Rate a job: How to Rate Your Job (& Why You Should)

Опубликовано: May 4, 2023 в 12:10 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

How to Rate Your Job (& Why You Should)

Rating your job is an important part of improving the workplace for women everywhere.

Not only does your rating help other women find companies that share their values and support women in their careers, it helps companies improve their policies and practices. Think of it like a performance review: Rating your job will help your company better understand its strengths and weaknesses and make better workplaces for women, and everyone.

Rating your job helps other women

First and foremost, rating your job helps other women find great workplaces. When a woman researches a prospective employer, your comments and ratings on the company’s leadership opportunities, family leave policy, paid time off policy, wellness initiatives, and more can help that woman make a more informed decision about where she applies.

For example, your anonymous rating (along with the anonymous ratings of other women at your company) can reveal a workplace that excels in providing management opportunities for women—or one that struggles.

Read more: 6 Positive Research Studies on Working Women

Rating your job helps companies improve

Rating your job also helps your company know where it needs to improve its workplace, practices, and policies for women.

For example, your company may have a longer-than-average maternity leave policy, but you know that it doesn’t follow through on administering that policy (employees still get emails while on leave, their jobs have changed or they have been demoted up return, etc.). That company needs to know.

Read more: Why You Should Rate Your Company

How to rate your job

You can anonymously rate your company right here on InHerSight in less than three minutes.

InHerSight’s goal is to use data to improve the workplace for women everywhere, and ratings like yours are the primary contributor to that data set.

We ask women to anonymously rate their employer on 18 factors of women-friendliness. These metrics can provide a more complete picture of what it’s like to work for a specific company and can help job seekers understand whether a company values the same things they value.

Here’s how to rate your company on InHerSight

1. Provide the name of the company

Plus when you worked there.

2. Provide a little more information about you

Like your job type and your level in your industry.

3. Anonymously rate your experience based on 18 key metrics

If you don’t have an opinion on a certain category, that’s no problem—leave it blank.

  • Maternity and adoptive leave

  • Family growth support

  • Paid time off

  • Flexible work hours

  • Ability to telecommute

  • Wellness initiatives

  • Salary satisfaction

  • Social activities and environment

  • Equal opportunities for women and men

  • Management opportunities for women

  • Learning opportunities

  • The people you work with

  • Female representation in leadership

  • Employer responsiveness

  • Sponsorship or mentorship program

  • Sense of belonging

  • Support for diversity

  • Overall satisfaction


Leave a public comment about your employer/job

Your name will never be shown, so you can be as transparent as you like. (However, please be aware that we remove any posts that conflict with our posting guidelines.)

Start rating now

Read more: How to Find a Job You Love (No, Really)

11 Sites Where You Can Find Employee Reviews (Besides Fairygodboss)

Employer reviews and employee review sites are an invaluable resource for job-seekers.

If you’re looking for a job and wondering what it’s like to work at a prospective company, you should take advantage of all the places online where you can hear from employees leaving user reviews of their workplaces. Gone are the days when you only heard a one-way message from the employers themselves within employee performance reviews.

Of course, if you have a personal connection with someone you trust who works at a company, you might wonder whether you still need to look at employee reviews. The answer may be personal and depending on the relationship you have with this contact, but at the same time, it can’t hurt to get a sense of what others say. If for no other reason than to assess morale and the overall feeling of others you’ll be working with, it’s helpful to get a sense of what other people are saying. Moreover, there are certain situations where your contact may know less about what it’s like to work in a particular department or within a certain functional area and a job review can help you fill out missing details from a single third-person account. (In the case of Fairygodboss, you may want to hear from a particular group of people specifically, e.g. women or other minority groups of employees).

Regardless of how extensively you rely on employee reviews, job reviews are clearly a win for employees who are trying to understand an employer’s culture, employer brand, whether their compensation and pay are fair, and learn about human resources benefits and company policies. We believe in transparency at Fairygodboss, and believe that job candidates should do their part before entering an employer-employee relationship by doing their homework.

You may be thinking to yourself that since a job review from an employee is anonymous, perhaps it isn’t trustworthy. Certainly, there’s no way to verify the identities of people on employee review sites and how credible individual job reviews are. Employer review websites may not be perfect but if a website employes a human-review process for a user-generated content and their process for content moderation and evaluation is rigorous, fake reviews will be rare.

