Dad baby shower games: 20 Hilarious Baby Shower Games for Men (That Men will Actually Enjoy!)

Опубликовано: August 27, 2020 в 11:12 am


Категории: Baby

20 Hilarious Baby Shower Games for Men (That Men will Actually Enjoy!)

Thinking of throwing a co-ed baby shower? Party on! Here are some baby shower games for men to include everyone in the fun!

Unpopular opinion: I think all baby showers should be co-ed! Keep reading and hear me out, I promise you won’t regret it.

I’m sure you’ve been to plenty of baby showers that were ladies-only and simply lovely. And if your sig-o has a Y chromosome, looking back on those ladies-only baby showers, you’re probably thinking that there’s no way he would have had a good time if he’d gone!

But did you ever stop to think that maybe if you included some guy-friendly activities in the baby shower, it might be a “the more, the merrier!” type of situation?

In fact, I bet there are plenty of men in mom-to-be’s life who could really add some fun to the baby shower! We had a co-ed baby shower and it’s still one of our favorite days to reminisce about.

I think the guys deserve to do a little celebrating, too. Just think about how fun it’ll be for dad to have some of his buddies there to toast the growing family!

If you’re interested in making the baby shower a party for everyone, check out these baby shower games for men to get them in on the fun!

Bottle Chug

I’ve been to a baby shower where they played Bottle Chug, and it was a fantastic way to get the party started! Not only is it hilarious (and super tricky to drink beer out of a bottle nipple), it’s a great way to break the ice and get the drinks flowing for more fun to come.

Grab the printable and instructions on how to play this bottle chug game from The Cutest Baby Showers blog.

Baby Bump or Beer Belly

Of course every soon-to-be dad has heard of a “Dad Bod” and is hoping to avoid getting one.

But why not poke fun at the stereotype by playing a game where you spot the difference between bellies full of beer and bellies full of baby?

Grab these hilarious Baby Bump or Beer Belly cards from Inkbelle, and prepare to laugh as you struggle to tell the difference when playing this coed baby shower game!

Diaper Pong

Check out this adorable Diaper Pong board that a reader at Hip2Save created using materials from the Dollar Store! This is such a cute idea, especially if you’re throwing a baby shower on a budget.

Whether or not you turn this into a drinking game is completely up to you, but it has the potential to be one of the wildest baby shower games for men out there!

Who Has the Mom?

Who doesn’t love a randomized door-prize? You can buy these Who Has the Mom scratch-off cards and hide them under chairs or around the party. Whoever scratches off their card to reveal the baby shower’s real baby momma will win a fun baby shower prize!

Baby Candy Match

I’ve hosted my fair share of baby showers, and I love to add a simple printable baby shower game into the mix! That’s why I created this sweet Candy Match Baby Shower Game.

To play, just match the pregnancy or baby-related term to the correct candy bar. Whoever gets the most correct answers gets to chow down on the candy! 

The men in your life may really appreciate what expecting mamas go through after playing this one!

Humans Against Baby Showers

If you’re looking for a hilarious, edgy, and irreverent game to play with the whole group, look no further than Humans Against Baby Showers!

This printable card game from PrintOutBabyShower is a funny pregnancy-themed twist on the card game Cards Against Humanity. Gals and guys alike are sure to get a kick out of it!

Boobs or Butt

With a name like that, what guy wouldn’t want to play?

This cheeky and perhaps even inappropriate baby shower game from Inkbelle is sure to get the dudes’ undivided attention. If you’re ready to laugh and blush, this is the baby shower game for you! Grab the Boobs or Butt game here!

Shower Squares

For the shower guests who like to bet in sports pools, the Shower Squares game from Castle Hall Creative will feel familiar and give them something to root for!

Follow the directions to turn present-opening at the shower into a competition, where the game winner and the new baby both benefit from a cash prize at the end.

Pin the Sperm on the Uterus

We’ve all heard of pin the tail on the donkey, right? Switch out the donkey and tail for a uterus and sperm, and you’ve got yourself a hilarious baby-themed game to play with everyone! I’m guessing men will crack up especially at this game!

Find the Baby’s Dad

This one is the same as Who Has the Mom game above, but you’re looking to scratch off a picture of dad instead! The other cards are filled with male celebrities!

