Our Guests Also Enjoy High-Tech Amenities And Plenty Of Creature Comforts Like Deep Soaking Tubs. In The Heart Of Georgetown, The Six-Story Four Seasons Regained Its Original Luster After A Top-To-Bottom Renovation In 2009. A New Restaurant Was Added In 2012, Complimenting The Existing Bourbon Steak By Celebrity Chef Michael Mina. More Than 1,600 Original Works Of Art Hang In The 211 Rooms And Suites, Where You’Ll Find Floor-To-Ceiling Windows, Plush Bedding And Stylish Furnishings. Lcd Tvs, Cd And Dvd Players And Docks For Mp3 Players Are Among The Modern Amenities, Along With Wired And Wireless Internet Access. Stunning Limestone Or Marble Bathrooms Have Deep Soaking Tubs, Separate Glass-Enclosed Showers And Fluffy Robes At The Ready. The 12,500-Square-Foot Fitness Center Includes Three Levels Of Cardio And Strength-Training Equipment, Along With A Hot Tub, A Sauna And A Steam Room. Afterward You Can Cool Off In The Indoor Lap Pool. Book One Of The Eight Treatment Rooms In The Serene Spa. Same-Day Dry Cleaning Keeps You Looking Your Best. On-Site Parking Is Available, And Pets Are Welcome. Plenty Of Shopping And Dining Opportunities Are Just Steps From The Door Of The Four Seasons, Located A Stone’S Throw From The Waterfront In The Upscale Georgetown Neighborhood. Stroll Along The Trickling Waters Of Rock Creek Park, Or Take A Ride On The Historic C&O Canal. The White House And Other Attractions Downtown Are 12 Blocks Away. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Is Six Miles South.

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    The Hay-Adams

    800 16th Street NW, Washington DC – 20006

    (855) 516-1090

    9.24 miles

    Overlooking Lafayette Park And The White House, The Historic Hay – Adams Hotel Features Elegant Accommodations For Leisure And Business Travelers, As Well As Amenities Like Free Wi-Fi And Gourmet On-Site Dining. The Eight-Floor Hotel Is Home To 145 Well-Appointed Rooms, All Featuring Designer Bath Products, Goose Down Duvets And Pillows, Custom Italian Bed Linens And Towels, Hairdryers, Plush Bathrobes And Slippers, 37-Inch Flat-Panel Tvs, Bose Music Systems, Umbrellas And A Selection Of Children’S Board Games. Non-Smoking Rooms Are Available. Business Amenities Include A 24-Hour Business Center And Meeting Facilities For Up To 340 Guests, Including A Space With A Panoramic View Of Downtown Dc. Free Wi-Fi Is Available In All Guest Rooms, Meeting Rooms And Public Areas. Squeeze In A Workout At The Cutting-Edge Fitness Center. Enjoy An Elegant Dinner And Cocktails Or Order 24-Hour Room Service. Small Dogs Are Welcome At An Additional Cost. Valet Parking Is Available. Located Across Lafayette Square From The White House, The Hay – Adams Is Within A Short Walking Distance Of Several Metro Stations That Lead To A Variety Of Washington Dc Attractions. The Hotel Is Four Blocks From The National Mall And 10 Blocks From The Capitol Building. Reagan Washington National Airport Is Five Miles South.

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    Park Hyatt Washington

    1201 24th Street, NW, Washington DC – 20037

    (855) 516-1090

    9.32 miles

    With Serene, Modern Decor, Superb Amenities And A Skylit Heated Indoor Pool, The Pet-Friendly Park Hyatt Washington Is A Sanctuary For Discerning Travelers In Dc’S Fashionable West End. Guests Enter A Gleaming Lobby That Combines Modern Design Elements With Warm, Natural Gray Limestone And Black Walnut. Conducting Business Or Just Relaxing Is Encouraged Throughout The Hotel’S Public Spaces. The On-Site Fine-Dining Restaurant, Blue Duck Tavern, Features A Market-Driven, American Menu And A Seasonal Terrace. Guests Can Also Sip One Of 50 Rare And Exquisite Blends Prepared In The Hotel’S Tea Cellar. The Park Hyatt Features A Business Center, A Fitness Room And Room Service Available Around The Clock, As Well As A Spa Room Offering Massage, Facial And Salon Services. Pets Are Also Pampered With Special Treats And Services (For An Additional Fee). All 216 Oversize Rooms And Suites Combine A Contemporary Decor With Authentic Folk Art And Warm Wood Blinds. Amenities Include Beds With Pillowtop Mattresses And Premium Linens, Luxury Toiletries And Flat-Panel Hdtvs. Business Guests Will Appreciate The Large Work Desks And Complimentary High-Speed Internet Access. Non-Smoking, Hypoallergenic And Handicap-Accessible Rooms Can Be Requested. The Hotel Provides Indoor Valet Parking For An Additional Fee. The Park Hyatt Is Located Just Three Blocks From Shops, Dining And Art Galleries In Historic Georgetown And Is Within A 10-Minute Walk Of The Foggy Bottom/Gwu Metro Station, Which Provides Easy Access To The City’S Business District, Museums And Universities. The Hotel Is Six Miles From Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport And 27 Miles From Washington Dulles International Airport.

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    The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection

    1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC – 20036

    (855) 516-1090

    9.44 miles

    Impeccable Service, Regal Style And A Rarefied Atmosphere Make The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection One Of The Most Popular Hotels Among Our Guests In Washington, D.C. Its Location A Few Blocks From The White House Is Almost Gilding The Lily. The Grande Dame Mayflower Hotel Has Been A Local Landmark Since 1925, And It Welcomes Visitors With A Seemingly Endless Lobby With Hundreds Of Gilt-Edged Medallions Decorating The Ceiling. Off The Lobby Is A Restaurant And Bar, And There Are Shops Selling Everything From Flowers To Designer Duds. Sneak A Peek At The Grand Ballroom, Lined With Balconies On Either Side, Which Hosted Inaugural Balls For Presidents From Coolidge To Reagan. The Hotel’S 581 Rooms Are Spread Out Over 10 Floors In The Rose-Bricked Beaux Arts Building. The Pillowtop Beds Are Wrapped In Luxe Linens, And The Bathrooms Are Stocked With High-End Toiletries. There Are Both Wired And Wi-Fi Connections For A Fee, And The Expansive Fitness Room Has Lots Of Cardio And Circuit-Training Equipment. The Mayflower Hotel Is On Connecticut Avenue, A Favorite Shopping Strip For Locals. Three Blocks North Is Dupont Circle, Perhaps The Prettiest Of The City’S Pocket Parks, And Surrounding It In Every Direction Are Eateries Ranging From Sidewalk Cafes Frequented By Students And Young Families To Reserve-Months-Ahead Restaurants Where You Might Spot D.C.’S Movers And Shakers (And, Occasionally, The President). You’Re Five Blocks From The White House And About Seven From The Washington Monument. The City’S Futuristic Metro System Is Close At Hand—The Farragut North Station Is Just Down The Block. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Is Five Miles Away.

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    Club Wyndham National Harbor

    250 Mariner Passage, Oxon Hill, MD – 20745

    4.52 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    The Apartment-Style Units Come With Free Wi-Fi And Full Kitchens At Wyndham National Harbor. This High-Rise Wyndham Is Home To 250 Non-Smoking Units, All Boasting Fully Equipped Kitchens And Free Wi-F…

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    Hyatt Regency Crystal City

    2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA – 22202

    5.65 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Find An Outdoor Pool, Pillowtop Beds And Multiple On-Site Dining Options At The Hyatt Regency Crystal City, One Of Arlington’S Most Popular Hotels Among Our Guests. With Its Stone And Glass Facade, Th…

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    Mandarin Oriental, Washington D.


    1330 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington, DC – 20024

    8.34 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Overlooking The Tidal Basin And Within Minutes Of Washington Dc’S Monuments And Capitol Hill, The Pet-Friendly Mandarin Oriental, Washington Dc Features Rooms With Feng Shui Touches, A Zen-Like Spa, O…

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    Trump International Hotel Washington DC

    1100 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC – 20004

    9.03 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Ideally Located In The The Mall Area, Trump International Washington D.C. Promises A Relaxing And Wonderful Visit. The Property Offers A High Standard Of Service And Amenities To Suit The Individual N…

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    Willard InterContinental Washington, an IHG Hotel

    1401 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, Washington, DC – 20004

    9.07 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Washington D.C.’S Original Grand Hotel, The Intercontinental The Willard Washington D. C. Is Lauded By Our Guests For Its Old-World Elegance, Impeccable Service And Location Two Blocks From The White H…

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    Rosewood Washington, D.C.

    1050 31st St Nw, Washington, DC – 20007

    9.11 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    An indoor pool and an outdoor pool are on site. Other recreational amenities include a 24-hour fitness center.

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    Four Seasons Hotel Washington DC

    2800 Pennsylvania Ave Nw, Washington, DC – 20007

    9.22 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    With One Of The City’S Best Addresses, The Four Seasons Hotel Washington, D.C. Boasts An Award-Winning Restaurant, A Three-Level Fitness Center And An Indoor Lap Pool. Our Guests Also Enjoy High-Tech …

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    The Hay-Adams

    800 16th Street NW, Washington, DC – 20006

    9.24 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Overlooking Lafayette Park And The White House, The Historic Hay – Adams Hotel Features Elegant Accommodations For Leisure And Business Travelers, As Well As Amenities Like Free Wi-Fi And Gourmet On-S. ..

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    Park Hyatt Washington

    1201 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC – 20037

    9.32 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    With Serene, Modern Decor, Superb Amenities And A Skylit Heated Indoor Pool, The Pet-Friendly Park Hyatt Washington Is A Sanctuary For Discerning Travelers In Dc’S Fashionable West End. Guests Enter A…

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    The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection

    1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC – 20036

    9.44 miles

    CALL 855-516-1090

    Impeccable Service, Regal Style And A Rarefied Atmosphere Make The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection One Of The Most Popular Hotels Among Our Guests In Washington, D.C. Its Location A Few Blocks F…

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    Map of Alexandria Babysitting and Childcare Hotels

    View all Alexandria, Virginia hotels, motels, lodging and attractions on Alexandria, Virginia location map.

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    Weather Forecast for Alexandria, Virginia

    If you planning to travel to Alexandria, Virginia, here is your 6-day travel weather forecast to make sure you have all the essentials needed during your stay.
    Start your day when the sunrises at 10:59 AM.
    The temperature feels like 67.45 with a humidity level of 51 so dress accordingly.
    Cloud coverage is 31 percent with visibility at 4.6 percent.
    Today’s UV index is 6, don’t forget the sunscreen if you need it!
    Today’s winds are traveling west-southwest at a speed of 7 MPH. At the end of the day don’t miss the sunset at 10:57 PM.

    Fahrenheit / Celsius


    Scattered clouds


    High: 79°F

    Low: 54°F

    Precipitation: 0%


    Broken clouds


    High: 72°F

    Low: 50°F

    Precipitation: 0%


    Few clouds


    High: 70°F

    Low: 52°F

    Precipitation: 0%


    Few clouds


    High: 70°F

    Low: 52°F

    Precipitation: 0%


    Scattered clouds


    High: 71°F

    Low: 59°F

    Precipitation: 0%


    Overcast clouds


    High: 71°F

    Low: 61°F

    Precipitation: 0%

    Prices for Spa services at the Alexandria Hotel, Katsiveli

    We offer you to get acquainted with the prices for spa treatments at the Alexandria Hotel.

    Icoone hardware massage
    Massage Time, min Price, rub
    General body massage + 1 focus program* 30 1500
    Full body massage + 2 focus programs* 40 1950
    Full body massage + 4 focus programs* 60 2550
    Facial massage 15 900
    Facial massage 20 1150
    Facial massage 30 1600
    Facial massage 40 2050
    Made in Italy suit** 1800
    French suit** 1190
    Suit made in Russia** 790

    * The focus program is the treatment of a problem area. This procedure cannot be independent and is performed only after the basic one.
    ** The procedure on the Icoone device is carried out in the presence of a special suit. The suit can be purchased at the massage parlor before the first session and can be reused.

    Facial price list
    Beauty program
    (includes cleansing, peeling, basic care and finishing step)
    Price, rub
    “Nourishing fluid”: tightens the oval of the face, reduces the depth of the nasolabial fold, improves the tone of aging skin 1350
    “Blue clay with eucalyptus, chamomile and calendula” deep cleansing, nutrition, anti-inflammatory effect 850
    “Smoothing age and mimic wrinkles with Botox effect” using alginate plasticizing mask 1350
    “Antiwrinkle-1A” (argireline, growth factors, peptides, hyaluronic acid) using an alginate plasticizing mask 1880
    Inzyme peeling with massage (30 min) removes dead cells, cleanses pores, has an antiseptic effect 1680
    Keratoregulatory Peeling is a multi-acid peeling for problematic skin. No signs of irritation or burning. 1380
    “Comprehensive care for problem skin” fights black spots, rashes. 1880
    “Hyaluron-ANTIACNE”: anti-inflammatory effect (growth factors, peptides, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants) using alginate plasticizing mask 1880
    Refreshing Alginate Cryomask 850
    Atraumatic facial cleansing (cleansing, toning, peeling, cold hydrogenation, dezincrustation, soothing mask, protective cream) 1580
    Atraumatic back cleansing (cleansing, toning, peeling, cold hydrogenation, dezincrustation, soothing mask, protective cream) 1875
    Darsonvalization of the face (10 min) 400
    Darsonvalization of the face, neck, decollete (20 min) 500
    Darsonvalization of the back (25 min) 600
    BMS massage (biomechanical stimulation) (20 min) 780
    Microcurrents (20 min)
    Microcurrents (30 min)
    Price list for body treatments
    Procedure name Price, rub
    T-SHOCK Bandage Wrap: Promotes intense weight loss 2600
    “Gold wrap” for weight loss and rejuvenation 1950
    Chocolate anti-cellulite body wrap 1800
    Alginate plasticizing lift-mask 1900
    Anti-cellulite wrap “Algae” 1900
    Saki sulfide mud 1800
    “Saki sulfide mud” with steaming 1980
    Manual massage
    Massage Time, min Price, rub
    General massage 90 2600
    Revitalizing massage 60 1950
    Lymphatic drainage 60 1950
    Aroma massage 90 2800
    Aroma massage 60 2150
    Foot massage 20 600
    Spa foot massage 40 1300
    Back massage 30 950
    Hand massage 30 800
    Foot massage 30 800
    Face and décolleté massage 30 1000
    Head massage 30 900
    Neck massage 25 750
    Anti-cellulite massage 60 2100
    Children’s back massage (5-11 years old) 30 750
    General massage for children (5-11 years old) 30 750
    General massage for children (5-11 years old) 40 1100
    Fire and Ice Stone Therapy 90 2500
    Hot stone massage 90 2400
    Chest massage 30 800
    Cupping belly massage 20 800
    Cupping thighs 20 800
    Honey belly massage 20 800
    Honey thigh massage 20 800

    Care for alexandrina strawberries in the fall


    • Alexandria strawberries: cultivation and variety reviews0488
    • Description, advantages and reviews of the variety
    • Propagation of strawberries Alexandria
    • Growing seedlings
    • Planting seedlings in the ground
    • How to care for strawberries?
    • Alexandrina strawberry
    • The history of the creation of the variety
    • Features of planting and care
    • Advantages and disadvantages
    • Alexandria strawberry: features of growing, care, use
    • Growing a strawberry bush from seed
    • Separation of strawberries bush
    • Features of Strawberry Care
    • Advantages of Alexandria
    • Strawberries Alexandrina: Growing from seeds
    • Foreign description and features
    • Seminic cultivation – Pluses
    • Processing of seeds
    • 904LAYARED OF EAROSICA Strawberries: growing from seeds

    • Perhaps there is a place in your garden for Alexandrina strawberries
    • Characteristics of the variety
    • Growing from seeds

    Strawberry Alexandria: cultivation and reviews of the variety

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    Strawberry Alexandria
    Description, advantages and reviews of the variety
    Propagation of strawberries Alexandria
    Growing seedlings
    Planting seedlings in the ground
    How to properly care for strawberries?

