Will i get the job: 20 Signs You Will Get the Job After an Interview

Опубликовано: October 20, 2022 в 3:04 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

20 Signs You Will Get the Job After an Interview

By Mike Simpson

Wrapping up an interview is exciting, but it’s also a bit nerve-wracking. After all, you won’t know how the hiring manager felt about your performance until you get the call, right? Not necessarily. In some cases, there are signs you will get the job after an interview.

Now, you won’t know anything official until the hiring manager reaches out. But there are usually some clues that can help you determine if an offer could be on the horizon. If you want to find out more, here’s a look at how to know if an interview went well.

The Moments After an Interview

Alright, before we dig into signs you will get the job after an interview, we need to touch on some other points.

In a typical job market, candidates have to submit six applications to get one interview, and it takes around five months to land a new job. That means you dedicate a lot of time and energy to finding a position.

When you start seeing signs you got the job, you might start assuming that your job search is coming to an end. However, it’s critical not to get your hopes up even if you see a ton of signs that you got the job. Why? Well, for a few reasons.

First, nothing is official until you get the offer. It doesn’t matter how complimentary the hiring manager was or how impressed they seemed. If you don’t have a formal job offer in hand, nothing is guaranteed.

Second, you never know how impressive other candidates are. While you might be the top contender when your interview ends, the next interviewee might outshine you. It happens.

So, while a bit of cautious optimism is fine, don’t go any further than that. It isn’t officially yours until you have a job offer, so it’s best not to assume your job search is done. Instead, keep pursuing other opportunities, ensuring your job search stays on track no matter what happens.

Something else you need to do in the days after an interview is allow the process to unfold naturally.

If you follow up after an interview too aggressively, you might waste a lot of your hard work. Hiring managers don’t appreciate candidates rushing or pressuring them. The hiring manager doesn’t have to change their approach to match you’re preferred timetable, so don’t try to speed things up just because you want a decision.

Additionally, try not to dwell on the interview. Overthinking things is only going to increase your stress levels, so try to take a deep breath and continue with your job search while you wait to hear about the results.

20 Signs You Will Get the Job After an Interview

How to know if you got the job; it’s something that candidates think about after every interview. Luckily, there are some indicators that suggest your performance was strong and that an offer may be on the horizon.

If you’re trying to figure out how to tell if the interview went well, here are 20 signs you will get the job after an interview.

1. “When” Instead of “If”

One of the biggest signs that the hiring manager is likely to extend a job offer is using “when” instead of “if” statements in conversation. For example, “when you start” instead of “if you’re selected” suggests that the hiring manager is envisioning you in the role, making it more likely that an offer is coming.

2. Getting a Meet and Greet

Another one of the big signs that you got the job is if the end of the interview turns into a meet and greet. Hiring managers don’t usually take candidates who aren’t top contenders out to see the rest of the team. So, if you’re being introduced to other employees, that’s good stuff.

3. Positive Body Language

The interviewer’s posture can clue you in on how they think the interview is going. If they were smiling when you speak, nodding along with you, and leaning slightly in your direction, those are all signs an interview went well.

4. Saying They’re Impressed

Certain verbal cues are also strong signs an interview went well. If the hiring manager says they were “impressed” by your answers or credentials, that usually means they are interested in what you bring to the table, which works in your favor.

5. Asking for Your References

If the hiring manager requests your job references at the end of the interview, that’s a good sign. It’s a step they may not take with candidates they don’t want to potentially pursue, so requesting your references list suggests that you’re still a contender.

6. Initiating Some Casual Conversation

Interviews usually start off as all-business. If the conversation begins to shift away from your credentials and toward more casual topics, it could mean the hiring manager feels confident in your capabilities.

After all, if they had doubts about your skills or experience, they’d keep asking about them. Once they start discussing more casual topics, it usually indicates that they’ve made up their mind about whether you could handle the job and want to spend the remaining time getting to know you a bit better.

7. Outlining Any Next Steps

Usually, if a hiring manager is interested in a candidate, they want to keep them in the pipeline. Outlining any next steps isn’t just about informing you of what to expect; it’s about keeping you engaged in the hiring process, making it a good sign that a job offer may be forthcoming.

8. Getting the Hiring Manager’s Contact Details

If a person other than the hiring manager has overseen interview scheduling and communications up to this point, getting the hiring manager’s contact details is a big deal. It shows that they want to remain connected directly, indicating they are interested in staying in touch without a person in the middle.

9. Receiving a Rundown of the Benefits and Perks

When a hiring manager finds a strong candidate, they want to entice them. Usually, the easiest way for them to do that is to discuss what the company offers employees, particularly when it comes to benefits. If the hiring manager starts excitedly sharing information about perks, that’s a positive indicator that they’re thinking about hiring you.

10. Asking About Your Transition Timeline

Hiring managers don’t ask candidates about their transition timeline unless they view them as top candidates. So, if they want to find out when you could start, consider that a positive sign. Similarly, if they present their preferred timeline and ask whether it could work for you, that’s also an excellent indication that they’re considering extending an offer.

11. Providing a Workplace Tour

Getting a tour of the workplace is a lot like meeting the team; it isn’t something that happens unless the hiring manager likes you. Typically, the tour is supposed to get you excited about the prospect of working there, increasing the odds that you’ll accept an offer. As a result, you can consider it one of the signs you will get the job after the interview.

12. The Interview Didn’t End Early

Usually, if a hiring manager isn’t interested in a candidate, they aren’t worried about giving them the entire allocated time. Instead, they’ll wrap things up much earlier, ensuring no one wastes any time on an interview that isn’t turning out.

But if your interview takes the full allotted time (or close to it), that’s a positive sign. The hiring manager wanted to spend every available moment learning more about you, so the odds are good that they were generally impressed.

MIKE’S TIP: While it may seem like an interview running long is always a good thing, that isn’t always the case. In some cases, it is a positive sign, as it shows that the hiring manager wanted to spend more time getting to know you. However, interviews can run long because the hiring manager is disorganized or unfocused, something that could indicate a problem within the organization or team. If there was another candidate waiting to be interviewed and now their meeting with the hiring manager will start late, that may indicate that the hiring manager isn’t respectful of other people’s time, which may not be great for their employees. As a result, you need to look at the broader picture to determine if the interview running over is a positive or negative, ensuring you assess the situation correctly.

13. There Were Follow-Up Questions

In most cases, hiring managers won’t dig deeper into a candidate’s responses unless they are genuinely interested. So, when it comes to how to know if an interview went well, being asked follow-up questions is a great clue.

14. Asking How You Feel About the Job or Company

Hiring managers often spend a bit of time “selling” the role or company to top contenders. So, if they ask for your impressions of the job or organization, that helps them gauge how you feel and learn about any doubts. Then, they can provide related information to address any concerns, ensuring you feel confident before they potentially extend an offer.

