Why is school: All The Reasons To Stay In School

Опубликовано: October 30, 2020 в 10:12 am


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All The Reasons To Stay In School

Most of us have grown up being taught the importance of education. But why is education important? Through your frustrating school years, you may have thought that it was a waste of time, or was just something that you needed to do in order to get a job. Truth be told, however, education goes so much beyond just getting a job and making your parents happy. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful tools out there.

What Is Education?

Education means studying in order to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life. Education is not limited to just knowledge from books, but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

Top 10 Reasons: Why Is Education Important?

There are many different understandings and definitions of what education is, but one thing can be universally agreed upon, which is the importance of education — and here’s why.


Provides Stability

Education provides stability in life, and it’s something that no one can ever take away from you. By being well-educated and holding a college degree, you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself.

2. Provides Financial Security

On top of stability, education also provides financial security, especially in today’s society. A good education tends to lead to a higher paying job, as well as provide you with the skills needed to get there.

3. Needed For Equality

In order for the entire world to really become equal, it needs to start with education. If everyone was provided with the same opportunities to education, then there would be less gaps between social classes. Everyone would be able to have an equal chance at higher paying jobs — not just those that are already well-off.

4. Allows For Self-Dependency

The importance of education is evident when it comes to being self-dependent. If we are we educated, then it’s something that belongs to us, and only us, allowing us to rely on no one else other than ourselves. It can allow you to not only be financially independent, but also to make your own choices.

5. Make Your Dreams Come True

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. An education is the most powerful weapon you can possibly have, and with it, you can make all of your dreams come true. There are of course certain exceptions, depending on what you’re aiming for, but generally an education will take you as far as you’re willing to go.

6. A Safer World

Education is something that’s not only needed on a personal level, but also on a global level, as it’s something that keeps our world safe and makes it a more peaceful place. Education tends to teach people the difference between right and wrong, and can help people stay out of risky situations.

7. Confidence

Being self-confident is a major part of being successful in life. And what better way to gain that confidence than with an education? Your level of education is often considered a way to prove your knowledge, and it can give you the confidence to express your opinions and speak your mind.

8. A Part Of Society

In today’s society, having an education is considered a vital part of being accepted by those around you. Having an education is believed to make you a useful part of society, and can make you feel like a contributing member as well.

9. Economic Growth On A National Level

An educated society is crucial for economic growth. We need people to continue to learn and research in order to constantly stay innovative. Countries with higher literacy rates also tend to be in better economic situations. With a more educated population, more employment opportunities are opened.

10. Can Protect You

Education can protect you more than you know, not only on a financial level, but it can help prevent you from being taken advantage of by knowing how to read and write, such as knowing not to sign any bogus documents.

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Education Is Important For Children

Children are the future of our world, making education crucial for them. Their knowledge is what’s going to keep our world alive and flourishing.

At Childhood

During the childhood development stages, the importance of education is stronger than ever. It’s a time for children to learn social and mental skills that will be crucial for their growth and success in the future. Education at childhood also offers a chance for self-discovery and to learn about their unique interests.

The Role

The importance of education in our lives goes far beyond what we can read in a textbook. Education also provides childhood with knowledge such as how to produce artwork and make music. Education allows us to analyze what’s in front of us, and even learn from our mistakes.

Goal Building

By learning from a young age, children are given the chance to start building goals for themselves. Education means having the logic to set your mind to something and achieve it.

Importance Of Education In Society

For a modern society, education is of utmost importance. There are so many influences coming from all directions, and education can help us decipher what we should take as true, and what we should take with a grain of salt. Education can mold people into functional members of society with the right kinds of values.


Education is needed for a productive society. Our population only continues to increase, and in turn, so do our needs. We need a strong and efficient workforce of educated people to provide us with the services we need for everyday life.

Why Is Education Important For a Nation?

The importance of education is seen in every aspect of life, and is especially crucial for the growth of a nation.

The Impact Education Has On The World

With education, people can become better citizens, knowing right from wrong, allowing for a better society where laws are followed. An educated nation knows about the importance of voting, doing so with the knowledge not blindly, but also having an understanding of what their party truly stands for. Education can also help people get jobs, which is what a nation thrives on.

Inspiring Quotes On What Education Truly Is

Why is education important, and what is it exactly? While every person has a different understanding of its true meaning, here are some of the most inspiring quotes by some legendary people.

  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin
  • “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” — John Dewey

What Are Some Other Reasons Why Education Is Important?

There are endless reasons why education is so important, especially since it also has endless connotations and meanings.

Mind And Body

Our mind and bodies are connected more than we know. With a powerful, well-educated mind, so too are our bodies.


We can not only know how to best take care of ourselves, but we can feel confident and good about ourselves, which will likely have a positive effect on our physical well-being. Education has even been proven to add years to our life. To be exact, each additional year of education was found to add as much as 1.7 years to our lives at the age of 35.

Personal Growth

The importance of education even extends itself to our personal growth. By constantly educating ourselves, asking questions and wanting to know more, we can move forward and achieve things we never imagined before.

Get To Know Yourself

Education can allow us to get to know ourselves better than ever. We can learn things about ourselves, whether it be through books, courses, or even consulting with a professional.

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Worldwide Value

Education is the best way to ensure a positive world value and view. Without a proper education, how else do we know what’s considered appropriate and how to behave?


While world peace may unfortunately seem like a far-fetched concept, with education we can get closer to this goal than we know. Education can teach us about our place in this world, and about our responsibility to humanity.

Teaches Values

Values are taught through education! Education exists far beyond the classroom or an exam. It’s taught at home, through what our parents and peers show us, and although not necessarily written down somewhere, such a teaching method is still a large aspect of what education entails.

Sharpens Your Thinking

Education is needed to think sharply and clearly!

Makes You Informed

Education makes you informed about the world around you, what’s going on and what kind of people are around you. Education can help you be more self-aware about your strengths and weaknesses, showing you were to shift your focus.

Logical Reasoning

When in an argument, if you aren’t well educated and don’t have your facts straight, then you aren’t likely to win. If you get upset about something, then being educated can also help you logically work through the situation and make sense of it, understanding all aspects.

Stay Focused

Education can help you stay focused and on track in the right direction by knowing what the right path is for you.

Allows For Innovation And Creativity

When it comes to being creative, in any way, shape, or form, the mind can only really reach its full potential if it’s been fed with the knowledge it needs to think outside the box.

Develop Life Skills

Education is the foundation of basic life skills and street smarts. While education might sound like a fancy technical term, it’s really everything we learn in life about how to best conduct ourselves from day to day.


Education can be the most freeing and empowering thing in the entire world!

Live Life To The Fullest

Truly living life to the fullest means being well-educated and holding a vast amount of knowledge about the world around us. It also means we continue to learn every day in all kinds of forms, whether it be from the people around us, newspapers, experiences, research, or traditional classes.

Breaks Barriers

Education breaks barriers between people, and allows people from across the globe to be empowered.

University of the People, a tuition-free, online university, is one powerful example of how education is being revolutionized – they offer students of all socio-economic backgrounds an equal chance at education.

Once upon a time, such a thing wouldn’t have been possible, but today such places like UoPeople have proven that these barriers truly can be broken through to receive higher education.

You Become Your Highest You

Education can allow you to become the best, fullest version of yourself, learning about what interests you, what you’re good at, becoming self-aware and conscious about the world around you. It can help you establish your place in this world, and feel complete.

Education In The Modern World

Education today is more important than ever before, and has reached new heights with new understandings of what it truly entails. Ask yourself “Why is education important?” and it will surely not be the same as anyone else’s answer.

While in modern society, holding a college degree is considered to be highly beneficial for a successful career and to be socially accepted, it is not the only means of education. Education is all around us in everything that we do, so use it wisely!

Why School is Important in Child Development

Here below, you will see why is school important, School curriculum will reflect on the following factors that lead enormously to young minds’ growth.

School is a very important role in every child’s development.  The children of today are the future of tomorrow.

The role of school in our life, school, promotes interest and empowers them with opportunities to become successful individuals. The expansion of the new education system is similar to the development of our society. It is well established that the method of learning is essential in defining one’s personality and in coping with life circumstances. The transition from book literacy to the experience of existence has created a wave of shifts in schools.

People have warmed up that schooling is the secret to positive growth rather than a means of graduation and achieving material achievement in life. The School is important for a child because the school has a countless knowledge and also the best higher education and guidance for the future.

Importance of Education

Let’s know the Importance of education for children.  It is a first guide for children to educate. It offers them the ability to learn about different fields of Education, including humans, literature, culture, mathematics, politics, and several other topics. That helps to improve the mechanism of reasoning. If you are subjected to stimuli from diverse cultural backgrounds, the environment and life become huge.

Some aspects must be focused on by school education

Social Aspect:

School is the first opportunity for an infant to become socialized. By then, the only individuals with whom the infant has interpersonal contact are the parents and extended family members.

Awareness is a cause of stagnation. Children in schools are not only introduced to fresh concepts, but also the same elderly fellow countrymen. This generates sociable behaviors such as empathy, fellowship, engagement, and encouragement that are essential in your adult life.

Mental Aspect:

School is the basic foundation of knowledge for kids. I give chance to learn about different fields of Education, including humans, literature, culture, mathematics, politics, and several other topics. This contributes to increasing the thought processes of kids.

Physical Aspect:

A fetus is biologically formed after pregnancy. Schools also maintain child development. Physical games played and physical activities, also doing exercise and yoga, which makes child has physical and mentally prepared for the future. So the important in child development of the school.

Furthermore, familiarity contributes to circumstances being taken advantage of when the floor is leveled in college. Why do we need school? Because we all know school is essential for both knowledge and social skills developing. Education gives us knowledge so that if you are gain knowledge when school is important for us.

Also, children may guide their unlimited energies into something positive through the help of events such as sports, and crafts.

In the past, schools have been viewed as locations where incidents may be studied throughout the historical portion, challenging mathematical questions answered, and poetry or sonnets recited.

A pupil knows how to move through the conventional direction of red learning in the modern education children scenario.

They are encouraged to grow their minds, and interest is supported through the modular curriculum. The infant is liberated and lets his / her creativity run its course from the mental block clutches.

There is a significant focus on the value of creativity. 

Existence, while living, is also about learning. We may benefit from our parents to a degree, but i.e., the role of school in our life seems to be one-sided. In school, children are introduced to diverse sources from which they can acquire tremendous information, which is important for their growth. School is also important to in still life in children.”

Overall Development

The cornerstone of every culture is Education.

Education is responsible for the economic and social progress of society in general and political and political advancement. Society thought that children are developed in front of parents but the child developed in school. Also the orthodox way, education is not important, still, some people are thought.  

The benefits of School

  • We know, why is school important, school is the best part of life. When the school has an important role because school is giving knowledge, skills and many more things. Also the guide for future problems and face them. After school we go to the next level, college also teaches many things.
  • The school education importance helps an individual to consider the distinction and similarities with other cultures. The school help to choose the right way of career. The school not only teaches a book of a lesson but also teaches a life of lesson.
  • Schools are one way to make mates. Schools improve personality and personal speech. The school has also developed in society’s mental and help to fight them. The school makes the best person.

University scientists

Schools teach important sciences, like algebra and mother tongue. However, English is still used as a tool to establish an international standard. The use of English as a language of Education means that citizens from diverse language backgrounds come together on one forum. The fundamentals for children are English and mathematics.

  • This extends to numerous areas such as Education, science, law, and industry. In life study is important and school gives study.
  • Anyone may still use prior awareness of individuals to construct a more organized collection of details on a particular area. A school set the foundations of the curriculum and then focuses on the ideal topic in universities. It is easier to find work for individuals who study and exercise their expertise. Jobs based on qualifications are favored for those who achieved the most academically.
  • School is one of the strongest opportunities if a person has turned a  best qualified  It improves the individual intellectually and academically, providing him with a benefit when questioning him or her. Effective interviews mean that they will do the work they want.

The Schools of Comparison of the value are differences in instruction and understanding:

                     Even so, the concept of having good grades is typically a question of academic emphasis. Students waste more time training for and knowing further tests instead of studying stuff. School is not only judged the report card, they even encourage the children. Children are upgraded in the school atmosphere and then after going colleges atmosphere. You must learn to adapt and control yourself. School shows us that we have certain connexions, even with separate histories. A person’s beliefs, color, caste, or opinion can reflect a different person’s image. It does not suggest that you have a particular society to destroy all societies. Likewise, faith is a compilation of beliefs that does not seek to actively compete against those that participate in that faith.  It puts us closer to chatting about our issues. We will learn to work with them by learning. Schools make a healthier world because if students have healthy so gain a piece of proper knowledge. So the students are healthy and safe.

Vocal and Reliable

It is simpler to speak to others as you understand information. His feelings and suggestions became more articulate. It influences individuals, and culture is also evolving accordingly.

Learning new stuff makes people remember stuff around them. You don’t grasp the stuff around you fully until you think.