Another reaction you may intuitively have about employee review sites is that the human resources department must frown upon using them. However, that’s probably no longer the case at a majority of companies. The HR department has gotten used to the fact that they cannot control what employees say online about their jobs (whether through employee review site or simply on their social media profiles or personal blogs). Some HR professionals even appreciate the transparency in helping their employer brand or to receive employee feedback that’s candid.

Ultimately, the power of information on the internet allows employees to understand what they’re getting into when they are applying for employment at a new firm, interviewing and accepting a job offer. Job seekers should use all available resources in order to make decisions about where they will find the best job-fit.


First, take a look at the reviews available on Fairygodboss, where we aggregate women’s opinions and workplace experiences like so:

Overall Company Reviews. In addition to aggregating female employees’ overall job satisfaction levels, we provide a summary of whether women think their company treats men and women equally and fairly at work, and whether they would recommend their employer to other women.

  • Actual Salaries by job and industry. Unlike some review sites, Fairygodboss does not ask for a specific number when it comes to compensation. However, we do ask job review providers to associate their review with a salary range so as to help provide contextual information about yourselt to someone reading your review. While this runs the risk of compromising anonymity, so does asking for a specific compensation data point since your salary or bonus may be relatively unique.
  • Parental Leave Guide by Company. We try to help parents-to-be understand not only what maternity and paternity leave policies may be at an employer but whether it is really socially acceptable at a company for an employee to take their full allotment of leave, and whether doing so would jeopardize their career progression or stigmatize them as a less committed employee.
  • Work-Life Balance Guide for those looking for a more flexible position. We believe that it’s important to understand the flexibility of a job or employer and comments about the ability to work remotely, flexible and/or part-time are very important aspects of whether a job or company is desirable.

We would never suggest that any one site captures all the information you need if you’re trying to conduct a thorough analysis of potential employers. To that end, if you’re interested in other sources of job reviews, we’ve compiled a list of 11 additional places you can go to see free and anonymous employee reviews:

Glassdoor is probably the best known website for employees to leave reviews of employers. They have a huge number of people who rate their CEOs, and Glassdoor reviews provide open-ended pros and cons of working at those companies.

Best known for aggregating millions of jobs across the internet by scraping websites that list open positions, Indeed also provide job reviews where users rank their employers with according to a 5-star scale and list pros and cons.

Vault came into prominence with it’s industry rankings, that were based on employee survey answers. Currently, Vault will provide access to premium research offerings in exchange for employee reviews and their reviews require employees to leave “uppers” and “downers” as well as comments about their current or former employers.

CareerBliss is a career community that contains employee reviews that include a 5-star rating system, as well as scores for things like company culture, colleagues and working setting, among other things. They also allow for open-ended commentary.

Kununu is a job review and listings site that allows employees to rate their employer on a 1-5 scale overall, as well as on many other factors such as job-security or leadership support. They are fully integrated with Monster, one of the first major online job boards.

JobAdvisor is an Australian job listings site that also features employee reviews. Users rate their company on a scale of 1-5 and list pros and cons, as well as rate things such as “Vision & Strategy” and “Work Environment.”

Ratemyemployer is a division of JobWings, a company based in Canada and focused on Canadian companies and employees. Employees may leave detailed 5-star ratings on a number of metrics ranging from “Stress” and “Business model, vision and strategy,” to “Feedback”.  

The JobCrowd is a UK based employee review site focused on recent graduates. Their employee reviews allow employees to rate the company on a 5-star scale and includes the job title of the reviewer as well as answers to the questions “What are the best and worst things about your company?” and “What do you actually do on a day-to-day basis?” 

Ivy Exec features company profile pages with candid and up-to-date reviews and ratings from employees on elements such as culture, prestige, work, leadership, and money as well as detailed breakdowns of the components for each topic. Their comprehensive review pages offer a holistic view of life at the company and employee satisfaction levels.

Comparably originally launched as a compensation data and culture platform and has recently launched employee reviews that allow employees to rate their employers on questions like “How would you rate your manager?” and “Do you look forward to interacting with your coworkers.”

Yelp is normally considered a restaurant or consumer business review site but employees are increasingly leaving reviews about their workplaces on the site. The reviews work in standard Yelp fashion and include a 5-star rating and comments. (To be clear, Yelp asks that employees of businesses do not leave reviews.)

