Newborn baby sitter: How Soon Can You Leave Your Baby With A Babysitter?

Опубликовано: April 24, 2023 в 10:06 am


Категории: Baby

How Soon Can You Leave Your Baby With A Babysitter?

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner means keeping the romance alive, even after your baby is born. One study from the Marriage Foundation and the University of Lincoln showed that married couples who had dates at least once a month or more had the highest odds of staying together and being happy in their marriage.

But how soon is too soon to leave your baby alone with a sitter? You should stay with your baby for at least the first few weeks after the birth so you and your newborn can settle into a regular feeding and sleeping routine. It is important to make sure your baby is feeding and growing well. Your visits to the pediatrician will let you know if your baby is on track. After this time, it may be appropriate to start leaving your newborn with a babysitter. Not everyone has the ability to choose this, however, as work commitments may be a greater factor in the decision. The exact time frame depends on your comfort level and the needs of your baby.

At some point, after having your baby, you’ll start dreaming about leaving the house again. You probably won’t care if it’s dinner, a movie, or just a trip to the grocery store or shopping mall. But you will want to put on real clothes and be around big people again!

In this article, you’ll learn some tips for deciding when you can start to leave your newborn with a babysitter.

When Is Too Soon To Leave Your Baby With A Babysitter?

You can probably start leaving your baby with a babysitter much sooner than you’d expect.

Now, you definitely don’t want to book tickets for a Beyonce concert the day after you get discharged from the hospital. But you don’t need to wait until your child is in preschool to start leaving them with a sitter either.

After you and your baby come home, I’d recommend waiting at least a couple of weeks before you go out anywhere. Newborns sleep a lot in the first month, so if you really want a break just to get out of the house within those first couple of weeks, you can load them up and take them to brunch with a friend.

Getting a late breakfast or early lunch at a restaurant (before the noontime rush) is usually faster, and the restaurant will be less busy compared to going at dinner times. That will give you a chance to get out while avoiding much of the hassle. Plus, you’ll be working around the cluster feedings that many newborns seem to want at night time. Taking your baby out to eat with you might be one of the few options available if you’re exclusively breastfeeding and not using any bottles, but are still really craving a chance to get out of the house.

Whether your baby is breastfeeding or bottle feeding, it’s important to settle into a regular routine (at least as regular as babies can be!) and start getting familiar with the demands of parenthood. You’ll want to be sure that your baby is willing to accept milk or formula from someone other than you before you leave them with a sitter.

Once your infant has established a good feeding pattern and is starting to gain a healthy amount of weight, then you will probably feel more comfortable with the thought of leaving them with someone else while you go out.

Who Will Watch Your Baby The First Time You Go Out?

Assuming you have family that lives in your area and you’re on good terms, most parents leave their kids with relatives the first time that they need a babysitter, rather than finding someone unrelated to them.

Your own parents or siblings are probably quite eager to see and spend time with their brand new grandchild, niece, or nephew. So you might be surprised at how your relatives jump at the opportunity to spend a few hours with your baby! Plus, you already know that your parents have experience with children and exactly what their parenting styles are. After all, they’re the ones that raised you! So if there’s anyone you would feel comfortable leaving your baby with, it would probably be members of your own family.

If your parents offer to babysit for you, I’d recommend taking them up on that offer even if your baby is only a few weeks old! Of course, it doesn’t have to be a big outing. You can just go to dinner for a couple of hours. Or, more likely, you might even just want the chance to have an uninterrupted nap for once!

If you’ve got friends who already have kids of their own, you might want to consider swapping babysitting services every month or so, too. Babysitters are expensive, so if you can trade your time instead of money to have someone watch your kid for a night, go for it! And it could become a regular thing for both of your families.

To find out what makes a good babysitter, check out this article – Essential things to look for in a babysitter.

When Can You Leave Your Baby With A “Real” Babysitter?

When I say a “real” babysitter, I mean another person that you’re not related to and that you pay for their services, as opposed to having family members or friends sit for you.

Sometimes you might have the luxury of choosing when you want to start leaving your baby with someone else. Other times, the necessity of going back to work might mean that you have to start leaving your child with another person, even only a few weeks after you’ve given birth.

That’s particularly true in places like the United States, where maternity leave isn’t guaranteed. If you can’t afford to take extra time off, and you don’t have a partner who can stay home with your kids, then you’ll have to start using a babysitter, nanny, daycare, or some other type of childcare service.

Ultimately, choosing the right time to leave your baby with a babysitter will come down to your personal situation and beliefs. Some parents are ready to hand off their infant to someone else right away, while others might take a year or more before they’re comfortable letting someone else watch their baby. Neither is necessarily right or wrong. If you are feeling a bit stressed at the thought of leaving your child with someone, that’s perfectly normal. And if you don’t feel any stress about it, that’s fine too!

