School supplies for freshman: 33 School Supplies Every College Student Needs

Опубликовано: August 12, 2023 в 11:35 am


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College Supply List for Freshman Year (FREE PDF Checklist)

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Freshman college supply checklist – FREE cheat-sheet for back-to-school shopping!

The things you’ll need for class when you’re packing for college.

Do you have a college supply list, yet?

Chances are that you don’t have one, because unlike grade school –

Universities and community colleges don’t put out an official list of essentials that students should bring with them to class.

Which often leaves freshman year students wondering:

What school supplies do I need for college?

There are a lot of uncertainties in the transition from high school to college. It’s no surprise that there’s confusion surrounding this topic, as well.


In this post, my goal is to help clear up that confusion!

I’m going to lay out all class essentials you should get and even provide you with a printable freshman college supply list. Start your first semester of college with confidence by making sure you know what you need.


What Supplies Do I Need for College?

Starting college can seem like you’re beginning a whole new life.

If you’re experiencing some feelings of anxiety or doubt, don’t stress about it! That’s completely normal.

There are many common fears college freshman have, and not being adequately prepared is one of them.

As a current college student myself:

I know just how busy life can get leading up to the weeks before college begins. And, considering what school supplies you need to succeed can all too easily fall by the wayside.


You found this online post! Let that wave of mini relief wash over you, ’cause you now have one less thing to worry about.

I’ll talk about 17 must-have school supplies for college and offer some recommendations below.

School Supplies for College List

Here is a basic college supply list that will help kickoff your first day, the RIGHT way.

💡 TIP: The best “Back to School” sales on school supplies happen in May, June & July. Try to pick up these items then if you can!

1. Pencils and Erasers

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Pencils and erasers are number ONE on my college supply list because of the daily use you’ll get out of them.

While pens may be your preferred writing utensil, you’ll need at least one pencil for filling out scantrons.

Mechanical pencils, or regular pencils; it doesn’t really matter the exact type you choose so long as you are comfortable using it. If you go the mechanical pencil route, don’t forget to pick up some extra lead!

And, no doubt:

There’s always some erasing to be done. Mistakes are just a part of life.

2. Black/Blue and Red Ink Pens

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These may seem like banal items, but red and black pens have come in clutch for me on more than one occasion!

From peer editing to writing notes, they have their uses.

At the college I’m attending, black ink pens are preferred by my professors for written assignments. This may vary by school, though.

While you can take notes on a laptop, studies have revealed that students who take notes by hand often retain more than those who type them. Something to keep in mind!

3. Highlighters or Mildliners

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It’s no surprise that highlighters/mildliners are another item worth taking to college.

There will be lots of homework and reading – you’ll be glad you have these when it’s crunch time. I know I always am!

4. Binder/s or Accordion Folder/s

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Another thing I recommend having on a college supply list for freshman is:

Either a binder or an accordion folder. Both are a great way to keep track of and organize papers for class.

Some people like to have a binder or accordion folder for each class. And other people like to have just one.

It just depends on your own preferences. But I suggest getting less rather than more in the terms of quantity.

You can always buy more after the semester starts and it’s less clutter to keep around.

5. Notebooks

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Notebooks are handy for taking notes, journaling, and brainstorming ideas.


I’m sure you figured you’d need these for college. However, it’s nice to have thoughts confirmed!

It depends on how much of a note taker you are, but it’s advisable to get one spiral notebook per class.

6. Loose Leaf Paper

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This is an essential (and probably a no-brainer) for your college supply list because, like pencils, this gets used everyday!

Some instructors don’t like the edges that notebook paper leaves, which is why I suggest getting loose leaf in addition.

7. Paper and Binder Clips

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Gotta be able to control all that loose leaf paper somehow, am I right?

I use these all the time to keep relevant papers together. Like homework I’ve started and the instructions for it.


Binder clips come in handy when it’s time to turn in a big project.

