What should a 12 month old eat: What To Feed Your Baby | 12 months plus | Weaning

Опубликовано: May 10, 2023 в 8:41 pm


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From Bottle to Cup: Helping Your Child Make a Healthy Transition

By: Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP

You’ve probably heard that when your baby is around 6 to 9 months old, it’s time to begin moving away from bottle feeding. But like many parents, you may feel a little apprehensive about this next step in your child’s growth and development.

If your little one pouts, shouts or bursts into tears when you offer them a “big kid cup,” take a deep breath. Protests like these are totally normal! After all, little humans don’t like letting go of familiar habits any more than we do. And the comfort they get from sucking on a warm bottle can be hard to give up.

Like all growth stages your child will pass through, this one takes patience and time. But there are many good reasons not to give in when your child demands a bottle.

Why prolonged bottle feeding can cause health problems

Pediatricians and dentists stress the benefits of training your child to drink from a cup at mealtime as you gradually reduce the number of bottle feedings. Ideally, this transition will begin around 6 months, when you offer your child a cup for the first time. You will then reduce the number of bottle feedings slowly, completing the transition sometime between 12 and 18 months.

Letting children bottle-feed longer than this can cause them to:

Skip meals. Little ones who sip on bottles during the day often don’t feel hungry at mealtimes. This may mean they’re getting less of the fiber and rich nutrients found in solid foods. If you’re begging your child to eat, bottles might be the cause.

Reach an unhealthy weight. For many kids, bottles become high-calorie meal supplements and snacks, leading to toddler obesity. And while many people find chubby toddlers adorable, pediatricians point out that early obesity sets the stage for weight (and health) problems later in life.

Develop cavities. Baby bottle tooth decay happens when your child’s teeth are constantly bathed in milk, formula, juice or other drinks. Little ones who drink from bottles well into their second year may also have tooth alignment problems and even speech delays, since little mouths need to strengthen the muscles for clear speech.

Resist even more. Toddlers cling to their bottles even more fiercely as time goes by. This can trigger a major power struggle between you and your child, so starting early is the healthiest path for both of you.

Tips for a smoother transition to drinking from a cup

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that you offer your child a cup when they start eating solid foods, usually around 6 months. You can use a “sippy” (training) cup with a spouted lid or offer a cup and straw. Some children may choose to drink from an open cup without a straw – and that’s just fine, too.

  • Sippy cups should be used only while little ones are learning. It’s healthiest for kids to drink from an open cup by about 2 years of age. (If your child has a chronic illness, physical differences or shows signs of small motor skill delay, ask your pediatrician to help you put together a schedule that follows your child’s abilities. )

  • Move away from the bottle gradually. When you begin weaning, tell your child they can drink from a bottle at mealtimes. Gradually eliminate bottle feedings at other times, especially naps or bedtime. Be ready to offer extra snuggles, songs or bedtime stories so your child feels reassured, but learns to self-soothe without a bottle.

  • Start offering a cup to your child as early as 6 months. Bring one to the table with your child’s plate and encourage them to give it a try. Begin by putting formula or breast milk in their cup—whatever they’re drinking already. (This might feel more natural than starting with water.) As they get the hang of things, you can fill their cup with water at mealtimes, too.

  • Celebrate their success. Notice your little one’s progress and offer them praise. If it feels right, put on party hats and sing a happy tune. Your child is eating and drinking like a big kid, which helps set the stage for lifelong health. Hooray!

  • If your child balks, do a little investigating. Maybe they aren’t thirsty when you offer them a mealtime drink, and that’s okay. Model good habits by drinking water when you eat together. If they seem to need a little more attention, don’t hold back. “Wow, you took a sip! Good job! I love seeing you drink from your big-kid cup.”

  • Bring everyone into the act. Let daycare providers, sitters, grandparents, siblings and friends know that your child is building a new skill. Other caregivers need to follow the same routine so your child can move forward.

Issues to watch for along the way

Bottle weaning can be tricky, so it’s smart to know some of the challenges that parents and caregivers sometimes face. Here are a few extra tips for you.

