Stay at home mom boredom: 8 Ways to Battle Stay-at-Home Mom Boredom

Опубликовано: December 13, 2022 в 7:25 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

8 Ways to Battle Stay-at-Home Mom Boredom


When you’re a stay-at-home-mom, you have a lot of things on your plate.  You’re making meals, keeping up with a house, tripping over toys, and making sure you’re kids are well-loved and taken care of.  You might think that being bored as a stay-at-home mom shouldn’t even be a thing!

You have so.many.things.going.on.

So, how is it that you end up getting bored?  

Don’t feel guilty, it happens to the best of us and it’s totally normal!

When my first child was born, all I wanted was to stay at home with her.  I crunched numbers to see if we could swing it financially, and I had several conversations with my husband about becoming a stay-at-home-mom.  

I thought I had planned for everything.    

What I didn’t plan for, however, was being bored.  

The monotony of each day, plus the lack of adult interaction, was the perfect recipe for a bored mama.   

I love my kids fiercely, but going from career to stay-at-home mom was tough.

Maybe for you, it’s also a combination of different things that just leave you feeling blah at the end of the day.

So, how do you combat being bored when you are a stay-at-home mom?  It isn’t easy, but if you’re intentional, you can bust boredom and thrive each day.  

Ways to bust stay-at-home-mom boredom

| 1 | Get a hobby (or a side hustle!).

When I first became a stay-at-home-mom, my daughter was a toddler.  She still took naps and I could fit in a lot of me time when she was asleep.

As she got older, and as I added more kiddos to our family, my hobby time got pretty slim.

I finally decided that I needed to do something to keep my brain active, so I started blogging.  I finally had a creative outlet that I was passionate about.

If you are feeling bored, think about something that you love to do.  You might not be able to do it daily, but try to do it often enough that you are fulfilling your needs.   

Here are 100 hobbies for moms that you can browse through to get some ideas!  

Having a hobby has been the life-saver of my sanity. 

I love my kids and would never change my decision to stay at home with them, but having my own little something to do has given me my own purpose each day. 

| 2 | Plan things throughout the week for you and your kids to look forward to.

Get your calendar out, and get to planning.  I know it’s tough when your kids are little, but if you can squeak out some plans each week with your kids, you will kick boredom in its teeth.  

I admit that I do not like to plan things very often.  I like to see where the wind will blow us, most days.  

However, if we sit at home day-in and day-out, I go stir crazy and my kids do, too.  

I really DO NOT advocate for filling up your schedule with an unreasonable amount of things to do, but I think that if you keep it simple and intentional, you can be active and not overwhelmed.   

You can grab the INTENTIONAL TIME PLANNER PACK FOR MOMS to help you plan your time with your kids!  

We enjoy slow days at our local park, children’s museum and spending time with our family.  Those are simple things we can look forward to, that aren’t super expensive or need a lot of prep.

Check out these 99 Fun Activities to Do With Kids that are either cheap or FREE!

When you plan things for you and your kids to do, keep in mind that they don’t have to be extravagant. 

We have a whiteboard where my kids and I write down our ideas of things to do and make, and we choose from those lists.

Our lists have included things like baking together (check out this fun, monthly subscription box for baking with kids– Baketivity) , crafting things we’ve found on Pinterest, going to our neighborhood pond,  and building a dog obstacle course.  

We also love going on nature walks, and if you do too, check out this collection of 25 Simple and Fun Nature Walk Activities for Kids.

| 3 | Plan something for yourself.

Don’t laugh at me, quite yet.  As a stay-at-home mom, you HAVE to do something for yourself, or you will burn right out, trust me.  

When you have something on the calendar that you can do for yourself, you have something to look forward to when the going gets tough.

I used to scoff at the idea of “needing” time to myself.  Then my kids got older, dropped naps and suddenly I was looking forward to moments of peace and quiet. 

It took time for me to realize that when I planned something for myself, even as simple as a late-night grocery shopping trip, I was a better person and a better mom.  

Moms, you need time to decompress.  If you’re anything like me, you need time to be with your own thoughts and not be running in a million different directions, as most of us do.

When I set aside a few hours of time for me, it motivates me to keep truckin’ through the days.  It helps me keep my momentum.

| 4 | Seek out inspiration.   

I don’t know about you, but I NEED to feel inspired on a weekly, if not daily, basis.  I need to feel alive and awakened in order to not fall into the dark side of being a stay-at-home mom.  

I know that sounds gloomy, but if I’m being honest, being a stay-at-home mom can take its toll and leave you feeling not only bored, but also emotionally drained.

My kids are amazing people.  We live a great life, and yet I still need a pick-me-up as often as possible.

One of my favorite things to do for inspiration is to reflect on my mom life.  This means I take a few minutes to myself to slow down and see how I am doing. 

This literally takes a few minutes each day, or week, if you prefer.

You can use this handy journal I created, and the best part is… It’s totally FREE!



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Other ways I find inspiration are:  

  • Talking to and hanging out with like-minded moms
  • Reading positive stories about parenting (You can check out my favorite parenting books HERE).
  • Reading my Bible and reflecting on my spiritual life (I love this version of the Bible).
  • Planning for my future— long-term and short-term goals that are personal and professional.
  • Thinking about my kids’ future and the positive impact I am having by staying at home with them.  

Whatever inspires you, do it.  The ability to stay inspired will kick stay-at-home mom boredom to the curb.

| 5 |Add a little structure to your day.  

When your kids are babies and toddlers, structure comes pretty naturally.  You can easily form a loose schedule surrounding meal times and naps.  

Once your child stops taking naps, though, you lose that cornerstone of your schedule.

We are unschoolers, so we don’t have a rigid structure in our homeschool days.  We do, however, have a little bit of a rhythm that helps us manage our days and weeks.  

Knowing what to expect throughout the day helps you to break up the monotony of the day.   

Things like meal times, playtime, arts and crafts, screen time and errands, are simple, yet powerful things that you can use to break up your days so you aren’t battling boredom. 

Kids thrive on structure, but it’s also important to allow PLENTY of unstructured playtime.

| 6  | Keep in touch with friends.

We can all agree that keeping in touch with friends is difficult once you become a mom.  

We are busy and most of the time, our kids are on completely different schedules.  

But, if you can carve out time to talk to your friends, or better yet, see them, you will have something to look forward to.  

Even quick texts are helpful when you are too busy to see each other.  

If a girls’ weekend is your thing, then try to plan one every so often.  

It’s important to stay connected with other adults so you don’t feel bored and start resenting the awesome job of being a stay-at-home mom!

| 7 | Find a local moms’ group and attend playdates.

As an introverted mom, I almost feel hypocritical suggesting this one.  However, I have found that when I get outside of my comfort zone and go meet new people, I feel refreshed.  

We don’t attend our homeschooling group every single week, but we do it when it fits our schedule. 

Being with other moms really helps me feel connected to the “outside world” and not feel so alone in my mothering journey.  

Not only will play dates shake up your days a little bit, but your kids will also benefit from them.  

| 8 | Plan date nights with your significant other.

When I plan a date night with my husband, I automatically feel like I can take on the days.  I look forward to getting the opportunity to gush about our kids, or just talk about life in general, when we go out.

It wasn’t always easy for us to get out by ourselves.  Our kids were NEVER okay with us going out on dates.  

I still get anxious thinking about their meltdowns.

As they have gotten older, it’s easier to go out, but we still don’t do it enough.

But, when we make the time and plan a date, I find that my boredom is less likely to creep in.

Again, having something on the calendar gives you something to look forward to, and your cup is filled by spending time with your significant other.    

Final thoughts on being bored as a stay-at-home mom 

Don’t feel guilty if you are bored as a stay-at-home mom.  Our job is demanding and we can easily fall into a bored and resentful mindset.  

I absolutely adore my kids and put my everything into our days.  This doesn’t mean that I am immune to becoming bored, though.

If you think about what excites you and keeps you motivated, you are much less likely to be bored as a stay-at-home mom. 

Take the time to figure out what makes you tick, and help you and your family thrive!  

I get bored as a stay-at-home mom. Here are 7 ways to beat the boredom and burnout

For a host of practical reasons, becoming a stay-at-home mom was the right choice for me and my family. And yet, despite loving my 16-month-old son and generally enjoying the time we spend together, there’s no denying some days drag.

While my husband’s off doing who knows what exciting grown-up stuff he gets to do after leaving for the office, I’m back at home, cooking, cleaning, shopping and doing the laundry day after day, all while chasing after our toddler and tripping over his toys. Sure, motherhood has its joys, but it can also be — dare I say — boring. Certainly, after an hour cycling through the same four picture books my son insists I read to him, life can begin to feel a bit dull.