The Context and Evolution of Employee Review Sites

Before the widespread availability of employee review sites, employee feedback was often relegated to the employee performance evaluation, employee self-evaluation forms, during the sporadic mid-year review or annual review. These days, however, employees also have the power to submit a performance appraisal… of the employer. Employee evaluations outside the control of the official channels can reveal useful information that may not otherwise come out during an annual employee review, even an anonymous one, for fear of being found out.

As the internet has increased the amount and dissemination paths of information overall, the workplace experiences that have previously been so cloaked and restricted to only the employees within a firm or a handful of recently departed works, have come to light. As a consequence, increasingly, the employee role is as a brand ambassador and representative of the company. Whether you perceive your role to be that or not, every employee now has the ability to make their voice heard and contribute to conversations around a company’s culture, policies and benefits.

As an employee review site ourselves, Fairygodboss gets even more specific. We have decided to focus specifically and exclusively on the female experience in the workplace because we say that when no questions are asked, the experiences employees would volunteer would veer towards overall observations at the expense of some very important personal perspectives. That’s why Fairygodboss has decided to steer clear of asking women the “pros” and “cons” of working somewhere. We have not done everything differently, just to be different for its own sake, however.


Since all employee review sites seem to use them, we have caved in to the pressure to rate employers on a 5-star system (though admittedly, our design employes wings, instead of stars). In most cases, the questions we ask of the women in our community are based on what women we’ve spoken to say are the topics they want to hear about from other women, in particular. There are plenty of sites where you can get a general sense of a company’s culture. However, our questions about gender equality, what would cause women to stay at a company, and whether they would recommend the company to other women. These topics reflect the specificity we think women in the job-market really want to see.

How to Get the Most out of Employee Review Sites

Now that you’re armed with a list of resources, how do you proceed to make the most of this information without suffering from information overload? For starters, don’t forget that what’s true off-line is true online as well. Different people can have very different opinions of the same situation and even identical managers, much less, the entire company, so it’s best to try to understand whose opinions you’re really getting and whether you believe their perspective would be similar to yours. Read more than just one or two reviews to make sure that you’re getting a representative sense of what people say. While it may be tempting to simply read the most recent reviews, going back further in history will give you a sense of how a company has evolved.

  • Pay attention to what you can learn about when an employee worked somewhere (e.g. a past employer may have biases against their former employer that a current employee does not have).
  • Also, try to glean title, seniority, tenure and other aspects of the person whose job review are reading. Your goal is not to figure out the employee’s name but to understand whether their experience would be more or less comparable to yours given the specific job you’re looking for. This may mean you want to find out whether someone works in the particular office you are applying for a job in, or whether they work a comparable level of title to the one you would expect to receive. What you care about may be more identity driven. Is the reviewer another working mom, a minority, or someone who is otherwise under-represented in the workplace? Your identity does matter when it comes to whether you will experience the same conditions at work as those leaving job reviews.

Whatever job review site(s) you use, at the end of the day, the larger point is this: These days, there are many places you can discover what it’s like to work somewhere. Employers no longer have a monopoly on the information out there about work-life balance or information about employee engagement. Be sure to take advantage of the two-way conversation inherent in employee review sites when you’re doing your research with these 11 employee review sites.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for how to best use employer and company reviews? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

Personnel performance appraisal | Determination of personnel efficiency and ways to improve it

Education, qualifications and work experience of an employee are not as important for the head of the organization as a specific result. Therefore, the main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of work is the effectiveness of the work of personnel. The remaining indicators – personal data, qualifications, experience – are taken into account as an auxiliary, and not a primary criterion.

Performance evaluation: concept and meaning

The personnel manager, immediate supervisor or employer has the right to assess the effectiveness of the performance of duties by the organization’s personnel. An analysis of the productivity of the professional activity of an individual employee, an assessment of the fulfillment of his tasks, allow us to note the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire company.

When assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel, the following are taken into account:

  • amount of work performed;
  • the complexity of the tasks;
  • features of the assigned functional duties;
  • labor results.

A person can cope with his duties, but never invest in deadlines, constantly distract colleagues to help with work, while efficiency consists of two indicators:

  • The time spent to achieve the result.
  • Resources spent.

