Why do babies drool: Baby Drooling? 5 Revealing Things About Your (Adorable) Drooling Monster

Опубликовано: December 16, 2022 в 10:31 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Why Do Babies Drool, And When Does It Stop?

While drooling and bubbling saliva is typical of babies, many parents are concerned as to what extent they should consider normal. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about baby drooling.

Table of Contents

Why Do Babies Drool?

Every baby will go through a stage wherein drooling and bubbling their saliva is very evident. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies drool while they explore and take in most of their needs through the mouth. In most cases, drooling is a normal part of a baby’s development, and it is typically observed during the following instances:


Experts suggest that one manifestation of impending tooth eruption in babies is drooling. There seems to be an increased in the production of saliva before teething begins. This can be as early as a few months before you notice that your baby’s first tooth erupts.

In this case, drooling is simply a normal reaction of the body to prepare your baby’s gut and oral cavity for the introduction of solid foods. When the tooth erupts, saliva also acts as a natural barrier from tooth decay. It regularly washes your baby’s teeth and removes food debris from his mouth.


Upon introduction to solid foods, your baby’s body will compensate in this new type of diet by increasing the production of saliva. Digesting milk is much simpler than absorbing the solid foods, so it is reasonable for the body to take one step forward when it comes to food digestion.

As we all know, saliva plays an important role in digesting food. The saliva contains an important enzyme called ptyalin that facilitates the breakdown of starchy foods into sugar that the body can absorb. The increased salivary production at this phase will also help protect your baby’s stomach because it acts as a natural antacid.

However, since your baby’s muscular coordination needs a little more practice, she may not notice that her saliva is already dripping. But don’t worry! Your baby will soon be an expert in chewing and swallowing while keeping her saliva in.

Sometimes, drooling may also happen in response to the sight, scent, or taste of certain foods. Just like adults, your baby’s salivary glands may also be triggered by sour foods. So this is not something to be concerned about.

Concentration in activities involving the mouth

It is normal for babies to explore everything by mouth. They will go through a stage when they will place their hand, toys, shirt, and everything they hold into their mouth.

Concentrating on these activities will stimulate their salivary glands to produce more saliva. While your baby is busy tasting and gnawing on anything, drooling is more likely to happen.


Drooling while sleeping is normal since your baby lacks muscle control while asleep. It also happen among adults, so you need to worry less about your baby drooling while sleeping.

When Do Babies Start Drooling?

Drooling is linked to the developmental stages that babies go through. According to experts, drooling is typically observed by 3 months of age, either as a preparation to teething or because of baby’s increased activities by mouth.

Upon noticing an increase in saliva production, you may do the following measures while waiting for your baby to successfully overcome this stage:

  • Always clean your baby’s mouth and the surrounding skin to prevent itching and skin rashes.
  • Wear bibs over your baby’s neck to catch any saliva that is dripping from his mouth. Make sure they are worn safely, and frequently check them to prevent accidental strangulation.
  • Use soft washcloths or baby bibs when wiping your baby’s mouth to prevent further irritation.
  • The increased in saliva production also requires extra hydration. Keep your baby hydrated by frequent nursing. Babies who are older than 6 months may also be introduced to water or fruit juices.
  • Change your baby’s wet clothes as needed. The saliva in the clothing may irritate your baby’s skin if left for longer hours.

When Do Babies Stop Drooling?

The extent of time that babies normally manifest drooling varies. Some babies may have full control of their chewing and swallowing as early as 12 months, while some may have it up to 24 months.

According to experts, drooling is typically fine. However, if your baby doesn’t overcome drooling by his 5th birthday, then it may be due to other reasons or medical conditions.

In some other cases, drooling may seem too much than other babies typically have. An baby that is drooling excessively may possibly have the following conditions:

Open mouth posture

Drooling may be more apparent in babies who are fond of opening their mouths for long periods of time, even when they’re not eating. This is termed as the open mouth posture.

Dental problems

Malocclusion, cavities and infection of the gums may also contribute to increased drooling.

Oral structural problems

Malformations in the lips and oral cavity may interfere with a baby’s ability of swallow his saliva and lead to drooling.

Neurological disorders

Drooling may also be a sign of Cerebral Palsy and Bell’s Palsy. In these medical conditions, drooling is accompanied by other symptoms like delayed speech and motor skill development.


Babies with this condition have troubles in swallowing, even with their saliva. This is termed as pediatric dysphagia. In this case, drooling may be manifested with difficulties in nursing, eating, drinking, and even breathing.


Overall, drooling is a normal part of your baby’s growth and development. However, as a parent, you may also trust your instincts. If you feel your baby is excessively drooling or if he manifests other signs of delayed development, then it is wise to seek advice from your doctor for an appropriate assessment and intervention.

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This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a doctor or licensed medical professional before making any medical decisions.

How To Manage Baby Drool remedies

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Many parents report that their babies begin to drool around three months of age. At this time your baby may also begin to blow bubbles with their excess saliva.

In this article, you’ll learn why your baby is drooling, when you need to see a healthcare provider because of the drool, tips for managing the drool plus any drool rash, and when to expect the drooling to stop. 

Why Is My Baby Drooling?

You may begin to notice your baby drooling around two to three months of age. It is around this time that the salivary glands begin to become active. This often leads to excess saliva.  This excess saliva combined with a lack of teeth (in the front of the mouth) and poor neck muscle control for swallowing, can result in drooling.

Many well-intentioned friends and family members, as well as your healthcare provider, may tell you it means baby is teething.

Though teething is often accompanied by drool, it is not an absolute sign that baby is beginning teething. Learn the signs and symptoms, plus the best natural remedies here.

When To Take Baby To The Doctor

Excess drool in itself is not a reason to call your child’s healthcare provider. However, there are a few symptoms that you may see with excess drool that signal a call to the pediatric provider is necessary.

If your baby is showing any signs of difficulty breathing. Signs of difficulty breathing may include:

  • A high pitched noise when your baby breathes
  • Your baby’s lips turning purple or blue.
  • The chest rise and fall looking more pronounced.  

New onset of constant or severe cough accompanied by the drool. 

If your baby has a fever, which is a temperature of 100.4 or greater. 

If your baby has a significant rash, that is not a teething rash. 

Excessive crying or fussiness that is not within your baby’s norm. 

Baby refusing to eat.

If your baby is not having wet diapers. 

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How to help manage baby drool 

There are a few things you can get to help manage your baby’s drool. Many of the suggestions below are the same ones used for teething babies. This is due to the fact that the drool may be related to teething, and sore and/or irritated gums.

Some of these suggestions can also be found in my article here about newborn essentials and this article about teething.

Purchase A Teether 

My personal favorite teethers are made from all-natural rubber. Sola the Goat and Mia the Lamb are made from all-natural rubber and in a shape that babies enjoy.

These teethers do not have any holes. Meaning water cannot enter the teether, greatly reducing the risk of mold. Additionally, these teethers are certified to be free from BPA, PVC, phthalates, and nitrosamines. They also use food-grade based paints.

My children and everyone that I have gifted one of these teethers to have absolutely loved them! There is something about their shape and flexibility that babies enjoy.

I also like solid wood teething toys. However, my children not would take to the wooden teethers that I introduced to them.

Use Silicone Teething Beads

Teething beads are made from 100% medical grade silicone. These beads can be made into a necklace or a teething toy.

A teething necklace is worn on an adult’s neck. While you’re holding your baby they can pick up the necklace and chew on the special teething beads. This is one of my favorite teething necklaces.  However, with many different styles available you should be able to find one that fits your personality.

There are many different types of teething rings made with silicone teething beads. Some are to be held in your baby’s hand, like this one. Others tether onto your baby carrier or stroller, like this.

As with all jewelry and teething toys, you will need to inspect it each time before putting it on.

Buy a baltic amber necklace

Baltic amber is a fossilized tree resin that is found in areas near the Baltic Sea. The beads of the necklace are not to be chewed. They should be worn directly on the skin.

When the beads are worn directly on the skin, the beads are able to warm up and release succinic acid. Succinic acid helps decrease both inflammation and pain. The acid is absorbed by the skin as it is released from the beads.

You may hear mixed opinions regarding Baltic amber necklaces. I have used Baltic amber necklaces on myself and all of my children.

I encourage everyone that places a baltic amber necklace on their child to practice safe jewelry wear. Safe jewelry wear means removing the necklace for sleep or when the child will not be fully supervised. I would also suggest removing the necklace when the child is riding in the car seat and putting it back on when you arrive at your destination.

The majority of our Baltic amber necklaces come from this company, but we have also purchased from this one. If you choose to purchase from another company, be sure to research that it is genuine Baltic amber.

You also want to only purchase necklaces that are made to break with tension, to prevent strangulation. Additionally, the necklace should include knots between each bead. This will prevent beads from falling off the necklace if it breaks.

Use a drool bib

The drool bib will not reduce the amount of drool your baby has. However, it will help to protect your baby’s clothing. Any bib will do but these are some of my favorites.  

Massage their gums

Many babies experience pain and irritation on their gums. This can occur months prior to their first tooth erupting. To help ease the discomfort you can massage your baby’s gums using a clean dry finger. Simply rub your finger back and forth on their gums, using the same motion you would use if brushing your teeth with your finger. 

Drool Rash

What is a drool rash?

Sometimes the excess saliva can cause a rash on the baby’s skin. The rash can be referred to as a teething rash or drool rash. This rash is most often seen on the face, chest, and/or neck. A teething rash is typically red in color and may look like chapped skin. I have also seen pink bumps on a baby’s cheeks or chin due to drool.

How to prevent a drool rash

The best way to prevent this rash from occurring is by using the above items to try to reduce drool and by wiping the drool from the skin frequently.

How to treat a drool rash

You can also try applying a balm to the skin if you notice that it looks like a rash is beginning to form. I personally prefer to keep the balm as simple and non-toxic as possible.

My favorite would be this Alaffia shea butter. It is pure unrefined shea butter and contains no additional ingredients, making it safe for both you and baby. I always keep a container of this stuff in my bathroom, as it has multiple uses. 

When Do Babies Stop Drooling? 

Most babies will stop having excess drool by two to three years of age. At this point, most of their primary teeth and molars have come in. By this age, they also are able to effectively swallow excess saliva.

Baby Drool

Have you had a baby that drools a lot? What is your favorite tip on this list? Do you have a favorite tip I didn’t include?

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Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

Drooling is common among babies, especially when their teeth start to come in. It is typically not a cause for concern, but sometimes excessive drooling can irritate your baby’s skin and cause a drool rash.

Mustela’s baby experts discuss the causes and symptoms of drool rash as well as the treatment and prevention methods for this skin concern so that your little one can stay comfortable and happy all day long.

Drool Rash Explained

A drool rash results from too much saliva on the surface of your baby’s skin and can show up around their mouth and cheeks, in the folds of their neck, or on their chest.

A drool rash is not contagious and is not linked to any serious medical conditions. However, it may make your baby uncomfortable and can become painful. The good news: it usually disappears when your baby is 15 to 18 months old, and there are ways to treat and prevent drool rash.