Chicago mom Danielle Antosz commiserates: “I feel like a jerk for not being grateful (which I am), but also — early up, kids, work (from home where the kids are with the sitter), make dinner, walk dogs, kids to bed, couch for shows. Rinse repeat. Over and over and over.”

If you’ve ever fantasized about literally running away from it all, you’re not alone. According to moms everywhere, along with this study conducted by the Psychological Sciences Research Institute in Belgium, parental burnout — just like professional burnout — is real. Particularly if you lack enough support, parenting can leave you feeling exhausted, ineffective and emotionally distant from the very beneficiaries of all your unpaid work (i.e., your partner and kids).

Short of joining the circus, there’s no escaping my life, and so — for the sake of my sanity — I’ve figured out some things to do as a stay-at-home-mom to beat the boredom and burnout that inevitably comes with parenthood.

1. Create a routine

When my son Oscar was still an infant, my days flowed nebulously from one diaper change to the next. Then, I began to break the unstructured hours I spent alone with the baby into smaller, more manageable chunks. Between feedings and naps, I created a morning and afternoon playtime filled with activities I’d plan in advance. (Nothing fancy. Think: “Go to the playground,” “Help mommy clean” or “Play upstairs with the blocks.”) Thinking of the day as a series of relatively fun, reasonably paced activities helped time move more steadily.

Having a daily flow not only gives mom a sense of structure, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, routines are good for kids, too.

2. Talk to another adult

When I find myself feeling isolated, I might just need to talk about it or anything, really — to anyone who will listen. One of my favorite parts of the day is the stroll Oscar and I take up the street every day to the local cafe for a latte. Sure, I could make myself a coffee at home for free, but that $4.50 buys me more than a caffeine fix. It buys me 15 minutes of conversation with a grown-up, which — as anyone who spends all day with a babbling toddler knows — is priceless.

Anne Rudig, a mother from Staten Island, New York, confesses, “I used to wait for the mailman just to have a sentence or two of conversation when I was home with my first one. ”  

3. Work from home

According to that Belgian study, workers incurring burnout view family life as a safe haven. But for many parents incurring burnout, work can become our safe place.

To deal with the emotional exhaustion and lack of personal accomplishment that often accompanies parenting, I’ve kept working part time as a freelance writer and teacher. Instead of folding laundry when the baby naps, I’m writing articles and responding to my students. Yes, it’s more on my plate, but as someone who’s used to intellectual stimulation, the mental challenge is necessary.

4. Get out

Eight hours in an 800-square-foot apartment would drive anyone batty. For an excuse to get dressed in the morning, look for free or low cost events in your community. My family is lucky to live within walking distance from a library that hosts a daily story hour for tots. Playgrounds, bookstores and cafes often dedicate space that accommodates young children. You might also look into adults-only activities that offer free or low-cost child care, even if they take you outside your comfort zone.

Ashley Jonkman, a mom from Albuquerque, New Mexico, never considered herself an athlete. But after her third baby, she says she felt sluggish and wanted to lose weight.

“I also was drowning in the monotony of it all,” Jonkman says.

Now, Jonkman drops her children off at the gym’s babysitting service while she takes a CrossFit class.

“I forget about myself as ‘mommy’ and become someone else for an hour,” she says.

5. Be social (on social media)

When you can’t get out, there’s always the internet.

Yameena Malik, a mom in Galle, Sri Lanka, says exchanging random WhatsApp messages with her mom helps her make it through the day.

Kathleen Porter Kristiansen, of London, England, connects with others on Instagram.

“I know many people think social media is a dark hole of comparison,” says Kristiansen. “But it has connected me to so many wonderful people who I would not have met otherwise.”

6. Give yourself a break

London mom Anita Lehmann says boredom led her to get honest with herself about her child care needs.

“For me, it’s a few hours every day without the kids,” she says.

Me, too. When Oscar dropped down to one nap a day, I nearly snapped. To give myself the break I desperately needed, I hired a mother’s helper for a couple hours in the afternoon. While the cost of hiring help was a consideration, the mental benefits were worth it. While my baby is safe and entertained, I can run errands, get some work done or just enjoy a moment to myself.

7. Make sure it’s nothing more serious

Needing a break every now and again is totally normal. But if you remain constantly overwhelmed and/or disinterest is your principle feeling towards your child, experts say it might be more than just the typical “baby blues.

According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, one in nine women experience depression before, during or after pregnancy. If these feelings persist, take it seriously, and ask for help.

I’m simultaneously bored by my life and yet totally overwhelmed by it: The truth about being a stay-at-home mom

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I’m simultaneously bored by my life and yet totally overwhelmed by it: The truth about being a stay-at-home mom

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for 5 years, so you’d think I’d have this figured out by now, but on any given day, it’s true.

I am simultaneously bored by my life and yet totally overwhelmed by it.

I realize this doesn’t even make sense.

Let’s start with what overwhelms me.

First, I should say that I’m a strong type-A personality. I’m highly-organized, very regimented, and being on a schedule is part of who I am. You’d think I love this.

But, the truth is: I’m overwhelmed by the amount of things I have to remember on a daily basis, in order to keep our family moving. Even just feeding everyone and getting all 5 of us where we need to be each day is a mental workout that leaves me with little brain space for anything else.

I truly don’t know how this happened, but here I am.

Here’s an example: The Morning Sprint

  • 5:20am: All 3 boys wake up
  • 5:30-8am: Make sure all 3 boys are fed (and repeat, usually, 3 to 4 times), teeth brushed, diapers changed, faces wipes (multiple times), kitchen cleaned up, toys picked up, bathroom wiped down for pee puddles and smeared poop on the seat, me showered, dressed (and if I’m lucky, makeup and hair done). And, usually somewhere in there, I try to snag 2 cups of coffee and switch the laundry. I also pack the lunches. This means I have to think about what day it is and who’s going to what preschool class. Sometimes it’s one kid, sometimes it’s all 3. I pack their lunches. I pack my lunch, and I pack my husband’s lunch (although I normally forget this). I make sure to leave a check if we’re getting our house cleaned (a luxury I’m grateful for), and grab any bags of returns I’ll need to make while I’m out. I make myself a water for the road, grab my cell phone, get everyone’s shoes on and load everyone in the car. And then pee again.
  • 8:10am: In the car, thoughts scattered and mentally and emotionally drained.

I know we all have some version of this. The mornings are busy, there are lots of commitments and moving parts, and it’s all on you.

For me, I have a hard time reconciling that I spent almost 10 years as a TV news reporter, interviewing everyone from the governor to the state attorney general, and working under intense deadlines, and I’m now stressed by packing lunches and dressing 3 small children. Truly, it boggles my mind.

So that’s the overwhelming stuff.

Now, for the boring stuff.

Sooooooo little adult conversation during the day.

Even though I’m blessed to have many mom friends nearby, I, at most, see them for an hour or 2 a day. The rest is spent alone, with my children.

During this time, I am forced to talk A LOT. It’s mostly mind-numbing stuff, like answering questions that don’t even make sense, such as ‘why is there no Tuesday in January?’ It really is so cute the things they come up with, but trying to respond reasonably and rationally to these types of inquires leaves my brain in mush. Pair with it the constant coaching I must to do avoid catastrophic emergencies (like the baby playing with a butcher knife or the preschooler trying to turn on the stove burners, just to name a few that have happened in the last 36 hours), and I’m depleted of all rational brain power I haven’t had since 8:10am, as already explained in The Morning Sprint.

For the rest of the day, I’m stopping arguments and fights constantly. I’m really hoping some of you other moms comment on this post and tell me that you do the same, because sometimes, I feel like it’s only me. My kids really are the craziest. This is how I feel, and it can be a very lonely feeling. Even though I know, in reality, it’s not true, I sometimes find myself thinking, ‘Everyone else’s kids love each other and play peacefully together most of the time. What is wrong with mine?’ To give you an example, my kids had been playing with a babysitter for 4 straight hours yesterday afternoon (4 HOURS!), so when I got home, I turned on Grease (I know it’s totally inappropriate for their age, but they are obsessed and will actually sit to watch it, so I don’t get) so I could make dinner and they could get some down time. I KID YOU NOT, within 7 minutes, they were disinterested and had started dismantling the mini blinds wands to pretend they were lightsabers and had started hitting each other on the heads. These are the kind of things that overwhelm me, but yet are so repetitive and constant that they also leave me feeling completely bored and checked-out.

This is usually the time of day when I’m so desperate for some sort of mental stimulation that I take out my phone and start scrolling aimlessly. Facebook bores me. Instagram bores me. But I keep scrolling, looking for something interesting, something that will help me escape the sh*t show that is happening in front of me right now. I usually end up lingering on posts that show other moms leading much better lives than me (clearly, they are better… *wink*), and so I momentarily believe the social media lies and continue scrolling and feeling like I should be doing better, only putting the phone down when my husband gets home so that I can tell him of the craziness of the day, which sometimes only means a certain look that says ‘I am done with this day so please send me to the bedroom to close the door and relax for a few before the chaotic mess of dinner begins.’