15. Initiating Salary Negotiations

Hiring managers might ask any candidate about their salary expectations. However, engaging in a full-blown salary negotiation isn’t something they’ll do unless they are genuinely interested. So, if there is a bit of a back-and-forth about pay rates and benefits, there’s a decent chance they’re trying to find a number they think you’ll accept when they do extend an offer.

16. Asking You to Sign Off on a Background Check

If permission to run a background check wasn’t part of the initial application, being asked to sign off on one is a good sign. Generally, companies don’t want to invest in a background check unless they are legitimately considering offering you the job. If they give you the permission form, the odds are good that you’re a top contender.

17. “You,” Not “New Hire”

Like using “when” instead of “if,” if the hiring manager starts saying what “you” will do in the role instead of what a “new hire” or “selected candidate” will do, that’s great stuff. It means they are picturing you in the position, so you know you’re at least in the running for the job.

18. Finding Out Your References Were Contacted

Regardless of when you provided your reference list, once those professionals have heard from the hiring manager, you can be pretty confident about your chances. While a hiring manager may contact references for the top couple of candidates, they usually don’t take the time if you’re not a top contender.

19. Immediate Reply to Your Thank You Email

Getting a reply to your thank you email right away is an excellent sign. It shows that the hiring manager feels that remaining in touch is critical and that you’re at the top of their mind, both of which may indicate that an offer isn’t far off.

20. Telling You You’re a Top Contender

In some cases, the hiring manager will be fairly upfront about their interest in bringing you onboard without formally extending an offer. For example, if you ask them, “Is there is anything keeping me from being the top contender for the role?” at the end of the interview, and they say, “No,” that’s a good indication that a job offer is on the horizon.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, everything on the list above counts as signs you will get the job after an interview. They indicate that the hiring manager is genuinely interested in you as a candidate, so you can feel confident that you made a positive impression.

Just keep in mind that excelling during an interview isn’t a guarantee of anything. You don’t have the job until there’s an offer in your hand. So, even if things go swimmingly, keep up with your job search. That way, if this one doesn’t pan out, you won’t lose momentum.

Good luck!

Mike Simpson( Co-Founder and CEO )

Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com.

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan, Penn State, Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page.

Hidden Signs You Got The Job After The Interview

According to Gus Cooney, a social psychologist at Harvard University, people often underestimate how much people like them⁠—your interview may have gone better than you think. So what are some hidden signs that can help you gauge your performance at a job interview? This article provides 20 positive signs that your interview went great!

Having one sign alone may not guarantee a positive outcome, but if you notice a few signs below have appeared, you’ve likely impressed your interviewer!

Specific compliments of your skills or experiences

Compliments are always excellent but especially valuable at job interviews. Interviewers need to ask meaningful (sometimes challenging) questions or even stress-test you, so they usually wouldn’t shower you with compliments. Therefore, if you hear compliments at your interview, it’s a very positive sign!

Sometimes, the interviewer will tell you directly that your skills and experience are a perfect fit for their organization, and they would love to have you. They may say, “I’m impressed by what you have done.” The more specific compliment, the better. It’s great if you hear something like…

  • I love your experience with ____!
  • It looks like you are strong in the __ area.
  • What an amazing resume you have in the ___ industry.

It’s important to notice whether the interviewer compliments you enthusiastically instead of just being polite. 

Action Step: Get familiar with vocal cues of enthusiasm and more with this list: Decoding Vocals – 21 Cues of Paralanguage & Prosody to Know. 

Having an in-depth discussion in one area mentioned on your resume

It is good if the interviewer asks a series of follow-up questions (3-5 questions) about one particular experience or skill on your resume—the interviewer is perhaps interested in what you offer.

Typical follow-up questions include “What has influenced your decision” “How did you rule out other options” or “What were some of the thoughts going in your mind?” Otherwise, the interviewer may mechanically go through her list of questions, jumping from one question to another:

  • What did you do at company X?

[jump to a non-related question]

  • Ok, what programming language do you know?

However, for some industries, e. g., consulting, it’s a common practice to dig deeper into almost all behavior questions. In this case, a series of follow-up questions would not suggest a spiked interest from the interviewer.

Generally speaking, if the interviewer suddenly starts to ask significantly more follow-up questions about a particular skill or experience than they did with other areas, that’s a good sign.

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Engaging you for longer than scheduled

You don’t want to stop when you are in a conversation you enjoy. The same goes for a discussion in the interview room. Your interviewer’s time is precious—many of them dislike conducting interviews because it’s a piece of extra work on top of their already busy schedule.

Therefore, if your interview schedule was for 30 minutes, but it went on to 45 minutes or even 60 minutes, don’t fret! Your interviewer probably enjoyed chatting with you.  

Finding a job is similar to finding a life partner because the interviewer must enjoy talking to you first. And if the interviewer has enjoyed talking to you, she would likely want to work with you.

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It may be common to hear about benefits and rewards from HR. However, it’s a great sign if you hear help from a hiring manager, such as “We treat our interns very well here,” or “We also provide gym membership and daycare.”

Your hiring manager might only mention those benefits unless she feels you are an excellent candidate and that she needs to use all the tricks she knows to woo you.

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Showing positive body language

Nonverbal language is just as important as verbal language. If the interviewer frequently smiles at your responses, leans towards where you are seated, and maintains intense eye contact with you when you speak, she is probably interested in what you can offer. These cues are called pro-social behaviors. It means someone wants to engage, stay curious, and build rapport.

Pro  Tip: Harness your superpower by learning to read body language! Read Vanessa Van Edwards’s bestselling book, Cues: Master, the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication, to learn all 96 cues you should know! 

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Giving you specific dates on when you will hear back from the company

People often use vague language when they don’t mean what they say. But when they truly mean it, they might want to show their sincerity with precise language such as “You should hear from us within 5 days or no more than 10 days!”

Meanwhile, don’t sweat if you hear a general statement like “Let’s see how it goes.” It could mean that although the interviewer may not have been blown away by you, you’re still one of the candidates they are considering. Thank them, and keep showing your enthusiasm for working with them in your follow-up correspondence.

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When the interviewer asks questions like “What salary are you expecting?” they might be seriously considering you for that position. Interviewers may also kick off a salary discussion by sharing how much the company usually pays its employees. Even better if they engage in a full-blown salary negotiation with you after you’ve shared your expectation. 

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure about how much to negotiate for—you can always thank them and say you would like some time to consider.

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Showing you around

Sometimes, at the end of the interview, your interviewer may initiate an office tour, introducing you to other colleagues working in the company. They may also ask someone else to give you the time. Both are good signs! Because they are probably proud of their work environment, work culture, or happy employees, they want to make sure that you witness those first-hand.

