School supplies for freshman in high school: Supplies for high school: a back-to-school shopping list

Опубликовано: March 4, 2023 в 6:57 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

What Supplies Does Every High School Freshman Need?

19 SEP 2022

Explore this article

  • What are School Supplies for High School?
  • What Supplies Does Every High School Freshman Need?
  • Basics
  • Organization
  • Technology
  • Other Supplies

1 What are School Supplies for High School?

Junior high and middle school students often experience big changes when they transition to high school. Entering the freshman year of high school involves attending a new building, meeting new teachers and facing new challenges and opportunities. Freshmen often take more specialized courses than they have in lower grades, and some students experience having lockers for the first time in their educational careers. These new experiences necessitate changes in the school supplies students need each fall. Although individual requirements vary depending upon schedule and instructors, some supplies are fairly standard.

Back to school is often the time many students are required or encouraged to collect their needed school supplies, and many schools offer school supplies lists or back-to-school supplies for their students before the first day. These lists can include things like colored pencils, flash drives, glue sticks, mechanical pencils, notebook paper, pocket folders, ballpoint pens and many other needed supplies for the student’s school year. Students and their parents tend to use Amazon or local stores to college their needed supplies before the start of classes, and sometimes the child’s teacher can offer supplies for their class. While school supply lists are most common for students in grade school, like elementary school, middle school or high school, some college students also have required supply lists.

2 What Supplies Does Every High School Freshman Need?

3 Basics

While high school supplies can vary by year, teacher, and class, there are many supplies that are considered basic. Pencils, pens, erasers, sharpies and spiral notebooks make up the staples for school, including the freshman year. A portable pencil sharpener comes in handy when the classroom sharpener is busy or for quick use after class starts. Spiral notebooks fit easily into small spaces such as cramped lockers and backpacks, making them easily carried. Students can carry small supplies between classes more easily with a soft pencil case, particularly if students are not allowed to cart backpacks with them into classrooms. Even then, freshmen need a sturdy backpack to carry homework materials after school.

4 Organization

Loose-leaf notebooks stack easily in most lockers and can be labeled for quick reading along the spine. Purchasing a different color notebook for each class can help students choose necessary materials from their lockers quickly with less chance of grabbing the wrong notebook. Some students prefer a single, large binder with dividers. Binders also allow students to clip pencil bags and folders inside, saving space and keeping materials organized, and students can easily add or remove paper. Most importantly, students need a method to keep track of assignments, so include a small date book or assignment notebook. Spiral-bound college-ruled notebooks are also listed for certain classes needing more writing space for notes, and three-ring binders can also come in handy when needing organization help.

5 Technology

Many students desire laptops, but schools don’t usually require high school freshmen to have them. Instead, districts often give students access to computer labs on campus. Rather than a computer, parents should supply a calculator because math, science and business classes often use them. Higher-level math and sciences courses tend to demand more complicated devices such as graphing calculators or scientific calculators, so students should wait until they hear from the teachers for these classes before purchasing a model to be certain they get the correct one. Protractors can also be used in certain class settings.

6 Other Supplies

Some must-have materials make studying easier. Students can use index cards for research or making flash cards. These may be ruled or not and come in various colors that can be helpful for organizing. Highlighters draw attention to important material, making studying easier. Many schools encourage students to carry water bottles, especially during warmer months. Finally, lockers don’t always have built-in combination locks, so purchase necessary padlocks. Even if the main locker has a built-in lock, the gym, art or music lockers may not. Lunchboxes, scotch tape, post-its or sticky notes, hold punches, and even construction paper can also be needed for different classes and activities in high school.


  • 1 National Center for Education Statistics: Fast Facts
  • 2 Great Schools: School Supplies

About the Author

Kristie Sweet has been writing professionally since 1982, most recently publishing for various websites on topics like health and wellness, and education. She holds a Master of Arts in English from the University of Northern Colorado.

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School Supplies List for High School

Are you just starting high-school and don’t quite know what to expect? Are you a proud baby-mama or baby-daddy and your young one is just starting their freshman year? Is it really possible to get cold feet before going back to high-school, even if you’re not a freshman anymore? For all the cases above, you’ll be glad to know that a school supplies list for high-school is just what you need to make sure you’re prepared.