As I read this post, it sounds like I’m complaining.

But, I’m really just talking about real life. About this amazing-yet-boggling paradox that is being a stay-at-home mom.

It’s the best job ever, but some days, it also totally sucks.

I’m grateful to be able to do it, but sometimes, I’m bitter about it.

There are moments that are beautiful and amazing, but a lot of the day is also stressful and tedious.

I love being a mom, but that doesn’t mean I have to love every second of every day.

Come to think of it, in the last 5 years, there’s really only thing I know for sure about being a mom:

It’s a beautiful-messy contradiction, every single day.

Does any of this resonate with you? I hope I’m not the only crazy one, so please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

About the Author: Janie

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Essays about the mother of 2nd and 3rd grade students of a private school Vzmakh

Essays about the mother

“Daily communicating with our children, we do not notice how quickly they grow up, how they become smarter and wiser. But, comparing two creative works of the same children, you can clearly see the changes. How wiser you have become in a year, my beloved students! So, essays about mothers of the past and this year. Read, be surprised and rejoice!”

Teacher – Podkokho Yulia Anatolyevna

Compositions of second-graders.

2015–2016 academic year

Elizaveta Samyshkina

Dear mother! I love you for taking care of me and cooking for us every day. You’re trying to look after us the best you can. You are kind, beautiful and most beloved! You always try to finish the work as soon as possible so that we have more time to be together. Mom loves us even when we play. I see you so little, but it’s not your fault, it’s just that you have a long job, but you help us, you earn money for us. I wish you never get sick, so that you can be a queen and that you can sleep!

Esther Griner

My mother is good and serious!

Anastasia Konkova

My mother is the best in the world! She is always kind and takes care of granny! She always calms me down and doesn’t tell anyone too much. She loves me very much and I love her very much! Mom will always support me. She loves me for who I am, and I love her very much (although she sometimes swears). Mom always helps me with lessons, she is the best!

Anna Yelesina

My mother is very kind, smart, caring, beautiful! She does everything to make us happy and I wish her happiness, health and that no one offends her, a lot of rest, so that everyone loves her, stay as beautiful and smart!

Aleksandra Lepekhina

My mother is very kind and beautiful! She loves cleanliness and is afraid of heights. Mother! I wish you all the best, health and happiness! I want you to be beautiful and slim, to rest more often and all the best!

Veronika Savinova

My mother is the best in the world! My mom took me to Swipe School! She tries to do the best for me! She buys me gifts, she always supports me! When I wake up in the morning, she greets me with a smile! When I come home from school, her smile is like a rainbow!

Polina Belova

Mom always helps me, and my mom and I go to the Vzmakh school. My mom always knows what to do. Rarely is she evil. She once worked in a bank. Mom always loved me very much, did not let me offend! She is positive, successful, dear, I love her! I am very glad that I have such good parents! I love them!!!

Anya Gurieva

Mom is my love! This is the love of every person for life! My mother’s name is Olya, she is kind and good! When I’m sick, she gives me medicine. Sometimes I get a little offended with her when I see how she and her brother play. She was also an October baby. I wish my mother happiness and joy, so that she does not take offense, so that she cooks deliciously and is the best!

Sasha Grigorieva

My mother is the person who is very valuable to me, she loves, she will not leave, she will support. I have a lot in common with my mother, for example, we are both forgetful! Mom has a birthday on November 15, like Yulia Anatolyevna, but my mother is a different person. My mother says that she is ugly, but I am sure that she is very beautiful! Mom is a real hostess and cook, she is very responsible for our home, and my dad and I love and appreciate her very much, she is the best mom. She is a cartographer, like Papa, I love my mother, she is the best!

Zhenya Ivanya

My mom is very good! She is kind, cheerful, caring, she is the director of “ZAASO”, this is a very serious job, she works from 9 to 18 hours. She gets very tired after work, but we play with her, this gives her strength and we continue to play!

Alexander Kostecki

My mother helps me do my homework, plays with me, takes care of me, treats me. My mother has a very kind character, once, when I fell ill, my father and mother treated me. She helped me get through a very bad illness. I love my mom very much and my dad and I say to her: “Thank you!” Mom caresses me and it always makes me feel better. She cooks delicious food!

Kirill Medvedev

My mother is a photographer and designer. Yesterday, for example, she was at work all day, although she usually works for 3-4 hours. She used to work in a cafe, and now she cooks us very, very tasty pancakes and much more! She helps me do my homework. I love her so much! Sometimes she takes me to work.

Marusya Vasilyeva

I know for sure that my mother is the best! I love her so much! I want to knit a phone case for her out of rubber bands. My mom is a very good cook. But once there was a case when my mother baked an unsuccessful cherry pie. The shortcake was burnt and salty, only the cherry was delicious, but still my mother is the best! And, of course, she cooks more tasty than tasteless! Mommy always helps me and appreciates what I give her!

Katya Antokhina

My mother is very kind, sometimes strict, cheerful, ambitious, honest, smart! She has three favorite colors: green, red and blue. Mom loves to wear dresses, skirts and jeans. My mother works at an institute called GUAP. I want to wish mommy health, happiness, love, success in work and personal life, beauty, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, long, long life!

Milana Studilova

My beloved mother is very kind and good, she always helps me with my lessons. Thanks to my mother, I got a dog Armani and Maschino. I love my mother very much and wish her all the best so that in 2016 you succeed, that you smile more and be happy! May this year be better than last!

Compositions of third-graders. 2016-2017 academic year

“Moms are like buttons: everything rests on them!”

“Having a child is wealth, being a mother is a great happiness!”

Absolutely everything rests on my mother: my studies and my health, my whole life.

For example, my mother helps me prepare for all tests. We study poetry together. When I’m sick, she’s always in a bad mood. My mother is very kind, thanks to this, I and she do a lot of things. And she gets very upset when something doesn’t work out for me.

I love the way she cooks. She thinks how to feed me tasty and healthy!

My mother is very responsible. She has a very serious job, she comes home very tired. I pity her…

My mother and I love shopping. Mom buys me different things.

I love her very much for all this!

Ekaterina Antokhina, 3rd grade

“Who said that angels don’t exist? It’s just that on earth they are called mama. Mothers feed us, monitor our health, take care of us. And our nutrition, and our health, and even our mood often depend on mom. Mothers also bring us great and small joys.

You may not notice much. Or don’t take it seriously. But mothers are different – they notice everything, everything that happens in the lives of children is important to them! Mothers give us so many things: both material and non-material. Although, is it really so important – material or not? Our mothers give us everything!

My mother allows me a lot of things, she appreciates freedom very much! She also takes me to school and wushu. I have a great mom! I think that all mothers are just as kind and caring!

I think that for all mothers are the best people. And mothers, however, are like buttons, everything rests on them. And mothers hold on to all their relatives. Including us.

Artyom Firsov, 3rd grade

“Only a mother is capable of the impossible for her children”

I think that all hope and care is on mother. Mom does everything for the family, for example, cooks soup, cleans, irons, takes the children to school, prepares outfits for the holiday and wakes the children up early for school.
Mommy! I want to wish you happiness, health, so that everything works out for you at home. Believe in yourself, everything will work out, you will have time for everything, you can do everything. In general, I love you very, very much, more than anyone.

Anna Gurieva, Grade 3

“Mom is one word, four letters, eternal meaning…”

My mother once told me that there are no ideal people… Probably, it is true… but For me, my mom is perfect. My mother’s name is Natasha. She is a teacher and teaches children music. All children love my mother very much. She is funny, very kind and always knows how to joke funny. My mom knows how to keep secrets. I always consult with her and I can tell her everything. My older sister and brother also trust my mother with their secrets and mysteries. Mom loves us very much and will always help with good advice or a joke.

Mom and I are always together. She helps me. We love to walk together, go to the cinema, travel. I know if mom is around, then everything will be fine!

Veronika Savinova, 3rd grade

“Mommy, did you have a dream?

– Was!
– And now?
“And now he’s sitting next to him and asking questions!”

My mother is the best, and I love her, and she loves me. My mother has blonde and very beautiful hair. She is very slim because we go to the gym on weekdays.
And my mom is great, because she married my dad, who is the most cheerful of all dads, I have not seen others like him.

Also, I think my mom is weird because she doesn’t like her birthday. How can you not love receiving gifts? I do not understand… . I like to help my mother, but she does not always allow me. He thinks I can’t do it and I won’t succeed. My mother does a lot for me, not for the topic. Subject is my brother. He is 4 years old. Mommy buys beautiful clothes for me.
My mom is like a button, she keeps everything going. She is the best person on the planet! I love her very much!

