Why is imagination important: 5 Reasons Imagination Is More Important Than Reality

Опубликовано: December 5, 2022 в 9:47 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Why Is Imagination Important? (20 Reasons)

Is imagination important? For most people, the answer would be a resounding “yes.” After all, it’s imagination that enables us to develop new ideas and possibilities.

But why? What does it do for us? And what would happen if we stopped using our imagination?

In this post, we will explore the importance of imagination and why it’s an important aspect of our lives. We will also discuss some of the benefits of our imagination and how it can help us in different areas of our lives.

Imagination Allows Us to Overcome Our Boundaries

For example, if you want to be an astronaut but you’re afraid of heights, your imagination can help you overcome that fear. If you want to be an artist but don’t know how to draw or paint, your imagination can allow you to learn by reading and watching videos on the Internet.

The boundary-breaking power of our imagination applies not only to overcoming physical limitations but also to mental limitations. For example:

You have a friend who is constantly late, but wants to leave early the next day so she can be there on time for once! If she uses her imagination and thinks about what it would be like to be there on time (instead of spending all night worrying about being late), that might motivate her to do something different tomorrow to make that happen!

Imagination Is a Survival Skill, Even in Adulthood

The importance of imagination is obvious in childhood, but it’s also extremely important as an adult. Imagination is a survival skill, even in adulthood.

Imagine this: you’re in your car, driving around town on a Friday night. You have a dinner or drink date at a friend’s house and don’t want to be late. Suddenly, without warning or provocation from another driver, someone swerves into your lane and rams your car from behind with so much force that you both run off the road and end up on the shoulder next to a meadow. Your heartbeat speeds up, adrenaline flows through you like electricity through wires, and fear overrides all rational thought processes while your mind is overwhelmed with questions: What if they’re hurt? Are there other cars coming? Am I going to die here? Should I call 911? What will my family think?

This is where imagination comes in. It’s the ability to “see” what isn’t there, to create possibilities in your mind, and come up with solutions to problems. It’s what allows you to come up with a plan B when plan A fails, or to see the potential in a situation that others might miss.

Imagination Is Crucial for Learning Empathy

One of the most important aspects of imagination is its ability to help us understand how other people feel. When you put yourself in another person’s shoes, you can understand why they did or said something – even if it doesn’t make sense to you.

This skill is called empathy. Empathy means that you can put yourself in another person’s shoes and share their emotions and feelings, even if those feelings don’t match your own experience.

For example, if someone has just lost a loved one and is crying at a funeral service, it would be difficult for an empathic person not to cry along (even if he/she doesn’t know anyone who’s died).

Or he/she knows that his/her friend has difficulty making friends because he/she was bullied as a child. If this friend talks about his/her social problems again today (which often happens), this person will understand exactly what the problem is because he/she remembers experiencing similar things in his/her childhood!

Empathy not only allows us to put ourselves in others’ shoes but also gives us insight into how other cultures work so well together by sharing values like kindness toward others, whether or not we agree with them politically or religiously.

If we didn’t have this ability, how could we ever learn empathy? Imagine how difficult it would be for us if every day was just like our own – we wouldn’t know what other people needed because we could only see ourselves!

We’d miss so much of life if we lived only in our heads instead of sharing our hearts with other people and getting to know them through our relationship with them!

It Gives Us the Ability to Overcome Our Current Circumstances

Imagination is a great tool to overcome obstacles. It gives us the ability to look beyond our current circumstances and imagine ourselves in new situations. This can be especially helpful if you’re going through something difficult, like a breakup or financial strain.

Imagine yourself as someone who isn’t afraid of change, and who has the power to decide what happens next in your life by imagining different scenarios and finding one that works best for you.

If you don’t like your current situation, try to think about how things could be different instead of focusing on why they aren’t changing now and how bad everything is right now (which only makes things worse).

Imagination Helps You Make New Connections

Imagination is important because it helps you make new connections between ideas and information you already know. For example, when your friend tells you about his or her favorite new movie, what does he or she say?

Maybe he or she says something like “It has a lot of action” or “It’s funny” or “The actors are great.” If your friend tells you that the movie has a lot of action, it might remind you of another movie that had a lot of action, and then maybe even another movie that had a lot of action – and so on!

This process is called associative learning – when one idea reminds us of other ideas that are connected. And when we use our imagination to make these associations between ideas, it helps us think more creatively!

It Helps You Find Innovative Ways to Improve Your Business

In business, imagination is crucial.

It helps you find innovative ways to improve your business. It can help you see things from a different perspective or find new solutions to problems that have long plagued your business.

Imagination helps people develop new products and services that give them an edge over their competitors in the marketplace and allow them to strengthen their brands and their businesses overall.

If you allow yourself to be completely free in your mind and think of anything and everything at the same time – this is called “letting your imagination run wild” – you’ll come up with ideas that you never would have thought of before if you were stuck in a box all day.

Imagination Makes Us More Creative

The importance of imagination cannot be overstated. Without it, there would be less innovation, fewer new ideas and concepts, and less creative thinking.

Imagine if you could only think one way – if your thoughts were limited to what you already know or have seen? That’s exactly what happens when someone uses their imagination! They change the way they think about something. Imagination allows you to see things differently than other people and find solutions that everyone else has overlooked.

If you want to be more creative (and who doesn’t?), use your imagination! It will help you think outside the box by giving you a different perspective on things that are familiar to you – and it’ll also give you new ideas for solving problems!

Imagination Improves Our Ability to Think Abstractly

The next time you find yourself in a conversation about the future, consider this: your imagination helps you process and understand abstract concepts like time. Through it, we can imagine things that don’t exist, like flying cars and human clones.

Imagination allows us to think about things that aren’t real in the present or future, but it also plays an important role in helping us understand what happened in the past – and why it matters now.

Imagine if no one could imagine anything! Imagine if people had no idea what “tomorrow” meant because they have never thought about it! We’d be stuck on earth forever, living only for today; there would be no desire for tomorrow except for what happens today – no hope for better days or plans for that dinner party with friends from college tomorrow night (this example may not apply).

With imagination comes the ability to think abstractly- to see beyond the immediate moment into other times, places, and situations- and that makes us more creative thinkers overall.

Imagination Improves Our Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Imagination has long been considered a powerful tool for our mental and emotional well-being. We can use it to express our feelings – both good and bad – by using the creative process of daydreaming or letting our minds wander. It’s also been shown to improve mood, lower stress levels, and help us cope with anxiety.

It can also be used as an outlet for negative feelings by working through difficult situations in your mind before dealing with them in reality (such as going through a breakup). In this way, imagination can help us listen better when friends tell us about their problems because we imagine what they might say beforehand.

Imagination Helps Us Deal With Stress and Adversity

There are a variety of imaginary challenges that you can use to cope with real challenges in your life. For example, if you’re stressed about work or school, imagine that you’re in a movie about your job or class – but instead of just playing your part, imagine that you are also the director!

You can use this opportunity to create an idealized version of yourself that is confident and capable of doing anything it wants to do. Since this version doesn’t exist in reality (yet!), it will be easier for your mind to let go of any fear of failure or embarrassment and still be able to tackle problems head-on.

You can use this technique as often as you need to – imagine a dream vacation where everything goes according to plan (and no one tries to ruin it), to winning an Olympic gold medal or overcoming a crippling depression within days instead of months/years/decades.

Imagination Promotes Our Physical Health and Well-Being

Imagination helps us experience the world in a way that’s meaningful to us, and this is important for our physical health and well-being. For example, when you imagine breathing in the fresh air on a beautiful day at the beach, your body responds by producing endorphins that make you feel good. This is just one example of how imagination can help us live healthier and happier lives.

The benefits of this include:

  • Better mood – Imagining that you’re happy or healthy can improve your mood when it’s low, which can lead to better sleep patterns and lower stress levels.
  • Better physical health – Imagining yourself exercising more increases your motivation and means your body gets better blood flow from regular exercise (the heart pumps blood faster).