Tinkle in the Pot

I love any game that will give the guys a little glimpse into what it’s like to be pregnant. And thanks to the Kitty Groups Online blog, I have a new one to try out: it’s the Tinkle in the Pot game!

Players stuff a big balloon under their shirts and walk (or more like waddle!) several feet with a ping pong ball held between their knees. The team that drops the most balls into their jar wins!

This would also be a fun baby shower game for kids!

Beer Word Scramble

If you’re looking for a great printable baby shower game for the men and beer-lovers at the shower, check out the Beer Word Scramble.

Players can unscramble the names of 25 breweries to win a prize–maybe a beer! I know my husband would love playing this one!

Famous Fathers

Another great printable option is the Famous Fathers game from WebBabyShower. Have the guys test their knowledge of famous dads and their kids!

Who Can Finish Daddy’s Phrase?

Do you ever feel like your friends know you a little too well? Put that theory to the test for dad-to-be and his buddies with this clever printable party game from HappyBabyPrintables.

Dad will complete a series of baby-related phrases, and everyone else tries to guess what he said. The results are hilarious!

Dad Jokes

Dad might be used to cracking jokes, but it’s time to brush up on some dad joke material now! This Dad Joke printable from Happy Times Digital is a punny introduction to daddy humor.

Think of all the groans and eye-rolls he has in his future!

Love or Labor

If you’re looking for another risqué game to keep the guys entertained, check out the Love or Labor game.

These pre-printed game cards feature women in various stages of ecstasy or agony, and the goal is to guess whether she’s engaged in labor or…well, baby-making! The perfect baby shower game for men!

Would He Rather

Another fun printable from Happy Baby Printables that can help everyone get to know dad better is the Would He Rather game. Guys love a little competition, so have dad’s friends compete to see who knows him the best!

What Did Dad Say?

For a cute adaptation of the Newlywed Game, ask dad to answer the questions on the What Did Dad Say? printable, then have all of the guests guess how many of dad’s answers mom-to-be will get right.

Get everyone at the shower involved, and enjoy putting mom on the spot!

Labor or Horror

Similar to the Love or Labor game, the Labor or Horror game challenges everyone to guess whether the women pictured on the game cards are having a baby or are starring in classic horror movies. It’s a scream!

This might be one to avoid if mom-to-be is nervous about labor, but you can always send the guys away to play!

Who Knows Daddy Best?

If you’re looking for more tame and G-rated baby shower games for men, the Who Knows Daddy Best? game is a wholesome competition where guests compete for best friend bragging rights.

Snag the game from Dainty Darling Co. and prepare for some warm-fuzzies as the guys display their intimate knowledge of dad!

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7 Baby Shower Ideas…for Men. (Yes, the Man Shower Is a Thing.)

Sometimes referred to as the “Manshower” or the “Dad-chelor,” the male version of the baby shower has, in recent years, become a thing. (Really.)

In some ways, the all-male version of the baby party resembles its female counterpart: Manshowers involve a group of (usually) friends. There is food and drinks, and plenty of congratulations.

What you won’t find? Men sitting in a circle ogling duckie-printed onesies or rubbing oh-so-soft swaddling blankets on their cheeks. One has only to search for “manshower” on Pinterest to spot the differences: Boards feature cake and party ideas for themes like “Huggies and Chuggies” and “Poker and Pampers.” The Today Show even produced a segment about one particularly boozy manshower featuring sports challenges using a ball made out of diapers, beer-in-a-baby-bottle drinking races, and (naturally) a big screen TV.

You get the idea.

Let’s be clear: We aren’t advocating a beer-fueled bash to celebrate a baby’s arrival. But there is a lot to love about the idea of men wanting to support their male friends on the journey into parenthood. According to Boston College’s 2017 study, “The New Dad: The Career-Caregiving Conflict,” 66 percent of today’s dads believe household tasks and caregiving should be split 50/50. Dads, in other words, are embracing parenthood like never before! (However, in heterosexual couples, only 29 percent admit to actually getting to that 50/50 split. Yes, Mom still does a lot more, *sigh.*)

Still, taking time to celebrate a friend during a major life transition is a great idea—no matter the gender. Plus, whether or not they’ll admit to wanting a manshower, dads-to-be across the country are discovering that their guy pals actually want to offer support and friendship before the baby arrives. And support, especially from the already-dad friends who know all too well that their buddy’s life is about to be completely turned upside down, is needed and wanted.