Causes Of Drool Rash

Your baby’s skin is delicate and prone to rashes, such as heat rash, eczema, baby acne, and so on. This makes it difficult to determine the culprit of the rash. Check out possible causes of your baby’s drool rash listed below.


Drooling is a common side effect of teething. When your baby is teething, they are constantly gnawing on their hands or a teether. As a result, the saliva from the inside of their mouth will drip down the sides of their face, into the folds of their neck, and sometimes even down to their chest.


Saliva drips from your baby’s mouth when they suck on their pacifier, which isolates the drool to that one area. When the saliva is locked into place by the pacifier, a drool rash is likely to occur since that area is not getting any air.


If smeared food is left on your baby’s face for too long, this may cause a drool rash to develop around their mouth. To prevent this, keep Cleansing Wipes nearby to wipe away any residue left from eating.

Symptoms Of Drool Rash

You can identify drool rash by its flat or slightly raised patches with red bumps that may appear chapped and will be located in the places we mentioned above: mouth, cheeks, neck folds, chest.

Treatments For Drool Rash

Clean The Affected Area Twice Per Day

To treat your baby’s drool rash, clean the affected area twice per day.

Try Mustela’s No Rinse Cleansing Water, which is ideal for in-between bath time or when you’re on the go. It thoroughly cleanses your baby’s face and body while softening their skin. The best part: no need to rinse with water!

If you’re not on the go, wash the affected area with Mustela’s Gentle Soap With Cold Cream and water. It gently cleanses the face and body of newborns and babies, making it the perfect soap to keep your baby’s skin drool-free throughout the day.

Remember to pat your little one dry after washing because rubbing may irritate their sensitive skin even further.

Apply A Soothing Cream

After the affected area is clean, apply a soothing cream that delivers moisture to your baby’s delicate skin. Mustela’s Cicastela Moisture Recovery Cream is what you’re looking for when it comes to treating your baby’s drool rash.

This natural ointment relieves discomfort in irritated areas by delivering cooling hydration to your little one’s skin. It is a safe, multi-purpose ointment for soothing relief from head to toe.

Use A Gentle Baby Wash At Bath Time

To help further treat your baby’s drool rash and prevent it from coming back, use Mustela’s Sensitive Skin Bath Time Set. This exclusive bundle is formulated with natural ingredients to soothe and protect your baby’s sensitive skin. The set includes our Soothing Cleansing Gel and Soothing Moisturizing Body Lotion.

Soothing Cleansing Gel

Mustela’s Soothing Cleansing Gel safely and effectively cleans your baby’s hair and body while working to soothe their skin. Its fragrance-free formula is designed for babies and children with very sensitive and rashy skin.

As you can see, the Soothing Cleansing Gel is perfect for cleaning the areas of your baby’s skin affected by drooling!

Soothing Moisturizing Body Lotion

After washing and cleansing with our Soothing Cleansing Gel, gently massage the Soothing Moisturizing Body Lotion onto your baby to protect and relieve their sensitive skin. Just like the cleansing gel, it’s made from a fragrance-free formula that is specifically designed for sensitive and rashy skin.

Bath time is a time of relaxation and play for your little one! Enhance bath time with Mustela’s Multi-Sensory Bubble Bath for a special time of bonding between you and your baby. These foaming bubbles make baths therapeutic and fun while protecting and hydrating your baby’s skin.

Avoid Irritating Substances

Now is probably not a good time to switch up laundry detergents, as you wouldn’t want to further irritate your baby’s skin. Avoid harsh soaps and scented lotions, and indulge in gentle, soothing soaps and lotions instead, such as Mustela’s skin care products.

For example, Mustela’s Cicastela Recovery Cream is something you’ll want to keep stocked. This fragrance-free, multi-purpose recovery cream soothes skin and targets any discomfort accompanied by a drool rash.

Prevention Of Drool Rash

Put A Bib On Your Baby

If your baby is drooling to the point of soaking their shirt, go ahead and put a bib on them. Make sure to change out their bib as soon as it becomes wet.

The bib will protect their chest by catching any drool, and it can be used to gently wipe the drool away.

Keep Your Baby’s Skin Clean And Dry

Keeping your baby’s mouth, cheeks, folds under their neck, and their chest clean and dry is the best prevention method for a drool rash. These areas are especially delicate and sensitive, making them susceptible to irritation. Use Mustela’s Certified Organic Water Wipes with Cotton and Aloe to gently wipe and clean these delicate areas.

Always keep Mustela’s Bebe On The Go with you. It’s a trio of travel-sized essentials to keep your baby clean and hydrated. It allows for easy bathing, hydration, and clean-ups for — you guessed it — on the go.

So even if you’re out and about and need to quickly clean your baby’s face and neck throughout the day, Mustela has you covered! Stay proactive in keeping your baby’s face and neck clean to help prevent a drool rash from occurring.

Offer A Teething Ring or Cold Washcloth

If you suspect your baby’s drooling is caused by teething, offer something cold for their gums. A teething ring or a cold washcloth are good places to start when trying to control drooling caused by teething. The coolness will soothe their swollen gums and even provide relief if they already have a drool rash.

You may notice your baby still drooling even after offering a teething ring or a cold washcloth. Make sure to pat the area dry after use and apply a moisturizer, like our Soothing Moisturizing Face Cream, to protect their sensitive skin.

When To See A Doctor

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, a drool rash is not contagious and is not linked to any serious medical conditions. However, reach out to your child’s pediatrician if you notice any of the following symptoms in your baby:

  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Refusal to eat
  • Unusual fussiness or irritability

Also, if you notice the rash getting worse or if it appears to be severe, make a phone call to the doctor right away.

Drool Rash: Summary

Your baby’s drool rash can be a source of discomfort. Whether teething, a pacifier, or smeared food left on your baby’s face is the culprit, washing the affected area will help treat the rash.

Remember to apply a soothing ointment and use a gentle baby wash, like that in our Sensitive Bath Time Set, at bath time.

Keep the delicate areas of your little one’s face and neck clean and dry, and use Mustela’s gentle line of skin care products to wipe away drool. When you follow these steps, your baby will be comfortable and rash-free!

Is my son’s drooling a sign of a deeper problem?

A. All babies drool, some more than others. Drooling in small children is a normal part of development. Their teeth are coming down, they put everything in their mouths, and they haven’t quiet developed the habit of keeping the lips together.

As children grow older they learn to manage their saliva, and most do not drool after they are four years old. The exception to this is children with disabilities.

A child with a disability that interferes with the nerves or muscles in the throat and mouth may drool past this age. Impaired ability to swallow occurs in children with neuromuscular problems, such as cerebral palsy.


Saliva contains water and traces of other substances like salts and mucus. The function of mucus in saliva is to protect the mouth and throat when eating. It keeps gum tissue healthy, removes bacteria from the mouth, reduces breath odour and begins the digestion process.

Children produce much more saliva than adults do, in fact up to eight times as much. If the child does not swallow the saliva, it can spill out of the mouth and be observed as drooling.

Even though children produce much more saliva than adults, the cause of excessive drooling is not usually excessive production of saliva, but the failure to process the saliva by swallowing. The failure to process the saliva is usually because the child cannot swallow properly, cannot swallow efficiently or does not swallow often enough.

Excessive drooling can irritate your child’s skin, especially face, neck and chest.

If your child is still drooling between the ages of three and four your GP may recommend treatment.

Infants who are teething tend to drool, but you said that your child had all his teeth therefore it is highly unlikely that this is the reason in this case. Excessive saliva production can occur in infants and children with gum inflammation (gingivitis) or dental disease.

Your dentist is best qualified to assess the health of your child’s teeth and gums. He can also check if your child’s tongue and other muscles in his mouth and jaw are developing properly.

Drooling in some instances can be considered a ‘soft’ neurological sign, meaning it can indicate some level of neurological damage, and is of concern if it continues into the third year or if it is accompanied by other developmental delays such as a very clumsy gait, fine motor delay, or language delays.

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Of course allowance is made for teeth erupting and finger or thumb sucking. Usually, though, there is a more simple explanation: children who drool are often noted to keep their mouths open at rest.

This may be due to nasal congestion caused by a cold or allergies or it may be due to low facial tone.


When oral muscles are weak, a child may keep their mouth open simply because it is easier. There is some evidence to suggest that children who are mouth breathers have a higher risk of speech delay which appears to be due to poor muscle tone in the tongue.

If you think about where your tongue is while you are sitting with your mouth closed, you will notice it is up against the roof of your mouth. This resting posture requires more muscle strength than is needed when the mouth is open, with the tongue resting on the floor of the mouth.

That muscle tone is really important when it comes to producing the sounds for r, l, and th, and it is those sounds that many children who are mouth breathers have difficult with.

Impaired ability to retain saliva in the mouth may also be related to disproportion between the tongue and lower jaw.

When exploring the cause of drooling it is important to look at your child’s developmental milestones and in particular his speech and language development. Drooling associated with speech delay may be a result of an inability to control the muscles of his mouth including his tongue, lips and swallowing (oromotor dysfunction).

These same muscles are involved in the production of speech sounds. Oromotor dysfunction as a cause of speech delay need not be associated with any receptive language delay.

A child who cannot produce speech sounds may still understand language perfectly well. An evaluation by a speech and language therapist can determine if a child is suffering from oromotor dysfunction.

If a problem is detected the therapist can teach your child exercises and recommend techniques that can be used at home to help rectify the situation.

Tongue enlargement occurs in a few rare syndromes. More commonly, tongue size is normal, but the lower jaw is not growing in proportion to the tongue and face.

Speech and language therapists are best qualified to assess the neurological aspect of swallowing. A speech and language therapist can help your child learn to close the lips, move the saliva to the back of the mouth, and swallow.

Helping a child learn the correct way to swallow can solve the problem. The use of a straw for taking fluids can help to improve drooling. Helping your child learn the correct way to swallow solves the problem better than increasing the frequency of swallowing, although the latter does help a little. Improving posture and body position can also be helpful.

Most children with big tonsils and adenoids will not drool, but on the other hand many children who drool do, in fact, have big tonsils and adenoids.

Allergies can also contribute to congestion in the nasal passages and may be a contributing factor in excessive drooling. Your GP will be able to establish if your child has allergies, enlarged tonsils and adenoids and may refer him on to an ENT specialist.


As long as the rest of your son’s development is on track I would not worry about drooling unless it continues past his third birthday. However, if you have any concerns you should mention them to your public health nurse or GP.

In the meantime, use a bib which is made of a cloth. It should be pure cotton or a terry cloth. Keep on changing the bib every hour or so. Use a soft cloth to wipe your baby’s face as often as needed. Apply petroleum jelly around the face to prevent rashes.

Try to work with your son and show him how to keep his lips together. Show him how to swallow his spit. Practice making ‘kissy lips’, then do a big open smile, then a closed smile. Get him to open his mouth and move just his tongue.

Practice drinking with a straw. Don’t get at him about it — just gentle reminders to keep his lips together and chin dry.

How to Stop Sudden Saliva at Night

Disclaimer – Nothing on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. .. Read More Here.

Waking up in a pool of drool is not only uncomfortable but can be embarrassing and smell unpleasant. Frequently experiencing this could indicate a drooling problem.