Not sure where to find your first babysitter? Check out our complete guide – The Best Ways To Hire A Babysitter.

Get The Food Situation Sorted Out First

If your child is breastfed, then worrying about feeding them is going to probably be the most significant limiting factor when it comes to leaving your baby with someone else. Newborns typically eat every two to three hours, so your babysitter will most certainly need to feed your child while you’re gone. If your baby is formula-fed, this won’t be an issue for you at all.

Breastfeeding mothers want to make sure everything is going smoothly for at least three or four weeks, when it comes to nursing, before they start to think about leaving their babies at home. Once you’re into a good routine, you can begin using a breast pump after feedings to set aside extra milk for the babysitter.

But before you hand your child off to a babysitter, you’ll want to give your baby a bottle several times in advance to make sure they are taking to it, although you should be aware that breastfeeding babies are more likely to accept a bottle from someone other than their mother. So if you struggle with your baby refusing the bottle, try handing them off to another family member and have them give it a try with you out of the room. You may even specifically want to have your babysitter try feeding your baby before you go to make sure they won’t have any problems with it.

Is Leaving Your Baby With A Babysitter Bad For Them?

There isn’t any evidence to suggest that there’s any risk or downside associated with starting to use a babysitter right away, within a few weeks after your child is born.

In fact, starting early can help with your child’s development and brings with it some major benefits. It may help reduce separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a normal stage of development, starting at around 6 months of age. At this time, babies start to come to the realization that they’re dependent on their parents, and that their parents are separate individuals that can leave them.

Since separation anxiety is a normal part of child development, most kids will naturally grow out of it. But starting to leave your baby with a sitter will really help them to learn that it’s okay for their parents to leave because they will come back. And they will soon understand that, in the meantime, they’ll do fine with someone else. So using a babysitter will hasten that understanding and may very well help to create a more secure and independent child at a younger age.

See our 9 tips to minimize separation anxiety when leaving your child with a babysitter.

Infants need to be exposed to a wide range of people and experiences to learn about the world. So introducing new faces and voices could help accelerate your baby’s social development.

When you hear your baby’s cry that pulls at your heartstrings when you try to leave them, you might think it’s even harder on them than it is for you. But your baby will end up eating and sleeping while you are busy worrying, so it may actually be harder on you.

Use Good Preparation To Set Your Mind At Ease

The more you prepare for leaving your baby with a babysitter and the more things you take into consideration ahead of time, the less you’ll have to worry about while you’re out. You won’t have those “what if” moments where you start to think about worst-case scenarios that make you nervous.

Make sure you’re stocked up on lots of diapers and any other supplies that your babysitter will need. And leave a detailed list of instructions about your baby’s routine and daily care. Don’t forget to leave your contact details, just in case of any problems or questions.

For a lot more detail on how to get yourself, your house, and your baby ready, check out my article – How To Prepare For Your First Babysitter.

Avoid Feeling Guilty

You may feel guilty or like you’re a bad parent for wanting to leave your baby with a babysitter soon after they’re born. But there’s no reason to feel that way about it! It’s great for your baby to get used to childcare and begin to bond with some other people besides you. Don’t be afraid of that happening either; it’s good for them. Everything will be fine, and your child isn’t going to remember that night you went out to see a movie when they were just a baby.

Remember that having some time to yourself to unwind a bit will make you a more relaxed, calmer parent who is better able to handle their baby. In the long run, when you care for yourself, you’ll avoid burnout or feeling overwhelmed if you take a few hours out every week or two.

If you can’t seem to get over the idea of leaving your baby, try a more gradual modified approach. Get a babysitter, friend, or family member to come and watch your baby for a few hours while you take a nap or have a bath. That way, you get a little break where you don’t have to worry about the baby, but you’re also within earshot if there are any problems. If your child needs you or the babysitter can’t get them to stop crying, you’ll be right there to come and help.

When you’re out on a date night, and your baby is at home with a babysitter, avoid the temptation to look constantly at your phone. It’s a good idea to set a designated check-in time during the evening, where you can phone your sitter and make sure everything is going okay. But otherwise, try not to spend the whole night checking for messages—or calling the sitter.

If you just don’t feel ready to leave your baby yet, don’t feel pressured into doing it! Just because other people think you should doesn’t mean you have to right away. So don’t stress about getting your first babysitter until you know you and your baby are ready.

Are you still not sold on the idea of leaving your child with someone else? Check out my article – Benefits Of Hiring A Babysitter to see 42 unexpected advantages.

When Shouldn’t You Leave Your Baby With A Babysitter?

All of the details above assume that you have a happy, healthy baby. If that’s the case, then there shouldn’t be an issue with leaving your baby with a sitter after they’re a couple of weeks old.

But you may want to delay getting a babysitter for a bit longer if your child isn’t in perfect health.