    Alexandria strawberries are valued not for the size of the berries, but for their taste and aroma. Its fruits ripen in the garden for several months in a row.

    Description, advantages and reviews of the variety

    Remontant strawberry Alexandria of Swiss selection. The variety was created in the 60s of the last century. Remontant call strawberries with a long period of fruiting. This may be the re-formation of berries or periodic, when flower stalks do not appear all at once, but gradually. The advantage of this type of variety is the ability to enjoy berries for a long time.

    All varieties of strawberries can be divided into two groups according to the size of berries:

    By the presence of whiskers, which are used for propagation of strawberries:

    Alexandria belongs to beardless small-fruited. The bush is relatively high, up to 25 cm. The leaves are serrated, folded along the central vein. The plant does not form mustaches. The bush is dense, the flower stalks are thin. Petals white, small, rounded. Strawberry Alexandria bears fruit from late spring to late autumn. The beginning of fruiting, depending on climatic conditions, occurs in May or June. The bush is fruitful, about 4 hundred berries can be harvested from it during the season. They do not ripen constantly, but in waves. There are periods when only a few berries can be harvested per day.

    Fruit red, small, glossy.

    The average weight of one is about 4-8 g. They are oblong, differing from other varieties in their conical shape. Berries without a neck, pointed to the top. Seeds are large, red. Gardeners who grow Alexandria strawberries testify that its fruits are tasty, although not the most fragrant. The variety is frost-resistant, its leaves are not afraid of lowering the temperature. Petals under the influence of frost do not disappear, and the middle darkens. Fruits on such flowers are not tied.

    Reviews of gardeners claim that Alexandria strawberries are not damaged by any of the diseases. During heavy rains, fruits that have fallen to the ground may rot. But neither gray rot, nor white and brown spotting are afraid of them. Variety Alexandria is well suited for growing on a balcony, suspended and combined flower beds, and even on a windowsill. It does not thicken with numerous mustaches with rosettes at the end of the shoot.

    Alexandria strawberry propagation

    Alexandria strawberry variety reproduces:

    Buy seeds for the first time in a flower shop. Seeds are sown in autumn, after harvest, in the second half of winter or in spring.

    How to sow seeds for seedlings:

    • First they need to be stratified. The seeds are very small, and there are not enough of them in the bag. Therefore, it is difficult to distribute them evenly over the soil surface. Gardeners with experience are advised to spread the seeds on a thin white cloth moistened with water using a toothpick. Then roll it up and hide it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. They do not allow drying out, so they can be placed in a plastic bag, without tying tightly, so that air can enter them.
    • During this time, loose nutrient soil is prepared. Mix 3 parts of leaf humus and garden soil. Add 0.5 parts of wood ash and part of sand. Crushed, calcined in the oven, frozen or disinfected with a warm solution of Fundazol.
    • Prepare cookware with a large number of drain holes. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Then they take out a napkin with seeds from the refrigerator, lay it on the surface of the prepared dishes, water it. You can pierce the napkin in places where the seeds lie with a toothpick. They hide them under paper, but do not immerse them deep into the ground. Cover with glass so that moisture does not evaporate longer from the surface of the napkin.

    You can first plant the seeds for seedlings by spreading them on a napkin or on snow. Then set the dishes with them in the refrigerator or cellar. The snow melts, moisture sinks into the soil, while the seeds penetrate with it to a shallow depth. After 2 weeks, take out to a warm place. The room temperature is maintained at about 20°C. This method is more convenient because the seeds will remain in place and will not move during stratification. But it requires more space in the refrigerator.

    Many gardeners grow strawberries without stratification, sowing seeds into the soil before winter. Lightly sprinkle with soil or level with a light rake. Such seeds undergo stratification under a layer of snow in winter. Worst of all, seeds of Alexandria strawberries germinate, sown in the ground in spring without stratification. It is difficult to maintain soil moisture for a long time. Seeds germinate at intervals of about a month.

    Growing seedlings

    Due to the fact that the seeds are spread evenly over the territory of the tray or pot, no special thickening is observed. Strawberry sprouts are thin, they require a lot of light. If the seeds are sown early, in February or March, the seedlings need to be illuminated with a fitolamp.

    Sprinkle soil at the level of cotyledon leaves. If the bush has enough moisture and lighting, its leaves are arranged horizontally. The vertical arrangement of the leaves indicates insufficient lighting.

    Water the seedlings regularly, but not too much, they do not like high soil moisture.

    If seedlings are grown in peat tablets, water them while dampening the tray. A small damp spot should appear on the surface. If you pour the seedlings, it can get sick with a black leg.

    When the seedling has about 4 true leaves, it is dived into planting in the ground. Fertilizing is carried out with humus, Gumi-20M fertilizer, which contains the macro- and microelements necessary for the plant and Fitosporin. The advantage of such seedlings will be the absence of mites, nematodes and pathogenic viruses. In May, seedlings are taken outside for hardening.

    Planting seedlings in the ground

    Most often, strawberries are grown on long beds 110 cm wide. It is better if this is a plot after bulbous ones. You can not plant strawberries after strawberries. The soil there is infected with pests (May beetle larvae, nematodes). Return to the original site after 4 years.

    How to properly plant seedlings:

    • Seedlings are placed in 2 rows. Pits are prepared with a depth and diameter of 25 cm. The distance between plants in a row is 30 cm, between rows is 50 cm. The holes are watered with water, seedling bushes are placed in them.
    • If the root system is open, level the roots in different directions. The top point of growth should be slightly above the soil level. If it is sprinkled with earth, the plant will not develop.
    • Compact the soil around the bush and immediately mulch the trunk circle. Straw is well suited for adult bushes. After all, the very name of the strawberry means “straw berry”. But for tender young leaves, such a mulch is not suitable. Therefore, you can use peat or rotted sawdust.

    Mulching with lutrasil and other non-woven materials has become popular. At the same time, holes are cut in the canvas and young bushes are planted in them. The edges of the film are fixed with special clothespins, protecting from gusts of wind. Organic mulch protects the soil well from overheating, but soon decomposes and needs to be replenished. Inorganic is more durable, but its use requires considerable effort. It does not improve the composition of the soil.

    How to care for strawberries?

    Care after planting depends on the availability of mulch. If it is not there, the soil between the bushes and in the row is often loosened. This contributes to the saturation of the soil with air. Remove weeds that can choke young plants. If seeds do not appear on them, they can be laid in the aisles as mulch. The mulched area is not loosened. Water at first more often, at least twice a week. When young leaves begin to grow, the frequency of watering is reduced.

    Plants planted in May begin to produce flower stalks with the first buds in a month. Gardeners advise cutting them off to allow the strawberries to get stronger. The next flowers are left to taste the berries. Bushes sown outdoors in the spring usually bloom the next year. Preparing for winter does not require much effort. Old leaves are cut off, young plantings are covered with fallen leaves of trees (linden, maple). After 3 or 4 years, the bushes are seated. They dig them out of the ground, divide them into parts so that each of them has buds and roots. Planted in the same way as young plants.

    The main thing is to grow at least a few bushes, from which you can then collect seeds.

    After a few years, you can try to collect seeds at home. Reviews of gardeners claim that this is easy to do. It is enough to collect a handful of berries, put them in a bowl and chop. Then pour water and mix thoroughly. They let it rest. The remains of the pulp float up, and the seeds sink to the bottom. Water with pulp is poured out, the seeds are dried. They should be sown no later than next spring. Reviews of gardeners claim that Alexandria strawberries often propagate by self-sowing. Young bushes are planted in a new area.

    More information can be found in the video:

    Alexandrina strawberry

    Alexandrina strawberry is a sought-after perennial crop and is classified as a remontant beardless variety, mainly with small fruits, which is perfect for growing at home, as well as in flower beds and flower beds . Often it is this culture that is preferred in landscape design. Reproduction of this strawberry occurs by seeds, as well as by dividing the bushes.

    The history of the creation of the variety

    Strawberry Alexandrina or, as many call it small-fruited strawberries, has been familiar to summer residents and gardeners for more than 25 years. The variety was created at the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. Lisavenko.

    Despite the fact that the variety was bred back in the 90s, the culture was entered into the State Register only in 2009, at the same time it began to spread throughout the West Siberian region.

    Since Alexandrina strawberry is a remontant variety, the culture is distinguished by such features as multiple flowering, as well as fruiting throughout the season. Unlike garden varieties, remontant strawberries begin to bear fruit in the second half of May, and end in late autumn, when the first frosts occur.

    Strawberries Alexandrina seedlings

    The height of the bushes of this crop reaches an average of twenty centimeters, while during growth no mustache is formed. The leaves of strawberries are distinguished by a bright and pronounced green tint with slightly jagged edges. Strawberries bloom with white flowers with small rounded petals. After flowering, berries begin to form, which differ in relatively small sizes and a conical, slightly oblong shape, which sharply sharpens towards the top of the berry. The weight of one strawberry averages about 8 grams.

    As for the hue, like many varieties, the berries are bright red, with quite noticeable seeds. The pulp of the culture of this variety has a pronounced strawberry taste, while it has a sweet and sour taste when ripe.

    Remontant strawberry Alexandrina is considered a very productive remontant variety, it is characterized by several fruiting waves, which will delight you with beautiful and tasty berries throughout the summer, until the onset of frost.

    With proper care from one bush, you can grow about 500 grams of berries, which are distinguished by an excellent and rich taste, as well as a rather miniature size. Reproduction of this strawberry occurs only with the help of seeds.

    Another important point is that this culture is resistant to temperature changes. It is thanks to this that it is possible to grow such a variety in many regions of Russia.

    Alexandrina strawberries in the garden

    Adult Alexandrina bushes reach an average height of about 15 centimeters. Flowering begins in early May, and fruits appear at the end of this month or early June. Strawberries bear fruit until October, which makes this variety very attractive to many gardeners. The fruits are oblong in shape and when ripe they acquire a bright red hue, over time the strawberry becomes darker in color and acquires a sweet taste.

    Features of planting and care

    The Alexandrina strawberry variety has a relatively high frost resistance, so it is preferred in the West Siberian region of Russia.

    Strawberry of this variety is grown from seeds, care for them after germination is required carefully, and dividing the bushes is not excluded. When growing from seeds, care is to make thin sprouts more stable and stronger, for this they are illuminated with phytolamps, sprinkled with a special substrate. Plants should be watered regularly, warm water is best for this.

    Please note! If the seedlings begin to turn their leaves vertically, this means that there is not enough light for them.

    As soon as 2-3 leaves are formed on the plants, they are immediately dived into separate pots, in which the strawberries are grown for another two weeks, only after that they are transplanted again into large containers or on the plot. Before planting seedlings, it is hardened and cultivated. The most optimal place for planting strawberries is considered not too sunny.

    Since the plants of this variety are quite spreading and tall, it is necessary to plant plants rarely when planting. As soon as the first flower stalks appear on the strawberries, they must be carefully removed. This is done so that the plants can properly grow stronger. At the end of summer, reddened leaves must be removed.

    As for watering, it is recommended to water strawberries no more than twice a week, but this should be done abundantly. In addition to watering, the culture must be fertilized. For this, a solution of humus, bird droppings, as well as various ready-made top dressings, which are based on organic substances, are suitable.

    Alexandrina strawberry for planting

    As practice shows, despite the fact that Alexandrina strawberry is considered an unpretentious crop, if you do not provide it with the necessary care, then you will not be able to get the expected harvest.

    Therefore, the following conditions must be observed without fail:

    • the soil must be fertile and kept loose;
    • the area where strawberries grow must be constantly ventilated;
    • plants must be provided with all the necessary nutrients, otherwise the berries will be sour and small;
    • strawberries should be watered regularly, but not too much.

    In order to provide strawberries with protection from pests, it is necessary to treat the soil with a solution of copper sulphate or Bordeaux mixture in spring.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Alexandra variety is in great demand among gardeners, strawberries have a huge number of advantages, which can be attributed primarily to:

    • ability to produce several crops in one season;
    • shape retention during cooking;
    • pleasant taste;
    • excellent condition on the bush;
    • frost resistance;
    • resistance to pests and diseases;
    • the presence of bright and beautiful leaves, which makes it possible to grow a crop even for decorative purposes.

    Despite the fact that this strawberry has many advantages, it also has disadvantages.

    The main ones are:

    • lack of whiskers, as a result of which it is possible to grow remontant strawberries Alexandrina only from seeds or by dividing the bush;
    • medium drought tolerance;
    • slight susceptibility of plants to fungal diseases.

    This is where the shortcomings of this variety end.

    With proper care, fungal disease problems can be avoided. To do this, it is required to follow the scheme of planting seedlings, as well as to ensure optimal conditions for the ventilation of plants.

    Alexandrina’s strawberry is rightfully considered a variety that is suitable for cultivation even for beginner gardeners and summer residents. With fairly simple care, you can get a rich harvest. Also, this variety is suitable for landscaping the site and the formation of landscape design. These fragrant berries are grown both in open ground and in balcony mini-gardens.

    Alexandria strawberries: features of cultivation, care, use

    Strawberries of this variety have established themselves as stress-resistant, powerful, well-bearing. Already in the first year after planting, Alexandria gave a harvest, and the next year, from 12 bushes, we collected up to three liters of berries per week! The most unfortunate place was chosen for the plant – a constantly weeping piece of land. This did not affect the yield, each bush actively bloomed, there were enough berries.

    Cultivation of strawberries from seed

    We started growing strawberries in March. Now, based on personal experience, I can recommend sowing seeds for an earlier period, February and even January. They took ordinary purchased seeds. Planting was carried out in several stages:

    1. Pour some sand on the bottom of the yogurt cup. Pour a mixture of earth and peat to the top (1: 1).
    2. Distribute the seeds evenly on top, sprinkle with a thin layer of peat.
    3. Watering when the soil dries, only with a spray bottle. To achieve a fine jet of water, I used a throat medicine bottle.
    4. Approximately 3-4 days strawberries hatch. It is best to plant it when the third leaf appears.

