Reading is very important: 10 Reasons Why Reading is a Skill Every Child Should Develop

Опубликовано: May 8, 2023 в 3:35 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Why Is Reading Important? 25 benefits very important of reading

We’ve all come across WELL-READ men/women in our lives at some point or the other. Why do they impress us? Why do we respect these so-called well-read, wise people? Why do we naturally assume them to be clever? Think about it for a second.

Reading is complicated. You don’t agree? The definition truly is.

Reading, I think, is recognizing the language, prose, and context of what is being seen by your eyes. And then, the brain will process that, understand it, and visualize what is being read in the mind’s eye and derive meaning from it.

But who cares what I think, Wikipedia says, Reading is the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning. It is a form of language processing. Success in this process is measured as reading comprehension. Reading is a means for language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and ideas.

When did reading begin? A brief history of reading

Did you know reading date’s way back to 3500 B.C., and it was considered a rare skill then? My research on literacy tells me that people at that time who mastered this skill of reading made public performances to display their skill.

 The printing press was invented in the 1400s, and it took Americans another 500 years to start reading literature on a mass level.

How has reading changed over the years?

Ever wondered how the ancient laws, culture, ways of life, thoughts, and stories reached us? If our ancestors never took the time to write down all they experienced for us to read, and if we thought blah, reading all that is a waste of time, where would we be now?

Reading helps. Imagine your life without books, magazines, newspapers, heck – the internet, blogs etc. Unimaginable, I know. So, should we move on to the benefits reading offers?

 Reading is essential because it helps your mind do all the processing and understanding and comprehending without being a chore. To put it in Tom DE Paolo’s words

“Reading is important because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.”

I love reading for the sheer pleasure of escaping into an unknown world with unknown people and watching their life unfold before me in a manner unique to me. As my take on what I am reading is unique and independent to my imagination of it.

And that, in my opinion, is one of the reasons bookworms like you and I rarely like a movie adaptation of a popular book- Because it is nothing like what we imagined. Now you agree!

25 very important benefits of reading

Reading expands your mind your horizon

Reading exposes you to a different perspective. Your book’s story may be from a different era, about a person living in a far off land. You learn about their circumstances, lifestyle, habits, and thoughts and consequently it expands your mind. It makes you understand something better.

Makes you smarter

As you age your brain ages too. Scientific studies claim that regular reading habits can prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Expands your vocabulary

How often have you marveled at an author’s skill to say what he meant in a precise word, instead of using 20 words to describe what he implied? Reading exposes you to new words, newer meanings. That will help you to communicate better and write better.

Improves your command on the language

Reading would expose you to forms of language like grammar, punctuation, different spellings, and of course, vocabulary. Try reading aloud; it is a well-researched method to deepen your understanding of the English language.


Didn’t I already say that I read books because they give me the pleasure of escaping into a world of unknowns? They entertain by pleasing. You might say TV entertains me better. But watching TV limits your imagination to the version the director of the content perceived. While reading lets your imagination run wild. What else could entertain better?  Reading as entertainment was used long before TV was ever invented.

Reduces Stress

Any reader will know that reading comforts. It is peaceful, Zen-like. Your mind is relieved of its worries, problems, and anxieties when you get swept away in a storybook.  We get unknowingly stressed, getting through our daily lives and keeping pace with our surroundings. Reading is a way of unwinding and letting go of the daily burdens of life and consequently reducing stress.  When I am stressed, I always turn to romance novels, and I am soon smiling again.

It Mentors You

Self-help books offer great wisdom. They give you all the expertise and advice a veteran took several years to acquire in a concise 300-page book. People share their success formulae, their rags to riches stories or stories of overcoming a disability, or even the easiest way to learn a new programming language. These masters in their field want to mentor through their books.  Reading their book is the first step to do to achieve this great success.

Helps you Travel

The story you’re reading about may take you all over the seven continents or different countries and cultures. It may act as a travel machine and take you to World War II or a dystopian future through sci-fi. Traveling through books always reminds of reading George R.R. Martin’s a Song of Ice and Fire that takes me to King’s landing, and Winter fell, the Wall and the land beyond the Wall.