If your baby has any medical conditions, illnesses, or disabilities that make them a bit more fragile or difficult to take care of than a healthy baby, you will probably want to hold off on leaving them with a sitter for a while longer.

Similarly, if your baby is having problems related to feeding, you’ll need to wait until that has improved before hiring a babysitter. If your child refuses to take milk from a bottle and exclusively breastfeeds, that’s something you’ll need to figure out before you’re able to leave for extended periods of time.


You can probably feel good about leaving your baby with a sitter sooner than you guessed! You’ll want a couple of weeks to get into a routine and make sure that they’re eating well and gaining weight. But if they’re healthy and everything seems okay, you can start leaving your child with a special someone even within the first month after they’re born.

Leaving your baby with someone else can benefit their social development and help reduce separation anxiety. But don’t feel pressured into leaving your baby before you’re ready. Start slow and leave your baby with grandparents or another family member for a couple of hours if you aren’t ready to hire someone to babysit your child yet.

Having a baby is one of the most physically and emotionally demanding things that you’ll go through. So don’t feel guilty about getting a babysitter to create some “me time” for yourself. Whether that means going out for dinner, seeing a movie, getting your hair done, or even just having a peaceful bath, be sure to allow yourself to enjoy some time away from baby for a recharge, and you will end up being a more relaxed parent.


  • How to find a reliable babysitter
  • What information should you leave for your babysitter?

Tips for finding a babysitter: How much to pay and more

Finding a babysitter is easier than you might think. Ask friends, family, and neighbors for personal recommendations; use a babysitting website or app; and check with your child’s daycare. Know what qualities and qualifications to look for in a babysitter, as well as what questions to ask when you interview them. Read on for tips to find a babysitter who best fits your family, plus signs of a good babysitter and how much to pay a babysitter once you hire them.

Unlike in years past, these days a good babysitter might just be a few clicks away. Babysitting websites make it easy to find quality local childcare at your fingertips. But you’ll still need to screen a potential sitter to make sure they’re the right fit for you and your children. Whether you want a nanny to watch your little ones every day or childcare for the occasional date night, these tips can help you find a babysitter, know how much to pay them, and ultimately prepare them for watching your kids once hired.

Finding a babysitter

If you’re just starting your search to find a babysitter, never fear – there are plenty of ways to find a qualified person to care for your child. Good strategies include putting the word out to your friends and family and searching online services that connect babysitters and parents.

Ask for personal recommendations

Asking your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers for their babysitter recommendations is a great place to start. They’ll be able to tell you about sitters they’ve worked with and their kids loved (or didn’t). A potential downside: The sitter your friends work with might already be booked up taking care of their kids and not have space in their schedule to watch yours.

Check with your child’s daycare or after-school program

If your child is in any sort of daycare, ask the staff members there if they have recommendations. You can also check with your local YMCA, American Red Cross chapter, or your pediatrician’s office.

Use a babysitting website

There are many babysitting websites to help you find a babysitter. Sittercity, Urbansitter, and are just a few. These websites and apps typically provide background checks and references for qualified local care. You can view a sitter’s profile with their years of experience, location information, pay rate, and rating from other parents.

However, you’ll likely have to pay to use the premium features of these websites – like messaging with the caregivers. Your job or insurance company may help cover the cost of joining one of these sites, or they might even have their own portal to connect you with childcare providers.

Check local social media message boards and websites

If you’re part of a parents group on social media or have joined community or neighborhood message boards online, like the BabyCenter Community or Nextdoor, you may be able to find babysitter recommendations. Keep in mind that people posting on social media or message boards typically share their experiences from one extreme or another – either they loved the babysitter or they really didn’t like them. Do your research and trust your gut.

How much to pay a babysitter

Babysitting rates are usually hourly and vary significantly, depending on where you live, how many children you have, and other factors like whether there’s any cooking or driving involved. In different situations, pay rates can be anywhere from $15 to $20 an hour or more, according to the childcare website Care. com.

To get a good idea of the going rate, ask other parents how much they pay. Your babysitter may also set their own rates, and their references may help you determine what to offer. Calculate your basic pay rate and adjust your rate as needed based on the following factors:

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  • Amount of child care. How often do you need the sitter?
  • Geographical location. Major metropolitan areas and suburbs tend to have higher rates than more rural areas.
  • Number of children being watched. Watching more children means a higher pay rate.
  • Additional responsibilities. Do you want your sitter to make dinner, do the laundry, or take care of a pet? Expect to add $1 to $2 to the basic rate.
  • Transportation. Will the sitter be driving your kids around town? If they’re using their own car, you’ll need to factor in gas money, too.
  • Years of experience. Experienced babysitters usually get paid more.
  • Special qualifications. If you have a newborn, a child with special needs, or some other unique circumstance, expect to pay a bit more.