  • Likewise, studying other science and social principles teaches an individual. A knowledgeable citizen is surer about his or her relations. He understands what those factors affect, and what can be improved to change it. We should learn how to handle and function through this because we cannot personally affect it.
  • It strengthens a person’s voice on their expertise, and he is more optimistic that the time he spent studying at school would encourage him. The more you devote to understanding something, the more skillful you are. He’s going to speak to the people around him with more ease and trust. This encourages an individual to lift their voice in their society and for their interests.


Importance of school in our life, Life without friends will not be complete. In School have to make friends and grow up like other people and have fun with friends. Also, make beautiful memories and do activities. Friends should always support them and if have problems so solve them.

  • The school will plan trips and picnics, so enjoyed the student’s friends. It helps to interrupt the daily cycle and to appreciate the business on these visits.
  • Friends help you fix your life’s issues. You will even make acquaintances in school and university later, but childhood mates also dominate. Owing to their hostile climate, students find it challenging to sustain friendships at college and university. 
  • Schoolmates do not have any challenges, on the other side, and thus are more together and healthier. The focal point for most people’s college and social lives. It shows them how things work around them. When you educate them on the variations and similarities between individuals, you learn to talk in the community. Learning to talk about and knowing the problems facing culture is learned in Education.
  • The school helps a person to read and understand life different stuff. You learn to communicate with other individuals. Schools frequently demonstrate that the universe is vast in scope outside the horizons.


In case of why is school so important, School guarantees the children it educates a brighter future. It offers knowledge to create your own life, as well as to support those around you. The Topic about school as learning for life.

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10 Reason Why School Is Important

83+ Best School Quotes,

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83+ Best School Quotes,

by Emmaline Soken-Huberty

In many places, people take school for granted. Going to school may be a source of annoyance or frustration. At some point in their lives, many kids wish they didn’t have to go at all. Dropping out and starting their “real lives” might be sound appealing. Why does school matter so much? There are ten reasons why:

#1. School teaches social skills

For most kids, school is the first setting where they learn to socialize with others. They learn to make friends, listen to teachers, and work through problems. Learning these social skills early on gives kids an important foundation for their interactions in society. It’s the responsibility of teachers and other adults to encourage healthy socialization. They should also address issues like bullying.

#2. School helps young people build confidence

Being self-assured and confident in one’s abilities is crucial to healthy self-esteem. People who don’t have much confidence are more likely to be taken advantage of and struggle with anxiety. In a school setting, kids get the opportunity to build their confidence early on. As they learn to read, write, solve math problems, and more, their confidence in their abilities increases. A teacher plays a very important role in this. It’s their job to celebrate a student’s progress as well as their successes, as many struggle with certain subjects.

#3. School encourages critical thinking

Critical thinking is an essential part of any subject in school. Whether it’s literature, science, or history, students develop critical thinking techniques. They use these to absorb the material, form their own ideas, and express themselves in writing and speaking. These skills translate to every area of life, whether it’s in academia, the work setting, or relationships.

#4. School introduces young people to future goals

School introduces students to a wide variety of subjects. More often than not, a student connects with certain topics on a deep level. Whether it’s through a research paper or group project, they get opportunities to explore their interests further. Students consider what they want their career to be and develop goals for the future. With support from teachers, any student can see what’s possible and work towards their passions.

#5. School gives students a variety of opportunities

Schools are more than just classrooms. Most also offer sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. Some of these can lead to scholarships, giving students access to great opportunities for their futures. Even if a student doesn’t thrive in a classroom setting, they can find something else at their school that benefits them.

#6. School builds communities

School can become an important source of community for many students. For some, it may be the one place where they feel like they can be themselves. School can also serve as a community for parents, so it benefits whole families. For students, feeling like they belong and are part of something bigger than themselves is very important. They’ll feel supported and encouraged, and even when they leave school, they’ll strive to find and build community wherever they go.

#7. School teaches the importance of the learning process

It’s not unusual for students to question the point of any given topic at school. “When am I going to use this?” they might ask. While you might not use a specific math formula in your daily life, the process of learning is what matters. Memorizing formulas, analyzing a piece of literature, and engaging in civil discussions train the brain. In the future, when you need to learn something new, that training kicks in.

#8. School reduces poverty

Education is an essential part of reducing poverty around the world. When children receive an education, they’re able to access jobs with higher incomes. That benefits their whole families and can end cycles of poverty that keep communities down. If a country wants to reduce poverty, it needs to invest in schools. Other factors impact what kind of a job someone can get, but it’s generally true that as a person gets more schooling, their income potential goes up.

#9. School is good for gender equality

In addition to reducing poverty, education combats gender inequality. In many places, girls receive less education than boys. This affects the jobs they can get and makes them more vulnerable to violence and human trafficking. When they go to school, girls increase their income potential and safety. Research also shows that in countries that value education, maternal death rates go down.

#10. School benefits the whole country

Schools can benefit individuals and communities, so it makes sense that a whole country will do better when they have good schools. Starting for a young age, citizens receive the education they need to get higher-paying jobs. They are more likely to invest their resources back into schools for the next generation. Agencies like the World Bank recognize the importance of education for a country’s economic development.

10 Benefits Showing Why Education Is Important to Our Society

Do you think attending school and doing projects for your college is a waste of time? If you do, you might want to reconsider that claim as education is a key part of a society’s growth and progress. When people are educated, they can significantly contribute to their families and society in various aspects and fields, thus creating a stable and stimulating community. Why is education important to society? Let’s take into account some reasons. 

1. Creating More Employment Opportunities

Finding a job is not easy, especially in times of economic turmoil. You often need to compete with hundreds of other candidates for a vacant position. In addition, the lower the education level, the greater the number of people applying for the same low-paying entry-level post. However, with the right qualifications and educational background, you will increase your chances of landing a fulfilling job. Would you like to find a way to stand out from a pool of applicants? Learn, educate yourself, graduate and get as many qualifications, skills, knowledge, and experience as possible. 

2. Securing a Higher Income

People with higher education and varied experience are more likely to get high-paying, expert jobs. Study hard, dedicate your time and effort to acquire knowledge and reach a high level of competence if you would like to lead a comfortable lifestyle. Your credentials are what will motivate a potential employer to choose you instead of another candidate. Studying hard throughout your school and studies shows you are not afraid of hard work and are able to fulfill your goals. Employers see this as a huge advantage as they all prefer a responsible and knowledgeable workforce. Once you graduate, you can start searching for jobs that will give you the opportunity to practice what you have learned and, at the same time, secure sufficient pay for your needs. 

3. Developing Problem-solving Skills 

One of the benefits of education is that the educational system teaches us how to obtain and develop critical and logical thinking and make independent decisions. When children become adults, they are faced with a lot of challenging issues – pay off your student loans, get a job, buy a car and a house, provide for your family, etc. However, if one has spent years educating themselves, they should be able to make sound decisions on these various quandaries. Not only are people able to form their own opinions, but they are also good at finding solid and reliable arguments and evidence to back up and confirm their decisions. 

4. Improving the Economy

People with good academic and educational backgrounds tend to get well-paid jobs. The higher their education and accomplishments, the better employment options they get. People who grew up poor but educated themselves have high chances to transform their lives, thus contributing to a decrease in society’s poverty rates. Education helps countries grow economically since it is about getting knowledge and being able to apply it wisely to our lives and, at the same time, improving other people’s lives.  

5. Providing a Prosperous and Happy Life

Education has always secured respect from society. In order to ensure a comfortable lifestyle, people should educate themselves and obtain a well-paid job to be successful and satisfied. It helps gain a better reputation and increases the chances of climbing the career ladder more easily and faster. In turn, it provides financial resources for stable lives – people can afford to buy their own house or apartment and thus secure their children’s happiness and success. Furthermore, being able to own your own home provides stability and increases self-confidence. It leads to creating a positive environment for families and communities. “Children of homeowners are 116% more likely to graduate from college than children of renters of the same age, race, and income. They are also 25% more likely to graduate from high school and have higher math and reading scores, with fewer behavioral problems,” according to research at the University of Tennessee.

6. Giving Back to the Community

How does education benefit society? Educated people understand how valuable it is to live in a stable and secure community. They are more prone to taking part in projects that help improve not only their neighborhood but society, as well. In addition, when people are able to afford their own home, they are more likely to take part not only in improving their homes but in solving local problems, as well. After all, it is quite important to get involved and give a hand to the less fortunate ones in order to build a better place for all of us to live in.

7. Creating Modern Society

Education is of key essence for modern society. One needs to learn about culture, history and other important aspects so that they would be able to contribute to modern society. Education molds people into leaders not only with knowledge about (college) subjects, but it also shows them how to lead with emotions and true values. Educated people can easily differentiate between right and wrong, thus education helps reduce the crime rate. Bad events are happening around the world – only competent leaders can help guide us down a good and right path. 

8. Bridging the Borders

Digital education helps connect with people and organizations around the world. Borders are no longer there. Being able to communicate and share opinions with people from other countries and cultures, widens horizons and helps us understand and appreciate each other. 

9. Creating equal opportunities

The importance of education in society has always been great as it is irrespective of caste, race, gender, religion. Educated people are treated as equals on the basis of their knowledge and competence. In addition to this, educated people are open-minded and are able to listen and accept other people’s views regardless of the fact of how different they are. Education offers a possibility to live independently and thus be free. It is our shelter against financial storms and wrong decisions. 

10. Introducing Empowerment

Education is the key to turn a weakness into a strength. It offers different tools and ways to understand problems that lay ahead of us and helps resolve them. More importantly, education provides us with considerable mental agility to make the right decisions and spring into action when needed. Many types of research show that educated women can more easily stand up against gender bias and marital violence as they have improved their decision-making capabilities. 


Whether it is about respect, a higher position in society and a professional environment, financial security, family stability, education provides all of these and much more. Home stability provided by owning your own home helps children who grew up in their own houses or apartments become more successful. They are more likely to graduate high school (25%) and finish college (116%). “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” as Nelson Mandela said. It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations. Learning languages through educational processes helps interact with different people in order to exchange ideas, knowledge, good practices. It teaches us to live in harmony.

Are you ready to give back? Help the families from your community that need it the most. Get involved, today.

15 Reasons Why Do We Go to School

We have heard since our childhood that we must go to school. Sometimes, our parents even have to push us for this. All of us know what is school, but at some point, we all wonder why is school important, why schooling is important, and why do we go to school.

Well, there are many reasons for this. Apart from providing education, schools play an essential role in a child’s psychological, mental, and social development. It may sometimes feel annoying to follow the same schedule every day and complete a dozen homework, but it all makes sense once school ends.

The repetitive work, time-bound schedule, and hard work pay off when we reach later stages of our lives. It makes lives more comfortable and provides us with enough fortune to give back to society and help the underprivileged.

School opens many doors to opportunity. The one who misses school can lose other chances to grow and develop as a well-mannered and successful person.

This article will discuss the importance of school and the importance of education in life.

Why is School Important in Our Life?

Gaining More Knowledge

Required for Higher Education

Better Employment Opportunities

Increase Your Income

Living a Well-Off and Comfortable Life

Develop Critical Problem-Solving Skills

Why is School Important to Our Society?

Educated Society


Giving Back to Society

Economic Growth and Development

Why is School Important for Socialization?

Manners and Discipline

Why is School Important in Child Development?

Develop Mental Abilities

Develop Social Skills

Increase Physical Activities

Overall Development

Why Do We Go to School? (Summing-Up)

We cannot determine or calculate the importance of schooling based only on monetary success and degrees. Schools are also essential for developing a child’s personality and teaching him/her how to handle real-life challenges.

A well-educated person gets a chance to improve his life’s quality and make the right decisions. Here are some points to throw light on why is going to school important.

Gaining More Knowledge

A school is a place where we learn about the importance of education in life. The wide range of subjects (like mathematics, science, history, geography, literature, etc.) allows us to learn different languages and receive knowledge about other parts of the world.

It also gives young minds a chance to narrow down which subject they like the most and find their passion in life.

Required for Higher Education

Once a child has completed schooling, he can pursue higher education to open more doors of opportunities. It will help him follow his passion and lead a comfortable and fulfilling life. Higher education will give him specialization in his chosen field and enhance his skills.

Better Employment Opportunities

Money is essential for living a healthy and fulfilling life. It sure can’t buy happiness, but it will buy things that will make your life easier and comfortable. The higher educational qualification will lead you to higher-paying jobs.

Schooling is an essential and fundamental step towards getting a higher education. In its absence, a child can stick to entry-level jobs or low-paying jobs. These jobs usually have increased competition and can fulfill the primary necessities of a person. But it will not provide him with more opportunities to grow and prosper in life.

Increase Your Income

As we discussed, highly educated people get the opportunity to get better-paying jobs. These jobs fulfill the basic requirements of the person and help lead a comfortable life.