We expect to see drooling in babies and toddlers who are teething and still developing muscle control. However, for adults who experience excessive drooling in sleep, several factors could explain this issue.


Causes of Drooling While Sleeping

How to Stop and Prevent Excessive Drooling

Complications from Drooling

Frequently Asked Questions

Salivating, driveling, slobbering, dribbling, and sialorrhea are all ways to describe the saliva that drips uncontrollably from the mouth.

Excessive saliva is typically the result of one of the three factors:

  • The body produces too much saliva.
  • There is not enough muscle control to contain the saliva that the body produces.
  • The body is not adept at swallowing the saliva before it escapes from the mouth.


Below we discuss why this might be occurring and how to mitigate the issue so you can wake up comfortably.


Causes of Drooling While Sleeping

How to Stop and Prevent Excessive Drooling

Complications from Drooling

Frequently Asked Questions

Causes of Drooling While Sleeping

Sleeping Position

The positions in which you rest could make you more prone to excessive drooling. Sleeping on your stomach and snoozing on your side are two postures that could be contributing to your condition.

As your body produces saliva, the liquid is more likely to escape from the front or the side of your mouth when it’s facing downward due to mere gravity. So sleeping on your back in bed is a quick way to resolve the issue.

Learn More: How To Properly Sleep On Your Back

Nasal Congestion

When the nasal passageways are congested, people are more likely to breathe through their mouths. Open mouths tend to lead to more drool finding its way onto your pillow because of the increased amount of air passing through, thus stimulating saliva, facilitating movement, and forcing it out of your mouth.

Need more info? Learn how to sleep with a cold here.

Gastrointestinal Reflux Disorder

GERD or gastrointestinal reflux disorder is also commonly known as chronic acid reflux.[1] The heartburn that patients experience is due to stomach acid being backed up in the esophagus. 

As a result, swallowing can be difficult because the patients report that it feels like they have a lump in their throat. The body responds to the irritation in the esophagus by producing even more saliva to try to flush out the irritant, resulting in drool.[2]


Some medications cause excessive saliva production. The most common instances are antipsychotic medications, particularly Clozapine. The theory behind this phenomenon is that the drug affects the function of the nervous system, producing extra saliva and prohibiting the muscles in the mouth from holding the liquid in or swallowing it down. [3]


Dysphagia is the term for difficulty when swallowing, and diseases like Parkinson’s, M.S., and muscular dystrophy can be the cause. These diseases can prevent muscles from functioning correctly, prohibiting the mouth from working as it should, thus allowing liquid to escape. However, the issue could be something as benign as a sore throat that makes swallowing uncomfortable.[4]

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes someone to stop breathing several times throughout the night. One of the signs of sleep apnea is excessive drooling.[5] Other symptoms include snoring, waking up suddenly during the night gasping for breath, excessive daytime drowsiness, and having a sore throat or dry mouth in the morning.

Treating sleep apnea often results in cessation of drool, but there could be another condition at play in cases where it doesn’t.

Allergies & Infections

An infection, especially in the sinuses, could also cause excessive drool; this is because infections tend to produce extra saliva in the mouth as the body tries to flush out the foreign invaders attacking the immune system. In turn, if there are blocked nasal cavities, the body resorts to mouth-breathing, which allows a free flow of saliva.

Allergies can also be an issue. For example, blocked sinuses due to allergies can lead to unwanted drainage in the form of nighttime drool.

Other Causes:

Neurological Disorders

A stroke or cerebral palsy could also be the source of the excess drool. These neurological conditions can prevent the muscles around the mouth and jaw from functioning to contain the saliva. In turn, the neurological impairment may also prevent the brain from signaling the body when it’s time to swallow.[6]


Epiglottitis is a type of infection in the back of the throat where you can find a plate of cartilage, which swells when infected. As a result, swallowing becomes difficult, and the patient often sits in what’s called a tripod position, leaning forward on their hands with their tongue out for maximum air entry. [7]

Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy is a viral infection that causes muscle weakness in facial muscles. Patients with this condition look like one side of their face has drooped; however, it’s usually temporary and resolves itself within months. During this time, the muscles in the face may become too weak or paralyzed, resulting in excessive saliva excretion.[8]

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a serious autoimmune condition. The nerve cells become damaged or frayed because the body begins attacking them as a misguided immune response. When the nerves no longer function properly, muscle weakness and even paralysis can occur. Drooling is one of the many manifestations of this disease.[9]

How to Stop and Prevent Excessive Drooling

Change Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent excessive drool. However, if you’re a die-hard side sleeper, the thought of sleeping on your back may not sound feasible. If you don’t want to change your sleeping habits, you may consider something like a wedge pillow that elevates your mouth and allows gravity to do its job.

Mouth Devices

Mandibular Device

A mandibular device is another word for a mouthpiece or oral device; these can be used to prevent various conditions like drooling, snoring, or teeth grinding. Some can be purchased at a drug store, while others require a prescription from a doctor or dentist.

View Our Full Guide: Best Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding

CPAP Machine

Continuous positive airway pressure CPAP machines are used to treat sleep apnea. If the apnea is the cause of the drooling, then using this device should help. If a patient is still producing excess drool, then it’s time to explore other causes.

Treat Allergy and Sinus Problems

Drool caused by allergies or sinus issues should be able to be alleviated by treating those issues directly. These problems could clear up on their own as the stimulants lessen or seasons change. Alternatively, you may elect to take medication to alleviate symptoms.

Talk To Your Doctor About Other Options


Medications that affect the salivary glands could help adults who struggle with drooling. The most commonly prescribed medication for this is Scopolamine, which is also known as Hyoscine.[10] This drug is primarily used to reduce motion sickness, vomiting and is sometimes given before surgery to reduce saliva production.

Speech Therapy

If the tongue and jaw muscles aren’t experiencing a full range of motion, your doctor may recommend speech therapy. This course of treatment is also recommended for patients whose lips don’t connect when they close their mouths. This solution isn’t an overnight cure, but it could help a patient improve over time.

Botox Injections

Botox is the Botulinum toxin that is commonly known as a facial injection to smooth out wrinkles. The muscles under the skin that contract create wrinkles as we age, and botox paralyzes these. The same principle applies to the salivary glands, so by injecting Botox into the glands, they will cease to function and stop creating saliva.[11]


The last resort is to explore surgery, which is only recommended when there’s an incurable neurological condition responsible for the drool. The most common method is to remove the salivary glands, and recovery can vary from a few weeks to a few months.[12]

Complications from Drooling

Not only is drooling embarrassing, especially if it occurs during the day, but drooling can also be ultimately harmful to your body. Some of the resulting complications include:

  • Dehydration
  • Chapped lips or skin around the mouth
  • Degradation of the skin’s surface from constant exposure to moisture
  • Lung infections in cases where the saliva stays caught in the throat

Frequently Asked Questions

Is drooling normal in adults and the elderly?

While it may be common in elderly citizens, it’s not considered normal, and there’s typically an explanation for the drooling. Drooling is often due to either a neurological disorder or a side effect of a medication. For example, a senior adult who is taking drugs for dementia or Parkinson’s could produce excessive drool as a result of the medication.[13]

Often in the case of elderly patients, the drooling occurs during the day as well, whether it’s due to a neurological condition or a side effect of their prescriptions. Because this can be extremely embarrassing as well as a potential health hazard, drooling as an adult should be addressed immediately.

Is drooling common in babies and toddlers?

Babies and toddlers are expected to drool as they’re still gaining control of their muscles. Drooling also becomes more pronounced during teething, which typically begins between the ages of three and twelve months and continues as late as two or three years old.

Can drooling be caused by a sore throat?

Yes, drooling could be an issue as a result of a sore throat. The issue happens because when sore throats are extremely painful, people might avoid swallowing to avoid pain.

The excessive drooling could potentially lead to further complications like dehydration or a new infection. A numbing spray like Chloraseptic is extremely effective at numbing the throat to allow for comfortable swallowing.

Sources and References:

  • [1] “GERD (Chronic Acid Reflux)“, Cleveland Clinic
  • [2] Gregg Lane, DMD, “My Teen Has Excessive Saliva… Should I Worry?”, Dentist West Hills, July 8, 2017
  • [3] Senan Maher, et al., “Clozapine-Induced Hypersalivation: an Estimate of Prevalence, Severity and Impact on Quality of Life” Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, SAGE Publications, June 2016
  • [4] L. Hartelius, P. Svensson. “Speech and Swallowing Symptoms Associated with Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis: A Survey” Folia Phoniatrica Et Logopaedica, Karger Publishers, December 9, 2009
  • [5] Paula S. Barry, MD. “Why Am I Drooling? 4 Causes of Excessive Drooling”, Penn Medicine Health Blogs, November 7, 2018
  • [6] Neil G. Hockstein, et al., “Sialorrhea: A Management Challenge”, American Family Physician, June 1, 2004
  • [7] Dr. Ananya Mandal, “Symptoms of Epiglottitis”, News Medical, June 5, 2019
  • [8] “Bell’s Palsy”, Michigan Medicine
  • [9] “Why Do I Drool During Sleep?”, Scannell and Hollinger, 20 June 2018
  • [10] Abigail Mato, et al., “Management of Drooling in Disabled Patients with Scopolamine Patches”, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Blackwell Science Inc, June 2010
  • [11] A. Alvarenga, M. Campos, M. Dias, L. Melão, J. Estevão-Costa, “BOTOX-A Injection of Salivary Glands for Drooling”, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • [12] “Salivary Gland Surgery”, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • [13] Rachel Dolhun, MD Senior Vice President Medical Communications. “Ask the MD: Potential Treatment for Drooling in Parkinson’s”, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research | Parkinson’s Disease

Rachael Gilpin

Content Writer

Rachael is a content writer for Sleep Advisor who loves combining her enthusiasm for writing and wellness. She’s had a passion for writing since she was a kid when she wrote awful poetry. She’s honed her craft quite a bit since then and considers herself a lucky duck to get paid to do what she loves.

Embracing the remote work life, she occasionally takes her work on the road and lives out her travel writer pipe dream.

In her free time, she attempts to meditate regularly, rides her bike to Trader Joe’s, and enjoys trying every type of food that she can get her hands on.

The difference between baby drool bibs and feeding-time bibs

A common thread among newborns and toddlers is that they know how to make a mess. As a new or expecting parent, you can help keep your baby and home a bit cleaner by getting to know the different types of bibs. Bibs are nonnegotiable baby essentials and toddler bibs are necessary, too. Let’s discover what makes drool and feeding-time bibs different from each other and why you should invest in both.


  • Drool bibs
  • Feeding-time bibs
  • Other factors to consider

Drool bibs

Babies can’t help but make a mess with all of that drool. This is because until they’re a year and a half to two years old, they haven’t developed oral muscles to control their drool. But this excess drool helps them digest food when they start solids. When they’re teething, their drooling intensifies. A drool bib prevents neck rashes from drool by letting you wipe away dribble around their mouth.

The main features of a drool bib and what to look for when shopping for one

The size: Drool bibs are smaller than feeding-time bibs. Their main purpose is to keep the front of your baby’s shirt dry. The bib is just large enough to cover your baby’s upper chest and neck. If your little one has started crawling, drool bibs will help your floors and other surfaces stay drool-free.