Special Tip: In a  virtual interview? They might show you the software they use or other team communication tools.

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Saying ‘when’ instead of ‘if.’

The interviewer may sometimes speak in a favorable language without realizing it! Generally speaking, interviewers use neutral language, starting with “if”: “if you are selected.”

But sometimes, the interviewer may unintentionally switch to speaking with “when”: “When you start, you can expect this.” This is an excellent sign because, in her head, she is already picturing you in that role!

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Ever sent a message to a friend, and you got an answer within seconds? Your friend is probably eager and happy to hear from you when that happens.

Similarly, if you receive a rapid response from your interviewer after sending you a “thank you” note, chances are she is happy to hear from you, too. Most interviewers have a pile of work waiting for them—replying to your email is unlikely to be their priority unless they see you in a favorable light.

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Initiating casual conversations

The job interview can feel like a pretty serious conversation. But if your interviewer switches from asking you professional questions to more casual questions, it probably means

1) they believe you have already answered the professional questions well; and

2) they want to get to know you as a person!

Simple questions can be “What do you enjoy doing most during your free time?” Or when she has found a common interest with you and decides to dig deeper: “Captain America is your favorite character, too? Tell me what you like about him most!”

According to research conducted by Lauren Rivera at Kellogg School of Management, when an interviewer begins to talk about hobbies and passion with you, she is likely to be the champion for you in the hiring-committee meetings.

Action Steps: Prepare 1-2 casual questions to ask your interviewer when the conversation becomes more informal, such as “What’s the highlight of your day today?” and “What passion project are you working on?”

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Indicating that she likes what she’s heard

You can also be proactive and ask the interviewer what kind of candidates will be ideal for them. When you ask this question, you will be more likable because it implies that you will always strive to be as close to what the company desires as possible—the top attribute companies are looking for.

Equally importantly, you will know better whether you have a good chance of getting the job because one of the two things will happen: 

1) You may not be their ideal candidate judging by the description of their ideal candidates; or 

2) their description matches your profile.

If you didn’t ask this question during an interview, but you heard them say something along the lines of “When you talked about [a specific attribute or experience], that’s exactly what we’re looking for,” it’s also a sign that you’re their ideal candidate.

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Asking about your availability/schedule

If the interviewer asks about your availability, such as “Are you good to start next Monday,” Or “When do you think you can start,” you have slammed-dunked the interview, and they are ready for the next stage. It happens more frequently in the last-round interview, but possibly sooner too, especially when the team is understaffed and wants your help as quickly as possible.

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Asking, “Do you have other job offers?”

If your interviewer asks about other job prospects, such as “Are you offered a job elsewhere? Or “Do you have another place in mind?” she wants to gauge how passionate you are about working for their company and wants to know the odds of accepting the job.

This question can also imply that your interviewer wants to know how quickly she needs to make a job offer to you. Either way, the interviewer wants you, and it’s a sign that you’ve likely landed the job.

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Saying “Best of luck for the rest of your interviews” at the end of an interview

If you have more rounds of interviews coming, and the current interviewer says, “Good luck for the rest of your interviews!” or “Let me know how it goes for the rest of your interviews,” in an upbeat tone, then it’s a great sign that you have at least past the current round. Meanwhile, it might not be a good sign if they end with “thank you” without much enthusiasm.

The bottom line is if the interviewer exhibits excitement to know about your future, she probably wants you to work here.

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Assuring you of another interview/meeting

Sometimes, the hiring manager may want you to speak to their team: “I’d love for you to talk to Alice, too. She works closely with me.” When this happens, the hiring manager may already favor you; otherwise, they wouldn’t want their team members to waste time on you. But they also want to make sure that not only do they like you, but so does their team.

As long as you don’t do anything dramatically wrong when you speak with the team, you will likely look favorable. The team chats usually aren’t intended to qualify you but to ensure there’s no red flag.

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Calling you by your name often.

When an interviewer isn’t interested in hearing you, you probably won’t hear your name much—her focus is on the questions, not on you. If you hear your word often when the interviewer asks questions, such as “Claire, like you said earlier…” or “Claire, how do you think we can improve our product?” they might have already liked you.

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The interviewee sends most LinkedIn requests to the interviewer, not the other way around. Therefore, if you hear the interviewer say, “Connect with us on LinkedIn” at the end of the interview, or when the interviewer sends a LinkedIn request to connect with you, that is a rare gem!

Your interviewer probably wants to stay in touch with you or convince you how good their company is by showcasing what’s on their LinkedIn. An invitation to connect on LinkedIn likely means they want to provide you with the job!

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Giving you a firm handshake

According to a study published in Applied Psychology, firm handshakes directly link to successful employment. A firm handshake shows sincerity, passion, and trust toward the candidate. 

On the other hand, similar to a lukewarm “thank you” at the end of the interview, a cold-fish handshake or none at all might indicate otherwise. But do consider other signs to make a more comprehensive judgment.

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Mood changing for the better

Your interviewer’s judgment towards you can change during an interview. They may start bored but later become interested because of your traits or experiences. You can tell they are getting more interested when they are nodding more frequently, looking at you in the eye more, smiling more, or saying more, “Good, go on.”

Do not worry if your interviewer sounds uninterested initially—it’s common for someone who barely knows you. What’s more important is how they end up feeling about you. If the interviewer feels excited, that’s a good sign, despite how it started.

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In general, you want to look for signs showing that

  • The interviewer is interested in knowing you, such as switching from professional questions to casual topics, calling you by your name, or leaning in when you speak.
  • The interviewer wants to be part of your future by asking about your availability, arranging follow-up conversations, or inviting you to connect.
  • You had a long, in-depth discussion, such as having a longer-than-usual interview or diving deep into your specific attribute or experience.

Having just one sign may not guarantee a positive outcome, but having a few symptoms appear can give you powerful indications. Meanwhile, the most productive thing to do may be to leave a past interview in the past and start preparing for the next one.

Good luck with your interview! 

17 Good Signs You Got The Job After Your Interview

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There are a number of signs that you’ll get the job after an interview, but you need to pay attention if you want to notice them! Even the most obvious hints can slip past you in the heat of the moment.

This guide will teach you how to know if you got the job, so you can stop worrying and start patting yourself on the back!

Keep in mind, any of these promising signs could indicate a pending offer (or an invitation to another interview). However, the hiring process is unpredictable and things can change suddenly. For example, a better candidate may enter into the process, the hiring manager may change her mind about what she really needs, the company may have a budget freeze or one of a thousand other things could bump you out of the running. 

Never put your job search on hold or back out of other interviews until you start your new job! 

1. They Dig Into the Details

For the most part, interviewers do their best to stay as neutral as possible. There’s a good chance you’re talking to a hiring manager or human resources professional with countless interviews under their belt. For this open position alone, they’ve likely asked the same questions over and over to other applicants.

