What do preschoolers need for school: What to Pack for the First Day of Preschool

Опубликовано: March 21, 2023 в 6:40 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

What to Pack for the First Day of Preschool

It’s actually happening—your little one is heading off to school! Dropping your child off at preschool can be stressful, of course, regardless of whether your tot has been in daycare for years or at home with a parent. But being fully prepared can go a long way in easing your anxiety.

If your child is enrolled in a preschool program, chances are you’ve already run through the preschool skills checklist to ensure your little one is developmentally ready. It’s also smart to establish a relationship with the school early on, says Jaclyn Carnazza, owner and director of Kids Connect in Montville, New Jersey. That might be scheduling a time to tour the school with your child, so they can see where they’ll be spending their days, or even letting your little one spend a couple hours in the class to see how they do when separated from you. Last but not least, you’ll need to stock up all the essentials your child will need for that first day of school. (Don’t forget to label everything with your child’s name!)

The school will likely provide a checklist of things to bring, but here are the usual items you’ll want to pack for the first day of preschool:

1. Backpack

Not only can you pack your child’s backpack with the day’s necessities, but the teachers can also use it to send home artwork and school notices.

2. Lunch and snacks

Pack plenty of snacks so your kid doesn’t go hungry! You may have to come up with some nut-free options, depending on the school’s food policy.

3. Milk or juice

Unless the school provides it, you’ll need to send drinks along with any meals and snacks.

4. Spill-proof water bottle

Whether it’s a sippy cup or simply something spill-proof, pick a water bottle your child can easily open on their own. They’ll need to stay hydrated with all that running around!

5. Extra set of clothes and socks

Preschoolers aren’t known for their careful cleanliness, so pack an extra (seasonally appropriate) outfit, including a second pair of socks. Don’t forget to also pack a resealable plastic bag your child’s teacher can use for dirty clothing!

6. Extra underwear

Even if your child is potty-trained, accidents are bound to happen.

7. Extra masks

Face masks will likely be with us for a while as scientists work to uncover more about the coronavirus. Depending on the program’s policies, you’ll likely want to pack extra masks to keep your child protected—after all, what with messy meals and hands-on crafts, your kiddo’s face covering is bound to get soiled at some point in the day.

8. Diapers, wipes and cream

If your little one isn’t quite ready for the potty, you’ll need to send along a plentiful stash of diapers, wipes and diaper cream.

9. Seasonal outerwear

Lots of preschools let the kids enjoy some time outdoors, so pay attention to the weather. Chilly outside? Send your kid in with a coat and gloves. Sunny? Pack a hat.

10. Indoor shoes

Check your school’s policy, since some programs prefer kids to wear indoor-only shoes or grippy slippers in the classroom to keep things clean.

11. Nap time essentials

Some classrooms are equipped with cots, while others ask parents to send a nap mat, sheet and blanket. Ask what should be on your list.

12. Comfort item

Packing your child’s favorite stuffed animal or other comfort item, like a lovey, can help ease preschool jitters. Tip: If forgetting said comfort item at school would lead to a full-blown bedtime disaster, have one for home and one for school, or pick a second-favorite item to pack.

13. Art supplies

If the school doesn’t supply them, you may need to pack a smock, box of crayons, glue sticks and the like.

14. Sunscreen

Whether it’s winter or summer, the sun’s strong rays can still wreak havoc. You’ll want to make sure your child brings sunscreen with them to school for reapplication as the day goes on.

15. Any necessary medication

Alert the school ahead of time if your child needs any daily medication or has any allergies.

Starting preschool can be tough, for you and your child. But the good news is it’ll get easier, fast. “If a preschool is providing an appropriate environment, which begins with loving, nurturing teachers and caregivers, I promise the adjustment period will take no longer than two weeks, when kids will be excited to enter the classroom and engage with their peers!” Carnazza says.

Image: Laura Pursel

Plus, more from The Bump:

10 Adorable First Day of Preschool Photos

Top 10 Lunch Boxes for Toddlers

22 Easy, Tasty Kids’ Lunch Ideas

What to Pack for Preschool (Checklist for Parents of 3-5 Year Olds)

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What to Bring on the First Day of Preschool — A Checklist of Useful Supplies

Figuring out what to pack for preschool can be a little overwhelming, which is why I wanted to share with you this preschool checklist for parents of 3-5 year olds.

While schools typically send out a checklist of what to bring on your child’s first day, you might be getting a little anxious — especially if you’re the type who likes to get prepared well ahead of time.

As the mom of an almost-five-year-old who recently graduated from preschool (and is getting ready to head to kindergarten — ack!), I found the following items to be useful when sending her off to school.

What to Pack for Preschool: Checklist for Parents

While some of these items might not apply to your situation, this list should help you get started with packing for preschool. 