8. Folders

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Honestly, you get sooo many handouts in college. It can be overwhelming!

Keep track of it all by getting a couple of folders.

I recommend going with plastic folders, as paper ones easily rip if they get wet and plastic ones will last your whole college career.

Oh and:

Make sure you CLEARLY label on the front which class each is for. It’ll save you time when rifling through your backpack.

It’s even a good idea to color coordinate your notebooks, binder, and folders for each class.

9. Wite-Out

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Since we’re all not perfect and mistakes happen – it’s best to have some wite-out around when you’re in college.

It’s great to have for tests where you can only use a pen, or when you notice a spelling error right before you’re about to hand in an essay. It’s useful stuff!

💡 TIP: If you want to get it for FREE, watch for coupons in your local newspaper. They pop up around the time back to school sales do.

10. Sticky Notes

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Next up on the school supplies for college list are sticky notes.

If you’re like me, you may be a little forgetful.

I use sticky notes as colorful little reminders. They are also a great way to take notes in your textbooks without actually writing in them.

Flag sticky notes are also useful for marking your place and important information you want to come back.

11. Small Stapler

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We may being living in a digital era, but not all things are turned in digitally at college.

Some papers have to be submitted the old fashioned way, aka on actual paper. Having a mini stapler ready in my backpack has saved my butt more than a few times.

You can easily pick one up for cheap at The Dollar Store, Target, or Walmart.

12. Scotch Tape and Scissors

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When you’re a college student, tape and scissors come in handy more often than you might imagine.

Which is why:

It’s a good idea to add a roll and a pair to your list of things to bring. You’ll be thanking yourself later when you need them!

13. Flash Drive

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If it wasn’t obvious, much of college work is done digitally these days.


When it’s time to print or present in class, you can use a portable flash drive to take your work with you.

Make sure to have one on your freshman college supply list. Many students forget to bring one!

14. Calculator

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Will you be taking any math classes? Or other classes that use math?

If so, you’ll want to add a calculator to your college supply list.

Sure you have one on your phone, but phones aren’t really allowed out during testing.


I advise checking with your instructor before purchasing one, though – some prefer a certain brand. You might even be able to score a calculator off a graduating student for cheap.

15. Academic Planner

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A top priority on a college supply list for freshman should be a planner. Maybe you used one in high school, or maybe you didn’t.

Either way:

I HIGHLY recommend getting an academic planner to use at college. There’s so much going on and so much to keep track.

Personally, it’s way too much for me to keep track of without help.

That’s where a planner comes in – I use it to keep track of my class schedule, important due dates for assignments, upcoming test dates, my work schedule, personal appointments, and more.

Honestly, it’s a real lifesaver and it makes my life feel so much more put together. I can’t suggest one enough!

NOTE: These last two items on my college supply checklist are the most expensive buys…
But – to me, they’re the most worth it. Because they’ll (hopefully) last throughout your whole college experience. I recommend going for quality when shopping for these things.

16. Backpack

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Yes, you still need a backpack!

Especially if your campus is large, and all your classes are consecutive. There are no lockers, and there is no time to stop at your car to get your books.

If you’re going to be toting around a laptop with you, make sure to choose a backpack that’s equipped to carry one.


That last thing you want to happen is for your laptop to get damaged – a replacement is far from cheap!

Laptop backpacks have a specific padded sleeve for extra security and many are water resistant, as well for extra safety.

17. Laptop

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You will basically LIVE on your laptop as a college student.

From researching assignments, writing papers, and communicating with instructors, a laptop is a must in this day and age!


Before you buy a laptop, make sure the one you pick can run all the programs required for your college.

This is the laptop I personally use, it’s been great and has met all my needs. I love how it doubles as a tablet!

💡 TIP: Look for “open box” deals to possibly score a lower price when you’re shopping around.

