Words of encouragement for c section: 23 Truly Inspirational C-Section Quotes for Scar Moms

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23 Truly Inspirational C-Section Quotes for Scar Moms

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To say I was upset about my first C-section (and to an extent, my second) would be an understatement.

I wanted to be a crunchy, all-natural mom from day one, with an unmedicated vaginal birth followed by lots of skin-to-skin and perfect breastfeeding.

But things didn’t work out the way I planned. I ended up with an emergency C-section, a scar, and a brutal recovery after birth.

You might be here because you know exactly how I feel and need some inspirational quotes about C-sections to help you work through your emotions. Maybe your birth experience has instilled a passion to spread C-section awareness to others.

Or perhaps you’re here to find a way to send best wishes for a C-section that’s been planned by a friend or family member.

Here, you’ll find a diverse collection of Cesarean section quotes to help inspire you. From words of encouragement in the preparation of a C-section to C-section recovery to a general awareness of what Cesarean childbirth is really like, it’s all here!

How You Can Use These Quotes

A couple of these quotes were pulled from other sources and attributed accordingly. Every other quote on this page was written by ME! If you would like to use one, please credit Bright Color Mom appropriately. The images containing the quotes are Copyright © Big Brave Media LLC. They are for personal use only (so it’s okay to share them on your personal social media). You may NOT use them for commercial use or for making a profit.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Additional Reading for C-Section Moms

If you’re about to have a C-section or have recently had one, you may be here trying to work out all of the emotions that come along with the process. It’s not easy, and it’s not something you’ve ever been prepared for. No one talks about their C-section experiences the way women talk about their vaginal births (but it’s getting better)!

With that in mind, I have a couple of really excellent books I’d like to recommend for further reading!

My Cesarean: Twenty-One Women on the C-Section Experience and After

You still have the right to feel like part of the sisterhood of mothers, no matter how your child comes into this world. This book, My Cesarean, restores a bond that may feel lost as a result of Cesarean birth by helping you feel connected to other women who have gone through the same thing as you. It’s particularly poignant for women who desperately wanted a natural birth but were forced to have a C-section for medical reasons.

This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression

This Isn’t What I Expected isn’t directly related to having a C-section. However, I know from experience that having a C-section can contribute to severe PPD. Looking for quotes to help validate your feelings about childbirth could be a sign that you’re suffering from depression. Know that you are not alone, your feelings are normal, and you will get through this!

General C-Section Quotes

I love my baby so much, that I will do anything to get my baby out of my body alive. Lay me out, cut me open, because my baby is worth it.

A C-section requires courage. It is a show of bravery, sacrifice, and mothering in its purest form. It’s the willingness to lay down your body and risk your life so that your child might be born; that your child might live.

Not everything in life goes according to plan. Not even the birth of your child.

Having to have a C-section does not mean my body is inadequate. It does not mean a mistake was made when I was created. No body is perfect at all things. I am just blessed to have had an alternative way for my child to enter the world.

Motherhood is so much more than the day your baby is born. Your birth experience does not define you; giving birth is not the endgame.

–Ashlee Gadd

Having a C-section doesn’t make me any less of a mother. I refuse to let anyone tell me differently.

Moms who have had C-sections need and deserve respect and love for the way they birthed. It’s not about being pro-Cesarean; it’s about being pro-mom.

My C-section was not easy. It was traumatic, and I am forever changed.

Delivering by Cesarean section doesn’t make any woman less of a mother, whether it was planned or unplanned. We’re all raising our children every day, refusing to be defined by the moment our babies were born.

To the woman having a scheduled C-section: I know it’s not easier, knowing what lies ahead. Stay calm, think positively, and hear this: you’re a badass mother.

Emergency C-Section Quotes

Enduring a C-section is not “taking the easy way out.” Nothing about scrapping your birth plan, having your organs pulled from your body, missing the moment your baby enters the world, or recovering from abdominal surgery, is easy.

I didn’t choose to have a C-section. I chose to do whatever it took to get my baby out healthy and safe.

C-Section Recovery Quotes

While most of us would like to curl up with a bowl of ice cream and a stack of movies after a major surgery, C-section mamas do just the opposite. They nurture and love and bond with their needy, beautiful babies.

–Monet Moutrie

The best way to support a mother created by Cesarean section is simply to listen to her. She is filled with unfamiliar frustration and disappointment and needs to release those feelings.