Anastasia Konkova, 3rd grade

“I don’t need your praise, my mother’s smile and her words are enough for me”

I have a kind mother, she loves me very much. For me, my mother is the most important thing in life. She is ready to help, explain, suggest. I remember there was one case when I really wanted a dog for myself, and then my mother found a very cute dog and, after looking at many photos, we went to persuade my father, we could not persuade him the first time. But then, when I went to bed, my mother persuaded him. And after a while we had a dog named Armsney. Then, after some time, thanks to my mother, we had a second dog named Moschino. When dogs appeared in our family, my mother became kinder, we began to walk more. And when my mother has no time, I have someone to play with.

When I was little, my mother and I walked more. Even sometimes I composed poems for my mother, but for some reason I didn’t tell them to her. After we had dogs, I started helping my mother at the dog show. Thanks to my mother, we went to Moscow for an exhibition. I really enjoyed this exhibition. I really enjoyed our joint trip to China. We stayed there only two days, but my mother bought me a lot – clothes, a toy, and a lot of things.

When my father is busy, my mother brings me to school. My mother is very good and kind. I don’t even know what words to describe it. She is very good. When I get sick, my mother treats me. Also, thanks to my mother, we went to Dubai with her. It was very cool and fun with my mom! Before we went to Dubai, we got another dog named Dolchi. But we had to sell Moskino.

Milana Studilova, Grade 3

“Remember about Mom, because only she will believe in you and in you”

I love my mother very much: she is kind, always helps. If dad swears at me, then mom will protect me, calm me down. By the holiday of March 8, I made her a gift. The class and I embroidered flowers from ribbons. I made many colors: first turquoise, then aqua, yellow and orange.

I think if my mother was not in the house, then there would be just a mess! Thank you mom for caring, for happiness, for mercy, and for love.

My mother is very creative: for example, she made me a skirt and embroidered a fox. When I am in the fourth grade, my mother will sew for me the picture that I will draw. It will be pink or light peach in color.

My mother’s name is Oksana, which is a Ukrainian name, and my father calls her Ksyusha. It’s a completely different name though.

My mother can cook well, she bakes cookies, roasts nuts and picks spices for them.

She can draw beautifully: by the New Year she draws wrapping paper, and her father prints it. And when you need to wrap something, mom glues the sheets.
This year, my mother wants to compose the Russian alphabet. She comes up with a letter, draws a picture for it, and then she connects all the leaves, and you get an alphabet book.

My mother can do almost everything! She is the best!

Maria Vasilyeva, Grade 3

“Thank you for everything, I tell you!”

Mommy, sweet, gentle, nice, kind, smart and radiant.
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
Thank you for everything I tell you!

My mother’s name is Nikitina Olga Petrovna. She is now 33 years old. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes. Mom loves taking pictures and knitting. She knitted hats and even a blouse for my toy. Mom also takes beautiful photos. She also cooks delicious food. She is good at meat, charlotte, muffins, and more. Mom does beautiful hair. When dad is away, she takes us to school. My mother is also very smart, she studied at five at school. If I get sick, she heals well. If I find it difficult to study, she will help me.

Anna Nikitina, 3rd grade

“A mother’s love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected”

My mother is sweet, gentle, nice, kind, intelligent and radiant. Mom takes care of the family, helps when needed. She helps even just like that, in advance. Mom takes care of the cats, and about us and about herself. In the morning, mom tells us that it’s time to get up. Mom cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner. My mother loves to go on excursions, go to museums, read and learn something new. Mom tries to make us feel good when we are sick, mom takes care of us. If something is not clear, mom will explain. Mom makes sure that the cats do not fight, do not quarrel . .. My mother loves to play with cats, with me and with the whole family. If I learned a verse and asked my mother to listen, my mother will always listen. Often I ask my mother to buy something for me in the store, my mother will buy it. And if I ask her to go to the store with me, my mother goes. Sometimes I manage to persuade my mother to buy me ice cream in the winter. And in the summer, mom often buys ice cream for the whole family. Mom walks with me, goes to the amusement park. My mother buys me books, toys and various sweets. Mom loves all the drawings and crafts that I make for her. Even if the drawing or craft didn’t work out very well or didn’t work out at all, mom will still like it. Almost every day my mom picks me up from school. If possible, my mother picks me up late from school, because I like to leave school late. If we have a tea party on the day I have a workout, my mother gives me the opportunity to choose where to go – for a workout or a tea party. If I choose the tea party, my mom will call my trainer to say there is no practice today. Often after training, I want to work out tricks, if we are not in a hurry, my mother will allow it. I’m really thirsty at training, my mom either takes something to drink from home or buys me a drink where I work out. Thank you for everything you do for us Mom!

Anna Yelesina. Grade 3

“Mother’s hands – the embodiment of tenderness”

“Mom is the first word, mom is the main word in every life”

Mom’s hands are not just hands. They are the embodiment of love, tenderness, warmth, this is experienced by those who truly love and appreciate their mother. As soon as you touch these hands, you can drown in love and care. And you can’t just say that these are just hands. It’s part of your mom’s love. And your hands for mom are a piece of her heart. You can’t feel it in other people. After all, mom is the most important thing in life. Why mother’s hands are the embodiment of tenderness? Yes, because mother’s hands are always affectionate and caring! Even if your mother is old, these are the best hands for you. If mom is far away, you will still feel mom’s hands.

That feeling when you feel the presence of your mother always. This is attachment to mom or love. And mom will feel you, because she misses you so much. And when you are together, this feeling explodes from the joy of meeting! Parts of your heart and mother’s are connected!

You can’t imagine a mother without her hands. Even if you like hugging or kissing, you will still represent her hands. Mom’s hands are magical, they do everything for you: they cook food, iron clothes, help you get dressed and more. Mom’s hands are also the strongest, because mom will help to lift everything, even very heavy ones.

I can say with certainty that mother’s hands are part of our heart and mother’s love! Both you and I will know that mother’s hands are the most magical and strong!

Alexandra Grigoryeva, 3rd grade

“I know what happiness is. Happiness is to see your mother happy.”

Lately I have been sad. Recently, my mother flew to hot countries. I was lonely and bored, and when my mother sent me pictures, I look at them with joy. In sad moments, I really dreamed that right now a happy mother would appear in front of me, and I would also become cheerful. But soon she will arrive and, probably, I will smile like never before, and we will go with her to the concert of my favorite singer. It seems to me that when my mother comes, she will be very happy, just like me! This will be the best day of my life. Although every day when mom is happy is the best!

Kirill Medvedev, 3rd grade

“Mom is sunshine,

The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Save from a thousand troubles
And it will help a thousand times.”

I love my mother! When my mother comes home, my mood rises by itself !!! Mom comes and always has a smile on her face. Yes, it happens when mom quarrels with dad, she still smiles, but we all understand that in her heart she wants to cry, but mom is holding back. I don’t understand how mom does it?!

My mother has three children and she takes good care of us, although mother has a lot of work, she does things until two in the morning, I feel very sorry for her! Even if mom is very, very, very, very busy, she still finds time for tenderness and kindness with me and with others!

We often go to cafes as a family — dad, mom, Ksyusha, Olaf and me! I love it!

We all love mom very much! I’m very lucky, she’s the best! My mother is very kind, I appreciate her not for one, not for two things, but for her whole life for us, because she is the best! Mom is kind, good, beautiful not only in appearance, but also in her soul! I have the best mom!

Elizaveta Samyshkina, 3rd grade

“Mom’s love is a cozy courtyard where it is always warm and sunny”

I love to see my mother happy! When mom is happy and calm, I think that everything is fine with Katya, with dad, with Lisa, and when she is sad, it seems to me that not everything is in order and I feel sad too. Mom is a person who loves me very much. My mother always comes to me when Katya is sleeping and I am very pleased! When I am in a quarrel with my mother, I am very sad, I always go to her to put up or she to me. Mom is the best person for me, when I imagine her, I feel good. Mom does almost everything in our house – cleans clothes, irons them, cooks delicious food: soups, salads, pasta, and much more. Mom is everything to me. I love her so much. Mom’s hands, her happiness is a part of my heart! Until Katya was born, dad was always at work, and my mother drove me and Lisa everywhere. When I feel the touch of her hand, I feel better. Mom is a teacher in my heart! Mom is not angry with me, it’s true. I love her very much!

Alexander Kostetsky, 3rd grade

“Mom’s love is a garden where the sun shines and it’s always spring!”

Unfortunately, not all people have a mother, and I feel very sorry for those people. After all, mom is a person who loves you, you couldn’t live without mom, even if you don’t think so, sooner or later you will tell her anyway: “Mommy, I love you!” Someday you will realize that your mother’s love is the best thing in the world. You go to bed and you dream that you are entering the garden, and even if it is winter, it is spring there now, and the sun is shining.