  • Offer cups mainly at mealtime. Little ones who carry their cups around all day like security blankets may drink way too much (and need more frequent diaper changes). If your toddler is thirsty, offer them a little water, but then set the cup aside and remind them it will be there when it’s time to eat.

  • Trust your child to self-soothe without a bottle. Temporary sleep problems can turn into serious struggles if you give in to your child’s protests and offer a bottle at bedtime. Create a healthy new routine when your little one can snuggle with you, listen to a story or soft music and drift off. A pacifier may also help.

  • Offer healthy beverages. Plain water is the healthiest drink for your child, and the fluoride in tap water helps prevent tooth decay. (If you’re wondering how fluoride works and whether it’s safe for kids, here’s a helpful article.)

  • Milk and juice contain natural sugars that deliver extra calories and increase cavity risks, so offer small portions. Avoid drinks with added sugar, especially carbonated beverages, which damage tooth enamel.

  • As your child transitions to an open cup, place one next to the bathroom sink or water dispenser so they can serve themselves. Help them practice with the faucet or dispenser valve and offer praise for progress. (Another big-kid milestone to celebrate!)

Choosing the right cup for your child

There are literally hundreds of choices out there, so this can be confusing. Many sippy cups have a valve under the spout to stop spills. But kids have to suck to get any liquid from them, which is just like drinking from a baby bottle. Not at all helpful for learning and development!

If you prefer a sippy cup rather than an open cup (with or without straw), choose one with no valve. It should have a snap-on or screw-on lid with a simple spout. Opt for one with two handles to help little hands get a grip. Some cups have a weighted base that pulls them upright when they tip—great for minimizing spills.

What about breastfed babies?

With many parents pumping for convenience, little ones may drink breast milk from bottles as part of their regular routine. In this case, breastfeeding parents can follow the same steps for weaning as those who use formula.

If you have used no bottles at all, you can still follow a weaning routine that uses many of the same steps. Introduce a cup filled with breast milk around 6 months of age, and slowly reduce the number of breastfeeding sessions from several per day to one and then, eventually, none.

Keep in mind that your child can drink breast milk from a cup for as long as you want to provide it. Breastfeeding sessions will gradually become snuggle sessions offering your child physical comfort and love, just as you did when you were nursing.


Offer your child a cup around 6 months, and steadily move away from bottle or breast feeding between 12 and 18 months. The sooner you start, the easier the transition will be.

Your child’s resistance doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. Be patient and trust that your little one will gradually start drinking like a big kid.

If resistance turns into a full-blown power struggle, talk with your pediatrician. Also consult your pediatrician if your child has a chronic illness, physical difference or developmental delay that will affect their ability to move away from bottle feeding.

About Dr. Shu

Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, medical editor of HealthyChildren.org, is a board-certified pediatrician, author and mother living in Atlanta. She is also editor-in-chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) book Baby & Child Health and co-author of Heading Home With Your Newborn and Food Fights.

The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

Easy Feeding Guide: What One-Year-Olds Eat

Inside: What do one-year-old’s eat? Here’s a helpful guide to explain what one-year-old’s need to eat and how to feed them. You’ll leave feeling confident you know how to feed your child well.

If you’re struggling through the feeding transition between babies and toddlers, you’ve come to the right place! Babies start out having their very own type of food and then somehow, we need to get them to eating whatever we’re eating. That can be a bumpy and messy process!

Although it may seem overwhelming at first, I’ll show you a few tricks you can use, to make it easy to put together foods for your one-year-old.

How Does Being One Affect How One-Year-Olds Eat?

One-year-olds are special kiddos. They are learning so many things. Walking and talking is coming down the road for them and they are learning to use their hands. We can use these important developmental skills to our advantage while we are feeding them.

One-year-olds have a pincer grasp, which means they can now grip food between their forefinger and thumb. They can pick up small things, like pieces of food and put them into their mouths. They want to use that grasp, and we want them to eat, so it’s a great time to transition them to table food if you haven’t already.

“Table food” is solid food that the family is eating that is safe for your little one (chopped into small pieces).

If you’re toddler isn’t eating, that’s also normal! Toddlers begin to change their eating habits and many develop a fear of foods.

Related: Get your Picky Toddler on the Road to Eating More Foods

What Balanced Meals Do One-Year-Olds Eat?