Check out our printable and email-able lists for specific high school grade levels here 9th Grade  10th Grade  11th Grade  12th Grade

But starting such a list is more than just being prepared with the basic desk supplies. If you have everything you need at hand, you can begin to relax and focus on the things that actually matter. So you can pay better attention to teachers, solve or your class assignments fast and maybe even help other people in your class.

But what supplies are actually necessary and which are just going to clutter your backpack? Is it really necessary to buy all that stuff before school begins, or can you get a few even afterward? We’re here to answer all those questions, so read along.

Basic Items

Let’s start with the things that every student must have in their backpack, and which you’ll use on a daily basis. In fact, most of these will be used from day 1.

  • Ballpoint pens. These are great for taking notes or for taking essay-type tests, but you also need them for other class assignments or group projects. For instance, some teachers love it when pupils review each other’s assignments, so make sure to get multiple colors, like red or green.
  • Colored pencils. There will be tons of projects where these will become useful, or you can underline some of the notes you’re making along the way. If you’re taking Biology, there will be a lot of drawing, and so will for Geometry.
  • Large pink eraser. This is not a whim, it’s actually the best type of eraser on the market since it’s latex-free and makes your mistakes disappear without leaving any smudges.
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper. That’s because some teachers prefer a special sort of paper and are quite picky about that. So some might need you to have the college-ruled type, meaning you’d better be prepared with that.
  • Mechanical pencils. Whatever notes you’re making, pencils are amazing for that because you can easily erase your mistakes. These are great for homework as well as taking notes or making calculations in Math.
  • 2 pencils. You’ll be taking some scanner sheets tests, which can’t be read correctly if you’re using another type of pencil.
  • Pencil sharpener. All those pencils above have to stay nice and sharp, so you need a pencil sharpener for the job. It’s best to get a manual one so you don’t make any noise during tests, and if it has a shelf to catch the shavings, it’s even better.
  • This is mandatory for Math or Physics, but you might need it for other projects as well. Just make sure yours has both the imperial and the metric measurements.
  • You need these to take notes, do homework or class activities, and you can get either composition notebooks or spiral bound. However, the second type is better for when you want to rip a sheet of paper without affecting the overall aspect of your notebook.

Organizational Items

Once you have all that covered, you need to make sure your stuff is organized well. That will help you move fast and have everything you need at hand.

  • Three-ring binders. Get several of these to put different papers you receive from your teachers, along with test sheets or individual worksheets. You need more than one because some teachers will tell you to keep their class sheets in a separate binder.
  • Three-hole punch. You’ll need to attach all those sheets of paper in a binder somehow, right? That means you need this three-hole punch thingy, so make sure it can fit in a three-ring binder too.
  • Pencil case. It’s best to keep all your pens and pencils in one place to avoid losing them. If this case can fit in your binder, you’ve won the jackpot.
  • Binder dividers. As you can see, these binders are sort of like a general tune in this section, and the binder dividers help you keep the papers inside even more organized. That’s why we advise you to get the sort of dividers with pockets, which are wonderful if you have loose papers.
  • Folders specially-made for binders. There will be different papers in your class: for classwork, for homework, for group projects and papers your teacher hands you, like study sheets or curriculum requirements. So it’s best to keep these separated inside the binder, in these sort of folders.
  • Pocket folders. Finally, not everything is placed in binders. Some papers and assignments must be handed to the teachers, so having pocket folders is great if you’re required to make a portfolio.
  • It’s always a great idea to have a calendar or a planer handy, where you can schedule dates for assignments or tests, even if you have a calendar app for that on your phone. But you can always see your calendar, which is a physical reminder of all your tasks.
  • Make sure you get a resistant, durable backpack that’s ergonomic and supportive, with a good weight distribution. You’re going to have to carry a lot of stuff with you and some schools don’t allow rolling backpacks, so we’d first advise you to find out what your school’s stance is on that.
  • Combination locks. It’s best to get two of these if your school lockers don’t have locks of their own. You’ll need one for your hall locker and one for your gym locker if that’s the case.