As a recap, here’s a list of what supplies you should pick up for college:❑ Pencils and erasers
❑ Black/blue and red ink pens
❑ Highlighters/mildliners
❑ Binder/s or accordion folder/s
❑ Notebooks
❑ Loose leaf paper
❑ Paper clips and binder clips
❑ Folders
❑ Wite-out
❑ Sticky notes
❑ Small stapler
❑ Scotch tape and scissors
❑ Flash drive
❑ Calculator
❑ Planner (for students)
❑ Backpack
❑ Laptop

→  Click to download the college school supply list PDF.


Final thoughts on what school supplies you need for college…

Hopefully this post answered your question of – what supplies do I need for college? – as far as day to day class items.

The college supply list should  come in handy during your preparation phase for freshman year. You can even even print it out to save for later!

I just know that the things on this checklist have been my main go-tos so far in my college career.


If you’re looking to cut down on school supply expenses, here are some places to look for FREE ones.


→ College Supply List PDF – download it for free!

Did I miss any essentials on this school supplies for college list? Let me know in a comment down below!


Posts related to college supplies:

  • FREE college packing checklist (60+ things to bring to college)
  • 22 unexpected things to bring to college (school & dorm necessities for freshman year)
  • 14 things every college student needs for the first day of school
  • Cute Laptop Backpacks that College Girls LOVE


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College Supply List for Freshman | FREE PDF Checklist

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Best School Supplies for College

When it comes to the best school supplies for college students, the list looks very different from when I went to college. I went to New York University.

For starters there weren’t any online classes let alone digital textbooks.

Yeah, I’m really dating myself.

In addition, we bought all of our textbooks in person.

Then, at the end of the semester, we sold them back to the bookstore.

Finally, we took all of our notes by hand.

Yeah, I know, I’m making myself sound ancient.

But buying school supplies for college really was different just a few years ago.

Even my own daughters started their university years needing certain school supplies.

Then, by the time they reached their senior year, their college school supply needs had completely changed.

Table of Contents

Best school supplies for college

Think of this blog post as a simple college school supplies checklist. I think it’s the perfect complement to my dorm must haves blog post.

These are the 16 products you should add to your college school supplies list.

These are definitely college must haves that you can trust. Why?

Because the information about the best school supplies for college students is coming from college students themselves.

These are, legit, the items my daughters have used at their universities and continue to do so now that they’re in graduate school.

College school supplies list

Finally, I promise that this post on the best school supplies for college will answer some of the most common questions, including:

  • What school supplies do I need for college?
  • What do college students need the most?
  • How many notebooks should I buy for college?
  • What are the back to school needs for college students?
  • What are some things you need for college classes?

Now, onto the list!

1. Post-It Notes

Remember how I mentioned how we used to buy textbooks in person?

Well, we also used to buy tons of highlighters, too.

That was so we could take notes in those textbooks using the highlighters to, well, highlight important information.

Both of my daughters made it through four years of undergraduate with buying just a few textbooks.

Instead they rented their textbooks through Amazon or borrowed them from the library.

Now that both are in graduate school, they’re taking the same approach.

So how are Post-It Notes relevant on this best school supplies for college list?

Well, both use Post-It Notes to mark important pages in their textbooks, just like I would use a highlighter.

In addition, they use transparent or clear sticky notes when they want to highlight text without writing on the page.

FYI, the Post-It brand of these transparent sticky pads is called Post-It Flags.

There is even an entire Post-It Notes store over on Amazon.

At the end of the semester, after finals are over, it’s easy to clean up their textbooks.

Remove all the sticky notes and send the textbook back to the rental place.

2. Daily Planner

Even though both of my daughters have iPhones–and calendar apps on those phones–both swore by a paper daily planner.

Or rather a physical planner that they could write in and bring with them to class.

One daughter preferred a planner that was daily. That is, each page was a day.

My other daughter liked her planner that was a week at a glance or weekly. She is more of a long-term planner and that worked for her.