An experienced HR specialist is well aware that it will be possible to increase the efficiency of personnel activities if three conditions are met. And all three conditions are aimed at the interaction of the leader and the subordinate:

1. The desire to work must become mutual. In order to get “return” from an ordinary employee, the boss should talk about “bonuses” in the form of a bonus or career growth. Thus, both parties benefit: the employee improves his financial situation or acquires a new status, and the organization increases profits due to the efficiency of the use of personnel.

2. Exploiting the subordinate’s “personal”/”selfish” needs to increase his performance. Everyone has their own interest. If you manage to find out what is important for a person, this can be used as motivation.

3. The interest of management in the team of employees. If subordinates feel they are “necessary”, they understand that the company is interested in each of them, they try not to disappoint the management, and the results of work will serve as a reward for both the subordinate and the manager.

Assessment Goals

How did the idea of ​​performance appraisal come about? Every employer wants to know what they are spending their money on. It is important for him to understand that the benefits of the employee’s activities correspond to the funds invested in him. Performance evaluation is carried out to find out:

  • the level of work of the management system, as well as the organization of the distribution of functional responsibilities among the staff;
  • whether an individual employee copes with the tasks assigned to him, and to what extent;
  • “Necessity” of the employee for the company: the ratio of the company’s expenses for the maintenance of the employee with his personal contribution to the profit of the enterprise;
  • compliance of the amount of work performed with the income received;
  • what methods of motivation will be effective for staff;
  • how promising the employee is, and whether it is worth investing in his training to increase the efficiency and productivity of his work, based on the interests of the organization.

The introduction of KPI (key performance indicators) assessment of personnel is a popular technique for modern managers.

In practice, it looks like this: the boss sets certain goals and objectives for the staff. Some employees get the job done, others don’t. According to the assessment and reward: those who completed the plan – a bonus (cash reward), the rest – thanks for the work (or trying to cope with it). The purpose of such assessments is fair wages.

Who needs an assessment?

The employer is primarily interested in evaluating the effectiveness. Based on the performance indicators, he appoints the payment for the staff. For example, a sales manager can be interested in the percentage of deals made. The higher his personal efficiency, the higher the average monthly income. Salaries are important for office workers. And the amount of salary will depend on the assessment of the effectiveness of their work. But with the creative staff – designers or programmers – everything is much more complicated. Russian companies are just beginning to use the KPI indicator in assessing the productivity of creative work. The remuneration of employees of companies is based on the subjective assessment of the manager or employer. Only a part of the leaders confess their method of evaluation, while the rest assiduously hide it.

Problems in the implementation of the assessment system

Not all managers manage to successfully implement a performance appraisal system for their subordinates. And the reason lies both in the unsuccessful method and in the lack of efficiency of the leader himself. What problems of performance analysis can arise and why?

The first barrier to the successful implementation of a system for assessing the level of performance of staff performance of their duties is the resistance of the team. Why is this happening? There are a number of reasons:

  • concerns about innovations . The staff is afraid of change, believing that the volume of work will increase and the amount of wages will decrease;
  • complex scheme . A multi-level system for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of personnel confuses and demotivates the employee. If an employee cannot understand what he did wrong and why he was paid less, this negatively affects his performance and attitude to work;
  • incomprehensible wage system . If the bonus is paid based on the results of work for the past or even the month before last, the employee is disoriented: he worked worse, but earned more;
  • the difference in the assessment of completed tasks and the overall effectiveness of the employee himself and his manager . And such estimates rarely coincide;
  • achievement of the set goal does not always depend entirely on the activity of the employee . What he considers correct, aesthetic, may not please the customer at all. And the work will have to be redone, making edits again and again. Therefore, evaluating the activities of “creative” workers, the manager should apply a special method or an individual approach;
  • the need to waste time on reports . Who will like to write a detailed report after completing the work, indicating the time spent, meeting deadlines and analyzing their own mistakes.

So, the main problem of introducing assessments of productivity and labor productivity is the subjectivity and opacity of assessment methods.

Automated profiling will help eliminate subjectivity in assessments. The algorithm, which is embedded in the SearchInform ProfileCenter, impartially compiles the psychological profiles of employees, determining their strengths and weaknesses. The collected information allows making fair management decisions.

Features of assessing the quality of labor

The main criteria for assessing the productivity of the performance of staff duties are:

  • the total profit of the organization;
  • involved personnel.

By itself, the level of profit does not guarantee the same efficiency of each employee. The assessment of the work of the entire team may not correspond to the assessment of an employee who “hides” behind colleagues and only “looks” like an effective employee.