What to look for in a babysitter

Look for a babysitter who’s mature, reliable, friendly, and someone your child enjoys spending time with. If you have older children, consider giving them some input into who you hire. Is reading or playing outside with your child important to you? Look for a sitter who enjoys those activities, too. And when you return home, ask your kids if they liked their time with the babysitter.

If your child is an infant, be sure your babysitter has experience caring for very young children and has taken – or is willing to take – courses in infant CPR and first aid. Find out if they’re comfortable feeding your baby a bottle and changing diapers. Ask how they feel about pets, if you have one. When you interview the sitter, make sure their personality and values are a good fit for your family.

Before you walk out the door, you want to know your sitter is someone you can trust to handle any emergency, and who will at least know whom to call and what procedures to follow should trouble arise. The American Red Cross offers babysitting and childcare classes to those ages 11 and up. People who successfully complete the course receive a certificate – if this is important to you, you can screen potential babysitters by asking if they’ve completed this course.

Lastly, have all potential sitters provide references. When you call the sitter’s references, ask detailed questions about how long they’ve known the sitter, the ages of the children they’ve cared for, and what their responsibilities were. If your sitter is a teenager, you may also want to call their parents to find out how well they handle responsibility: Do they follow the rules at home? Complete their homework on time? Drive the car responsibly? Keep their curfew?

How to interview a potential babysitter

After you’ve covered the basics, such as asking for references and discussing schedules and availability, you’ll want to assess a sitter’s level of experience and training in safety procedures. Be sure to ask:

  • Do you know CPR? Do you know the first steps to take in case of infant choking or toddler choking?
  • What would you do in a fire or other emergency?
  • How would you respond if you think a child swallowed something poisonous?

Next, move on to how the sitter relates to children. Try to make your questions open-ended to get more complete answers. Try questions like:

  • Why do you like working with children?
  • What do you like best about babysitting?
  • How would you respond when a child disobeys or doesn’t follow directions? (Feel free to give specific examples of your child’s behavior here.)
  • Are you up for kicking a soccer ball around in the backyard with older kids? Or playing games in the house?

There’s no such thing as an irrelevant question when it comes to your child’s safety and well-being. Trust your instinct. Even if the sitter answers all your questions to your satisfaction, don’t hire them if you feel uneasy about them.

How to prepare your babysitter

The first time a sitter works for you, ask them to arrive half an hour before you plan to leave. This will give them time to learn more about you, your house, and, of course, your child.

You may even want to pay the sitter to come over and play with your kids a few times while you’re home. Use the time to take care of household tasks, knowing that if trouble erupts, you’re only a room away.

The first time you leave your sitter alone with your kids, give them all the information they’ll need, from emergency phone numbers to what’s off-limits in the fridge. Show them how the door locks work (you don’t want anyone getting locked out!) and make sure they know where everything is. Here are some of the most important things to cover with your sitter:

  • Make an emergency plan. Leave your cellphone number, as well as the address and phone number for where you’ll be (especially important if you’re going anyplace where you may have to turn off your phone or might not hear it ring). Make sure your sitter knows where your first-aid kit, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers are, and show them how to work your alarm system if you have one. If you’ll be some distance away, make sure the sitter knows how to contact neighbors or family members who live close by if they need help. And if you’re friendly with your neighbors, give them a heads up that you have a new sitter at the house so they can potentially help out and look out for any sign of trouble.
  • Explain household rules. Clearly share the rules of your house, such as no smoking or drinking alcohol. If language is important to you, let them know you don’t want them to swear in front of your child. Mention any restrictions, such as limits on screen time or not watching particular shows or listening to certain types of music. Tell the sitter ahead of time what your baby can and can’t do, and what’s off-limits for older kids. You’ll also want to set any expectations ahead of time. Some of these are up to you: Is it okay to watch TV? How do you feel about them posting selfies with your children? Do you expect them to do the dishes after dinner?
  • Share your family routine. Let them know what schedule you want them to keep. Explain bedtime routines, and bath and mealtime procedures. If they’ll be cooking or heating food, show them around the kitchen. Also, if they’ll be giving your baby a bottle, make sure they know how to do it properly.

You’ve asked other parents for recommendations, called references, and finally hired a babysitter. But how do you know they’re doing a good job when you’re not around? Here are seven signs to look for:

  1. Your child warms up to them. No one can replace you as a parent, but after several sessions together, you’ll want your child to be warming up to the sitter. If not, the babysitter might not be a good match for your child.
  2. They’re genuinely happy to see your child. If your babysitter truly enjoys spending time with your child, you’ll know it – and your child will sense it, too.
  3. They come up with creative solutions to problems and work to provide the best possible care for your child. If your toddler runs out of paint for an art project, your sitter will find other supplies that work. Or if your child isn’t napping, they’ll turn to you for advice. Taking the initiative shows that they take their job seriously.
  4. They respect your time. A conscientious babysitter arrives on time and lets you know if they’re running late. They’ll also give you ample warning when unable to care for your child – and may even help you find a substitute caregiver.
  5. They make an effort to stay connected. They’ll keep you informed by leaving notes or telling you how your child is doing.
  6. Your child is clean, and messes aren’t left for you. You want your sitter to be focused on your child, not busy cleaning your home, but it’s nice if they tidy up any messes they (or your child) make.
  7. Accidents are infrequent. Of course tumbles will happen, but a good sitter makes safety a priority both at home and out and about.