3. Mechanical pencils

When you invest in mechanical pencils, you’ll never need a pencil sharpener.

My engineering student daughter lived and died (metaphorically) by these mechanical pencils.

Of course, with the mechanical pencils comes the need for refills.

Otherwise you can’t write with them.

4. Erasers

You may not need a pencil sharpener when you use a mechanical pencil. However, you will need an eraser.

Some mechanical pencils come with an eraser attached.

I say invest in a traditional pink eraser or white eraser.

It can’t hurt to have them on hand.

5. Pens

It’s a good idea to get yourself a new pack of pens, even if your house is like ours.

That is, there are tons of freebies pens floating around.

We likely got them at the bank, supermarket or some other place with a giveaway.

These freebie pens are great for being frugal. However, you do get what you pay for.

And if you paid nothing for the pens, don’t expect much for their longevity.

The worst thing would be showing up for class on the first day, grabbing one of these freebie pens, and the ink is dried up.

I prefer the retractable kind of pen, you know the one you “click” the top to get the point to come out.

That way you never have to worry about losing a top. Because once that top is gone, then the pens start to dry out.

6. Sharpies

Whether you’re working on a group project, making a sign for your sorority or just need a really good marker, you can’t go wrong with Sharpie markers.

Yes, I know that Sharpies can be expensive. But they last for years.

7. Highlighters

I know I’d said earlier that today’s college students likely aren’t using highlighters the same way I did when I was at my university.

And that would be in textbooks.

But that doesn’t mean that highlighters are obsolete.

There are going to be plenty of things that you print out in college that you may want to highlight.

I know that when I’m working in a printed version of a spreadsheet, I’ve always got highlighters at the ready.

Sharpie makes great highlighter pens

I would recommend investing in the Sharpie Highlighter 24 count. I’ve bought these for myself.

They’re smear proof, have a narrow chisel tip for precise highlighting, and they come in a range of colors.

There are mostly fluorescent yellow, but then you get a good amount of purple, orange, green and blue highlighters as well.

As I said there are 24 in all. That should easily last an entire school year.

8. Five-subject spiral notebook

Both of my daughters loved using five-subject spiral notebooks–with college lined pages.

That means there are more lines per page.

With more lines per page, you can take more notes before running out of room.

If they could find them, they always chose the five-subject spiral notebooks that also had dividers and pocket folders.

Most college students are taking four or five classes a semester.

So this kind of spiral notebook is super convenient for keeping all of your class notes in one place.

Plus, if you’re running late to class, you only have one notebook to worry about grabbing.

FYI, The Five Star brand spiral notebook comes with a guarantee.

Here’s my article on products with a lifetime guarantee.

9. Binder and loose-leaf paper

If you’re not a big fan of the spiral notebook, then a binder and loose-leaf paper are a must. I’ve written a lot about products with lifetime guarantees guess what?

There is a manufacturer that warrants its binders. In fact, there are two.

Staples Better Binders

The Better Binders brand from Staples comes with a lifetime guarantee. Yes, the store stands behind it.

Mead Five Star Plastic Binder

Mead’s plastic binder has a one-year guarantee.

So if you buy one as part of your college school supplies–and it falls apart before the school year is over–you can contact the parent company’s customer service.

My guess is they’ll send you a replacement for free.

10. Three-hole punch

Love your binders? Then you’re going to need a three-hole punch.

This way if you get a handout from class that you want to keep with the rest of your notes, you can punch three holes in the paper and add it in.

An alternative to the three-hole punch would be folders with three holes already in them.

You can add the folders to the binder and then slip loose papers into the folder pockets.

11. Flash drives

When it comes to printing things out at college, you’re going to be printing in computer labs.

Sometimes you can hook your own computer up to the printer using a USB.

Other times, you’ll need to use the computer on site.

And that’s why you need flash drives aka a thumb drive aka a jump drive aka that stick thingy.