    Although we planted two-leaf seedlings. They are very small, fragile, so 2-3 seedlings were sent to individual cups. Then the strawberries were grown on the windowsill for two months. At home, it grows slowly, even in a warm room.

    Landing on the street was made at the beginning of May. The seedlings were not covered with anything, although there was a significant cold snap and a strong wind. You can close each seedling with plastic bottles if frost is expected.

    In the warm period, the bushes began to grow faster. By June, the plants were well accepted, but they began to bloom only in September, having cleared up. The first flowers simply fell off, but by October there were already berries on the strawberries.

    Dividing a strawberry bush

    Last year we just picked berries, but this season we decided to separate strawberry bushes, as they took up a lot of space and interfered with each other. The bushes were separated by hand, in one bush there were from 4 to 12 seedlings.

    Planting was carried out in moist soil sprinkled with peat. Since the strawberry rhizomes are strongly knocked out to the surface, the remaining bushes were also sprinkled with peat mixture.

    Dividing bushes is more profitable than planting seedlings from seeds. Since the bush is stronger, it is accepted faster and by July it begins to bloom and bear fruit as usual.

    Peculiarities of strawberry care

    Alexandria is my first strawberry and I am not going to change the variety, it completely suits me. As it turned out, strawberries are quite unpretentious. At first, she withstood low temperatures – up to 6 degrees! Then the area with strawberries was flooded with water. Dampness keeps on these beds for a very long time, almost all spring. As practice has shown, this does not affect fertility.

    Because the bushes are large and tall, they shade the surrounding soil, which prevents weeds from growing around. Strawberries need to be weeded, only to prevent the appearance of weeds between the bushes in a bunch. If spurge or nettle grows inside, Alexandria bears less fruit, its roots are more strongly knocked out. The more space for the bush, the more it blooms.

    In the first year, it is not recommended to wait for the fruiting of strawberries, this will increase the yield for the next season. But, even if you don’t have time to cut the flowers, you can’t chew on the quality of the crop – the next year, fruitfulness is not much worse than that of fortified strawberries.

    In a cold year, strawberries throw out branches with flowers high, but this does not save them from freezing, some flowers turn black without ripening into berries. It is best to cover the bushes only at night, so as not to impede the access of bees to flowers.

    After the first autumn frosts, lashes and flowers on strawberries should be cut off, leaving only foliage. Dig up the earth on the paths, sprinkle it with a peat mixture on a bed with bushes.

    Advantages of Alexandria

    The main advantage of this strawberry variety is its vitality and rapid reproduction. Bushes grow in almost one season from a seed, and every year they become more and more.

    There are other advantages:

    • Mustaches come from the bushes, which are best wrapped under the bush, enhancing its growth.
    • Seeds that fall on the ground germinate the next year!
    • Seeds are stored for several years, sowing is possible even after two years.
    • Strawberries can grow in empty or very wet soil.

    And most importantly, Alexandria berries reach a size of 1.5 cm, while retaining the taste and aroma inherent in wild strawberries. These berries are loved by both children and adults, strawberries can be frozen, added to pastries or made into jam. And also eat raw, the berry is low-allergic, does not cause a rash in a child of two years.

    Alexandrina strawberries: growing from seeds

    Growing strawberries from seeds has its own difficulties and advantages. Success largely depends on the variety. Varieties suitable for this cultivation method include Alexandrina strawberries: growing from seeds of this variety, with proper care, almost always gives a good result.

    Variety description and features

    The choice of strawberries for permanent cultivation, especially if this berry did not grow on the site before, is not easy. In the selection process, many issues have to be resolved, the most important of which is the variety.

    By the way. There are a great many varieties of garden strawberries. They are suitable for different requirements and have significant differences, starting with the climatic conditions of growth and ending with the preferred method of cultivation.

    Alexandrina is a variety of Alpine strawberry, which is rather similar to a hybrid of strawberries and strawberries. Beardless, early ripening, therefore ideal for growing by seed.

    Increasingly, this particular variety is used for horticultural cultivation, as it not only has fruits of excellent taste, but also looks aesthetically pleasing, decorating and complementing the landscape design of the garden.

    Peculiarities of Alexandrina strawberries:

    1. Flowering begins in May.
    2. Bushes have a compact arrangement.
    3. The first berries appear before the beginning of summer.
    4. Fruiting continues until the end of summer and longer in warm, dry weather.
    5. Easy maintenance.
    6. Easy to grow from seed.

    Grows in the form of bushes no higher than 25 cm (usually 15-20 cm). On the bush are densely large leaves of a trifoliate species, juicy green. The stems grow up to 10 cm in length. The flowers are bisexual, formed at the ends of the peduncles, which start directly from the root. The plant has a fibrous root system.

    By the way. The berries are very fragrant, intensely red, oblong in shape and sweet and sour in taste, weighing about eight grams each. They contain a lot of sugar, as well as various vitamins, the main of which is vitamin C.

    The peculiarity of the Alexandrina plant is that it is a remontant beardless variety of garden cultivated strawberries with small but abundant fruits. He is able to endure drought and winter cold of almost any strength. The variety has an increased resistance to pests and attacks of diseases characteristic of strawberries.

    Seed growing – pluses

    Traditionally, many gardeners prefer vegetative methods of plant propagation. Yes, it is much easier to buy seedlings, cuttings or layers, plant them in prepared soil and wait for them to take root. But when purchasing seedlings of a particular plant, even in a gardening center or nursery, you can never be one hundred percent sure that the declared variety will grow from it.

    You can read more about sowing strawberries for seedlings in our article.

    Important! You need to be a certified botanist or a professional agrarian in order to determine its varietal compliance by the appearance of a seedling.

    Of course, seed companies cannot be trusted completely either, but there are usually fewer errors here. Therefore, if you bought Alexandrina strawberry seeds in a bag, especially from a large producer and seller of seeds that you can trust, it is she who will grow from these seeds. And then it’s easy to collect your own seeds, and grow your favorite berry for as many years or decades as you want.

    Seed cultivation has a number of significant advantages.

    1. Seeds are easy to obtain and of the variety you are interested in.
    2. From seeds, due to their pre-sowing treatment, which is usually carried out by producers, you can get strong, healthy plants without spending much effort.
    3. Some of the preparatory work is done by growers, but with proper home pre-planting, the chances of successful cultivation increase several times.
    4. Strawberries can be sown in “waves” so that they ripen at different times, so fruiting will last all summer.
    5. To get young seedlings of the same variety, simply collect your own seeds.

    Prices for strawberry seeds Aleksandrina

    Seed procurement

    In order to start seed cultivation, you need to get the material. When buying, everything is simple – after getting acquainted with the characteristics of the variety and the features of caring for it, seeds are purchased from a trusted seller that have a normal shelf life.

    The second way to get the seeds of the Alexandrina strawberry is a few ripe berries, which you were treated to by neighbors or friends who are already successfully growing this plant.

    How to prepare strawberry seeds

    Three or four well-ripened berries at the end of the fruiting season, taken from a healthy young bush – that’s all you need to get your own seeds, which will be enough, if not for a “strawberry clearing”, then for the first row for sure.

    Tip. The largest and most productive seeds will be located from the middle of the berry to the base. They not only have a high germination potential, but also a guaranteed developed and inside embryo.

    1. Berries that will be used to collect seeds are collected from the bush. Washing and doing any other manipulations with them is not necessary.
    2. They cut off the top so that two-thirds of the base remains.
    3. From each of them, the layer in which the seeds are located is removed and laid out on white paper.
    4. At room temperature, the shell of the berry is gradually dried until it begins to crumble in the hands.
    5. The dried parts of the berry are carefully rubbed with fingers, sifting the seeds from the pulp.
    6. Cleaned seeds are placed in a glass container. Cotton wool or a paper towel is also placed there, which will absorb excess moisture and help preserve the material until sowing.

    The process of growing Alexandrina strawberries from seeds

    Before sowing the seeds into the soil to obtain strawberry seedlings, it is necessary to carry out their processing, especially if you have collected them yourself.

    Important! Thus, the first stage of cultivation after the acquisition or harvesting of seeds is their pre-sowing treatment. For strawberries, it consists in stratification. This is followed by sowing, picking, hardening and planting in a permanent place.

    Table. Stages of growing strawberries from seeds.

    This is a rather lengthy but necessary process that should be started about half a month before sowing.

    Step 1 – stratification

    • plastic container;
    • cotton pads;
    • water;
    • the presence of a refrigerator.

    Wet disc with plenty of water. It contains seeds. The second disc is wetted with water, covers the first one.

    Both discs with seeds placed between them take their place in the container. The container is closed so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly.

    At the same time, the seeds inside the container need to “breathe”, so small holes are made in the lid or walls.

    By the way. For two days before the start of stratification, the containers are kept warm, and only then they are put in the refrigerator for two weeks.

    While the seeds are in stratification, they must be carefully monitored. The procedure does not mean that once you place the seeds in the refrigerator, you can “forget” about them before the start of the sowing season. The discs are wetted, the container is ventilated.

    There is another method that is sometimes resorted to, but not all gardeners – this is stratification in the soil.

    1. In this case, containers for planting are immediately prepared, having previously prepared or selected a suitable soil composition and disinfected the soil.
    2. Containers are filled 2/3 with earth.
    3. A three-centimeter layer of snow is poured onto the ground with a small compaction of it along with the soil.
    4. Seeds of Alexandrina’s strawberry are scattered right on the snow. Seeds must first be soaked in water for a day.
    5. Cover the containers with transparent lids, place in the refrigerator and make sure that the snow on the surface gradually turns into water, which will “pull” the seeds into the ground just to the depth necessary for germination.
    6. In the course of stratification in the soil, control of moisture and ventilation is also necessary.

    Step 2 – Ground Preparation

    While the Alexandrina Strawberry seeds are stratifying, the ground needs to be prepared.

    It is possible to get strong, viable, healthy strawberry seedlings only if loose and light soil, not oversaturated with nutrients, is used for their cultivation.

    Tip. To prepare the soil for sowing, you need to mix garden, forest soil and sand in equal proportions or proportionally in order to achieve maximum “flowability”.

    After mixing the components, the finished soil must be placed in the oven for a third of an hour to be disinfected.

    Then the soil is removed to a dark place to ripen for a period of two weeks. During this time, beneficial bacteria will reappear and begin to multiply in it.

    Step 3 – sowing seeds

    As long as stratification continues and the soil ripens and enriches it with a bacterial environment, it will be time to sow strawberries. You can do this in January or February, and you should be prepared for the fact that the seeds, despite their microscopic size, take a long time to germinate.

    Sowing takes place in the usual way:

    • containers are filled with soil mixture;
    • the soil is compacted and moistened;
    • spread seeds over the surface;
    • do not need to sprinkle strawberry seeds with soil, just press them a little with your finger into the ground;
    • containers are covered with either transparent lids or stretch and placed in the light, having previously made microscopic holes in them;
    • Seed containers must remain closed until they begin to germinate.

    It is better to place the containers on the east window. In the case of a strong midday sun, they must be shaded. As soon as shoots appear, the covers are removed, and careful monitoring of the level of soil moisture begins – it should not dry out, small strawberry seeds will easily dry with it.

    By the way. You can wait for strawberry shoots for a long time, for several months, but they will definitely appear, filling your heart with pride and joyful anticipation of the harvest.

    Step 4 – picking

    This necessary procedure of picking or planting seedlings in individual pots is carried out when all shoots have three full leaves.

    While the containers for sowing can be of any size, the parameters of the pot for the seedling of Alexandrina strawberry are strictly limited to 5×5 cm. They can be peat or plastic, and before picking they must be prepared to receive seedlings.

    1. Holes are made on the outside of the bottom. Drainage is poured inside the pot. Then the pot is filled with soil of the same composition as the previous one.
    2. In the center of the pot, a depression is made in the ground, similar to a shallow hole.
    3. It is thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle.
    4. The seedling is planted in this hole, not too deep, so that all the leaves are located above the soil surface.
    5. After picking – again watering each plant in a new found pot.

    Step 5 – Hardening off

    This step can be started up to a month before planting out as it should be done gradually. Every day, the picked seedlings are exposed for several hours on a glazed loggia, starting from an hour and a half in the daytime.

    The hardening time increases gradually, reaching the evening and capturing the night. Before planting, strawberry seedlings can remain on the balcony all night.

    The open ground soil is loosened, fed, treated with antifungal agents before planting strawberry seedlings.

    Tip. Planting can be carried out from the end of April, if the nights are not already too cold. Further care is carried out as for all open ground plants.

    Plants must be strong at planting and have at least eight well-formed leaves.

    Step 6 – care

    Once the seedlings are “in the wild”, with favorable weather conditions and careful care, they will actively grow and begin the flowering process.

    Tip. To stimulate the growth of strawberry bushes and increase fruiting in the future, experts advise removing the first flowers in order to gain green mass and the plants acquire resistance to low temperatures.

    It is necessary to take care of Alexandrina strawberries in the open field in the same way as for bushes of any varietal strawberry. Since they are planted in a row in 25 cm increments, taking care of the plants will be easy.

    Strawberries will grow and bear maximum fruit in a sunny place. It must be regularly weeded, removing weeds and at the same time hilling. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, but it is worth considering that the fragrant berry does not like waterlogging, and water should not fall on the leaves, only under the root.

    Tip. After planting, before flowering, top dressing is not carried out; for the first time, plants can be fed only when they bloom and begin to form fruits.

    Performing agricultural techniques, you can get up to three hundred strawberries (about 250 g) per season from one bush.

    Seed cultivation is a 100% repetition of parental qualities, therefore, it is necessary to try to observe the required temperature regime and not violate agrotechnical conditions so as not to lead the seedlings to gradual degeneration. If this happens, the plantation must be replaced by collecting seeds and growing new seedlings.

    The first harvest occurs five months after sowing the seeds. Yes, the process is long, but not too complicated, and the result is impressive. When fragrant berries begin to ripen in clusters on your strawberry bushes, you will not regret for a moment that you decided to grow Alexandrina strawberries on your plot. protected soil: watering, top dressing, hilling, insect and disease control.

    Video – Strawberries: growing from seeds0537

    Fragrant, beautiful and tasty Alexandrina strawberries are suitable for growing in gardens and flower beds. This useful fruit crop has high decorative qualities, therefore it is often used for vertical or horizontal gardening. But its main purpose is to give a rich harvest of berries all summer.

    Characteristics of the variety

    This is a remontant variety of garden small-fruited strawberries that does not produce a mustache. In the state register of varieties, it is intended for cultivation in the West Siberian district, which indicates its resistance to an unstable climate.

    Remontant hairless strawberry Alexandrina forms compact bushes up to 25 cm high with large leaves. Therefore, when planting seedlings in open ground, the distance between plants is maintained at least 20 cm.

    The plant blooms in the first year after planting in mid-May. Fruiting begins in June and lasts until October, while the temperature outside is positive. The fruits have an oblong shape, bright scarlet color and sweet and sour taste. Tasting score – 4 points. The first harvest is distinguished by the largest fruits. The mass of the berry reaches 8 g. The fruits stay on the bushes for a long time even after full ripening, darken and become even more sweet. Berries are rich in vitamin C.