Do you need a nanny for a newborn?




















6 The aunts have gone completely crazy, the nanny to the newborn – why? Do you think the nanny will poke his boobs or jump to him at night while you sleep? I also understand to take an au pair if there is nowhere to put the money, but to give birth and immediately slip it on someone else’s woman, so that she can happily be lazy herself, this is somehow abnormal



The aunts have gone completely crazy, the nanny to the newborn – why? Do you think the nanny will poke his boobs or jump to him at night while you sleep? I also understand to take an au pair if there is nowhere to put money, but to give birth and then slip it on someone else’s woman, so that she can joyfully lazy herself, this is somehow abnormal

it is not difficult to take care of a child
the main thing is that you do not do cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing

then there will be time for the child and for rest (it is obligatory for the mother after childbirth!)

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And what’s the boobs for a boob must be fed? There is so much “kindness” in your comment, apparently no one offered you help, or a single mother)



The aunts have gone completely crazy, the nanny to the newborn – why? Do you think the nanny will poke his boobs or jump to him at night while you sleep? I also understand to take an au pair if there is nowhere to put money, but to give birth and then slip it on someone else’s woman, so that she can be joyfully lazy, this is somehow abnormal

It’s just normal, from time immemorial all our kings and aristocracy grew up like this – on nurses and nannies. And the color of the nation grew.

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This is all pink romantic fantasies about “only”, etc. It was like that for me too. And then, when the child slept for 15 minutes, and then screamed for three hours in his arms, when both I and my husband began to fall asleep, sorry, sitting on the toilet or sliding down on the tiled floor in the bathroom, when fatigue accumulated such that running out for 10 minutes When I went to the store, I envied the bum sleeping on the bench in winter, it became clear to me that a real newborn and romantic nonsense read about children from magazines are different things. If your husband understands this, unlike you, then be grateful. Take a nanny and live. nine0005




And do you think the C. S.



Instead of asking if a newborn needs a nanny, you should ask if such parents need a newborn? Apparently, the society becomes “more civilized”, the sooner it tries to destroy itself. They don’t breastfeed, they don’t spend time with the child, they give birth for show, and then they wonder why the child doesn’t call, doesn’t come, doesn’t show concern. What will you sow…



Have you described your life? Sorry for your kids. The author is not looking for a nurse and an orphanage for the child, but a nanny who will free the author for some time, at a time convenient for her. It is convenient to have a nanny on hand. You can take a shower as needed, and not forced when it happens, and visit your doctor and go away on business.



Instead of asking if a babysitter is needed for a newborn, it is worth asking if such parents need a newborn? Apparently, the society becomes “more civilized”, the sooner it tries to destroy itself. They don’t breastfeed, they don’t spend time with the child, they give birth for show, and then they wonder why the child doesn’t call, doesn’t come, doesn’t show concern. What will you sow…

The child is quite small, defenseless, he needs his mother, and not someone else’s aunt, no matter how kind she may be. It’s just not a pity, and not scary … I see nannies on playgrounds with children – you can immediately see them, just from the first minute by their indifferent attitude towards the child. Whether business – mum. nine0005



And babies sleep better and longer on formula, which again is a big plus.



And while the artificial people are sleeping, normal children look at the world and develop.

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I rather trust a child than mother -in -law than mother -in -law or your mother. Babysitters see children every day and know all the modern methods of everything, while the mother-in-law held the baby in her arms 40 years ago, does not remember anything, and her knowledge about complementary foods, treatment, and development is outdated. My mother is still trying to give advice about washing her eyes with tea and about the harm of diapers. nine0005



What are you? Waking up 5 times a night to shake a boob, do they develop or when?




Each contact with the world and mother is food for mind and development. When a child eats a mixture made from cow’s (alien) milk, it is more difficult for him to digest it, he turns off and sleeps, all the forces of the body go to digestion. For some reason, some mothers believe that it is very healthy that the child sleeps for 4 hours without a break, although this is completely unphysiological. By the way, sometimes you need to shout, these are emotions. It is clear that crying all night long is not good, everything should be in moderation. nine0005



Every contact with the world and mother is food for the mind and development. When a child eats a mixture made from cow’s (alien) milk, it is more difficult for him to digest it, he turns off and sleeps, all the forces of the body go to digestion. For some reason, some mothers believe that it is very healthy that the child sleeps for 4 hours without a break, although this is completely unphysiological. By the way, sometimes you need to shout, these are emotions. It is clear that crying all night long is not good, everything should be in moderation. nine0005



What nonsense. At night, the body must sleep, this is just right and physiological. And what is the use of tactile sensations from an irritated sleepy and tired mother? Or did you come to us from birth and baby?))