Truth is during orientation you might get these as freebie handouts, thus saving you from having to buy them.

12. Laptop and charger

You may already have a laptop from high school so you should bring that to college for sure.

Most campuses are both Mac and PC friendly.

However, certain programs require certain kinds of computers.

Take the engineering program my younger daughter is in.

We are a Mac family and so she’s been using her MacBook and iPad for taking notes.

However, last semester she took a class that required her to use CAD for 3D printing.

Unfortunately, CAD only runs on a PC.

So in the summer, during the sales (such as the tax free shopping weekends), we looked for a cool PC laptop or Surface notebook for her.

If you’re in the market for a new computer, I would strongly suggest signing up for Rakuten, the cash back app.

Or you can try Honey, the browser extension, that finds promo codes for you.

Both are designed to save you money by giving cash back on your purchases or finding coupons that you can apply at checkout.

Not familiar with Rakuten? Here is my blog post that answers the question, “What is Rakuten?”

13. Headphones with a microphone

If any of your classes will be via an online university portal, then you’re going to need headphones with a built-in microphone.

Even better splurge for a pair that’s also noise-cancelling, like this pair from Sony.

That way you can use them to study, too. In other words, they’ll block out the noise around you so you can study better.

14. Basic desk supplies

What are basic desk supplies?

Scotch tape, scissors, a ruler or measuring tape (you never know), a stapler and staples.

You might not need these daily but they’re good to have with you.

Of course, if you’re living at home and attending school, like at a community college, you can always steal these from mom and dad!

Target is a great place for school, office and desk supplies.

15. Refillable water bottle

A refillable water bottle is less about school supplies in the classroom and more about staying hydrated on campus.

You’ll discover that dorms, cafeterias and classroom buildings likely have refilling stations.

Yes, that’s free filtered water for you.

Since you likely won’t have a dishwasher in a dorm (unless you’re living in an on-campus apartment), get a refillable water bottle that’s easy to hand wash.

Normally, I prefer Tervis Tumblers with a straw.

But I know if I put one in my backpack and bent over, I’d be soaked.

So, look for a refillable water bottle with a secure top.

Stainless steel without sweating is the best, such as Hydroflask.

One of the reasons I would recommend looking at the Camelbak stainless steel bottle? It comes with a lifetime warranty.

Here is my article about 32 brands on Amazon with a lifetime warranty.

16. Best school bags for college

I would be remiss in writing about the best school supplies for college if I didn’t mention school bags or backpacks.

You’re going to practically live out of your backpacks on campus.

My own daughters have done well with Jansport.

Jansport is one of the brands that offer a lifetime guarantee.

So if you’re looking for the best school bags or backpacks for college, I would strongly recommend the Jansport brand.

Tons of stores sell them.

You can buy Jansport online for pick up in store at Staples or online through or directly on the Jansport website.

Final thoughts on the best school supplies for college

So many of these school supplies are available on Amazon.

To make your shopping more convenient and easier, I’ve created a shopping list of the best school supplies for college over on Amazon.

Additionally, if you have not yet signed up for Amazon Prime Student, you should: you get the first six months for free.

All you’ll need is a college or university email address with the “dot edu” ending. Once you get that, go sign up for Prime Student. 

Another thing: at some point your school is going to send you a shopping list for your college dorm.

I offer advice over on this dorm shopping post about how to use it so you’re not overbuying.

If I’ve missed anything on this best school supplies for college list, let me know by posting a comment.

As I do with all of my posts, if there is a glaring omission, I will update the post accordingly.

Finally, here are some ways for college students to save money.

3 secrets of effective study and high grades at the session – Gala Center

School is behind, and ahead is a new path – studying at the university. Lots of lectures, seminars, tests and exams. Unfamiliar objects and a powerful stream of new information that needs to be systematized and memorized. But not everything is as scary as it might seem at first glance. Gala Center knows 3 secrets of effective study and high marks at the session, and is willing to share them with you.