If you work hard to gain knowledge and learn more skills in school, everything else will become easier later in life. Even most employers pay according to the skill sets and qualifications you have earned along your educational journey. The better you have performed or invested time in gaining knowledge, the higher you have a chance to score.

Living a Well-Off and Comfortable Life

Living a prosperous and comfortable life is another reason why is it important to go to school. Everything from primary education to high-paying jobs leads to happiness. It will give a person enough financial security and resources to invest in the business and buy luxuries like an elegant apartment or a dream car.

Having financial security can help anyone secure his family’s future and provide them a stable environment for their mental well-being.

Develop Critical Problem-Solving Skills

One day we have to leave our parent’s home and become independent. When we do that, we have to make all our decisions ourselves and face life challenges. The one who has gone to school and spent days learning and gaining knowledge can independently handle life situations.

The school trains us to develop efficient critical thinking and teaches us problem-solving skills to deal with daily life challenges. A well-educated person will also find it easy to take care of his family and provide for them as an adult.

The importance of schooling is not limited only to personal growth, but it also impacts the community. A well-educated person can indulge in different fields like arts, literature, science, and technology and contribute to the well-being and development of society.

Below are some points that will shed light on the importance of schools in the community –

Educated Society

Learning different skills and gaining knowledge about various topics contribute to making a modern society. This knowledge makes us aware of the traditions, culture, and history of the region (where you belong) and helps us differentiate between right and wrong.

A well-educated person can also lead society on the right path and fight for underprivileged people’s rights.


We gain knowledge on various topics in schools, including different cultures and traditions found across other regions of the world. This knowledge educates young minds and develops a sense of equality in them.

These young minds grow up to be great leaders and contribute to society and the whole country. They can educate others, stop the wrong-doings, and push others on the right path. A well-educated person appreciates people belonging to different regions and backgrounds and teaches others to do the same.

Giving Back to Society

The ones who have gone to school know about the different problems faced by society and understand the need for a stable community. These bright minds can indulge in projects from various fields and contribute to the development of society as a whole.

Economic Growth and Development

As discussed above, a well-educated and skilled person has more chances of getting high-paying jobs. These high wage earners can contribute more to the development of society by paying tax regularly.

A society having a higher number of high wage earners will have better money circulation. It will produce more jobs and give a boost to economic growth.

Socialization educates young minds about values, cultures, attitudes, beliefs, and other criteria of a particular culture. It also teaches us different behaviors and about which ones are appropriate or standard at societal and individual levels. Mainly it is classified into two groups: Primary and Secondary Socialization.

In Primary Socialization, a child learns about different behaviors and social aspects from his/her family. Here, the child learns to socialize, acquires his first language, learn about his individual personality, and develops cognitive skills. The family also teaches him cultural valuations and specific social roles.

In Secondary Socialization, the child learns about different behaviors and social aspects when he/she joins the school. The family is the only factor influencing the actions of the child (at primary socialization). But when he enters school and gets in touch with teachers and fellow children, he develops social interaction skills.

Manners and Discipline

When a child joins the school, he follows a strict routine, which develops discipline in him. He learns to obey and respect the school authority because he knows that he will be punished for not following the instructions. A similar behavior makes the child a law-abiding citizen when he grows up.

The importance of school is not limited to here. The institution also contributes to making a child emotionally, socially, and intellectually skilled.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults. They can contribute more to the coming future and make it a safe place to live. But for this, they must have the right skill sets and knowledge. It is where the importance of schooling comes in.

A child gets a balanced education in the school, which is beneficial for promoting his mental and psychological growth. Here, the child learns academics, and it also develops a wide range of life skills (such as teamwork, unity, responsibility, sharing, and good manners) in him. Below are some points on the importance of school for a child’s development.

Develop Mental Abilities

Children get a chance to gain knowledge on various topics when they join the school. They usually learn about multiple fields of education like psychology, literature, history, mathematics, politics, economics, etc. The wide selection of topics develops their thought process.

For example, a child studying economics will understand different aspects of finances and learn how the world functions in monetary terms. This topic teaches a child how to handle separate finances and make him financially sound.

Develop Social Skills

Children meet a different group of people (from teacher to fellow students) in the school and learn different socializing behaviors. Here, they also get exposed to different views and perceptions of teachers and other children. They learn social skills like empathy, friendship, teamwork, and assistance, which help in the development of their personality as they grow.

Increase Physical Activities

After birth, a child goes through many stages of growth, including physical development. When the child joins the school, he gets involved in different activities like exercise, sports, etc., which further develops his physical health.

For example, children often participate in the school’s sporting events like football, basketball, baseball, athletics, etc. These events may help in the further growth of the child. If you ask the world’s greatest athletes, even they’ll tell you that they developed their talents and skills in school before becoming professionals.

Overall Development

Some people think that schools are essential only for learning academics. But a child learns way more than subjects like politics, history, arts, science, etc. A school provides a wide range of interests, which helps a kid recognize his passion in the early stages of his life.

It also helps them develop an individual personality, differentiate between right or wrong, take decisions independently, and become a better person. A child learns to use his creativity and idea to build something exciting and unique.

We start learning from early stages in our lives and continue to learn throughout our lives. But the education provided at pre-school programs acts as a foundation for learning later in life. The learning process continues in senior school, but by the time he joins college, he is already prepared to face different aspects of their adult life.

Everyone knows the importance of education in life, and every kid has the right to get it. We must also not forget that educated youth is the backbone of any country. It develops the overall personality of the child and develops independent thinking in them. The learning of different subjects at school helps gain knowledge and drive long-term economic development in society.

It makes the child aware of different cultures and traditions, which develop a sense of equality in them. So, we must not undervalue the importance of school.

Why Was School Created? | Wonderopolis


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  • Why was school created?
  • Who invented the first school?
  • Have kids in the United States always had to go to school?

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  • American Revolution,
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  • Boston Latin School,
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  • Father of the Common School Movement,
  • Horace Mann,
  • invention,
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  • Massachusetts Bay Colony,
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  • American Revolution,
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  • Boston Latin School,
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  • Curriculum,
  • Education,
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  • Father Of The Common School Movement,
  • Horace Mann,
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  • Massachusetts Bay Colony,
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  • Writing

Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Rebecca from AL. Rebecca Wonders, “who created school?” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Rebecca!

Why was school created? We’re sure that’s a question that every student asks from time to time. Especially on tough test days, many students WONDER exactly why they’re being subjected to such cruel and unusual punishment!

If you’re honest with yourself, though, you know what a great place school is. You have fun, learn all sorts of interesting things, and get to spend quality time with your friends. Sure, tests can be stressful, but think of how boring life would be if you didn’t get to learn new things and see other people so often!

Schools are not a new invention. You may have seen some old one-room schoolhouses that have been around for a couple hundred years or more. The earliest schools, though, date back thousands of years!

In fact, education dates back to the very first humans ever to inhabit Earth. Why? To survive, every generation has found it necessary to pass on its accumulated knowledge, skills, values, and traditions to the next generation. How can they do this? Education! Each subsequent generation must be taught these things.

The earliest human beings didn’t need schools to pass along information. They educated youngsters on an individual basis within the family unit. Over time, however, populations grew and societies formed.

Rather than every family being individually responsible for education, people soon figured out that it would be easier and more efficient to have a small group of adults teach a larger group of children. In this way, the concept of the school was born.

Ancient schools weren’t like the schools we know today, though. The earliest schools often focused more on teaching skills and passing along religious values, rather than teaching specific subject areas like is common today.

In the United States, the first schools began in the 13 original colonies in the 17th century. For example, Boston Latin School, which was founded in 1635, was the first public school and the oldest existing school in the country.

The earliest schools focused on reading, writing, and mathematics. The New England colonies led the way in requiring towns to set up schools. The Massachusetts Bay Colony made basic education a requirement in 1642. However, many of the earliest schools were only for boys, and there were usually few, if any, options for girls.

After the American Revolution, education became a higher priority. States quickly began to establish public schools. School systems were not uniform, however, and would often vary greatly from state to state.

Credit for our modern version of the school system usually goes to Horace Mann. When he became Secretary of Education in Massachusetts in 1837, he set forth his vision for a system of professional teachers who would teach students an organized curriculum of basic content. For this reason, Mann is often called the “Father of the Common School Movement.”

Many other states quickly followed Mann’s system he instituted in Massachusetts. More and more states began to require school attendance. By 1918, every state required students to complete elementary school. Educational improvements grew by leaps and bounds during the 20th century, leading to the advanced systems we enjoy today.

Wonder What’s Next?

We wouldn’t TRADE tomorrow’s Wonder of the Day for anything!

Try It Out

School is in session and it’s time to grab some friends and family members to help you explore the following fun activities:

  • Field trip time! Ask an adult friend or family member to take you on a driving tour of local schools. Sure, you’re familiar with your current school, but what will your next school look like? What do the schools in other nearby towns look like? Have fun driving around and comparing the different schools in your area.
  • How much do you love your school? Make a list of the top five things you love the most about your school. Share your thoughts with a teacher or administrator. Then make a list of five areas where your school could improve. Instead of sharing those ideas, brainstorm some things that YOU could do to make things better. When you have some solid ideas for improvements, ask a teacher or administrator for help implementing one or more of your ideas. Have fun being the change you want to see in your school!
  • Up for a challenge? You’re in charge of public education in your city. You don’t have to do anything like the way things have always been done. You just have to make sure that children receive the education they need to succeed in today’s society. What system would you put in place? Would you create schools? Or would you do something completely different? Give it some thought and write a short description of what system you would create and why you would make the decisions you’d make. Have fun thinking about education from a new perspective!

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Wonder Contributors

We’d like to thank:

kamea, Claire, Caleb, Katherine and perise
for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!

Keep WONDERing with us!

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Wonder Words

  • school
  • skill
  • value
  • basic
  • content
  • subject
  • education
  • tradition
  • knowledge
  • generation
  • survive
  • inhabit
  • subsequent
  • accumulate
  • priority
  • uniform
  • attendance
  • elementary

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“Why do we need a school?” and 4 more questions to parents who are thinking about homeschooling

An unequivocal answer to the question “why do we need a school?” give hard. For some parents, this is a place where the child will gain knowledge about the world or be able to deal with himself, for others, it is a way to free himself from additional burdens. Understanding the purpose of the school for parents and children can differ dramatically, and this point should be taken into account when choosing the form of education for your child. Over the past few years, people in Ukraine have been talking more and more about homeschooling. The format of home learning is actively supported by the advocacy campaign “Osvitniy experiment”. Its founder, coordinator of social and reform projects, Anastasia Leukhina, is the mother of 13-year-old Klim, who left school 4 years ago. Looking back at the experience of these years, she formulated five questions, the answers to which should help parents and children find a form of education that is convenient for them.

1. Why do you need a child, and why do you need a child?

In this question, I have identified for myself three priority aspects that you should look at when choosing a training format.

Subjectivity : who makes decisions and influences? Is your child a subject or an object? Does he make decisions himself, or do you do it for him? By answering these questions, you will understand for yourself who is responsible for the choice, and who decides how to study.

Strength : do you need a child to feel his strength, or to help him feel his own? In the relationship between parents and children, manifestations of power are very different, and awareness is important here. Family models are all different, and I’m not saying that some of them are good and some are bad. But I think that parents who need a child to show their strength should in no case transfer it to home schooling.

Freedom : How do you feel about your child’s freedom? This moment intersects with subjectivity. If you give a child freedom, then he is an object. If you respect her, then he is a subject. In fact, it is about how much you trust the child in what choice he will make and how he will live with the consequences of this choice.

2. What is a school?

Are they people? Is this space? Is it knowledge? We are used to the fact that everyone goes to school for some time, but, depending on different tasks, the school can be very different. If we see in school a place for the personal growth of a child, then we need to understand in what direction should his personality grow? If we are talking about knowledge, then what meaning should it have for a child? When you transition to home schooling, you need to make a decision about how to allocate resources of time and money. The answers may be different and ambiguous, but it is important to follow them.

3. Why do you and your child need school?

The answers to this question for a parent and a child can be completely different. For a parent, a school can be a kind of left-luggage office, a free babysitting. Or a place where the child will be filled with knowledge, but again, what kind of knowledge? There is another option when the parent does not cope with the upbringing, and sends the child to school to be trained.

A child may have completely different goals at school. For example, make friends, or run away from home because it’s uncomfortable there, or try something harmful and forbidden, because you can’t at home. These goals are not at all related to either knowledge or the educational process.

There is no one answer here, this question opens up many facets for reasoning. We used to think that the school prepares the child for the future, but we must admit that we cannot predict what it will be. Therefore, it is worth honestly admitting to ourselves that we do not know what to prepare a child for. This made me feel better immediately.

4. What is the learning hypothesis?

At work, I came across such a concept as the development hypothesis. Everything is built on the principle: if I focus my attention on one thing, then in the end I expect to get something else. It does not always materialize, hence the hypothesis, but at the same time it can be a filter for the decisions you make.