One-year-olds have very small stomachs, so it’s important to use every bite wisely! Toddlers need plenty of iron-containing foods as well as dark green and orange foods to help them get all of their needed nutrients.

Toddlers also need plenty of fat for their brain development. They need protein and energy to help with their growth.

Choose less processed foods for your one-year-old whenever possible, to help them get all the nutrients they need.

Here’s a meal formula that you can use for meals and snacks when you’re thinking about what to feed your toddler:

Protein food + fat source + fruit and/or veggie + energy food = balanced meal

Need meal ideas for your one-year-old that the whole family can enjoy? Check out my Real Easy Weekdays meal plan.

Protein foods that your one-year-old can eat (when cooked soft)

Here are few ideas for protein foods that your one-year-old can eat. Make sure they are cooked soft and diced or served in safe ways, so that they are safe.

  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Beans (cooked soft)
  • Hummus
  • Lentils
  • Peanut butter or nut/seed butters (spread thinly on bread)
  • Dairy
  • Tofu
  • Ground nuts or seeds mixed into other foods like yogurt or applesauce

Make sure there is a protein food available at every meal and snack.

Fat sources that your one-year-old can eat

Here are a few ideas for fat sources for your one-year-old. Adding fat to your cooking will help their bodies absorb fat soluble vitamins, as well as help them get enough fat for their brain development.

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Fatty fish (salmon, sardines)
  • Avocado
  • Full-fat dairy
  • Nut and seed butters spread thinly on bread or mixed into other foods

Fruits and veggies to serve one-year-olds

Any and all fruits and veggies can be helpful for making a balanced diet for your one-year-old. We especially want to make sure they are being offered orange and dark green veggies daily. Here’s a quick list of some common orange and dark green veggies. These should all be served to one-year-olds cooked and soft enough to squish between a thumb and forefinger.

  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli
  • Cooked greens

Additionally, making sure you are serving plenty of fruits and veggies that have vitamin C are really important. Vitamin C helps your child absorb iron into their body.

Try your best to add on a fruit or veggie (or both) at every meal and snack.

Energy foods that one-year-olds eat

Energy foods are foods that give kids energy – like grains, starchy veggies, and fruits. It can be easy to fall into the trap of feeding toddlers JUST crackers or o’s cereal for snack. This fills their bellies up, but doesn’t leave much room for more nutrient-dense foods.

Nutrient dense means there are a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in a small amount of food.

Some energy foods are more nutrient dense than other foods, having a balance of energy foods can be helpful. Here are some common energy foods for one-year-olds.

  • Quinoa
  • Oats (cooked)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beans/peas/lentils
  • White potatoes
  • Rice (prefer white rice for small children to reduce their exposure to arsenic)
  • Bread
  • Soft dried fruit that has been cut into small pieces half the size of a pinky finger, or cooked and softened, or cooked into things
  • Homemade muffins

Free Child Feeding Guide: From Stress to Success: 4 Ways to Help Your Child Eat Better Without Losing Your Mind

Preventing Choking When Deciding What to Serve Your One-Year-Old

When deciding what your one-year-old will eat, make sure that you are not serving any choking hazards.

The most common choking hazards according to the CDC are:

  • Carrot sticks
  • Whole grapes and cherry tomatoes
  • Large pieces of raw fruits and veggies
  • Popcorn
  • Chips
  • Whole nuts and seeds
  • Tough meat
  • Chunks of nut butters
  • Hot dogs and sausages
  • Chunks of cheese
  • Gum
  • Hard candy, chewy candy

To prevent choking:

  • Modify – soften or dice
  • Sit – make sure your child is sitting in a chair while eating
  • Avoid some foods that cannot be modified
  • Be prepared if something does happen

What Do One-Year-Olds Eat?

Here is a sample menu of what a one-year-old can be served in a day. I have NOT included portion sizes here. Why not? Because it’s your child’s job to decide how much to eat. Start with small portions – about 1 tablespoon of each type of food on their tray or plate. Watch them to know when they want more of a specific type of food.

Sample menu for a one-year-old

Below is a basic sample menu for a one-year-old. Your child may eat more or less often than this and that is okay! Every child is different.