Here! it is better not to, that is, it is necessary, but not to allow yourself to go to extremes. When I’m not sleeping, I grumble, and I can’t do anything. And I still want to remain beautiful for my husband, well, temporarily tortured. So as not to cry later, sitting in a non-removable bathrobe and with a muzzle on his head that he was a fool, he left me at a difficult moment! I want the moment of birth and upbringing of our long-awaited daughter to be the most enjoyable for both of us! And breastfeeding is the best. But not everyone succeeds. And do not offend those people!… My mother lost her milk in my three months from fright: there was a fire in the apartment. .. Everyone has their own reasons. Doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the child must grow in love! nine0005



and I don’t understand why a mother can’t iron her favorite dressing gown or cook soup while someone looks after the stroller in the garden. No need to focus on one thing, if you can combine everything. Easy delivery to you, the author and a healthy baby. You can always refuse help if you have the funds and extra space for au pairs, that’s fine. You also need to go out with your husband somewhere, where the child does not belong, who, if not a nanny, should be next to the child at this moment? nine0005



I’m reinsured… Do you judge by your own experience? January 23, 2015 I equally loved taking care of children and cooking soups (substitute anything for this place, no matter what). Why deny yourself so many things? If you’re comfortable, then do it. The nanny is wonderful, she does not infringe on communication with the child. Especially when he sleeps, would you like to sit next to him? Let the nanny look after you, and you go about your needs or do housework. She can change her diaper without you at night. 3 minutes of work, and your sleep is not interrupted, and children often sleep during this procedure. Why not entrust such a simple matter to another person? nine0005



The guest does not want this,

She will not starve him. And on the mixture, children sleep better and longer, which again is a big plus.



The hour of meeting with my long-awaited daughter is coming soon! And I had a question: do we need a nanny? I am 37, I am not working now and do not plan for six months. My husband has a pretty flexible schedule. Mom will not be able to come and help. It seems to me that we can handle it ourselves, and my husband wants a nanny for permanent residence, at least for a couple of months. But I don’t know how it is to live with a stranger, or spend a full day with him! Advise, from your own experience, how necessary is the presence of a nanny? After all, I want to be the only one for my daughter, but will there be enough strength at that age? (Child first) Thank you! nine0005

Babysitters in St. Petersburg. Search for specialists (105)

Ksenia T.

St. Petersburg

400 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

Good afternoon! I am a student of the Pedagogical College, I am a 4th year student with excellent marks. I’m doing an internship in a kindergarten. I have experience in conducting mobile and educational games, drawing, games for fine motor skills and interhemispheric development, I can sing, dance, draw on asphalt, blow bubbles – in general, it is fun and productive to spend time with a child! nine0005

Olga M.


300 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year

I am graduating from the university with a degree in pedagogical education in the field of foreign languages, I speak English and Spanish. I had experience working with children of preschool age.
I am responsible, calm, I find an approach to each child.
My main feature is boundless love for children.

Daria Sh.

St. Petersburg

100 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

Experience of working with children for about three years. Kind, responsive, punctual. I also work as an English tutor for an elementary school.

Alisa K.

St. Petersburg

350 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

multitasking mode

Looking for a caring nanny?

Register now and create your ad. nine0005

This will increase your chances of finding a trusted nanny by 7 times.

It’s free! Already 12,359 families have found a nanny

Alina P.

St. Petersburg

350 ₽/hour

Experience 6 years

Delegated tasks: helping with children, keeping clean, cooking
Personal qualities:
Reliability, responsibility, complete confidentiality about the employer, observance of subordination, multitasking, financial responsibility, respect for family values ​​and personal space.
Sports, cinema, books, theater, exhibitions.
‼️No criminal record. Medical book available. Driver’s license in the process of obtaining. nine0005

Victoria D.


250 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

I am finishing a medical college)
Experience as a nanny for two years (boy 7 years old and girl 2 years old).
She was also a nanny accompanying for six months.
Punctual, responsive, always make a photo report if required.
The children were always treated well))

Maria S.

St. Petersburg

300 ₽/hour

Experience 4 years

Experience in caring for children over 4 years (of different ages 6 months to 10 years)
I get on well with any child. I can become a true friend during separation from my parents.
There are no children, but there are brothers and sisters of different ages (5 months, 4 years, 7 years)
As a nanny, she walked / fed / put to bed / helped with homework / took her to classes.
Responsible for the requests and nuances of raising a child. nine0005

Daria I.