Reading makes you knowledgeable

Experts believe that by reading three books about a topic, you can grow your knowledge of the topic by 95%. Imagine reading 10; it would probably make you the subject matter expert.

Reading gives you knew friends

A book comprises of its characters, and readers resonate with their characters and thus make new friends. Virtual friends aside, there are places like Goodreads where you can join book clubs or discuss opinions about a book you just read and find like-minded book lover friends.

Drives away boredom, loneliness and hence depression

Reading keeps your mind occupied, which would kill boredom. When you are reading what the author wants to communicate to you and resonate with his/her writing, you make a friend. Depression is a complex problem that needs a comprehensive solution. Still, reading self-help books that help you overcome the problem to some extent, is a healthy means of reducing the symptoms. Or even reading a happy and joyous fiction book can get the job done.

Reading facilitates self-introspection

Memoirs are an excellent way to do self-introspection. Memoirs tell us what problems people faced and how they overcame them. Reading them can help us ask ourselves how we would solve such a problem. It can help you question your ways. It can help you embrace yourself for who you are.

Inexpensive good habit –saves money

Books are cheap. Way cheaper than any other hobbies or habits. With the advent of digital books and the Kindle e-books are even free now. Join a library to get a lifetime’s supply of books at a tiny price.

Hobby with Zero Effort

Ever heard that too much reading spoiled me. Painting messes the house. Cooking messes your kitchen and utensils. Hiking takes effort. Writing takes creativity. Exercising is strenuous. What does reading take, a good book and yourself and your set.

Sharpens your memory

Reading daily benefits the brain in terms of memory- your focus on the comprehension aids in retaining what you’ve processed. Reading stimulates the part of the brain to do with memory and hence exercises the brain’s memory powers.

Helps you forget

While reading Fiction generally, I get so caught up in the story and its characters that I lose track of time. You may have experienced this too. You were so absorbed in a book that you temporarily forgot about all other things on your mind. For me, this works because when I get back to solving my problems, the reading distraction has created a fresh perspective for my work.

Improves your focus and concentration

A book’s power to keep you engaged naturally helps you focused on it. So it helps to make your mind sharper by getting it to focus and concentrate on chores quickly.

Improves your writing skills

When you read more, you learn about different writing styles. You acquire knowledge about different topics. I learn better vocabulary, better grammar, and consequently master the language better. So automatically, this reflects well in your writing.

Reading can encourage life goals

Other people’s stories who succeeded despite severe hardships in their lives, always inspire and motivate us to achieve better. Reading about them and their circumstances help us in moving towards our goals and dreams. If he or she could, why not me? Haven’t we all read that Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before he invented the light bulb? Don’t we feel amazed at his tenacity when we read what he said after that, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times? The light bulb was an invention of 1,000 steps.

Makes you sleep better

Frankly, it’s funny, but sometimes I do doze off while reading a book. I am sure you’ve experienced this too. But that’s not always because the book was boring. It’s more because reading relaxes your mind, just like a spa treatment does. Trust me when I say I’ve woken up in the middle of my massage snoring. Don’t laugh!

Helps empathize better

Getting to read about people, listening to their stories, understanding their circumstances, felling their pain makes us aware of our surroundings. That, in turn, helps us empathize better with our fellow beings. Research suggests that long term fiction readers who read about the inner workings of the characters in their books tend to be more skillful in maintaining their social relationships.

Helps analyze better

When you’ve read many books, doesn’t your mind automatically analyze that I liked this book/author better, or I would like to read more on this topic. Reading stimulates your brain, increases focus, and that helps critical thinking and analysis skills.

Productive use of time

Waiting in a line for your doctor’s appointment, read, and your time will pass away quickly. Commuting to and fro from office in a crowded bus, pick a book, and you’ll forget about your surroundings. Unwind into your weekend with a good mystery book, coffee and popcorn, and that’s a weekend well spent. 

