School for a 2 year old: School for 2 years old in Brooklyn, NY

Опубликовано: December 30, 2022 в 9:25 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Preschool Program for 2-, 3-, and 4-Year-Olds

Step inside the classrooms of Seneca Academy’s preschool program and you will encounter the enthusiastic buzz of active, engaged learning. You will witness children happily working in small and large groups, individually, or one-on-one with their teachers: creating, cooperating, practicing, remembering, exploring, and solving problems. They may be measuring sand, investigating bugs, painting pictures, bouncing balls or listening to a story; our children spend their time here involved in productive, dynamic learning throughout the day.

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program

Seneca Academy has been authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization as a World School offering the Primary Years Program. Through the IB PYP, we help students develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills to live, learn, and work in a rapidly globalizing world. Since 1983 our preschool program has provided an outstanding, developmentally appropriate program for young children. The program is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education and accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland and DC Schools. Small classes exceed state requirements and ensure each child receives the attention he or she deserves. We offer an academic curriculum for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds and a one-day- or two-days-a-week Parent’s Day Out program for 2-year-olds (see Parent’s Day Out Program for more information).

A child’s preschool years are a rich time of exploration, wonder, and growth. At Seneca Academy, we believe these foundational years are critical to developing young learners’ sense of independence, competence, and resilience. Through carefully planned and administered classroom environments, developmentally appropriate curriculum and activities, and inquiry-based teaching methods, our warm, nurturing teachers lead children to discoveries that allow them to thrive.

While our students’ work may look like play, they are building a solid academic foundation both in and out of the classroom. Throughout the day, children have many opportunities to choose activities that are of personal interest. For example, teachers engage students in early literacy skills, such as letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and story comprehension through a variety of activities including dramatic play, music, and art. Students develop their number sense and problem-solving skills through the use of manipulatives such as building blocks, calendars, and puzzles. Regardless of the task, our teachers are skilled at differentiating activities in order to support each child’s growth within a nurturing environment.

The Seneca Academy preschool curriculum is designed to stimulate thinking, engage children, and build competence. Our preschool curriculum covers six areas: language arts, mathematics and scientific thinking, social studies, the arts (music and visual arts), physical development and health, and personal and social development. Daily schedules include a balance of activities that are both child-directed and teacher-directed. On most days, we have outside play on one or two playgrounds, which are part of our National Wildlife Federation Certified Schoolyard Habitat.

Our Preschool Threes program focuses on developing children’s independence, socialization, and communication skills in an academic setting. Practicing cooperative behavior and problem solving with classmates prepares our students for future classroom success.

In each Prekindergarten class, teachers continue to encourage social and emotional growth, while nurturing and expanding intellectual and academic abilities. Through engaging, relevant and meaningful activities, teachers prepare students for a challenging kindergarten experience.

  • Each classroom has a teacher and a support teacher.
  • There are up to 14 students in our 3’s classes and up to 16 students in our 4’s classes.
  • Our teachers all have at least a bachelor’s degree and significant training in early childhood education. Most have taught at Seneca Academy for many years.
  • Toilet training is required for all preschool programs, except Parent’s Day Out.
  • Students desiring to enroll in the Preschool Threes program must be 3 by September 1 of the year of entry. Students desiring to enroll in Prekindergarten must be 4 by September 1 of the year of entry. Students desiring to enroll in Extended Day Prekindergarten must be 4 by June 1 of the year of entry.


Welcome to the Cavalier Cove.

We are so excited to be a part of your child’s first experience as a Cavalier.  In The Cove, we are “all hands on deck” to prepare your child to set sail on their Cavalier Voyage.  Our mission in the two-year-old program is to provide a loving, nurturing and safe learning environment for our youngest Cavaliers. We understand each child is unique and special; therefore, our instructors encourage and support individuality, creativity, interactive play, and hands-on learning. At Augusta Prep, our talented teachers help children to develop the skills they need to become successful learners in preschool and beyond.

  • Cavalier Cove play

Research shows that a low teacher to student ratio is critical for creating effective learning environments. Cavalier Cove offers a 6:1 student to teacher ratio, which is significantly lower than the state recommended ratio of 10:1, and allows us to provide the highest quality instruction and learning experience. Teachers utilize our beautiful outdoor spaces for exploration and play, encouraging students to discover and create through hands-on investigation. 

Character is emphasized throughout the Lower School with a focus on four pillars of character development: kindness, respect, honesty, and responsibility. In Cavalier Cove, we aim to develop the whole child, encouraging both academic and interpersonal growth. Therefore, character traits are incorporated throughout the day as children learn to interact with their classmates in a positive way. Our teachers gently guide students to resolve conflicts and model problem-solving skills while encouraging empathy and respect. 

  • Cavalier Cove play

List of 2 items.

