Season activities for preschoolers: Activities for Exploring the Four Seasons

Опубликовано: November 8, 2022 в 1:07 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Teaching the Seasons to Preschoolers

image by charity

Preschoolers love learning about the season.  The 4 and 5 Year Curricula contain activities to teach the characteristics, holidays, and activities of each season.  Here are a few ideas to begin.


All Seasons:

4 Year Curriculum Activity:  Create a Four Seasons Wheel using the Four Seasons printables.  Post the finished tree on a wall in a circle adding pictures around it that depict the season.  Place the arrows moving between the seasons.  Also add names or pictures of people whose birthday are in the season.

5 Year Curriculum Activity:
Tree – Paint the child’s hand and arm brown.  Press down on a piece of paper.  Roll the arm a little to make the tree trunk bigger.   Allow to dry.  Can also draw around the child’s arm and hand on brown paper and cut out.
Spring – Dip a fingertip into pink paint and press on the paper
Summer – Paint the hand green and press on the paper
Fall – Paint the hand orange and press.   Paint the hand yellow and press.  Paint the hand red and press.
Winter – Dip a fingertip into white paint mixed with a small amount of blue and press on the paper.

–  Cut Apart Seasons Printable – Have the child cut on the dotted line and place in order the season trees.

  Create a Circle of Seasons using printables in the 4 Year Curriculum (Weeks 18, 20)

– Look through family scrapbooks and discuss the changes in clothing, grass, trees, and activities as the seasons change

–  Make a Nature Poster – Walk around the neighborhood or park collecting different items from nature.  Back at home, create a poster and glue items on.  Add the title “Our Nature Walk” on the poster.  Allow to dry.



Months – March, April, May
Holidays – Easter, Mother’s Day, family birthdays
Weather – Cool, rain
Clothing – Jackets, long sleeve, jeans
Plants – Trees and plants begin to bud, grass turns green, plant garden and new flowers
Animals – Baby animals are born
Activities – Flying kites

K is for Kite: God’s Springtime Alphabet

Spring Patterns – Create patterns using the Spring Images.



Months – June, July, August
Holidays – Father’s Day, July 4th, family birthdays
Weather – Warm, storms, sunny
Clothing – Shorts, t-shirts, sandals
Plants – Growth, new fruit and vegetables
Activities – Swim, picnics

F Is for Fireflies: God’s Summertime Alphabet


Months – September, October, November
Holidays – Halloween, Thanksgiving, family birthdays
Weather – Cool
Clothing – Jackets, long sleeve, jeans
Plants  The trees’ leaves turn colors and fall off, harvest apples
Animals – Migrate, collect food, hibernate

Paint Fall Apples – Take a field trip to the grocery store or an apple orcherd and discuss the different colors of apples.  Compare and contrast the tastes.

P Is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet



Months – December, January, February
Holidays – Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Family Birthdays
Weather – Cold, snow, ice
Clothing – Winter coats, gloves, hats, sweaters
Plants – Trees are without leaves, plants are brown
Activities – Sledding, caroling, snowball fights

  S Is for Snowman: God’s Wintertime Alphabet


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Easy & Fun Seasons Work for Preschoolers

This week I am working on Seasons Work for Preschoolers to help my boys learn the concept of the passage of time.  

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing colors, the air is getting colder, and school is back in session. That means it’s also time for teachers to start teaching their students about the seasons. But where do you start? And what should you teach them? Read on to find out!

How do you teach seasons?

Montessori’s approach to teaching seasons is beautiful and hands-on. It helps introduce the children to the concept of the four seasons with pictures to illustrate each. 

How do you explain seasons to children?

Simply explain that as Earth moves around the Sun, it spins in a slightly tilted position (on an axis tilted 23.5 degrees from a straight-up, vertical position). This tilt causes our seasons because, through the year, different parts of the planet are angled toward or away from the Sun’s light.

Learning Seasons with Preschoolers


  • Images of seasons
  • Card Stock of four different colors matching the seasons (e.g., yellow, blue, green, and brown)
  • Paper Cutter or Craft Scissors
  • Laminator (always recommended for safe keeping)
  • Laminating Pouches 
  • Glue Sticks

How to Teach Kids about the Seasons Activity

  • Read The Year Comes Round: Haiku through the Seasons
  • Print your images (I had mine printed through Snapfish, but you can certainly use a printer)
  • Cut your card stock to leave half an inch or so of space outside the image. I highly recommend using a paper cutter over scissors because it is easier to get a straight and clean cut. I recommend cutting all the card stock pieces you need before you move on to the next step of gluing the images. It’ll be easier to keep the cards uniform in size that way.
  • Glue your images onto the card stock matching that seasons colored card stock (e.g., yellow = summer). Trim card stock if necessary.
  • Position your cards in a laminating pouch so that you have enough of an edge to keep the card sealed in nicely
  • Put through the laminator.
  • Press the edge of the cards to seal the cards in well
  • Use a paper cutter to trim the cards, leaving enough space outside the card stock to keep a good seal. Use your first card as the template and cut the rest to match its size to maintain uniformity

When the child is ready, present the cards to him, or give them in a circle. I explained to my sons outside of the larger seasons project. We discussed each card, and the time of year the scene may take place. These cards are used as a simple sorting and language exercise.