Reading books could make you smile

After a stressful day at work, don’t you ever feel like slipping into a warm tub and getting lost in a cozy mystery or mushy romance novel? I do. Why? Because I know that reading will bring joy to my tired body and stressed mind. Meditation and Yoga might do the trick as well, but sometimes even that is just too much effort. Reading in the morning brightens my day like no other. Sometimes, after I’ve squabbled with someone, I pick up my favorite witty authors and smile in no time. 

Works out your brain – like exercise works out your body

What you feed your body shows, similarly what you feed your mind reflects. If you eat junk food all the time and never work out, your body will complain sooner rather than later. Similarly, if all you think is negative thoughts and only watch TV to stimulate your brain, your brain’s capacity is never going to grow. Our mind needs this workout in the form of reading to perform at its best.

Benefits of reading to babies and toddlers

Did you ever hear of a mom who scolded her kids for reading too much? Never, because there is nothing wrong with reading, on the contrary, it has loads of benefits that I already told you about.

Additionally, research suggests that reading to your infants and growing up toddlers, creates a happy memory associated with reading in your child’s mind. That, in turn, might help the reading habit grow for the child. Reading aloud stimulates their imagination and expands their perception of the world around them. The bright colors on board books attract them, and the cute animal characters on them make them curious. They relate themselves to the story’s character, and the moral of the story broadens their mind to infinite possibilities.   

Vocabulary building, language development, building empathy, more persuasive communication, and stronger self-confidence are well-researched and VERY IMPORTANT benefits of reading for children.

 Your small repetitive actions for your children can have significant effects on their brain and hence their future. Why ignore this small good habit?

How to read more books? 20 hacks to fit more reading into your daytime


Nothing happens without planning. Set a goal of maybe 12 books in a year, so one every month. Make a list of say 25 books that you would wish to read this year and narrow-down on 12 along the way. If you’re feeling ambitious, you may opt for 50 books in a year challenge or 100!

Try shorter books first

That way, you’ll efficiently finish what you’ve started, and every step towards your goal will build your confidence.

That way, you’ll efficiently finish what you’ve started, and every step towards your goal will build your confidence.

Pick from your favorite genres

Reading should be fun, not a chore. I like romance and crime novels in the fiction genre. I alternate between the genres to keep it interesting.

Utilize spare time

On your commute. At the doctor’s clinic. Put every minute to good use.

Haul books

I always visit book sales. I end up buying a massive pile of books without burning a hole in my pocket and get excited like a puppy with a bone. And I naturally fall into a mindset of reading at least a majority of them, if not all.

Make it a habit

Ready daily at least 20 minutes a day. Set a time when you would do it and stick to it.

Identify the problems

What’s stopping you from reading? Do you fall asleep? Don’t read in bed. Identify the problem; the solution will follow.

Make fun changes

Listen to Audiobooks. They are all the rage now. And what’s more, you can listen to them while cooking or laundry or cleaning the house.

Give up on books you hate

It’s ok to quit on a book you are not enjoying. You might be amazed to see people’s DNF (Did Not Finish) piles.

Forget what people will say

Read what you enjoy. If you love reading an erotic romance, do it. Try e-books if you feel embarrassed-that way, no one needs to know what you are reading.

Carry books wherever you go

Always keep a book in your bag. This goes back to the point where I mentioned you utilize every spare minute you have. Carry your Kindle in your bag, so you have multiple options to pick from depending on your mood. 

Budget for books

While planning your monthly budgets plan some money for your books. They don’t need much. And they are worth every dime spent.

Get involved socially

Join Bookstagram. It’s an awesome community on Instagram for book lovers. Participate in reading challenges.

Reading Buddy or Book Club Buddy

Find a buddy or book forum or book club. Sign up at Goodreads and discuss whatever you like about the books you’ve read.


Organize your unproductive time. Set your Netflix time to one hour a day or whatever suits you and stick to it. Spend the remaining spare time reading.

Read Multiple

Read multiple books at a time. I have a self-help book on my work table. A romance novel in my bedroom. A mystery on my Kindle. Whatever my mood, I always have something to go.

