Questions for teenagers: 100 Original Random Questions to Ask a Teenager

Опубликовано: May 11, 2023 в 4:56 am


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100 Original Random Questions to Ask a Teenager

by Caitlin Willow Greyling

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Coaxing teens into starting a conversation with you is not often an easy feat! Depending on whether or not they like what you’re asking them, they may avoid you entirely.

But, fostering your relationship through conversation is vital at this time. Your teen is growing into their own person, and it’s worthwhile getting to know who that is!

Try out some of these fun, original random questions to take them by surprise!

The Best Random Questions to Ask Teens

  1. What is your favorite flavor of soda?
  2. If you could only eat at one takeaway restaurant for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
  3. If you saved 10 cents every week for twenty years, how much money would you save?
  4. How old do you want to be when you have your first child if you want to have any?
  5. Do you think that cigarettes and alcohol should be legal?
  6. Where would you book tickets to if you could go anywhere in the world right now for free?
  7. Which would you choose – a beach holiday or a winter getaway?
  8. What exotic cuisine do you like the most?
  9. What vegetable is your least favorite to eat and why?
  10. How many of your friends share the same religion with you?
  11. What is your favorite candy?
  12. If you could paint your room any color, which color would you choose?
  13. Ice cream cake or sponge cake – which would you prefer for your next birthday?
  14. What would your ultimate vacation look like?
  15. Which theme park would you want to visit one day and why?
  16. Would you rather be rich or famous?
  17. How many kids do you want to have in the future?
  18. In your opinion, who is the coolest celebrity, and why?
  19. Which university or college do you want to go to after you graduate and why?
  20. What hobby would you like to take up in your spare time?
  21. What does the perfect gift look like to you?
  22. What activities do you like to do with your friends?
  23. Which is your oldest friend, and how long have you been friends?
  24. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  25. Which is your ultimate takeaway meal and why?
  26. Tell me your funniest joke?
  27. What is your favorite family meal?
  28. What is your best memory?
  29. Which board game is your favorite to play with friends and family?
  30. Which is your favorite relax spot around town?
  31. Who is your favorite teacher?
  32. What is your theory of why the chicken actually did cross the road?
  33. Where do you think is the best place to grab a coffee or tea in town?
  34. How do you think the universe came to be?
  35. Do you think there is a purpose to life? If so, what?
  36. What do you think about marriage?
  37. Who’s your favorite – your dad/mom or me?
  38. Who’s your favorite sibling?
  39. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
  40. What’s the best dream you’ve ever had?
  41. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
  42. What is your favorite animal?
  43. Which weird animal would you be willing to take on as a pet?
  44. Would you ever swim with sharks?
  45. Would you bungee jump for $1000?
  46. How would you get your hair styled if you could do it any way you liked?
  47. What is your favorite outfit to wear out?
  48. What is your favorite band or song currently?
  49. Would you ever learn a musical instrument? If so, what?
  50. Would you ever learn another language for fun? If so, what?
  51. What is your least favorite school subject?
  52. Would you ever drink pickle juice?
  53. What do you think about eating animals, eggs, and dairy?
  54. What is your proudest achievement?
  55. How do you handle feelings of jealousy, rage, anger, and hurt?
  56. Who would you have dinner with if you could choose anyone, including people from history and celebrities? Why?
  57. What genre of music is your favorite at the moment?
  58. What would you be willing to die for?
  59. Where would you like to travel to in the future?
  60. Where would you like to live when you’re older?
  61. Which three things can’t you live without?
  62. Which is worse – Brussell sprouts or broccoli?
  63. Which holiday is your favorite – Christmas, Easter, Halloween, or another occasion?
  64. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  65. What is your favorite joke?
  66. What is your dream career?
  67. Where do you see yourself in twenty years?
  68. What food would you eat for the rest of your life if you could only choose one thing?
  69. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  70. Do you want to be wealthy when you’re older?
  71. What’s the best thing in your life right now?
  72. What are you saving up to buy at present?
  73. Do you prefer sweet treats to savory snacks?
  74. What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
  75. Which board game is your favorite to play with friends and family?
  76. If you could travel back in time to any moment in your life, which would you choose?
  77. How many pets do you want to have when you live on your own?
  78. Would you rather adopt a child or have your own?
  79. Would you rather adopt a cat or dog or buy a puppy or kitten?
  80. What does the perfect partner look like to you?
  81. What personality traits are most important to you in a partner?
  82. Do you think that everyone should be free to dress however they want?
  83. What clothes do you think will be fashionable in your kid’s time?
  84. What hairstyles do you think kids of the future will be wearing?
  85. How would you dress if you had no budget?
  86. Do you think that kids and teens should get pocket money? If so, why?
  87. What card games do you know how to play?
  88. What are your three favorite things about yourself?
  89. What is your favorite flavor of chips?
  90. What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
  91. What do you want to do for your next birthday?
  92. What does your ultimate birthday party look like?
  93. Would you choose never to age if you had the chance?
  94. What superpower would you love to have and why?
  95. What do you think happens after we die?
  96. Are you religious or spiritual?
  97. Are there any special skills you want to learn this year?
  98. What hobbies do you want to take up if you could do anything?
  99. Do you like to spend time alone or prefer to spend time with friends?
  100. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?