The fabric: These bibs are usually made of absorbent fabrics that wash easily and dry quickly. This includes fabrics like flannel, heavy cotton, and even bamboo. You can find a fabric blend like cotton knit jersey or microfleece. Most bibs are made with two layers for optimal absorption. Additionally, these fabrics should withstand heavy washing.

The styles: Since drool bibs are meant to be worn all day, they should fit snugly. You have multiple options: snaps, Velcro material, or buttons. The most common are adjustable metal or plastic snaps. These keep the bib on your baby even when they’re playing.

You might also opt for bandana-style bibs, which are less bulky than the traditional rounded shape. Bandana bibs have a higher collar, which keeps drool off of your baby’s chest and neck. Some bandana-style drool bibs have a silicone arrow tip for teething babies. These two-in-one bibs are helpful from birth until toddler age. A bandana bib is also a little more difficult to take off, so it stays secured even if your child tries to pull it off their neck.

Besides bandana-style bibs, you may opt for traditional styles with a plush collar. These catch drool, milk, food, and prevent neck rashes. If your child is prone to rashes, change their bib multiple times a day and give their neck time to air out.

Feeding-time bibs

Whenever your baby begins to self-feed, a mealtime bib will help keep food on their plates and off their clothes – at least a little bit better.

The size: Feeding-time bibs are typically larger than drool bibs. They offer wider coverage to protect your baby’s clothes and skin from mealtime messes. A feeding-time bib should cover your baby’s chest and shoulders. Larger bibs that cover their stomach and arms are a plus.

The fabric: Mealtime bibs are made of waterproof or almost waterproof fabrics. This makes them easy to wipe off or clean after their meal. At the end of the day, you can toss them in the washer or hand-wash them and air dry.

Feeding-time bibs are often made of silicone that you can wipe down quickly Food-grade silicone ensures they’re safe to use, especially for younger children.

The styles: Feeding-time bibs come in various styles. The scoop bib looks like a traditional bib but with an added pocket at the bottom. This pouch catches food, drool, and other debris during mealtime.

You can try a long-sleeved bib or a smock bib. These bibs are like open-back long-sleeved shirts that you can easily take off after a meal. The added coverage keeps even the messiest baby food-free. Baby smocks offer a short-sleeved option if that seems more comfortable.

One disadvantage about long-sleeved bibs is they’re often size specific. Unlike traditional bibs, which you can adjust, keep, and use for months, your little one may outgrow their pair of long-sleeved bibs more quickly.

Other factors to consider

Whether you’re shopping for drool bibs or a heavy-duty feeding-time bib, opt for products with adjustable neck fasteners. Bibs that have a wide use age range are more practical. For instance, a bib for 6-24 months is more ideal than a bib for 6-12 months. It also guarantees a comfortable fit for your baby because you can adjust the fasteners accordingly.

Besides fit and comfort, you want to think about colors and patterns. This is where the fun comes in! Bold designs are not only visually pleasing, but they hide stains, so consider purchasing bibs with prints when possible. Smaller, absorbent drool bibs are excellent for all-day use, while larger waterproof feeding-time bibs are fit for food messes.

While some messes can’t be avoided, the right set of bibs may help prevent rashes and stained clothes. A handful of drool bibs and one or two feeding-time bibs should be fine, as long as they are durable enough to survive even the biggest of baby messes. We can’t guarantee using both bib styles will keep your whole house cleaner, but they can protect your precious little one from their own handiwork.

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  • 10 fall-themed baby names that are just too cute and are just as memorable

  • Is your baby not eating solid foods? Here’s what could be going on

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  • Teething baby not eating? 7 simple solutions every concerned parent should try

When a baby starts to drool

The pride of many mothers and fathers is often reflected in the phrase: “And ours (ours), by the way, sat down (sat down) at five months, and already went (went) at ten”. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the following point. Upright walking, i.e. walking on two legs, and not on four, has created a lot of problems for a person as a biological species, primarily associated with a rather serious load on the spine. An early load on this very spine can lead to a wide variety of problems (curvature, radiculitis, etc.) in the future.

I would like to draw your attention once again: the child should want to sit and walk on his own. At least, at the age of up to a year, it is not necessary to consciously train and “teach” him. It’s okay if the baby lies and crawls for an extra month.

By the way, pay attention to such an interesting fact: the vast majority of slender and long-legged girls in early childhood were chubby, plump and started walking late. Maybe it’s necessary for slim legs?

Another question that worries many: drool and teeth. There is a popular sign: if a child is actively drooling, it means that teeth will soon come out. My personal experience does not support this wisdom. From two to three months, everyone drools, and teeth appear, as a rule, after six.

The time of appearance of teeth (with normal nutrition and care) depends mainly on heredity – of course, within certain limits. There is no reason to worry if everything is absolutely normal, the child is nine months old, and there are no teeth.

And one more thing. Medical science considers that teething is very rarely accompanied by the development of a painful condition. But practicing doctors (including myself), and the vast majority of parents all too often observe how a seemingly healthy child suddenly deteriorates for no reason at all, the temperature rises, and sometimes diarrhea begins. And after two or three days, a tooth erupts, and everything goes away. Here is the answer in practice.

It’s okay to see your baby drool all the time. The problem with this mucus is that it can cause severe irritation of the dermis surrounding the mouth. In the most extreme cases, such irritation can spread to the nose and neck.

In the next article, we will explain the causes of drooling in babies and What parents should do when treating such a skin problem.

What causes salivation in babies

Humans are capable of producing about 800 milliliters of saliva per day. The problem is that babies don’t know how to swallow it and do it about four times an hour, so they salivate excessively.

Salivation in infants has a number of functions to be aware of:

  • Saliva or saliva helps them soften various foods.
  • Keeps your mouth constantly moist, is what you need when it comes to swallowing food.
  • This drool protects baby’s teeth and keep your mouth clean from viruses and bacteria.

Despite this, it may happen that excessive salivation causes a number of problems in the child, such as: ulcers, difficulty breathing or fever. Faced with this, parents should contact their pediatrician promptly.

How to Treat Salivation in Babies

As you have seen, saliva in babies is important, but excess saliva can cause certain skin problems. Therefore, it is important to take a number of preventive measures:

  • If you notice that your baby has excess saliva in his mouth, you should clean the area.
  • It is important that the child is supervised at all times. is well hydrated.
  • It is absolutely impractical to expose the baby to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Wool-based clothing is generally not recommended as they may irritate the affected area.
  • If you notice that your baby’s skin is very irritated, you can apply some kind of moisturizer. to help improve your skin.

Until what age do babies drool?

Many parents mistakenly think that excessive salivation is due to the appearance of teeth. This is something that is not true at all as this salivation can occur at any time during the development and growth of the child.

Babies typically drool excessively between the ages of one and two. From this moment on, the children stop drooling – this is normal. If this does not happen, it is very possible that the child is suffering from a condition called hypersalivation.

In short, drooling in babies is normal and common. so nothing to worry about. If this excessive salivation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or mouth sores, contact your pediatrician.

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Full Path to Article: Bezzia » Mothers » Baby » What to do if your baby won’t stop drooling

If your baby is drooling and blowing bubbles, you know that the baby is on the right track in its physical development. In other words, these actions mean that your baby has entered a new stage of growth. If your little one starts drooling after the smell of food, then you know that his sense of smell is growing.

Is it normal for a child to drool profusely?

Typically, clinically excessive salivation is characterized by low muscle tone, lack of sensation in the lips and face, and difficulty swallowing. Although some salivation in children under 2 years of age is normal, excessive salivation is also a commonly observed symptom in children with neurological disorders.

Why does my child blow bubbles?

Usually this is a cry of hunger or a cry of fatigue. As your child grows, he will begin to communicate in different ways, such as gurgling, giggling, and cooing. Babies start spouting raspberries, which look like clusters of tiny bubbles of saliva, between 4 and 7 months of age. This is one way to develop them language skills .

Why does my 7 week old baby drool so much?

Your baby’s salivary glands have been working since he was in utero, but you may notice that he has begun to salivate. She also puts everything in her mouth and produces more saliva than she can swallow .

Is it normal for a 2 month old baby to drool?

Soon your child’s salivary glands will begin to work and he will begin to drool. This does not mean that your child is teething. At this age, children often like to “get up” on their hands and carry weight. it’s end to let your child do it.

Are bubbles safe for babies?

Blowing bubbles as a family can help bond between family members and children. Babies can try to reach and touch the bubbles, helping to develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

How do I know if my child has reflux?

Symptoms of reflux in children include:

  1. lactation or malaise during or shortly after feeding.
  2. cough or hiccups while feeding.
  3. anxiety during feeding.
  4. swallowing or swallowing after belching or feeding.
  5. cries and does not calm down.
  6. do not gain weight because they do not have enough food.

How do I know if my child has silent reflux?

Symptoms of silent reflux include:

  1. Irritability.
  2. Sleep problems.
  3. Breathless.
  4. Gagging.
  5. Nasal congestion.
  6. Arching of the back during feeding.
  7. Chronic cough.
  8. Refusal to eat.

Are babies teething at 7 weeks?

Although teething is still a long way off, some babies may start teething as early as 7 weeks of age , which could explain the crying. If you’re unsure or a little worried, see your therapist. 6 to 8 weeks is also the ideal time to visit the doctor to check on your baby.

Why does my 8 week old baby drool so much?

While it is true that drooling is very common in babies around 2-3 months of age and usually lasts until 12-15 months (about the same age teething starts), drooling simply means your baby’s salivary glands are starting to be activated after there is not much need for them when he eats easily digestible milk .

Why does my two-month-old baby choke on saliva?

Infants choke on saliva

Infants may also choke on saliva. Talk to your child’s doctor if this happens frequently. Possible causes may include swollen tonsils blocking the flow of saliva or infantile reflux .

How much saliva is normal for a child?

These glands normally produce 2 to 4 liters of saliva per day . When these glands produce too much saliva, you may drool. Drooling is normal in the first two years of life. Infants often do not develop full control of swallowing and mouth muscles until they are 18 to 24 months old.

Is it normal for a 4 month old baby to drool a lot?

The following are the most common signs and symptoms of teething: more than usual (drooling may start as early as 3 or 4 months of age, but is not always a sign of teething)

Can a 6-week-old baby be teething?

When does teething start? Teething often begins when children 6 to 12 months , although in some cases these first teeth may appear earlier or even slightly later. In some very rare cases, newborns may be born with a tooth already erupted or erupt in the first few weeks.

Not as common, but some cat owners may notice excessive salivation in their pets. What can it say?

There is nothing pathological in the salivation of the animal. This fluid performs a number of important functions for the normal life support of the animal. Including protective – protection of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums, tongue and teeth from mechanical influences of various origins, digestive – supply, softening and ensuring facilitated transport of food into the digestive tract. So salivation in a cat is a natural process, and many owners do not even notice it. But what if the salivation is so abundant that the pet owner began to pay attention to it?

What are the signs of excessive salivation?
If the owner began to notice that the cat licks itself too often and diligently, and the chin and neck are wet, and the hair on the chest is wet and looks like icicles, this is an alarm signal. It is worth paying close attention to the behavior of the cat: if the pet wipes itself on the furniture, wet spots or puddles are found in the place where the cat sleeps, you should immediately take action.