Imagination Allows Us to See the Beauty of Life

What is beauty? Beauty is anything beautiful and pleasing to the eye, such as a flower or a painting. When we use our imagination, we can see the beauty in everything around us. The sky looks blue, but if you imagine it’s orange instead of blue, it becomes not just a color, but something else entirely – it could be yellow or green!

The same goes for sounds: if you imagine that your friend’s voice has an echo when he or she speaks, suddenly the words sound different than before – like an echo from another time! It’s amazing what creative thinking can do to your senses!

Try it yourself at home today, looking for new ways to make things beautiful by using your imagination instead of just relying on “facts” from textbooks or other sources.

Imagination Allows Us to Express Ourselves in Unique Ways

In a world where we can all be so isolated from each other, we must find ways to express ourselves in unique ways. Imagination is one of the most powerful and effective ways to express ourselves.

Imagine you’re angry about something that happened at work or school. You feel like no one understands how much anger you feel, but then imagine expressing that anger through art, music, or poetry. This way you can express your feelings without hurting others.

Another way that imagination helps us express ourselves is by using our imagination as an escape from reality when we feel overwhelmed or scared (for example, during a job interview).

We can use our imagination as an escape because it allows us to see things differently than they really are – it can even help us see what other possibilities are out there!

Imagination Helps Us to Discover Our True Potential

If you are a person with imagination, you can perceive things in a way that other people don’t. You can see beyond what is possible and imagine what could be. This kind of thinking helps us discover our true potential.

Imagine a person who has an imaginative mind and wants to become a successful entrepreneur. They know they have the skills because they’ve been successful in other ventures, but this time they need more capital than ever, which means borrowing money from friends or family members.

They may be disappointed in themselves because they can’t realize their dream right away, but if they work hard enough to come up with ideas for new businesses, maybe one day, in a few years, when their business is making money again, they can pay back all those loans!

If we didn’t have imagination, none of these dreams would ever come true, because without imagination there would be nothing but our current state – no hope for change and no chance for growth!

Imagination Can Help Children Develop a More Positive Self-Image

Just as it can help children see themselves as the hero of their stories, imagination also helps them see themselves in a more positive light.

Children are often told that they’re smart or that they’re good at sports. But sometimes kids have a hard time believing those things about themselves – or even thinking about what makes them special.

Imagination helps children see themselves in a new light when they imagine how they’re portrayed in their stories. It also allows them to understand that it’s okay for all of us to have flaws and imperfections; after all, no one is perfect!

Imagination Helps Children Develop Their Social Skills, Especially Empathy and Creativity

You might think that children are born with the ability to understand the world around them. But it has been shown that they need to develop these skills over time, starting at a very young age.

Children learn best through play – especially imaginative play, where they take on roles, explore new ideas and situations, and try out different perspectives on life.

A child who engages in imaginative play may:

  • Learn about others by imagining what others are feeling or thinking. For example, a child who plays doctor may pretend to operate on her brother’s doll because she wants him to feel better. She can then use this information as part of an elaborate story about how doctors need to stay calm and collected under pressure as they perform difficult procedures on patients who’re scared or worried about what’ll happen next.
  • They develop their empathy skills by putting themselves in other people’s shoes as they role-play with friends or family members.
  • They increase their creativity as they engage in storytelling through role-play, such as constructing stories, developing characters, and building plots where children make up their own stories rather than simply following someone else’s script, “I’m going to fly into space!” as opposed to “I’ve superpowers! Now I can fly!”).

A Child’s Imagination Can Help Them Understand the World Better

Your child’s imagination can help him/her understand the world better, especially with difficult concepts.

When children use their imagination to figure out how things work in the world, they can better understand difficult concepts. For example, if your child sees someone doing something he doesn’t understand (such as cutting or mixing), he/she may find it easier to understand what happens if he/she imagines doing it himself.

It can also imagine what happens when it does something wrong and then learn from that mistake. This can help children understand difficult concepts like death or illness more easily than if they’re only told about it by an adult who may not know all the details because he/she wasn’t there when it happened.

Imagination Gives New Meaning to Your Past Experiences

It is not uncommon to look back on your past, whether it’s a personal experience or a piece of history, and see it in a new way. It may happen because you’re older and more mature now, or because you have learned something new about the world around you that gives you a new perspective. Whatever the reason, imagination can help make this kind of change possible.

Imagine that when we were younger, we went through an experience that was very painful for us – for example, being bullied at school or losing someone close to us.

Later in life, when we think back to that event from our childhood, if we use our imagination effectively, we may be able to learn lessons from those experiences to avoid making similar mistakes again in life: perhaps by avoiding people who bully others, or by taking action against feeling lonely after losing someone we love so much!

Imagination Is the Key to Resilience

Imagination can help you be more resilient, which is an incredibly important skill. Resilience is the ability to withstand difficulties and obstacles in life, and we all need a little bit of it to cope with life’s inevitable ups and downs.

If you’re going through a difficult time – feeling frustrated by your circumstances or stuck at work – you can use your imagination as a powerful tool to deal with those feelings.

By imagining different situations, you can visualize yourself overcoming the challenges that are holding you back at the moment. This won’t necessarily change the situation itself, but it will change how you feel about what’s happening. You may find that your mood changes from annoyed or frustrated to hopeful or even excited!

Imagination Will Also Help You to Develop More Self-Confidence

For example, if you’re going to a job interview and you have never had one before, imagine yourself there and give yourself a pep talk about how well it will go.

Use your imagination to picture how the interview will go well. Then, when the situation actually occurs and it goes well for you, it won’t seem new or different because you imagined it that way anyway!

Another way that imagination can help boost self-confidence is by changing the way you think about yourself. If someone has low self-esteem but regularly uses their imagination, they may feel better about themselves if they imagine what their life would be like if they were rich or famous or whatever they want most in life (money)!

The decisive factor isn’t so much what happens “in reality”, but what happens “in the head” – and thus also what happens “on paper”.

Why Is Imagination Important in Art?

Most people intuitively understand that imagination is important in the creation of art. After all, imagination is what allows artists to see the beauty of the world around them and put that vision into physical form. However, imagination isn’t only important in the initial stages of creating a work of art. It’s also important to the artistic process as a whole.

When an artist begins work on a new piece, he or she usually starts from a mental image or concept that he or she wants to create. This can be something very specific like a detailed sketch or something general like a feeling or atmosphere they want to capture.

In either case, the artist can envision the finished product that defines his or her work. As the painting or sculpture takes shape, the artist may need to adjust their original vision. Thanks to their imagination, they can see how these changes will affect the final work and make decisions accordingly.

In short, imagination is essential to art because it allows artists to conceptualize their ideas and then bring them to life. Without imagination, art would be little more than random marks on a page or random assemblages of materials. It is the ability to imagine that makes art truly beautiful.

Why Is Imagination Important in Writing?

Many people believe that writing is primarily about conveying information and communicating thoughts and ideas. While that’s important, it is not the only thing writing is about. Writing is also about creativity and imagination.

To write something truly original and interesting, you need to be able to tap into your imagination. This can be difficult because many of us have been raised to think pragmatically and focus on the here and now. However, if you make an effort to imagine different scenarios and outcomes, you can open up a whole new world of possibilities as you write.

Think of it this way: if you focus only on conveying information, your writing may likely be boring and uninspired. But if you let your imagination run wild, you can come up with really unique and interesting ideas that will capture your reader’s attention. So the next time you sit down to write, take a few minutes to let your imagination run wild.

Why Is Imagination Important in Education?

Many people believe that education is only about acquiring facts and information. But education is also about learning to think critically and creatively. Imagination is an important part of both of these processes.

All people are born with the ability to imagine, but it needs to be nurtured. When children are encouraged to use their imagination, they learn to think outside the box and develop new ideas. This is an important skill in today’s rapidly changing world. To be successful, people need to be able to adapt and solve problems in creative ways.

Imagination is also important in education because it can make learning more fun and rewarding. If students are bored or uninterested in what they are learning, they are much less likely to retain the information. However, if they can use their imagination, they are more likely to recognize the value of what they’re learning and be motivated to learn.

In summary, imagination is an important part of education because it helps people think critically and creatively, and it can make learning more enjoyable. Encouraging students to use their imaginations can have a lasting impact on their lives and help them succeed in school and later in their careers.