Review books

Share your opinions about a book on a blog or book forum. The interaction that happens will have you reading more books.

The 5-hour rule

Employ the 5-hour rule used by Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and Jack Ma. Influential people spend at least one hour a day or 5 hours a week learning or practicing something new through reading.

Read Aloud

Read aloud when you are finding it hard to focus on the book once you are hooked switch to regular reading.

My Blog

Still not pumped, visit my blog and go through this list again, at least one of these hacks is guaranteed to pump you up.

FAQs Frequently Asked Questions About Reading

Q.Why is reading important for children?

For the reader who has directly skipped to the FAQs, here’s my answer to why reading is important for children and its benefits.

Q. Why is reading important for adults?

Reading has enormous benefits. Please check my elaborate version of it here.

Q. Why is reading aloud important?

Brain stimulation, increased focus and concentration, connection of emotion between the spoken word and written word, increased attention span are important benefits of reading aloud for kids and adults.

 For kids, reading aloud with the family is also a warm and happy way of bonding with family.

Q. Why is reading essential for speech DEVELOPMENT?

For the simple reason, that reading develops vocabulary and language. Reading aloud helps in pronunciation and emoting the spoken word in connection to the written word that helps develop speech.

Why is reading non-fiction important?

Non-fiction is about real people. Learning from other people’s struggles, their lives, their successes, their failures. The paths they followed, the formulae they applied, and the motivation and inspiration they received made them successful enough to inspire us, readers. How can this be anything but beneficial? To us. It’s essential to keep learning every day, and non-fiction content provides an easy opportunity to do that.

Why is reading FICTION important?

Some research mentions that reading fiction is much more critical than non-fiction. Because reading about fictitious characters and their pains relates us to them where we imagine ourselves in their shoes. Fiction helps us to empathize better. We begin to understand what motivates people. Why they do what they do?

Why is visualization important in reading?

Creating a mental image helps us understand the text better, reach more in-depth, and find the greater meaning of what the author is trying to say. Visualization also encourages imagination and hence creativity.

How long should I read in a day?

Twenty minutes a day is optimum. If you can do more, try the 5-hour method employed by the most successful people in the world—one hour every day, five days a week.


There isn’t a definite answer to this book. It depends on a lot of factors like your reading speed, the availability of time you have, the access to books you have, etc.

But to give you some figures, at least one book a month should be doable. That’s 12 books a year. Or if you can read faster, one book a week, that should make it 52 in a year. Accomplish either, and you’ve done a great job guys.

Voracious readers challenge themselves to 100 books a year, so they have to read an average of 2 books a week. I am yet to do this challenge, but I intend to work on it soon.

Why is reading more important than watching TV?

TV watching or watching movies on any online platforms is a mindless, passive activity. There is no function for the brain involved. It is just that, watching.

Whereas reading is complex and active. It involves the brain through stimulation, through deriving meaning from what is being read by the eyes. It requires focus and attention. So what could be more vital, exercising the brain or just mindless watching?

Moreover, have you heard of TV preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s or Dementia?

Does reading make you rich and successful?

Reading alone cannot help you get rich or successful. You need to support your reading with action to produce money and wealth. It can give you the knowledge, but you need to apply it to make it work for you.

Is reading a newspaper considered good reading?

Newspapers educate you about current events. They may be biased out of political vendetta. In comparison, books have a very different purpose of educating, inspiring, nurturing creativity and imagination or imparting knowledge. Books take months to research and write, often years. At the same time, newspapers are printed every day, without depth to the topic being discussed.

Although reading the newspapers is a good habit, only reading newspapers will not benefit substantially.

Hope you this was enough information for you to begin reading and begin reading more!

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Happy Reading!