If salivation, or salivation, is too profuse, this may only indicate a problem with the pet’s health. The cause of this process can be various disorders. So, for example, infection with various viral diseases (for example, rabies) may be the basis, which, among other things, are accompanied by increased body temperature and abundant consumption of water by the pet, nausea.

Another reason may be poisoning of various origins, from food to chemical. It is important in this case to determine what exactly this reaction was received, which is also accompanied by vomiting, a change in the consistency of the stool.

Also, diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, and gums can be the cause of increased salivation. These disorders will be accompanied, among other things, by obvious soreness when the animal eats.

Excessive salivation can also be caused by foreign objects in the mouth, throat or esophagus (food debris, parts of toys, hair). Chronic diseases, disorders of the digestive tract, cancer, and even helminths can cause increased salivation.

Don’t jump to conclusions on your own. In itself, profuse salivation is not a disease, but in combination with other symptoms indicates the presence of a certain disease, which can only be ascertained by a veterinarian after conducting and deciphering special tests. It remains for the owner to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner and, taking into account the instructions of the veterinarian, begin treating the pet.

Does the child drool? Revealing the facts about your drooling baby

Bibs are not just for eating! When your baby is about two months old, you may find that he has more and more wet blankets, and the baby at this age drools.

Of course, continuous drooling can be confusing, but it’s not just a slippery and unpleasant nuisance – baby saliva serves very important purposes in your baby’s development. Here are some of the questions we hear about baby drooling and easy-to-digest answers:

1. My baby started to drool.

Researchers believe that excessive mucus production in a child is related to the developing digestive system, so the appearance of mucus is likely a sign that the child’s digestive system is fully functioning. Big!

Saliva is vital to digestion, so you salivate when you smell delicious dinner in the oven. While the mucus may be nice and moist, this saliva protects the baby’s intestines and can also protect their toys and other items with proteins and antibodies that prevent illness. Cool, right?

2. Why does so much saliva get from my child’s mouth onto his shirt?

It’s all about the muscles. The salivary glands in the mouth produce about 2-4 liters of saliva each day – adults don’t realize this because we’re experts at holding back accumulations during swallowing (and a set of mature teeth acts as a barrier). to maintain flow) However, infants do not develop full control of the swallowing and muscles around the mouth until they are 18–24 months old. Hence: drool baby.

3. I heard that increased salivation means that my child will have teeth.

Drooling is considered by some to be a classic sign that children’s teeth are about to press against the gums.

But not necessarily a direct connection. While it is true that drooling is very common in babies between 2 and 3 months of age and usually lasts until 12 to 15 months (around the same age teething starts), drooling simply means that your baby’s salivary glands start firing when it is no longer needed if there is easily digestible milk.

When your child develops motor skills, such as chewing hands, motor receptors in the mouth send signals to the brain to start producing saliva, a signal that he may be ready to eat.

Basically, your baby develops digestive muscles and saliva as soon as he needs solid food. Amazing!

why a 2 month old baby drools with bubbles


  • Why so much saliva appeared
  • Saliva and its functions
  • How to help your little one
  • Baby care
  • If you are scared by the abundance of saliva

Just yesterday your little one was a cute baby, and today he suddenly started blowing bubbles. What happened, why are you salivating so much that you don’t have time to wipe it off? What to do: call a doctor or is it not dangerous, and they will go away on their own?

With the birth of a child, a mother has new questions every day. There were no tears before when I cried. Then you need to wipe your mouth, clean your ears, but it’s scary to hurt. Now, suddenly, saliva flowed, and for some reason so much … There are many questions, let’s consult a pediatrician.

Why is there so much saliva

Your newborn is growing, becoming big, reaching two or three months of age. At this stage of development, the salivary glands are formed and begin to work. Therefore, the appearance of profuse salivation is a normal phenomenon.

In the same period, the baby becomes more active. The child explores and tastes everything that surrounds him. Therefore, the body produces a protective antibacterial environment ─ saliva, which washes away the dirt that enters the small mouth.

The newborn’s drooling has already appeared, but the baby still does not know how to swallow it, so streams flow down the chin. Parents are afraid of such profuse salivation. If the saliva is transparent, not foamy, not thick, not viscous, experienced mothers do not worry. Mothers know that this is the normal state of the baby at this age.

Abundant salivation in infants 2-3 months old is a common thing, because it is during this period that their salivary glands “turn on”

Saliva and its functions

Saliva is necessary for the body at any age. In the oral cavity under the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks, behind the lower teeth are the salivary glands. They work constantly, producing up to two liters of fluid per day in an adult.

Saliva maintains the pH in the right state, prevents the formation of tartar and caries. Through saliva, harmful microorganisms are destroyed, thereby preventing an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

Saliva is involved in the processing and digestion of food. Salivary enzymes contribute to the breakdown and digestion of substances, the production of glucose from starch.

This liquid softens and liquefies food for better digestion. Taste buds don’t work without saliva.

In newborn babies, saliva performs many digestive and protective tasks. Protective functions of saliva in the life of an infant:

  • Protection of the oral cavity from colonization and reproduction of pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  • Protection and lubrication of mucous membranes from irritation, damage.
  • Protection of mucous membranes from dehydration and drying out during swallowing, chewing, talking.
  • Cleaning the oral cavity from foreign bacteria, food debris.

In addition to protective functions, saliva performs a number of other tasks. It is of great importance in matters of nutrition and the functioning of the digestive tract. The enzymes it contains are responsible for the initial processing of starch. And tongue lipase helps babies digest milk. It is saliva that creates taste sensations by helping the taste buds to dissolve solids in food.

In the future, the gums will swell, become inflamed, feel the teeth, saliva will alleviate the pain, protect the wounds from infection. And when the teeth erupt, saliva will maintain the integrity of the tooth enamel by treating it with calcium, phosphate, and fluoride dissolved in it.

How to help the baby

Parents will have to accept and survive the period of drooling of the little one. It is unpleasant for the baby to be slobbery himself, so parents especially diligently take care and care for the baby at this time.

Not in vain, apparently, even our great-grandmothers invented bibs for babies. Bibs will help even now: the fabric absorbs liquid, blouses remain dry, the skin on the neck and breast is also dry.

Sometimes a baby in the supine position lets out so much saliva that he chokes and simply chokes on it. He may cough, even wheeze. So that the child does not have trouble, put him on his side or on his tummy, you can put him on a low pillow. So, saliva will flow down and will not harm the baby.

When a baby sucks on a pacifier, he can swallow saliva. When you go out for a walk, give your baby a pacifier. Using a pacifier is another way to deal with the problem.

Soon the teething time comes, the crumbs itch, the gums itch, he constantly gnaws something to relieve the itch. Help him, massage his gums with your finger. And in places where the first teeth appear, gently press. On the recommendation of a doctor, buy a special tool that lightly lubricates the gums with it, this will calm the baby.

A pacifier can help minimize the problem of salivation. If a baby sucks on a pacifier, he will swallow saliva

Baby care

Profuse salivation requires increased care from parents. Moms stock up on handkerchiefs or soft wipes to wipe their newborn’s mouth and chin.

Even if the chin is constantly wet, the flowing saliva causes redness, peeling, rashes on the skin around the mouth and on the chin. Knowledgeable mothers advise using baby cream and lubricating irritated places several times a day until the skin is restored.

Your doctor will tell you which creams and ointments to use to relieve irritation on your child’s skin. It is necessary to lubricate the delicate skin with the prescribed means very carefully, in a thin layer, so as not to cause even more irritation.

If you are afraid of the abundance of saliva

Usually, a 2-3 month old baby begins to profuse saliva secretion during the entry into the work of the salivary glands. The second stage, decorating the little one with bubbles, is the period of teething.

During colds and other diseases of the ENT organs, with allergic reactions to house dust or animals, when the nose does not breathe, the baby has to open his mouth. In such cases, the amount of saliva that can drain from the mouth increases. See a doctor, eliminate the cause, and the amount of saliva returns to normal.

The most common cause of excessive saliva is teething. And also if the baby does not know how to tightly close his mouth. It must be said that with the defeat of such a disease of the oral cavity as thrush, saliva partially loses its functions. In particular, the digestion of starch into glucose stops. The absence or insufficiency of sugars in the body of infants will adversely affect their development. Therefore, with daily morning toilet, look into the baby’s mouth, in case of any suspicion, contact the pediatrician.

But if there is too much saliva, it is of a different color, type or consistency, if you are afraid of the abundance of discharge, be sure to consult a pediatrician. If necessary, after a thorough examination and analysis, the pediatrician will refer you to another specialist. An ENT, a neuropathologist, a dentist, a surgeon can help.

The doctor will make a correct diagnosis based on the analysis of saliva. If the crumbs have problems of an endocrine nature or in the adrenal cortex, saliva analysis will show the disease. To obtain accurate data, saliva is taken for analysis several times during the day. It is not difficult, painless, will show the right result.

If the baby is healthy, the drooling period will soon stop, the baby’s mouth and chin will be dry.

Salivation in children – causes and treatment

When saliva flows out of a person’s mouth unintentionally, it is called salivation. We have six salivary glands that produce saliva for us, and when saliva is produced in excess, it tends to drool. Children often have salivation. Babies start drooling around 3 months of age. Some children drool a little, others a lot. If you see that your child is drooling a lot, this may be due to underdevelopment of the muscles of the mouth or excessive salivation in the mouth. There is nothing to worry about, because salivation is part of his physical development.

In this article

Is salivation common in children?

Babies often drool in the first two years of life. Since the baby cannot fully control swallowing and mouth muscles, he may drool even when he sleeps. If your baby starts drooling, you can expect this condition to continue until he is 18-24 months old. Drooling is very common during pregnancy. Teething So be prepared to change your baby’s clothes about 5-6 times a day. Children often drool. But if a child drools even after the age of four, this is not normal.

Salivation in children aged 1 to 24 months

Salivation in children is normal and contributes to their development. At different stages of life and as they mature, an infant may drool a little.

1. 1-3 months

When a baby is 3 to 3 months old, he may not drool at all. Falling at this time is rare because the child is always face up. So at this time or even after this salivation may not be. But some babies start drooling by the age of XNUMX months.

2. 6 months

Drooling is a little more controlled by this time, but it continues when the baby pokes or puts toys in her mouth. Usually at this time, babies begin to cut their teeth, and then drool.

3. 9 months

At this stage, babies begin to roll and crawl. They can keep flattering because they are still sneaking around. Teething can cause salivation.

4. 15 months

By 15 months, most children start walking and running, but they cannot drool while walking or jogging. However, if he indulges in activities or tasks that require concentration, he may drool.

5. 18 months

Babies will not drool while doing normal or fine motor activities. But they may drool while feeding or dressing.

6. 24 months

By this time, salivation in children is minimal. It’s almost non-existent.

Does salivation play an important role in a child’s development?