Breakfast: Oatmeal made with coconut oil and some peanut butter mixed in, served with whole milk and strawberries

Morning Snack: frozen peas cooked mixed with butter, shredded apple

Lunch: Bread with almond butter, frozen carrots, cooked and mixed with olive oil

Afternoon Snack: Diced avocado, o’s cereal

Dinner: Soft-cooked chicken, rice mixed with butter, steamed broccoli tossed with olive oil, full-fat milk

Find more meal suggestions for healthy toddler snacks and kid lunch ideas.

I Have Feeding Problems Beyond What to Give my One-Year-Old to Eat

Deciding what to feed your one-year-old is only half the battle right?

If you are experiencing any of the following, here is more help!

  • My toddler is throwing food!
  • What should I feed my picky toddler?
  • What’s a good toddler eating schedule?

What is your one-year-olds favorite food? Let me know in the comments below!

A child at 12 months development and nutrition – a baby at 12 months

12 months is a very important and significant milestone in the life of a child and his parents. The first year of life has passed, your baby has changed and grown up, from a helpless baby he has turned into a funny and curious toddler. At the age of one year, the child already possesses many skills and abilities, but the first psychological crisis also occurs at this stage of development.

Physical development of a child at 12 months

Upon reaching the first year of life, the growth rate of the baby noticeably decreases. The average weight gain at 12 months is about 350-400 g, for the entire first year the baby gains 7-8 kg. Against the background of a decrease in weight gain, significant psychological and emotional changes are noted, the time of wakefulness and motor activity of the child increase.

Each baby develops individually, it is impossible to define rigid boundaries and requirements for all children. Assumed skills, like physical parameters, are very conditional. If your baby does not know how to do something, this is not a reason to worry. The physical parameters and development of a one-year-old child are largely determined by aspects of pregnancy and birth. The limits of the norm adopted in pediatrics are shown in the table.




Weight, kg

8. 9– 12.3

8.5 – 10.8

Height, cm

72.3 – 79.7

71.4 – 78.5

Chest circumference, cm

46 – 51.4

45. 5 – 50.2

Head circumference, cm

43.9 – 48.6

44.2 – 47.3

Physical skills and abilities, as well as the growth rate of a child at 1 year old, are also determined by many factors, including hereditary characteristics. Most babies at this age already know how to:

  • walk on their own, or with support and hand in hand with an adult;
  • sit down and stand up without support;
  • squat confidently;
  • bend over;
  • to take, carry, give objects;
  • pick up several objects at the same time, using both hands and armpits;
  • shift objects from hand to hand;
  • go up and down stairs holding hands or railings;
  • perform various actions with toys – throw, push, roll, swing.

Particular attention should be paid to the fine motor skills of a one-year-old baby. During the game, he already knows how to build a tower or a pyramid of cubes, string pyramid rings on the base, open a cabinet, turn a tap, hold a cup and cutlery in his hands. It is still difficult for a baby to eat independently, but this skill is already beginning to develop. The same applies to hygiene procedures, the child himself cannot yet wash himself properly, but looking at adults, he is already making such attempts.

Baby tights

390 ₽

80-92 cm / 12-24 months

Cognitive abilities

Babies of the first year of life are very curious, which, combined with the active development of the intellect and physical activity, gives amazing results. The main sign of cognitive development is the observation and repetition of the behavior of adults.

The baby already feels and understands the reactions of adults to various actions, movements, sounds. He has well-developed facial expressions, he expresses his emotions well, sometimes he does it intentionally in order to evoke an appropriate reaction from others. He is very happy if he manages to make his parents laugh. In the course are movements (dances, tilts, funny poses), facial expressions (grimaces, funny grimaces).

At the age of 12 months, the rudiments of creative inclinations already begin to appear in a child. It is worth watching the baby – what does he like? Some babies react very actively to music, immediately begin to move rhythmically. Others show a passion for drawing. Finger paints are usually suitable for children at this age. Most children in the first year of life love movement, games of catch-up, easy accessible physical activities.