10 Reasons Why Reading Is Important

by Emmaline Soken-Huberty

We have so many choices when it comes to how we spend our time. Why should we read when there are movies, TV shows, video games, and more? Reading both fiction and non-fiction comes with a wide range of benefits. Here are ten reasons why reading is important:

This is Why You Should Read Books -…

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This is Why You Should Read Books – Benefits of Reading Books

#1. It improves your creativity and imagination

If you ever feel stuck creatively, reading can stretch those muscles. When you read a book, especially fiction, it stimulates your imagination. Your mind paints a picture of what you’re reading, so you become an active participant in the activity. At least one study supports this benefit. 100 people read either a fictional story or a nonfiction essay, and then completed a questionnaire. The fiction readers were more creative in their answers than the essay readers.

#2. It helps you learn

To grow as a person, you always want to stay curious and keep learning. There will always be things you don’t know, and reading can bridge the gaps and open up new worlds. In the 1990’s, Keith Stanovich and his colleagues performed reading studies to identify the link between reading, cognitive skills, and factual knowledge. According to Stanovich, the results showed that “avid readers” had 50% more fact-based knowledge than people who didn’t read much.

#3. It increases your vocabulary

In those same studies by Stanovich, he also discovered that avid readers have a 50% larger vocabulary. This is most likely because the more you read, the more unfamiliar words you come across. You can learn the meanings either through context or looking them up, and over time, your vocabulary gets bigger and bigger. The process of learning new words is good for your brain.

#4. It improves memory

Research shows that reading, even if it’s just a little bit every day, can help improve your memory. This is because reading stimulates the part of the brain responsible for attention and memory. As you read through a text, you need to remember what’s happened before in order to follow the narrative or themes the writer is addressing. You may not even be aware that your mind is remembering things, but the process exercises and stretches the brain.

#5. It increases your concentration and attention span

Reading takes more concentration than a passive activity, like watching TV. To follow where a writer is going, you need to pay close attention to the words you’re reading and their meaning. This action stimulates the brain, improving your ability to stay focused. People who can sit and read for hours have excellent attention spans, which can be harnessed for other tasks that require concentration.

#6. It improves your writing skills

If you are interested in the craft of writing at all, you know that some of the best authors recommend lots of reading. The more you read, the more familiar you become with structure, character development, and writing styles. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction writing. Even if you don’t need to write much in your daily life, reading prepares you for any time when you might need to, whether it’s a Christmas letter, email, personal blog, or journal entry.

#7. It reduces stress

Stress is a common problem these days and there are many ways to deal with it. Reading is one of the best. A 2009 study conducted by Mindlab International at the University of Sussex discovered that after people read quietly for just six minutes, their heart rates slowed down and they had less muscle tension. Their stress levels actually reduced by an impressive 68%, making reading more effective than talking a walk or listening to music. By focusing their minds on what they were reading, people could distance and distract themselves from anxious thoughts and feelings.

#8. It could extend your life

Reading can actually help you live longer. In a 12-year study performed by Yale University, researchers monitored 3600 adults over 50-years old. Those who read books for at least 30 minutes a day lived around 2 years longer than those who read newspapers or magazines. While we can’t say that reading ensures a longer life, this study does show a connection. It could be that reading and its ability to improve cognitive functions keeps neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s at bay.

#9. It boosts your empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and sympathize with other people, even when we don’t agree with them on something. While some people possess lots of natural empathy, most of us could use a bit more. Reading can help. In 2013, different members of a group read different genres such as literary fiction, popular, fiction, and nonfiction. A control group read nothing. Throughout the experiment, researchers learned that people who read literary fiction were better at identifying facial expressions and guessing how the characters in their books would act. This is because in literary fiction, characters tend to be complex. Readers must pay closer attention and exercise empathy in order to understand them. Those skills translate into the real world.

#10. It expands your understanding of the world

Speaking of the real world, reading both fiction and nonfiction can change your perspectives on things. How? Books are like windows. By looking through them, you can see different views on humanity, current events, history, culture, and more. If you intentionally seek out voices and authors who are very different from you, your understanding expands even more.

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Article Why Should You Read Books?

Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, gives us endless knowledge and lessons, while keeping our mind active . Books can contain and store all sorts of information, stories, thoughts and feelings unlike anything else in this world. The importance of a book that helps us learn and understand things cannot be underestimated.