Yes, salivation plays an important role in the growth and development of a child. Drooling is a sign of teething in a baby. Drooling and blistering is also a sign of physical development in young children. If your baby is drooling or blowing bubbles, this is a sign that he has entered a new period of growth. If your child drools after the smell of milk or food, you should know that his sense of smell is developing.
Saliva contains enzymes that help the baby digest semi-solid or solid foods between 4 and 6 months of age. Saliva neutralizes stomach acid, promotes the full development of the intestinal mucosa, and protects the esophageal mucosa from irritation. Saliva also helps bind food due to its delicate nature, which makes it easier to swallow.

What is excessive salivation in children?

When there is involuntary salivation from the mouth of a child after he has passed normal age, this can be called excessive salivation. If your baby is drooling after two years, you need to worry and see a doctor about it. Although often attributed to excessive salivation, excessive salivation is caused by poor coordination between the mouth and tongue. This lack of coordination can lead to poor swallowing.

What are the causes of excessive salivation in babies?

Increased salivation in infants and young children occurs due to the following reasons:

1. Teething

Although babies at the age of 6-8 months do not have a tooth, the process begins early, that is, it begins at an early stage of development. Teething. That’s why he starts drooling as early as 3 months of age. When the teething phase begins, there is excess saliva and you may drool excessively as the teeth pass through the gums.

2. Mouth open.

If a child has a habit of keeping his mouth open for a longer period of time, he may drool. If your little one keeps his mouth open for a long time because his nose is stuffed up or out of the way, he may not be able to swallow saliva regularly and therefore may drool.

3. Maintain concentration for a long time

Babies and infants cannot swallow saliva if they are focused on the current task or something interesting. This leads to excessive salivation.

4. Food

It is seen that certain types of food, mostly acidic in nature, cause excessive salivation. If you give these foods to your child, he may start to salivate.

5. Neurological disorders

Many neurological disorders, such as Bell’s palsy and cerebral palsy, present with symptoms such as salivation and excessive salivation. Bell’s palsy is a temporary neurological condition that affects one part of the face. This condition may be indicated by a drooping eyelid on the side where excessive salivation occurs. Cerebral palsy is a disorder that can affect the control of the mouth muscles in a child.

6. Side effects of the drug

Certain medicines can affect the normal functioning of the baby’s facial muscles. Sometimes the tone of the muscles of the lips increases or decreases, which can lead to increased salivation.

Saliva Therapy

While salivation is normal for children, salivation is an important part of children’s physical growth and development. However, it is not normal if he drools when he reaches the age of two. If your child is drooling even after the age of two, do not relax. You must see a doctor because he needs medical attention. If your child hangs excessively, see a doctor immediately as it may affect their social life and their daily activities. If your child is salivating profusely, your child’s doctor will look for the following signs to reach a conclusion and suggest treatment.

• If your child can properly close his lips and move his tongue.
• If your child swallows normally.
• If it suffers from blockage or blockage.
• If the child has a normal swallowing reflex.
• The position of the child and whether the child’s jaw is fixed.

Following these assessments, the following line of treatment follows:

• Help the child practice the closed lip position.
• Reducing acidic foods from the child’s diet.
• Work on your child’s ability to swallow.
• Tighten your facial muscles.
• Oral sensory enhancement to help your child recognize when their mouth or face is wet.
Oral kinetic therapy to strengthen the jawline, cheeks and lips. This tool will help him swallow saliva properly.

What is a rash?

As saliva continues to flow through the mouth, signs of skin irritation may appear on the lower lips, cheeks, neck and chest. If your child drools a lot, saliva will land on their cheeks, neck, or chest, and you may notice an uneven red rash in those areas.

If a rash caused by drooling develops around a child’s mouth, it is known as drooling. To treat a rash, the affected area should be thoroughly washed, dried, and a cream containing lanolin applied.

When should I see a doctor?

You should see a doctor if your child is drooling even after four years of age. This can be considered medically induced uncontrollable drooling after consultation with a pediatrician. Talk to your child’s doctor – he or she may suggest treatment or medication. However, if treatment or medication fails to provide relief, you should consider a higher level of treatment.

This is a natural way to help your child rehydrate and soften solid foods and make them easier to swallow. Although it performs many important functions for the child, keep a close eye on the increase in salivation and the absence of signs of regression after the age of four. Seek medical attention to resolve the problem before it gets worse.

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Spitting and drooling


October 4, 2017 04:27 AM at Personal Journal

Girls, it got a little windy here and going out into the street, when I take out my son, if a breeze hits him, he spits, grunts and drools. He does not immediately lie in the carriage, he needs to be vilified a little and only then into the carriage, so walking became unbearable for us. Girls, how are you doing? Who else has a child who does not digest a stroller, what are you doing? You need to walk.😕😢

0 14502

Child development 2 months and 2 weeks (10 weeks)


September 12, 2012 1:36 pm at Personal Journal

Does your baby sleep all night for 10 weeks, or at least 5 or 6 hours straight? Congratulations, you are one of the lucky few! A 2 month old baby’s development continues, it changes, but still, most 10 week old babies still wake up in the wee hours. Even children, if they do not sleep all night, then at this age, all the same, should have long periods of sleep, followed by periods of wakefulness. Babies should not be entertained all the time while they are awake and the time should not be too long. A 10 week old baby should have two to four long periods of sleep and a total of 16-18 hours of sleep per night. A child at 2 months old can be awake …

0 011255



14 August 2019 22:35 at Personal Journal

The daughter drools in a dream, straight with bubbles, they are still so stretchy, I wipe it off, and they tyayayayanutsya. Because of the saliva, she cannot sleep horizontally, reclining only on my chest. I get to sit at night. If it rolls down and the position becomes horizontal, it starts to choke and cough with saliva. When I put it on my back after sleep, change the diaper, the same thing, chokes and coughs. plus yellow snot was added, I suck it out after washing with aquamaris. The pediatrician was today, she said: “well, drool is drool” and that’s it. I’m afraid for the child because of these saliva

0 24652

December 19, 2011 11:44 am at Personal Journal


Baby teethingFrom 0 to 1 year old | Neuro-physical development of the child | Teething How many prejudices there are on this score! First of all, early or late teething has nothing to do with the general development of the child, no connection with him, except in some cases of illness or the rarest cases of developmental abnormalities. It’s okay if your child’s first tooth erupted not at 5, but at 9months. And it is unlikely that in this case it erupted more difficultly or caused a more severe disorder of health. At the age of 2 or 3 months, the child begins to salivate profusely, and then they say that his teeth will soon come out. In fact, the baby begins to let … 3 119145

When a child appears in the family, the male brain is pretty overloaded do not get tired of discussing the “childish” whims of their husbands, fathers and brothers. These are not jokes, but real life stories. Read and smile.

About how it all began

On ultrasound at 16 weeks, we were told that it would be a boy. At 23 weeks I visited the doctor again – it turned out that it was still a girl. I leave the hospital and call my husband. He:
– Well how are you? What’s on the ultrasound?
– Okay, we’ll have a girl!
– … Why? (offended)
* * *
I was supposed to have a planned c-section, but the contractions started a week early. My husband took me to the hospital and left. I call him about an hour later and say: “I gave birth to your son.”
And he: “Can I not go to work today?”
* * *…

0 141954

“Health of the child and the common sense of his relatives” P3


23 September 2016 20:16 at Personal journal

1.4.1. SEPARATELY ABOUT Pampers. It should be noted that the experience of using diapers in our country is very limited. There is no unambiguous opinion about whether this is good or bad. The fact is that we become specialists by the age of forty, and children are born much earlier. That. the aforementioned specialists have never used diapers themselves and try not to express a definite opinion. But every person who is really faced with caring for a newborn right now, when diapers can be easily purchased, has his own attitude towards them, and this attitude surprisingly often serves as a reason for family conflicts. An interesting fact that the author has to face more than once …

0 01124

Baby’s first tooth appeared


January 25, 2011 9:55 pm at Baby health and nutrition

The first tooth usually erupts at six to seven months. This is an important event for the whole family, but often a painful period for the child. The signs of teething are usually shown in the behavior of the baby, most likely, he will become very irritable. He will actively drool, bite his fists, and his gums will swell. The appearance of the first tooth will cause a sea of ​​​​tears, lack of appetite. Some parents are lucky, and teething goes unnoticed for them and painless for the child. But one way or another, the first tooth of the baby will be an exciting event for everyone!0003 2 1942

Baby’s first tooth appeared


January 25, 2011 9:55 pm at Personal Journal

Your baby will have 2 baby teeth between five months and three years. The first tooth usually erupts at six to seven months. This is an important event for the whole family, but often a painful period for the child. The signs of teething are usually shown in the behavior of the baby, most likely, he will become very irritable. He will actively drool, bite his fists, and his gums will swell. The appearance of the first tooth will cause a sea of ​​​​tears, lack of appetite. Some parents are lucky, and teething goes unnoticed for them and painless for the child. But one way or another, the first tooth of the baby will be an exciting event for everyone!
How to Soothe a Toothache Toddler Appearing…

0 11131

19. If you notice that your child smokes, do not rush to punish him. Suddenly your son is well into his twenties.


1 April 2011 15:51 at Personal log

1. After you have finished playing with the baby, put it there,
where did you get it from.

2. It’s no secret that many children love to play hide and seek. But parents don’t
want to play with them because of supposedly constant employment. What if
try to combine work with the game? Hide from the child
for example, on a business trip, and for a whole week he will look for you.

3. What to do if your son climbed a tree and can’t get down? Neither in
never try to shake the tree or hit the boy with a stick.
In autumn, the child will mature and fall by itself.

4. If you have nothing more to say to the child, tell him to go
wash up.

5. If your baby hiccups, cover your ears. This will temporarily save you from


4 41317

Why is it easier with a second child: personal experience (article)
Why is it easier with a second child: personal experience.
Raising your first baby is like driving a car right after you get your license: scary and exhausting at the same time. Too many new tasks, too much responsibility. And only with the second child, having seriously pumped mom’s skills, we are ready to sincerely enjoy pink heels. Ekaterina Mazeina, mother of two daughters, spoke about her experience.
I allow myself to be imperfect
My life with children is reminiscent of that old joke where the first child was sterilized, and the third one eats from a cat’s bowl and this is the cat’s problem. We don’t have a cat, but there is a dad who was so worried about but …

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How to teach a child to use a spoon


28 April 2013 14:47 at Personal journal

This process is not easy and often requires a lot of patience and strong nerves of parents. It is better to start the first feeding attempts immediately in the kitchen, so as not to wash the remnants of food from the furniture later. Always wear baby bibs before eating. It is better if these are plastic bibs with a pocket for food falling from a spoon. It is also practical to use a plate with a non-slip bottom. Give your child the opportunity to taste the food first. Let him see how it stays on the spoon. In this situation, the desire of kids to try and learn everything new and explore the space at the same time will help. Not…

0 2635

The child is growing…or what?!