One of the important stages in the cognitive development of a child at 12 months is the first signs of the instinct of self-preservation. For example, this manifests itself in the fear of heights. Having climbed too high up the children’s ladder, the child is looking for support or the mother’s hand. In some babies, the instinct of self-preservation manifests itself in the form of fear of strangers, for example, doctors. It is very important at this stage to show the baby that he is safe, and also to set boundaries for the available entertainment, but at the same time not to scare him.

A child of the first year of life gradually learns the properties of objects. During the game, he learns what it means to be hard and soft, hot and cold, dry and wet. A child at this age is very curious and actively learns the world around him. The most interesting and understandable for him are animals. To help your baby develop, you can show him pictures of animals, along the way demonstrating what sounds they make. The main thing is to remember that any information should be presented in a playful way.

Cognitive development factors include the child’s social skills. Kids at this age are happy to communicate with each other, actively contact with adults. They love to play games (hide-and-seek, catch-up, round dances, creating simple structures from cubes). Of course, the socialization of a child depends on the individual characteristics of the character, but in most cases, children at the age of 1 love to play with their peers.

Mental and intellectual development

At the age of 1, the process of growth and weight gain slows down in a baby, but intellectual and emotional development becomes more intense. A longer waking period allows the child more time to play. The main ways of learning in children at 12 months are sensory. Tactile sensations develop memory. Touching certain objects, the baby remembers their features and properties. For example, a ball is round and bounces, a car has wheels and can move, a cube is solid and can be built from.

Mental and intellectual features of a one-year-old baby are marked by such achievements:

  • Active speech development. Many kids by the age of 12 already have a few words in their vocabulary. The main ones, of course, are “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “grandfather”, “give”, “drink”. The pronunciation of words can be quite peculiar, some children confuse sounds, distort words, and are expressed in one syllable. This is a natural process of speech development, gradually the pronunciation will return to normal.
  • Most children at the age of 1 understand the simplest requests addressed to them. More than 20 words are already stored in the baby’s memory, which he understands, and this volume is increasing every day.
  • A small person already emotionally feels well how to behave with family members. Mom is kind and affectionate, you can be petty with her, complain, she will always regret it. At this age, the first attempts to manipulate adults begin. And the baby understands well what goes on with mom, it doesn’t work out with dad.
  • At the age of 1, a child begins to develop long-term memory. Children can already remember what happened yesterday or a few days ago. They can remember and recognize not only close relatives, but also strangers. For example, if children often walk together on the street, they already recognize each other and are happy to meet.
  • One of the factors of the child’s emotional development will be the first manifestations of stubbornness, perseverance in one’s desires. It is already more difficult for a kid to prove that some things cannot be done. For example, he can stubbornly throw sand, pick up objects on the street, pull the cat by the tail.
  • The child develops a sense of humor and empathy. He begins to respond with laughter to funny games, funny situations. The baby begins to understand and respond to someone else’s pain. He may feel sorry for the bunny that fell off the couch or the crying baby.

A one-year-old kid surprises his family with new skills every day. The main thing is to support, help develop, talk, play, sing, take regular walks, learn to communicate with the outside world and people. Child psychologists recommend not to impose anything on the child, any classes should take place in the form of a game with a good mood for the baby.

Crisis of the first year

Tendency to touchiness, tearfulness, stubbornness are signs of the first psychological crisis. Psychologists explain it by the fact that the baby ends the period of infancy and begins early childhood. This process is not easy:

  • The baby develops his own will. The confrontation with prohibitions from adults causes a storm of protest. He actively resists any instructions, manifests his desires in the form of whims and tantrums. At this stage, it is important to learn to set boundaries for the child.
  • At the age of 12 months, the child’s sense of the world changes. He begins to understand that he is a separate person. The fact that adults are allowed more than he is also displeased with the baby.
  • The more skills a child acquires, the more confident he is. At this age, the first signs of independence begin to appear. However, the inability to adequately assess their capabilities often leads to failure. That is, the kid is trying to do something himself, he does not succeed and it annoys him. After all, he still cannot accept the idea that adults can do what is inaccessible to him.
  • Prohibitions of any nature are perceived by the baby as an obstacle that prevents him from doing what is interesting and desirable.