Because of this, interviewers often have stone-cold poker faces and usually stick to a script. The goal is to gather the necessary information to ensure that you’re a good fit for the company. 

So when they start to dig a little deeper into the finer details, take it as a good sign. We’re not talking about grilling you for more information. We’re referring to when an interviewer shows a genuine interest in what you have to say.

For example, they might ask for more details about one of your answers or a piece of job history and experience. Whatever the case may be, going “off-script” and asking you for more information shows that they like what they hear.

2. “When” vs. “If”

Sometimes, your interviewer can clue you in without even realizing it. Their thoughts can manifest in their word choice.

Pay attention to how they’re wording questions and statements. When that “if” turns into a “when,” it’s a great sign that you’ll get the job after the interview.

Generally, interviewers like to use conditional language. For example, you’ll hear a lot of, “If you get the job, this will happen,” or “The person in this position would do this.”

It’s a way to keep things neutral and avoid showing too much of their cards.

In some cases, interviewers will unintentionally shift their language. Suddenly, it’s “When you get hired, you’ll work here,” or “This is what we expect from you when you start.”

It’s a subtle change, but those words are a fantastic sign.

3. They Take You on a Tour

Hiring managers don’t give tours to every applicant. Workplace tours can be quite time-consuming. While they are a good idea, touring every candidate isn’t always practical.

If an interviewer offers to show you around, it’s a promising sign that you got the job.

Office tours can sometimes be awkward. It certainly puts you on the spot and makes everyone stop what they’re doing to see who you are. But remember, this is a good thing!

4. Casual Conversation

Here’s another subtle shift in the conversation that can give a lot away about the interviewer’s line of thinking.

Most often, job interviews are about business and nothing more. Sure, they may want to understand if you are a fit for the culture and team, but the first priority is to determine if you’re suited for a job. Making friends during the interview isn’t a top priority (no matter what the company culture is).

So, what does it mean when the interviewer veers off-topic, and you start having a more casual conversation?

Generally, that means that the interviewer already has the information they need to know. This is a good sign that you’ll get the job because they’re likely satisfied with what you can bring to the table. Now, they’re interested in getting to know you a little more as a person.

5. Perks & Benefits Are Discussed

It’s important to remember that hiring managers perform job interviews to gauge whether or not you can sufficiently fill the open role. Certain companies and certain recruiters do try to provide you with information you’ll likely be interested in knowing, like perks and benefits. But this is still pretty rare.

In addition to turning the conversation casual, your interviewer might start to bring up perks and benefits. It’s a critical conversational shift to listen for in the interview room.


This indicates that the interview has gone from determining your potential to highlighting all the good the company has to offer. Essentially, they’ve moved on to selling you on the organization and how great the position is.

Typically, discussions about benefits happen later. If they occur during the interview, it’s a great sign that you will receive a job offer.

6. You’re Asked About Your Availability & Timeline

Your general availability and potential work schedule are details that should come later on in the hiring process. In most instances, you don’t cover those details until you’re on the cusp of getting an offer. Some companies don’t even talk about it until you start filling out paperwork and onboarding.

But even though interviewers typically don’t deal with those aspects, they may bring those details up if they see you as a top candidate that they want on the team.

More important than your general availability is your transition timeline. When a hiring manager asks when you can start and how long it’ll take for you to transition into the company, consider it a very good sign that you will get the job. If they present a timeline and ask you if you can meet it, that’s even better!

7. Good Body Language

Paying attention to someone’s body language can provide valuable insight into what’s going on in their head. Use that to your advantage during an interview situation.

Even hiring managers trying to play things cool may give away their thoughts in their physical movements.

Some interviewers are required to go through a script of questions for multiple candidates. Don’t be surprised if they seem a little bored or rigid. This ensures that every candidate has the same experience.

But if you see your interviewer giving off subtle hints of enthusiasm, that’s a sign you might get the job. They might lean in when they speak to you, make eye contact, and even nod along to the things you say. A general attentive posture and responsive body language show that they like what they hear.

8. The Interview Runs Long

If an interview feels like it’s running a bit long, it might signify that things are going well.

Hiring managers have to get through several interviews for a single open position. Interviewers usually like to set aside a specific amount of time for each applicant to stay organized and on schedule.

It’s typically a good thing when your interviewer takes up most of the allotted time or goes over. It means that they are interested in what you have to offer and want to spend as much time getting to know you as possible. 

No one wants to waste anyone’s time, so hiring managers often cut interviews short if they can tell you’re not a good fit. The longer an interview is, the better!

Now, it’s important to remember that every interviewer is different. It all comes down to context. Some might spend more time with you repeating and rephrasing questions because you’re not clear enough.  

Learn to read their body language and use some of the other signs to determine if your longer interview was a good or bad thing.

9. You’re Asked to Meet the Team

This indicator is similar to getting an office tour. No matter how awkward it can be to get shuffled around meeting various team members and decision-makers, it’s a very good sign that you’ll get the job after your interview.

It’s not practical to meet everyone if you’re not getting the job and won’t work with them.

Meet and greets can serve a couple of different purposes. It might mean that the hiring manager is excited to welcome you to the company, so they show you who you’ll be working with to ease the transition. Alternatively, they can use the opportunity to get second opinions or reinforcements about the decision they’ve already made.

The latter purpose is more common if you meet higher-ups. Take advantage of the opportunity! It’s never a bad thing meeting people who can have an impact on the trajectory of your career.

10. Salary Expectation are Covered

If you reach the point of discussing compensation, it might mean that the interviewer is eager to move to the next phase of bringing you into the team.

Now it’s worth pointing out that this isn’t always the case. It’s not uncommon to hear some questions about salary expectations. After all, those points could be on the list of things they ask all applicants.

But when there’s a little back-and-forth about salary expectations, it’s usually a positive sign that you will receive a job offer. Salary negotiations don’t happen as part of the initial interview. That’s an entirely different part of the process in most cases.

Discussing pay and benefits in detail might mean that the interviewer is trying to better understand the type of package you’ll accept when they officially extend an offer.

11. If It Sounds Like They’re Trying to Sell You on the Company

Earlier, we mentioned that bringing up perks and benefits is a way to make the company look good. That conversation might go beyond simple statements about compensation.

Your interviewer might dive deep into matters like work culture. If they’ve been there for a long time, the hiring manager might even start to tell you about their story and how they’ve progressed to be in the position they are now. They could even talk about other employees and how they’ve succeeded.

Either way, hearing your interviewer highlight the positive aspects of the company is always a good thing.

When it sounds like they’re selling you on the company, they’re trying to convince you to accept a job offer before they even make it!