Coming to terms with an unplanned C-section is a genuine grieving process. I didn’t have the birth of my dreams; I lost those first minutes with my child in my arms; and my body was scarred in ways I never expected. It takes real effort to keep my grief and anger about my birth experience from ruining the beginning of my journey through motherhood.

Quotes About C-Section Scars

We are strong; we are brave; we laid our bodies down and got cut open for the safety of our children. We have scars and we wear them with pride! We are damn proud to say we survived with our children.

The war scar my C-section left behind is just a reminder of the amazing moment I became a mom.

How would I describe my C-section scar? Worth it.

I never wanted a C-section scar on my body. Now that I have one, I wear it proudly. It is a symbol of my strength and proof of when I became a mother.

Does my C-section scar make you uncomfortable? Just imagine how I felt being strapped to a narrow table in a freezing cold room while strangers cut and rocked my body.

My C-section scar is a mark of our survival. If I didn’t have this scar, I wouldn’t have my baby with me right now.

I don’t need a tattoo to permanently mark my body with a symbol of my child; I have a C-section scar.

Getting a C-section didn’t “ruin” my body. I already had a FUPA and happy trail made of coarse black hair, so a permanent smile-shaped scar is really an improvement.

(I thought you could use a funny C-section quote to round out the down-to-earth truth bombs on this list!)

RELATED: 48 Beautiful Quotes About Loving Children for Mushy Parents

Which of these C-section quotes speaks to you the most? Share it on Facebook, Insta or Pinterest and @brightcolormom!

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30+ Powerful Quotes for C-Section Moms

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A collection of encouraging and empowering C-Section quotes that capture the impact and emotions of delivering via Cesarean.

The Best Quotes for C-Section Moms

What’s Inside:

Whether you are planning a C-Section or you had one when you didn’t expect to, going through major surgery to deliver your baby is a big deal.

Once you have a C-Section you automatically become a part of “the club”.

You will be bonded and welcomed to the club by all the other moms in the world who have also had C-Sections and know exactly what you are going through.

But that doesn’t mean we all had the same experience.

Every mom who delivers via cesarean has their own unique story and feelings about their individual experience.

Today we are sharing a collection of quotes that capture all of the ups, downs and emotions that go along with becoming a C-Section mom. 

Our hope is that the quotes and sayings on this page will promote C-section awareness and  empower moms who are planning, recovering or are still healing emotionally from their C-section experience.

We encourage you to share the quotes and images to promote c-section awareness and to inspire other c-section mamas, but please credit our page accordingly by tagging or including a link back to this page. Thanks!

This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. We only include brands we use and trust. See the full disclosure in the privacy policy.

Quotes About C-Section Delivery

“Whether your baby is born vaginally or via cesarean, both require strength and courage.”

“So you say having a c-section is taking the easy way out. Is using the jaws of life the easy way to get out of a car?”

“No matter how a baby comes into the world it’s a special delivery.”

“As much as I hated having a C-Section, it didn’t really matter because my baby and I were both alive.

“A good mother is not defined by how her baby was born. Instead it is by the love and sacrifice she shows for her children.”

“Vaginal delivery or C-Section, I don’t care. All that matters is that you’re here.”

“My toddler asked how she was born, which was via c-section, so I told her she came out of my sunroof”

“Proud member of the C-Section Moms Club.”

C Section Scar Quotes

“My C-section scar reminds me of how badly I wanted my child and is proof that I will always do anything for them.”

“My favorite scar is the one that saved my baby’s life.”

“How would I describe my C-Section scar? Worth it.”

“Never be ashamed of the scars life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain and have healed.

“C-Section moms are the bravest moms. How else would you describe someone who is willing to be cut open, left with a scar and caring for an infant while recovering from major surgery?”  -Lauren Tingley

“Your C-Section scar is just the first of many sacrifices you will be willing to make for your child throughout their lifetime.”

“Your C-Section scar is proof that you will do anything for your child.”

“My baby’s life was worth the scar.”

Positive C Section Quotes

“Motherhood is so much more than the day your child was born. Your birth experience does not define you; giving birth is not the end game.” – Ashlee Gadd

“Sometimes I feel insecure about myself. Then I remember that I agreed to be cut open to deliver my baby and realize that I am actually pretty freaking awesome!”

“No two moms are the same. Some moms plan to have C-Sections and don’t give it a second thought. Some moms end up with C-Sections they hoped to avoid and feel sad about that. Both moms deserve to be supported and encouraged no matter how they feel.”