Study Aids

These are the things you don’t need right away, but it’s better to have at least some of them handy. We’ll give you the general idea about the most common study aids used, but remember that your teachers might have different requirements too. Besides, take into account your learning style too and select the best items for you.

  • Index cards. Get both ruled and un-ruled, depending on the subject you need them for. Apart from helping you remember certain facts better, they’re also great flashcards to practice before a big test.
  • If you underline the key phrases or keywords from your notes, chances are you’ll remember the most important fact easier. Besides, you can use that for when you’re reading the material the second time around, so use multiple colors.
  • Post-its. You can’t use highlighters on books, so post-its are the next best thing. Besides, you can make mental notes of your own on them.
  • You should ask your Math teacher what sort of calculator you need for that class, especially before making a huge investment. Although you might need a graphing calculator, some products have huge retail prices and tons of functions you’re probably not going to use unless you’re going to NASA high-school. Also, if you plan on using your phone calculator, ask your teacher if they’re ok with that.

Craft Items

You’ll probably be taking some Arts and Crafts class, but even if you’re not, you’re still going to be doing quite a lot of projects. That’s why you need:

  • Drawing paper. You’ll be drawing all sorts of interesting things on this, aren’t you excited?
  • Construction paper. More professional than the usual paper, this is great for technical drawing.
  • Glue sticks. For most of these drawings, diagrams or cards, or maybe even origami-like projects, you need glue to finish your project. Glue sticks are the best because they’re clean, easy to use and don’t spill.
  • White glue. You’ll also need a bottle of this for some other materials apart from paper, like wood, ceramics, leather or fabric. A 4-ounce bottle should do the trick, don’t get one that’s too big.
  • Scotch tape. Mending and putting stuff together is all part of a successful DIY project.
  • It’s better to get a mini-stapler than a bigger one. Chances are you’re going to need it rarely, but it’s still good to have one in your backpack.
  • Arts and crafts are all about cutting stuff to place on other stuff, to make new and better stuff. So get scissors that actually cut stuff.
  • Water-based markers. Unlike alcohol-based markers that are permanent and therefore difficult to wash, these can easily be washed from your hands or clothes.

Miscellaneous Supplies

You’ll need some of the items below for at-home use, while others are simply nice to have. They’re not mandatory, but it’s a good idea to check out this list too:

  • Printer paper. Get enough paper because chances are you’ll be printing quite a lot of studies, research or your own projects.
  • Ink cartridges. Make sure you have both black and colored cartridges.
  • Water bottle. A stainless steel one is better because plastic ones contain BPA, which is a dangerous chemical connected to all sorts of nasty diseases. Besides, it’s more resistant and it looks cooler.
  • Poster board. This is amazing for all sorts of visual aid presentations, ensuring you’ll get a higher grade.
  • You might need that for Powerpoint presentations, for swapping info with your classmates, or for downloading research materials from your teachers.
  • Locker organizer. If you love being organized to the max, this sort of equipment allows you to place shelves in your locker, so you won’t have to keep your stuff piled onto each other. And if you want our advice, diagonal locker dividers look badass and are space-efficient at the same time.

Check out our printable and email-able lists for specific grade levels here 9th Grade  10th Grade  11th Grade  12th Grade

Back to School – Supplies List for High School Wrap Up!

Now that you’re here, you have a complete list of everything you need to start college on the right foot. But that doesn’t mean you’ll need every item on this list, so feel free to cut the items you don’t need off it, then print the final draft and check the items off as you go.

That said, we’re curious about you. How do you feel about starting high-school? Are you nervous or confident? Which items from this list do you think you’ll use the most? Which ones are you sure you won’t need?

30 College School Supplies Every Student Needs in 2022

It’s great fun to start packing and getting ready for college with the right school supplies. And let’s face it, there are tons of college supply lists available online.

What seemingly minor subjects are compulsory in college? You’d be surprised how much they’ll be needed in college.

This list will help you choose your college supplies. nine0003

How to get cheap and free school supplies for college students

As much as we would like to have the latest textbook, calculator, laptop or tablet, sometimes we need to go the cheaper route. This does not mean that they can only buy garbage!