Construct this hypothesis for yourself and your child. It will help you answer questions about how to prioritize, where to allocate resources, how to organize time, whether to look for a tutor, and how to measure results. Depending on what you want to get out of it – a healthy personality, a calm child, or an over-the-top smart child – you will need to invest completely different resources.

With Klim, I immediately clearly built a priority, and it was not in the intellect or grades, but in the emotional development of the mind and body. My hypothesis was: “If a child has a high level of emotional intelligence, can cope with his own and other people’s feelings, learns to work on his body, then he will cope with any challenges that appear on his way.”

5. What kind of socialization does your child need?

Socialization is different, and it does not always have a positive effect on children. Children get a lot of socialization from relationships with teachers. But I realized that at Klim’s school it was purely a training for submission – a standard approach convenient for teachers. I didn’t want my child to be made into a soldier who was afraid to say no.

The second side of socialization at school is the relationship with children. When we imagine a school, we often see a space where children play, exchange thoughts and help each other out in any situation. Looks great, but is it really? We know very little about what kind of relationships are built between children at school. Here it is important to ask yourself a couple of questions. First, do you want your child to go through bullying and abuse in school to build character and prepare for real life? Because for some children it really strengthens, but for others it is a trauma for life. And, secondly, is it important to you that the child learns to cope with his aggression and direct it to others? For me, this is a very debatable point. Many children after all this will need the help of a psychotherapist. Whether you have enough funds for this is another important question.

Prepared by Maria Pedorenko

– Read Takozh: Homeschooling: 5 Foolders to adversaries, Yaki turned up a house owl

Why the school is important for the child’s development (Full Description)

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Below you will see why school matters . The following factors will be reflected in the school curriculum, which greatly contribute to the development of young minds.

The school plays a very important role in the life of every person and in the development of the child. Today’s children are the future of tomorrow.

The role of the school in our lives , the school, arouses interest and gives them the opportunity to become successful people. The expansion of the new education system is similar to the development of our society. It is well known that the method of learning is essential for defining personality and coping with life’s circumstances. The transition from book literacy to the experience of existence has caused a wave of shifts in schools.

People understand that learning is the secret to positive growth, not a means of graduating and achieving material advancement in life.

Education requires the formation of a positive chain of thought and the improvement of our cognitive skills. Let’s look at the importance of the directions coming from the teaching of the school.

Importance of education

The school plays a very important role in the education of children. This is a basic guide for teaching children. It offers them the opportunity to learn about various fields of education including human, literature, culture, mathematics, politics and a number of other topics. This helps to improve the reasoning mechanism. If you are exposed to stimuli from different cultures, the environment and life become huge.

School education should pay special attention to certain aspects

Social aspect

School is the first opportunity for a child to socialize. By then, the only people with whom the infant has interpersonal contact are the parents and members of the extended family.


Fresh concepts are introduced not only to children in schools, but also to elderly fellow countrymen. This gives rise to social behaviors such as empathy, communication, participation, and encouragement that are essential in adulthood.

Mental aspect

School is the basic foundation of knowledge for children. It provides an opportunity to learn about various fields of education, including people, literature, culture, mathematics, politics and a number of other topics. This contributes to the development of thought processes in children.


The fetus is biologically formed after pregnancy.

Although there is a small outlet in the house, the child must still direct his energy through more sociable directions at school.

Research has shown that although the boy is ready for spontaneous outbursts in a comfortable environment, he continues to behave better only when he is introduced to people of the same generation.

Moreover, familiarity helps circumstances to be used to one’s advantage when the gender in the school is evened out.

In addition, children can use their unlimited energy for something positive through activities such as sports, crafts.

In the past, schools were seen as places where incidents could be studied throughout history, difficult math questions answered, poetry or sonnets recited.

The student knows how to follow the traditional course of study in the scenario of the modern staged development of his body.

Children are encouraged to develop their own consciousness and interest is maintained through a modular curriculum.

Much attention is paid to the value of creativity. Game tasks and an interactive program contribute to the formation of a mature cognitive basis.

Understanding the existence of life is also related to learning. We can benefit from our parents to some extent, but in an educational setting, children are exposed to a variety of sources from which they can get more information that is important for their growth. The school is also important in order to instill in children a life among people, an understanding of people in general.

General development

The cornerstone of any culture is education.

Education is responsible for the economic and social progress of society as a whole, as well as for political development. The thread of the development of society will be based on the standard of education. Thus, schools play an important role in defining the culture of a country as its potential people flourish everywhere.

Some benefits of the school are as follows

  • In response to why school is important schools play an important role in human development. When they communicate with others, everyone knows things. In college they study the material. Moreover, it is an informal way of teaching a person. System requirements for training need discussion.
  • Schools provide much of the structured education needed to survive in a culture. It helps the individual to develop his/her academic ability so that he can support the society. Thus, the child can act in society. Education also prepares students to meet other people so they can experience different experiences, values, and feelings.
  • School education helps a person to recognize differences and similarities with other cultures. Helps to appreciate the ideas and traditions of other people. We will exist in harmony and good will with each other, loving each other.
  • Study improves speech and a person’s confidence. Teaching and discussing the understanding of what has been learned is one way to make friends. Usually these helpers stay with you throughout your life. Schools are the cornerstone of human mental and physical development.

University scientists

Schools teach important sciences such as algebra and mother tongue.

  • This applies to many areas such as education, science, law and industry. Schools open the universe to students in many areas. Students choose and travel to college to learn more about their topics. If you decide to resume your studies, you will enjoy your chosen topic in the research project.
  • Anyone can still use people’s prior knowledge to build a more organized set of parts in a particular area. The school lays the foundations of the curriculum and then focuses on the ideal theme in the universities. People who learn and use their knowledge find it easier to find a job. Qualification-based jobs are given to those who are most academically successful.
  • School is one of the strongest opportunities to improve a person’s skills. It improves the person intellectually and academically, giving him a benefit when questioning him or her. Effective interviews mean they will do what they want. As an engaged part of the community, they will help build themselves and those around them.

Differences in learning and understanding of the value of schools of comparison

  • Even so, the concept of good grades is usually a matter of academic attention. Students spend more time studying and knowing further tests instead of studying the material. Schools are moving away from the notion of mere grades; they even encourage children to coexist. Children from different racial backgrounds come from different cultures in colleges.
  • You must learn to adapt and control yourself. The school shows us that we have certain connections, even with individual stories. A person’s beliefs, skin color, caste, or opinion can reflect the image of another person. School allows us to debunk myths and teach us that we are both individuals with many characteristics.
  • It doesn’t mean that you have a certain society that destroys all societies. Similarly, a belief is a set of beliefs that do not really seek to actively compete with those who hold that belief. This allows you to see past limited views that contribute to confrontation and social problems.
  • This brings us closer to talking about our problems. Problems such as malnutrition, hunger and disease are among the most prevalent in some countries. Schools demonstrate that through our coexistence these problems will be easily solved and the world will be healthier for everyone. The context and culture of different cultures can be explored through education. We will learn to work with them by learning.

Vocal and reliable

When you understand information, it’s easier to talk to others. His feelings and suggestions became clearer. It affects people and the culture also develops accordingly.

Learning new things makes people remember what surrounds them. You won’t fully grasp what’s around you until you think about it.

  • In the same way, the study of other sciences and social principles teaches a person. A knowledgeable citizen is more confident in his relationships. He understands what these factors influence, what can be improved to change it. We must learn to deal with it and act, because we cannot personally influence it.
  • This strengthens the person’s voice in his experience and he is more optimistic that his time at school will inspire him. The more you dedicate to understanding something, the more adept you are at that topic. You will talk to the people around you with more ease and confidence. This encourages a person to raise his voice in society and in his own interests.


Importance of school in our life Life without friends is not complete. School can be the best place to make friends with what you love the most. When you grow up like other people, you have fun memories and activities. These friends support you in solving your life problems. If you find it difficult to solve a problem on your own, friends will make it easier.

  • You come out of your shell and do things. It’s still nice to travel with friends to different places; the school gives students friends and planned trips. This helps break the daily cycle and evaluate the business during those visits.
  • Friends help you solve life’s problems. Later, you even get to know each other at school and university, but in childhood, comrades also predominate. The hostile climate makes it difficult for students to maintain friendships at college and university.
  • On the other hand, classmates do not have any problems, so they are more united and healthy. Students encourage you to create your own improved edition.
  • Coordinator of student and community life for most people. It shows them how everything works around them. When you tell them about the differences and similarities between people, you are learning how to speak in a community. In the field of education, one learns to speak and understand the problems that a culture faces.
  • School helps a person to read and understand different things in life. You learn to communicate with other people. Schools often demonstrate that the universe is vast in scale beyond the horizon.


When the school is important, the school guarantees a bright future for children. It offers the knowledge to create your own life as well as to support those around you.

Do our children need a school? / Habr

For most of us, the school exists only in memories, so we do not often think about it as a public institution, its meaning and goals in the modern world. Many perceive it as a given, an integral part of life. But is it so now?

It is worth starting the story with the origin of the phenomenon. Humanity has long sought to transfer knowledge to the next generations. The most ancient method, oral transmission, has well-known shortcomings, such as the effect of a broken telephone, physical limitations in volume. In this scheme, the brain acts as a “flash drive”. It is loaded with all the knowledge of the population, in the hope that at the right moment a person will remember and isolate the specifically necessary ones. The appearance of books, ancient clay tablets of Mesopotamia, papyri and parchments of the Mediterranean, did not change the situation much. They were expensive (especially good parchment) and accessible to a limited part of the population. There was a pattern, one book – one copy. Copying a copy was an incredibly long and labor-intensive task. Why, of all the books of the Ancient World, only the Code of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible and a stack of Greek poems have come down to us? Because only they bothered to duplicate in sufficient quantities, and all the other books that existed then, for the most part, were lost.

In the Middle Ages, the ability to read and write was considered the prerogative of monks, and books were accordingly kept and copied in monasteries. Even many kings could not read. Here we come close to the emergence of the modern school. Yes, do not be surprised, the school, and then the university, arose in the Middle Ages precisely as parochial institutions. They almost did not differ from modern ones, the same lecturer-teacher in the center, and around him behind the benches students-pupils sat and listened. There could be no other form of education when access to books is limited and every book is a treasure. It was physically impossible to give all students a book. The lecturer-teacher naturally acted as a layer between all the books he read and the students, actually retelling the book aloud. Naturally, the students had to load all this into themselves by heart, because in their later life, access to books might not have been foreseen. That is why a “good education” was so valued.

Everything changed radically with the invention of printing. It democratized the transmission of knowledge and made books available to anyone who could read. The very first series of printed bibles was enough to unleash religious wars throughout Europe in the 16th century. After the collapse of the monopoly of the Catholic Church, the school came under the wing of the state, where illiterate children from the lower strata of the population were taught to read and write for free. Why such generosity on the part of the authorities? After all, teaching to read with one hand, with the other, they continuously persecuted and forbade reading either the Bible, or the writings of freethinkers, or Protestants, or supporters of free trade, or scientists, depending on the mood and views of those in power at a particular moment. The answer lies in the concept of “you can not win – lead.” Students are not only given basic knowledge of counting and writing, but also indoctrinated the way of behavior in society, redefined concepts of good and evil. You don’t have to look far for examples, take and look through any social studies textbook (mandatory subject). There you can learn a lot of things that will surprise many of us, for example, that children are instilled which political system is better than others, that the economy supposedly should depend on the state, “Our Motherland is a democratic and modern country.” It comes down to obvious sympathy for specific persons of modern politics “Accelerated economic growth is observed with the coming to power of N.”

I would like to draw your attention here to the very term “education”. In Russian, this is a derivative of the word “image” and literally means “to form according to something”, “to put an image [into a person]”, and “to bring [a person] into line with an image”. I leave the question open, what kind of image is this and who benefits from it? The very thinking of our children and future generations depends on the answer. With what people and in what country we will live. Education opens up endless possibilities for manipulating the gullible mind of a child.

If the advent of printing democratized the transfer of knowledge thousands of times, then the advent of the Internet – many millions of times. The situation when one physical device has access to almost all texts known to mankind, and moreover to video materials, sharply raises the question of the very need for schools with renewed vigor. In most schools, the teacher retells what is already publicly available in the textbook, and the students rewrite his words. Just like in the Middle Ages. The “teacher-remembering listeners” scheme is obsolete and looks in our time like the last sailing ships looked like in the era of steamships.

The world has changed and the Internet has become a part of life, just like electricity used to be. We do not worry that the Internet will disappear at the same time for everyone, that all servers will fail at once. There is no longer a need to turn your brain into a flash drive for useless information on the principle of “maybe it will come in handy in the future.” Any book, any textbook can be read safely and for free on the Internet. Any knowledge can be obtained instantly upon request in Google. Even for professional developers, climbing Stackoverflow is completely normal. You just need to know the basic things and be able to read. All monotonous homework has completely lost its meaning in our time. The Internet provides a choice of knowledge, of a much better quality than the teacher says. YouTube is full of videos where the teacher talks nonsense and gag, and when the student finds the correct answer on the Internet, he starts to shut his mouth and take away the phone. This situation is not normal and we should not tolerate the relics of the past.