12. You’re Asked About Your Impressions of the Company

Sometimes, interviewers will outright ask you about your thoughts on the open position or the company itself (this might come up before or after the classic: “Do you have any questions for me?”).

For the most part, the goal of job interviews is to highlight your skills and prove why you are the perfect person to fill an open role. That said, it goes both ways. You have the chance to learn more about the company and determine if it’s a job you want to have.

Towards the end of the interview, the hiring manager might ask what you think. Once again, this is a potential sign that you’ll get the job after your interview.

The question isn’t a ploy or a trick. The hiring manager genuinely wants to know what you think because it allows them to address concerns and answer questions. Essentially, it’s another way to sell the company.

By answering your questions and overcoming your objectives, they can help you feel comfortable accepting an offer when it comes.

13. The Interviewer Says How Impressed They Are

Not every interviewer will beat around the bush or be intentionally vague. It all depends on the situation. Some hiring managers are very forthright and transparent.

If you’re lucky enough to hear an interviewer say that they’re impressed with what you have to offer, it’s a pretty clear sign that you got the job! You should feel good about what you’ve done! 

Obviously, there are no guarantees, but interviewers don’t just say that to everyone. They’re not there to waste time or toy with someone’s emotions. It serves no one to lie to you, so you can take those types of statements at face value and pat yourself on the back when you leave the interview room.

14. Your References are Contacted

Contacting references is an integral part of the hiring process, but it’s not something that hiring managers do unless they’re seriously considering bringing you on. Again, it’s about being efficient and not wasting anyone’s time.

Why would they contact a reference of someone they’re not interested in hiring?

Make sure you provide good contact and give them a heads up that a hiring manager might get in touch with them. Some companies don’t even ask for references unless they intend on contacting them. That may come towards the end of the interview, so have some printed numbers ready just in case.

15. You’re Given Direct Contact Information

Getting direct contact information is always a good sign you’ll get the job after the interview. Hiring managers meet potential applicants all the time and usually avoid handing out business cards like candy.

If this happens, there’s a good chance that the hiring manager sees something special in you. It shows that they want to keep you engaged. That could mean that they’re interested in hiring you for this position, or they might have something else in mind for you within the company.

Either way, direct contact information is a huge deal. They’re giving you a line to reach them without having to go through a gatekeeper. It could even mean that they want you to reach out and ensure that the rest of the hiring process goes smoothly.

16. They Go Out of Their Way to Mention the Follow-Up Process

Many companies these days have a multi-step hiring process. It’s not enough to pass an interview with flying colors. While that’s undoubtedly one of the biggest hurdles to get past, you might have to complete other steps before getting an official offer.

They might tell you when to expect a call, or they could give you some insight into what happens next.

For example, you could have additional interviews with other higher-ups in the company. Some organizations also have skills tests to gauge your abilities.

If the hiring manager talks about any of that, they’re likely preparing you for what’s to come. 

17. You Get a Prompt Response to Your Thank You Email

Hopefully, you don’t forget to send a thank you email after the interview. It’s job interview 101!

Now, most hiring managers can’t respond to every single email they get from applicants. It’s nothing personal! In most cases, a failure to respond has more to do with a lack of time than anything else.

That said, people responsible for hiring new employees understand the importance of staying in contact with compelling applicants. They don’t want to lose you to another company, so they’ll go out of their way to keep the lines of communication open.

If you receive a quick and positive response from the thank you email, pat yourself on the back! While there are no guarantees, a quick response is a good sign that you got the job.

Wrapping Up

There are plenty of signs that you got the job after an interview, and catching them is up to you! Some are more subtle than others, but being able to recognize them can save you a lot of unnecessary stress while you wait!

Hannah Morgan

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.

Divination online I will find a job. Three-card job spread online

The state of being suspended in the air while looking for a job is very similar to skydiving: there is confidence in landing, but it is not known how soft the landing will be; gusts of wind interfere with parachute control and can blow to the side. Approximately the same thing happens when looking for a job: the decision may be made in favor of another candidate, unforeseen obstacles may arise, or, conversely, the circumstances are in your favor very well!

Parachute Tarot online spread for job prospects will come in handy if you are thinking about changing jobs, whether you are currently working or not. Fortune-telling on the cards takes into account all the factors of success in finding a job: the result of your own actions, the participation of other people, the influence of planned and unforeseen circumstances.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before divination, we recommend.

Scheme and interpretation of Tarot cards layout for job search “Parachute”

Card 1 – The result of your job search
Card 2 – The result of other people’s participation in the job search (is it worth it?
Card 3 – How the job search process will go
Card 4 – How unforeseen factors will manifest themselves in the job search
Card 5 – Overall result and job search prospects

So, focus and … look at the layout!

The result of your job search activities

The result of the participation of other people in the job search (whether they should be involved)

Here is your card – the Three of Pentacles, which indicates progress, passing the exam, demonstrating abilities in front of experts. The path to more qualified and important work. Conquest of new peaks. Success in work, definition of vocation. Artistry, creativity, fruitful work in a team. The need to reach a higher level of problem solving. Pregnancy, change in body weight.

How will the job search process go?

You have drawn the Five of Swords, representing a struggle with serious losses, a battle on a foreign field, an unsettling atmosphere, the defeat of all parties involved with the likely illusion of victory. Winning at too high a cost, ending a game that wasn’t worth the candle. Meanness, danger, hostility. The inability to get around the debilitating conflict, humiliation. Thirst for destruction, degradation, baseness. Tough streak in life.

How unforeseen factors will manifest themselves in the job search

Before you is the Queen of Pentacles. This is a reliable, firmly grounded, caring woman, rational, prosperous, able to enjoy life. An outstanding personality, capable of reaching great heights in the chosen kind of activity. The patroness, the boss, who knows how to achieve her own. Strives for inner harmony, willingly shares experience. Also – the need to believe in their talents and mind, to demonstrate their rationality and pragmatism.

Overall result and job search prospects

You see the Five of Cups, showing farewell, grief for the destroyed, lost, which must be overcome in order to see a new goal and ways to achieve it. Deep sadness due to failures, disappointments, dashed hopes. Loss of a partner, loneliness, a path of loss, tears and pain. Deprivation of the source of light emotions. Abortion. Inability to navigate the situation, a breakdown of will.

There are few people in our country who can live without working. Some cannot live without work, because they really will not have something to live on. Others will die of boredom if they don’t get up every morning and run to work. Pensioners would like to work, but no one takes it, there is not enough work for young people. But, be that as it may, a person needs a job. It is necessary for self-realization and self-affirmation. It is necessary for constant communication with a large number of people.

Everyone needs a job. And those who have just graduated from high school and are taking their first steps into adulthood. And for those who have already lived a little and want to achieve something. In our difficult, crisis time, getting a good job is one of the most ardent desires of the majority of the able-bodied population. Wanting to find out job prospects, people turn to tarot cards to get an intelligible answer.