  • Cavalier Cove Schedule:

    7:50-8:30: Bathroom time

    8:30-9:00: Good morning/songs and dance/get moving

    9:00-9:30: Snack time/carpet time

    9:30-9:45: Table time 

    9:45-10:15: Playground

    10:15-10:30: Bathroom break

    10:30-11:00: Center time/busy brains

    11:00-11:15 Potty break

    11:15-11:45 Lunch

    11:45-12:00 Storytime/Potty Break

    12:00- 12:30 Playground

    12:30 – 12:45 Bathroom  break

    1:00 Half Day Dismissal

    12:45-2:15 Nap time

    2:15-2:30 Bathroom break

    2:30-2:45 End of the day review and pack up

    2:45 Transition to Extended Care

  • What to bring:

    Our two-year-olds are given a personalized tote bag upon enrolling in our program. This tote bag will be used throughout their preschool years and into kindergarten. 

    A supply of pull-ups and wipes should be brought from home and will be stored for only your child’s use. Bedding for rest time should also be brought from home. (Cots are provided by the school.)

    Healthy snacks are provided twice daily. Lunch can be brought from home or ordered for your child through the school website.


     If your child has any dietary restrictions, please let us know.  We will be happy to accommodate accordingly. 

Hours of Operation:

Half Day: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 
Full Day:  8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

*Students in the toddler two program may be dropped off as early as 7:20 a.m. for early morning childcare.

  • Two-Year-Old Program 2022-2023 Calendar

Early Childhood School for 2-3 year olds – Step Up

2-3 years old is the age at which you already plan to send your child to kindergarten. But for many kids, kindergarten is stress and tears. Because he has to part with his mother, because he is forced to break his habits, must adapt to new conditions and a new environment. In addition, your baby should get used to obey the teacher. If you want this transition from family to kindergarten to take place in the least stressful form for the baby, you need to take care of this in advance. Our activities for the little ones will help you and your child cope with this task. Mom or dad will be able to attend the lesson as long as necessary. But, as a rule, after a couple of weeks of attending classes, all the children in the group calmly remain without their mothers and work independently and enthusiastically in the lesson! By attending our classes, the child gets used to independence.

In our comprehensive classes for kids, we try to do everything so that children develop harmoniously in accordance with their age. Our program is aimed at: and ideas about the surrounding world

  • development of purposeful motor activity, coordination of movements and fine motor skills
  • development of imagination and creativity
  • acquiring the first skills of communication with peers and a teacher

By the end of the first year of study Your child:

  • Will expand his vocabulary and significantly improve his conversational speech
  • will learn to compare and analyze, reason and draw conclusions, solve simple logical problems
  • will develop memory, visual perception and attention;
  • will master spatial concepts (high, low, near, near, etc. ), will learn how to correctly use prepositions denoting the location of objects in speech;
  • will learn to count confidently up to 5
  • will broaden his horizons, his ideas and concepts about the world around him
  • will master the first techniques of drawing, modeling, appliqué.
  • will learn to play together with peers, negotiate with children and adults without quarrels and tears.

Classes are organized as follows:

  • During the adaptation period (may take up to 2 weeks), children study together with an accompanying adult who actively participates in the class, helps the child, and sometimes performs the exercises proposed by the teacher for him, because kids need support and an example of people close to him. When the child is ready to be left alone in class, the accompanying adult is waiting for the child in the hallway.
  • Classes are held in the form of a game. For the lesson, we specifically test and select the most effective games, exercises, methodological techniques.
  • Different types of activities in the classroom quickly replace each other. As a result, the child does not overwork and retains attention throughout the lesson.
  • Classes are held in small groups (up to 5-6 people), which allows finding an individual approach to each child.

You can see an approximate plan for a developmental lesson for children 2-3 years old here …

You may be interested in:

  • We invite children to dance
  • Dances for children 2-3, 3-4 years old
  • Kinetic sand games

Early child development, children 1, 2 and 3 years old


Classes for children 8 months – 3 years / Frequency 1, 2 times a week / Duration 60 min.

The Little Prince in the program “School of motherhood”

The Little Prince in the program “Mom in the Big City”

The Little Prince channel “Moscow”

The child’s activity is always aimed at obtaining a new result for him, new information, new impressions. At an early age, the foundation is laid, which gives a powerful impetus to the successful development of the child’s potential. Effective developmental classes up to three years open up great opportunities for further self-realization.

What development activities do for kids:

1-2 years

  • development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, communication skills;
  • sensory development;
  • development of tactile perception;
  • development of orientation in space;
  • familiarization with others;
  • formation of constructive activity;
  • physical, musical and aesthetic development.

2-3 years

  • formation of elementary mathematical representations;
  • formation of analytical reading mechanisms;
  • development of attention, memory, thinking, tactile perception and orientation in space;
  • familiarization with the environment.