Specially developed assessment methods help to determine the level of personnel work, aimed at determining the amount of effort made by an employee, his potential and external factors affecting his activities.

Assessment Methods

The assessment of the professional level of the staff is based on the analysis of:

  • the amount of theoretical knowledge of the employees of the organization;
  • the ability of staff to apply knowledge in practice.

Methods for evaluating a particular employee allow the manager to determine the ability of a subordinate to create a “product” that is necessary for the organization, at the lowest cost to the latter.

The most popular methods of personnel assessment are:

  1. Certification.
  2. Tests.
  3. Target management (Management By Objectives).
  4. Performance Management (Performance Management.)


The certification method makes it possible to check the level of professionalism of the company’s personnel. Certification is carried out collectively, the assessment of the knowledge of employees is given by a commission, which includes specialists from certain areas. Grades during certification are given for:

  • theoretical knowledge of personnel;
  • the ability to apply them at work;
  • whether the employee is suitable for his position.

Certification is the only method for assessing the professional level of personnel provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. If an employee received a low or unsatisfactory grade, the employer has the right to terminate the contract with him.


Test methods for assessing personnel help to form an objective opinion about a candidate for a position when hiring.

The practical application of test assessment methods has earned the trust of HR managers due to the ease of implementation and the reliability of the results.


A formal way that gives an idea of ​​the employee’s subjective assessment of himself. Provides the employer with the opportunity to analyze the qualifications and experience of the job applicant based on the facts and documents provided.


The survey is divided into two categories. Qualification – the job applicant is offered to pass specialized tests to assess the level of his knowledge. The most objective analysis of knowledge is carried out with the help of specially designed computer programs. For example, the free program Airen, based on the method of testing knowledge locally or via the Internet. Such tests consist of a set of tasks:

  1. with a suggested answer
  2. with a detailed answer;
  3. the ability to classify concepts;
  4. to establish compliance.

Psychological gives an assessment of stress resistance, efficiency, emotionality, moral principles of a person. Such tests are popular in law enforcement agencies, as well as in companies where personnel are faced daily with the processing of a large amount of information or working with clients. Psychological testing makes it possible to identify such a problem among staff as professional “burnout”, and to weed out candidates “unsuitable” for productive work.


Installation of special hardware, such as Yaware, TimeTracker or TimeInformer. They provide the employer or manager with the opportunity to observe the staff all day long. This method allows you to track the activities of each employee, evaluate communication skills, the level of professionalism, efficiency, and competence. The main disadvantage of such an assessment is its subjectivity. The observer’s opinion does not always reflect reality.


This technique is used in the recruitment process. During the interview, the manager analyzes the applicant’s communication skills, his previous work experience, conflicts, and adaptation in a new team.

Regular interviews with existing employees help identify problems among staff, avoid or resolve conflicts that arise among colleagues during work, and identify potential leaders and outsiders. Of course, the disadvantage of such assessments is their subjectivity. After all, interviews are often conducted by one specialist.

A game

The business game provides the manager with the opportunity to evaluate the staff according to the following criteria:

  • activity;
  • initiative;
  • quick mind;
  • creativity;
  • forethought.

The analysis of the game allows you to identify the most promising employees, from which a reserve of applicants for career growth is formed.

It will not be possible to objectively assess the activities of personnel on the basis of test methods alone. They serve as an auxiliary element for evaluating the productivity of individual employees and the entire staff of the company as a whole. Most of the test methods are used for preliminary assessment of a candidate when applying for a job.

Target management (Management by Objectives)

An objective method for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee and his work, as well as the suitability of a person for a position.

How does it work? The manager sets several tasks for the staff and specifies the deadlines for their implementation. It could be a week of intensive work, or it could be several months. A prerequisite for setting goals is their clarity, accuracy, feasibility.

Be sure to listen to the opinion of the staff on the strategic and tactical areas of work, agreed on the digital indicators of the plan.

One of the areas of assessment for MVO is the formation of a personnel motivation scheme by creating a remuneration system based on performance indicators. The ratio of performance and salary is set by the manager.