    Description of the Alexandrina strawberry variety:

    • resistant to frost;
    • drought tolerance medium;
    • has strong immunity against pests and bacteria;
    • is susceptible to fungal diseases, especially during rainy summers.

    In general, the variety is unpretentious, adapted to the changing climate and daily temperature fluctuations. To minimize the likelihood of plant damage by fungal diseases, they follow the planting pattern and ensure good ventilation of the beds.

    Growing from seeds

    Good planting material gives rich harvests 2-3 years in a row. To get it, you need to properly prepare the seeds and provide them with good conditions for germination.

    Alexandrina’s strawberries do not produce tendrils, which means that only seeds reproduce.

    They retain a high percentage of germination for 5 years, but for friendly seedlings it is better to take material that is not more than 2 years old.

    Stages of cultivation from seeds of Alexandrina strawberry:

    • soaking seeds in warm water for 2 days;
    • stratification 2 weeks;
    • picking seedlings;
    • landing in open ground in May.

    Strawberry cultivation starts in February. Snow is collected, allowed to melt and the required amount of seeds is soaked in melt water for 2 days at room conditions. A shallow container is filled with a mixture of sand, peat and soddy soil. Snow is placed on top and pre-soaked seeds are scattered over the snow. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a refrigerator for stratification. After 2 weeks, the container is taken out, put in a warm, consecrated place and moisten the soil as it dries.

    Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks. Seedlings are kept away from the bright sun until they get stronger. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the Alexandrina strawberries dive into separate containers. The soil is taken nutritious, breathable.

    Strawberries grow very slowly, so activities for their cultivation begin in the dead of winter.

    By the month of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed, small rosettes, together with a clod of earth, are transplanted into prepared holes in the beds. The distance between plants is kept 20-30 cm, the distance between rows is 30-40 cm. The earth around the bushes can be mulched with straw or sawdust.

    After rooting in the open ground, to stimulate the growth of the bush, Alexandrina strawberries are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This is an infusion of mullein or specially designed store-bought preparations with a high proportion of nitrogen.

    Caring for the plant is easy. You do not need to remove the whiskers, you also do not need to pollinate the plant, its flowers are bisexual. Caring activities are reduced to watering during the dry season and top dressing 3-4 times per season.

    The second top dressing is carried out during the budding period with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The third – during the second wave of flowering and fruiting in the month of July.

    At the end of summer, feeding is stopped to allow the plant to prepare for winter. In October, the above-ground part is cut off and the soil is mulched with a new layer of straw or sawdust. Special covering material to protect the plant from frost is not used. Strawberries winter well without shelter.

    Alexandrina is a proven garden strawberry variety suitable for growing in temperate climates. High taste qualities and ease of care make this plant one of the most popular in amateur suburban areas.

    Growing strawberries from seeds – video

    See the window? Bullets will fly from there”

    “BUSINESS Online” publishes the continuation of conversations-memoirs of the newly deceased Kazan lord. Part 2

    “After our meeting, Arafat sent me an album as a gift with the inscription: “See you in Jerusalem,” said Metropolitan Feofan of Kazan and Tatarstan, recalling his life full of events and meetings in conversations with a BUSINESS Online employee. About why Arafat scolded Gorbachev, did Mubarak speak Russian, who the Copts look like, what monasteries the lord built in the Caucasus and how he conducted mass baptisms of Ossetians – in our material.

    Theophanes: “What image immediately arises in the mind when someone starts talking about Egypt? Of course, the pyramids. Thanks to them, you immediately feel the antiquity of this land, its biblical and even “pre-biblical” past”
    Photo: BUSINESS Online



    – Vladyka, you have already been appointed exarch to the Republic of Egypt, that is, you have stepped onto the next step in your church career. What impression did this Arab country make on you in those years?

    – In Egypt, I was appointed Exarch of the Patriarch of Moscow under the Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa in 1989, that is, very close to the time line followed by 1991, the collapse point of the USSR. I was already considered a fairly experienced person in terms of working abroad (after all, by this time I already had two business trips behind me: Israel and Latin America).

    From the very beginning, the country struck me with the benevolence and friendliness of its people. Although what image comes to mind immediately when someone starts talking about Egypt? Of course, the pyramids. Thanks to them, you immediately feel the antiquity of this land, its biblical and even “pre-biblical” past. However, not only the pyramids testify to the distant past, but also the famous Cairo Museum. My residence was in Alexandria, but on duty I visited Cairo several times a week. Much has been said and written about the pyramids, but this does not negate the personal impression of such regal “camel humps” rising straight from the sand, like a giant caravan going through the desert. When you drive along the road from Alexandria to Cairo, and it passes through the Sahara, you immediately rest your eyes on them. The contrast between the grandeur of these structures, the sacred meaning of the giant tombstones crowning the life of the pharaohs and their courtiers, and the daily life of a modern Egyptian is always striking.

    – But the modern Egyptian is ethnically and civilizationally far from the peoples who once inhabited Ancient Egypt.

    — Of course. Ethnically, the Copts are close to the ancient Egyptians, the vast majority of whom profess Orthodoxy. As for today’s Egyptians, they are primarily Arabs who came in the 7th century from the Arabian Peninsula. But we are not considering the ethnographic aspect now. I am talking about the character of the people who surprised me with the simplicity of their life. Camels, folk crafts and souvenirs, hearths, bright clothes – everything is gathered side by side, woven into one colorful oriental pattern, multiplied by the obtrusively unobtrusive Arab nature. It all reminded me very much of our gypsies. “Let me tell a fortune, gild my pen, give the kids milk and bread” is one thing, but on the other hand there is a free world, a kind of freemen, inner emancipation. And such a simple life passes under the shadow of colossal pyramidal structures built about 40 centuries ago!

    I don’t know how many times I happened to be near the Egyptian pyramids – I didn’t count. But I avoided going inside – not because I’m afraid (I’m rarely afraid of anything in this life), but because of my inner conviction. To go inside someone else’s sacred space means to build some kind of connection with it.

    – Recall, however, that the first attempts to create a monotheistic religion were made precisely in Ancient Egypt by Pharaoh Akhenaten (also known as Amenhotep IV, “heretic pharaoh” from XVIII dynasty).

    – This is debatable. Monotheism did not appear in ancient Egypt – it was born at the creation of the world. When the Lord created man, then there was an inner feeling of connection with the Creator, the One Creator. As for the Egyptian understanding of the gods, including attempts to establish a cult of one god, Aten, this is already the work of human hands. But this problem is theological, and when discussing it, it is easy to stumble over a stumbling block between the Arab East and Jewish civilization, which has found its expression, including in modern Israel. Did monotheism originate in Ancient Egypt (, for example, this point of view was held by Sigmund Freud, who considered the prophet Moses a follower of the religion of Akhenaten approx. ed. )? But in this case, the Jews will never agree with you. They will never recognize the ancient Egyptians as the first monotheists, because the belief in the One Creator, according to their deep conviction, was first formulated only in the Old Testament. And Christians belonging to the same Abrahamic tradition will find themselves in solidarity with the Jews, and not with those who are looking for the roots of the true teaching in the ancient Egyptian cults.

    – Well, what memorable links you with Cairo? You have already begun to list: the Cairo Museum…

    – There is the same simplicity of life as in the whole country, but the influence of luxury, the imperious invasion of modernity was also very keenly felt. Good cars, wide roads, fashionable European clothes – all this already appeared in Egypt at the end of the 20th century. At some gas station, you could easily see a luxurious Mercedes and right there – a donkey with canisters for diesel fuel. But this did not necessarily create any prerequisites for envy. The donkey driver did not look up at the owner of the car – on the contrary, he looked more carefree and happy compared to him. And even with some regret he looked at his sleeker brother, who was sitting behind the wheel of an expensive foreign car.

    As for the Cairo Museum… If you consider yourself to be part of the cultural layer, then you should definitely visit it. All the museums of the world that arose later – the Louvre, and our Hermitage, and the British Museum, and many New York ones – would be very poor if they did not have a connection with the culture of Ancient Egypt. I would say that the Cairo Museum is the foundation, the university from which all world culture has come. When they talk about this museum only in relation to mummies, gold and statues, this is wrong. Everything’s there! Suffice it to say that some ancient Egyptian images in their writing technique resemble our Orthodox iconography. I’m not talking about a lot of jewelry, the manufacturing technology of which has not yet been unraveled. The highest art, the richest imagination, combined with philosophy and religion, gave results that cannot be achieved today with the most modern innovative technologies. I strongly advise those who will read us to start their acquaintance with Egypt not from Hurghada and El Arish, but from the Cairo Museum. Only then will it be possible to realize the antiquity and scale of the country in which you are. Basking in the sun is great for health, but how can you visit Egypt and not notice what civilization and what dizzying depths of the human spirit you have touched?

    Leaving the museum, let’s mentally walk through the streets of Cairo. Looking back at that time from today’s 21st century, it’s even hard for me to imagine how a calm country, immersed in an Eastern slow sleep, could be dragged into a funnel of turbulence associated with the “Arab Springs” in a couple of decades. I remember the Egyptian world as patriarchal and benevolent, and everything that happened to it at the dawn of a new century is seen as something alien and alien to it. And then you walk through the Egyptian bazaar, and involuntarily you get the feeling that everyone and everything is eager to talk with you. What is the most important thing here? Not only trade and profit, but the process of communication itself, personal contact between the seller and the buyer. They pull you by the hand, they smile at you, they treat you. They can cheat a little, but you yourself don’t make a mistake and don’t flap your ears. Of course, you also need to hold on to your pockets – there have always been a lot of market thieves in Eastern markets. But I can vouch for one thing: there were no pathological manifestations, clots of hatred then.

    “Imagine: Christianity in Egypt from the very first centuries! Suffice it to say that it was in this country that Joseph, Mary and the baby Christ, who fled from Herod, once found shelter.
    Photo: © Andrey Stenin, RIA Novosti


    — And what was the then relationship between Copts and Arabs?

    – By the way, many Copts at that time had mixed marriages with Muslims, went to visit each other. There were certainly sprouts of hostility, but the centuries-old experience of existence together developed an antidote against this. Imagine: Christianity in Egypt from the very first centuries! Suffice it to say that it was in this country that Joseph, Mary and the baby Christ, who fled from Herod, once found shelter. Therefore, the Christian faith quickly won the hearts of the Egyptians, literally from the moment of its inception. But Islam also appeared in this country from the 7th century, that is, soon after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. So how many centuries have Christians and Muslims in Egypt lived together?

    – If you keep a record from of the 7th century, then more than 13 centuries.

    — More than 13 centuries! Just imagine the scope. And in just 10 years, modern provocative technologies have managed to destroy such friendship. What is this if not a new terrible “vaccine” of hatred, with the help of which certain forces in the world destroy and destroy traditional ways of life? I emphasize that the “vaccine” of hatred is the latest invention. It is introduced artificially. As crops are made in samples in the laboratory, hate crops are also made. “Seeds” for them are also produced in special laboratories. We will not name the countries where this is happening – they are known to everyone. The “seeds” of hatred were planted in the same way that bacteria are applied when new drugs or poisons are tested. And these crops sprouted during those periods of time, which were later called the Arab Spring.

    I remember Egypt very differently. If a mosque is built, a Coptic church will be built right next to it. Only in this way it was possible to live 13 centuries together. And only artificial methods could overturn such a stable patriarchal world, and in such a way that neighboring countries also suffered. Libya, then Iraq. These countries have an ancient culture, like Egypt, for all the peoples of which (I do not specifically single out Arabs or Copts) I have great respect for.

    I repeat once again: during my stay there, the country was absolutely calm, although something was already starting to smolder implicitly. But the Egyptians still knew how to deal with it.

    — What do you think was the position of the Coptic Church in Egypt then? Indeed, due to your official position, you were in contact with the Copts almost daily.

    – Yes, as already mentioned, I was an exarch under the Patriarch of Alexandria. Then the throne of Alexandria was occupied by Parthenius III, a Greek by nationality. He was a wonderful Patriarch, enlightened, balanced, combining the firmness of the ancient Alexandrian Church with the broadest knowledge and wisdom. He knew how to find a balance not only between Muslims and Christians, but also between Orthodox and Copts. Of course, the latter call themselves Orthodox, but there are differences, primarily of a theological nature. Like the Armenians, the Copts are Monophysites. But it’s surprising: if you start asking what separated the Copts and the Orthodox, then not only a commoner, but also a person who considers himself enlightened will not really answer this question. Neither we nor them. If you start talking about the faith and person of Jesus Christ with Coptic priests, then, not knowing the theological subtleties and background of this separation, the dramatic disputes of the 4th-5th centuries, you will never understand why we are different. Of course, the Copts are close to us, it is pointless to renounce this.

    Consider the history of Egyptian Christianity. Let’s start with the fact that in this country there were large Greek colonies that were formed back in antiquity, during the time of the Roman and then the Byzantine empires. It is clear that when the ancient patriarchates were formed here, then, of course, the Greek element was very strong in them. Now in Egypt it is not uncommon to meet an Orthodox Arab, but the Greeks still remain the first hierarchs, primates of the church and members of the episcopate. This, by the way, causes a slight protest among the same Orthodox Arabs. In the period, let’s say, of the early Hosni Mubarak, who became president of Egypt in 1981, and before him the Greeks still lived quite freely, traded, had their own small business in the country, especially in the textile industry. However, after nationalization, they lost this, and many of them had to leave home. Nevertheless, many Greek Orthodox churches remained in Egypt, but they are neglected and not crowded. There are not enough Arab Orthodox to fill them.

    However, the Patriarchate of Alexandria remains one of the strongest in any case. Its power extends to the entire African continent. No wonder the title of Parthenius sounded like this: Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa. Right down to South Africa and Kenya, to the so-called “black world”, where there are also fairly solid Christian communities, all this is the jurisdiction of the Alexandrian patriarch. Many Coptic temples are located in Cairo itself.

    I had very good relations with Patriarch Partheny, despite our difference in age: he was already 70 years old, I was 42 years old. For me it was a great school. It happened that he himself called me: “Feofan, come.” And here we are drinking tea with him in Alexandria with a view of the Farouk Palace and the Royal Park on the Mediterranean coast. On the coast, the Greeks kept a small fish restaurant, and Parthenius liked to stop by there to taste seafood, but without alcohol. He told me a lot, and he had a lot to tell. He participated in the World Council of Churches and even served as the president of this organization for some time, knew the Orthodox world well, was familiar with the patriarchs, knew the background of the relationship between the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI ( their historic meeting in Jerusalem took place in January 1964 approx. ed. ). I learned a lot of purely historical information from him. Much of what he talked about often became a revelation to me.

    “I developed very good relations with Patriarch Partheny (center left), despite our difference in age: he was already 70 years old, I was 42 years old. It has been a great school for me.”
    Photo: © Vladimir Fedorenko, RIA Novosti


    — What are the relations between Russians and Egyptians? After all, it is no secret that the USSR tried to maintain power in Republican Egypt and even provided military assistance to it.