Why Is Imagination Important in Early Childhood?

That’s a good question, and there’s no easy answer. However, there are some important reasons why imagination is so important in the early years.

First, imagination helps children make sense of the world around them. When they play, they’re actively trying to understand how the world works and how people interact. This process of understanding and internalizing information is important for cognitive development.

In addition, imagination allows children to express themselves in creative ways. Playing with imagination allows them to explore different emotions and try on different roles. This can be especially beneficial for introverted children who’re not as good at expressing themselves in real social situations.

Finally, fantasy gives children a sense of control over their environment. In a world that often feels confusing and unpredictable, children have the opportunity to make up their own rules and stories through play. This can help them feel more confident and secure in their everyday lives.

So, as you can see, there are many good reasons why imagination is important in early childhood. It’s not just about play and fun – it’s an essential part of cognitive, emotional, and social development.


Imagination is a powerful tool that can help us see beyond our current situation and develop new ideas. It allows us to explore possibilities and find creative solutions to problems.

We’ve looked at how imagination helps us in our personal lives, but it’s also important in the business world. Many famous inventions were made because someone let their imagination run wild.

The next time you’re struggling with a problem or want a new idea, try using your imagination. You may be surprised at what you can come up with!

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Importance of Imagination [12 Reasons]

Imagination is the ability to imagine something new that has not happened yet. In simple words, imagination is like creating a future in minds. It can be totally unrelated to reality or can be based on real-life events. The crux is to imagine new scenarios, ideas, possibilities. However, the goal of imagination should be to try implementing the new ideas in real life to make this world a better place. Like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Einstein, Newton, Sigmund Freud, and other revolutionary figures worked hard to implement their ideas that led the world to enter into a new realm of possibilities. The article discusses the importance of imagination for humans.

Table of Contents

Importance of Imagination for Children

Have you ever seen a child playing or talking to him/herself and wondered what goes inside their mind? Why don’t children get bored easily even when alone? How do they make stories out of everything and ask surprising questions? The answer to all these questions is one – children have high imagination. It may seem worrisome to adults when children engage in all of these behaviors but it is proven by psychology that imagination among children is a healthy behavior that helps them grow. Here are some points that highlight the importance of imagination for various aspects of development in children.

1. Emotional development

During imaginative plays, children take different roles. These roles can be from Tv characters, cartoons, occupational, or social roles. Pretending to be someone else helps children understand different perspectives and induce empathy in them. Moreover, it gives them self-confidence and hence develops self-esteem. These are healthy and positive emotions that are required in a healthy human being.

2. Social Development

Just like imaginative plays help children to understand different emotions, it also teaches children to take on different social roles. This way they develop different social skills. Pretend plays are a great way to enhance the social interaction and communication of the children. Lastly, they learn to take responsibility for different social roles.

3. Enhance Creativity

The importance of imagination in encouraging children’s creativity is undeniable. Psychologists use the imaginative powers of children to test their imagination, abstract thinking, reasoning, and artistic abilities – these are different kinds of intelligence found in humans. This creativity leads the children to develop artistic tendencies like arts, writing books and novels, writing songs and poetry, etc.

4. Communication Skills

Children during their pretend plays or imaginative plays talk with themselves. This is a great way to learn a language quickly and develop healthy communication skills. The experimentation with language during the process helps them build their vocabulary and remove their hesitation of speaking with adults.

4. Cognitive Development

Children are highly curious because they have not fully developed and they do not understand things completely. This is why they use their imagination to satisfy their curiosity. This imagination leads them to develop different cognitive skills that are important for a healthy lifestyle. Problem-solving and distinguishing different materials are often part of their play. Solving puzzles and using legos to build something require thinking and imagination. These things help children develop their cognitive skills.

These are few benefits that children get from imagination and imaginative plays. Every child indulges in imaginative plays and there is nothing to worry about. It is a healthy way of channeling energy. However, parents need to look out for their children and any peculiar behavior. It is best to talk to child psychologists or experts who can guide parents regarding the normality or anomaly of their children’s behavior.

Importance of Imagination for Adults

Imagination is a concept that is often left for children and is frowned upon when associated with adults. Indeed excess of everything is bad and this goes for imagination as well. Spending an excessive amount of time imagining things and doing nothing is an unhealthy way of life. However, there are many benefits to a normal amount of imagination. Yes, even for adults. What is the importance of imagination for adults? Let’s find out.

1. Kindle Creativity

Imagination means to imagine something new or create something in your mind that does not exist in real life. This is how people collect their ideas – from their imaginations – and create something new. Imagination breaks innovative barriers and helps people in getting innovative ideas. As a result, it encourages people to innovate. In other words, imagination leads to innovations, which is the key to development in the world.

2. Imagination is a Sweet Relief

In adults’ lives, there are various stresses and problems. The world has evolved around materialistic growth that often causes exhaustion and stress in people. In these circumstances, imagination serves as a sweet temporary relief. It acts as a safe house where adults can enter to relax their minds and come back refreshed. The ongoing pandemic has caused mental and emotional problems for people. Since people cannot do anything about the situation and feel helpless, imagination acts as a buffer.

3. Imagination is Good for Business

Limiting imagination to just arts is not right. Imagination is the source of creativity and generating new ideas, which is why it is important for every profession including business. Businesses run on creating new products and gaining profit from them. Imagination helps businesses to get new ideas and create new products or plans. Imagination enables businesses to grow and encourages entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

4. Reminiscing Childhood

Imagination is a bridge between adults and their childhood experiences. Although childhood experiences cannot come back to one’s life imagination can. It is a reminiscence of childhood for many adults. They get childlike happiness and feelings when imagination. This nostalgia can elevate their mood and brings happy memories to the front instead of sad ones. Moreover, imagination is a healthy way of experiencing childhood experiences without getting stuck in them. However, one should be aware of excessive imagination because that can bring negative emotions to the surface and can harm one’s mental health.

Importance of Imagination in Life

Life is full of possibilities. These possibilities are made possible because of imagination. Without imagination, there will be no fun in a human’s life. It spices up life and lets humans enjoy and be carefree for some time. There are many benefits of imagination in our lives.

  • Temporary relief from stress.
  • Enhance creativity and hence innovation.
  • Gives new ideas to people for problem-solving or achieving some other goals.
  • Gives hopes to people for a brighter future.
  • Prepares people to face their future.
  • The innovations achieved by the power of imagination have brought modernization and development to the world.
  • Makes people believe in the possibility of anything. Everything is possible in the world.
  • The power of imagination has given this world-famous book, comics, and movies. E.g. Harry Potter, Marvel universe, DC movies, are some biggest franchises that are based on the power of imagination.
  • Imagination is the reason for many political movements and trends. Democracy – now a famous political approach – was once an idea presented by Greek philosophers and has now revolutionized the world.
  • Life on Mars that is being talked about in the 21st century was once just an idea in someone’s imagination.

These are a few benefits and significance of imagination that one can think of on the top of their head. The list will be long if we take everything into account. This is the importance of imagination in our lives.


One can make fun of the imaginations of other people but one cannot deny the importance of imagination for adults, children, and everyone in this world. as mentioned above, there are many benefits of imagination that both adults and children receive. Similarly, in life, the power of imagination cannot be denied as it has brought major changes in the ways of life on earth. Therefore, we must encourage people and their ideas. We should make sure that children do not kill their imagination to fit into this world that forces people to fit into a standard. Knowledge without imagination is nothing.

Why Imagination is the Key to Brain-Boosting – Kadenze Blog

When we speak about the imagination we used to connect it to writing fiction because people think that a good imagination is important for writers, including the writers who create an essay at the online service EssayShark. However, we often miss one important thing which is based on the fact that we need good imagination not only for writing books but also for the effective process of reading new information. 

It must be considered that imagination can help to perceive better not only fictional stories, but any kind of information. Imagination is a key to brain-boosting, as it helps to develop creative skills and to memorize information in a faster way. This article provides you with an explanation of why imagination cannot be underestimated and why it is important for your brain to use your imagination more often.