1. Backpack

A backpack is probably the most exciting item on this list — at least for your preschooler. I let my daughter choose one from Walmart, and she decided on a Frozen 2 backpack.

You’ll find that a backpack, or some type of bag, will be essential for sending the rest of the items on this list to school with your child. Plus, they often come home with worksheets or artwork in their backpacks.

2. Extra Clothes & Socks

Even if your preschooler never has potty accidents, sometimes their clothes get wet or dirty, especially when playing outside. An extra change of clothes and socks are a must.

3. Extra Underwear (if Potty Trained)

Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s nice to have a clean change of underwear at preschool, along with an extra change of clothes. 

4. Diapers & Wipes (if Not Potty Trained)

If your child is heading to preschool and isn’t fully potty trained, you’ll want to send extra diapers/pull-ups and wipes in their backpack. 

5. Two One-Gallon Resealable Bags

Resealable plastic bags will come in handy for that extra change of clothes. Label one for clean clothing and the other for soiled. 

Send your child’s extra change of clothes in one baggie, and if an accident happens, the teachers can put the soiled clothing in the other one.

6. Waterproof Name Labels

A permanent marker gets the job done, but personalized name labels like Name Bubbles are much more fun — plus, they’re waterproof and won’t come off unless you intentionally remove them.

Whichever route you take, make sure to label everything with your child’s name to keep their belongings organized throughout the school year.

7. Seasonal Outerwear

Of course, the outerwear your child needs will vary depending on the season. Starting out in the fall, a light jacket should suffice on chilly mornings. 

In snowy climates, you’ll obviously need a bit more:

  • Winter coat
  • Snow pants
  • Boots
  • Winter hat
  • Warm mittens

When sending my daughter to school wearing her boots, I always made sure to put her shoes (inside a plastic bag) into her backpack.

8. Indoor Shoes

Some schools prefer a separate pair of indoor shoes to keep things clean. You’ll want to check your school’s policy ahead of time.

9. Lunch & Snacks (if Not Provided)

Some preschools provide breakfast/lunch and snacks but, if not, you’ll need to pack some healthy foods each day. You may need to come up with some nut-free options depending on your school’s policy.

10. Child’s Medication

If your child needs to take medication during the day, you’ll want to let the school know ahead of time. They will likely require you to bring it in, rather than sending it with your child.

11. Art Supplies (if Not Provided)

Before school started, our preschool asked parents to send money for art supplies so they could purchase what they needed. 

Yours might send a supply list, though, so you will want to buy them ahead of time and send the supplies with your child to school.

12. Sunscreen

If you want your child to use sunscreen during outdoor time, you will likely have to purchase it (we use Green Screen sunscreen) and send it with them to preschool.

13. Hand Lotion

I bought my daughter her own tube of hand lotion and she brought it to school each day in her backpack.

I just made sure to keep it in a plastic baggie to avoid a mess in case it leaked.

14. Lip Balm

I also gave my daughter her own lip balm to keep in her backpack. Of course, I labeled all of her personal care items with her name to keep them from getting mixed up with the other kids’ things.

15. Water Bottle

You may or may not be required to send a water bottle (they can be handy when playing outside on a hot day). If so, make sure it’s easy enough for your child to open and close.

This one is affordable and easy to use. 

Of course, you’ll want to label it with their name to avoid mix-ups.

First Day Readiness Tips for Parents of Preschoolers

Once you have everything ready to go, you might be wondering what else you need to do before the first day of school. 

Here are a few first day readiness tips for you:

  • Label everything! Water bottles, clothing, all of it. We love Name Bubbles washable name labels — read our full review here. 
  • Prepare clothes and lunches ahead of time. Trust me, the morning rush to get out the door only gets worse when you realize your preschooler doesn’t have any clean socks or their shoes have gone missing!
  • Read books about going to school. Listening to stories about characters who are going to school and being able to see what a school day looks like can help kids feel a little more confident on their first day.
  • Visit the classroom together. Unfortunately, I was never able to see my daughter’s classroom (due to COVID restrictions) but we were able to watch a welcome video that the teachers put together.
  • Stay positive. Keep an enthusiastic tone when talking about preschool, and when dropping your child off, it helps to keep things short and sweet — and hold the tears back until you get back to the car. 😉 

Sending your preschooler off to their first day of school can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

With this list of what to pack for preschool, plus our readiness tips for parents, you can confidently send your kiddo off to school this fall.

Read More:

3 Essential Elements of a Cozy Kids’ Reading Nook

How to Get Organized for Back to School With Name Bubbles Waterproof Name Labels

One Thing You NEED to Do if Your Child Hates Reading

We prepare a child for school in just 30 days

Preparation for school in 30 days

How to determine if a child is ready for life at a desk? Psychologists advise asking the child if he wants to go to school. If cognitive interest is formed, the child will answer: “Yes.” He wants to learn new things.