What is the benefit of reading?

The benefits of reading books are obvious. Books broaden the horizons of a person, enrich his inner world, make him smarter. And it is also important to read books because it increases the vocabulary of a person, develops a clear and precise thinking. A person who reads speaks better.

Why should we read books?

Books help to learn something new, keep up the conversation or show off erudition in the company. But the writers themselves see in literature and non-obvious bonuses. A reader rarely feels lonely, with the help of a good story he can quickly escape from depressing thoughts, better understand the world and the people around him.

What happens if you read books?

Reading books contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, literacy, as well as the development of horizons, fantasy, and imagination. Also, regular acquaintance with literature improves memory and perception of textual information, which helps a lot in learning.

What do we get from reading books?

Reading increases our vocabulary, enriches and diversifies speech, improves literacy, teaches us to express thoughts more clearly and efficiently.

What happens if you stop reading?

Without mental load, the brain will be in a relaxed state , and the ability to remember and assimilate important information will remain an unrealizable dream at all. In addition, a non-reader is much more at risk of getting senile dementia in the future.

How many hours per day should I read?

Why read books in the 21st century?

Should read books in the 21st century ? With the advent of the 21st century humanity has made a technological leap. Reading books , we become smarter, expand our vocabulary and horizons, improve our memory, and just have fun. Examples of the positive impact of reading on a person can be found in world literature.

What harm does reading books do?

Firstly, reading spoils your eyesight, secondly, it takes a lot of time, and thirdly, there is the Internet, where everything is searched faster. We don’t even remember the saying “You will know a lot, you will soon grow old.”

Why do people like to read books?

Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that are different from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also contributes to the development of intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience.

What happens if you read books every day?

Reading a book every day , you realize that you are constantly gaining new knowledge, that you are in constant development, which in turn greatly affects your self-esteem. Each book you read opens up a new picture of the world, new outlooks on life.

What happens if you read a book a day?

Mental Stimulation Research has shown that reading is mentally stimulating and can slow the progress (perhaps even prevent) Alzheimer’s and dementia by keeping the brain active.

How does reading books affect our brain?

Regular reading not only allows us to be distracted and learn new things, but is also capable of literally restructuring the brain . It increases emotional intelligence, helps you remember facts better, and also teaches you to more effectively look for alternative solutions to complex problems, writes

What does reading literature develop?

Reading not only develops , trains the imagination, enriches speech, improves the ability to empathize and helps to better understand and feel each other. At the same time, reading technical and other non-fiction literature did not give such an effect. Reading also stimulates and develops the brain.

What is the use of books?

Reading develops memory and thinking

One of the important benefits of reading books is the positive effect it has on our thinking. When reading, we reason more in order to understand this or that idea of ​​the work. It trains memory and logic.

How many books does an average person read?

According to the Pew Research Center, the average American reads 12 books per year, and the average Russian, according to polls by VTsIOM, reads 18 books .

The benefits of reading | PSYCHOLOGIES



Psychologies: Reading is one of the greatest pleasures in our lives. It tops the top 10 most calming activities that bring the most happiness and life satisfaction . What do you think is its magical power?

Stanislav Raevsky, Jungian analyst: The main magic of reading, it seems to me, is that it awakens the imagination. One of the hypotheses why man became so smart, separated from animals, is that he learned to imagine. And when we read, we give free rein to fantasy and imagination. Moreover, modern books in the non-fiction genre, in my opinion, are more interesting and significant than fiction in this sense. We meet in them both a detective story and elements of psychoanalysis; deep emotional dramas sometimes unfold there.

Even if the author talks about such seemingly abstract topics as physics, he not only writes in a living human language, but also projects his inner reality onto external circumstances, what happens to him, what is relevant to him, all those the emotions he is experiencing. And the world around us comes alive.

Speaking of literature in the broadest sense, how therapeutic is it to read books?