Imagination is not only about fiction

We often hear from other people that they do not have a really good imagination and it is more comfortable for them to work, for example, with statistics or facts. These people consider themselves to be non-creative, so they think that if they choose the field for work which is not related to the necessity to write music or stories, so they do not need their imagination. The truth is that all of us use imagination every day. Imagination allows us to perceive all kinds of information because in the case if we do not use our imagination we can understand only that knowledge which is based on our personal experience, so we are very limited without our imagination in this world.

Imagination is key to creativity

There is no secret that in the modern world, creativity is a key to success in every field, so if you want to be a great professional in any industry, you should develop your creativity and solve all the problems using your imagination. Imagination allows people to analyze the situations which are not related to the real order of things, so it makes the process of a solution to be more effective and faster. With the help of imagination, you can take into consideration all possible scenarios for the particular situation and predict consequences for each possible solution, and analyze how it can impact the initial order of things in general.

Imagination and dreams

Dreams can be considered as part of the process which is related to the work of imagination. It means that because of our imagination we can see dreams, but also it is related to the way in which our subconscious works with the help of existing knowledge, memories, and imagination. 
Imagination and the process of dreaming can impact the existing memories and turn them in the way which gives us a brand new perspective and point of view on the information which we already know.

Imagination and dreams in this context is key to brain-boosting because we can develop a new way of thinking for the knowledge which seems common to us, but while we are dreaming our imagination works in the way which is unexpected for us, so it can have a positive impact on the creative abilities and the effectiveness of working processes for our brains.

Photo by TeroVesalainen / Pixabay

Imagination and empathy

Imagination can help our brains to work better, but it is not only about academic or career achievements. It also can help us to understand other people better and develop a higher level of empathy. When we read books we can imagine how it feels to be and to live like a particular character. We think in the way in which the character does, so we understand him or her better. In real life, we can use our imagination in order to understand other people better. We can think about the way in which the writer thinks when he or she creates characters for books. 

In order to develop a higher level of empathy, we can think about a particular person using our imagination and think about what kind of character in the book this person can be related to. Also, we can think deeply and imagine the causes and the factors which had an impact on the person in the past. If we think that an individual is a bad person, we can try to understand this person better with the help of imagination and develop different scenarios that can justify his or her actions. These strategies can help not to judge other people but understand them better with the help of imagination. These exercises can help your brain to work in a more effective way and develop better communication skills, as you will have a great ability to think in the way other people think and understand them better in different aspects.

Imagination is a brain-booster which provokes you to think

This is the most important thing about imagination as a key to brain-boosting. When you use your imagination, your brain works in the most effective way, as you generate ideas with the help of different senses, and visualization is the part of it. Your imagination can be boosted with the help of particular smells or noises. For example, when you smell something tasty you imagine pictures of this dish or you can imagine the taste of this thing, so your brain works using different senses. Also, when you hear some noises you can imagine what can cause them or you see the way in which this noise was created. It is a useful and important thing which is related to the necessity to think all the time and to use the abilities of your brain in order to make it work better.

So, if you still think that imagination is only a part of the process of creation of fiction, consider this information. You need to use your imagination and you use it every day even when you do not think about it. Imagination is a powerful brain-booster because it makes you think in the way which is not standard for people. Imagination can help you to find solutions that can be considered unexpected by your brain, but your imagination can create scenarios that solve problems in the most effective way. We can operate the information which is related to our experience and real knowledge, but the rest of the information we get with the help of our imagination, so it is a crucial factor which has a great impact on the way in which the brain works. 

Empathy, creative skills, and better brain work – all these aspects can be improved with the help of imagination, as it is tightly connected to all these factors and have a great impact on the process of your thinking.

Matthew Finnighan, Freelance Writer

Matthew Finnighan is a freelance writer for multiple educational institutions. He’s been working in this field for more than 5 years now. He has been studying psychology which allows him to conduct research on this topic. 

To discover how you can apply your imagination in practice, check out courses in music, creative coding, graphic design and more in the kadenze.com catalog.

Need imagination. Transformation of a person into any object

The boss assigned a creative task, but you don’t know how to approach it? Children ask to tell a fairy tale, but apart from “Kolobok” nothing comes to mind? The girl wants surprises, but you can’t figure out what that means?

It’s time to start looking for information about how to develop imagination in adults
. After all, it is precisely with its absence that all the difficulties that may arise in the situations described above and many other situations are connected.

But do not get upset and study tons of information: from this article you will learn the most effective, but at the same time simple techniques for developing the imagination of an adult. Get ready for a journey into a fantasy world!

First, let’s figure out what imagination is and why many people do not have it. So what does this word mean?

Imagination is the ability of a person to generate various images, ideas and ideas in his mind. It can be active, when you deliberately imagine something, and it can be passive, that is, unconscious.

For example, if you feel hungry and your brain immediately comes up with a picture of an appetizing burger or fried meat, your imagination kicks in; if you were looking at vacation photos and remembered how good it was to lie on the beach, it worked.

Thus, if a person says that he has no imagination, then this is not at all true. Everyone has this ability, but it is developed in different ways. And like any other ability or skill, imagination can be developed.

This ability is most active in young children, adolescents and young men. It is during these periods of life that we explore the world, dream, and make grandiose plans. With age, a person usually goes deeper into certain thoughts, studies, work, pays attention only to real things and pressing problems.

And if you are not a creative person whose whole life is connected with images, but a serious programmer or sales manager, then it becomes more and more difficult to come up with bright ideas every year. A person begins to think in stereotypes and sees the world too literally.

This results in boring conversations, inability to make the world around you beautiful and colorful. How to deal with it?

In fact, developing the imagination is not too difficult, even for adults. In the following, various techniques and methods will be listed that will help to cope with the problem of a lack of active imagination.

The main condition for the success of these exercises is openness to experimentation and freedom from constraint. The simplest of them are performed only in your head, which means that you should not be afraid of mistakes – no one will see them. And those ways that involve interacting with other people will help you not only develop your imagination, but also have fun.

1. Activate the “imagination” with the help of visualization

Perhaps visualization is the easiest way to activate and develop the imagination. The essence of this exercise is a detailed mental reproduction of a certain object, place, action.

You need to start small: try to carefully examine an object lying on the table, and then close your eyes and imagine it. It can be anything, such as a book or a phone.

2. Develop imagination by reading books

Visualization of events from books is closely related to the previous method. Only here the task is more difficult – you need to keep a lot of characters, images in your head, make them move and interact. Try not just to read the letters and words, assimilating certain information, but to generate a complete picture.

Over time, reading books will become as much fun as watching movies. .. Or maybe even better! After all, when reading a book, you can not be limited by the director’s imagination, but give free rein to your own imagination, and at the same time develop it.

3. We play associations

Associative thinking is developed in most adults. So something, but everyone can imagine the color orange with the word “orange”. Playing this game with a team, you can not only have fun, but also improve your imagination skills.

4. Inventing catops and other unknown animals

Where did the names of honey badger and weevil come from? Someone invented them! And, in the simplest way. Since an animal feeds on honey, it means that it should be called a honey badger, and that bird with a long beak – a weevil.

Although the names you come up with are unlikely to be included in biology textbooks, this activity can be very fun and exciting. Combining different words and inventing new ones from them will perfectly help develop the imagination not only in children, but also in adults.

5. Join the art

In fact, all creative people use this method to develop certain qualities in themselves. If you lack ideas, inspiration or imagination, go to an art gallery or an exhibition, watch films and workshops.

Watch how others do it. Sometimes a brilliant author’s concept can be born from small pieces and ideas. And if you periodically observe the work of your favorite authors, then your own ideas will also not be long in coming.

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Today on the website of psychological assistance online http: // site
You, dear visitors, will learn how to develop the imagination of children and adults, and why it needs to be developed.

Imagination is an unconscious, automatic or conscious, controlled creation in the head of mental images, pictures, ideas, fantasies and visualizations, more often in a light trance (withdrawal from reality).

Every person needs to develop imagination, but for some it develops as if automatically, from childhood, in the process of interaction with the “right” parents, educators, and peers. A child can develop his imagination well by playing various games, listening to and reading exciting books, watching movies, etc.