If a child does not want to go to school, he needs to be psychologically prepared: to instill a love for learning. And in no case should you be intimidated by statements from the category “You will go to school, there you will not have time for games, there the teacher will not lisp with you.”

But besides psychological readiness, the child must master certain skills.


The kid should know his name, the names of his parents, his address, his age, the name of the country in which he lives. Seasons and their months, days of the week.


A preschooler should be able to find similarities and differences between objects and make generalizations. For example, among the pictures – a birch, a tit, a fox and a beetle – isolate the excess.

Know what a circle, square, triangle is, and find these figures in the surrounding space.


“Don’t get distracted, or you’ll carry food past your mouth,” parents say to children when they see how the child loses control of the spoon, and his hand freezes halfway when trying to eat and watch TV at the same time. It is difficult for children to concentrate on two things at once.

They must learn how to do this by school. In the classroom, you will have to quickly switch from one type of activity to another and solve tasks without being distracted by extraneous things.


In the first grade, the child will have to learn how to write a 30-40-word summary according to the teacher’s plan. At the same time, he will have to master the skill of writing. This process can be facilitated if you take up the development of memory in the process of preschool education. The child should learn to repeat 10 words and retell small stories before school.


This includes correct pronunciation, the ability to formulate and answer questions, and form coherent sentences.

Fine motor skills

How quickly and beautifully a child learns to write depends on its development. Checking this skill is quite simple: the future student must hold the pen correctly, be able to draw a straight, even line, write a block letter according to the model.

Mathematical skills

Know the numbers from 0 to 9 and be able to add and subtract them.

How to develop skills?

Pre-school education is not only what is given to a child in kindergarten. Children should learn most of the skills with the help of their parents. It will take 30 days, the correct technique and the regularity of classes.

And if the latter directly depends on the parents, then professionals should work on the methodology. For the development of preschool children, a series of notebooks “Kumon. Getting ready for school.”

It includes 5 types of tasks that preschool classes should consist of.

Tasks type 1. Coloring pictures and passing the maze with colored figures.

What do they train? Fine motor skills, knowledge of colors, artistic taste.

An example of a task from the notebook “KUMON. Getting ready for school. Learning to pass mazes»

Tasks type 2. Cutting, appliqués, puzzles.

What do they train? Motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, knowledge of figures.

An example of a task from the notebook “KUMON. Getting ready for school. Learning to glue»

Tasks of type 3. Passage of labyrinths.

What do they train? Logic, memory, fine motor skills.

An example of a task from the notebook “KUMON. Getting ready for school. Learning to pass mazes»

Job type 4. Cutting along lines.

What do they train? Fine motor skills, thinking.

An example of a task from the notebook “KUMON. Getting ready for school. Learning to cut”

Job type 5. Connection by numbers.

What do they train? Mathematical ability, fine motor skills.

An example of a task from the notebook “KUMON. Getting ready for school. Learning Numbers and Shapes”

Rules for preparation for the academic year

1. Preschool activities should be fun. Otherwise, the child will quickly lose interest in learning.

2. You need to develop all 5 types of skills. Only comprehensive education will make it easier for a child to endure the process of adaptation to school.

3. The school preparation program must consist of regular, but not long, classes (no more than 20 minutes).

4. Don’t get angry if the baby does something wrong. Help him, but don’t rush to do something for him. It is important to teach him to ask questions in case something is not clear.

What a child should know and be able to do by the first grade: knowledge for a first grader

According to the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, admission to the first grade of state and municipal educational institutions is prohibited through a competition. Any child aged 6.5–8 has the right to enroll in a school. But some things should be taught to the baby before the start of training – this will make it easier to adapt to a new rhythm.

Knowledge and skills for life

Knowledge about the family

Kindergarten graduates should easily navigate information about close relatives and their data. Full name, age, date of birth, what mom and dad work for, how old are the brothers and sisters. It is good if the child by the first grade knows by heart the phone number of one of the parents and the home address.

Knowledge of safety rules

It is assumed that the baby is familiar with the basic rules of behavior on the street: in what places and what color of traffic lights to cross the road, what to do if the traffic light is not visible, is it possible to leave with a stranger without the knowledge of parents. This is the minimum knowledge of safety that a child should have by the first grade.

Speech development

It is important for a child to speak clearly and distinctly, to distinguish between male and female gender, to determine the sound in a word, to select simple synonyms, to be able to describe objects, build a dialogue, choose the superfluous in a row and generalize.

Soft skills

Soft skills (“soft skills”, “soft skills”) are universal skills that help a person to be successful regardless of the chosen profession or place of work. We can say that this is the base of certain skills on which success and efficiency are based.

Soft skills develop throughout a person’s life. It is important to lay their foundation already at the senior preschool age, so that it would be easier for the future first-grader to adapt to new living conditions.