Assessment according to the MVO methodology is carried out according to two schemes:

  1. Payment is made for each performance indicator achieved. Overfulfillment of standards by personnel in such a scheme does not matter. But the underperformance of the plan entails a decrease in wages. There are acceptable performance indicators at the level of 80-85%.
  2. In order for the staff to understand the tasks assigned to them and organize their activities in accordance with them, as well as to simplify the analysis of the performance indicators of individual employees, an MVO matrix is ​​being developed. It contains information about tasks and their numerical coefficients.

Performance Management

Another objective method for evaluating the work of company employees, which involves setting goals and monitoring their effective execution by company personnel. Performance management is an improved MBO methodology that allows assessing the professionalism and competence of personnel. In turn, the employee is interested in the rapid achievement of goals.

The advantages of the methodology in the possibility of evaluating the work of employees:

  • Encouraging staff to improve their professional level.
  • Increasing labor productivity.
  • An objective assessment of the suitability of a person for the position held.

Stages of RM:

  1. Preparation of labor productivity indicators (KRI).
  2. Setting tasks for personnel based on KPI indicators.
  3. Evaluation of the work of employees based on the results of the implementation of KPI.
  4. Modeling of personnel competencies based on assessment results.

Criteria and results

There is no single mechanism capable of objectively evaluating the work of an individual employee or the entire staff of the company. This is due to the variety of methods for calculating performance, the specifics of the operation of individual enterprises, the distribution of professional duties assigned to staff, as well as the “portraits” of an ideal employee in a particular organization.

The use of the listed grading systems makes it possible to calculate the level of productivity of an individual employee by adding the marks given for various parameters, based on the tasks set.

A little madness, or the main thing is not to overdo it

The head of a small but stable working studio “Sibiriks” in Moscow, studied a mountain of methods for evaluating the productivity of employees and decided to implement fair wages in his business. By the way, it was decided to introduce such “fairness” to employees involved in the development of sites, creative ideas and other areas of IT technologies. For this, a detailed plan was developed. Employee performance was assessed in terms of:

  • Correspondence of the production hours of working time to the planned one.
  • Monthly standards for the “sale” of services.
  • Number of subordinates and their salary.
  • Number of thanks from customers.
  • The number of repeat orders from “regular” customers.
  • Awards for participation in specialized competitions.
  • The number of negative customer reviews.
  • Amount of accounts receivable.
  • The number of books read and so on.

It’s a very detailed list. Thus, a unified evaluation scheme was created. And in order to work it out in practice, it was decided to train not with real money, but with virtual “forfeits”. The office has a large board with a picture of all the employees. On it, with the help of badges – “forfeits” – the successes and failures of each employee were noted, which were taken into account when calculating salaries.

Striking changes in the team occurred within the first hour after the launch of the “project”. Faces became gloomy. After a couple of days of “work in a new way”, a fierce struggle for “forfeits” began. The friendly atmosphere in the team was replaced by a wary one. After seven days, project evaluation was taking five times as long as before. And between the developers and the project manager, whole battles flared up.

A month passed, and there was no question of helping a colleague. Everyone had their own job. Endless conflicts began. Fanta has become the subjective opinion of the management. Everyone refused to work without a fanta. The tension in the team grew, but the efficiency of work, on the contrary, fell. In the third month of testing, the “fair pay project” was quietly wound down. And after a month and a half, anxiety disappeared. Everyone became friends again, stopped competing. The number of satisfied clients and completed projects has increased.

Summing up

There are many assessment methods. And each has its pros and cons. To what extent, which method and how to apply – the manager decides. The main thing is not to transfer theoretical knowledge directly to your subordinates. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work, and the peculiarity of the personnel, and the relations that have developed in the team.

And one more thing: the employee treats his duties as the management treats him. If an employee is sure that he is valued, his work is respected, he is valued, he strives not only not to let down the team and the company as a whole, but also to bring as much benefit as possible. He knows that his efforts will be noticed, appreciated and fairly rewarded.


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How to evaluate the work of a recruiter? Let’s take a look at the example

The material was prepared on the basis of a speech at the HR Digital 2020 summit.
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To begin with, let’s figure out how an HR metric generally differs from an employee’s key performance indicator (also called KPI, or KPI) and whether all metrics are suitable for evaluating the performance of recruiters.

The HR metric evaluates the process, while the KPI evaluates the contribution of a particular recruiter.

In addition to the work of the recruiter, HR metrics is influenced by many factors: the candidate, the current company in which he works, the hiring manager, that is, the manager to whom the candidate is hired. Therefore, it would not be entirely fair to evaluate the work of a particular employee with its help.