    – We must pay tribute: the attitude towards our embassy under the “early” Mubarak was good. Although the relationship changed depending on the period: for example, after the famous Six-Day War of 1967 ( during it, Israel, with the support of the United States and Great Britain, captured the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the west bank of the Jordan River, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights approx. ed. ) some employees of the Soviet embassy had to leave Egypt. Under me, an interesting and truly remarkable ambassador (as expected, extraordinary and plenipotentiary) was Vladimir Porfiryevich Polyakov. He had a huge experience in diplomatic work: in the same Egypt, he spent 9 years back in the 1970-1980s, and in 1967 he was listed as an adviser at the embassy in the United Arab Republic ( lasted until 1971 and represented the union of Egypt , Syria and Iraq approx. ed. ). After the defeat in the Six-Day War, our people were accused of losing, as a result of which Polyakov also suffered: he was expelled from the country. But he was the youngest ambassador to the Soviet Union (he began his diplomatic service at the age of 25)! Moreover, his wife was the niece of Mikhail Suslov, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. After a temporary suspension from work, Polyakov was again appointed ambassador, but not because he was someone’s protégé (although, of course, he was), but because he really was a professional, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies and knew languages.

    I couldn’t help but know Polyakov. After all, what was the peculiarity of our service abroad? Both in Argentina and in Egypt, we were obliged to come to the embassy once a week. Meetings of all Soviet citizens were organized here, not only diplomats, but in general everyone who had been in the republic for a long time, working in their own areas. Usually we watched some Soviet film, talked to each other, realizing perfectly well that all this was a kind of review, a re-examination arranged for us. They checked whether we came or not, what moods we had, and so on. In addition, it was almost a rule to be noted in a special journal. I found out about this when I returned from Cairo to Alexandria, when the local Soviet diplomat asked me as something taken for granted: “Did you check in there?” At first I did not understand: “Where?” He replied: “In a magazine.” I was surprised: “Why? From what fright? I’m not an employee of your embassy.” He objected firmly: “But you are a Soviet citizen?” I say yes. But I represent the church here, not the state. It’s illegal.” He continued to insist, and as a result, we had a skirmish. Can you imagine such a conversation in Soviet times?

    – But this was already under Mikhail Gorbachev, as far as I understand? “Liberalism” was already allowed then.

    – It was 1989. The fact that the Soviet Union would disappear in less than two years was even unimaginable. The state was still quite strong. And I defeated my opponent not because from the center we were given the freedom to chat whatever we like (on the ground and in foreign representations such freedom never appeared), but because I made an argument. “What would you like? I told him. – So that tomorrow, when opening your journal and finding my mark in it, someone would conclude that the Orthodox exarch works for the KGB? But such a painting can be considered evidence of “some connection” with the special services! No, I have absolutely no intention of doing this and compromising our church.”

    Subsequently, our discussion even caused a slight stir in diplomatic circles. Nevertheless, I managed to defend my right not to leave my autographs where they are not needed at all. Although all other Soviet departments that worked in Egypt regularly continued to register at the embassy. I don’t want to say that I was the only one so brave. But I had an understanding that this should not be done, since I was responsible not only for myself, but also for the authority of the entire Russian Church.

    – Vladyka, in Egypt you witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union. What impression did it make on you abroad?

    — Yes, now I will tell you about the change of power. In those years, Leonid Grigoryevich Titov, now deceased, was the Consul General of the USSR in Alexandria. When, in August 1991, contradictory information about what was happening in Moscow began to flicker in newspapers and on television, no one from the consulate could really figure it out. Finally, some papers came through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reporting that Mikhail Gorbachev had been removed from power due to illness and control was concentrated in the hands of a certain GKChP. What was to be done? And in Titov’s office, as usual, a portrait of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Gorbachev, who is also the first and last president of the USSR, hung in a prominent place. And then Leonid Grigoryevich calls some people to him, perhaps through the special services and defiantly declares, nodding towards the portrait: “Take it off. This man is unworthy! We now have a new government!” At the same time, Titov’s appearance was very majestic and self-confident, as if he himself were arranging the trial of Gorbachev. Okay, the picture is being taken. But only a few days pass, the GKChP is liquidated, the revolt of the party nomenclature is suppressed, and now our Leonid Grigorievich is rushing around the magnificent consular palace with screams and shouting: “But who took the portrait? Who dared? It’s a portrait of the President! Return it immediately! This is a disgrace, treason!” Thank God, the painting was not burned, but only sent to the attic – therefore, in the very near future, Gorbachev was again showing off in Titov’s office.

    — Did the disappearance of the USSR matter to you? Even though the country was under the rule of an ideology alien and hostile to the church, it was still Russia.

    – It hurt me. Apparently, I intuitively understood what events were leading to. Yes, the Russian Orthodox Church remained the only “unfinished” ideological opponent of Soviet power in the USSR. In the expanses of the former Russian Empire, there were only two ideologies arguing with each other – communist and Orthodox. We have already talked with you about my father, who did not accept an atheistic ideology, but always said: “Fatherland is one thing, and my attitude towards it is unchanged. And I will never accept communism with your socialism.” This did not stop him at 1941 to go to the front as a volunteer. And when they say that during the Great Patriotic War, Soviet people went to die for Stalin and for Soviet power, I can always answer that my father is not one of them. He fought for Russia, which was then called the Soviet Union.

    Therefore, I already regarded the collapse and disappearance of the Soviet Union as a tragedy of a large state. It should also be taken into account that the Russian Orthodox Church was spread throughout the entire USSR and even beyond. And for us, Orthodox people, the disintegration of the state body also meant a break in the old church ties. Now they had to be built almost anew. The church is often accused of being “pro-Putin”, and then – of pro-Soviet sentiments. The answer to this reproach is very simple: we are always for our Fatherland. And at present, we Russians are a divided people, if we talk about the post-Soviet period.

    “We must pay tribute: the attitude towards our embassy under the “early” Mubarak was good”
    Photo: © Wang Jianhua / Xinhua /


    — Did you have a chance to communicate personally with Hosni Mubarak?

    — Yes, of course. And during the visit of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in 1992 to Egypt, and earlier – at diplomatic receptions in Soviet embassies. Mubarak gave the impression of a completely Oriental person. On the other hand, the years of his stay in the USSR did not pass without a trace for him. After all, he studied at the Frunze Military Aviation School and even took a course at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow. Therefore, in a conversation, he could insert a few phrases in Russian and constantly showed sympathy for our country. Yes, he was a Muslim, but not very active, which allowed his opponents in 2011 to deprive the Egyptian president of power.

    What is characteristic: Mubarak almost did not communicate with Patriarch Partheny. He revered the Copts as the real Orthodox Church in Egypt, and the Alexandrian throne, ruled by the Greeks, and not the Arabs, seemed to him improperly arranged. However, when Patriarch Alexy II, and later the now living Patriarch Kirill, came to Egypt, he arranged magnificent solemn meetings for them. The attitude of ordinary Egyptians towards our church leaders was also very kind. Wherever, in whatever place of the country the Patriarch appeared, he was greeted everywhere with great love. And this once again demonstrated the greatness of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    – In addition to Mubarak, they also talk about your meetings with the legendary Yasser Arafat. How did you manage to meet him? After all, it is known that Arafat communicated extremely selectively and was very careful in choosing contacts.

    – Under the late Gorbachev, relations between the USSR and the Arab world deteriorated. The Soviet president defiantly chose a course for the West, for America, and to some extent, as they said then, betrayed the Arab world. And Yasser Arafat was a kind of indicator, a litmus test of our contacts with the Arab civilization. No matter how and in what way the politicians accused the leader of the Palestinian liberation movement, it was considered useful and necessary to build relations with him, because through Arafat it was possible to arrange many insoluble issues. And then one day, when not everything was going well with the Soviet diplomats in communication with Arafat, someone remembered that they could try to “go in” to him through the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, just the day before, at 19In 90, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) married a Christian Suha Tawil. This strengthened the diplomatic circles in their intention to introduce Arafat to a representative of the Orthodox Church.

    The choice fell on me. I remember I flew from Cairo to Tunis, where at that time the headquarters of Arafat’s PLO was located in exile. The then Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to Tunisia was Vladimir Fedorovich Sobchenko, by the way, the former second secretary of the Vinnitsa regional committee of the Communist Party. It is not difficult to imagine what a diplomat he turned out to be. But the embassies always had professional diplomats, as a rule, very good ones, for such a case.

    Arafat had a habit: due to the fact that there were attempts on his life more than once, he never said in advance where and when the meeting with him would take place. In addition, he made it a rule to hold meetings at night. And here we are sitting in the Soviet Tunisian embassy and waiting: 10, 11 o’clock in the evening, finally, midnight. According to Russian custom, it would be possible to skip a “glass”, but it is indecent to go to a meeting with Arafat after that. Because no alcohol! Everyone is toiling, and the poor ambassador is also exhausted. They had already determined which of the embassies would go with me to meet me, and now there was only one agonizing wait. Only after one in the morning, a signal comes through Arafat’s contacts that he is ready to meet with me and that a car will arrive now. Indeed, a car soon appears, but from there they voice: the Palestinian president is ready to meet Feofan, but only with him alone. There should be no one else at the meeting! Everyone in the embassy looks confused. What to do, I agreed to go alone. He reassured the diplomats: it’s okay, we must act according to the situation.

    Got into the car. No one blindfolded me, but they still drove me for quite a long time, winding around Tunisia, along different streets. I did not know the city, so it would be difficult for me to orient myself in any case. Finally, they bring me to some country villa and let me get out of the car. And here I was struck by the picture: a long alley overgrown with hedges, and on both sides of it – submachine gunners with weapons drawn every one and a half meters. In fact, the entire alley consisted of bushes and submachine gunners. The feeling: if you take one wrong step to the side, these submachine gunners will not only shoot you, but tear you apart with their teeth! Do you remember how in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed” Humpbacked said: “Volodenka, I’ll bite you with my teeth!”? Likewise here.

    But this is the first impression. When Yasser Arafat and I entered a room in his secret residence, I hesitated a little: where should I sit? Armchairs and chairs are arranged, but in some strange chaotic way. Arafat smiles and tells me, pointing with his hand: “Never sit there, we’ll sit next to you.” I ask: “Why so?” Him: “See the window? That’s where the bullets come from.”

    – Did you communicate through an interpreter?

    – Arafat had an interpreter with him, and, as already mentioned, I arrived alone. The meeting was scheduled to be short – only half an hour. Instead, we sat for one and a half. We started a long conversation. First, I listened to how bad Gorbachev was doing and why the Arab world should not have been abandoned. In response, I reminded Arafat that I was not delegated by Gorbachev, but I represent the Orthodox Church and the people, who think differently. We talked, and out of the simplicity of my heart I advised my interlocutor: “You are completely different, not the same as you are represented in the world. The media paints you as a monster, but you are so cute! Communicate with the public more often so that the world knows the wonderful Arafat, who can speak brilliantly and think logically.” He seemed to like my words very much. After our nightly conversation, he sent me an album as a gift with a personal inscription: “See you in Jerusalem!”

    — What did he treat you to?

    – Ordinary oriental sweets, fruits and coffee. Meanwhile, in the embassy, ​​everyone was sitting excitedly and waiting: where did they take me? But I returned safely in Arafat’s car.

    “An extremely important part of my life is really connected with the Ossetians. And the Ossetian people, in turn, were a very significant part of the diocese, which I ruled for almost 8 years.
    Photo: © Vladimir Mayorov / Russian Look /


    — Vladyka, you have said more than once that perhaps you spent your happiest years in Ossetia, in the Caucasus. Tell us about this period of your life.

    — An important part of my life is really connected with Ossetians. And the Ossetian people, in turn, were a very significant part of the diocese, which I ruled for almost 8 years. In the Caucasus, I bore the title of Bishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz. As in all dioceses, here I started with the main thing: live communication with parishioners, acquaintance with real life, history, culture and traditions of the people among whom I have to testify. Therefore, when I first arrived in Ossetia, I immediately began to make active acquaintances, allowing me to feel the rhythm of life there and enter into its atmosphere not as a short-term guest, but as a full participant. I met with the elite and the leadership of the republic, local entrepreneurs, spoke at universities (and was even subsequently elected an honorary professor of the Vladikavkaz State Technological University), visited hospitals, attended big holidays, literary evenings – wherever there were people. Never refused when invited. This is one of my rules.

    And thanks to this intensive communication, rapprochement with the Ossetian people, I quickly understood one important thing. This is a great people with a wonderful history. Suffice it to say that as a percentage of the population of seemingly vast Russia, the Ossetians gave the largest number of heroes of the Soviet Union and representatives of the highest military command staff. Among them were many participants in the Great Patriotic War. This says a lot – about the spirit of the people, their talent and devotion. In addition, the fact that the Ossetians once adopted Orthodoxy from Byzantium and later returned to Christianity, being part of the Russian Empire, has always remained a deterrent that prevented the total spread of Islam in the Caucasus. And in the famous Caucasian wars that the highlanders waged with Russia under the leadership of Shamil, the Ossetians did not take part or even, on the contrary, supported the Russian troops as best they could.

    — But among the Ossetians, as far as is known, pagan beliefs are also widespread.

    – Yes, these are people with childish faith – I would say so. There are many adherents of the ancient tradition of Watsdin ( according to scientists, this tradition has Indo-European roots approx. ed. ). I will not now give labels, whether this is a pagan faith or not. This is their religious tradition. On the other hand, there is a very strong desire for Orthodoxy. After all, it is within the Alanian state ( lasted until the middle of the XIV century approx. ed. ) was perhaps the earliest on the territory of today’s Russia. Until now, Alanian temples of the 6th-9th centuries have been preserved in Karachay-Cherkessia almost in their original form. But since then, many centuries have passed: Alania ceased to exist under the hooves of nomads, then it was reborn as part of the Russian Empire, then it was one of the republics of the Soviet Union …

    And it became clear to me that people needed to be brought to Christ. Especially since there is an Islamic environment nearby. As I said, for this I chose the path of direct communication with people. Supporting the national roots of the Ossetians, their traditions, culture, I persistently reminded them that they have deep roots in Christianity. This is evidenced by the same ancient Christian churches on the territory of Ossetia. And I saw that they were listening to me, that for the Ossetians, as well as for me, these were not empty words, and that I gradually managed to awaken in them some kind of ancient memory that connects them with Christianity of the first centuries.

    One day I dared to suggest one very unusual thing – to perform a mass baptism. This first happened in 2005, and before proceeding to the sacrament of baptism, as it was once in New Testament times, we tried to give as much information as possible in local newspapers, on radio and television in order to attract the attention of the people.

    We chose a place – Alan Epiphany Convent in the Alagir Gorge. He is on his way to South Ossetia, and there is a beautiful, wonderful lake there. And so, when the appointed day of baptism came and I saw how many people had gathered on the shore of the lake, I was a little surprised and even somewhat confused. About a thousand people came to be baptized, and this is almost an ancient evangelical tradition. I found myself in a moment of confusion: such a mass of people – what to do? For some reason, I imagined how Prince Vladimir baptized Russia in a tributary of the Dnieper. One can imagine how many people the shores of the Pochaina accommodated then: after all, they gathered all of Kyiv!