I’m a proud C-section mom, why wouldn’t I be? Look at the end result.”

“Caring for a baby after going through a C-Section isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.”

Unplanned C-Section Quotes

“I never planned on having a c-section, my only plan was to deliver a healthy baby no matter what it took.” -Lauren Tingley

“It’s ok to be sad about your unplanned C-Section, but don’t let that moment steal the joy from the moment you became a mother.”

“An unplanned C-Section is the first of a series of lessons about your new life as a parent. You are no longer in control, not everything will go as planned, but you will do whatever you can to keep your children safe and healthy.

“It’s ok to mourn your hopes for a vaginal birth. Don’t let anyone tell you that your feelings of loss are not valid just because they don’t understand.”

“I did not want to have a C-Section. But whenever I feel sad about missing out on the experience of delivering my baby, I consider the alternative and I am thankful.”

“Sadness after unplanned C-Section is a real thing and we should talk about that more.”

“If a mom is upset over her unplanned C-Section, don’t tell her all that matters is that she has a healthy baby. Her feelings and emotions are real and they matter too.That doesn’t mean she isn’t thankful”

“A C-Section may not have been what I wanted, but it was what my baby needed.”

“C-Sections Suck.”

“I spent weeks carefully crafting the perfect birth plan. Turns out that was a waste of time.”

There you have it mama! Wise words of encouragement for C-Section Moms with a healthy dose of perspective and honesty thrown in. If you connected with any of these quotes we would love for you to share it with others.

More Quotes for Moms:

  • 50+ Bonding Mother-Daughter Quotes On Unconditional Love
  • 50 Epic Working Mom Quotes for Inspiration and Encouragement
  • 40+ Best Mama Quotes for Encouragement and Inspiration
  • 40 Heartfelt Mother’s Day Quotes From Daughter (That She’ll Love)

30+ Empowering C Section Quotes for Moms 

It is very difficult for us to find the right words – Pro Palliative

Test. Can you comfort someone in grief? Someone else’s grief disarms, frightens, makes one move away. How to support a person and not make him even more painful?

When a person is struggling with a serious illness, his inner balance is very fragile. All forces are spent on maintaining self-control. And although disturbing thoughts are constantly spinning in my head, you need to continue to take care of loved ones, spend time with them, do various household chores: in general, live and, if possible, rejoice.

An inappropriate word, even spoken as if in support, can destroy this delicate balance.

Irina Novikova, an oncological patient from Samara, wrote about this in her social network account.

We have already published her essay about her personal experience with painkillers, pro and contra use of morphine. Now read about what words you can support and what you should not.

Hearing yesterday once again “Everything will be fine, hold on!” – flared up again. Of course, she thanked for the sympathy – a person sincerely says this. The problem is that it is very difficult for us to find the right words. And I myself sin with this “Hold on!” When I want to show a person that I empathize. In fact, these familiar and common expressions are not the best thing to say in such situations.

Personally, “hold on” doesn’t irritate me much. Maybe it’s because I’m really holding on every night? For a small palm, feeling it through a dream. And sometimes I whisper, “Hold me, son. Hold me”.

Much more discomfort from this “everything will be fine.” Yes, it will. I really, really want to believe it. Someday it will. But not me. Not soon with sons, mothers, relatives … Well, it won’t, everything won’t be fine, and this phrase sounds insincere, even if a person really believes in a miracle, but let’s be honest, my situation is hellishly terrible, this phrase devalues.

But I also don’t want to hear something like “I understand how bad you feel, because there is no chance.” I spend inhuman strength not to think about it, every day I understand anew, I accept it with peace, as for the first time. Otherwise, just lie down, grind your teeth in fear, shed tears and wait for the end, you know? In order to do ordinary things, you need to step over apathy every time, push it into the far corner. It is not necessary to remind me once again of the lack of chances, even to show how close my situation is taken to heart.

Irina Novikova: For me, this photo focuses on the meaning of support — when someone’s heart beats next to yours.

Yes, I will feel warmer from this moral embrace, but I will cry not from an excess of gratitude, but mourning myself. And I don’t want to bury myself in advance.