The very concept of “unemployed” appeared in our country relatively recently. It can be seen that life was bad for people in those days when an advertisement with a job offer hung on every post, and they had a choice. Then only those who did not want to work were unemployed. For everyone else, the job chances were excellent. It may not have been such a high-paying job, but it was. Now, when a person needs a job, he has to deal with such a thing as being in demand. Yes, you have a profession that is needed in private business, which means that you have a job. There is no necessary profession, sit at home. It is enough to go to any site where fortune-telling is performed online.

Features of the “Employment” layout

In the layout for employment, such important aspects are considered for you as the existence of an opportunity to get a job in general in a given region. Then your decision to apply for a job is reviewed.

Several cards from the layout will tell you about possible conditions for the proposed job and salary. The layout of the Tarot cards does not oblige you to anything. You will only get a certain direction in which to move in search of work. You will get the opportunity to learn about how your relationship with colleagues may develop, as well as about other nuances of your stay at a new job. One of the issues no less important than the employment itself is the question of possible earnings. Maps can answer this question too. The layout will consider the prospects for your career growth and income.

With the help of various cards, you can make a layout for work in order to know how a person will move up the career ladder, how relations with colleagues will develop. You can complete this alignment yourself and for free.

On Tarot cards

Fortune-telling on Tarot cards for a career shows what awaits a fortuneteller in the professional field, his achievements and failures, and also predicts possible income.

1 card

Divination for work on 1 card is performed as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. First you need to prepare a deck of Tarot cards for divination. To do this, it must be stored under the pillow for 3 days and not given to anyone.
  2. On the day of the ritual, the person must be alone in the room. It is recommended to meditate for 10 minutes, mentally scrolling through the question of interest.
  3. Then you need to shuffle the deck.

The first image pulled out is the answer to the question.

For example, the dropped Jester promises a job in show business. It also means criminal business and frequent job changes. A person frivolously treats money and his labor duties, which can cause poverty and unfulfillment.

Online layout for work “One card”

Focus on fortune-telling, think about work, about what interests you, ask the cards mentally, approximately: what is happening at work, what to expect from this work, why something is not it turns out, etc., take out a card that you like and see the interpretation – it will show the reason, the basis of the “working” situation or the trend of its development.

Select a card by clicking the left mouse button.

Turn on your intuition, compare the interpretation and successful divination.

3 cards

A three-card layout for work will help characterize the situation and the situation at work, predict financial success or failure.

The fortuneteller asks the deck a question of interest to him regarding a career or business, and then lays out 3 cards in one row with their shirts up.

The first one will show the reasons that led to the current situation at work or in business. The second characterizes the state of affairs. The third one will tell you what will happen, what actions need to be taken in order to influence the future in the professional field.

For example, if the first image is a Jester, the second is a Magician, and the third is a Priestess, then this situation can be interpreted as follows: the person was careless about money or got involved with crime, which led to a number of unpleasant events. Now your own business is not developing or there are obstacles to moving up the career ladder. To resolve the current situation, it is recommended to go to advanced training courses or business training.

Online layout for work “Three cards”

Choose 3 cards: the first one will show – what happened in the past at work and is reflected now; the second card will explain the situation “now”; the third will tell you what will be at work in the near future.

Focus on fortune-telling, think about work, “working situation”, formulate the question mentally, approximately: “What can I expect from this “work” in the future?”, “Why is it happening at work … ?” etc.

Compare the values ​​of the dropped cards for your situation and successful divination.

Reload the page to try again.

And also be sure to watch this video:

Lenormand layout for business


Click on the Start button in the lower right corner:

On paper cards

what problematic situations will have to be faced, what should be done, what are the prospects.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is performed as follows:

  1. The fortuneteller remains alone and in complete silence.
  2. He shuffles the deck, mentally asking his question, and lays out the cards in the following order: the first 2 are placed on top, then the third and fourth are placed below, then the fifth and sixth, and at the very bottom – the seventh. They should all be face down.
  3. All cards are turned over and interpreted in turn:
    • No. 1 – shows the readiness or unwillingness of a person to make risky decisions;
    • No. 2 – characterizes activity and diligence in solving current problems;
    • No. 3 – indicates whether partners can be relied upon;
    • No. 4 – interpreted as the demand for the services or goods provided by your company;
    • No. 5 – shows upcoming unforeseen expenses and losses;
    • No. 6 – predicts whether this business will be profitable or unprofitable;
    • No. 7 – indicates future prospects in the financial sector.

Before you get a new job, you can complete the “Employment” layout. The fortuneteller asks a question about the prospect of employment, shuffles the deck and lays out the cards in this order:

  1. The first 3 images are placed on top: 1 – will show what are the chances of getting the desired position, 2 – this is the identity of the fortuneteller as an employee, 3 – a useful or useless employee there will be a person.
  2. Below are the fourth and fifth. They describe working conditions and wages.
  3. Then comes the sixth and seventh – what mood will reign in the team.
  4. Picture 8 is the problems and obstacles you will have to face, and picture 9 is career opportunities.

Fortune-telling on gypsy cards

Gypsy fortune-telling on cards for work helps to find out about one’s destiny, possible difficulties on the professional path.

The layout on 10 gypsy cards:

  1. At night, 10 church candles need to be lit on the growing moon.
  2. Shuffle the deck and lay out 10 cards face down.
  3. The first row should contain 1 card, the remaining rows include 3 each, so there should be 4 tiers in total.


  • The first row is what worries the fortuneteller.
  • The second row is the causes and events that led to the current situation at work.
  • Third row – how the situation will develop in the near future.
  • Fourth row – what will be the consequences.
    • For example, Fool warns a person against making rash decisions and actions that will lead to additional expenses.
    • Shavkhani is a symbol of energy and foresight. If she was in the 3rd row, then you need to actively act, while you can’t deceive your partners, the business must be honest. If Shevkhani is in an inverted position, these are failures in business, deception on the part of colleagues.
    • Paridai – shows that some information is being hidden from a person. It is recommended to develop intuition.
    • Javel – predicts success and prosperity. The business will be profitable, and career growth will be rapid.
    • Baron – promises high achievements and honors. Inverted means underestimation by management, unfulfilled ambitions.
    • Blacksmith – big profit and good work.
    • Hermit – a person must deeply understand everything, otherwise there is a chance to suffer from ignorance and secret enemies.
    • Wheel of fate – disturbing problems are coming to an end, favorable development of plans and projects. In an inverted position – lack of strength, the machinations of enemies, many obstacles to achieving the goal.

On playing cards

A deck of 36 cards can be used to divinate job search and business success.

In order to make the prediction more accurate, it is recommended to carry it out at night on the growing moon.