    On that memorable day, whole Ossetian clans came to the shore of the monastery lake: grandmothers, great-grandmothers, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren – everyone! Of course, I prepared myself: about 20 priests performed the sacrament. It was planned that I would just read the main prayers and that’s it, and the priests would baptize. But then – apparently, by virtue of character – something happened in me. In such an impulse that I will never forget, I enter the water in what I was – in a beautiful mantle, episcopal vestments – and I myself begin to baptize. And now the hems of my mantle and solemn vestments are floating in the lake, and I keep baptizing and baptizing. For more than two hours I stood in cold water – I remember from time to time they said to me: “Vladyka, you can forgive.” After all, there are mountains all around, and river, mountain water accumulates in the monastery lake. But nothing – God bless! True, I had a phone and a passport with me, and everything turned out to be wet and in very bad condition. I had to part with the phone, and after that I put the passport to dry, and it is still alive.

    But you should have seen it! A thousand people, and godparents, godchildren, also came with them! And in the soul there is a feeling: is there a God or not? There is! When I looked at these bowed heads and listened to the prayers, it seemed to me that heaven and earth were uniting. People with childish faith – just childish, as the Savior commanded! – were baptized.

    – But these, starting from great-grandmothers and ending with grandchildren, were people from different generations of the Soviet Union.

    – Well, of course, these were atheistic generations. And suddenly – children’s faith!

    “Since 2005, baptisms in the monastery lake have been held annually. As before, a lot of people came, and in 2008, more than 1.5 thousand people were baptized at the same time.
    Photo: BUSINESS Online


    — Have you ever had a chance to conduct mass baptisms in Ossetia?

    – Yes, since 2005 baptisms in the monastery lake have been held annually. As before, a lot of people came, and in 2008 over 1,500 people were baptized at the same time. I remember that people came to the Alagir Gorge not only from Russia, but from all over the former Soviet Union and even from abroad. I somehow approached one family: “Where did you come from?” They answer: “We are from France. We have been living there for many years, our children were born there.” – “And why did you come here?” They didn’t think for a moment, they say: “This is our homeland, we must be baptized here.”

    Another important point: even though there were Orthodox churches in Ossetia at that time, they were not enough. There was a particular shortage of normal monasteries.

    — Was Ossetia affected by the destruction of churches in Soviet times?

    – Like everywhere else, atheism skating rink went through here. For a long time I was looking for a place for one monastery complex, now widely known as the Alan Epiphany Convent. We need to come there again somehow, visit, see… And then, in the zero years, there was still, in fact, no monastery, but only a few nuns huddled in some private house, in a small room. There was something equipped for a monastery – a small temple, rooted on 15 acres of land. They had no status as nuns. I came to them and said: “No, this will not work. Let’s think about a full-fledged convent.” And I began to look for a suitable place for the construction of a real monastery – especially since I already had considerable experience in this.

    And somehow, while driving around the district, I saw an abandoned building on the right, at the foot of the mountains. I ask: “What was here?” They tell me: “This is a former pioneer camp, but it has long been abandoned.” And indeed: everything turned out to be destroyed and pulled apart. “Let’s make a monastery here,” I suggested. They object to me: “No, it probably won’t work. In these places there is a cascade of mountain lakes, and many people like it. Apparently, they specifically want to bring the camp to the handle, so that later they can give it away for a pittance for an entertainment establishment or something like that. ” Nevertheless, I said: “So be it. But let’s try.”

    – How did you manage to defeat those who deliberately brought the pioneer camp to the handle?

    – I had good relations with the head of the republic Alexander Sergeevich Dzasokhov ( headed North Ossetia until June 2005 ed. ). They became reinforced by my friendship with Yevgeny Primakov. Dzasokhov and Primakov were also friends, often talked – Evgeny Maksimovich even came to Vladikavkaz more than once and probably recommended me to the head of the republic. And Dzasokhov was imbued with respect for me. And somehow we were sitting with him, and I told him about my plans to found a convent. He smiled: “Vladyka, have you looked at the place?” I say: “Alexander Sergeevich, near Alagir ( a small city within the republic with a population of about 20 thousand people approx. ed. ) there is a suitable place.” “And what’s in there?” Dzasokhov is interested. I answer: “Well, just an abandoned pioneer camp, everything is falling apart, everything is abandoned and no one needs it.” He says, “Okay, let’s work through it.” As a result, just a month later, a decree of the republican government was issued on the transfer of the former pioneer camp to the Russian Orthodox Church.

    This is a really beautiful place. We put everything in order as quickly as possible. I looked for funds and materials throughout the diocese and immediately gave them to the monastery. Soon the sisters settled there. There was an abandoned first-aid post with well-preserved, good walls. We converted it into a church. It was painted by Alanian artists. It turned out to be a wonderful temple, and the monastery itself became one of the most revered and visited places in the republic, now everyone is proud of it.

    But this is not enough. I decided that the monastery needed social activities. The Beslan tragedy has already happened ( On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized the building of school No. 1 in Beslan. During the tragedy, Metropolitan Feofan was near the school all the days and even went on the famous attack together with the Russian special forces. We already told about this here rev. ). Then this pain was still very fresh, but I caught one thing – I realized that a very short time would pass and interest in the mothers of Beslan would cool down. Not out of malice – it’s just life. New problems will appear that will obscure the old ones, and mothers, along with other survivors of the terrorist attack, will no longer be taken to Italy, Israel for free, and they will no longer be provided with social assistance and support. They will be gradually forgotten, but their wounds will never heal – they will still need constant rehabilitation. That’s why I decided so: it is necessary to build a rehabilitation center for mothers and children of Beslan in the new monastery

    Of course, there was practically no money for construction. And I decided to create it not just for show, but a real, good, high-level, beautiful rehabilitation center. And then they used old connections and contacts with the Russian Orthodox Church abroad and the Lutheran Church in Germany. We entered into a tripartite agreement with them on behalf of the diocese. By the way, this was the first treaty with ROCOR in the history of the Moscow Patriarchate, and we signed it in the presence of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II and Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, who later headed the commission for the reunification of the two Orthodox Churches ( canonical unity was achieved in 2007 approx. ed. ). And at that time, our agreement turned out to be one of the best rehabilitation centers – in terms of its technical equipment, convenience and beauty of location – on the lake, where we baptized people, at the foot of the mountains and near the monastery gates. Pretty soon we began to accept children from Beslan – to be honest, there was no end. They heard about our center in Moscow: Sergei Mironov, at that time the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the then Minister of Health Tatyana Golikova, came on a visit. Everyone admired. Some expected to see excessive monastic asceticism, black monastic kerchiefs, but nothing like that: a theater, a ballet circle were opened in the center for children, and various cultural programs were operating.

    “Together with the Ossetians, I endured many joys and troubles. I loved and still love this people: they are open, courageous, devoted”
    Photo: © Vladimir Mayorov / Russian Look /


    — They say that you are the founder of not only a female, but also a male monastery in this Caucasian republic?

    – Yes, having founded a convent in North Ossetia, I immediately set about opening a male one. There seemed to be one like that in Beslan – at the railway station, in some old building. I arrived, looked: “No, this is not a monastery.” Trains rumble, always very crowded. And they needed a secluded place so that they could pray. And I gave the task to the abbot to look for a place.

    He found a place in Stavropol. Previously, there was a resort in the mountains of national importance for the treatment of pulmonary diseases. We bought the land, and now it is one of the most beautiful monasteries – the southernmost one in the Russian Orthodox Church. Feels like Athos in Greece.

    The appearance of a new Orthodox monastery shook the whole of Ossetia. I remember the night of the baptism in a freezing mountain river, where up to 20-30 thousand people came. It’s chilly in the mountains at night, and it blows cold from the river, but bonfires are burning everywhere, it’s crowded, there are a lot of cars all over the gorge, there are fiery whirlwinds of fireworks in the sky – a truly popular holiday.

    – You probably miss Ossetia, those flocks?

    — Of course, together with the Ossetians, I endured many joys and troubles. I loved and love this people: they are open, courageous, devoted.

    – After the disaster in Beslan, there was another war with Georgia in August 2008.

    — Yes, I remember this summer well. I had been to the unrecognized Republic of South Ossetia before, and the impression was terrible: it was striking how Georgia oppressed our Ossetian brothers.

    When the military conflict began, literally on the second day I was already in Tskhinvali. Until now, I can’t hear fairy tales that supposedly there was almost nothing there. With my own eyes, I saw the still uncleaned corpses of people, the square strewn with fragments, houses smashed by gunshots. The picture turned out to be very gloomy. I supported our soldiers and ordinary people who were there as best I could. Remember, conductor Valery Gergiev gave a charity concert in Tskhinvali these days? I was asked to attend that concert together with Mufti of the North Caucasus Ismail Berdiyev. The smell of burning was still in the air. And the next morning I had to go to Berlin, where a meeting of our and Western public was taking place.

    — Was the meeting dedicated to the so-called “war of 08.08.08”?

    – Yes, the Western media made a fuss, claiming that Russia is an invader and aggressor, despite the fact that it was our peacekeepers who were shot point-blank. Not to mention the genocide that took place in South Ossetia before. Russia needed to defend itself – not only on the rapidly formed Caucasian front, but also before the public opinion of the West.

    I managed to get to Berlin with great difficulty. I flew from Tskhinvali to Moscow, and only then to Germany, and still managed to meet. At that time, I was a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for National Issues and Interfaith Relations. Our group included journalist Maxim Shevchenko (he once worked for me, my good friend), academician Vyacheslav Tishkov, former First Minister for Nationalities of the Russian Federation (by the way, he always raises the Kryashen issue), deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov (a descendant of Vyacheslav Molotov ). In general, not the most engaged and confused people.

    And now European journalists, politicians, representatives of NATO countries have gathered. Everyone spoke in a circle: one from their side, the other from ours. I was asked: “Vladyka, would you like to be one of the first to speak?” And I was tired after a difficult flight and asked to give me a break: they say, I’ll listen to what you smart heads say. NATO, of course, pressed the Russian side that we were aggressors, attacked the small country of Georgia, and so on. I was silent and silent and, finally, could not restrain myself: “Now listen to what I say!”

    It should be noted that on the eve of my departure, by some miracle, I picked up two fragments from Grad in Tskhinvali – 50-100 grams each, strongly melted. I reminded the audience about Mikheil Saakashvili’s lulling speeches for Ossetians, who a couple of days before the war assured: “Sleep well, no one will touch you.” And then he gives the order to shell Tskhinval with Grad at midnight. NATO members are dissatisfied and incredulously grimacing. I go down from the stage, take out the fragments, go up to the NATO general and show him these two melted pieces of iron. I say: “Mr. General, you most of all called Saakashvili a peacemaker and talked about peaceful Georgia. Just yesterday, I was in Tskhinvali Square, strewn with such fragments, I was shown in the Russian news, you can rest assured. I appeal to you, Mr. General: take such a fragment and imagine that it went through you. You are a military man, you understand what it is. Accept the fragments and pass them along the rows. These are gifts for civilians in Tskhinvali.”

    I spoke very calmly – it became very quiet in the hall, there was just dead silence. “Now think about who is who,” I added. The fragments went from hand to hand (one of them was not returned to me later), and the NATO members began a heated debate among themselves in the style: “We are also being misinformed.” In general, there was clarity in their heads. It turned out to be useful: to plant in their souls at least the seeds of doubt about the truthfulness of Saakashvili.

    Thus, the unexpected war with Georgia also firmly connected me with the Ossetian land.

    – Yes, you really were with Ossetians both in grief and in joy.

    — My service is to share both troubles and joys. These people are like children, I have already said. By the way, we built a wonderful 11-grade Orthodox gymnasium in Ossetia. And it was worth seeing the parents of the children who came to us in an endless stream, so it turned out to be impossible to accept everyone.

    We also argued a lot about whether it is necessary to organize a mass baptism or is it better to conduct an individual one? I usually said to this: “And how did Prince Vladimir baptize the people? Each individually? Remember one thing: if the people of the Caucasus accepted the faith, then they will never give it up and betray it. And before that, they were neither one nor the other: neither Orthodox, nor Muslims, nor pagans. But gradually this region could fall under the powerful Islamization, which was already going around

    One more thing: during the so-called “war of 08.08.08” all armored vehicles, tanks, soldiers passed by the monastery we founded. There was also an endless stream of refugees: women, children, old people. And this is what God’s providence is: the Alan Epiphany Convent stands just on the road that leads through the gorge to South Ossetia. In the rehabilitation center, we created a hospital for the wounded. I gave the order to place the elderly and parents with children in the monastery. Soon we had a huge refugee camp.

    At the same time, humanitarian aid, warm clothes, food were brought to the monastery. I will never forget how the watermelons were brought. 12 fragile nuns unloaded a 20-ton truckload of watermelons. The driver was in a hurry, it was restless around. These watermelons were delivered to military camps. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin arrived at night and visited us with gratitude. He visited the wounded and refugees in spontaneously created camps. At that time, the press could not say a single filthy word against the Orthodox Church. It turned out to be impossible to lie: everyone saw what a huge role Orthodoxy played in overcoming the consequences of the war.

    country of pyramids and ancient treasures

    The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in northeast Africa. The state is attractive for visitors by the presence of two seas – the Red and the Mediterranean. Nearby there are countries such as Libya, Israel, Sudan. The total area is 1001.4 thousand km2. The number of inhabitants is 85 million people. The capital is Cairo.

    Choose your own tour or contact one of our offices for assistance.

    General information

    The country’s constitution was adopted back in 1971 years. The president rules. The popular assembly acts as an instrument of legislation. The territory is divided into 26 governorates. 99% of the population are Bedouins, Arabs, Berbers. The rest are Greeks, Turks, Italians, Armenians. Officially, all residents speak Arabic. Occasionally you can hear French, English.

    Nature and climate

    Nature is beautiful and colorful. Most of the cities are concentrated in the desert. The relief is a plateau. Heights occur, but not often. They can be found in the Arabian and Nubian deserts. The maximum height does not exceed 1000 meters. The Sinai Peninsula is located in the eastern lands. To the south of it there are hills. The highest point is Mount Gebel Katrin.

    1200 kilometers from Egypt is the famous Nile Valley. Climatic conditions are varied. Subtropical along the coast. There is vegetation. The rest of the territory is deserts and tropics. The weather is dry, the air is humid. Precipitation is a rare occurrence. In the south side, no more than 3 mm of precipitation falls per year. In spring, warm and dry air blows from the desert.

    There are few water bodies. There is only one river, the Nile. There are impressive reserves of liquid in the bowels of the earth. Deserts have almost no vegetation. In the valleys it can be found on fertile alluvial soils. There are botanical gardens. He is carefully cared for. Papyrus is able to survive only in such conditions.

    The animal world is rich. In ancient times, giraffes, ostriches, hippos lived here. Today they remain only in pictures. Crocodiles live only in the south. In the deserts there are gazelles, rabbits, jackals, wild cats. The mountain goat is under protection. He settled in Wadi Rishrash. This is a protected area.