But the winner in the nomination “How to support, not to support?” – “Fight!”. At least for me it’s “Fight” like a red rag. Yes, I would be glad! How can I fight this enemy? Give it to me, put it in front of me. Fight in a dark room blindfolded, wearing headphones, with a clothespin on your nose against a professional killer who does not adhere to any rules. That’s what “Fight” says to me. That is, by swinging a stick non-stop, he may be able to hurt him, but what are the chances that he, after playing with you, poking here and there, will eventually finish him off? Roughly, that’s all.

And a bad result means that you fought badly, behaved badly, didn’t believe enough – in general, whatever one may say, but samadura is to blame , you understand, yes, how do I hear this expression? No, not me. Many of those with whom we spoke on this topic. You see, many of us in one way or another already feel guilty about the disease. The irrationality of this guilt is not obvious to us, and there will always be someone who will say exactly this.

I know of cases where mothers of terminally ill children were accused of sins for which their child was to be paid. What can we say about an adult who certainly managed to do things in order to get sick: he didn’t live like that, didn’t talk like that, didn’t eat, prayed, loved like that … And now he’s being treated differently, he doesn’t want to live enough, he doesn’t fight.

I really don’t want to offend anyone with this text. On the contrary, I am trying to tell what words will help the person you want to support. Or rather, what words were very pleasant and necessary for me to hear. Often these words were spoken by complete strangers after seeing my story on the Internet. It would seem, well, what effect can words from outsiders have? It’s just words. Nope. Not easy.

I am with you.

I’m there.

I’m praying for you (even though I’m not even a church member), but don’t “pray and God will save you.” A person on the threshold, believe me, he will somehow sort out his relationship with his god or his gods.

Stay with us as long as possible.

I really want you to be cured / live / have a miracle – but not win!

I don’t know, maybe someone, on the contrary, needs militant expressions like win, fight, etc., but most of the familiar cancer patients admitted in a conversation that this moment of placing all the responsibility on you is unpleasant. You can be a mega-pro in your diagnosis, you can use all the latest methods, you can hold on to a cucumber and sincerely believe in a cure – this will not be enough.

What is absolutely not necessary is to try to cheer up with the example “My aunt had cancer and she was cured!”. Yes, I understand that people who are unfamiliar with oncology consider cancer to be a common diagnosis. And specifically in my case, I heard a lot of condescendingly surprised, “Yes, right now the lungs are already being transplanted, why won’t she do the operation?”, “Yes, my mother was sick, five chemo was completed and now she has been in remission for 15 years, and she, you see, has bad doctors “.

Just trust me: no two crayfish are the same. Seriously. A lot of nuances are mixed with one diagnosis, including the human factor, yes. Cancer cases are like fingerprints. With the same inputs, no doctor can guarantee that things will go according to one scenario. Therefore, your support in the form of an example will only cause irritation and a polite “thank you”.

Irina Novikova with her sons. Photo from personal archive

This also includes support for treatment. These are various “Masha went through chemo, she endured it quite tolerably, so don’t drift, everything will be good” or “they say these are good pills, the cat was cured of the tumor, they will surely help” and so on.

What do I care how Masha endured her chemotherapy with her diagnosis and her body? I doze peacefully during chemo, and in the next room the girl is writhing from stomach cramps, and another neighbor drags her system to the toilet every 10 minutes … In general, we forget support with examples. There is your acquaintance, there is his illness, his introductory, his character – and the words of support should be only his.

“Hold on”, “I understand you”, “The time has come” — how not to comfort Crisis psychologist, psychologist at the Children’s Hospice “House with a Lighthouse” Larisa Pyzhyanova – about typical phrases of consolation and what is really behind they cost

Do you know what struck me? After the release of Ildar’s video (a year ago, autoblogger Ildar gave Irina a car – ed. ) , many wrote to me and still write to me. Most of the writers are men. The same men who, as we often think, are old soldiers who do not know the words of love. Not able to formulate emotional experiences, but what is there – unable to experience these experiences. What kind of messages do they write? Girls also write, and I also read through a whiny veil. But over men’s I cry a little harder. It is so unexpected, sincere and wonderful.

If it’s really important to you not just to check in that you’re in the know, take a couple of minutes to write a couple of sentences. Personal. In these sentences, say what you value the person for. What in it delights, inspires, perhaps. And express hope that your relationship will last for a long time.

If you are close, then it’s good to add something for which – and you know this for sure – this person worries the most. It warms my soul very much when my friends say that my children will not be left alone. For some, his work is important, for others, his trail.