New subject – new knowledge. Before you is a textbook filled with unknown information. Its pages are filled with solid printed text. Wherever there are paragraphs. No lists or selections for you. It is unrealistic to memorize all the educational material, but everyone can retell in their own words the main meaning of what they read. The main thing is to have a text highlighter on hand. With it, you can mark key points and filter out water. Now one glance at the page is enough to capture the essence of what is written.

4 reasons to use a text marker in your studies:

  1. It is convenient to highlight controversial / incomprehensible points that you need to pay attention to. In consultation with the teacher, you will ask clear questions and give precise examples, which saves a lot of time.
  2. When preparing a report, underline important thoughts and figures so that they are always visible. Even if you get confused in front of a large audience, the highlighted meaning of the report will allow you to continue your story.
  3. Helps prepare for the session. If you have a loose tongue and a rich imagination, it is enough to learn only important definitions in order to get a good mark in the humanities.
  4. When reading study materials, underline your favorite quotes and abstracts. It will be easier for you to remember them in order to use them in your vocabulary in the future.

The stationery marker should be highly visible, bright and translucent so that you can freely read the selected text. Ideally, the ink does not appear on the other side of the page, has increased durability, and does not fade in the sun. Marker ink has one secret – when scanning and copying documents, they become invisible. So you can safely draw figures and faces – others simply will not see them. But not everything is so simple here either. During the experiment, it turned out that only the yellow marker leaves no traces when creating a photocopy. A gray strip still remains from the rest of the highlighters. So if in the future you are going to make a copy of a page of a book or abstract, on which there should not be highlights with a marker, choose yellow. When copying documents, it does not appear. An excellent choice is ClipStudio’s yellow text marker.

You can buy text markers with two types of ink – water-based and alcohol-based. The first option is safe and easily washed off with water, but its contents evaporate quickly. Alcohol-based highlighters have a characteristic smell, but impress with their durability. When buying stationery, be sure to find out the composition of the ink. This knowledge will help extend the life of your writing utensils. Method one: open the plug at the end of the product, pour alcohol or water. The second way: if there is no opening plug, use a medical syringe and inject the liquid directly into the rod. Of course, these life hacks will not return the original brightness of the ink, but they will save you money on buying new text markers.

Blocks for records help to quickly assimilate information

Sticky stickers are a great alternative to bookmarks. You no longer need to fold the pages in a book and make notes with a pen. Just stick a sticker with a note. Leave red leaves on pages with important information, green leaves where questions remain, yellow leaves where you found new ideas.

Sticky note blocks are an effective tool to help you memorize text quickly. Colorful leaves contrast with textbook pages and help highlight important nuances. As you know, the text consists of water and key theses. Write down the essence of the page on a sticker and you won’t have to re-read it again. While preparing for a seminar or exam, you can quickly search for answers to questions.

Set: self-adhesive leaflets and bookmarks, 13×8 cm, 4 colors

₽ /pc.

Adhesive block set 50 sheets, 4 blocks per pack, 4 colors

26.13₽ /pc.

Self-adhesive bookmarks, 4 pieces of 100 sheets, 4 colors

18. 48₽ /pc.

Adhesive block neon 51x76mm, 100 sheets, assorted 4 block colors

₽ /pc.

ClipStudio arrow bookmarks with adhesive edge, plastic, 5 pieces of 25 sheets, 5 colors,

₽ /pc.

Glue block ClipStudio 76×76 mm, 100 sheets, neon, 4 colors

7 Reasons to Use Record Blocks During Training:

• highlight pages with important material
• you won’t have to leaf through a book for hours looking for important information
• group information by importance
• write down thoughts that arise while reading textbook
• mark sections to which you need to return and re-read
• write down incomprehensible terms and their interpretation
• Highlight the text where you meet your favorite quotes and sayings.