Unprecedented flowers and wonderful trees are growing!

At first you don’t understand where you are, but soon you realize that this is your mother’s love, a garden where the sun shines and it’s always spring! But the dream is over, it’s time to get up!

Don’t quarrel with your mother! Sometimes you think that you live in vain in the world, but it’s not. Even if you are offended by your mother, forgive her, because she wants the best. There is nothing more precious in life than mother’s love, she has the right to scold you, and do not think that she deprived you of a computer or TV because she is sorry. No no! She worries about you, about your eyes. Yes, it is true that mother does not always speak and advise correctly, but so what, everyone can make a mistake. Do not be angry with her, she does not wish you harm, she is very kind, her love for you is sacred. I love my mother very much, I never want to part with her!

Alexandra Lepekhina, 3rd grade

Primary school (grades 1-6).

Beautiful, touching to tears, sincere poems about dear, beloved MOM for children and adults» Page 9 of 10

Skip to content

  • I
    Chic sincere short poems congratulations to Mom from children

  • II
    Beautiful, sincere verse-wishing mom health

  • III
    Poem for mother and mother-in-law

  • IV
    Alexey Starikov

    • IV.I
      Mom and Motherland are very similar …

  • V
    Elena Ranneva

    • V. I
      Take care of mom

  • VI
    Pyotr Sinyavsky

    • VI.I
      Mom is the best friend

  • VII
    Vadim Egorov

    • VII.I
      All mothers are bored like this

  • VIII
    Alena Leshchenko

    • VIII.I
      naughty mom

Chic sincere short verses-congratulations to Mom from children

The only, dear, unique
On this day we say “thank you”.
For kindness and a heart of gold,
We, dear mother, thank you!

There is no sweeter mother in the world.
Her love shines brighter than a diamond.
Even in old age we are mothers’ children.
As in that most long-awaited hour.

Mom means tenderness, this is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity, joy, beauty!
Mom is a fairy tale for the night, this is the morning dawn,
Mom is a hint in difficult times, this is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the greenery of summer, it’s snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light, mom means life!

Your smile warms –
Smile more often!
Your eyes are shining with kindness –
Stay like this!
You love me without looking back –
So be happy yourself!
May everything always be in order
The best mother!

Congratulations to our mother
And we want to wish her
Be healthy,
Be beautiful,
Never lose heart!
Take care of yourself for us,
We love you very much!

I want to congratulate you, mom,
You will always be the best,
I love and respect you,
And I know only one thing for sure –
That only mom will not betray,
And she will give a helping hand.
I wish you health,
And congratulations on a wonderful day!

Beloved mother,
I congratulate you,
Happy mother’s day,
I wish you good health!
Let you, dear,
Lucky in life,
Let you have joy
And find happiness!

On this beautiful day, mother,
I say from the bottom of my heart,
You are the closest person,
I love you very much!
Be happy, mommy,
Never be sad,
In this world, mom is better
I’ll never find!

You are like a bright ray of the sun,
You give joy and warmth.
There is no one better in the world!
How lucky I am with you!
This morning I congratulate
Happy Mother’s Day to you!
I wish you happiness, joy,
Gently, sincerely loving!

How can you not love your mother?
After all, there is no one dearer!
After all, you made it possible to live
And made me stronger.
Mommy, happy holiday to you!
Health, happiness and good luck,
And if something goes wrong, forgive me,
You mean so much to me!

My dear little man,
My dear mother!
I wish you forever
Be happy. And you

I congratulate you, mommy,
After all, today is your day!
Health, joys, relatives,
Let the lilac blossom in your soul!

Thank you, my dear,
For giving light to life.
And at night, sometimes not getting enough sleep,
Surrounded by care for many years.
I don’t know how to express everything in words,
It seems that there are no such words in the world.
I congratulate you on Mother’s Day,
I wish you bright days forever!

As in childhood, I will cling to you
And kiss you gently,
I confess, mother, that I love
A hundred times stronger than before.
I wish you bright, clear days,
Health and good luck!
Take care of yourself and know,
That you mean a lot!

Mom, dear, dear,
I congratulate you
Happy this wonderful holiday,
You are my best!
I want you to laugh
On this holiday and always,
To remain beautiful
You for many years!

Mother’s Day across the country
Today is celebrated,
One thing in the world is clear to me –
I adore my mother!

She is my favorite,
There is no stronger in the world!
She is wearing comfort, she is wearing family,
I love her for that!

Beautiful, sincere verse-wishing mother health

Today I am for the beautiful,
The best on Earth,
I will give a red bouquet,
My mommy, you!

The red color is inherent in health,
Therefore I wish
Never to know sickness,
Always be cheerful!

Let the years not be young,
Your soul is young!
All relatives send greetings,
And, of course, my mother, me!

Verse for mother and mother-in-law

There are many love songs.
Ever since school years
We know that there is only one Motherland:
There is no higher love.

Compose songs about love,
About the mother’s share,
About the song of the lark in the sky,
Ringing grain field.

Thank you, mom, for the love!
Sorry for the pain and anxiety.
Thank you mommy for everything.
My low bow to your feet!

You, in my life – the captain
Both the confessor and the keeper,
A sip of water in the sultry desert,
My friend, mentor and teacher.

There are many songs about love –
There is no ode for the mother-in-law,
After all, the mother is given by fate alone,
According to the passport and blood.

And I’ll tell mine: I love you!
There is no other like it in the whole world!
Mom, you are not a mother-in-law at all.
Your son and I are your children.

Thank you, mommy, for everything!
Let all worries bypass you,
A smile shines in your eyes,
And the roads will be easy.

Alexey Starikov

Mom and Motherland are very similar …

Mother and Motherland are very similar:
Mother is beautiful, Motherland is too!
Look closely: Mom has eyes
The color is the same as the sky.

Mother’s hair is like wheat,
What is earing in the endless fields.
Mom’s hands are warm and tender,
They remind a ray of the sun.

If a mother sings a song, then
A cheerful and sonorous stream echoes her…
It should be so: what is dear to us,
Always reminds of our mothers.

Elena Ranneva

Take care of your mother

If mother is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mother is gone for a long time,
Then dinner is tasteless.
If mother is not around
It’s cold in the apartment,
If mom is not around,
It’s bad in the whole world.
If mother is far away,
Very difficult for children.
I’ll tell you straight:
– Take care of your mother!

Peter Sinyavsky

Mom is the best friend

Mom is the best friend
Go around the whole world around,
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mother’s.
You won’t find eyes in the world
Tender and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are dearer.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend,
There is no better mom!

Vadim Egorov

All mothers are bored like this

All mothers live like this bored –
they wash, stroke, cook.
And they are not invited to Christmas trees,
they are not given gifts.
When I grow big,
I will be a mother too.
But only a single mother,
And not a husband lady.
I will buy a new coat
The color of a crimson hat.
And never and never
I’m not marrying dad.

Alena Leshchenko

Naughty Mom

I have a naughty mother,
For the third month in a row
She wakes me up very early
And then takes me to kindergarten.

Even if the weather is bad,
And the child wants to sleep so much!

Does not jump on the bed with me,
Does not drive the ball around the room,
Puts all the toys in their place,
And behaves ugly.

Takes away the slingshot and bullets,
And she, singing under her breath,
Now plays pots in the kitchen,
Now rolls the vacuum cleaner by the cord.

What is a “family drama”
I know better than all the adults around:
I have a naughty mother,
Yes, and my father got out of hand.

He hides nails and pliers from me
And other interesting things,
Doesn’t turn on cartoons for me at all,
In general, it makes me very sad.

He acts like a terminator:
He prevented me from saddling the cat,
He took away the fan from me,
And two bolts unscrewed by me.

What cowboys don’t wear tights
Neither one nor the other will understand.
I’m picking wallpaper in the corner…
Well, who am I obedient to?!

Then dad whispered, taking the ball in his hands,
That when he was a little boy,
His mom didn’t listen either…
Moms are all alike.

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I will tell my mother how much I love her. Poems about mom and about mom are touching to tears. With mom in the city. S. Pshenichnyh

Mommy, my mommy,
Kind, beautiful,
You are the best for me,
You are the most beloved.

My mother is the best,
I love her for her laughter,
For her smile, for kindness,
Mom is my sunshine!

Gentle hands, gentle smile…
I don’t have a mother – a goldfish,
My mother fulfills all my wishes,
Loves me very, very much,
Hugs tightly!

My dear mother
I love very much,
I adore more than life
And congratulations on Mother’s Day!

Mom cooks delicious porridge,
Mom sings songs,
Mom gently hugs,
And gives me candy!