  1. Spread a white tablecloth on a flat surface
  2. Light a church candle nearby.
  3. Mentally repeat the question of interest 9 times.
  4. Take a recently purchased deck, shuffle.
  5. Arrange any 9 cards in one line.

Interpretation of the result of divination for success on classic cards:

  1. All cards drawn are spades. Finding a job or business partners will be slow.
  2. All cards are clubs. There is a lot of work and hassle ahead. If fortune-telling concerns finding a job, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the public service.
  3. Worms. A career is built thanks to acquaintances and friends.
  4. Tambourines. Expect an increase in income.
  5. 4 aces. The fortuneteller will be able to find a dream job or get the desired promotion.
  6. 4 kings. All undertakings will be profitable.
  7. 4 ladies. The person will work in a stressful environment. Gossip and rumours.
  8. 4 jacks. Money will be hard-earned.
  9. 4 tens. In the near future there will be additional income.
  10. 4 nines. An office romance is possible.
  11. 4 eights. In order to achieve results, you have to work hard.
  12. 4 sevens. A business trip or success in international business is possible.
  13. 4 sixes. At work, the fortuneteller will face difficulties and troubles. Monotonous work will be blamed on him, and a promotion will have to wait for several years. Own business will not bring large incomes.

If the cards from the presented combinations did not fall out, then the deck should be shuffled again. Total allowed 9attempts, if the described combinations did not fall out, then fortune-telling should be postponed for a couple of days.

Online divination

Ask the Oracle for information about work, business and money matters. Virtual online divination is available on our website, you just need to ask the Oracle a question and get an answer:

The alignment gives an answer to questions related to health, work and relationships. The explanatory card complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main card gives. Choose a question type from the list below.

Fortune-telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Lenormand’s “Scales of Justice” card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can even find out how the court case will end (if there is one) or the conflict based on the dispute, discussion. The alignment gives advice on how to behave if the situation is decided in your favor or in favor of the opponent. Before starting fortune-telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards “Talent Card” allows you to find out what you have the most predisposition for, what hidden talents you have. Divination uses your date of birth to calculate the talent card numerologically. The decoding uses only cards of the Major Arcana. Our online fortune-telling automatically calculates the sum of all the numbers of your birth – you just have to specify the date of your birth.

Fortune-telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions about work and career. Only three runes give an idea of ​​​​the situation at work at this time, what is your potential in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation, or achieve your goal. Think of your question, it is the third rune that answers it and select the runes from the placer.

The job change tarot card layout is suitable for those cases. when the questioner must decide to change jobs. This fortune-telling allows you to find out the pros and cons of the current job, as well as what awaits him in the new one, which speaks in favor of changing jobs, and what is in favor of keeping it. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Simple. but a useful Promotion Tarot spread will come in handy for those who are expecting or seeking a promotion. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how you can accelerate your career growth, under what circumstances it will happen, what needs to be done to get the desired position.

The “Loss” tarot card layout is intended for those who are looking for a lost or stolen thing, a missing animal or even a disappeared person. This fortune-telling will show where the wanted is, who may have stolen it, whether it is possible to return the loss, how it can be returned, and what the result of the search will be.

The “Trip” Tarot card layout is intended for those people who are soon going on a trip, business trip, tourist or any other trip. Fortune telling will show you the events that will happen to you on the way and upon arrival, whether your plans and hopes will come true, and how this journey will end for you.

Vacancies of the company Petrovich, Construction Trading House

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    There are thousands of tough guys in Petrovich’s team. Together we are changing the world for the better by helping everyone who builds life. This thought beats in our every step and service.
    Did you respond? Then come to us to embody cool ideas.

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    people received a grant for higher education and advanced training from 2017-2020


    people received MBA from1 year



    Employees graduated from the Petrovich Corporate University in 2020 9000 32 32 100+

    Electronic courses have been completed by the company’s employees from the beginning of 2020

    Values ​​of Petrovich

    We are building life

    – Be one step ahead

    The person in priority — be a friend

    Overcoming — be ready

    Watch the video from the master class where we created the company’s values ​​with our own hands

    * DIY&Household awards 2019


    • MySQL
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    Current languages ​​and frameworks

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    Big Data

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    In Knowledge

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    VHI in 3 months, MASTOLOGY AT 3 months, MASTOLOGY AT 3 months, MAREN year


    Yoga, basketball, volleyball, football

    Corporate events

    and team building


    Be one step ahead

    • Participate and improve your hard skills at Highload, JPoint, Jocker, Infostart and other conferences.
    • Improve your soft skills at internal trainings and at the corporate university
    • Get support and create cool projects


    Be a friend

    • Immerse yourself in work from day one with a mentor.
    • Become part of a friendly in-house team that writes the code itself. After all, we do it for ourselves
    • Suggest options for improving the product and introducing new technologies. In a small team, we hear each other, support each other and will definitely help bring a cool idea to life.


    Be ready

    • Be better than yesterday. Don’t be afraid to learn and try new things, even if it’s difficult, difficult and a complete ambush with time
    • Go ahead despite the fails. Everyone has them, this is our experience, which allows us to become stronger. The main thing is to have time to roll back in time.

    Work as you feel comfortable – at home or come to our open office in St. Petersburg. It is located at m. Parnassus, 6th Upper lane. 12. It is warm, sincere, cozy here, and always in the kitchen
    there is coffee and cookies 🙂

    Watch a video about our development department. The guys from Loftschool came to visit us. See the full video at the link.

    For those who like to work in the office, we have:

    • free parking for employees
    • bike rack
    • corporate transport from Cape Parnassus and back

    If you want to know more about IT projects, follow the link

    Vacancies of the company “Petrovich, Construction Trade House”

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    Profession – bank clerk | ConsultantPlus

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    climbing the career ladder – we talked about this and much more with the deputy director of the office of the Russian bank Sirana Dzhivanovna Avetisyan.

    ConsultantPlus: How did you start your career as a bank employee? Where did you study, how was your career? Why did you choose this profession?

    S.D. Avetisyan: I started working in a bank from a telephone center, having a law degree. At first, I was simultaneously looking for a place in the legal department, but the call center paid more than they offered for the work of an inexperienced lawyer who came to conquer Moscow (I came from Anapa after university). Then I began to see the prospects on the spot and decided that if I put more effort here, I would get much more than I get, wasted on searches and discontent.

    So I moved from the call center to the office and to this day I work in the office with clients. Now I hold the position of deputy director of the office of a leading bank in Russia.

    Consultant Plus: How does your working day usually go? What are your responsibilities? What do you especially like about your work?

    S. D. Avetisyan: In the morning I come to work in a good mood to charge my colleagues and subordinates with it. It is very important. The day always begins with a planning meeting, where we set goals and tasks for the day, mark successful and falling zones, discuss some difficult cases in order to prevent errors in work, wish each other a good day and go to our workplaces.