This means your kids need to learn how to look for the best deal and find products that are within their price range.

  • 1. Amazon
  • 2. facebook
  • 3. Incredibly modest
  • 4. Dollar Store
  • 5. Sam’s Club

why Target remains a buyers’ favorite. Target offers a host of features and services to make shopping easier than ever.

Amazon. within a couple of days. nine0003


When it comes to bulk shopping, the best place to shop isn’t Costco or Amazon – it’s actually a free site called Boxed.

It never hurts to stock up on the supplies you’re going to use often, including Pens, Pencils and Wite-Out, and Boxed’s competitive prices give you even more reason to stock up.

Best Buy

At Best Buy, all students get exclusive deals and discounts on laptops, tablets, printers, home appliances, and almost any other technology they need to succeed in school, whether it’s elementary school or college. nine0003


At Society6 you can find unique decor, stationery, technical accessories and bags, and support talented artists. If you’re looking for school essentials with more personality and style, check out this underrated site.

30 college supplies

1. Personal computer

This is what should be on your list of school supplies. While computers have long been a valuable college resource, they are now essential on many campuses. nine0003

If your school requires all students to have a computer, the cost of purchasing one must be included in financial aid calculations.

If you’re not sure whether to buy a computer or a desktop, try the school’s computer labs first to get an idea of ​​the quality of their equipment and availability.

However, computer accessories are not limited to the simplest laptops or desktops. You will also need a printer to print jobs. nine0003

You should also evaluate whether you need an Ethernet card or a wireless adapter by determining how you will connect to the Internet on campus and in the dorm.

Consider buying a storage device such as a flash drive for easy file transfer and backup, or if you already have a CD burner on your computer, add blank CDs to your shopping list.

Finally, before heading to school, check again that you have all the necessary cords, cables, and splitters. nine0003

You can buy your personal computer at the college at a discount; see top 10 college student laptop deals

2. Cheerleader

It’s no brainer that this is something that should be on your list of school supplies. You will almost never have temperature control in your dorm.

You cannot turn the heater or air conditioner on or off. Depending on which college you go to, a fan can save your life. nine0003

Actually, I would suggest two. One of the large oscillating or box types, and the other can be attached to a bed or table. There are also elegant desktop fans that can be plugged into the USB port.

3. microwave

What you heard is true: college students eat a lot of ramen and soup. There were even times when there were five of us in the same dorm, and each had his own huge noodle dish.

As a result, every college needs at least one large microwave-safe bowl. nine0003

So you know this is what should be on your list of school supplies.

4. Noise canceling headphones

This is an absolute must-have. You’ll need them for library classes, coffee shops, dorm rooms, and bus rides.

Invest in a great pair and treat them well. You can use them to relieve stress, meditate, relax on your way to class, or listen to lullabies before bed.

Sometimes all you have to do is turn off the worldly nonsense. nine0003

5. Cleaning wipes

This is definitely something that should be on your list of school supplies. Clorox wipes are most people’s solution for just about everything.

You can clean laptop keyboards, desks, doorknobs and unexplained puddles on the floor.

They are quick, easy and come in huge containers that last a long time. Definitely one of the must-haves for college.

6. Calculator

Consult your math or science lecturer for recommendations on models and required features before purchasing. Keep in mind that graphing calculators can be expensive.

Even if you’re a student of history, you might want to have a simple calculator handy for tasks like checking a checkbook balance.

This is definitely something that should be on your list of school supplies.

The calculator is one of the essentials for effective learning. See More Effective Study Tips for Students | 2022

7. Ink Pens

These free pens are a great way to save money, but you get what you paid for. And if you got the pens for free, don’t expect them to last.

The worst case scenario is to show up to class on the first day with one of these free pens and find the ink is dry. nine0003

While it’s great to have pens in different colors like red and green, blue or black are the best options.

For example, if you work on campus and need to make a mobile deposit, you must sign in blue or black ink on your pay stub.

Banks are very picky in this matter.