I look forward to presenting the remainder of the work over the next few weeks. We will add moon phases, months, and other lovely seasonal work.

Have fun! Please leave a comment! I love hearing from you!

Seasonal changes in nature | Plan-summary of the lesson (preparatory group):

Synopsis of a walk

conducted in

group preparatory to school


Nikolaeva Anastasia Denisovna

Purpose: to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature.


  • Continue to teach children how to observe the weather.
  • Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the birch, about the changes that occur with plants in the spring.
  • Develop game skills.
  • To bring up a joyful, caring attitude of children to nature and to each other through outdoor play.

Materials: balls – 2 pieces, tambourine, equipment for labor activity (panicle, dustpan, rake, gloves, garbage bags), portable material for playing with sand, magnifiers for each child.

Preliminary work:

– Observation of a birch.

– Bird watching.

  • Conversations: “Who enjoys spring most?”0018

Class progress.

Children go for a walk with the teacher.

Watching the weather:

How are you feeling? And what is the mood of the weather, let’s try to determine together. Look at the sky Tell about it. Do we enjoy the sun? What is it. Is there wind today? How did you know?

Generalization. Clouds float across the sky, each may seem to us something unusual. A light breeze sways the branches of trees, shares its secrets. The bright sun is our companion and friend. Let our mood today not overshadow anything. We will be glad to any meetings.

Caretaker. What is in the picture?

(Birch leaf)

Whose leaf is this? Helps to solve the riddle.

Listen to the riddle:

Not caring about the weather,
Wearing a white sundress
And on one of the warm days
May gives her earrings (birch)

Educator: Do we have a birch on the territory of the kindergarten? We need to find her.

(Children’s answers)

Educator. How did you know it was birch?

(children’s answers)

Dear children! I want to tell you an epic about how a birch appeared on the earth.

A guy married a beauty whom he loved with all his heart, and his mother hated her daughter-in-law and decided to kill her. So she once invited the young people to her for a treat, and poured green wine into their glasses. Only no one noticed that she was pouring from different jugs: pure wine for her son, and poisonous poisonous potions for her young wife. But the young people had a habit of exchanging cups – so they began to regale each other. They divided everything in life in half – they shared death.

Mother was tearing her hair out, but it was too late. She buried them away from each other: her son in front of the church, and her daughter-in-law behind the church. On the same night, a poplar grew from the grave of her husband, and a birch tree from the grave of his wife, and they intertwined with branches, so much so that they could not be cut, not torn. Mother wanted to cut down the trees, but the people did not let her. And birch and poplar are still growing in that village.

Watching a birch.

▪What happens to the birch in spring?

▪What were the birch branches like?

▪Look at the kidneys, what are they like? (using a magnifying glass)

▪What is hidden in them?

▪Guys, does the birch decorate our garden?

▪What kind words can you say about a birch tree?

Generalization. There are many poems, songs, legends about the birch – this is the most beautiful tree. Listen to what poems our guys have learned about the birch.

(Children read poetry)

Educator: Guys, people call a birch a Russian beauty.

And what decorations does the birch tree wear? (earrings)

Do you know:

That birch is a symbol of Russia.

It gives four benefits for people: the first is health for the sick, the second is light from darkness, the third is to glue the broken, the fourth is to quench their thirst.

Educator. And now we need to move on. I suggest we play

(The word “Game”).

Didactic game “One – many”.

Purpose: to activate the ability to form new words in the plural.

Words for the game: bird, branch, puddle, thawed patch, birch, bud, leaf, cloud, bucket, ray, rook, nestling.

Educator: And now we need to move on. What is drawn on our plan? (branches, rake and broom).

Labor activity – cleaning up fallen branches, leaves, debris.

Purpose; develop a positive attitude towards work.

Game activities:

Purpose: to improve ball handling skills.

  • Outdoor game “Stop”
  • Outdoor game (new) “Tunnel with a ball”
  • Low mobility game “Entertainers”

Independent activity:

Purpose: to develop independence in children.

Children can choose an activity during a walk according to their wishes.

At the end of the walk, ask the children:

Did they enjoy the walk?

What did you like the most?