Whoever is not very lucky with the attention and sensitivity of adults during education, and feels the poverty of the pictures that appear in the head, then it is necessary to voluntarily engage in the development of imagination, both in children and adults.

Why should a person develop imagination?

With the help of imagination, a person can create ideas, creative plans, design and model, navigate in various situations, work with memory, create their future and realize the past … abstract, fantasize, dream, and of course, imagining, a child and an adult understands well read, especially works of art, etc. etc.

And most importantly
, a developed imagination will help a person with emotional and psychological problems, neuroses and personality disorders to know and change their inner “I”, get rid of these problems once and for all.

Most psychotherapeutic techniques and methods for the treatment of psychological problems are built on the imagination of various problematic situations, and the creation of a new imaginary context for this problem, which heals neurotics, helps to solve problems in relationships, relieves depression and stress, etc.

So, how to develop the imagination of children and adults – exercises

To develop your imagination, you are offered simple exercises that can be suitable for both children and adults.

Test your imagination:

Try a little experiment. Close your eyes and say how many windows are in your house or apartment.
The main thing here is not the number itself, but how you came to it. Naturally, with the help of imagination, you imagined each of the windows in your mind.

We all use imagination in one form or another to solve our daily problems.

As Aristotle said, “the soul cannot think without drawing.
Imagination “is more than just seeing in the mind. With the help of imagination, we create or recreate a certain emotional mood. You can use imagination in combination with smell, touch, hearing and even taste.

You must have happened to recall your favorite dish on an empty stomach, so vividly that your mouth waters. In this case, we have a physical reaction to a mental image. This is the power of the imagination.

To develop imagination, you need to use all 5 senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste – which is sharper for you?

We all perceive and feel the world around us differently. Although we all have the same five senses, their meaning is different for everyone. This distinction is developed from childhood on a subconscious level.
Some respond better to visual stimuli and less to audio information. They may have less developed kinesthetic perception (touch).

Of course, there are no people who manage only one of the sensory ways of knowing. The completeness of information about the world around us is provided by all five senses, and yet each of us has one of the senses more developed.

Behavioral scientists believe that most people have the most active visual perception. You may think that you have equal control over all five senses. This would be unusual, but most likely you just don’t feel the difference as it’s almost imperceptible.

The observed differences also affect the nature of the imagination. A visually oriented person immediately draws a “picture” in his mind. People with heightened hearing immediately turn on their “audio equipment” and first of all hear sounds and voices in their minds. A heightened sense of touch, first of all, tells the consciousness what the image is “by touch”.

The most complete image is formed in our imagination when all the senses work. This phenomenon is exploited by Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is the subject of many books and studies. Based on the work of Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder formulated a model for the perception and processing of information by the human mind and called this model NLP. These processes are important for self-knowledge and interpersonal communication.

Exercise – How to Develop Imagination

1. Look carefully at one of the geometric figures in the picture “square, circle, triangle. Close your eyes and try to draw it in your mind.

2. Look carefully for a few moments at a three-dimensional object “an orange, a glass of water, a table lamp. Close your eyes and imagine the subject.

3. Imagine the classroom you were in as a child.

4. Imagine your house or apartment. Mentally walk through the rooms.

5. Introduce someone you know.

6. Imagine your reflection in the mirror.

Do these exercises daily for a month to develop your imagination. The classes will take you a little longer than it took you to read about them. But how surprised you will be when you notice how much richer and more alive your imagination has become.

If you are unable to develop your imagination on your own, or if you already have psychological problems, you can

Imagination is the ability of human consciousness to create images, ideas, representations and work with them without connecting practical actions. It plays a key role in such psychological processes as planning, creativity and modeling situations, that is, it is the basis of any creative activity and all our deliberate actions.

Today the site talks about how to develop imagination and why we need it.

Why you need to develop your imagination

Imagination is our own world in which we are free to do what we want. It helps us not only to imagine any situation in colors, but also to understand how we can benefit from it, what mistakes are likely and how to avoid them.

The better a person’s imagination is, the easier it is for him to achieve creative goals, plan any future enterprise and event, determine his true desires.

Imagination insures us quite reliably against wasting time, which we would have to spend each time on gaining practical experience if we did not have the ability to create mental images and draw appropriate conclusions.

A well-developed imagination improves our memory, makes our brain more mobile and its work fruitful. It allows you to accumulate and use life experience for planning the achievement of goals, not only our own, but also the one that we witnessed at different ages, starting from early childhood.

In addition, a good imagination is a lifeline in everyday storms – it allows you to disconnect from reality and for some time mentally transport yourself to a prosperous and calm environment. This, in turn, contributes not only to the restoration of peace of mind, but also to the search for an adequate way out of a difficult situation.

In addition, a well-developed imagination helps us to partially compensate for what we do not have in reality, that is, in some way it saves us from unsatisfied needs. This frees us from internal tension, from resentment towards the whole world, and even from dissatisfaction with ourselves.

With the help of a developed imagination, we can mentally experience those situations that we would never allow in real life, for example, because of the fear of going beyond morality or social norms. Thanks to him, we satisfy some of our secret desires and at the same time remain decent and adequate people in the eyes of others.

It is worth noting that a well-developed imagination is also an excellent motivator. We imagine what benefits await us after the next victory or the completion of an unpleasant task for us, and we are much more actively moving towards the final goal. Moreover, the mental images we create help to make a difficult and annoying activity more enjoyable, and the result, correspondingly, more satisfying.

How to develop the imagination

How to develop the imagination

Collecting sensations

In order to develop your imagination, start adding daily to your collection of visual and tactile sensations. Pay attention to how you feel when you touch metal, plastic, glass, various fabrics, and the skin of loved ones. Remember and classify all the smells that surround you and all the sounds that you hear.

Creation of thought forms

Create vivid mental images in your free time. To begin with, try to recreate what happened to you in reality, for example, during the day. Then start imagining alternative developments of the situations you were in. Don’t miss the details and the sensations you experience. It is desirable to ensure that you not only see pictures in your mind’s eye, but also smell and touch, hear the sounds and voices of those who are present in your thought forms.

Use of works of art

When reading fiction, do not skip descriptions of the nature and appearance of the characters, pay special attention to them and clearly imagine everything that the author paints. The clearer and more detailed the picture you draw in your thoughts, the better.

A well-developed imagination is a huge plus for any person. It allows you to make more effective creative self-realization, interpersonal communication, planning decisions and actions, performing official tasks and even household chores. So it makes sense to spend some time and expand the scope of your consciousness, developing your visual-figurative thinking to the maximum.

Do you know
that the ability to make things up makes the real world more interesting. But when they say to you: “Imagine it!”, you fail. Of course,
imagination cannot be turned on with a button,
but it can and should be developed. Is it hard to imagine? And you try. With our help.

Responsibilities of the left hemisphere

It is responsible for logical thinking,
education and analysis. Also for verbal information processing and language abilities. Controls speech functions
as well as reading and writing plus memorizing facts,
dates and their spelling (and is able to link them,
doing the analysis).

The left brain helps us understand the literal meaning of words. As for information processing,
then it performs this task sequentially,
by stages. Numbers and symbols are also recognized by him,
it is also responsible for mathematical abilities. In addition, the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right half of the body.

Duties of the right hemisphere

it is responsible for intuition and figurative thinking. Secondly,
for the processing of non-verbal information (expressed not in words,
but in symbols and images). Moreover, unlike the left hemisphere (which analyzes information only in a clear sequence), the right one is able to simultaneously process different data. Thirdly,
helps a person to consider the problem as a whole. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what
what we hear or read. And if someone says: “He hangs on my tail,” the right hemisphere will tell you,
what was meant.

The right hemisphere also recognizes faces
and we can perceive the totality of traits as a whole. With its help, we understand metaphors and the result of the work of someone else’s imagination. It is also responsible for spatial orientation,
gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. Make and make plans
what if?” – that’s what it asks.

Separately, we note creative abilities (musical and artistic). We also write emotions here,
and religiosity
and faith in something.