“Having a baby can be, honestly, pretty scary for guys,” offers skateboarder (and dad) Philip Stern. “You need your friends more than you realize to help you get through it. Especially because your partner is pretty busy figuring it all out, too.”

So what can men do for the dad-to-be in their lives? We’ve got a few ideas!

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1. Bro-down… but bring new-dad gifts.

Guys don’t need a lot. In fact, they like to tout their simplicity—so keep it basic. Got a group of friends that frequently meets for Frisbee golf, Saturday afternoon hoops, or a skateboarding session? Take an evening or an afternoon to meet up for the usual, but make it all about your dad-to-be pal. Or, if you don’t have a baked-in activity, just hang out…but bring gifts! Whether you know it or not, he’s going to need stuff to get through the first couple of weeks (or months). Pinterest is filled with “Daddy Survival Kit” ideas that include aspirin and energy drinks amongst snacks, like this one.

Don Hudson, owner and now executive director of a Portland, Oregon-based, dad-centric store-turned-non-profit called Seahorses, suggests that we need to start seeing dads as baby-product consumers. (His store catered to dads with items like strollers and diaper bags.) He recommends asking your dad pal if there’s a diaper bag or backpack he might prefer to carry—Orla Kiely bags likely won’t be his jam. Speaking of carrying, there are baby carrier companies out there like Onya and Mountain Buggy that consider a man’s physique in their carrier designs.

2. Make it a friendly (dad duties) competition.

Throwing in a few ridiculous and hilarious competitive games at your dad party can actually be pretty fun(ny). Hudson, who also plays master of ceremonies at Northwest Babyfest’s Dad Shower event, likes to put dads in real-life scenario competitions, such as “Who Can Do the Dishes the Fastest?” and “Who Can Make a Toddler Lunch Quicker?”

“The toddler lunch is one my favorite games,” quips Hudson, “because the participants have to do things like cut grapes lengthwise, not in halves, the way a toddler would be really particular about his grapes. It’s hilarious.”

3. Chug some…kombucha.

There are also some “classics” out there, like the ever-popular baby-bottle chug. You can probably guess how it goes: Buy some baby bottles and fill them with a beverage of your choice—whoever can suck it out of that tiny hole in the bottle top first wins. And yes, you can keep it non-alcoholic. J

4. Change diapers…blindfolded.

Middle-of-the-night diaper changing is a real skill, and it’s harder than it seems! For this one, you’ll need some baby dolls, stuffed animals, and old-fashioned diapers: cloth, plus pins. It might help to look up a diaper-changing video on YouTube and show it to your guests first. Or not…which would just make the game even sillier. Then comes the fun part: Blindfold the blokes and see who can change a nappy the fastest.

5. Have a stroller race!

The stroller relay race works well for those with larger backyards. For this one you’ll need two strollers, two baby dolls, and everyday backyard items (hose, ladder, chair, shovel—whatever you have on hand) to set up an obstacle course. Guests run the obstacle course two at-a-time, and whoever completes it first wins…as long as he doesn’t spill the baby, crash the stroller, etc.

6. Skip town!

Say yes to the guys’ weekender! Rent a cabin or have a sleepover at a bachelor buddy’s pad. Simply getting together to hang out can offer him some much-needed respite before his coveted free time turns into the newborn reality of sleepless nights. Depending on the timing of baby’s arrival, you could head to the mountains for snowboarding or rent a boat on a lake. Combine this idea with first one on our list, and you’ve got the makings of a stellar dad shower.

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7. Toast your new-dad pal—post-baby.

Dads are usually all-in once the baby arrives. That’s when the reality of their changed life—and the love they feel for their new baby—has really had a chance to sink in. So take a night after the baby’s arrival to meet up with some friends and toast the new dad!

When all is said and done, a manshower is a fun way to show him some support in a time of need. And who doesn’t want to do that for a friend? But if an all-guy get-together to celebrate a new baby just isn’t your cup of tea, there’s always the co-ed shower. A less frilly version of the classic baby shower, the co-ed option celebrates both of the parents-to-be (assuming it’s a traditional one mommy, one daddy relationship) with its own form of laughter and good times.

Dad Knows Best funny baby shower games printables


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