St. Petersburg

350 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

Hello. I offer babysitting services as well as an English tutor for children from grades 1-6. She herself graduated from 11 classes of the gymnasium with an emphasis on English. I have three years of experience working with children. Kind, responsive. I can provide letters of recommendation if needed.

Polina K.

St. Petersburg

350 ₽/hour

Experience 5 years

Experience in working with children for a total of 5 years, worked as a counselor, animator, in charity projects, 2.5 on a permanent basis in the company of babysitters: 1190 hours, 225 orders, 33 families contacted me again, only positive feedback from families, a letter of recommendation from company

Parvina N.

St. Petersburg

300 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

I became a babysitter because I love children, in the future I plan to become a child psychologist, and this job is a great experience. nine0005

Larisa K.

St. Petersburg

350 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

Hello. 30 years of medical experience, I am a pensioner, adult children, no grandchildren, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I’m athletic, mobile, I live near Strugatsky Square. Under favorable conditions, I agree to move near work. I am sociable, empathic, self-possessed, punctual, I easily find contact with children and the elderly, you can’t deceive them, they feel false.

Alisa P.

St. Petersburg

400 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

I am a 3rd year student at the Pedagogical College. I am learning to be a teacher of special children. For the third year I have been practicing in kindergartens with children with speech delay, mental retardation, and hyperactivity. I conduct various classes on the development of speech, fine motor skills, mathematical classes, we do various crafts, drawings with children, we observe nature, we conduct experiments.
I have been babysitting for 3 years.
She graduated from music school in piano. nine0005

Alena K.


500 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

I am a very positive person who happily finds a common language with absolutely all children. When I communicate with children, I feel on a par with them, I am really interested in their hobbies and views on the world.
I love to read, discuss what I read with children, draw my own illustrations for works with them.
If my candidacy interests you, I think that your child will definitely not get bored. She practiced in a garden of a combined type in a nursery. nine0005

Irina P.


250 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year

Hi, I am studying to be a speech therapist, I have experience working with children (I myself have 2 younger brothers)
I studied at the Academy of Arts, so I can sculpt, draw, cut, glue with your children
Worked in a kindergarten as a nanny

Tatiana Zh. language
Sometimes children want an older sister, but there is no way.
That’s what young nannies are for.
There is nothing to be afraid of, because it is very pleasant to be on the same wavelength with a child.
I am not engaged in the upbringing of your children, I only want to become their friend

Anastasia K.


400 ₽/hour

Experience 5 years

I have been babysitting since the age of 12, at first they were brothers/sisters. Then, from the age of 13, she sat all summer with a 3-month-old nephew. Later she began to work in families. First with a boy, he was 3 months before the nursery. Then with two girls of 8 months and 3 years, until the youngest went to the kindergarten for a full day.

Alexandra B.

St. Petersburg

300 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

Good day everyone!
I am a student.
I love children and animals.
I am sociable, responsive, responsible, clean.

Daria T.

St. Petersburg

400 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

I will consider different options for the location for work.
My name is Darya. As a child herself, she loved helping adults with her little brothers/sisters, nieces/nephews. Ready to become a good nanny (friend) for your baby. I study at the Pedagogical College in the specialty “Special Preschool Education”, 4th year. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in messages. nine0005

Alna Т.
Higher psychological and pedagogical education (A.I. Herzen University), work experience – more than 3 years in families with children of different ages. I am looking for full and part time employment, long term.

Julia V.

St. Petersburg

100 ₽/hour

Experience 20 years

I love children, I can organize educational and playful activities, teach a lot. I want to work with children individually, to invest in them all the most necessary things. I can quickly lure the child, calm. Disciplined active, positive. Good relationship with parents of pupils. Dear parents, please contact me for help. I will help you solve your pressing issues. nine0005

Maria М. cooking and naps, as well as walking, reading and spelling for the older child. Also in the rest of the time I took single orders as a babysitter.

Anna Ts.

St. Petersburg

100 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

Hello! I am a 2nd year student studying law. I love children, I like spending time with them and learning. Have experience working with children. Ready to fulfill admiring your requirements. Let’s agree on time! nine0005

Marina K.

St. Petersburg

400 ₽/hour

Experience 5 years

My pupil went to kindergarten, he is 2. 6. responsibilities are the development and safety of the child, cooking, walking in the fresh air and exploring the world around. I am punctual and responsible. Prior to that, she had experience working with sister girls from 9 months. and 4.5 years, as well as babysitting in a children’s room, where up to 15 children of different ages were present at the same time. My children have already grown up – boys – the weather, now they are 20 and 21 years old. There are recommendations. I love yoga, I’m studying to be a Children’s Yoga Trainer

Elizaveta T.