The right hemisphere also controls the movements of the left half of the body.

If we compare all the pieces of information,
stored in our brains
with constructor elements
then a person with a developed imagination can put together more figures from the same elements,
than that,
who has no imagination.


let’s start the exercises to develop the imagination? The author’s method of psychologist Andrey Rodionov (www.rodionov.by) will help us with this. Do not be afraid,
All tasks are easy to complete. By the way,
you can connect a friend or loved one to the “training” – and have fun,
and make good use of your time.


Look closely at any object. Now close your eyes and try to keep it in your memory for as long as possible. Present the subject as a whole and in parts. Now open your eyes and look at the object again. Maybe,
did you miss any details?

Repeat this several times,
until the subject comes to mind in full detail. Strive for the maximum identity of the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in the lessons, choose more and more complex subjects for analysis.

Movie without sound

This is a fun exercise. Choose an unfamiliar movie on TV. Look at its beginning
and then turn off the sound. Try to understand the meaning of what is happening on the screen without words. We warn you right away: it will be uncomfortable,
want to turn on the sound. Be patient! After a while, you will be surprised to realize
which is very clear.

Unreal things

Try to imagine things
which is not (and never was) in reality. What would they look like? What sounds did they make? Imagine a butterfly the size of an airplane
which has 50 thousand pages,
an inhabitant of a distant planet,
talking ant…

Familiar melodies

drink!) several different melodies known to you:

  • from classical music;
  • film music;
  • pop music;
  • rock music;
  • some folk song.


Using all the senses,
imagine an orange
date fruit,
Apple. Try to imagine them clearly and realistically,
so that you can consider (and sniff out!) All the nuances.


These exercises require more time and effort from you,
than the previous ones. But the result is worth it. All of them contribute to the development of concentration,
expanding the scope of perception,
memory improvement and
of course,
stimulate the imagination!

I think and see

Choose an object at eye level at a distance of 1-3 meters. The subject to begin with should be simple: a book,
a pen,
folder. Close your eyes and imagine white
empty glowing space. Mentally hold this image for 3-5 minutes. Open your eyes and contemplate the chosen object for 3-5 minutes. Don’t think about him though.
look through it (as if looking into the distance). Now close your eyes and imagine an object
by placing it in a white luminous space for 3-5 minutes.

The exercise must be done 5 times,
do it calmly

Rainbow world

Imagine a small red square,
fix it in your mind. Now imagine
that the square grows in size,
diverges to infinity. Now there’s only red space in front of you
contemplate it.

The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow
blue and purple. Having learned this
move on to more complex things. Imagine red first
fading to orange
orange turns to yellow and so on to purple. Then from purple you need to go back.

Third level of difficulty: imagine red people
walking through the green forest. People’s skin is gradually turning orange,
yellow – and so on to purple. Then scroll through the color scheme in reverse order (the skin should turn red again).


Sit in a chair or lie down on a bed. Close eyes. Imagine an apple. Start rotating it in space clockwise. Now let it
fly out of your head. Place the apple in front of the bridge of the nose,
Look at him. Carefully mentally enter it,
feel yourself inside the fruit (do not forget about its shape and size!).

Then imagine
that a part of you remains in the apple,
lift the fruit one meter above you. Try to see yourself from above. Look at the walls of the room at the same time,
close ceiling.


Since ancient times, people believed
that creative inspiration descends from above. He was equated with a gift,
then to punishment. And even now, talent is often tried to be explained genetically or mystically. But thanks to scientific research,
works on psychoanalysis and psychology,
trainings on the development of creativity can already be said
that the creative potential of a person does not always depend on a windy muse. But it is often associated with the capabilities of the right hemisphere of the brain. Isn’t it time to stop ignoring the dormant powers of your imagination and find out
what is it capable of?


Surely one of your loved ones will have a holiday soon. Don’t limit yourself to a standard greeting card this time
with a printed template poem inside,
and come up with a rhyme yourself (even the simplest one!) And write a message with your own hand. Or draw (glue,
decorate) greeting card. Recipient,
believe me
appreciate your efforts!


  • Marilee Zdenek
    Development of the right hemisphere»
  • Andrey Rodionov”
    Development of intelligence»
  • Anna Wise
    Inspiration to order”
  • I.A. Beskova
    How is creative thinking possible?
  • Cleg Brian
    Intensive course on the development of creative thinking “
  • I.Yu. Matyugin
    Memory development methods,
    figurative thinking,
  • Alexey Turchin”
    Active Imagination Primer

Some of the books on this list are available for download on the Internet.

Anna Serikova


We thank Andrey Rodionov,
expert in intellectual and communication technologies,
for help in preparing the article.

One of the most mysterious mental phenomena of the human brain is imagination. This concept is understood as a special mental process, thanks to which new images are created on the basis of previously perceived ones. It seems to reflect the reality in a new unusual form. Without it, creative professions would not exist: poets, artists, writers, musicians. Naturally, the question arises – how to develop imagination?

Varieties of imagination

There are many types of this mental process. Let’s briefly review the main ones.

  • Active. Thanks to him, we have the ability to consciously call up the necessary image. In turn, it is divided into:
  1. Creative – helps to create new images, which are later embodied in a painting, architectural work, music, clothing, etc. Without even a remote idea of ​​the future result of their labors, a person will not start working. This view is also called productive, since the image created by our brain is later brought to life in the form of a picture, sculpture, song, clothing and much more.
  2. Recreating – allows you to imagine again and again the visual image of those things that we once already saw. This type is very important, since the information it accumulates is the base from which ideas for creativity are drawn.
  • Passive. It generates images and ideas that will not be realized by man in the near future. May be conscious or unconscious.
  1. Dream is the ability of the human brain to generate images of the distant future, to plan things that, in general, can be realized, but not in the near future. Dreams manifest consciously.
  2. Dreams. The main feature of this type of imagination is that the implementation of images created by the brain is impossible and unrealistic. appear consciously.
  3. Hallucinations are the unconscious generation by the human brain of those images that are unreal and non-existent. They appear in case of a malfunction of the brain (for example, as a result of taking certain drugs or with a mental illness). Their impact is so strong that a person absolutely does not doubt their unreality.
  4. We see dreams while our body is resting. They appear unconsciously.

Features of the development of imagination

The level of development of imagination is individual for each person. It also develops differently in adults and children.
It mainly depends on how much a person has developed his imagination. The surrounding people also play an important role in this. If parents do not allow their child to fantasize, treat his innocent fictions with condemnation, then, most likely, the baby will give free rein to his fantasies less and less.
Some psychologists distinguish three stages in the development of fantasy:

  • childhood from 3 years;
  • adolescence;
  • youth.

During these periods, a person has the most violent fantasy, when he believes in the most incredible miracles, he wants to perform feats, get involved in adventures. At the same time, rash, risky and dangerous actions are often committed at such stages.
Note that the degree of development of the imagination is directly related to the emotionality of a person: the greater the ability to fantasize, the stronger the emotions.
Without a developed imagination, a person thinks in cliches, his inner world is meager and monotonous, his brain cannot produce new ideas, unique images.

It has been observed that imagination improves in those who
is freed from: limiting thought patterns, from complexes, negative states and other mental rubbish. For this purpose, use the Turbo-Gopher system ().

Imagination Exercises

There are many exercises to develop the imagination. They are suitable for both adults and children.

  • Visualization

This exercise is recommended as a starting exercise. It is designed to train the ability to reproduce and create visual images in detail. You will be able to develop fantasy, memory and thinking.
Think of an object. You can start with something as simple as a book. Imagine it down to the smallest detail. Then mentally open it, look through it, imagine how you are reading or looking at pictures. It will be a little heavy at first, although it seems very simple: the images may be fuzzy, and thoughts may slip away. When the visualization of simple objects starts to turn out easily, move on to more complex ones. In general, this exercise will teach you to control your thoughts.

  • New words

Invent and compose new words. Rename objects. At first, you will have to work hard to come up with something interesting and successful. But the more you practice, the easier the words will come to mind.