What did you learn new?

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group Journey to the autumn fairy tale


Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

“Journey to an autumn fairy tale”

Tatyana Yuzikovna Svergunova, educator MBDOU No. 37, Armavir

Program tasks:

  • ;
  • to activate the vocabulary of children with the help of new words, to improve the skills of independent decision-making, to help relieve psychomotor stress in preschoolers;
  • to form the ability to independently draw conclusions, conclusions, with the help of game situations to bring joy, pleasure from the lesson;
  • to cultivate a consciously correct attitude to nature, through awareness of its beauty, to teach how to create a composition from natural materials, to cultivate the ability to create in a group of peers, to develop artistic taste, imagination.

Equipment and materials:

Envelope, imitation autumn meadow (decorated group) , leaves of various trees and cards with the image of trees, 2 drawing papers with a woman’s face schematically depicted on them, leaves, flowers, cones, grapes, seeds, etc.

(The teacher sits in a circle with the children) .

Draws children’s attention to an envelope decorated with autumn leaves. Informs children:

– Guys! Today the postman brought a letter to our kindergarten in the morning. The letter is not easy. (Reading address) . Kindergarten. Children of the senior group. From hares from the forest.

“Dear guys! Here we are in the forest summer is over. Suddenly it became colder, the leaves began to fall off. Everyone around repeats: “autumn has come.” And who is autumn, we do not know. After all, autumn is the time for us, hares, and other forest animals to change their fur coats for winter ones. Help us, please, explain what autumn is. Your rabbits.

– Let’s help them guys? (Children’s answers) .

– To do this, we need to go on a journey into the forest. Ready? But first you need to find out if you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Let’s play the game . If I speak correctly, then you will clap, and if I speak incorrectly, then stomp. Listen carefully:

– Take an ax with you to the forest, you can light a fire there. (Children’s actions)

– Sing, shout, call out, lull the forest with a loud song. (Children’s actions)

– Birds, frogs and snakes from the forest must be driven out of the forest. (Children’s actions)

– Don’t talk loudly in the forest. (Children’s activities)

– Do not destroy anthills. (Children’s actions)

– Don’t take the chicks home. (Children’s actions)

– Walk carefully in the forest, do not break branches. (Children’s actions)

– Take a basket with you to the forest, you will collect a little fly agaric. (Children’s actions)

– Well done, you are not mistaken, and therefore it is time for us to hit the road. The path is not easy. Stand next to each other and move forward!

Movement game:

1) walking along a dusty country road (stomp their feet) ;

2) now walking on high wet grass (walking, raising knees high, pulling toes) ;

3) there is a swamp ahead, be careful! Step over from bump to bump (jumping from side to side) ;

4) got into a dense thicket, where the branches lean to the ground (tilts to the sides, with an imitation of “spreading the branches”) ;

5) and here is another path, sand rustling underfoot (palms make a rustling sound, feet slide on the ground) ;

6) bridge in front, stepping over the logs (lifting the legs in turn with clapping under the knee) .

– Well, here we are! (imitation of an autumn meadow) Where did we get to? (Into the autumn forest) . What colors did autumn decorate the trees and bushes with? (red, scarlet, crimson, gold) . So who is autumn? (sorceress, sorceress, artist, beauty) . Well done boys! And what else has autumn prepared for nature? (animals change their outfits, birds fly south, vegetables and fruits ripen) .

– But still, in autumn there is not only good, but also bad.

Game “What is good and what is bad in autumn?” (can be done with a ball, trizovskaya)

– That’s right, there are good things in every season, but there are also not so good ones. And now let’s admire the beauty of the autumn forest (music sounds, children collect leaves in a basket) .

The teacher, picking up the last sheet:

– Look, what a beautiful sheet I have, but not easy. It has a task. I really want to know how well you know the names of trees (ash, maple, poplar, willow, linden, pine, etc. )

– Good! Do you know from which tree which and which fruit?

game “Guess from which tree the leaf” is being played (selection of 8-9 trees is given and leaves (real ones can be used) . Children explain their actions (this is an oak leaf, it is from an oak tree, and its fruit is an acorn; this is a birch leaf, it is from a birch tree, and the fruit is the seeds of its earrings, etc.)

– You did a good job. Who among you will tell me why the leaves began to fall? (little light, not enough heat, the time has come, the trees fall asleep, etc.) . What is the name of the time when the leaves fall? That’s right, leaf fall. This is a very beautiful time. Look how much autumn has prepared for us (leaves, flowers, cones, grapes on trays, as well as two schematically depicted faces on paper) .

– Guys, we have seen a lot, but the rabbits have not been helped yet. So that they can see who autumn is, let’s try to draw her portrait using leaves, berries, flowers and other materials.