Of course, it is therapeutic. First of all, we ourselves live in a novel. Narrative psychologists like to say that each of us lives in a certain plot from which it is very difficult to get out. And we tell ourselves the same story all the time. And when we read, we have a rare opportunity to move from this, our own, history to another. And this happens thanks to the mirror neurons, which, along with the imagination, have done so much for the development of civilization.

They help us to understand another person, to feel his inner world, to be in his story

This ability to live the life of another is, of course, an incredible pleasure. As a psychologist, I live many different destinies every day, joining my clients. And readers can do this by connecting with the heroes of the books and sincerely empathizing with them.

Reading different books and connecting with different characters in this way, we in a sense unite different subpersonalities in ourselves. After all, it only seems to us that one person lives in us, which is realized in one specific way. “Living” different books, we can try different texts on ourselves, different genres. And this, of course, makes us more holistic, more interesting – for ourselves.

What books do you particularly recommend to your clients?

I am very fond of books that, in addition to good language, have a path or path. When the author is well aware of some area. Most often, we are concerned with the search for meaning. For many people, the meaning of their life is not obvious: where to go, what to do? Why did we even come into this world? And when the author can give answers to these questions, it is very significant. Therefore, I recommend semantic books, including fiction books, to my clients.

For example, I really like Hyoga’s novels. I always identify with his characters. This is both a detective and very deep reflections on the meaning of life. It seems to me that it is always good when the author has a light at the end of the tunnel. I am not a supporter of literature in which this light is closed.

An interesting study was conducted by psychologist Shira Gabriel from the University of Buffalo (USA). Participants in her experiment read excerpts from Harry Potter and then answered questions on a test. It turned out that they began to perceive themselves differently: they seemed to enter the world of the heroes of the book, feeling like witnesses or even participants in events. Some even claimed to have magical powers. It turns out that reading, allowing us to immerse ourselves in another world, on the one hand, helps to get away from problems, but on the other hand, can not violent imagination take us too far?

Very important question. Reading can really become a kind of drug for us, albeit the safest one. It can create such a beautiful illusion that we are immersed in, moving away from real life, avoiding some kind of suffering. But if a person goes into the world of fantasy, his life does not change in any way. And books that are more semantic, over which you want to reflect, argue with the author, can be applied to your life. It is very important.

After reading some book, you can completely change your destiny, even start it all over again

When I came to study at the Jung Institute in Zurich, I was struck by the fact that all the people there were much older than me. I was then about 30 years old, and most of them were 50-60 years old. And I was surprised how people learn at that age. And they finished part of their destiny and in the second half decided to study psychology, to become professional psychologists.

When I asked what prompted them to do this, they answered: “Jung’s book “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”, we read and understood that it was all written about us, and we only want to do this.

And the same thing happened in Russia: many of my colleagues admitted that Vladimir Levy’s The Art of Being Yourself, the only psychological book available in the Soviet Union, made them become psychologists. In the same way, I am sure that some, by reading some books of mathematicians, become mathematicians, and some, by reading some other books, become writers.

Can a book change a life or not? What do you think?

The book, no doubt, can have a very strong effect and in some sense change our lives. With an important condition: the book must be in the zone of proximal development. Now, if at this moment we already have a certain preset inside us, a readiness for change has ripened, the book becomes a catalyst that starts this process. Something changes inside me – and then I find answers to my questions in the book. Then it really opens the way and can change a lot.

In order for a person to feel the need to read, a book must become a habitual and necessary companion of life as early as childhood. The habit of reading must be developed. Today’s children – generally speaking – have no interest in reading. When is it not too late to fix everything and how to help your child fall in love with reading?

The most important thing in education is an example! The child imitates our style of behavior

If we are addicted to gadgets or watching TV, it is unlikely that he will read. And it’s pointless to tell him: “Please read a book, while I’ll watch TV.” This is rather strange. I think if both parents read all the time, then the child will automatically become interested in reading.

In addition, we live in a magical time, the best children’s literature is available, we have a huge selection of books that are hard to put down. You need to buy, try different books. The child will definitely find his book and understand that reading is very pleasant, it develops. In a word, there should be a lot of books in the house.