  • Oral account

By doing calculations, you not only train your imagination, but also your mind. Additionally, you can imagine how you write down the numbers on paper and do the calculations there.

  • Silent films

Watching movies without sound gives free rein to the imagination. You can not only voice individual phrases or dialogues of the characters, but also come up with a whole story. You can play this game with friends: everyone will choose a hero and speak for him.

  • Associations

This exercise is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. You can play in associations both independently and as a team. Come up with an association to a word: imagine an object or feeling associated with a hidden word. It is very important at the same time to explain what exactly connects these two words. This game is good for developing creative thinking.

  • Read

When reading a book, try to visualize everything that happens in the novel or story as vividly as possible: characters, houses, premises, outfits, nature.

  • Learning charts and maps

Turn the exercise into an interesting exciting game. Make up a story about a treasure hidden by pirates and try to find it. Or think up a journey through uncharted lands. You can simply follow the map through familiar cities and imagine places that you have already visited once.

  • Make up stories

This game is good to play with a group. Come up with an exciting story and tell your friends. The most important thing is to invent a story on your own, on the go, without preparation.
Modeling situations or hypotheses.
Start the game with the phrase “What if …”. Try to come up with a more unbelievable hypothesis, and continue the thought in the same spirit. The situation must be as improbable as possible.

  • Hobby

Creative hobbies will help develop your imagination: drawing, knitting, sewing, weaving, beads and much more. Nowadays, the choice is huge. Find a hobby to your liking where you can let your imagination run wild. In addition, you will be able to spend time with pleasure, which will become a good rest.

Those people who know how to develop their imagination have the opportunity not only to train their brains, but also to make their lives brighter. This will help not only in your work, but also in everyday life.

what it is and 7 ways to develop it

Among the skills of an adult, imagination is unfairly relegated to the background, being associated with the manifestation of childhood. In the process of employment, applicants are required to withstand stress, sociability, incomprehensible creativity to anyone, but only in rare cases, imagination.

Although, if you look at it this way, it is on this quality that a person’s success, his ability to achieve results, depends. What is so special about imagination? Why is it so important for each of us? Can it be developed purposefully, and what is needed for this?

What is imagination?

Imagination is the ability to fantasize, mentally represent non-existent processes, phenomena and objects. The scientific formulation of this term is not much different from the everyday one. Imagination in psychology – the mental process of forming images previously unknown to man. It may seem that this is childhood, but upon closer examination it becomes obvious that the whole civilization depends on the imagination.

An important component of imagination is visualization . For example, the gravitational interaction is often represented as a curved grid in which the planets and stars are located. No one really sees gravity, but thanks to this image, it is possible to visualize some processes. It is impossible to consider the structure of an atom or an electric current, but we draw them in physics textbooks so that it would be easier for pupils and students to master this material. The imagination helps, turning complex processes into beautiful balls with pluses and minuses or miniature lightning bolts moving through electrical circuits.

When physicists depict an electron revolving around an atomic nucleus, they visualize 100% the fruit of their imagination , because there is no electron as such. There is an electron cloud in which the components move randomly, combining the properties of a wave and a particle. But these are clearly not the balls that are depicted in the textbook.

Take a test for the type of perception

If it were not for the imagination of scientists and teachers, such pictures would never have appeared, and students would have to delve into complex formulas that describe the patterns of the microscopic world. But the imagination works wonders and an atomic nucleus appears before our eyes, similar to a round bunch of grapes, consisting of neutrons and protons. And around them, like small moons, spherical electrons revolve. Everything is clear, understandable, simple and completely invented thanks to the imagination.

In addition, there is another “adult” aspect of developed fantasy. This skill helps to achieve success. The fact is that it is easier for a person to get the result that he managed to mentally imagine. For example, if a boxer lost before the fight even started, he is unlikely to win during the fight. A person who sets himself up for failure will never succeed. Therefore, many speakers and motivational authors, such as Brian Tracy, Hal Elrod, Anthony Robbins and others, argue that people need to sincerely believe in success, visualize in their imagination the results they want to receive.

We all know the phrase that “thoughts are material”. At least two laws of the universe help the imagination to influence a person’s life. Firstly, is the Law of Correspondence, because a person forms exactly the environment that corresponds to his thoughts, words and actions. Secondly , the Law of Attraction, which actually repeats the previous pattern. People attract to themselves what they believe in, what their imagination has drawn.

Prominent examples are the placebo and nocebo effects well known to medical professionals. The first effect has to do with the patient’s ability to recover through faith alone. The nocebo effect further proves the power of the imagination, being the opposite of a placebo. Doctors have long noticed the psychosomatic nature of many diseases. In some cases, the patient literally invents a disease that initially appears in his imagination, and only then causes real discomfort and symptoms.

The well-known French psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coué assured that in the process of the struggle between willpower and imagination, the latter is the winner. These thoughts served as a starting point for the teaching about affirmations – self-hypnosis in order to improve life and achieve success. So, the role of imagination in human life is very great and goes far beyond the sphere of creativity. This skill helps everyone, from representatives of the simplest professions to the first persons of the state.

Since there are many people, there are different temperaments and personality types associated with the speed of mental processes, such a skill as imagination can differ markedly in the strength of its manifestation. Let’s analyze its classification and possible options.

Take a temperament test

Types of imagination

According to the activity of a person in the process of inventing images, there is imagination involuntary (passive) and arbitrary (active). According to the degree of creativity, it is possible to distinguish such types of imagination as productive (creative) and reproductive (recreative).

If a person, against his will, regularly has bad thoughts that paint gloomy pictures of the development of events, then we are talking about passive imagination. If someone is engaged in directed self-hypnosis, for example, pronounces an affirmation and tries to imagine himself in the role of a successful person, then this is active imagination.

The artist, creating a new masterpiece, uses all his creative potential, bringing something absolutely new into this world. A scientist or inventor, making another breakthrough, also uses a productive imagination, imagining something that no one has seen before. But the manager of a large company, dreaming about how he can buy a new car from his salary, does nothing innovative. His imagination is reproductive, as fantasies depict a vehicle already known. In any case, such visualization is useful because it motivates a person to take specific actions.

In order for the imagination to be useful, it is necessary to learn how to use it correctly, and also to develop and strengthen it.

How to develop imagination?

Any skill can be upgraded. Imagination develops in the same way as sociability, leadership, or mindfulness. The main advice in this matter is practice. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Only daily work bears fruit. If a person is looking for ways to develop imagination, he needs to try them out in the process of practice. Below is a list of techniques that help improve your imagination and learn how to draw interesting and unique images in your mind.

1. Reading books and watching educational television

Even the most creative of us need inspiration. In order for the mind to imagine something completely new, original neural connections must form in the gray matter, which no one had before. This happens only in the process of obtaining new information and experience. Imagination depends on the human intellect. The scale of fantasies of an erudite and a stupid person are different. The more someone knows, the more often he forms unexpected connections between neurons, the more developed his imagination.

Take a test on the hemispheres of the brain

2. Active visualization

A good way to develop the imagination is to visualize texts and audio recordings. Reading a book or listening to it in audio format, you can draw colorful pictures in your fantasies, visualizing what is being said. The brighter these images are, the stronger the imagination is involved, and the better it will develop. This technique is especially good when reading fairy tales, when adults can pronounce the main points together with children, introduce the main characters and villains of the work, attributing to them certain characteristics and qualities that are not mentioned in the fairy tale.

3. Recording surrounding events

Observation is very useful for the imagination. Thanks to this quality, a person learns to actively perceive information. He gets more knowledge and experience. A good technique is to keep a personal diary in which various events are recorded. This helps to accumulate more data, which makes it possible to expand the worldview. Unlike books that display outdated information, observation allows you to get up-to-date knowledge that is applicable at the current time.

4. Mind games

Games that require the use of the imagination are popular in our society. A striking example is the “crocodile”, in which it is necessary to depict any objects or phenomena, while absolutely not suggesting what is being said. This exercise is very good for developing imagination and visualization skills. It is also useful to play the “inventor”, telling other participants invented stories that are supplemented during the game. It is even more interesting to play “associations”, trying to find parallels between hidden words and real images.