Why, in the modern world, keep our children for so unreasonably long, five hours a day, for eleven years in a row, in an institution that looks remarkably like a prison and force them to memorize strange and often useless things? Forced to stand up, stretched out in front of a teacher, a person who did not manage to enter anywhere except the Pedagogical Institute? The well-known saying “no mind – go to the ped” was born for a reason, but because pedagogical universities have always had the lowest passing score. An enclosed space where children are forcibly placed and held, sitting hunched over in an unnatural position behind narrow desks – the worst approach to education one can imagine. Of course, in violent institutions such as schools (or the army) there have always been and will continue to be informal hierarchies of “leaders” gaining rankings among their peers by oppressing those who fail to suck up or fight back. The school brings up doubly pathological conformists, who are accustomed to endure the oppression of both teachers and peers. Such people cannot grow up free, and the people who send their children to schools will never be free!

I’m not advising you to give up formal education for your children, but it’s definitely worth considering other options than school. For example, over home education, after which the child receives exactly the same certificate. Anticipating comments about the need for socialization, I will note in advance that the sports section + hobby groups will help here much better than sitting your child with a randomly selected set of children, among which there will be outright gopota. The attitude will always be friendlier where there is a common goal and desire than where there is only coercion from the common. Among the compromise options are private schools with a client-oriented approach, and individual tutors. And may forced schools be a thing of the past, just as the twelve-hour day, slavery, and child labor are gone. Once having learned to read, each person chooses what exactly he is interested in. Based on this, he can build his life without imposed prejudices.

School is a dull and stupid occupation in 2022. Is this true or not?


Hello, ladies and gentlemen, today I want to talk about school education in Russia and why it is bad. It won’t be easy, but I’ll try. At first I wanted to shove research into the article, all sorts of ratings, but then I realized that the same PISA estimates were somewhat behind the reality.

Many students think that school is useless crap. Many adults, years later, recognize the rightness of schoolchildren, others begin to “defend” education, believing that the school gave them something.

I’ll point it out right away: I don’t think the school is worth guano, it was definitely useful, but at the same time it was possible to get more useful knowledge. I declare responsibly: the school is seriously behind the times and does not correspond to current realities.

1 Why primary and secondary schools are useless in their current state

1.1 Let’s start with history

1.2 School subjects

1.3 We were stuffed with useless knowledge!

1.4 School delivery problems

1.5 Funding

1.6 Lack of development

2 Criticize – suggest

3 Finally

Why elementary and secondary schools are useless in their current state

I tell you right away: the problem is global. The US authorities, for example, have acknowledged that their primary education is stagnating and serious reforms are needed. The authorities of Sweden and even Finland, which, by the way, consider primary and secondary education to be one of the best in the world, are also seriously considering how to improve it and make it more useful.

In Russia they yell about the best school education, although they don’t actually teach anything useful.

Loud statement? Let’s justify our point of view.

Let’s start with history

In general, almost all European countries at the beginning of the 20th century experienced similar processes. The current Russian school education originated at the beginning of the last century. For example, the prototype of modern education in the USSR appeared only in 1919 on the basis of a parochial school, respectively, inherited all the problems of that learning process. In Europe and the USA, the processes of origin were similar.

But let’s talk about Russia. The USSR finalized schools and managed to make a single standard for everyone only in 1934. And, by the way, the USSR was one of the first to bring school education to that level.

It was then that the modern process of schooling was born.

Oh, those happy faces of schoolchildren! You can immediately see how much science loves to gnaw at the granite!

Yes, there were similar schools before, but they absolutely did not correspond to the industrial era, which did not allow saturating the markets with qualified specialists.

It was the reform of education that made the USSR from an agrarian country to one of the leading industrial ones.

And this, perhaps, was one of the most outstanding achievements of the USSR. Without exaggeration. They managed to create an education system that could saturate the country with excellent personnel and bring it to a competitive level with the world market, even getting ahead in some places.

Similar processes took place in Western countries. As a result, the market has become more efficient, more scientists have appeared, and the dynamics of human development has increased significantly.

The world has become postindustrial. Computer technology has come into play. Of course, some underestimate the advent of computing technology, but this was a revolution that made it possible not only to obtain data, but to analyze such huge arrays that no one could handle.

Yes, the emergence of computers has become a real revolution! Humanity’s step forward, and a huge step at that.

Supercomputer Cray-1

We got the opportunity to work with huge amounts of information, to conduct detailed analytics of more complex events.

The advent of the computer has become a revolution for all areas of science without exception. And since the invention of the first transistor, mankind has received a greater cumulative amount of knowledge than in the entire history of mankind before that. And now I speak without exaggeration.

But there is one problem: education for the industrial age.

School subjects

We had many subjects:

  • mathematics;

  • Russian;

  • literature;

  • physics;

  • chemistry;

  • geometry;

  • music;

  • fine arts;

  • life safety basics;

  • natural science developed into biology;

  • history;

  • social science.

In general, you will get tired of listing, but the fact remains that such a number of items does not make a person the owner of wide knowledge. It doesn’t get smarter either, because bare knowledge without practice is useless.

Our brain is like a computer. He has a short-term memory (something like a RAM), which perceives information “here and now”, and there is a long-term one, which remembers for a longer period (hard disk).

Our memory works in a peculiar way. To remember something for a long time, you need to constantly apply this something.

Conditionally learned to play the guitar for about six months, then quit for 3 years, as a result, it is easier for us to remember some things, but muscle memory, as well as some of the knowledge, has already gone. If you quit the game for 10 years, it will be even harder to restore skills.

With theoretical knowledge, things are even worse. Everything that we do not need in practice, the brain does not consider important information and “rubs” in order to make room for more important information.

Judging by research, our brain only holds the basis needed to quickly restore lost skills. For example, humanists, remember what quadratic functions are? What is an infinitely decreasing geometric progression? Well, let’s simplify: what is a geometric progression?

Mathematicians, what books of Tolstoy do we remember? What about criticism of Belinsky? What’s from history? Geography? Remember Social Science? What is the Lorentz Force?

Yes, someone will remember something, but the fact is that I didn’t need to know if crabs grow shells or not, and that was in biology class. I completely forgot about chemistry. And many other people, probably, too.

Our brain does not keep useless information in our heads. Like a hard drive, a limited amount of data can be crammed into the brain. That is why we do not have detailed memories of childhood, especially of an early age, for the same reason we forget everything that we do not use on an ongoing basis.

So far they are happy with the school

And now about the school program. It is insanely stretched, the first 2 classes are almost identical, a lot of repetition of the same materials. To be honest, the program of the first five classes can be easily reduced to 3, and the high school program can also be cut by a couple of years.

Yes, repetition is the mother of learning, this is how the school tries to consolidate knowledge.

The problem is that this knowledge, which the school stubbornly tries to hammer in, will fly out of the head after it. It is enough to go through the tops, to study what we will use on an ongoing basis:

  • Russian;

  • reading;

  • arithmetic.

Everything else is from the evil one. Of course, now fans will fly in to say that at school they are trying to develop skills as multifaceted as possible, to give the amount of information that will allow them to choose any profession in the future.

But no. Here I also have bad news: a lot of knowledge is given, but they do not differ in breadth. Rather, some directions take away time from schoolchildren for what they might like more.

Let’s face it: is there a philosophy at school? Maybe it will be more useful than literature? What about the economy? Why not study it? Wouldn’t psychology be more useful than biology? Why do we study exactly those subjects that are in the program, are they more useful than other sciences?

Sciences – a huge amount. And those subjects that are in the school curriculum, even from the point of view of practicality, do not look more useful than other areas. And the study of material that is useless for a student will not make him smarter, but rather instill a dislike for learning.

We were stuffed with useless knowledge!

The world has seriously changed. There is such a huge amount of knowledge and directions in it that it will not work to cover even a few inches. This completely devalues ​​school knowledge, because all subjects in it are required. And there is nothing to choose from.

Conditionally, the child loves mathematics, physics, chemistry. Biology does not rest against him at all, but he is forced to learn it. Or maybe he would like to take up the study of human physiology instead of biology?

Someone likes to read science fiction, but is forced to read Tolstoy. The third does not like work, but he has to go to it. Why does a person need to know how to use a planer? For example, I did not like sharpening something on the machine, nor did I like to make stools. But he loved woodcarving.

Such a system has become due to the fact that earlier it was simply unrealistic to get systematized knowledge somewhere other than school. There were no courses yet (at best, you could find some kind of circle), the Internet, and also accessible textbooks.

And they tried to shove everything and more into the students, because then they simply won’t be able to find the information.

Now almost any knowledge with comments, explanations and other things is in the public domain, respectively, the current format of education no longer has a sacred meaning.

Firstly, all lessons in the format of “lectures” can be reduced to a simple video recording, and questions can be asked later, in a practical lesson. And even prepare something like F.A.Q., where there will be answers to typical questions.

Secondly, children should be given the right to choose subjects. Make basic ones that instill vital skills, for example, the Russian language, which will be responsible for the development of language knowledge and reading skills, an initial mathematics course, which will provide an opportunity to obtain the level of mathematics necessary for everyday tasks. Social science at the level of superficial knowledge of the laws and regulations of the state. And also in parallel to conduct a career guidance course, which will explain how the modern economy works, what professions exist, what are the pros and cons of each direction.

And then you need to be able to choose a set of items that are interesting! That is, a separate block of subjects for those who decided to delve into the physics and mathematics direction, a separate block for those who decided to go into the humanities, for those who decided to go into medicine – the third block.

Typical smart guy

But now some smart guy will object: “What if the student makes the wrong choice? Suddenly he doesn’t like biology, he wants to go into mathematics. Or, on the contrary, will a mathematician decide to go into biology?

Eh, our whole life is a path of continuous mistakes. And the child should be given the right to change direction at any time. But he will have to deal with the consequences of his decision himself.

Would you like to study mathematics? Let him catch up with the program. It looks difficult, but in practice, this option is much easier than trying to shove all the game that is in the current program into the student.

Therefore, the program should be seriously reduced. Let’s first remove useless items: life safety, labor, physical education. I do not argue that in the OBZh they are taught to provide first aid, to wield a planer or something else at work, and phys-ra is useful for the body. These are good electives, but there is nothing to do in the school curriculum for such subjects.

Let’s add history here, because this is a very subjective subject, given that history is written only by the winners. Let’s leave it as an elective, that is, at will.

We are removing computer science, anyway, the level of teachers does not even correspond to the knowledge of modern schoolchildren. We also send fine arts, all kinds of Orthodoxy lessons there. And now we have already won 8-12 hours a week. In today’s world, these items are optional.

Remove repetitions from the program, change its feed! Oops! What am I talking about?

Problems of presentation of material at school

Only axioms around! The school curriculum teaches us to take everything on faith. For example, in Finland, schools have a simpler task: to teach them to think. At first, they don’t even give grades. As far as I remember, there are no grading systems until the 6th grade.

Our task is to cram a lot of information without even explaining where it came from, why it is so and not otherwise.

I remember asking at the lesson why it is impossible to divide by zero. I was really interested. In response, he received: “Because it is impossible!”.

Okay, okay, shut up!

I found the answer in books, popular science literature. But it was still a shame, because my question did not imply anything bad. Then I was really wondering why, when multiplied by zero, we get zero, and division is generally taboo!

When I was arguing with a teacher of literature that “classics” differs from modern literature in terms of level like a steam locomotive from a modern express train in terms of speed, then they sculpted me a delicious deuce.

Nobody cares about your opinion, you were given information without explaining any principles, learn it. It is not necessary to think, the party has thought for you.

In fact, this is the main problem of our education. It works according to the old principle: to cram as much as possible. Such an approach can improve erudition, but can it be made smarter? Unlikely.

No one in school teaches you to work with sources, analyze information, search for it. But the skills of information search and analytics are now much more important than just knowledge.

Times are different now, and schoolchildren have changed a lot. Some say that the school gives a breadth of views and skills, but the fact is that the amount of knowledge humanity has now is such that in 11 years of school you do not acquire even a tenth of the knowledge that is really needed for life. And from the general knowledge of mankind you do not get even a thousandth of a percent.

Let’s be honest, how fast can you learn something right now if you need to? I think a year or two.

And at school the program is deliberately stretched out, because it is built on hammering theoretical knowledge into the head. And a person, with rare exceptions, remembers only in practice. That is, in order to study mathematics, it must be applied, but not in the abstract, in the style of “Vasya has 5 apples, Petya has 3”, but on specific tasks. Show the brain that the knowledge gained is applied and useful in life.

In fact, now it is worth giving work, and in the process of its implementation, help with theory. That is, to teach the basics of different professions. For example, by studying programming, you can pull up mathematics well, and you can also pull up mathematics by performing tasks related to the economy.