Also read: 6 Useful Uses for Record Blocks at Home and Office

Colorful bookmarks help highlight and group information

If you are reading books from the library, then highlighting is not appropriate here. It is also impossible to bend the pages, because textbooks must be protected for future generations. A good helper for every student will be bookmarks for books. Just like stickers, they help sort textbook sections by importance. Green bookmark – the material is learned and assimilated. Red – you need to work hard and even go for a consultation with the teacher. To make the learning process interesting, choose bright stationery. We love the 2 in 1 set: sticky notes and bookmarks.

Using these little secrets, you can quickly learn new information and prepare productively for tests, seminars and exams. The textbook will no longer be a fantastic book with incomprehensible text for you. Everything is clear, understandable and laid out on the shelves. Use these simple hacks and get high marks.

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12 tips for university freshmen

July 9, 2020

How to proceed


This knowledge will turn you from an insecure applicant into a real student.

1. Get to know your university before September 1st

Typically, a university building is much larger than a school building, so finding the right audience the first time can be difficult. Especially when the building is old and with a long chain of corridors. Or a university has several buildings: additional difficulties may arise if they also have internal divisions, for example, there are buildings 2, 2b, 2c. The names of classrooms in different buildings can be the same, so carefully check in the schedule not only the number of the office, but also the number of the building in which it is located.

Find in advance the classrooms in which you will have classes on the first day of school. It would be a shame to get lost and be late right at the start.

Be sure to check the location of the dean’s office – the organizational center of your faculty. You can go there for any question related to your studies. And usually somewhere nearby hangs a board with important announcements, job offers and schedules.

2. Know your schedule. At the university you will have two of them

The schedule in universities is noticeably different from the school one. At a minimum, the fact that training is divided into weeks: even and odd. The schedule varies depending on this – be careful.

Also, don’t confuse lectures with seminars. At the first, the teacher tells a topic, at the second, the students speak: they share their homework: answer questions, show reports and presentations.

First couples may be in different buildings on different days. This also needs to be monitored.

An obvious life hack that not everyone comes up with: in order not to forget the schedule, take a picture of it, write it down in a notebook, make a note on your phone or add the start time of classes to the calendar on your smartphone.

3. Don’t forget about non-core subjects

If you are a humanities student and dreamed of graduating from school as soon as possible so that you would never hear about mathematics again, we have bad news for you. Techies who want to forget about Russian lessons forever – for you too.

The schedule of all faculties must include general education disciplines. For example, physical education, philosophy, psychology, concepts of modern natural science, economic theory, Russian language.

Attending them is important, even if you don’t like couples. Absenteeism and neglect can negatively affect your grades and overall performance. After all, you still have to hand over these items at the session. This is especially important for those who receive a scholarship or plan to transfer to the budget. So, rescheduling missed physical education lessons postponed to the next semester will come back to you.

Go to non-core couples and be active: ask questions, answer at seminars. Perhaps for this you will be given a test or an automatic exam.

If general education subjects make you sad, try changing your attitude towards them. Consider these disciplines as a way to expand your horizons, to become more erudite. And physical education, for example, is like free classes with a coach. And remember that this is temporary: usually such subjects are taught in the first courses, and then the schedule of 90 percent consists of specialized disciplines.

4. Visiting classes and doing homework is your concern

Another obvious truth, the neglect of which leads to sad consequences. Nobody cares about the progress of students, unlike schoolchildren, since this is your responsibility, not teachers: you study poorly and play truant – expect deductions.

Attend all lectures whenever possible, ask questions, prepare for seminars, and complete term papers and semester papers on time. This will increase your chances of passing or exam automatically. And today it is easier to get access to all the necessary literature than 20 years ago, when the Internet was not so widespread and you had to “live” in the library.