My own mother,
I’ll kiss you early in the morning,
I’ll hug you very tenderly. ..
Guess why?
I will reveal my secret:

There is no better mother in the world!”

Dear Mom
I hug you tightly,
The most beautiful
Happy Mother’s Day!

I am a small boy,
But with a huge soul,
I love my mother very much,
I will give her flowers!

Mommy dear
I love you
And today I’ll sing a song
for you.

I will stretch out my arms to my mother,
I will hug my dear.
I love you alone –
Sweet one.

I congratulate my mother,
I wish her good health.
To smile often,
And always laugh with me.

Happy holiday, mommy,
I congratulate you,
Know that I love you,
You are my star!

Mother dear
Happy holiday to you!
You are like the sun in the sky,
You always make me happy.

Let the sun warm
My mother,
It is very, very much
I love my mother!

I love my mother
And I wish her happiness.
Thank you for everything –
Congratulations on Mother’s Day!

Dear Mom,
Happy Holidays to you!
Be always beautiful,
Do not swear in vain.

I do not upset my mother,
And I meet with a smile,
Mother knows, without me –
She is always very bored.

I want to be like my mother,
She is so cute.
The most beautiful of all in the world
And the most beloved!

I will draw for my mother
Bright heart.
There is love between us
And it is forever.

I will take my mother by the hand,
I will hug her tightly,
And kiss her on the cheek,
Beloved, dear.

Mom, happy holiday to you!
You are the only one!
How I love you,
You are the dearest!

The most important person
For a child – mother,
I wish you forever –
Be happy yourself!

Statuses about mom – It’s very hard without a mom, And everything around fades. There are no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Now you think that your mother does not understand you at all and does not want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat at the window for long evenings and waited for only one thing – when your mother would come home from work… of course, you don’t remember that…

The word “MAMA” is precious! Mom is to be cherished! With her caress and care
it is easier for us to live in the world!

Even if you are busy with business, everything in the world can be put off. Five minutes, and call Mom if you can still call. He loves us more than we ourselves, earlier than from birth, remembers us. Call, call mom!!! She’s waiting… today and now…

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t help it.

Mom’s heart does not know peace, Mom’s heart, like a torch burns, Mom’s heart will cover from grief, It will be hard for him – he will remain silent!

My mother is either a clairvoyant or a secret agent – otherwise how does she always know exactly what awaits me if I do not do what she advised???

A mother’s tears are drops that burn and make even her own blood more painful. ..

Love your mother more than anyone in the world! After all, she raised us, read fairy tales in the night light … she does not feel sorry for her life for you.

We still forget about moms. And they miss the evenings, Occasionally calling us And always interested in us.

Any bad day can be fixed by one good person… Mom.

The most precious thing in life is a mother’s smile… And the worst thing is her tears…

Mothers sigh in the silence, In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence. For them, we are forever kids, And it’s impossible to argue with that.

I’m afraid in the world of one that I will come home one day, say “Mom, I’m at home”, and in response I will hear only silence.

I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water – she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.

There are many beautiful words in the world. But more beautiful is still one – of the two syllables is simple – “mother” and there are no words more expensive than it.

There may be several girlfriends in your life… there may be several husbands in your life… it may happen that in your life there will be several fathers… but there will always be only one mother.

Someone says that there are no angels on earth, but once you look into your mother’s eyes, doubts disappear!

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

Believe me, as long as you have Mom, you are happy. No riches of the world, no people and luxury will replace it.

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and regrets, protects and saves from all troubles. “Mother!” – we pronounce when it hurts or is scared. Mom is needed in moments of happiness.

Only a mother has the most affectionate hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart.

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please, appreciate it.

Love your mother, because she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand!

Mom will never cheat because her love for you is holy.

When we grow older, When we become smarter, More and more often we feel sad about our mother, We think about her more and more. Her love shines in our lives, She is given to us for happiness There are not many friends in the world, But mother is still alone.

Parents’ home is a little paradise: one sleeps well and smells of sweets. This is the best place in the whole world .. Mom is there!

Take care of your mother! When everyone turns away, she will be the only one who truly believes in you!

Your mother is the most grateful person in the world. She loves you just the way you are. Just for being you. She forgives everything.

We take a heavy sin upon our soul when we forget our parents. if they leave, we will not return them back and we will never justify ourselves! Hurry to give them warmth so that it warms their souls, because they do not need anything from us, just so that they are not forgotten!

Never be angry with MOM, do not say words that might upset her or break her loving heart. You have only one She, make her happy, as she wanted it for you.

Hard work of children to give birth, raise, wash diapers. Let the mother be the heroine for every child! Let Mary, the mother of all women on the planet, keep. And the children will not get tired of repeating to their mothers: You are the best mother in the world!


happy child

M ama
– what a simple and amazing word for each of us. The warmest, the kindest. For any of us, mother is the most beautiful, the most tender, the most beloved, the most understanding and much more the very best … This is the very first word, our life begins with it. Do not forget to tell our mothers words of gratitude, your love. And this can be expressed in different ways.

Dear readers, how often do you read and dedicate poems to mothers? You don’t have to wait for some big reason. You can read something from poetry to your mothers and just in the mood when you meet. It especially touches our mothers when our children and grandchildren read poetry to them. So warm and so nice.

Today on the blog we have prepared for you a selection of poems about mom. They can be learned with children, as well as just read to your favorite mothers. I give the floor to Anna Kutyavina, the columnist.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog! Mommy is our dearest, beloved person in the world! We say this short word “mother”, and we mean affection and care, strength and patience, great kindness and love. How much tenderness and warmth is stored in this beautiful word, which we call the only so close and dear person in the world. Mom tenderly pardons, loves deeply, warms, caresses and regrets, protects from a thousand troubles.
And let’s remember how often we talk about our love and dedicate poems to our mother? Just like that, without anniversaries and holidays? Don’t remember? Today we offer you touching and beautiful poems about mother, which are suitable for both small children and adults.

Short poems about mother for children 2-4 years old

Many poems are dedicated to mothers, but I would like to single out short children’s poems about mother, where in 4 lines sometimes more is said than in long poems. Even babies from the age of 2 can tell these gentle lines to their mother. It is at this age that children are especially interested in learning and reciting small poems.

We have selected very gentle quatrains for you and your children, in which there is so much childish love. They can be told, both in kindergarten at a matinee, and at home, congratulating mom on her birthday or on March 8. But, before you start learning verses with your child, help the baby, tell me how to tell it correctly, how it is easier to remember. Read all the rhymes to him and carefully look at which of them will cause special emotions in the child. Let the kid choose the best poem that he wants to repeat over and over again.

Our dear mother

Mother’s Day! Mother’s day!
Put on the best dress!
Get up early in the morning,
Clean the house,
Something good
Give to Mom.

(O. Vysotskaya)

My mommy
The best in the world.
Makes me happy
Sweet candies.

I love my mother
I’ll help her today:
I’ll lose my socks,
I’ll tear my tights!


I will fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her eyelashes.
Don’t blink, eyelashes,
Don’t wake up your mother.

(G. Vieru)

Gift for mother

I love my mother,
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I’ll give it to my mother,
Embracing affectionately.

(O. Chusovitina)

Mother’s day

I keep walking, thinking, looking:
“What am I going to give mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some candy?”
Here’s to you, dear, on your day
A little scarlet flower – a light!

(E. Blaginina)

Gift for Mom

Colored paper
Cut out a piece.
I will make
a small flower out of it.
Mommy a gift
I’ll cook.
The most beautiful
My mother!

(O. Chusovitina)

Mom caresses us…

Mom caresses us,
The sun warms us.
The sun, like mother,
Only one happens.

(V. Russu)


Ruddy apple
I won’t eat one
Half an apple
I will give to my beloved mother.

(E. Stekvashova)

If mom is happy,
If she loves,
Let it snow and rain –
It’s always spring in the house!

Poems about mother for schoolchildren

There are many different women in the world, but the most beloved is our mother. She teaches us to be wise, gives advice and worries about us.

These lines of poetry are suitable for older children. We have selected poems for elementary and middle school students who want to please their beloved mothers.

Why Velcro

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mother knows everything,
Knows everything in the world!
– Why do wasps bite?
I ask directly.
And ALL my questions
are answered by my mother.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow comes from in winter.
Why is a loaf of bread
Baked from flour?
Why does the dog bark?
What will you dream about?
Why does the icicle melt
And do eyelashes tremble?
Why is there a cloud in the sky,
Is there a lawn in the forest?

(T. Bokova)


A bright star in the sky burns.
Shines, but does not heat – mother says.
I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.
I’ll take an asterisk for my mother from the sky.
Mom will light this star on her chest.
And warm with warmth, sing a song.
Mom is my star, my bright one!
Dear, good, I love you!