8. room

Many schools are moving to a credit and debit system for laundry, but some still use quarters. nine0003

You’re probably looking for extra money at 3am because you really need a combo and Coke bag from the vending machine in the hallway.

This is what should be on your list of school supplies.

9. Small Toolbox

Having a toolbox is an easy way to make friends. You never know when you’ll need a screwdriver, and this pretty student in the hallway might need some help putting something together. This is something that might be on your school supplies list. nine0003

10 Excess school supplies

Pens, pencils, markers, those fancy little tabs to attach to textbook pages, 3 hole punch, regular sized stapler and mini stapler to toss in your backpack, paper , notepads, folders, dividers, report covers and so on. everything is on the list.

11 Very long TV cable

The cable connection is always in the most inconvenient place. It’s not the most logical place for a TV. Save yourself the hassle by simply bringing along a long cable. nine0003

This is what you need to be on your list of college supplies.

12 Day planner

Even though most people have phones with calendar apps, they both like a day planner.

Alternatively, they could use a real planner that they could write and bring to class.

You can also learn about the top 30 academic planners for every college student

13 Waste bags

You’ll be surprised at how much rubbish you can create in a short amount of time, so have plenty of liners handy when it’s time to toss it in the bin.

This is definitely something that should be on your list of school supplies.

14 Umbrella

Yes, it’s raining. Don’t be the person who gets caught in the rain with your laptop in a waterproof bag. Take an umbrella with you wherever you go. nine0003

15 Flash drives

You will be typing in college computer labs when you need to type something. Sometimes you can use a USB cable to connect your computer to the printer. In other cases, you will have to use the computer on site.

That’s why you’ll need flash drives, sometimes called flash drives, jump drives, or something like a stick.

True, you can get them as free handouts during orientation, which will save you money on buying them. nine0003

16 Command hangers

This is an absolute lifesaver. You can’t drive a nail well into a brick or cinder block wall. Make posters and stripe decorations.

This is something you can have on your school supplies list.

17 Pile of pillows and blankets

You never know when unexpected guests will turn up or when friends will decide to stay overnight during a nightly party. nine0003

A couple of extra pillows and blankets will come in handy if you prefer to exercise on the floor or in bed.

This is definitely something that should be on your list of school supplies.

18 Large calendar (desk or wall) to complement your diary

Schedule large projects and documents with the large calendar. You will be less likely to forget something important if you see it every day and update your diary. nine0003

One of the mandatory items for collegiate studies is a calendar that you can take with you in your diary.

19 Backpack

Now this is obviously something that should be on your list of school supplies. Accept the fact that you will be living on your backpack for the next four years.

The more pockets you have, the better. You get the idea. There are food pocket, homework pocket, electronics pocket, pencil pocket and so on. nine0003

Buy a sturdy, sturdy bag because you will be carrying a lot of heavy textbooks with you.

20 Printer

This wireless printer is ideal for students who want to print, scan, copy and fax documents without relying on their college library’s printing infrastructure.

The HP Smart app allows users to easily connect this printer to all their devices.

Students can also use the software to print files directly from their phones. using document sharing apps like Google Drive and Dropbox.

21 Essential writing utensils

What do you need for a desk? Scotch tape, scissors, a ruler or measuring tape (you never know), a stapler and staples are all you need. You may not use them on a regular basis, but having them on hand is a smart idea. nine0003

Of course, if you go to a community college and live at home, you can always steal them from your parents!

When you are a little girl, your college supplies list should contain everything you need. See 20 must-haves for girls college in 2022

22 Ottoman and/or storage containers

Your living spaces will be small, but you will have many different items. Throw it in your fabric or canvas storage basket for a quick and easy cleanup. nine0003

Ottomans are also useful to have with you, and if you get a good one, you can use it as an extra seat.

23 Reusable water bottle

The reusable water bottle is designed more to prevent dehydration on campus than for school supplies in the classroom. Gas stations are most likely to be found in dormitories, canteens, and classrooms.

Yes, you get free filtered water. This is definitely something that should be on your school supplies list. nine0003

Get a reusable water bottle that’s easy to clean by hand because you won’t have a dishwasher in your dorm (unless you live in an apartment on campus).