5. Take notes, but don’t try to write lectures verbatim

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It’s not a good idea to come to a lecture and miss two academic hours staring at the ceiling. In these sessions, the instructors provide information that will help you prepare for the seminar or session. Therefore, it is important to write it down. And no, it is not always in one textbook that you can easily read a couple of days before the exam. That is why it is in your own interest to attend lectures. So you can not only take notes, but also record information on a voice recorder or ask the teacher again if something is not clear.

Some teachers do not allow you to pass an exam or a test without writing in a notebook or notebook.

Usually teachers speak quickly in lectures and do not repeat the same thought several times. Use abbreviations to keep track of notes, for example:

  • Abbreviations: => (hence), (approximately), = (equal, same).
  • Letter abbreviations: f (function), t (time). If the topic of the lecture, for example, is the rule of law, write combinations PG instead.

Do not count on copying notes from one of your classmates. Sometimes, due to abbreviations, students’ notes are difficult to decipher even for themselves.

6. Communicate with classmates

This is a great school of life: in the future you will need to interact and negotiate with different people. In addition, at the university there are often collective tasks that are much easier to complete with those with whom you have established contact. Try to be friendly with everyone, but do not tolerate bullying and unpleasant people – feel free to bypass them: there will be neither benefit nor positive emotions from this communication.

Get contact numbers from the head of the group and responsible students. This can come in handy: if you get lost and do not find an audience, or if you skip a couple and need to learn your homework.

7. Switch from studies to useful rest

The university has a huge selection of classes. These are clubs, for example, a discussion or business club, scientific communities, their own KVN team, and sports teams. You can find out what the university offers interesting in the Department of Extracurricular Activities.

You can also go to parties with classmates or to nightclubs, bars, pubs. The main thing is not to make such evenings the norm and try not to break away if you have a seminar tomorrow at eight in the morning. Coming to class drunk is a bad idea.

8. Don’t Pay Attention to Horror Stories About Teachers

Older students often share stories about teachers with freshmen. “Marya Petrovna’s exam can only be passed the third time”, “Ivan Vasilyevich always chooses a couple of favorites, and the rest he brings down”, “Kira Semyonovna is so cool, you can get a test from her without even preparing.” You don’t need to believe in it and set yourself up for bad (or good) in advance, thinking that nothing depends on your efforts.

But you can listen to general useful advice. For example, “Vasily Vasilich likes to ask clarifying questions”, “Agafya Arkadyevna strictly keeps records of attendance, but Irina Petrovna does not remember students well in person – you can skip a couple of classes.

9. Don’t try to sit behind your back

If you come to an empty or half-empty auditorium, don’t run to the back desks. Teachers do not like such students. They may think that you sat down there to chat, stick on your smartphone or sleep.

It is not necessary to select the front desks. If you do not want to be active and be in direct contact with the teacher, sit in the middle. This is the perfect place to be smart and lazy.

Ask questions, try to be remembered by the teacher – often they favor those who were more active and noticeable, and not the most brilliant. If you are very smart, but sit and be silent, the teacher may simply not know about your outstanding talents.

10. Keep track of your budget

A student’s income may consist of pocket money given to him by his parents, scholarships, wages he receives on a part-time job. These funds will be spent on public transport, meals, clothing, entertainment. And if the student lives separately from his parents, then the cost of an apartment or hostel may also be added to the costs.

It is convenient to keep track of the budget in a notebook, notes or special applications on your smartphone.

Students can save on many things. Be sure to check what benefits you are entitled to. For example, a travel card in public transport, discounts in museums, cafes, clothing stores.

11. Keep a daily routine

Lack of sleep, lack of breaks, improper diet lead to decreased productivity, poor brain function and other problems. Therefore, you do not need to study around the clock and not sleep for several nights.

Strong coffee or energy drinks will not save you from a regular lack of rest. The human body gets used to the dose of caffeine within a week and stops responding to it. In general, you can drink coffee for vigor, the main thing is no more than four cups a day.

12. Apply knowledge in practice and seize opportunities

If you have time, look for specialized practices and internships during your studies.