In this way one can learn any profession. For example, to give a child a try in journalism, which will teach the Russian language.

In terms of literature: read what you want. Despite the fact that I myself have read at least 1,500 books, most likely even noticeably more, I do not consider literature to be a wildly useful subject. It’s very individual. Some people like poetry, some like prose, some like fantasy, others like satire.

Literature is a separate topic altogether. Ours, as well as foreign classics, write for the most part for those people who have already managed to “feel” life. Schoolchildren are not interested in Tolstoy or Gogol. They still do not understand what is happening on the pages of their books.

In addition to school subjects, there are a lot of other interesting areas that develop no worse than school, and give no less benefits.

Modern education requires serious updating. Especially in terms of the presentation of the material. After all, what is the use of knowledge that is not kept in the head? How was Kievan Rus formed? What processes led to its formation, what were the prerequisites?

I think only a person who is interested in history can answer these questions. And if you liked to mount electrical appliances more?

The fact of the matter is that knowledge is acquired more efficiently when it is of interest to a specific person. I don’t like sushi or rolls and I can’t appreciate all the delights of Japanese cuisine, but I really like kebabs and shawarma.

Also with knowledge, you need to give a basis + according to interests. Schoolchildren should not be stuffed against their will with literature, geography, biology, etc.

Necessary knowledge + interest club is much more effective. Yes, it’s harder to organise, harder to track, but it will produce a better and more educated generation.

And now about the nuances.


Our market is not saturated with good teachers, because there are simply no people willing to work for food. Teaching is a difficult job, and incredibly difficult. You know, I remember back on Teacher’s Day, when we, high school students, were assigned to teach children from elementary grades, we began to understand that school is Hell not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers.

The only way that helped to calm down a junior school student was when he came up and said that after school I would catch and beat him. But, you know, that’s not how things work.

It is frankly boring for schoolchildren to sit half a day at school, for children with perseverance it is very bad, and they prefer to receive knowledge in a playful way. Listening to the mournful speech of the teacher is akin to torture.

Where will teachers come from who will be absorbed in the thought of work, the desire to go to it, when all the thoughts are that they are already tired of checking the same type of homework, and also that in the middle of the month there will be nothing to feed themselves, children and a cat .

Okay, the salaries of teachers in Moscow are still normal in some places, in the Moscow Region they are noticeably worse, in the regions they are deplorable.

Teachers have to work in several shifts, in addition to lessons, extra-curricular activities, home inspections, they also have to fill out a bunch of papers and reports. In fact, teachers only have time to work and get a little sleep.

And if earlier I hated the evil teachers who completely discouraged me from studying.

Sit down, two!

Now I understand them. Yes, it used to be that they put two only because I have bad handwriting, accompanying this deuce with the phrase: “But before we wrote with a pen, you can’t even use a pen!”.

Now I take a pen in hand only if I need to sign. Calligraphy and calligraphy became unnecessary rudiments. I think paper will die out very soon.

Yes, I got a bad mark if I couldn’t figure out how to solve a problem right away. And the teachers, who simply weighed me in two ways, completely repulsed the desire to learn. Why waste time, learn something, if for any mistake you get two, and then, by the end of the quarter, you will be extended to three, so as not to spoil the reporting?

Yes, it was not a gift, absurd, restless, asking uncomfortable questions. I was avenged for this by lowering my grades. For example, for two mistakes in an essay I got a troiban, an excellent student – 4.

I used to hate my teachers for this, now I understand that they had neither the physical nor the moral strength to look for an approach to the students. And any schoolchild who cannot sit still was a curse for them, which they tried to calm down by any available means.

Many schoolchildren have the same problem now. They are bored, boring. Teachers who live on a penny are already morally burnt out and are not ready to teach in an interesting way.

For example, we had a wonderful historian. He spoke about all historical events in such a way that everyone listened without exception. He deliberately incited controversy, started discussions, forced to look at historical events from different points of view.

And everyone was interested. Unfortunately, he was the exception to the rule. I went to him on the subject with pleasure. Many others had to force myself to go.

Boring program, boring teachers, lots of useless items. All this is intertwined in the fact that for schoolchildren the educational process seems to be the most dull event in their life.

And teachers welcome only perseverance, diligence, so that they eat what they give. An interesting educational process is a problem that forces not just to retell the textbook, but to strain the convolutions, argue, convince, explain. And the tired and impoverished people, in fact, had no strength left.

Calling, but I also want to live normally!

In principle, the distinguished Prime Minister has already explained about the vocation. But the fact is that the vocation to “teach” is not only not normally paid, but also has little to do with studying now.

Teachers have other problems: reports, keeping electronic diaries, useless papers. The educational process has not been of interest to anyone for a long time, respectively, less and less forces are being put into it.

To be honest, in a poorly paid job, even a very interesting one, you burn out very quickly, because other everyday problems fall on you, eating up all your moral strength.

So, teachers, forgive me for those rays of hatred that I used to send. I didn’t have enough life experience to understand you, to sit quietly and enjoy even the crumbs of information that you give.

The current system is unable to teach effectively. Not only is there no individual approach, without which it is difficult to teach children anything, there are not even specialists who can turn the current educational process into an interesting event.

Lack of development

School education should change dramatically, but what do we see? The whole educational process turned into training:

I got into this rubbish when it was still an experiment (I really wanted to write another word, consonant). Yes, there were controls, sometimes there were tests. But not so often. In fact, all this was a test of knowledge …

… But the situation took on a funny twist. Children, instead of accumulating and accumulating knowledge, began to prepare simply for tests and controls. Everything accumulated splashed out on them, and then flew out of their heads completely.

And the same with the Unified State Examination and the OGE. I don’t really remember the school curriculum anymore. It didn’t work for me for the most part. And most of my friends too.

So these tests, which are mandatory for admission to any higher educational institution, do not reflect any real knowledge.

They are also conducted in such a way that the student experiences real stress. Let’s put it this way, the exam looks like this:

Well, the differences are minimal

Everything is under supervision, there are cameras everywhere, a step to the left, a step to the right – execution. Go to the toilet only under supervision. Personal items and smartphones are prohibited.

I think many people imagine how stressful the situation will be for a student.

The most important thing is that after the exam everything flies out of your head, completely, because the brain does not like to keep useless data and prefers to throw it out of your head. In less than a couple of years, most of what you stubbornly studied for 11 years will disappear completely. Do you feel the smell of wasted time?

You will be able to quickly remember something if necessary, and you can return other things only by re-studying almost from scratch. But most of it will still be unnecessary. And the gaps will have to be filled in adulthood.

If you criticize – offer

To be honest, many bright minds of mankind are now struggling with the reform of education. They consider an individual approach to be the most effective: to teach a person what he is personally interested in, the format of educational institutions is considered the best option to replace it with distance learning, which will allow you to receive any lessons from teachers that you like more. And to confirm knowledge with the help of intermediate tests.

There are even those who believe that it is worth confirming only the necessary knowledge, leaving the rest as an elective and periodically communicating with the student in order to simply find out what he has studied and what knowledge he has received.

Yes, adherents of Soviet education, which “provides an incredible breadth of knowledge, as well as extremely useful information,” of course, will not agree that most of the useless program should be reduced to the basis and given only what a person needs, and the rest should be provided by interest.

For example, it is very important to know where the Neva or Volga flows into.

I wonder if they manage to fill vacancies with normal specialists?

Yes, I know where these rivers flow, but does that knowledge make me a surveyor? Smart? In fact, only erudite. But even without these rivers, I have a lot of useless information in my head.

Some comrades can even carry a complete blizzard.

Fortunately, there is someone to besiege such clever people

Secondary and higher education have different goals. It’s just that now universities have begun to gradually throw garbage out of the program. For example, why would an engineer need a history lesson? Okay, let’s leave it for later, higher education is better considered as part of a separate material.

In pursuit!

And now let’s talk about the current state of primary and secondary education. Let’s start from the beginning.

It should give a general idea of ​​the world. That is, at this stage we begin to acquire the skills necessary for life, a little mathematics, a little languages, and attention should also be paid to the social structure, to explain what work is and why the world works this way. We get only the basis.

Secondary education should already provide more information about the world around, taking into account the interests of the student. Is your soul for music? We are preparing for it. Do you like basic sciences? Go ahead with the song.

Let’s be honest, we learned a lot at school. Both biology and computer science. What difference does it make if, instead of wasting time on this nonsense, you would devote more time to programming or philosophy, which you loved very much as a child?

You put yourself in a class for self-development, and let the student choose what to teach. More benefits, at the same time and interest will appear. Will you not study? If the child does not want to study, then it will not be so.

The format of “schools” is already outdated, for each subject it is necessary to allocate a course that the student can choose himself and pass at the speed with which he is comfortable. Somewhere there will be plugs, somewhere, on the contrary, it will grab faster.

All information should be publicly available, for example, school materials, where the teacher explains something, and can consult at the time appointed by the teacher, respectively, ask questions, receive answers, and also see what questions other students ask.

Along the way, introduce milestone controls, on which the student will be able to confirm that he studied, passed this course.

And now the most important thing: practice. Knowledge without practice is nothing! Most people still know arithmetic only because they are forced to calculate on their own. But I doubt that the majority is now able to even extract the discriminant.

Therefore, we fix any knowledge in practice. Concrete work. For example, does a child want to become a programmer? Let him write an engineering calculator that will calculate formulas automatically? Planning to become an engineer? Let him choose the right material for the bike frame.

You can come up with practical tasks that will not require too deep knowledge, but on a concrete example they will demonstrate that knowledge is useful.

Many students are tormented by the question “why am I studying this?”. Practice will clearly demonstrate why this process was started. And teach the child to work together.

What if they want to become farmers?

Obviously, Watson!

The whole school curriculum without practice is useless. You can lie about the breadth of knowledge, incredible erudition, etc. to me. Do not lie to yourself, only practice gives skills. And the child will remember this matter much better. And working on something will be much more interesting than just wiping a chair.

Yes, I am not an expert in this field, but I have seen for myself that practice allows you to learn knowledge faster and better than theory. And some researchers claim the same.

Children should not be punished for their mistakes. They learn from mistakes, they should not be afraid, on the contrary, let them admit it, and then, when you normally and humanly explain why a mistake was made and how to “prevent” it, the child will remember an order of magnitude better than if he is afraid to make a mistake, so as not catch a deuce in the diary.

And lastly: completion of secondary education. We do not value secondary specialized education, proud guys with useless university diplomas proudly turn up their noses and call the guys birdies.

In fact, most people with towers are employed in professions where a tower is not really needed. Does a sales manager need a tower? What about low power electrician? Or without 6 years of university you will not be able to learn elementary safety rules and Ohm’s law?

Precisely because we need a tower for any sneeze, and even the last fool who simply visits couples and brings in anyone who needs it can get an education, higher education has depreciated and McDonald’s is oversaturated with “specialists” with honors.

But I like the approach with the lyceums, which are starting to prepare a specialist. This approach, for example, is practiced in Finland, where education is considered one of the best.

In our country secondary specialized education is not valued, but in Europe, for example, most people prefer to receive it, because it hurt both for higher education and allows you to immediately start working in a certain specialty.

Finns also prefer lyceums, as you immediately prepare for the specialty that you plan to do.

Conditionally, we have a civil engineer. This is a specialist with higher education, who is engaged in large-scale work: supervision, design. But there is a position even younger: a construction technician who manages the team directly, for this a secondary specialized education is enough.

It is much more efficient not to prepare for the Unified State Examination in grades 10-11, but to study as a civil engineer, gain a couple of years of work experience, and then go to a civil engineer. This is how normal education is built, it allows you not to waste time, but to master real activities, without wasting time on nonsense and a set of useless erudition.

Knowledge without practice is nothing. And from an early age, it is worth inducing children to practice, because in the process of solving applied problems they will gain more knowledge and remember everything better.

Cut down the redundant, optimize learning, providing knowledge not for erudition, but for practical application, focus on practice. This will greatly improve the quality of education.

You will need erudition only if you decide to go to perform on the show “What? Where? When?”. In other cases, there is little benefit from it.

The current school is hell, boring and useless. And it’s time to admit that our education is in stagnation, and schoolchildren will call the current level of education crap. Approximately 5 out of 11 years are wasted, and after leaving school, a huge number of gaps in knowledge and absolute unsuitability for the outside world are revealed.

I’ll be honest: from school, only mathematics and Russian were useful to me. I acquired all the necessary skills for work in adult life, being engaged in self-study. That’s all there is to know.

This needs to be changed. Schools are no longer able to provide quality education. They must change. In fact, they should have been a long time ago.


Yes, the current level of education can be called low and even useless, because it is based on a rudimentary approach, practically does not teach you to think independently, and also has no practical basis.

School tasks, which are nowhere more abstract, do not allow children to feel the benefits of the process, and such lessons as work, physical education are not needed at all. The world has changed, but education is left over from the industrial age.