    Our main focus during the day is customer service. And people are all different, with different problems, with different needs, with different perceptions. Each problem requires deep analysis. If my subordinates do not find answers on their own, I am connected, perhaps I am connecting other departments of the bank to solve problems.

    There are other tasks. For example, employee training. Information flows are so numerous and chaotic in our work that we constantly have to control the knowledge and skills of employees, learn how to correctly apply them in practice.

    ConsultantPlus: Please share an interesting case from your work that you are truly proud of.

    S.D. Avetisyan: Probably, I will share the story of the career growth of one of my subordinates. When I first became deputy, there was one employee in my office who considered himself already fully prepared for the position of deputy, he was, to put it mildly, at a loss that an external candidate was appointed as deputy, and not him. He refused orders, did not fulfill the assigned tasks and had a negative impact on his colleagues. When the director decided to fire him, I asked for time to find a common language with him. After that, the most interesting thing began: we agreed on a fair competition with favorable consequences for him. This person was very unpunctual, inattentive and unobligatory. Within a month, he showed himself on the opposite side and honestly won the game. Then we recommended him as a deputy in another office. And only as a deputy, he found out that it was I who defended him in front of the director. It was very important for him, I received an excellent attitude and a qualified specialist. This is very brief, but the very history of his preparation for a new position was also very interesting and unusual.

    Consultant Plus: Please describe who a bank employee is: what is his purpose, at the intersection of what areas of knowledge is this profession?

    S.D. Avetisyan: Who is a bank employee? A servant of the people, designed to ensure the financial well-being of each client. Every day we use knowledge in economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, rhetoric, management, psychology, auditing, accounting, mathematics… I’ll tell you honestly, there is no such thing as unimportant knowledge. You can create the first and most important impression only once, but people are different: you talk about economics with one, about history with another, and art with a third. There is a lot to know, and the process of gaining knowledge is continuous, we continue to learn, we have homework, the timeliness of which is extremely important to ensure the smooth operation of the bank and to satisfy our customers. For example, I will not be able to rest easy, realizing that one of my clients could not solve some problem, being abroad, I can participate in the solution, disturbing my colleagues in the office and in other departments, and even other specialists organizations. And he may have a multimillion-dollar problem, and a slowdown could cause the deal to fall apart. In my office, without exaggeration, I am a banker, and a lawyer, and a manager, and an architect, and a teacher, and a psychologist, and a financier, and an analyst, and, if necessary, any other specialist.

    ConsultantPlus: In your opinion, what qualities, knowledge and skills should a bank employee have in order to be successful in the profession? What is the selection procedure for this position? What work experience should the applicant have?

    S.D. Avetisyan: First of all, attentiveness, sociability, analytical skills, flexibility, resistance to stress. We understand that the banking world is a rapidly changing course, it is the fiercest competition, sometimes unfair, unfortunately. It is very important to be a thinking person. A superficial attitude to one’s profession, to clients (and these are real people!), to one’s tasks is a direct path to disappointment and leaving the banking sector. Patience! Do you know how important this is? Today’s youth (not all, but most) are used to getting everything at once, without overcoming obstacles. I have seen many talented young men and women who felt that they were not appreciated enough, since they were not given the coveted career advancement or salary increase. Raises received in the form of an advance or a credit of trust are generally incomprehensible to them … We are very familiar with these concepts, and how important it is for us to justify this credit of trust and return everything in full to the person who believed in us and invested! Young people do not understand this and do not appreciate it. And faced with the first difficulties, they leave to look for themselves elsewhere, jump from place to place, and then at the interview they cannot explain the reasons – all the bosses are not the same for them, there is too much work, they stay late . .. But in fact, having changed 3- 5 jobs never gaining the experience that would get them promoted if they invested in one place. This is very sad to watch.

    At the interview, it is important for me to see honesty, purposefulness, sociability, excitement, genuine deep interest in work and specific tasks, respect for people, customer focus, consistency.

    Consultant Plus: To what extent are young people interested in this profession today, do you feel serious competition and an overabundance of personnel in this area?

    S.D. Avetisyan: Serious competition – yes, I have already spoken about it. The people most interested in this profession are those who see great opportunities for themselves in the sale of banking products, who have already tried themselves in the bank and in another area, and have chosen a bank. And, oddly enough, who issued the mortgage.

    Consultant Plus: Do you think that graduates of economic universities can apply for this position without serious work experience? What position do they most often start in and how long does it take to get promoted?

    S. D. Avetisyan: Yes, of course they can! If we talk about the customer service office (namely, this experience gives the necessary knowledge about the bank as a whole, and it is from there that you can move to other departments), then you can start as a hall administrator. This is a very important position for a young specialist. The administrator is the face of the bank for the client at the entrance and exit of the bank, he must be able to hear the needs of the client, provide first aid, direct him to the right specialist and say goodbye so that the client wants to return. Working in this position for 6 months to 1 year leads to the next position – Account Manager or Financial Advisor. You can start right away with a manager, of course, but it already depends on whether there is such a position for young professionals without experience – after all, working with clients. Not every office has such positions.

    ConsultantPlus: How do you feel about using reference legal systems in your work? Is it useful to use the ConsultantPlus system for students while studying at a university? Why do you think?

    S. D. Avetisyan: I am a lawyer in my office (for myself, for my subordinates, for clients), so I constantly have to follow changes in banking legislation, civil, administrative. For complex questions, of course, I look for answers in ConsultantPlus. The ability to quickly and efficiently use this system will save time in the future, and this is extremely important in work, time management is always the most problematic. And often answers and decisions are required in a matter of seconds, minutes, here it’s not a deuce in the standings that threatens, but huge financial losses.

    Consultant Plus: What advice would you give to students who would like to work in a bank in the future: what should they pay special attention to during their studies, whom should they focus on, what should they be prepared for and how to build a successful career in this area?

    S.D. Avetisyan: First of all, I would advise you to value the time allocated to them for preparation, the time for collecting information. It will be right to be able to develop oneself, without waiting for shocks or well-placed stars. In the future, after all, no one will pull them forward, you will need to very quickly take the right course, which can change, and independently evaluate all the pros and cons for yourself. One more thing: knowledge of theory and practice are two different worlds, in our youth we all faced short bursts of anger from the thought “what have I been taught for 5 years, if in practice it is not necessary!” But again, be patient! Everything has its time! You need to go to banks now and be a client. You need to evaluate different options for building a business, look at and understand real banking products and schemes, see how everything works in practice. Take a position for yourself and stick to it. You know, in many banks there are such good competitions for employees, promotions are organized, and in search of something new, they also often turn to employees with a proposal to send their ideas on this or that issue.