    Lake Nasser has a lot of fish. Birds nest in the Nile Delta. Many of them come here to spend the winter.

    Economy, economy

    In the 1980s, the economic situation in the country acquired the status of stability. The per capita is $5,000. The main industry is agriculture. It makes a huge contribution to the development of the state. Tourism is booming. People come here from different continents. The reason is high, affordable service, unique nature, sights. The budget was spent on the construction of dams and various pumping stations. There are restrictions on land plots – up to 50 hectares.

    Growing uses chemicals and additional nutrients. In this regard, agriculture is predominantly commercial in nature. The country lives at the expense of animal husbandry, growing vegetables and fruits. Exotic fruits are imported to different continents.

    Popular crop is long staple cotton. A large share of the land is allocated for it. Wheat, corn, beans, sugar cane, citrus fruits, and potatoes are also grown.

    Coal, iron ore, salt are mined on the Red Sea coast. The textile industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding, and mechanical engineering are doing well. The Egyptian pound is the only monetary unit.


    While relaxing on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, you do not want to spend a lot of time in a hotel. There are many interesting objects around, with which there will be a desire to get to know each other better.

    The pyramids at El Giza are a frequently visited site. They are located on the territory of the city of the dead. The largest are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre, Mykerin. Majestic buildings are surrounded on all sides by the tombs of the pharaohs. The figure of the recumbent sphinx is the most famous statue. In the homeland of the great civilization, the pyramids of Giza appeared 2560-2540 centuries ago BC. They have been preserved in excellent condition.

    Simbel rock stands near the river. It is known for the fact that it contains images of two shrines – temple
    of Ramses II and Hathor (the god of the Sun). The section on the walls was created 3000 years ago.

    The local museum in Tahrir Square houses more than 100,000 artifacts. Every traveler must visit this building. Here you can explore the priceless treasures of the world, ancient tombs, the statue of Khafre. The Tutankhamun Gallery will reveal the secrets of the past.

    Memphis and Saqqara are the former capitals of Egypt. An important property is the pyramid of Djoser from several steps. The architect Imhote worked on such a creation.

    Oases (Baharia, Farafra, Dakhla, Kharga and Siwa) are beautiful islands located right in the ocean. The tour will give a lot of positive emotions.

    Thebe is located in the upper part of the republic. Luxor is organized here – a huge open-air museum. The ruins of the temple complex are fascinating. On the parallel side, you can visit tombs, cloisters and other treasures of human history.

    Cairo is the largest metropolis with a difficult history of appearance. The city has many exclusive monuments and relics. Each street is riddled with its own secret. All tours start from here.

    Visit Hurghada. An unusually beautiful place. Believers come here to visit the mosque of Abdulhasan Elshazi. That was the name of the famous preacher in the country. There is also a city aquarium, which presents numerous flora and fauna of the Red Sea. It is home to about 300 species of fish. Bright corals cause a lot of positive in the viewer.

    Another amazing place is the Thousand and One Nights Palace. This is a kind of Disneyland. Children and adults are immersed in the real atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale. Huge domes and small turrets look impressive. The cost of tickets in the entertainment center is acceptable.

    Alexandria is a town that makes you fall in love at first sight. After all, there are plenty of interesting points for a walk. It is recommended to go to the lighthouse, to the palace of Montaza and Ras al-Tin, the zoo, the historical museum and the library.

    The Sahara Desert is the largest desert on earth. If you are ready for adventure, then this is the place for you. Its total area is significant. It occupies more than a third of Africa.

    Climatic conditions are recognized as difficult for life. The hottest records are set right here. Daytime temperatures can reach 50 degrees. At night it can drop to 10 degrees. Similar fluctuations are hard to find anywhere else.

    The place is famous for sandstorms. Wind blows reach fifty meters per second. A kind of dusty fog brings significant harm to human health.


    There are many bases for diving. Diving into the water opens up another world of underwater depths. If desired, you can go through the necessary training system. There are two of them – PADI and CMOS. The cost of diving will be exactly 30-70 dollars. Approximately the same is the cost of boating, water skiing. Beginners are better off diving in the Red Sea. There are many reefs in the south. Not far from the bay there is a Tower. It is famous for its popular coral wall. Its thickness goes 60 meters deep.

    The best diving resorts are Sharm el-Sheikh, Naama Bay.

    There are many beautiful areas in the state where you can go fishing. If you wish, you can invite an instructor who will tell you where the fish areas are. About 4,000 species of marine inhabitants will be presented to your attention. One could only dream of such a thing before.

    Genena City shopping and entertainment center in Sharm El Sheikh invites all shopping lovers. The institution occupies a bulky space – about 60 thousand square meters. meters. Stores are represented by famous brands. Often there are discounts on past collections. Convenient two-level parking is provided. The infrastructure is modern, there are elevators and excavators. Be sure to visit the oriental bazaar called Khan El Khalili. Here you can buy a lot of souvenirs and useful items.

    Resorts in Egypt – a good wind, hot weather and an abundance of surf schools. It is possible to ride the waves for a reasonable price. There are professional lifeguards on the beach. Launching and landing the kite can be done by experts.

    Windsurfing is a sailing sport that is also in demand. Sliding on water gives adrenaline and drive. Test yourself in the ability to control balance. A professional surf center operates in Marsa Alam.

    National cuisine

    Northeast African cuisine is a special combination of different culinary traditions. The food prepared here is delicious and nutritious. The popularity of legumes is a characteristic feature. As you know, they are a source of protein. Lentils, beans, beans are the main part of any menu.

    Meat products are individual. Goat and sheep meat, rabbit, poultry, beef are used. Pork is not used. Seafood is a frequent guest of the table. Vegetables and fruits in various variations are also indispensable – in natural, boiled, stewed form.

    Porridge is eaten for breakfast, but rarely. Cooked rice, couscous. But due attention is paid to spices. Black, red pepper, cloves, almonds, walnuts, cumin, etc. are put into food. If you meet light golden pieces of resin, then this is mastic. It is used for game.

    The most popular dishes are halva, baklava, falafel and others. They are offered in the best establishments in the world. But there are truly national products that you can get acquainted with on a tour. Be sure to try “full medames” or “kushari”. Every meal starts with appetizers. These include mashed beans, soft buffalo cheese, a combination of nuts and herbs, and bread.

    Soups in the heat are especially relevant. It is predominantly shorba or shorbet. Meat or fish broth is used. It is seasoned with vegetables, eggs, etc. For the second, kushari, mulukiya, tarb, fatir are served. Tourists like mouth-watering seafood rice cooked in a certain way.

    Most of the national treats are available to the child. Try to avoid spicy foods. The spiciest dish is fatta.

    Travel Tips

    If you are traveling for the first time, there are a few important things to keep in mind. The signs are mainly used in Arabic and Latin script. Hotel workers speak Russian well. The people on the streets are explained in their native language and sometimes in English.

    There are enough shrines. When visiting them, a woman should cover her arms and shoulders with a scarf or clothes. Short skirts and shorts are prohibited. Convenient currency – euro and dollar. Exchange offices exist. You can’t swim in the Nile River. The reservoir is heavily polluted. For this purpose, there is a clean, warm sea.

    It is advisable to make photocopies of your documents. In case of loss, you can easily restore them. Otherwise, you may be delayed returning home. Excursions buy in proven points. It is advantageous to do this by contacting your operator.

    Be careful on the road. There are rules of the road, but for unknown reasons, they are rarely followed by anyone. There are many violations.

    The tap water is not suitable for drinking. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly after purchase. Do not eat with unwashed hands. Because it’s hot, germs and bacteria multiply quickly.

    Caution when swimming. There are poisonous fish. Better not to touch them with your hands. The export of corals is prohibited. It is more comfortable to swim in special shoes. It is sold on every corner. Take your mask and snorkel with you. The underwater world will want to explore.

    It is possible and necessary to bargain in the markets. The chance to bring down the cost of goods well is great. Sellers are respectful of vacationers and try to offer the most relevant.

    Drinking alcohol is allowed only in a restaurant or hotel. There is a dry law.

    Remember that camel rental will cost money anyway. Boarding is one dollar, and at the end of the ride you will have to pay another 20 or 30.

    The most comfortable cotton leisure clothes. It is important not to forget the headdress.

    Admiral D.N. Senyavina

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      Yaroslavl. In total, almost 200 boys and girls of three age groups from 14 to 19 showed up for the rally this year.years and teams in the age group “Jung”. The meeting was organized by the Committee for Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations.

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      And at the end of the event, the children were offered traditional dishes of the field cuisine.

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    Campaigns of Alexander the Great


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    First campaigns: Alexander the Great and Thebes

    After the assassination of the king of Macedonian state Philip II in 336 BC. e. his son Alexander was proclaimed king. Immediately after taking power, Alexander destroyed the alleged conspirators against Philip, and at the same time other possible rivals. At the news of the death of the king, old opponents risked taking revenge. The Thracian and Illyrian tribes revolted, the leaders of the anti-Macedonian party raised their heads in Athens, and the orator Demosthenes delivered a speech in festive clothes. Thebes and some other Greek cities tried to drive out the garrisons left by Philip. But Alexander acted quickly and decisively. He came with an army to Greece, and Thebes submitted again. The king forgave the rebellious city.

    Alexander organized a new session of the Corinthian League (the creation of his father). The meeting confirmed the previous agreement on the union of policies with Macedonia. According to the agreement, the policies enjoyed independence in internal affairs and the right to leave the union. The foreign policy of the Corinthian League was directed by a council. There was also a position of hegemon, which had military powers.

    Alexander lands in Asia Minor. (

    In the spring of 335 BC. e. Alexander set off on a campaign against the rebellious Illyrians and Thracians. No more than 15 thousand soldiers went on the campaign. Alexander first defeated the Thracians at the Battle of Mount Emon: the barbarians set up a wagon camp on a hill and hoped to put the Macedonians to flight by derailing their wagons. Alexander ordered his soldiers to avoid the wagons in an organized manner. As a result of the victory in the battle, the Macedonians captured many of the women and children that the barbarians had left in the camp and transported them to Macedonia. Soon the king defeated the Triballi tribe, but their ruler Sirm, along with most of his fellow tribesmen, took refuge on the island of Pevka on the Danube. Alexander, using a few ships that arrived from the city of Byzantium, failed to land on the island. Soon the king noticed that on the other side of the Danube, troops of the Getae tribe were gathering. The Getae hoped that Alexander would not land on the shore occupied by soldiers, but the king, on the contrary, considered the appearance of the Getae a challenge to himself. Therefore, on makeshift rafts, he crossed to the other side of the Danube and defeated the Getae. Soon, Alexander concluded allied treaties with all the northern barbarians.

    However, while Alexander was settling affairs in the north, in the south, under the influence of a false rumor about the death of Alexander, a rebellion broke out in Thebes, the Greek city most affected by Philip. The Thebans laid siege to the Macedonian garrison based in the fortress of Cadmeia. With swift marches, Alexander transferred the army from Thrace to Thebes. Thebes’ allies preferred to wait, while the Phocians and other Boeotians joined the king’s army. In just 13 days, the Macedonian army made this transition. The rebellious city was offered peaceful terms of surrender, but the Thebans refused. At the end of September 335, the assault on the city began. The Macedonian troops occupied the walls of the city, and the Macedonian garrison, which withstood the siege in Cadmeia, opened the gates and helped surround the Thebans.

    The city was captured, plundered, and the entire population was enslaved. Life and freedom were preserved for priests and priestesses, hospitables and supporters of Macedonia, as well as for the descendants of the great poet Pindar. Although the policies were forbidden to accept refugees from Thebes, many, including Athens, ignored the ban. Later, the king repented of his cruelty, and 20 years later the commander Cassander restored the city.

    All Greece was amazed both by the fate of the ancient city, one of the largest and most powerful in Hellas, and by the quick victory of the Macedonian weapons. The inhabitants of a number of cities themselves brought to justice the politicians who called for a revolt against the Macedonian hegemony. Almost immediately after the capture of Thebes, Alexander headed back to Macedonia, where he began to prepare for a campaign in Asia.

    Battle of the Granicus: War for Asia Minor

    The ideological justification for the campaign against Persia was revenge for the temples that were destroyed by the Persians during the invasion in the previous century.

    Tsar Alexander waged this war on behalf of all Greek cities. But the young commander himself wanted dominance over the entire known world. He decided first to subdue Asia. His opponent was Darius III Kodoman, king of the Achaemenid state. Having appointed Antipater as his governor in Europe and leaving him 12,000 infantry and 1,500 cavalry, in the early spring of 334 BC. e. Alexander, at the head of the united forces of Macedonia, the Greek city-states (except for Sparta, which refused to participate) and the allied Thracians, set out on a campaign against the Persians. According to the ancient historian Diodorus, Alexander’s army numbered 37 thousand people: 32 thousand were infantry and 5 thousand were cavalry. In addition, there were several thousand Macedonian soldiers in Asia Minor who crossed there even under Philip. The moment to start the campaign was chosen very well, since the Persian fleet was still in the ports of Asia Minor and could not prevent the army from crossing.

    Alexander at the Granicus, painting by Charles Le Brun. (Wikimedia Commons)

    In 334 B.C. e. Alexander’s army began crossing the Hellespont. For the crossing, 160 triremes and many transport ships were assembled, provided by the Corinthian League and policies conquered by Macedonia.

    The crossing went in the area of ​​​​the cities of Sest and Abydos – where Xerxes once crossed to Europe. Before the start of the crossing, Alexander visited the grave of the legendary hero Protesilaus and made a sacrifice on it. According to legend, Protesilaus was the first to set foot on the Trojan coast and the first to die. On the ship, the king made another sacrifice – now to Poseidon.

    Before landing, Alexander threw a spear into the land of Asia, which was a symbol of the conquest of a new land, and the first went ashore. An army of Greeks and Macedonians landed in Troad. The conqueror and his companions visited the ruins of the legendary Troy-Ilion. There they offered sacrifices to Athena, Achilles and Patroclus.

    Alexander went along the banks of the Hellespont and by the end of May reached the Granica River. On the steep eastern bank stood the Persian cavalry, and behind it, on the heights, the infantry, consisting of Greek mercenaries. Memnon of Rhodes in vain urged other Persian commanders at the military council to evade decisive battles, slowly retreat, devastating the lands, lure the enemy into the depths of the country, exhaust him with hunger. The satraps rejected the advice of the Greek, they said that the honor of the Persian name required a battle. They decided to wait for the enemy on the Granik.

    The Macedonian cavalry, on the orders of Alexander, began the crossing, and the king himself led it into battle. The biggest losses were suffered by the detachments of Amyntas and Socrates who were the first to reach the coast. Soon Alexander joined them with the hetairoi. In the battle, the king personally killed the son-in-law of Darius Mithridates and the commander Resak. Another commander, Spitridates, almost killed Alexander with a blow in the back, but the commander of the hetairoi, Clitus, saved the life of the king.

    The Macedonians overturned the center of the Persian cavalry, scattered it, then moved on the Greek mercenaries, who stood idle behind the cavalry, killed many, and took 2,000 prisoners.