Multi-colored gift

I am a multi-colored gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
With four pencils.
But first I pressed red
Too hard,
And then, immediately after red,
Violet broke,
And then blue broke,
And orange broke …
Still a beautiful portrait,
Because it’s mom!

(P. Sinyavsky)

Everyone in the world loves Mom,
Mom is the first friend.
Moms are loved not only by children,
Everyone around loves.
If something happens,
If something goes wrong,
Mommy will come to the rescue,
Will always help out.
Mom gives a lot of strength, health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
better than our mothers.

Let’s sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she’s tired…
But I didn’t play either!
I don’t start the top,
But I sat down and sit.

My toys don’t make noise,
It’s quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother’s pillow
The golden beam is stealing.

And I said to the beam:
– I also want to move!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song,
I could laugh,
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slid towards me.
– Nothing, – he seemed to whisper, –
Let’s sit in silence!
Like the gentle sun
And like the moon.
I give you a smile,
I give you a big flower:
I want you to flutter
Always like a moth.

(V. Solonikin)

About my mother

The house is empty,
Very sad,
I don’t want anything –
I don’t sing,
I don’t fight,
I don’t even laugh . ..

I was sitting, silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened it – and right in front of me
– Mom!

And not boring,
And not sad,
I want to run, jump,
And laugh and sing,
And laugh with might and main!

(E. Karganova)

Gifts for mommy

I am my favorite mommy
I will give gifts:
I will embroider a handkerchief for her.
Like a living flower!
Clean the apartment –
And there will be no dust anywhere.
I’ll bake a delicious pie
With apple jam…
Only mom is on the doorstep —
Here are congratulations!
You are my mother,
I congratulate you:
Happy holiday,
Happy spring,
With the first flowers
And with a good daughter.

Poems for mom from daughter

Affectionate, sincere poems about mom want to give as a congratulation not only little girls, but also girls, and even adult women. After all, attachment to a loved one and a loved one only increases over the years. The poems we have selected will help you beautifully express your respect to your mother.

All mothers live like this bored

All mothers live like this boring –
wash, iron, cook.
And they are not invited to Christmas trees,
they are not given gifts.
When I grow big,
I will be a mother too.
But only a single mother,
And not a husband lady.
I will buy a new coat
The color of a crimson hat.
And never and never
I’m not marrying my dad.

(V. Egorov)

My mother’s hands –
A pair of white swans:
So gentle and so beautiful,
So much love and strength in them!
They fly all day long,
As if they are tired and don’t know.
They will bring comfort to the house,
They will sew a new dress,
They will caress, warm –
Mom’s hands can do everything!

The house is empty without a mother

The house is empty without a mother…
And they won’t call their daughter. ..
They won’t ask: “What’s taking so long?”
With anxiety in her eyes…
And the holy silence
The spirit and the brain are not used to…
And it seems like so much
Lost in a hurry…

And the smell of pies
Mom had a special one…
And my mother’s pancakes
I’ll never see again…
And quiet soft words,
What heals wounds in the heart,
I won’t hear again…
And it’s scary to realize…

Her portrait is standing,
Where she’s a little over forty…
In her hands a bouquet of flowers,
What I gathered in the field…
And my mother’s light warms,
What is infinitely dear…
Both holiness and love,
What mother took care of.


Go around the world around,
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.

You will not find eyes in the world
Tender and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are dearer.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend,
There is no better mother!

I always wanted to be like you,
, my beloved, dear.
To be the same wise and sedate,
To know the price for yourself without naming.
You and I are like sisters,
Or seemingly best friends,
0147 And have long been confident in each other.
You can rely on me,
And in big and small by all means,
Mommy, you enjoy life,
After all, good things are so valuable in life!

I love it so much when you’re just around,
I love it when you look with a gentle look.
I love it when you help
I love it when you hug.
I love your warm hands
I love that your eyes are mine.
I love you because you believe
Like me, in my beautiful dreams.
Thank you mom for being my mom,
My mother and more, you are a draw…

Poems about mother, touching to tears

In this collection you will see how touching poems about mother can be. Such lines evoke in the reader a “hurricane” of emotions from sincere joy to genuine tears. These poems will be a pleasant surprise for mom and will remain in her heart and soul for a long time.

Just don’t get sick

Mom bent over the bed at night
And quietly whispers to her little one:
“Just don’t get sick, my sweet Bunny,

When illness approaches a child,
The mother’s soul cries.
And mother does not fall asleep until morning,
Pressing the baby’s hand to her cheek…
When eyes shine not from fun,
When a son or daughter has a temperature,
That mother’s heart cries from impotence,
Trying to overcome all illnesses…
Wrapped gently Happiness in a blanket ,
Pressing her Treasure to her breast,
She kept repeating:
“Go away, sickness, go away from your son!”
And no medicine heals like this,
Like mother’s care and warmth…
Love will provide a child with happiness,
It will drive away all illnesses, troubles, evil. ..
For a mother, the most important thing in the world
Health, happiness of one’s own children.
And in the same way, children love their mother,
As they grow older, they take care of her…
Years have passed… A sick mother is in bed,
Two adult sons whisper to her:

Only mother will regret and understand
Only mother will find a path to the heart.
Only mother will think at night,
How do sons and daughters live.
Only mother can run out in a snowstorm,
To console, to say: “Believe in yourself”
Only mother will be ten times bitter.
From the fact that someone betrayed us in life.
Only mother cannot be deceived,
Only mother can look into childhood.
And without a mother, the big world will be empty
Only in a dream will he come and ask: “What’s wrong with you?”

I will take her by the hand,
I will look into her eyes.
Her laughter will drive away the cloud,
A tear of rain will fall.

I’ll sit on my mother’s knees
And I’ll hug you comfortably.
I don’t need sweeter happiness,
I’m not afraid of anything!

Mothers have a holy position in the world –
Pray for gifted children.
Both day and night in the invisible ether
The prayers of our mothers are heard.
One will fall silent, another echoes her.
Night will change day, and night will come again.
But mothers’ prayers do not cease
For a dear son or daughter.
The Lord hears the prayers of mothers,
He loves them more than we love.
Mother never gets tired of praying
For children who are not yet saved.
There is a time for everything, but as long as we are alive,
We must pray, cry out to God.
An unearthly power is hidden in prayer,
When their mother whispers them with tears.
How quiet. The birds in the yard fell silent,
Everyone has long since gone to sleep.
Bent down to pray before the window
My own loving mother.

Take care of your mothers…

Take care of your mothers,
Respect, appreciate, cherish,
Surround with your love,
Both soul and heart hurt.
We are rich while mother is near,
We come to her when everything is cold,
It is enough just to hug her,
Whisper: “I’m with you, my dear!”
There is no more honest, disinterested love
And warmer than a radiant look,
Forgetting their grievances,
They are happy to support us in trouble.
Don’t forget that someone is waiting for you somewhere.
Come, call often,
Even a few modest minutes,
Do not regret in your soul, give.
Take care of your mothers,
Succeed while they are around,
Treat as warmly as possible-
They don’t need anything else

(E. Terekhova)

Dear, dear with a warm look,
And comfort and hug and squeeze …
Mom, be always with me,
You are the only one who will tell and understand!
I feel the warmth of your wonderful hands,
I miss and sometimes sadly,
You are not just a mother, but a reliable friend.
You don’t scold, but silently regret!
Children grew up and flew away from the nest,
Someone rises, and someone falls,
Only you always wait for us with hope,
Mom, only with you comes rapture!
I want God to always keep you,
The drama bypassed the distant side.
Every day so that only gives joy,
Smile more often, dear, dear mother!

I love you, dear mother,
There is nothing dearer in the world than you.
Only here I understood, my dear,
What do you mean to me now.

You gave me warmth, your caress,
Hiding your hands in your wet handkerchief.
And, seeing me off on the road,
You said: “Good luck, son.”

There were difficult days, even years,
You were able to survive it all.
She brought up a man in me,
She taught me how to live correctly.

Maybe I was wrong once,
Maybe I said something wrong.
If you can, forgive me, mother,
That’s all I now realized.

Poems about the mother of famous poets

The source of mother’s love is endless. He will never run out in his life and at any moment he will be able to quench his thirst. It is precisely such feelings that can be found when reading poems about the mother of Russian poets. Let’s plunge into this wonderful world of poetry together with you, and see what beautiful words contain delightful poems about the mother of famous poets.


I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I sat alone on the beach,
For her after the illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
I wash my hands for her,
I eat some carrots…
Only now we are apart,
Mom in Priluki
The fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
Something I have nothing to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.