How to survive the crisis of the first year

If your baby has the first signs of the crisis of the first year, do not be discouraged or panic. Be patient and show understanding. It is very important to find a middle ground – not to show aggression towards the child and not to indulge his whims. The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends that parents develop a tactic of behavior with the baby, based on a number of rules.

  • Prohibit selectively. Develop clear rules – what is possible and what is absolutely impossible. In no case should everything be allowed or everything forbidden. There should not be too many bans, but they should be permanent.
  • Allow the child to do accessible things on his own, help him if necessary, but let him take the initiative. This approach will build confidence.
  • Many children at this age refuse to eat. Do not force feed, wait until the baby gets hungry and asks to eat.
  • As far as possible, follow the child’s requests. Attention and confidence in the help of parents increases the child’s trust in the world.
  • Ask your child for help. The opportunity to help mom brings joy and pleasure to the baby. Praise from loved ones is an important emotional factor in the development of a child.
  • If your child cries and does not want to stop, leave him alone for a while, without spectators it will become uninteresting to him. The same goes for tantrums on the street. The baby has fallen and does not want to get up, do not scream or try to pick him up. Just stand quietly nearby or move to a safe distance. Realizing that the manipulation does not work, the child will get up on his own.

Many parents are faced with the problem of what clothes to buy for a mobile and always dirty one-year-old toddler. When choosing clothes, you should pay attention to the quality of the material, it should be safe, natural, but easy to wash. Clothing for the street should be chosen according to the season, for autumn and spring it is best to choose jackets and pants made of waterproof fabric.

An important requirement for clothing for an active child is a good cut and quality tailoring. Clothing should not hinder movement and at the same time withstand the load. In our store you can choose clothes for children for any age. We are responsible for the quality of our goods and guarantee that your baby will move comfortably and easily explore the world around him

← 11 months old

Baby 11 months old – Friso company website

Speech understanding

The child understands the requests of adults and responds to them with pleasure. He is ready to show parts of the body at himself or at the doll many times in a row, find all the objects and toys that you name. Now, on your instructions, he can perform several related actions in a row: open the cabinet and take out his cup, take soap and wash his hands. Encourage your baby to these actions, because these are the first skills of active cooperation. And, of course, do not forget to praise him.

The same action, if it deserves your approval, the baby is ready to repeat dozens of times. Do not stop him: this is how he improves his skills. If for some reason the game cannot be continued, divert the attention of the baby – at this age, children are ready for a quick change of activity.

Active speech

By 11 months, the child begins to pronounce the first words. So far, these are mostly short onomatopoeias, but the baby puts as much meaning into them as into a whole sentence. For example, with a simple word “um-am”, a child can tell you that he is hungry, hint that you have his favorite treat in your hands and he would like to try it, or talk about how he spoon-feeds a doll.

The baby’s speech becomes an important means of communication: with the help of short words and sound combinations, the baby shares with you his desires, observations and experiences. Be sure to answer the crumbs to all his exclamations so that your communication is mutual.


The behavior of a child at 11 months is becoming more and more like how adults behave. Children already understand that in the big world around them, not everything is available for research, and they calmly react to the word “no”. But how much effort does the baby make to arouse the approval of the mother! He is very willing to carry out small assignments: find an object, give a toy, put the keys on the table. The kid will be delighted if you instruct him to put the chopped apples for compote in a saucepan and then pick up a suitable lid for it.

Playing with everyday objects is very useful for the baby. On the one hand, they expand his horizons, and on the other hand, they give the first skills of behavior in the family.

Communication with a child during this period can be based not only on games, but also rely on sign language. At 11 months, the baby can already learn the simplest gestures: yes – a nod of the head, no – shaking.

The child can apply these skills in communication with other children. So, if on the same site there are children of the same age who still cannot speak, then they express their mutual sympathy with gestures and exclamations. The kid immediately chooses one friend for himself and reaches out to him, and then they study each other with interest. At 11 months, the baby still does not understand how to play with other children, and so far he only watches them from the side and sometimes tries to repeat their actions. However, such an experience is very important for the development of the child’s social skills, and gives him the first understanding of the relationship between people outside his family.


A balanced diet will provide the baby with energy for the whole day

At eleven months, the baby’s body has become much stronger, and the gastrointestinal tract has formed so much that it can take almost all products.