Calling the school useless shit, hell, nonsense, of course, is not worth it. So far, this is the best option we have. People have not yet made a worthy mass alternative due to the fact that there are brakes in power who are not ready to carry out not just a reform, but a revolution in education.

So, the changes will be gradual, but for now, children will have to learn useful and really necessary skills in adulthood, when there will be no heaps of homework, stupid lessons.

You know, it seems to me that explaining to a child what a loan or mortgage is, as well as about the labor market, will be much more useful than a course in biology or inorganic chemistry.

On this I say goodbye to you, I wish you success and a decent education!

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Training, society

Why nothing? ”, Andrey Shalaev-liters

© Andrey Shalaev, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0055-6304-0

created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

is dedicated to my loving wife Svetlana, as well as my children Nastya, Danila, Leo


Son : “Mom, I do not want to go to school …”

9064 0656 : “Son, how is it? You are the principal”

I never liked our school. Ours is any ordinary general education school. The one you can see from the window.

I studied in the 70s. I had no problems with academic performance, as well as the pleasure of the learning process. It is all the more surprising that after some time I became a teacher. It was in the same school in which he once studied himself. Understanding came later: I did not agree that studying at school is uninteresting and useless for most children. And I wanted to change it.

Ten years of my practice in a public school fell on the 90s. I had a chance to work in several – and not only teach, but also manage, and generally start two new schools from scratch. Searches and experiments yielded no results. It was not possible to come up with a new school that would become a beloved and useful home for every student and every teacher, in which one would like to study and work oneself. I had to leave the practice at the public school. But not searching…

Observations show that all the changes in mass school did not make it better. The school continues to degrade, and pedagogical science no longer hides its impotence. Continuing our own search for the best school, observing, researching and conducting experiments, together with a team of like-minded people, we have accumulated enough practical experience. Its development and mass application can radically change the situation and solve all the problems of the school without creating new ones.

It’s time to talk about it. That is why this book was born. It contains twenty-three short essays, the sequential reading of which reveals the essence of the proposed changes.

Who is this book for? First of all, for teachers and school leaders. Our educational system is still holding on – thanks to tradition. They help her to survive, but they do not save her from falling into the abyss, much less allow her to develop. Changes are needed, and another teacher is needed. Most teachers work at school the way they were taught at the university. Without getting a result, they invent something of their own or copy the successful experience of their colleagues. The goal is to make every student successful. Does not work. And the further you go, the less it gets.

It wasn’t my idea that if we don’t change anything, then we’ll get what we always got. This book offers a completely different concept of the school teacher, which, in my opinion, is the salvation for our school. I want teachers, while reading this book, to try on a new hypostasis and admit the thought that they still have to change. Maybe not as written in the book, but without changing the role of the teacher, the school cannot be saved.

This book is also for parents of schoolchildren. The increased conflicts of parents with the school do not help the children and the entire educational process. Their reason is still in the same imperfection of our school. In the book, this imperfection is considered in detail: it becomes obvious that the teacher is not the enemy of the child, that the teacher plays on the same team with schoolchildren and their parents. It is only necessary to change the emphasis in the organization of the learning process in order to always achieve harmony and the expected result. I want parents to read this book and learn to see the teacher as a friend.

This book is also for students and future applicants of pedagogical universities, who tomorrow will replace today’s teachers. Studying classical pedagogy and traditional didactics, it will not be out of place for them to tune their minds to a free from any templates, perhaps an alternative and even radical vision of the future of school education.

This book is also for those who design, shape and standardize the very future of school education. The thoughts, ideas and arguments presented here are simple, easy to understand and apply. And simplicity has always been the first sign of the right decision.

I wish you useful reading!


General education

From school works :

“Sons came to know it”

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9000, we all would like to have. Then describe what we actually have. It can be vice versa. The main thing is to see the difference, because it is with it that you need to work, it will have to be eliminated.

First, let’s define what a comprehensive school is.

It is clear that a school is an educational institution or an institution for general education. The question is what to call general education. From this, not only its content will be built, but also the structure of the entire work of the school.

Let’s start from the global goal of education – the preservation of civilization through the transfer of accumulated experience to a new generation.

There are several meanings for the word “education” in the explanatory dictionary. We will be primarily interested in education as a learning , process acquiring knowledge about something and the ability to apply this knowledge. Considering education in this definition, we answer the question “HOW to teach?”. (The word “teach” is not quite suitable for us, but let’s leave it for now).

In the second definition, “education” is presented as a set of knowledge and skills acquired as a result of training. In this meaning of the word, we will look for the answer to the question “WHAT to teach?”.

Of the two questions, “HOW to teach?” and “WHAT to teach?”, the question “How?” is the first not by chance. He’s in charge here. For if we do not answer question is like , then what’s the difference, what we don’t teach?

Now let’s clarify what kind of education we will consider general.

General education is interpreted by the dictionary as education not limited to any specialization. General education gives the student knowledge of the basic sciences about nature, society, man; understanding of the basic patterns of the surrounding world. Forms a worldview, develops cognitive abilities, develops the necessary for each person learning skills and practical skills for continuing education.

A product of general education – willingness to make a conscious choice of profession and receive professional education in order to actively participate in the life of society.

If we look at other meanings of the word “general”, then we can somewhat expand the understanding of the term “general education”.

Meaning “ covering all, covering all; mandatory “also applies to school education and is even enshrined in federal law.

Or another one: “ same, same, same ”. Again, about school education, because the world around us can, of course, be perceived differently by different people, but it is the same for everyone, and all the differences are only in perception. This is the meaning of the word “general”, on which the country’s unified school educational space is based today.

But the most capacious and interesting meaning of the word “general” in relation to education is “ uniting all, many “. This is the philosophy of general education. And here it is impossible not to see a deep meaning in the coincidence of the words GENERAL and SOCIETY. General education is also general because it makes us society . To live together and understand each other, we must have something in common, the same for everyone. What unites us, starting from what, we can build COMMUNICATION (another meaning) and achieve UNDERSTANDING through communication. We have always been and will be different, but for peaceful coexistence there must be at least something that we all agreed on.

With regard to school, there is one more, third question: “WHO to teach?”. And it’s not funny.

Here and below we will talk about the mass school, that is, public school, intended if not for everyone, then for the absolute majority. This means that children with a wide variety of abilities and abilities will study nearby in a mass school – from children with special educational needs to gifted ones. Our answer to the question of who to teach in a mass school has already been found – EVERYONE.

This answer does not deny special schools for especially gifted children and for children with disabilities. It’s just that in special schools there may be other answers to questions, how to teach and what to teach . Let’s deal with the majority first.


Expected result

From school essays : “It was quiet all around, as if everyone had died out … What a beauty!”

School is something that each of us encounters in our lives, and more than once. And this is what has a significant role in everyone’s life. When systemic problems arise in a public school, they worry everyone. Or almost everyone.

I have been following publications and speeches on the topic of school education for a long time. Most posts and channels on the Internet about the problems of the modern school, especially comments on them, at best “let off steam”. It seems that this is their only use. The summary of most publications is as follows:

“Everything is bad!!!”

“Officers are to blame (ministers, directors, teachers, parents, children, liberals, …)”

“Aaah, we’re all going to die!” or: “Well, when, finally?!”

In the comments, the following is often added:

“The fool himself.

In professional communities, the topic of school reform is also drowning in an ocean of emotions. The authors and participants in the discussions do not bother to take responsibility for school education and propose or do something. It is not surprising when even pedagogical science signs for impotence. A couple of years ago, in the TV show “Meanwhile” on the “Culture” channel, they talked about the problem of low motivation of schoolchildren to study. Two academicians of the Russian Academy of Education and a professor at the Moscow State Pedagogical University announced to the whole country: “As for the motivation for learning in the conditions of a mass school, the answer was not found anywhere. This is an open question, we don’t know what to do about it. Nobody knows what to do with it.” Like this…

I am glad that there are still alive, coming from the main meanings of the publication on the topic of the modern school. For example, Dima Zitser’s book “(not) Why (not) go to school?”. There are four questions in the title at once to answer one main question – what should the school be like?

A wonderful book. For the most part, its content should not become a revelation for teachers, it is kind of like an introduction to the profession. But I would still recommend it to school teachers, because it inspires, restores the significance of the profession and allows you to look at the educational process (especially in terms of relationships with a child) in a new, more sensible way. Separately, I note the language of presentation – real Russian, understandable and native. For parents of toddlers and schoolchildren, this book by Dima is just a godsend. And for me, something else is important in it.

Attempts to establish a mass school have been made actively since the end of the last century. And all innovations come down to changing the education system without changing anything, but only supplementing. Dima is already good in that he proposes to revise the dogmas for their compliance with reality. It’s like in physics: when the results of new observations do not agree with the classical theory, it is useless to introduce correction factors. If a theory has ceased to work in new conditions, another one is needed. And our theorists in pedagogy shrug their shoulders: “We don’t know what to do with it.” As a result, officials run the show in schools. There is nothing wrong with this, except for the result.

In fairness, it should be noted that the crisis in education is worldwide. And Russia is far from the last place here. However, this is not a reason to be proud. Knowing how things are with us, it is worth worrying about the future of all mankind. And not so much to worry as to get together, unite and, rolling up your sleeves, finally clear out these Augean stables.

In fact, today’s mass school has only one problem – the school does not give the expected result. And that’s all that’s wrong with the school. To solve the school problem, you need:

1) pinpoint this most expected result;

2) remove obstacles and apply tools to ensure that each school achieves this result.

Let’s start with the first one. Let’s describe what we expect from an ideal public school:

Every student achieves success in the school.

Tutors are not in demand, the school copes completely.

Homework is not practiced, all work is done at school.

Evaluation of the student by the teacher is prohibited.

Each student is engaged in an individual trajectory.

The level of education of a schoolchild is determined not by the number of years he spent in school, but by the number and depth of subjects mastered by him during this time.

The educational process is fully equipped with the necessary materials and tools, the teacher does not make anything, does not compose or buy anything for the lesson.

The work of a teacher is measured by the success of the students and nothing else.

The teacher has a good salary and does not need part-time jobs.

The authority of a school teacher in society is generally recognized to be high, only the best are allowed into the profession.

The participation of parents in the school education of the child is reduced to “feed and clothe”, organize a healthy life and good rest.

The best school is the one next to your home.

This list is already enough to completely solve all the problems of school education and upbringing of children.

It’s up to the small thing – to honestly look at what we have today.


“Unlearned” schoolchildren

Son : “Mom, are we going to the sea this year?”

Mom : “Your tutors will go to the sea this year, dunce!”

It is not necessary to be a specialist in pedagogy or work in a school, it is enough to have a schoolchild and look through the Zen tape to understand that everything is not going well at school today. In a mass secondary school.

If there is some upward movement with the construction, repair and re-equipment of public schools, then with the results of schooling it is a complete disaster. The majority of mass school students do not master the content of education and graduate unprepared to make our lives better. A significant part of the remaining schoolchildren are trying to compensate for the costs of the school with the money of their parents in the army of tutors.

The latter appeared and have been multiplying since more than half of the students SUDDENLY stopped “doing well” in school. To tell the truth, they did not achieve success in their studies before, only no one diligently noticed this. The substitution of concepts helped: success replaced with academic performance , and success is not needed for academic performance, just a “three” is enough. And if you are a convenient student, then the teacher will always find something to put a C grade on. From here came “three we write – two in the mind.” The teachers understood everything, but such a betrayal suited everyone.

The “Scam of the Century” came to light with the advent of the GIA. Nobody wanted to be extreme. A confrontation arose in society: teachers became bad for everyone, in response, the category of “unteachable” schoolchildren appeared.

Some time ago, I had a serious quarrel with a venerable school principal. With a tenacity worthy of another application, he convinced me that not all schoolchildren can be taught anything, that there are “unteachable”. As the main argument, a rich personal experience of pedagogical and managerial work at school was put forward. I insisted that any child admitted to school can and should be successful in learning. It didn’t come to a fight then (there weren’t those times, and it’s somehow non-pedagogical), but everyone remained with his own.

I think there are few practicing teachers today who would support me in this dispute. Many, from the teacher to the Minister of Education, have come to believe that it is impossible to teach everyone and everyone, that there are children who cannot be taught. A convenient position – you can make parents responsible for their children’s school problems: “Either force your children to study, or teach them yourself. And we will teach only those who want and who are able.”

The idea of ​​the existence of “unteachable” schoolchildren explains (and in fact justifies) the lack of results of schooling. More precisely, he tries to justify it, because it does not correspond to reality.

The same teacher, when he “puts on the cloak” of a tutor after working at school, he also deals with “unteachable” schoolchildren (“a trained” tutor is not needed). And he succeeds one on one! So the student is not here. This means that the teacher and the school cannot teach him when he works in a lesson as part of a class. Therefore, the problem is in the school, in the methods used by it.