St. Petersburg

180 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

Due to my age and responsibility, I can easily find a common language with any kid or schoolchild. In a playful way, I can both feed the child and put him to bed. She worked for three years with her aunt’s child. She regularly sat with him, played, fed, put him to bed. Ever since childhood, my love for children was blocked in me, and I always dreamed of a sister. Three years ago, my sister was born with whom I sat regularly. nine0005

Vladlena B.

St. Petersburg

400 ₽/hour

Experience 7 years

I worked as a nanny for more than one year, I can provide recommendations.
I sat with one child, and with three at the same time, the age was also completely different.
Thank you for your interest in my candidacy.

Maria B.

St. Petersburg

250 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year

Good afternoon!
I am looking for a job as a nanny. This year I’m finishing Ped. University. Herzen. I have experience working with children of different ages – tutoring (music lessons), nanny and counselor in a children’s camp (4 shifts). I also have experience as an educator. education in DTY.
In working with children, I pay great attention to play, learning and development through the game form. With pleasure, I will not only bring / take your child, but also help with homework. nine0005

Larisa M

St. Petersburg

300 ₽/hour

Experience 20 years

Pensioner, 64 years old. For a long time she worked in children. garden. She raised three children and a grandson. She played football with her grandson, rode bicycles, went on vacation in Russia and abroad. I worked as a nanny for families. Strict and kind, attentive and cheerful. Children quickly get used to me and understand. When I’m gone, they get bored. If you want to find your child not only a nanny, but also a friend, dial my phone number. To understand if a person is right for you, it is best to chat with him. This is not binding, but gives some idea. Well, age is a state of mind.

I work in children. garden. She worked in a shelter, a nanny in families, raised three children and a grandson. I can captivate the child, interest, teach to the potty and order. I know a lot of children’s poems and songs, I instill an interest in sports. I can wash, iron, cut, knit socks. She taught her children to read and count from an early age.

Angelina N.


300 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year

2nd year student of medical university
energetic, easy-going
quickly find a common language with children
I have a negative attitude to gadgets, so I can still keep your child busy with different games and educational activities
I also have experience in raising 2 younger brothers

Elvira D.

St. Petersburg

250 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

I am a kind understanding person, you can easily negotiate with me, just talk and discuss something , I live in St. Petersburg in the Krasnoselsky district. There are no children, marital status-there is a relationship. Graduated from college. Have experience with different kids

Serafima P.


100 ₽/hour

No experience

Graduated this year from Herzen State Pedagogical University, would like to work with children, or just walk and play with them

0 Elena D.5

St. Petersburg

100 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

Nanny is first of all a good friend. After working in a kindergarten and studying at a pedagogical university, I learned that every child deserves proper attention and support. nine0005

Natalia S.

St. Petersburg

200 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year

Work experience:
1) Tikhvin Center for Children’s Creativity: Counselor (1 year)
2) Montessori Eco-Center: Montessori teacher assistant (6 months)
•Education Incomplete higher education:
St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work
Applied psychology, Psychologist
Advanced training courses:
School of counselors, theater skills, training for babysitters

Ulyana L.

St. Petersburg

200 ₽/hour

Experience 2 years

with children, I am a sociable and kind person who treats children very carefully and reverently, I try to provide comfort as much as possible, and I will always find something interesting to do 🙂
I have experience:
looked after a 4 year old girl.
8 month old baby
and 3
summer girl

Daria B.


200 ₽/hour

Experience 1 year


St. Petersburg

300 ₽/hour

Experience 4 years

For a long time I sat with my niece, taught her letters, writing, reading. Developed and cared for. I went to work as a nanny, my experience already reaches more than 3 years. I have recommendations from past employers, ready to provide. I have worked with children from six months to 10 years old. I can become a friend to your child, teach him numbers, letters, writing, reading. Give preschool development and play actively. I know how to interest and occupy the child. nine0005

Kristina S.

St. Petersburg

500 ₽/hour

Experience 7 years

I have been working with children for over 7 years. My daughter is 9 years old.
I will not only look after your child, but I will also be happy to take care of his comprehensive development according to your individual requests.
I have experience working in families as a nanny with children from 2 months to 5 years. Recommendations are available upon request.

Anna M.

St. Petersburg

250 ₽/hour

Experience 3 years

I am a future defectologist, I have entered the 4th year. I want to prove myself as a nanny with any children (with special ones too) and help parents. I have a lot of enthusiasm and a baggage of theoretical and practical knowledge. My experience is based on helping relatives with their children and teaching practices of the university. Worked with all health conditions. I will be happy to answer your questions in detail and provide the necessary documents and certificates.

Ekaterina Z.

St. Petersburg

200 ₽/hour

No experience

Looking for a job as a nanny. About myself I can say that I am responsive and will help in any situation, kind and love children.

Dmitry I.

St. Petersburg

250 ₽/hour

Experience 13 years

I have been working at the “Kit” school as a tutor and teacher for more than a year and during this time I realized that this is what I want to do , that’s what I’m good at.