3 July 2011 16:54 at Personal Journal

Girls, this is happening to me. My baby is not yet three months old, since Monday I just started to have some kind of hell … Before, the child slept well on the street, they always walked on duty, from lunch to evening, met dad, if also in the park, he is with me at GV . When they began to grow up, I didn’t sleep all the time, they walked on the handle, lay on their knees, laughed, but still, for about 2 hours, he slept in my stroller, or even more. On Monday, as usual, he went for a walk, he fell asleep, woke up in half an hour and sleep in no way, well, as usual, on my hands, take a walk, then I began to act up, I obviously want to sleep, I can’t sleep, for some reason I don’t get sick in the stroller, I sit on him (he falls asleep with her), fell asleep, slept …

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0 341121

Mom is having fun and the child is well))))


28 May 2012 12:59 at 100, and the child chooses the same AGAIN and is already drooling with happiness, looking forward to reading before bedtime. And now the mother, tired during the day, which means angry or in a borderline state, clenching her teeth, begins to read THIS again and sob in her soul)) And it doesn’t matter that there is an extensive library at home, children love the familiar. I will say right away that I got to the point when my daughter was already 4 years old)) So, in order to survive in this cruel world of childhood, I use the following techniques: * * * * I remake the usual verses, for example: Everyone is joking, He doesn’t twist the Fly’s arms and legs, He doesn’t stick his sharp teeth into the heart, And she doesn’t have blood …

2 1928

Problems with the child’s neck?


28 February 2011 16:13 at Personal Journal

That’s right, I didn’t like that my daughter was sleeping arched. Here, I wrote http://www.baby.ru/blogs/post/18602687/ I found an osteopath, it turned out that some muscle in my neck was tense. Some kind of shift in childbirth has occurred, so it strains. In the future, this is fraught with headaches, curvature, etc. But the sooner, the easier it is to fix it. The day before yesterday we had a session with an osteopath. At first, the daughter lay calmly while her aunt kneaded her neck, then she still screamed. Now I notice improvements: she no longer seeks to take that position, a bridge on her side, although she still lifts her head a little. And she became much more willing to turn to the right. And then the questionnaire when an osteopath is needed:
Questionnaire for an infant. (Baby…

1 96298

The child is busy!


May 21, 2012 13:23 at Personal journal

0 21756

The first months of the child)))


June 5, 2015 08:36 at Personal journal HOW IT WAS!) 1st month. “Aaaah, I’m a mom! How to take it? What to do with him? He is so tiny! I don’t know why he is crying! I desperately want to sleep! He wakes up every hour. And he eats all the time! We went to the clinic, they said that we were not gaining weight well and were very thin. Ahhh, what to do?! Can you give him a sausage? =) Watermelon season is coming soon! Maybe he will even drink watermelon juice, it’s sweet, and not as dangerous as giving sausage =) Oh . .. these crazy thoughts! I AM THE MOTHER! 2nd month. “If these colic don’t stop soon, I’ll just go crazy! I’m already offended by my child, I’m a terrible mother! And then we cried together:(((I think he is starting to recognize me!…

0 0468

A story about a master who wanted to fool a young mother with a child.


April 11, 2017 11:05 pm at Personal Journal

I gave my child a phone, he chewed it, drooled, and eventually it broke. Turns on by itself, works, but the screen is off. I took it to repair, the master guy is young, 30 years old, handsome, smiling, says “I can’t say anything, neither the expected breakdown, nor the approximate price, I will take your phone, I will give you a receipt, you will give me your phone, I will look at it and I I’ll call you in a week, as I have a busy schedule.” I asked “please do not repair the phone without my knowledge, diagnose the breakdown, and call me and tell me the price of the repair” Ok, agreed. A week has passed, he does not call, I call, he says “well, I looked there, fixed it, something is shorted there, blah blah blah, t …

1 5417

what to do?? the child sucks the collar on the street.


March 12, 2012 15:23 at First difficulties, joys

* Daughter licks jacket collar on the street. sticks out his tongue and drools. the entire collar is constantly wet. the jacket is just right for us, if you turn down the collar, it will lick the kovtka or there will be a bare neck. She put a rag there (a rag through) persuading, threatening that it was impossible to do this. Every trip to the street is nerves to the wind.
what to do????

0 101189

How to wean a child….?


April 30, 2014 11:28 pm at Personal Journal

The passion to lick everything is on the wane. Now the kid has favorite subjects. It is remarkable that the hare excluded from his list the rabbit cage, the flexible hose from the toilet bowl, and linoleum. But for some reason this strange list is headed by slippers. Simple slippers. When the baby sees the object of his adoration, the room is clearly heard: My darling.
The most washable item in the house is slippers. The most wanted are slippers. Here’s a cat pissing in someone’s slippers, and in our house they drool there. They will not have time to rub in place of the thumb, because the small one will gnaw them earlier. He is a non-confrontational guy, but he roars like a beluga wounded in the ass when his charm is taken from him. There are moments…

0 9590

Child’s lips are weathered


10 October 2014 08:51 at Personal Journal

Son licks his lips or drools on the street. And now it’s cold and windy. Lips began to chapped and crack to the point of blood. What can lubricate them? What is the best hygienic lipstick to buy? Or is cream better? How do you save your children in the same situation?

0 451327

Child suffocates in the cold


20 February 2021 13:51 at Personal Journal

Good afternoon. My daughter is suffocating in the cold, the wind has nothing to do with it, just such a reaction to the frosty air! The wind also gives such a reaction, which is as follows: it drools, its eyes bulge and cannot breathe, it screams and suffocates, it feels like it is under water🤯 Because of this, we can only walk for about 30 minutes and then in a bag with a very deep hood where warm air is stored. Has anyone encountered such a problem? From the maternity hospital, the breathing was not calm, the doctors said that the nasal passages are narrow, and therefore breathes with a whistle.

0 14246

Fourth entry. Wuxi-pusi, mimimi…


21 October 2013 18:25 at that when a small child appeared in the foreseeable space, it completely tore the tower from those around! All these endless lisping, squawking and other heresy began. Strange as it may seem, it hasn’t gone away with time, it still just turns out when adults, respectable, respectable people, at the sight of a small child, salivate, bulge their eyes debility, begin to distort the already injured Russian language and that’s it, hello, fool! In my understanding, a child is the same self-sufficient creature with whom you can speak on an equal footing, without distorting and breaking your tongue. Don’t you think that I am such a stern father at …

0 3398

Birth of a special child: a little after childbirth


15 December 2018 12:34 at Special child


… The child is transferred to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia. They don’t put me down, explaining that there are few places, and the child is constantly in intensive care. After a week and a half, I am allowed to come to see the child.
They take him out to me wrapped in a blanket, with a bunch of tubes, a catheter on his head. I sit on a chair and cry, rock my baby in my arms … cry and cry again. So I start coming twice a week. Bringing periodically from …

26 1241103

Little baby: well, how to feed him! And is it necessary?


September 8, 2014 21:01 at Personal Journal

Once people’s lives were much more subject to rituals. Everyone got up at about the same time, had breakfast with the whole family, and in the evening they had dinner together. In the modern world, it is more difficult for children to get used to the regime, because they see few examples before their eyes. It is very difficult to teach a child to eat right if he does not see how his idols – mom and dad – eat decorously together. And, mind you, from the plates. Let’s complicate the task: they eat from plates at the table. Not standing, not hiding in the corners, as if doing something indecent, not in front of a computer or TV. In a family where everyone eats breakfast and dinner in an incomprehensible way, it is strange to expect a child to be imbued with the importance of eating porridge. To educate a person is a task …

3 01954

Scheduled check-ups by doctors for a child under one year old


18 July 2015 12:02 at Personal journal

Neurologist This specialist should evaluate the development of your baby’s nervous system. To do this, he: · Examine the fontanel, cranial sutures; Measure the circumference of the head and chest; · Assess the state of muscle tone, motor and mental development (whether he clenches his fists, toes, etc.). You will also need information that only you can provide: How was the pregnancy, childbirth; How the child sleeps, falls asleep, is he calm, active or nervous, lethargic; · It will be great if you keep a diary of your child’s development (first smile, first coo when rolled over) – this information will be needed; Mom should also pay attention to a specialist …

5 17432

How to teach your child to brush their teeth… long article…


March 31, 2012 12:05 pm at Personal Journal

What is the need for oral hygiene when a baby’s teeth are just starting to grow? Is milk caries so terrible, because they will be replaced by molars? How to cope with children’s horror in front of the dentist’s office? Such questions give rise to different opinions about the age at which a child should be taught to brush their teeth regularly: from 2, 3. 5, or from the moment the first permanent teeth erupt – at 6-7 years old. Strictly speaking, the baby should be introduced to hygiene skills before the eruption of the first tooth. This is necessary for educational and pedagogical purposes. If a baby from infancy is accustomed to regular oral hygiene, then at the right time, he will switch to …

1 22075

How to protect yourself and your child from dog attacks


March 14, 2013 22:20 Personal journal

Tips of Kryusani Dr. L. Bitterlichposle how the dog was bitten by the dog, I realized, I understand that all people are divided into three categories: 1) the silent bitten majority; 2) very talkative unbitten people who give advice on how not to be bitten, until they realize the ineffectiveness of their advice from their sad experience and 3) members of the dog protection society, which for some reason is called the “animal protection society.” I declare right away that I love both dogs and members of the Society for the Protection of Animals. And not entirely disinterested. Among my private (paid) patients there are quite a lot of children with phobias and other neuroses that arose after being bitten by dogs. And adults who have been bitten have psychological problems, …

2 124313

Irritation around the mouth (drooling)


23 January 2013 10:52 at Health and nutrition of a child from one to three years old

Hello everyone! We have such a problem! The child’s beard has been all red for 2 weeks for sure, or even 3! I do not know what to do! We are a year and 2, drooling in a stream! And I blot my beard all the time and wash it! I smear Bepanthen, a baby cream, nothing helps (((((I even smeared with such a talker with zinc which … What to do? After the street, it generally becomes burgundy! She still licks on the street and drools too (((( Have you ever tried Mustela regenerating? I just read about it, maybe someone knows? There is nowhere to buy it here, but if it really helps, we will look for it!

0 1586

Seluni and cough


January 18, 2017 18:55 In Personal journal

A couple of days ago, saliva flows abundantly in the baby, the bubbles are launched, at night the cough begins, periods. When not sleeping there is no cough. I thought I was sick, the pediatrician came and said that the child looks healthy, maybe the cat does not have time to swallow the drool and cough ..
Who had it? I’m very worried about this cough when I sleep

0 15111

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4 month old baby blowing bubbles


  1. Let’s talk about saliva in a 2 month old baby. Causes of profuse salivation in babies
  2. Why does a 2-month-old baby drool?
  3. How to survive such profuse salivation?
  4. Share with your friends
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  6. Is a 2 month old baby drooling? No cause for concern
  7. 2 month old baby drooling
  8. Drooling as a warning sign
  9. A 2-month-old baby drools
  10. Why babies drool at 2 months
  11. When drooling is not normal
  12. Selected articles
  13. Music of a 7-month-old baby
  14. Six days of a baby’s temperature
  15. Petersburg

  16. Medical examination of children 1 month old
  17. Child vomiting mucus without fever
  18. Popular articles

Let’s talk about saliva in a 2 month old baby.

Causes of excessive salivation in babies

If a two-month-old baby suddenly drools, then many parents diligently begin to look for swollen gums or teeth that have already crawled out in his mouth.

But the first teeth in children very, very rarely appear in the third month of life. So why then does the baby drool so much and blow bubbles?

Why does a 2 month old baby drool?