Everyone has something that is most difficult to leave behind, something no one can do better. Make this load a little lighter. This is a subtle point, because there is an acknowledgment that the possibility of death is still allowed. Therefore, of course, you should be close and by communication understand that the person is ready to discuss his departure.

Yesterday I heard again “everything will be fine” about the CT scan of the chest and abdomen. Probably, if CT were different, I didn’t attach much importance to what I heard. But, alas. CT is bad. Very bad. The big question is whether I will see spring – so bad. And “everything will be fine” is a mockery.

The first thought that popped into my head as soon as I left the doctor’s office was Wasted! Days, seconds, moments. On thoughts, emotions, actions in grayscale. From coal to dirty, but not at any point ugly.

And no matter how hard you try not to think about it, you still think, because these thoughts are inseparable from completely different ones “How good it was during these two years, thanks to strangers. These two years in general were, thanks to strangers.

Even on the memories of past happiness, which became possible thanks to many, many, many people, you feel happy.

Irina with her family. Photo from personal archive

Now it’s hard for me to call myself that, but it’s only because of the emotional hole I fell into yesterday and haven’t gotten out yet. I hope so far. I guess my condition is normal now. This is probably how it should be now. It is logical to roar endlessly. After all, no matter how realist you are, hope is alive while a person is alive. And the moments of its collapse are painful. So I gave myself time. Since the sons are visiting somewhere, you can try to howl out fear, resentment, bitterness, without trying to keep a face. Then somehow I’ll pull it out by the hair. And while I’m crying.

And somewhere my little sea is crying for me.

Ira Novikova died in July 2021.

C++ Language Reference | Microsoft Learn

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This reference explains the C++ programming language implemented in the Microsoft C++ compiler. The organization is based on the Directory of C++ with notes by Margaret Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup and the ANSI/ISO C++ international standard (ISO/IEC FDIS 14882). Microsoft implementations of C++ language components are included.

For an overview of modern C++ programming practices, see Welcome Back to C++.

To quickly find a keyword or operator, refer to the following tables:

  • C++ keywords

  • C++ statements

In this section

Lexical conventions
Basic lexical elements of C++ programs: tokens, comments, operators, keywords, punctuation marks, literals. In addition, file translation, operator precedence and associativity.

Basic concepts
Scope, layout, program start and end, storage classes and types.

Built-in types Basic types built into the C++ compiler and their value ranges.

Standard conversions
Type conversions between built-in types. Also, arithmetic conversions and conversions between pointer types, reference types, and pointer-to-member types.

Declarations and definitions Declaration and definition of variables, types and functions.

Operators, precedence and associativity
Operators in C++.

Expression types, expression semantics, reference topics on operators, casts and cast operators, information about run-time types.

Lambda expressions
A programming method that implicitly defines the class of a function object and creates a function object of that class type.

Expression statements, empty statements, compound statements, selection statements, iteration statements, jump statements, and declaration statements.

Classes and Structures
An introduction to classes, structures, and unions. Also, member functions, special member functions, data members, bit fields, this pointer, nested classes.

User-defined types in which all members have the same memory location.

Derived classes
Single and multiple inheritance, virtual functions, multiple base classes, abstract classes , scope rules. Also, the key words __super and __interface .

Member access control
Access control to class members: public keywords , private and protected . Friendly functions and classes.

Overloaded operators, rules for operator overloading.

Exception Handling
C++ Exception Handling, Structured Exception Handling (SEH), keywords used when writing exception handling statements.

Statements and messages User-Supplied
#error directive, key static_assert word , macro assert .

Template specifications, function templates, class templates, typename keywords, templates and macros, templates and smart pointers.

Event handling
Declaring events and event handlers.

Microsoft specific modifiers
Modifiers used in Microsoft C++. Memory addressing, calling conventions, naked functions, storage class extended attributes ( __declspec ), __w64 .

Inline assembler
Use of assembly language and C++ in __asm ​​ blocks.

COM Compiler Support
A reference to Microsoft-specific classes and global functions used to support COM model types.

Microsoft extensions
Microsoft extensions for C++.

Non-standard behavior
Information about non-standard behavior of the Microsoft C++ compiler.

Welcome to C++
An overview of modern C++ programming techniques for writing safe, correct, and efficient programs.

Component Extensions for Runtime Platforms
Reference for using the Microsoft C++ compiler for the .NET platform.

C/C++ build reference
Compiler options, linker options, and other build tools.