    All the dead soldiers of Alexander were buried with honors, and their families were exempted from taxes. 25 dead hetairoi were honored with statues.

    The result of the victory at the Border was the conquest of the western regions of Asia Minor up to Taurus. Parmenion completed the conquest of the coast of Propontis by taking the main city of the Phrygian satrapy, Daskyleia, and Alexander himself went to Lydia. The victory at Granicus made such an overwhelming impression that when he appeared before Sardis, the citizens and the head of the garrison of Sardis Mifren surrendered to him this city and the citadel, built on an almost impregnable rock. Huge treasures stored at the citadel went to Alexander. As an encouragement to others, Alexander rewarded the ruler and the citizens of Sardis for submitting without resistance. He kept Mifren with him and showed respect to him, and returned the right to the Lydians to use their national laws. His policy regarding the Lidians benefited him: everywhere he was met as a liberator from the Persian yoke, a restorer of freedom.

    Alexander arrived in Ephesus, from where a garrison of Greek mercenaries had previously fled. The king stopped the bloody turmoil that followed the fall of Persian power, and sent ambassadors to the rest of the policies of Asia Minor. In Ephesus, Alexander wanted to restore the temple of Artemis, but the city’s inhabitants politely declined the offer.

    The head of the garrison of Miletus, Hegesistratus, at first expressed his readiness to surrender, but due to the appearance of the Persian fleet in the Aegean, he changed his mind. Alexander’s fleet managed to block the harbor of the main city of Ionia. Alexander’s army easily took the outer wall and proceeded to lay siege to the inner city. With the help of siege engines, the Macedonians broke through the wall and launched an assault. The city was taken and plundered, but Alexander spared the lives and freedom of the inhabitants.

    The defense of the main city of Caria, Halicarnassus, was led by Memnon himself. After a difficult siege, Alexander took the city, and Memnon, in farewell, set fire to the cities and sailed away on a ship. In Caria, he restored the power of Ada from the Hecatomnidae dynasty, which had previously been removed from power by his brother.

    One summer was sufficient for Alexander to liberate the whole west of Asia Minor from Persian dominion, to win the love of the Asiatic Greeks by restoring democratic government from them, to win over the native tribes by reducing taxes and improving administration, to lay the foundation of a firm legal order under the protection of the Macedonian garrisons. Alexander conquered the southern coast of Asia Minor even faster. In the rich cities of Lycia, in the beautiful valley of Xanthos, the opinion had already spread that he was the liberator of the peoples, and when he came to Lycia, she submitted to him without resistance. The people who inhabited rocky Pamphylia also greeted him with delight. From the city of Perga, Alexander went north on a difficult path through Pisidia, inhabited by warlike highlanders. He made an alliance with the city of Selg, which was at enmity with neighboring Termes, which allowed him to pass the Termes Gorge. Then he took Sagalass by assault, and the garrison of the city of Kelen surrendered without a fight. Alexander went to Great Phrygia, in the capital of which, Gordia, other detachments joined with his detachment, which came from Sardis and Halicarnassus. Then Alexander went from Gordia through Ancyra and the upper Halys and conquered Cilicia.

    In Great Phrygia, Alexander left the commander Antigonus One-Eyed as a viceroy. This was a good appointment, because Antigonus not only proved to be a good organizer, but later also stopped the Persian offensive in Asia Minor.

    Battle of Issus: Conquest of the Levant

    Coming out of Asia Minor from Cilicia, Alexander clashed with the Persian king Darius III in November 333 BC. e. The Persian king came out of Babylon to give Alexander a battle on the vast Onkh plain. Confident in victory, Darius did not wait for the enemy on the plain, as was first assumed, but moved through the Aman gate to Cilicia. Arriving in Iss, the Persians killed the sick and wounded left there by Alexander and became a battle order near this city on a narrow, flat strip of seaside, crossed by a river. The Macedonians were timid when they heard that an enemy, twelve times their number, had entered their rear. But Alexander encouraged them with a speech. At night they returned along the narrow seaside passage at Meriander, and the next morning a battle took place at Issus, in which the Macedonian-Greek army won a brilliant victory.

    The battle ended with the complete defeat of Darius, he himself fled from the battlefield, leaving his family in the camp, which went to the Macedonians as a prize. Macedonian detachments captured in Damascus part of the treasures of the Persian king and many noble captives.

    Alexander in battle, relief of the Sidon sarcophagus. (Wikimedia Commons)

    The victory at Issus opened the way for the Macedonians to the south. Alexander, skirting the Mediterranean coast, headed for Phoenicia with the aim of conquering coastal cities and depriving the Persian fleet of bases. The Phoenician cities opened their gates to him. The inhabitants of the city of Sidon asked the Macedonians to choose a king for them. Alexander entrusted this mission to Hephaestion. Hephaestion arrived in Sidon and appointed a descendant of the royal family, who led the life of a gardener, as king.

    Only impregnable Tire, located on the island, refused to recognize the authority of Alexander. However, in July 332 BC. e. after a 7-month siege, the impregnable fortress city fell after an assault from land and sea.

    After Phoenicia, Alexander continued his way to Egypt through Palestine, where he was resisted by the city of Gaza, but he was also taken by storm after a 2-month siege. Participating in the reflection of the sortie of the defenders of the fortress, Alexander was wounded. He received the second wound during the decisive assault. The conqueror enslaved the surviving residents of Gaza, and settled the city with residents of the surrounding settlements. The commander of the Gaza garrison, Betis, was loyal to Darius to the end. Alexander ordered straps to be threaded through his heels, tied to a chariot and driven around Gaza. The king imitated in this the legendary ancestor Achilles.

    Alexander in Egypt

    The Macedonian Amyntas, an enemy of Alexander, appointed by the ruler of lower Egypt to replace the satrap who was killed at Issus, wanted to defend himself. But the Egyptians did not support him, and he was quickly defeated. Alexander went from Pelusium to Memphis, meeting no resistance anywhere. The rich cities of Egypt opened their gates to him, hailed him as a deliverer from the hated rule of the Persians, who outraged their gods, defiled their temples, and persecuted their priests. Alexander did not touch local customs and religious beliefs, on the whole he retained the system of government in Egypt, supporting it with Macedonian garrisons.

    Alexander stayed in Egypt for half a year from December 332 BC. e. to May 331 BC e. The king founded the city of Alexandria at the western branch of the Nile, on the seashore, near the island of Pharos. This location was very convenient for trade, because Alexandria soon became the center of it, a very rich city, the capital of Greek literature, and received worldwide significance in the history of civilization.

    While Alexander fought in the Levant and Egypt, the war went on in other parts of the empire. Memnon died shortly after the fall of Halicarnassus. His successor Pharnabazus continued the war at sea. To counter him, Antipater assembled a new fleet in Greece. As commander of the fleet, Proteus (nephew of Clitus, commander of the hetairoi) defeated the Persians at sea.

    In 331 BC. e. Agis III, king of Sparta, opposed Macedonia in Greece. A number of cities of the Peloponnese joined the king. In the decisive battle of Megalopolis, the army of the Corinthian League under the command of Antipater defeated the Spartans and the rebels, and King Agis died in battle.

    Battle of Gaugamela: Conquest of the Persian Empire

    In the summer of 331 BC. e. Alexander crossed the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and found himself on the outskirts of Media, the heart of the Persian state. On a large plain (on the territory of modern Iraqi Kurdistan), specially prepared for the action of large masses of cavalry, King Darius was waiting for the Macedonians. October 1, 331 BC e. The great battle of Gaugamela took place. This battle was a brilliant victory over an army that outnumbered Alexander’s army by more than twenty times. The matter was decided by Alexander’s courageous, ingeniously conceived and heroically executed maneuver: having built the Macedonian cavalry standing on the right wing in a wedge, he suddenly rushed with it to the enemy center. The ranks of the Persians were torn apart by this swift attack. Darius, as at Issus, lost heart, seeing the disorder of his army, turned to flight, and his hordes, shy in disorder, crushed themselves with their mass. While turning the chariot of Darius, the Persian driving it was killed. A rumor spread that it was Darius himself who fell, that he was killed, and all order disappeared in his army.

    Battle of Gaugamela on a mosaic from Pompeii. (Wikimedia Commons)

    From Susa, Alexander went through mountain passes to Persepolis, the center of the original Persian land. After an unsuccessful attempt to break through on the move, Alexander, with part of his army, bypassed the troops of the satrap of Persia, Ariobarzanes, and in January 330 BC. e. Persepolis fell. The Macedonian army rested in the city until the end of spring, and before leaving the palace of the Persian kings was burned.

    In May 330 BC. e. Alexander resumed his pursuit of Darius, first in Media and then in Parthia. In July 330 BC. e. King Darius was killed as a result of a conspiracy of his military leaders. The Bactrian satrap Bess, who killed Darius, called himself the new king of the Persian Empire under the name Artaxerxes. Bessus tried to organize resistance in the eastern satrapies, but was captured by his comrades-in-arms, handed over to Alexander and executed by him in June 329 BC. e.

    Alexander’s campaign in Central Asia

    After the death of Darius III, local rulers in the eastern satrapies of the collapsed Persian Empire felt independent and were in no hurry to swear allegiance to the new monarch. Alexander, dreaming of becoming the king of the entire civilized world, became involved in a three-year military campaign in Central Asia (329-327 BC). The fighting took place in Bactria and Sogdiana, on the territory of modern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

    In Central Asia, the Macedonian troops had to face significant difficulties, they had to wage a stubborn struggle with the local population. Warlike hill tribes and desert tribes in a fierce struggle defended their independence, revolting again and again. As soon as the main forces of the Macedonians left the conquered region, detachments of local residents attacked the small Macedonian garrisons, exterminated them, and disrupted communications.

    In the winter of 330/29 B.C. e. Alexander, pursuing Bessus, entered Bactria and descended through the Hindu Kush to the Oxus (Amu Darya) valley. Bess, having devastated the country, retreated across the river, but neither the local population nor other leaders supported him. Ptolemy, sent forward with a small detachment, surrounded the village where Bess was, and captured it without difficulty. The “great king” was subjected to cruel reprisals: Bess was tortured, and then he was sent to Ekbatany and executed there.

    The Macedonian troops advanced further into the fertile Jaksart (Syr-Darya) valley. On the banks of this river, the city of Alexandria Eskhata (modern Khujand) was founded – a stronghold in Sogdiana.

    The conquest of Central Asia, however, was far from over. To complete it, it was necessary not only to capture the “cities”, i.e. fortified points, but also to suppress the stubborn resistance of the local population. In 329 BC. e. Macedonians met strong resistance in the area of ​​Kureshati. Somewhat later, in the same year, the Sogdians and Saks exterminated a two thousandth Macedonian detachment. The nomadic tribes of Central Asia, the Dakhs and the Massagets, also came out against the conquerors.

    The local population turned out to have an energetic, tireless and capable leader – the Sogdian ruler Spitamen. Without entering into battle with the main forces of Alexander, Spitamen attacked his individual detachments and destroyed them, re-occupying the settlements already captured by the Macedonians. The fight against the elusive enemy required a lot of time and effort. The Macedonians carried out cruel reprisals against the local population. In Sogdiana, during the capture of Gaza, all the men were killed, women and children were enslaved. The population of six other cities was also enslaved. Only after the defeat inflicted on Spitamen did the Massagetae who supported him fall away. They plundered the convoy of the Bactrians and Sogdians, cut off the head of Spitamen and sent it to Alexander.

    At the beginning of 327 BC. e. Alexander laid siege to the fortress, where one of the Sogdian nobles, Oksiart, and his family were staying. The besieged felt confident in what seemed to them a completely impregnable mountain stronghold. They showered ridicule on the Macedonians and shouted that only flying people could capture their fortification. However, the very next night, 300 Macedonian volunteers climbed up with the help of ropes. In the morning, the besieged saw the enemies on the rocks above the fortress and, amazed by the suddenness of their appearance, surrendered. Alexander captured Oxyartes and his daughter Roxana, who was distinguished by her extraordinary beauty, who soon became Alexander’s wife.

    Alexander’s Indian Campaign

    In the spring of 326 BC. e. Alexander invaded the lands of the Indian peoples from Bactria through the Khyber Pass, conquered a number of tribes, crossed the Indus River and entered into the possession of King Abhi of Taxil in what is now Pakistan. The main fighting of the Macedonian troops took place in the Punjab region, the “five rivers” – a fertile region in the basin of the five eastern tributaries of the Indus. Taxil swore allegiance to Alexander, hoping with his help to defeat his rival, the king of Por from the eastern Punjab. Por posted an army and 200 elephants on the borders of his land, and in July 326 BC. e. there was a battle on the Hydaspes River, in which the army of Por was defeated, and he himself was taken prisoner. Unexpectedly for Taxila, Alexander left Porus as king, and even expanded his dominions.

    At the end of the summer of 326 BC. e. Alexander’s eastward advance stopped. On the banks of the Hyphasis River (a tributary of the Indus), the Macedonian army refused to follow the king further due to fatigue from a long campaign and endless battles. The immediate cause was rumors of huge armies with thousands of elephants beyond the Ganges. Alexander had no choice but to turn the army to the south. When retreating to Persia, he planned to seize other lands.

    King Por before Alexander. (Wikimedia Commons)

    From about November 326 BC. e. For seven months, the Macedonian army floated down the Hydaspes and Indus rivers, making sorties along the way and conquering the surrounding tribes. The most famous was the assault on the city of the Mulls. During the battle, Alexander was cut off from his soldiers with several associates. The king received a severe wound, but survived.

    Alexander sent a part of the Macedonian army under the command of Crater to Persia, and with the rest reached the Indian Ocean. There the king went out into the open ocean on several ships.

    In the summer of 325 BC. e. Alexander moved from the mouth of the Indus to Persia along the ocean coast. The return home through the deserts of Gedrosia, one of the coastal satrapies, turned out to be harder than battles – many Macedonians died on the way from heat and thirst.

    In March 324 BC. e. Alexander entered the city of Susa (in southern Iran), where he and his army rested after a 10-year military campaign. A mass wedding of Macedonians and Persians took place in Susa. Alexander himself married the daughter of Darius Stateira and the daughter of Artaxerxes III Parysatis. Hephaestion married another daughter of Darius, Craterus married his niece, and other generals married the daughters of satraps.

    Wedding in Susa. (Wikimedia Commons)

    In February 323 BC. e. Alexander stopped in Babylon, where he began to plan new wars of conquest. The immediate goal was the Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula, in the future, an expedition against Carthage was guessed. 5 days before the start of the campaign against the Arabs, Alexander fell ill. After 10 days of severe fever on June 10 or 13, 323 B.C. e. Alexander the Great died in Babylon at the age of 32, a little more than a month before his 33rd birthday and leaving no orders about heirs.

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    Tsiolkovsky: the man who proved that there is no death

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    Bikini: the story of winning nudity

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    Why did Lenin die?

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    The history of the first Soviet maniac

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    How Smolensk became Russian

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    Personal hygiene in the Middle Ages

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    Lancers: the deadliest cavalry

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    Imported products in the USSR

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    Prototypes of the three musketeers.