(A. Barto)

I would wash cups, spoons (Son to mother)

If I were a girl —
I would not waste time!
I would not jump in the street,
I would wash my shirts,
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room,
I would wash cups, spoons,
I would peel potatoes myself,
I would do all my toys myself
I would placed in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother so much!
Mom would immediately say:
“Well done, son!”

(E. Uspensky)

To my mother

Friend, look how it is in the celestial plain
Smoky clouds float under the moon,
You see, the incorporeal ether has cut through
Its light is pale, soulless, empty?

Fully look into this starry sea,
Fully strive for the cold moon!
Is there enough happiness in the worldly space?
Is it enough heat in the fire of the heart?

The cold moon will not answer you,
There is no strength to reach the distant stars. ..
The cold of the grave will meet you everywhere
In a distant land of bleak luminaries…


She was quite a bit late,
Hurrying from the station with a motley bundle.
Even through the open windows of the hall
One could see a banner with a golden shaft,
There were still needles on the stairs,
And the sound of the timpani, it seemed, had not died out …
She passed with a trembling head,
In a blind kerchief pulled down to her eyes.
She walked with a blind gait,
Leading along the walls with a wrinkled hand.
And it was scary that she wasn’t crying,
That her eyes were so hot and dry.
Even at the entrance somewhere, at the gate,
She must have found out about everything.
She was given simple belongings
And glorious sons of the order.
Then the old woman went up to the ward, —
I can still hear her steps, —
And silently handed out homemade rye pies to the soldiers

(V. Tushnova)

Mother’s letter

Are you still alive, my old lady?
I am also alive. Hello you, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.
They write to me that you, melting your anxiety,
You are very sad about me,
That you often go to the road
In an old-fashioned shabby husk.
And you in the evening blue gloom
I often see the same thing:
As if someone were in a tavern fight for me
He put a Finnish knife under the heart.
Nothing, dear! Take it easy.
This is only painful nonsense.
I’m not such a bitter drunkard,
To die without seeing you.
I’m still as gentle
And I only dream of
To return to our low house as soon as possible from rebellious anguish
I’ll be back when the branches spread out
In spring our white garden.
Only you me already at dawn
Don’t wake me up like eight years ago.
Do not wake up what was noted,
Do not worry about what did not come true –
Too early loss and fatigue
I have experienced in my life.
And don’t teach me to pray. No need!
There is no more return to the old.
You are my only help and joy,
You alone are my inexpressible light.
So forget about your anxiety,
Don’t be so sad about me.
Don’t go to the road so often.

(S. Yesenin)


In the old Straussian waltz for the first time
We heard your quiet call,
From that time on, all living things are alien to us
And the quick strike of the clock is gratifying.
We, like you, greet sunsets,
Reveling in the nearness of the end.
All that we are rich on the best evening,
We are invested in our hearts by you.
Tirelessly leaning towards children’s dreams,
(Without you, I only looked at them for a month!)
You led your little ones past
A bitter life of thoughts and deeds.
From an early age, someone who is sad is close to us,
Laughter is boring and home shelter is alien
Our ship is not sent off at a good moment
And sails at the behest of all winds!
All paler azure island – childhood,
We stand alone on the deck.
It can be seen that sadness left a legacy
You, oh mother, to your girls!

(M. Tsvetaeva)

I hope this selection will help you in choosing poems for your closest person. I wish you peace and good! Try to please your mothers with beautiful poems more often. And let them have only a good mood and warmth in their hearts!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the Fairy World website

I thank Anya for the collection of wonderful poems about my mother. Do not forget to say simple words of gratitude to them, and, if necessary, read these lines of poetry. And now I propose to listen to a very touching song, which is dedicated to all mothers.

Quotes of famous people and nice words about mother.

Mom is the most expensive person in the world. It is her advice that helps us in difficult situations. And home, where mom is waiting, I always want to return. We must always support our parents, so it will not be superfluous to say a few nice words.

Beautiful words and expressions about mom are short with meaning for status: a list of the best

Nobody but us knows their parents better. That is why only children know how to talk to their mother in order to cheer her up and cheer her up. There are a lot of quotes that tell the whole truth about mom and confirm her value. Famous people and masters of the pen, like no one else, can talk about mothers and confess their love.

List of quotes from famous people about mothers:

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower)

In no case should you be a mother-loser, there is nothing worse for children. (G. Shcherbakova)

The art of motherhood – to teach a child the art of life. (E. Heffner)

He who has no longing for the past did not have a mother. (Gr. Nunn)

Popular expressions and words about love for mother in your own words: list

You can please the dearest person with catchphrases of famous people. But the most sincere will be your own words that come from a pure heart. We spend so little time with our parents when we start our own family. Don’t distance yourself from your parents. You should try to spend as much time as possible with your mother and call as often as possible. Just a couple of minutes a day will help mom not be bored and it’s easier to endure separation. Don’t be greedy, say a few words.

Famous people’s catchphrases:

Mom is the only miracle of nature that even death is powerless to separate us from. L. S. Sukhorukov.

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. O. Balzac.

Every mother is absolutely sure that her daughter’s fiancé is better than her father, but her son’s wife can never be compared with herself. M. Andersen.

Words of love in your own words:

Mommy, you are the most beloved and dear person that I have. I value you very much.

Mommy, it’s very difficult to find words. I cherish you and will try to justify the title of a good daughter. After all, such a mother should have only excellent children.

Beloved Mommy! Many years have passed since you first heard the word mother. You are Mom with a capital letter, as you have always supported me.

Dear mother! Despite the fact that I rarely call you, there is always a place in my heart for you. I know that I can always count on your support.

Kind words for my beloved mother: the most sincere, warm, pleasant and gentle words of love for mother

To please your most valuable person, say nice words more often and confess your love. Mothers sometimes do not have enough time for themselves precisely because of the children. Therefore, compensate for the wasted time with your love. It will never be superfluous to say a couple of pleasant phrases and talk about your love. After all, often for worries, mom completely forgets about her value. Help mom remember that she is loved and cherished.

Affectionate and pleasant words for mother:

Mom has been protecting me for many years. I don’t give her peace, no. I wish you love, congratulations on a wonderful day.

You are the most sincere person. Only you can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. I’m very glad that I have you.

Mamulechka, you are the person for whom nothing is a pity. Everything I have is thanks to you. I know that you can support me at any moment. I love you very much and love you.

Moms are actually strange creatures. They carry us all their lives either in their stomachs, or in their arms, or in their hearts. Take care moms.

Only mother can stay up all night long. Only a mother thinks about her children all the time, even when they have grown up. Thank you very much for your love.

Mamulechka – you are the most valuable person on earth. I value you very much and will give you the last.

Mom, I don’t remember my first word or step. But in difficult times, you were always there. I really appreciate your support.

Beloved mother. I have never been so warm and comfortable with anyone as with you. Your hands are the most affectionate. Love you.

Mommy, you are the standard of femininity and beauty for me. And yet, you are the kindest and most sincere person on the planet.

Mom, I wish you peace of mind and pure thoughts. I hope that no thoughts will burden you. Love you.

Mammy, I walked among the trees and birds for a long time. I wanted them to tell me what to tell you. But in the end, it’s hard for me to find the right words. I love you very much.

Mom will always calm and comfort. Also, she will always keep you in her heart. Appreciate her. Take care of moms, and do not offend them.

VIDEO: Nice words to mom

My dear mother,
I congratulate you.
Be happy, be with your family,
Surround everyone with kindness.
Let the fire of love burn.
And please always live!

Mom, I want to congratulate you
And I don’t need to look for a reason,
I’ll come and cling to my native shoulder
And we can cry together.
You can understand everything
And you can forgive everything,
You will always give advice in life,
And I will not get tired of asking God,
To give you long years.
I wish you well in life,
In the house of warmth and light,
Your health, so that you take care,
After all, we need you so much, children.

Beloved mother, the best mother,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness and a lot of health,
Strength and good luck, great success!

You always remain the best,
After all, you are a great example for me,
Enjoy life, my dear,
Shine so that it never fades in the eyes.

The closest, dearest,
The most important
My dear little man,
Congratulations, mom.

And I always want to wish
Many years of health,
So that in my old age
To sit together for us.

So that iron health,
Nerves to grow stronger.
So that happiness settles in the house,
So that you do not get bored.

To always have a smile
Shine on your face.
And eyes so that eternal happiness
The way was illuminated for me.

Be happy, my mother,
Be always calm.
Congratulations, hugs
And I wish you again.

Mommy, dear,
I love you very much,
This day is special
I want to wish you

Worry less,
Rest more often,
Bathe in the sun,
I wish you health and great happiness!

Congratulations, my mother,
I wish you tenderness, kindness!
Be always with us,
Be healthy, cheerful.

I wish you carefree
To live for the joy of the whole family.
Never see grief,
And sing songs from happiness.

Be always so beautiful,
Be as young.