Domestic pedagogical science agrees with this. Despite their unwillingness today to offer a solution to school problems, scientists openly recognize “unteachable” schoolchildren as a “pedagogical marriage”.

I wouldn’t blame teachers for this marriage. Teachers are also hostages of our school education system, which has never guaranteed the success of every student. And there has always been tutoring, only more often it was group tutoring and was called “additional lessons.” Parents did not pay for these lessons, the school did not pay either. The teachers were extreme. But then both parents and the state treated teachers in a completely different way…

It is worth mentioning that despite the imperfection of the existing education system, almost every school has always had and still has teachers who are able to “pull” any student into ” solid three.” Exclusively on your charisma. They are held in high esteem, there is a queue for them, but there are very few of them, and they are not copied. This is the exception, not the solution.

A child’s learning disability and a student’s lack of motivation are two different but related problems. For every child who does not succeed in school, these two problems are present – together or separately. The schoolchild does not see them due to undeveloped consciousness, but the school sees, but does not know how to cope with them. And now he doesn’t know yet, when can cope with it and who should cope with it. Pedagogical science also has no answer, and this is not taught in pedagogical universities. What is the reason?

Every teacher, and even more so a scientist-teacher, was once a successful student. (If he had been unsuccessful, he would hardly have wanted and could have become a teacher). And a successful student is unaware of the problems that unsuccessful children face in learning. For the same reason, teachers of pedagogical universities do not know about these problems and university textbooks do not tell. Since the time of Jan Amos Comenius, there has been one answer – everything is the will of God. Isn’t it convenient? There is always someone to blame.

It’s time to stand up for God, he obviously has nothing to do with it…

Experienced teachers had the opportunity to observe that very often a lack of learning and a lack of motivation in a student are acquired precisely at school. A child comes to the first grade, as a rule, with a great desire to learn and does well. But then a strange thing happens: the student, to one degree or another, at one speed or another, begins to lose interest in learning and / or begins to “stupid”. What’s happening?

Today, one can often hear that the reason for the loss of motivation of students is the outdated content of education and its uselessness in the future life. Therefore, at school, you need to teach only what children are interested in and what can be applied right now, for example, robotics. This is the statement of dilettantes who in their time did not succeed in learning and therefore consider school subjects unnecessary. I will not dwell on the content of education now, we agreed to discuss it later. Let me just say that it is useless to “treat” the problem of schoolchildren’s motivation with computerization, robotics, projects, rearranging school furniture and other dances with a tambourine. All these measures are not able to influence the general educational motivation of the student. Let’s see why.

The main, if not the only, source of motivation is SUCCESS. Anyone who digs into their past and finds in their memory a situation of personal success can be convinced of this. Each failure to achieve success, on the contrary, reduces motivation.

The accumulated failures of the child in studies and in school communication with the voluntary or involuntary connivance of the teacher reduce the student’s motivation to zero. This does not happen immediately, but often happens already in elementary school. And when the teacher every time confirms the failure of the student with his assessment or mark, the motivation ends even faster.

Having lost motivation, the child begins to avoid learning. He gets distracted in class, tries not to be present at school whenever possible, and often gets sick. This does not pass without a trace – gaps in knowledge appear. And if these are gaps in basic knowledge, then further training becomes impossible. Here we come to unteachability.

Thus, schoolchildren’s lack of learning is the result of accumulated gaps in knowledge; gaps were the result of a loss of motivation to learn; motivation began to drop and decreased with each new failure in school. And this is the whole anatomy of learninglessness:


This is the pattern when loss of motivation and learning disability go hand in hand. This is the worst option.

There is a lack of learning without loss of motivation, when a child works hard, but is “dumb” all the time. The root of the problem is there, in the first failures, perhaps even before school. Only the child turned out to be purposeful.

Finally, a child can see an example when someone, having not once succeeded in school, is perfectly settled in life, and even manages others. This child also decides to drop out of school: why, if you can not bother. But even here, in order to make such a decision, it is necessary to have your own failures at school.

Failure is the root cause of all problems. You can’t let a student fail. And what to do when it comes to unteachability? There is only one option – to return to the beginning, find that first failure that started it all, and deal with it, and then deal with all the other failures in order. There is no other way to beat learninglessness or loss of motivation.

It happens that the loss of motivation is not associated with failures and does not lead to learning disabilities. Here the child’s interest in learning disappears because learning is too easy. There are gaps in knowledge, but they do not prevent the student from “intuitively” and understanding new material. Such a child lacks complexity, he needs to be loaded.

The feasible success of each student in each lesson is the main task of the teacher. Nothing new, everything according to Vygotsky: the child must work in the zone of proximal development. Only Lev Semyonovich did not write about the obligatory success of a student. As a matter of course.

Each new success creates a motivation that supports and nourishes the movement towards the next success and new motivation. The main thing is not to miss failures, not to agree with them, to bring any and each one to success, to get a new portion of motivation in order to move on – to the next success. This is the only way to build learning. It doesn’t work otherwise. I know this, we did it, a little later I will talk about it.

But how can a teacher apply such a scheme at school, in the classroom, and for EVERY student?


Why do we need a school today? | PSYCHOLOGIES



Psychologies: You are like a collector who has the most informal schools in the world in his collection. Why do you need this? What is the purpose?

Alexander Murashev: I put myself two main questions: why do we need a school now and what is a good teacher today. They may seem stupid and funny, but when I asked myself them, I realized: I have no answer. And the Russian education system, it seems to me, is even afraid to ask them. But these questions are inevitable.

I am 31 years old, and the second half of my life, that is, the last 15 years, I observe how quickly everything changes. As a teenager, I used to rewind tape with a pencil on audio cassettes and pray for the DJ to spell the name of the artist correctly, and now I have any song I want to listen to on my phone. At the university, I sent notes to girls through my neighbors, and now I exchange messages with them in instant messengers and can contact anyone. When I was a teenager, I hunted for information, and the school was positioned as a place where teachers share sacred knowledge with us.

Teenagers do not understand why they spend long hours inside four walls, learning facts that they can find in a minute on the Internet

Today it is more difficult to protect yourself from information than to get it. Today’s teenagers don’t understand why they need to spend long hours in four dull walls, learning the facts that they find on the Internet in a few minutes – faster than teachers.

But if the school is no longer the place where we get knowledge, then what is it for at all? That’s what I want to understand. And I ask this question everywhere I go. More often I hear this answer: at school we get those skills that are passed only from person to person. For example, in Danish schools, children are taught to interact by dividing into groups to work together right during the lesson. This is not in our tradition – I remember well how the teachers said: “look in your notebook and don’t talk.” And here even the assessment is put one per group. If you want the highest score, work for the success of the team.

Orestad School in Denmark.

Was there an answer that surprised you?

I got it from Swedish Egalia. This is perhaps the most provocative of all European schools. Children are accepted there from the age of one to six years, and there is no separation by gender. Each child decides for himself whether he is a boy or a girl, what to do, what to play, and teachers treat everyone the same.

School is a place where a child learns to coexist with different, different children

Classes there are based on books, selected in a special way. For example, I saw a book about how different families are: a family with two mothers, or a childfree family. And children from a very early age develop an idea of ​​a multivariate world.

The teachers who work at Egalia answered my question in the following way: school is a place where a child learns to coexist with different, different children. And the task of the teacher is to help him in this. This approach surprised me, because for many of us the school was a place where we had to fight for ourselves, but here it’s the other way around: children are not suppressed, they are accepted by anyone. Where they end up is another matter. At the secondary level of education, there is no such school in Sweden.

What do the schools you visited have in common?

Almost all of them bring students as close as possible to real life. I remember, at my first school line, the teachers said that they would prepare us for adulthood. After that, I changed three schools, and in none I had the feeling that I was gaining knowledge that I could apply in practice.

That’s why I was so struck by, let’s say, the education system in Finland. In many schools there, ordinary subjects have been replaced by the study of phenomena. Every six weeks they go through a new topic. I was in a class on the wise use of natural resources. In fact, he combined several subjects at once: a foreign language, natural science, needlework. The children learned the English words reuse and recycling (reuse, recycling), and the teacher talked about saving resources and gave the following example: now you have washed your hands and dried them with a paper towel made of wood. What other way can you dry your hands to save the planet’s resources? The children immediately rushed to offer their options. Someone said: let’s sew cloth towels, and they will be reusable. And in the next lesson they were already sewing these towels.

Why did I like this approach? The fact that the child can immediately understand why he needs new knowledge, he sees how to use it in real life.

Orestad School in Denmark.

Which of the Russian schools is closest in design and implementation to those you have seen abroad?

Definitely, the “Orange” school of Dima Zitser. She makes me proud that I was born in the same city, St. Petersburg. “Orange” is a kind of Russian “Summerhill”. They have no grades, no homework, not a single decision is made there without the participation of children. “Orange” really prepares the child for adulthood – through complete freedom, decision-making experience, through equality in rights with teachers.

You spend from one day to a week in schools. Is this enough to understand how free and confident children feel there?

Of course, one day is not enough. But the eye manages to grab the key details. For example, in one Finnish school, children did not want to go outside during recess – it was so important for them to continue the work they had begun. And in the staff room, I noticed photographs of three diabetic children on the wall with detailed nutritional advice, a detail that is traditional for a private school, but not a public one.

In addition, I always try to communicate with children informally, talking to them alone, without teachers. This is enough to understand whether the school is successful or not. The ability of some 13-14-year-old teenagers to think and reason freely and deeply is amazing – talking with them is more interesting than with many of my peers.

The level of aggression in free schools is decreasing. Children are focused on cooperation, not rivalry

Or another example: I approach a seven-year-old Finnish girl, and she explains to me in perfect English that she is currently designing her needlework on the iPad, and at the same time keeps notes about what she likes about this work and what not. She told me all this on the fly, without any preparation.

By the way, there I also found the answer to a question that worries many adults: what will happen if we give children complete freedom? Will they destroy the school? Will endless fights and severe bullying begin? Will it all end like in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies? But my experience shows that everything is exactly the opposite: the level of aggression in free schools is decreasing. Children are focused on cooperation, not competition.

What criteria can be used to measure the quality of education in such schools?

Teachers there do not pay attention to grades, but to the development of personality, to the child’s self-acceptance, the development of his confidence. We will be able to talk about academic success with all certainty only when the children grow up. In the same “Apelsin” the oldest class so far is the seventh. Many of my acquaintances skeptically remark: “Let’s see how they pass the exam and fit into real life.”

Of course, no one has canceled exams, so in high school you have to find a compromise between the desire to develop the student’s personality, not to put pressure on him with the requirements of success and the need to comply with education standards.

School “Orange” by Dima Zitser.

How successful is this compromise?

School principals have told me that, for example, Danish students really have a more relaxed attitude towards learning than children from Asian countries. They may not be using their full potential. But most of them enter universities one way or another, which means they achieve some success.

The time of teachers is over, the time of coaches is now

Perhaps it helps that teachers in Danish and some Swedish high schools are becoming more coaches than teachers. In Denmark, before the recent reform, there was generally a specialist who helped high school students with pre-exam “logistics” and career guidance. For example, a teenager understood that he wanted to be a lawyer or an actor, and this person explained what subjects he needed to pull up, even if they were not at all interesting to him, and offered a training plan. Now this role is played by teachers.

In Sweden and Denmark, they told me so: the time of teachers is over, the time of coaches has come.

Do you agree with this idea?

Yesterday I was at the French school of information technology “42”, where students (albeit adults over 19 years old) learn programming on their own. In fact, this is a huge cool office where they sit at the “poppies” and work all day. True, they are obliged to help each other. There are no teachers there, because in the field of IT everything is changing rapidly and ideas about how “correct” quickly become outdated. All answers and solutions are found by students in independent work. As for an ordinary secondary school, in my opinion, the role of a teacher there is to be a navigator in the flow of information, to help find the necessary information, to distinguish true information from distorted and structure it.

Finnish school lessons.

And the teacher as an authoritative adult, it turns out, is no longer needed?

For myself, this question is very acute. Of course, the teacher is still important – as a role model. As a person who knows how to listen without judgment and inspire the child to believe in himself, in his ability to achieve a lot in the future.

Is it possible to get practical use from the knowledge that you have received while traveling to different schools and describing them in a book?

I don’t expect educators to read this book and start introducing the principles of free schools everywhere. But, according to my feelings, the school system will change. Many old schemes do not work. Children are overloaded with homework and are deadly tired. More and more parents are concerned about finding a good school where the child’s personality will not be corroded.

The book helps to learn about other methods of education, to expand your understanding of how differently you can build a learning trajectory, and this, I think, is useful for everyone.

What will be the final point of your trips?

I want to see education in all countries of the world, to understand the nuances of different systems. And still get answers to the questions, what is the school for now and what is a good teacher. However, the book may end even at the moment when I find the only school of my dreams, about which I will definitely understand that I myself want to study there.

Alexander Murashev writes the book “Another School” in real time: upon purchase, the reader receives ready-made chapters.