Not every HR metric can be a KPI, but every KPI can be an HR metric.

There are five evaluation criteria that can be used to evaluate any HR process, such as recruitment.

The cost of tells us how much this or that process cost the company. For example, closing a specific vacancy.

Duration is the period from setting the task to the result. For example, the deadline for closing a vacancy.

The number of can be the number of candidates, stages, selection channels, and so on.

By quality we mean process quality. For example, the percentage of employee turnover.

Feedback allows you to assess the level of satisfaction of all participants in the process.

All HR metrics can be distributed according to these criteria.

For reference:
The break-even point is how much money an employee must bring to the company in order to recoup all the costs of recruiting, onboarding, training, salary, taxes, mentor time, and so on.

But, as mentioned above, not all of them can be influenced by a recruiter. That’s what he can do.

Let’s imagine that we want to evaluate the performance of a team of five recruiters. For clarity, let’s take the indicators of closing vacancies for a certain period, say for 12 months. And suppose that in this department there is a total number of vacancies, which is divided among all recruiters, that is, the planned number of closed vacancies should be approximately the same.

To begin with, we can compare the number of closed vacancies by month to see the maximum and minimum performance of each employee.

To make the picture more objective, let’s compare the total number of vacancies filled during the year.

As we can see, someone fills vacancies often, but not enough, while someone increases turnover by the end of the year and shows his record in the last month. To evaluate the stability of work, we make one more plate.

The first quartile of is the number of vacancies filled by 75% of all our recruiters. And the third quartile of is the number of vacancies that 25% of our recruiters filled.

We see, for example, that employee Vera Ivanova was above the third quartile in October 2020, but for eight months of the year she was below the median.

To assess how consistently recruiters fill vacancies, let’s add additional columns.

If we add the indicators of the column “From the median to Q3” and “Above Q3”, we can evaluate the efficiency and stability of the work of employees. For example, in our case, this indicator will be highest for Elena Chernova (9+1=10). And below all was Vera Ivanova (3+1=4).

But you can compare not only by the number of filled vacancies. Sometimes a recruiter closes vacancies quickly, but poorly, so it is important to evaluate the quality as well. It reflects, among other things, the coefficient of fluidity.

You can also estimate the term for closing vacancies in days.

It is clear that the more difficult the vacancy, the longer the recruiter closes it. In order to assess this factor, you can distribute vacancies into five categories, where 1 is the easiest, and 5 is the most difficult. Now you can see how they are distributed among recruiters. The higher the percentage, the more successful the recruiter – in our case, Elena Chernova shows the highest results.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the selection at different stages, selection funnels are useful. Unfortunately, they cannot be used to evaluate the selection of all positions across all channels. To get an objective picture, it is better to evaluate each of the stages of selection by approximately similar categories of positions.

Vera Ivanova and Irina Petrova had the lowest conversion rates here.

Now we will collect all the received data in the final table and evaluate each recruiter. We will assign the same weight to each metric: 1 will go to the most inefficient employee, and 5 to the most successful. For example, Irina Petrova, whose vacancies received 41% turnover, will receive 1 on this metric, and Polina Myagkova – 5 (her vacancies have only 20% turnover).

We now see the most effective and least effective recruiter on the team.

The KPIs described above are not the only ones that can and should be used in personnel assessment. For example, when working with hh.ru, you can pay attention to the indicators of the politeness index of each individual employee. You can track the index by company and each recruiter in the Recruitment Analytics section. The level of the politeness index is affected by the speed of parsing responses and the speed of responses. The higher it is, the more trust in the company and the more effective the use of job postings.

Olesya Plotnikova, head of the recruitment and adaptation department at HeadHunter , says that the courtesy index is one of the criteria for evaluating work in her team.

“A high politeness index is a basic concept in the work of any recruiter. A quick analysis of the responses and a response to all candidates, especially those who did not fit, is what distinguishes a company that cares about its reputation. If the Index is low, candidates will respond less willingly, which means that the recruiter will spend much more effort on recruiting.

At HeadHunter, we make sure that the politeness index does not fall below the 86% limit. The overall score is based on how quickly and efficiently each recruiter analyzes the responses of candidates. About once a week, I look at the politeness indexes of each employee in order to track in time if someone’s level drops and give feedback.

This is not the only metric to measure the performance of recruiters.