5. Creativity

In the first place, after all, is the creative sphere of human life. Creativity helps to develop the imagination better than all other techniques and methods. It can be painting, prose, poetry, singing or dancing, woodcarving, pottery, origami or macrame, embroidery, knitting, making appliqués, making puppets, playing musical instruments. Introduction to art, in all its forms and manifestations, greatly enhances the creative potential of a person, helps to look at the world outside the box, generate unusual ideas and images.

6. Mobile applications

The world is unthinkable without the Internet and gadgets. If they have already filled our lives, then it is necessary to learn how to get the maximum benefit from this neighborhood. Imagination and other skills can be developed with the help of various mobile applications. If you wish, you can find, download and install dozens of games that enhance the intellect and creativity of a person. Instead of hanging out on social networks, flipping through the same type of public, or playing races and shooters, it’s better to take some time for self-development, forming an improved version of yourself.

7. Communication with creative people

It is difficult to develop imagination among people who are not interested. As a rule, creative individuals, getting into a pragmatic society, instantly become “black sheep”. And all dissimilar are always losers. Accordingly, wanting to avoid ridicule, even from the school bench, people begin to restrain their potential, purposefully becoming like everyone else. This is their mistake, because they are initially above the gray mass. To feel at ease, you need to seek communication with the same dreamers and dreamers, enhancing each other’s talents.

Take a personality test

Imagination is very useful at any age. In childhood, it helps to spend time with interest, in youth it provides a better understanding of the world, and as an adult it is necessary for career and professional growth. This skill is useful both at work and in family or with friends. Given these facts, more attention should be paid to creative development, enhancing your potential, because thinking outside the box means success.

Development of the imagination in children – articles on the development of children

Every parent encounters a child’s imagination as soon as the child grows up. It is especially active in preschool age, when the child enters the creative environment of the kindergarten.

Imagination is not an innate ability, it develops when a child plays, engages in creativity, listens to works of art, communicates with people.

Imagination is closely related to fantasy, which is distinguished by fabulous images. In this article, we will consider the process of developing imagination in children, age-related features of development and methods.

Article content:

  • What is imagination and why develop it
  • Imagination functions
  • Types of imagination
  • Stages of Imagination
  • Ways to develop the imagination
  • Terminals

What is imagination and why develop it

Imagination is a mental process, a person’s ability to present new images based on experience.

The process of imagination is inextricably linked with thinking and memory. Developing the imagination, we activate the brain, so it is important to stimulate the child to this process, especially since children love to invent.

The child learns the world, the rules of behavior in society, interaction with other people through fantasy and play. Not a single thing in the world would be invented if there was no imagination.

Imagination functions

There are 2 main functions of imagination that go through certain stages of their development.

  1. Cognitive. This function is aimed at eliminating the contradictions that often arise in the head of a child due to little life experience. Imagination in this hypostasis plays the role of a builder for a holistic picture of the world of the baby. The formation of cognitive imagination occurs during the game.
  2. Affective. It performs the function of protection when contradictions appear between the images in the baby’s head and the real picture. Affective imagination helps the child learn the norms of behavior. It develops in the process of playing situations and subsequent experiences by the child.

Types of imagination

Imagination can be of the following types:

  • recreative – the most common type, when the images in the head are recreated on the basis of some information, for example, when reading a book, we imagine characters, a place, events;
  • creative – images in the head appear in new formats without relying on existing information. This kind of imagination needs to be purposefully developed, since it does not form by itself;
  • uncontrollable – the view is characteristic of “violent dreamers” and inventors who cannot control their flow of fantasies, do not have any sequence and logic of images, and often do not distinguish between reality and fiction.

Stages of imagination development

The following age stages of imagination development are distinguished:

Imagination at 0-3 years old

Imagination is born at the age of one and a half to two years, when the baby begins to recognize familiar objects in the pictures. His imagination has a passive process, does not create any new images.

The initial forms of imagination at an early age are formed on the basis of a generalization of play actions and objects. In addition, a child of 2-3 years old masters a new way of playing – using substitute objects. By itself, the game with substitution implies the presence of imagination, the child consciously chooses objects and pronounces game actions. Thus, before entering kindergarten, the child already has the rudiments of creative elements.

Imagination at 3-4 years old

The development of imagination in children of early preschool age occurs through the formation of verbal forms of imagination.

At the age of 3, the child’s need to play becomes independent, but the support and help of an adult is still needed. A preschooler imitates the actions of adults and, on the basis of this, independent creativity develops based on familiar objects and situations.

Indicators of developed imagination at this stage: variety of game plots, independence in the use of substitute objects, originality of action substitutions in the game. At this age, an affective kind of imagination appears, when the child begins to realize his separateness from other people. So, the imagination in the early preschool age acquires an independent character.

Imagination at 4-5 years old

In the middle preschool age, creative manifestations in play, creative activity, stories are increasingly manifested. Children begin to dream, imagine their future profession, family, home.

Imagination remains involuntary and arises mainly as an emotional response, but is already an intellectual activity. The creation of images is based not only on familiar images and phenomena, but also on verbal representations. Although the child at this stage is not yet able to control the imagination, he can represent the emotional states of other people, empathy develops.

Imagination at 6-7 years old

The development of the imagination of older preschoolers becomes active.

Fantasy manifests itself when reading, watching movies, pictures, in conversation. An idea appears that can hold the child’s attention for several days.

Senior preschoolers independently invent games, set rules, assign roles. At the same time, the plot and other components of the game often change under the influence of other decisions. Preschool age is a period when conscious dreams are laid, the basis for the formation of creative thinking, non-standard solutions is strengthened.

Methods for the development of imagination

Methods for the development of imagination in children.


Educational didactic games, which are divided into types, contribute to the development of imagination.

  • Games with the use of items (toys, educational items) that help create a plot, creative images, can be aimed at social interaction or individual play;
  • Board games are selected according to the age of the child and are aimed at developing many abilities: cognitive, creative, mental. Examples of board games for the development of imagination in preschoolers and younger students:
  1. Game “Imaginarium.
  2. Childhood ”for children from 5 years old, in which you need to guess and guess illustrations, is aimed at developing associative and creative thinking, fantasy and memory.
  3. “Impromptu” – an improvisation game for the development of imagination in primary school age – is to tell stories from images on cards.
  • Word games encourage children to communicate, build stories, think creatively, reason. For example, in the game “Living Objects” you need to imagine yourself in the role of a lost hat or wet mittens, describe their condition, history, thoughts. In the game “It’s Impossible”, participants are asked to invent a story, after which the listeners will say that this is impossible in real life.
  • Reading

    Books trigger intellectual processes: memory, imagination, thinking, attention. Listening to a fairy tale, the child imagines the image of a hero, often puts himself in his place and fantasizes what he would do if he were the hero of a fairy tale. You can invite the child to draw his favorite characters, tell his own end to the tale, or dramatize the plot.


    Any kind of creativity – drawing, modeling, applique – one way or another, contribute to the development of imagination in preschool age. Drawing, making crafts or modeling, the child imagines the image that should eventually turn out.

    Creative activities, in addition to the development of imagination, have a good effect on the development of fine motor skills and concentration of the child’s attention. Read more about the development of children’s creative abilities in our article.


    Preschoolers and schoolchildren are very responsive to different types of art. You can offer to describe the actions in the picture, tell what could happen on it, what the characters feel, come up with your own story of creation. Listening to classical music, children describe its mood, can come up with movements to the beat. Theater for children is a real embodiment of read fairy tales, it stimulates imitation, replenishes the experience.


    Knowledge of the surrounding world and its phenomena gives a lot of impulses for creativity. First, with the help of adults, the child learns the world around him, asks questions, establishes causal relationships. As the child grows older, he begins to notice on his own, for example, what a cloud looks like or where a leaf floats.


    Children are very active and movement is a pleasant and necessary way for them to explore the world.

    There are plenty of ways to develop the imagination. For example, you can offer to depict an animal through movement: its habits, size, sounds that it makes. Through the exercise “Depict a phenomenon”, you can teach a child to show how the wind blows, how the trees sway, how it rains.