Mindfulness and the ability to concentrate

This is the main skill through which all others are formed.

At the moment everyone is surrounded by a huge flow of information. Adults absorb it, sometimes without even thinking. And the children repeat. In order to memorize new things and be able to apply this knowledge in practical life, it is first necessary to develop the ability to concentrate and maintain attention. Without this, it is impossible to learn and achieve success.

Critical thinking

The skill helps to defend one’s point of view and not take everything on faith. It is worth explaining to the child how important it is to check the information, question it and ask questions.

Logical thinking

Must be developed from early childhood. Logical thinking contributes to the ability to see and build patterns, analyze information, draw conclusions, consider the same situation from different angles. A person with a developed logical thinking has almost unlimited possibilities and easily adapts to various situations.

Communication skills and teamwork

Our whole life from the very first days is connected with communication, without it it is impossible to exist, therefore it is so important to develop and improve the child’s communication skills as early as possible. The ability to be friends, empathize, negotiate, resolve conflicts and defend yourself if necessary. In addition, it is important to teach a child to hear, appreciate and respect someone else’s point of view, to take the place of another person, to find a common language with different people – all this is about working in a team, a team.


Non-standard thinking and the ability to think creatively

The skill allows a person not only to adapt to changing environmental conditions, but also to find answers to questions of any complexity, generate new ideas, see and find positive even, it would seem , in desperate situations.

Emotional intelligence

It is important to teach a future first-grader to understand his emotions, to be able to cope with them, to talk about his feelings, to experience empathy. Without these basic skills, a future happy life without depression, apathy and neurosis is impossible. Such questions are especially acute and relevant at the beginning of schooling, during the period of adaptation, when the psychological burden on the child increases.


Intercultural openness

In today’s world, with the opportunities of travel and online learning, it is important and necessary not only to know a foreign language, but also to be able to understand the cultures of other peoples. Know the features and respect the religion of other nations, be familiar with the traditions and honor them. This helps to find a common language with representatives of other countries.

Self-organization and time management

The skill can be useful in any area: putting things in order, managing your life, prioritizing things. This will save the child from fatigue, stress, increase self-confidence and teach them to enjoy life.


Knowledge and skills for school

Knowledge about the surrounding world

It is believed that by the first grade a child knows natural phenomena: snow, hail, lightning. The child should be able to distinguish colors, plants, animals, body parts, clothing and footwear, dishes. To test the knowledge of a preschooler, you can offer offhand to name several types of trees or migratory birds. For clarity, purchase a children’s encyclopedia, look at illustrations together and discuss paragraphs.

Knowledge of time and space

Make sure that the child is oriented in the hourly routine of the day, knows how to tell the time using an ordinary clock with hands, can list the days of the week and the names of the seasons without hesitation. Another important skill is to distinguish between “right” and “left”.

Mathematical knowledge

This is an important category, but it often causes problems. It’s good if the child:

– Counts up to 100 and knows how to perform elementary addition and subtraction operations within the first ten. At least it is worth knowing the numbers 0 to 10 in forward and reverse order.
– Indicates the number of items as a number.
– Distinguishes between “one” and “many”. Operates with the concepts of “greater than”, “less than”, “equal”, “up”, “down”.
– Able to compare objects by size, shape. It is expected that he is familiar with basic geometric concepts – a parallelepiped is unlikely to be needed, but a circle, rectangle, square is quite.

It is also important to teach the child to find patterns in order to train logic: exercises with pictures like “Find 5 differences” are perfect here.

Knowledge of reading and the Russian language

A future first-grader is recommended to know the alphabet. Despite the fact that it is not officially required to be able to read, this will definitely be asked at the interview. It is easier for children who have learned to read before school to adapt: ​​as a rule, their academic performance is higher than that of children who read in elementary school in syllables. You should not force your child to pore over books without getting out, but you can try to motivate them to read on their own.

What you need to know to get into first grade at Foxford

Our online school has several learning formats, from which parents choose the one that suits their child the most. These can be recorded or online lessons.

Since Foxford is an online school, it is important to pay attention to how well the child is familiar with the computer and whether he can type on the keyboard and also handle the mouse.

In order to be successful in elementary school, a child must have basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. There are no entrance tests, but the family is offered a small test to check the readiness of the child for school.

It is important to equip a learning area for a future first-grader before starting training, think over the daily routine and “pump” self-organization skills. Adults should be prepared for the fact that at first the child may need help.

Parents need to pay special attention to the adaptation moment in order to maintain a positive psychological environment and the child’s condition.


There are no official requirements for what a child must know by the first grade.

Parents should pay attention to the general and basic developmental skills and abilities of a preschooler. Focus on issues that have caused problems for the child. For example, go to a museum to learn more about predatory animals, or practice the rules of the road for pedestrians so that the baby knows exactly how to cross the road correctly.