1. The beginning of the functioning of the salivary glands.

This is the most common reason. In the third month, the active work of the salivary glands occurs, a large volume of saliva begins to be produced. And the swallowing reflex is fully formed only by 5 months, so the baby simply cannot swallow so much saliva. Precisely for this reason saliva flows out.

2. We are waiting for the first tooth.

Despite the fact that the first teeth appear after four to six months, the gums can already begin to prepare for this event. The teeth gradually begin to move in the gum, preparing to come out in a few months. The body begins to produce an increased amount of saliva to moisten the irritated gums. As soon as the first tooth cuts a hole in the gum, the amount of saliva will decrease.

3. Saliva protects the little organism.

It turns out that the baby’s saliva contains special antibacterial substances . They help to neutralize infections that enter the mouth. This is an extremely useful and necessary property of saliva. Starting from 2 months, a small child begins to put everything in his mouth.

It can be a rattle, your own hands or your mother’s finger. It is abundant saliva that prevents infections and bacteria from entering the baby’s body. Salivary fluid washes the mouth and flows out along with possible bacteria.

4. Allergic reaction.

Approximately 15% of babies are predisposed to such a disease as allergic rhinitis. Signs of this disease, in addition to profuse salivation, are also swelling of the mucous membrane, watery eyes, sneezing, itching in the nose. The cause of such rhinitis can be dust, flowering plants, pet hair.

Read here about how a baby develops at 7 months. Norms of weight and height.

In this article, read about the baby’s daily routine at 9 months, about his nutrition, development, feeding.

If you observe all these symptoms in an infant, you should consult a doctor and get advice and appropriate treatment from him.

5. Diseases of the oral cavity.

Sometimes excessive drooling can indicate oral diseases such as thrush or stomatitis.

In addition to increased salivation in these diseases, the child is restless, capricious, will suck badly and white plaque or plaques can be found on the mucous membranes.

If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your pediatrician and seek advice on treatment.

Very rare, but profuse salivation may be one of the signs of serious illness .

In order not to miss the disease, you should carefully monitor the health of the baby, take all the necessary tests and studies according to age.

A consultation with a neurologist and a pediatrician will clarify the picture and relieve parents of unnecessary suspicions.

Causes of rash in infants, types of rash, recommended methods of effective treatment anxiety when their small child suddenly develops spit bubbles in . It shouldn’t cause any concern at all. Moreover, it is considered an absolute norm. Blowing bubbles is a new skill for the tiny two month old creature.

How to survive such profuse salivation?

And if at first they do not cause any discomfort, then over time, constant drooling wets clothes and can cause inflammation around the mouth and on the chin.

Here are 5 tips . which can and should be used during the “salivary period” of the baby.

  • Change wet clothes more often. And let it add washing to mom, but the baby will always have a comfortable dry breast and neck.
  • Purchase and use a large number of bibs and change them as needed. In stores, you can now find colorful bibs of various colors and textures.
  • Wipe baby’s face with sterile gauze or a clean soft handkerchief. In this case, do not rub the already damaged skin of the child. If, nevertheless, irritation appears on the skin, then cracks and pimples should be lubricated with baby cream or sea buckthorn oil.
  • If increased salivation is associated with the eruption of the first teeth, then get special teethers or teethers. Various teething gels have proven themselves very well in this case, they significantly reduce pain and cool the gums.
  • Be patient and get used to your baby’s constant saliva. After all, children’s drooling is a continuous phenomenon. After six months, active teething will begin and drooling, flowing in a stream, will not disappear anywhere.

Conclusion: Increased salivation for babies under one year old is absolute physiological norm. If the parents are very concerned about this problem, then you can consult a pediatrician about this.

Over time, the drool that flows like a river from your baby’s chin will certainly decrease, and then completely disappear. And you will remember with nostalgia this “dribbling period” in the life of your child.

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Is a 2 month old baby drooling? No cause for concern

A huge number of young parents are frightened and worried that a child who has reached the age of two months begins to salivate. Caring parents are looking for the cause of this phenomenon in medical reference books, considering increased salivation as a symptom of diseases or disorders of any processes in the child’s body. But in fact, worries and experiences are absolutely groundless.

A child drooling for 2 months

On the contrary, it is worth worrying if by the third month of life the child has not drooled. But let’s try to figure out why children have increased salivation?
By this time, the child’s salivary glands begin to function intensively, which until then worked in a “sleep mode” and produced only a small vital amount of a viscous fluid. Your child has not yet learned to swallow the resulting saliva, because. earlier, in principle, there was no need for this, therefore, he simply spits out the abundance of saliva that occurs in the oral cavity. In addition, babies love to blow bubbles from their own saliva, so this innovation of the body can also amuse the baby.
The swallowing reflex in a child is formed only at 4-5 months, so the child drools on his chin for 2 months, thus coping with its abundance in the oral cavity. And parents should not worry, but on the contrary, they should be happy for the baby who has reached a new level of development.
True, one should not hope too much that the baby will learn to swallow and the salivation will stop. Usually, just by this age, children begin to grow their first milk teeth, which is also accompanied by profuse salivation. It should be borne in mind that saliva begins to flow much earlier than the first tooth erupts outward, so for another two months the baby will drool for this very reason.

Drooling as a warning sign

The answer to the question of why a two-month-old baby drools can also be the phenomenon of allergic rhinitis. Such an allergic reaction is manifested by excessive salivation, and it can be caused by pollen from flowering plants, dust, etc.
Distinguishing rhinitis from natural salivation in children is not difficult, because in this case, the flow of saliva may be accompanied by swelling, runny nose, itching in the throat and nose of the child, which will manifest itself in constant coughing or sneezing. If you notice these signs, you should consult a doctor.
But if there are no such symptoms, then be patient and wait, the amount of saliva will gradually decrease, and then the child will completely get rid of the habit of drooling and blisters.

2-month-old baby drools

Excessive salivation in babies in their first year of life is considered by most parents to be the first signs of teething, and therefore they are very worried if a 2-month-old baby starts drooling and blisters. Some consider this a sign of endocrine diseases, others – neurological symptoms, but both of them spend a lot of effort, time and their nerve cells, figuring out whether this is normal and what to do about it.

Why babies drool at 2 months

The salivary glands begin their work during the prenatal development of the fetus, but only by 2-3 months of life they become truly active and produce a sufficient amount of saliva. Therefore, parents whose children drool and bubble profusely at the age of 2-3 months should only rejoice at the new stage in the development of the child and try to make it as convenient as possible for the baby and others. Sufficient saliva production after 2 months is very important – it ensures the breakdown of milk starch in the oral cavity to sugars, which facilitates the digestion of food in the stomach, and in addition, saliva protects the baby’s oral cavity from drying out and pathogens.

Due to the fact that earlier there was little saliva and the child simply did not have such a need, he will learn to swallow excess liquid only by 4-5 months, and then the first teeth will arrive and the epic with salivation will begin again, to completely stop by 1.6-2, or even 3 years.

When drooling is not normal

If increased salivation is explained by the next stage in the child’s development, then he should not have any other signs of pathology. The baby should remain cheerful, calm, eat with appetite, play, walk and feel great, with the possible exception of redness and maceration of the skin on the chin, which occurs in children due to constant irritation with saliva.

Read more What a 2-year-old child should be able to do

Sometimes a 2-month-old baby drools because of :

  • ARVI or colds – a stuffy nose, fever and excessive salivation – these are the main signs of illness in a baby ;
  • allergic reactions – most often appear in young children when plant pollen, dust, detergent fumes and other allergens enter the body. It is quite easy to distinguish allergic rhinitis, in addition to a large amount of saliva, the child’s nose is constantly stuffy, his eyes turn red and watery, he sneezes and coughs;
  • endocrine disorders – thyroid diseases at this age can be manifested by profuse salivation, but the child’s mouth is constantly open, the tongue is thickened and may not fit in the oral cavity, and there are other signs of developmental delay;
  • neurological disorders – in this case, the child, in addition to profuse salivation, has several other signs of developmental disorders – pulsation of a large fontanel, constant crying, developmental delay – the baby does not hold his head in weight, cannot lift it while lying on his stomach, and so on.

If you think that your child is drooling too much or you are worried about his behavior and development, seek the advice of a pediatrician or neurologist – a specialist will help you dispel all your concerns and simply enjoy every stage of your baby’s growth.

-1-god/rebenok-2-mesyaca-puskaet-slyuni-net-povodov-dlya-bespokojstva.html, http://onwomen.ru/rebenok-v-2-mesyaca-puskaet-slyuni.html

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My son just turned 3 months old.

I recently watched him drool and suck his fingers. He usually drools after feeding and sucks his thumbs most of the time.

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new born





Absolutely. What you see is perfectly normal in babies, especially around 3 months old. Among other things, it may begin to erupt; both of these things are related to teething. Drooling is basically everything for many children, and sucking on fingers (or thumbs, or other things) is also very normal.

If the salivation is really excessive, you can talk to your pediatrician to make sure it’s not for several reasons (particularly low muscle tone). Otherwise, buy lots of bibs and always put a bib on him, over his shirt or under him if the problem is over. Make sure it’s a secure bib (one that can’t choke him). Many bibs need to be removed to sleep, although I think some are safe(r).



Yes, perfectly normal, and you should absolutely not try to “break his habits!” Drooling and chewing on whatever is comfortable is a natural response to impending teething. If you don’t want him to chew on his fingers, you can give him something else for teething, but I think fingers are best because teethers can get lost and cause unnecessary suffering if he can’t find or retrieve them. mouth. You can also be sure that none of his fingers will break and cause suffocation.



Yes, our baby girl has been drooling since she was 9 weeks old.
Babies can start teething long before you see a tooth.
But that doesn’t mean it really erupts. Sometimes kids drool for no reason.
My advice 🙂
Chances are your wash cycle has become a lot more frequent now you have a baby. You must use bandana bibs,
While bibs don’t prevent mess, a bib provides a layer of protection between your baby’s food and the clothes they wear. Instead of constantly washing clothes covered with baby food, you just clean the bib :), this saves a lot of time and your baby is clean



Yes, drooling and thumb sucking are very common habits. During teething, thumb sucking helps soothe sore gums and is a way to soothe the baby. Drooling is common, but if your child is in danger of choking or vomiting, or if he has trouble breathing, you should consult your doctor.

Thumb sucking is not a problem, but if salivation occurs see a doctor once.

Dalia Jesse


I have a 4 month old son who usually sucks his thumbs. At first I thought it was dangerous, but over time I just let it be because at first it didn’t. I think over time he will learn to stop himself.



Here is a good article with a guide to teething. This seems to be the most logical explanation. My kids were mild droolers, but my nephew would soak up a bib in an hour, blessing his heart.

Also, we didn’t give any of our baby pacifiers, so my daughter in particular had a lot of hands in her mouth. It bothered me, but it went away as soon as her teeth grew.


Hope this helps!

Jenny Misiewicz


It may also happen that your child may be muted and lip-tied, it is common for many parents not to check for such things. My 3 month old has been drooling since birth. I didn’t think about it myself until I realized it was going on for a long time, watched it and did some research and my little one got into almost every category system that ties and lips cause.