24 Ethernet cable

One of the main college supplies is an Ethernet cable. Wifi is fantastic except in the hostels.

Each student is likely to use Wi-Fi on many devices at the same time, which significantly slows down their work. nine0003

Connecting to an Ethernet cable usually lets you work faster, making homework and that final task more manageable.

This is definitely something that should be on your list of school supplies.

25 Calculator

Even college history students require a calculator, which may seem unusual.

You will probably need to use this tricky TI-84 to do some statistical magic in at least one math and science class. nine0003

This is one of the college supplies you need.

This is one of the college supplies you need. Keep a spare phone charger in your bag, especially if you’re on the phone all the time.

You can connect in the library, in class, or during meals and you’ll be fully charged by the time you’re ready to head to your next location!

27 Booklight and/or flashlight

If you share a room with someone, there is a good chance that your sleep habits will not be identical. You will need a book lamp when you do not want to go to the library and prefer to study in your room.

Don’t be the kind of person who insists on turning on the overhead light when your roommate is trying to get some rest.

This is one of the college supplies you need.

28 Markers

You probably weren’t allowed to write in textbooks in high school. On the other hand, taking notes in books is a way of life in college.

Highlighters are a great way to emphasize important points and new language. While some students underline important passages and take notes in ink, markers are a great way to highlight important points and new terminology.

This is one of the college supplies you need. nine0003

29 Pencil Case

This oversized pencil case can store and protect your college materials in style. The EASTHILL case holds up to 50 pens and 90 pencils, plus other small school supplies.

Yellow, orange, pink and blue are among the shades available for the zip case. This is one of the college school supplies you need.

30 Laundry basket

All that dirt has to go somewhere. Grab a basket instead of throwing things on the floor or at the end of the bed. nine0003

This is definitely one of the college supplies you need.

In addition to the supplies you need to purchase, these items will reduce your purchases for your next academic session. Tell your family and friends to use this list of 50 year-end gifts for students as ideas for their next surprise.

FAQ about 30 college supplies every student needs

Notebook. Obviously, a laptop is the perfect school tool for online college programs.

2 terabyte drive.



So if you’re leaving home to start college, don’t forget to pack these things in your car.

An additional set of bed linen is available. An extra set of sheets is one of the core items in the college.

At least one large microwave-safe bowl. nine0003

Noise canceling headphones.

Cleaning wipes.

The coffee maker is a device that allows you to make coffee.

Large lamp

Let’s start with the list!

Post-It Notes are a great way to keep track of events

Daily planner

Mechanical pencils are the third item on the list.

Erasers are a type of eraser that is used to remove stains from

Pen Case

Sharpies, just to name a few. nine0003

According to the College Board Survey, the average full-time student on campus at a four-year school spent $1,240 on books and supplies during the 2020-2021 school year.

Buy one large folder or several smaller files for each topic you study. Keep your documents safe inside. Don’t be a slacker – organize them every time they get disorganized. All you have to do when you go to class is open the folder and you will have everything you need. nine0003


As everyone prepares for the great ‘back to school’ rush, it’s hard to ignore the abundance of school supplies in stores.

In late July and early August, retailers put out their best deals on everything from glue to computers. This is the time to stock up on great deals if you’re a bargain hunter.

If you find yourself on campus without study materials, the school bookstore has a standard selection of pens and stickers. However, your school’s mascot folder may cost more. nine0003

If you need specific class supplies, such as art supplies or lab glasses, the campus bookstore is usually your best bet.

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  • Step-by-Step Guide – Teacher’s Newspaper

    In 2020, the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was amended. Now students of pedagogical universities have the opportunity to work in schools and organizations of additional education while still studying. On paper, everything seems simple. But in practice there are some problems. Marina Galenkova, a second-year student of the SFedU master’s program with a degree in biology teacher, told the online publication Uchitelskaya Gazeta about how a student of a pedagogical university can get a job at a school. nine0010

    Photo: press service of the Ministry of Education of Russia

    One of the main obstacles to a quick start for a novice specialist is the lack of trust in a young teacher on the part of school authorities. We will figure out how to remove barriers and start a teaching career in parallel with studying at a university.

    Basic requirements for young teachers

    Not every student of a pedagogical university has the right to teach. At the legislative level, there are 2 requirements for university students planning to work at school:

    • training in specialties and areas of training “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”;
    • passing an intermediate certification based on the results of the first three courses (in other words, passing the session successfully).

    Students can work in additional education institutions after the second year. But only on condition that their specialty coincides with the direction of the circle or section. For example, a philosophy student will not be allowed to teach courses for young programmers. nine0003

    How to get a job as a student: practical advice

    If you’re planning to start a teaching career before you graduate, you can’t just walk up to the principal of the school you like and say, “I want to work with children.” In order not to be rejected, careful preparation is needed. Let’s figure out where to start and how to proceed.

    1 step. Collect documents for Human Resources

    Students working at a school are no different from other employees. Therefore, they are drawn up under an employment contract. To avoid delays, immediately collect the necessary documents:

    • passport;
    • SNILS;
    • TIN;
    • certificate of no criminal record;
    • medical certificate on the absence of contraindications to the implementation of pedagogical activities;
    • certificate of passing the session (with a list of disciplines, the number of hours passed and marks).

    If you have already acquired a track record (and it does not matter in what specialty), be sure to bring your work book to the personnel department. nine0003

    2 step. Enlist the support of the curator

    A positive reference, certified by an employee of the university, will significantly increase the level of confidence of the future employer in the young specialist. You can get the document from the curator of your group. The characteristic is compiled in free form. But it is desirable that it contains as much information as possible about your educational achievements. However, participation in a gymnastic show or KVN is also not forbidden.

    In addition, ask one of the teachers to write a similar document. And if you are in your 4th or 5th year, take a reference from your supervisor. The more positive reviews you provide, the higher your chance of getting hired. nine0003

    3 step. Create resume

    Applying for a job while studying is no different from the standard process of employment. Surely, even before meeting the candidate, the school principal will want to see his complete professional portrait.

    How to write the perfect CV:

    • Be concise so that the information you need fits on one page.
    • Be sure to fill in the Work Experience, Education, Professional Skills, and Personal Qualities blocks.


    • Enter as many quantities as possible. For example: prepared 3 articles for publication in the journal “Student Bulletin”, took 1st place in the city competition “Perspective of the Year”.
    • Upload a photo that looks open and friendly.

    When describing work experience, you can talk about the passage of pedagogical practice, participation in pedagogical conferences, master classes, part-time work as a tutor.

    Take care of the visibility of your document. If a “canvas” of solid text appears before the employer, he will not be able to see your strengths. To avoid mistakes when compiling a questionnaire and give it the correct structure, it is better to use a professional online resume builder. Registration according to ready-made templates will take 10-15 minutes. nine0003

    4 step. Monitor vacancies

    After preparing the documents, start searching for vacancies. If you are a full-time student, it is better to consider applying to one of the schools located in your city.

    If you are studying in a small town, look for information about vacancies on the official websites of schools or visit them in person and talk to a member of the human resources department. But it is much more convenient and faster to monitor popular job resources, such as Job Russia, Head Hunter, SuperJob, Here are collected current offers from employers from all over Russia. To view them, you just need to use the search bar. To apply for a job, you will need to register. It will take literally 3-5 minutes. nine0003

    Young specialists are considered very carefully, and if there are more experienced applicants, the probability of rejection is quite high. Apply to all suitable vacancies – this way the probability of your employment will increase significantly.

    5 step. Pass an interview

    An interview is an exciting event for a young teacher. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the test, the main thing is not to get confused. Preparing and rehearsing a self-talk at home will give you confidence during your meeting with the director. To show your strengths, include information about professional plans, academic success, and the desire to work with the younger generation. nine0003

    If you have a certificate from the university with good results in the last exam, then the test of knowledge in the subject, most likely, can be avoided. During the interview, you will be asked standard questions, for example:

    • Why did you choose to become a teacher?
    • Can you find a common language with children?
    • How many hours a week are you willing to take?
    • What are your salary expectations?
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      Even if you find it difficult to answer a question, don’t be silent.