Fostering a relationship with teens can be challenging but very worthwhile! Hopefully, these random questions spark a meaningful conversation with them.

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100 Questions To Ask Teens – Confessions of Parenting

Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by Michele Tripple

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Looking to get your teenager talking, but unsure how to do it? These 100 questions to ask teens are a great place to start!

Any parent of teenagers knows that sometimes it can be a challenge to get them talking. You might feel like you don’t understand them or like you don’t have anything in common with them anymore.

Chances are you actually have PLENTY in common with your teenagers, but it can be hard to figure out. So what’s the best way to learn about their likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams? To ask them, of course! If you’re finding this difficult, don’t worry! We are here to help!

Why Ask Questions?

Asking questions is always a great way to get to know somebody – and that includes your teenagers! It can be challenging to come up with questions that are deeper than just “How was school today?” We’ve got you covered with this list of 100 questions to ask your teens. Each of them is sure to bring about more than just a one-word response. In no time at all, you’ll be having a completely natural conversation with your teenager!

For more fun conversation starters, be sure to check out our funny questions to ask and our Questions to ask your kids.

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100 Questions To Ask Teens

  • Did I ever tell you about how I met your (mother, father)?
  • Who’s your favorite band or solo artist?
  • What is your favorite subject in school? Tell me about the best project or activity you’ve ever done in that subject.  
  • What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years?
  • Have there been any books that you had to read this year that you really liked?
  • What do you do when you feel bored?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow fluent in two other languages, which would you choose? Why? 
  • Do you have a favorite movie?
  • Where would your dream field trip be? Why? What would you do there?
  • What music makes you particularly happy?
  • How long do you want to live?
  • What do you enjoy doing for fun?
  • What do you think is the most important quality in a teacher? Why?
  • What do you dream about?
  • What do you wish I did differently as a parent?
  • What really makes you angry and why?
  • What’s the worst part of your day at school? Why? What can we do to make it better? 
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What is the most important thing you learned in school NOT taught by a teacher? 
  • Do you have a favorite color?
  • Which is the most difficult rule to follow in school? Why do you think that is?
  • What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?
  • Tell me an interesting fact you know/learned recently that I don’t know.  
  • Do you believe in God?
  • What do you wish you were more motivated to do?
  • What do you think of bullying?
  • What’s something you’re really good at in school?
  • Do you believe in soul mates and true love?
  • Do you think homework is beneficial? If so, why? If not, what would you replace it with? 
  • Have you thought about what career or job you want to have?
  • What’s something that bugs you about school?  
  • What makes a good friend? 
  • What is something that you don’t know how to do, but would like to learn?
  • Do you think social media helps make/maintain friendships? Why or why not?
  • Do you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted?
  • If your friends could have a clubhouse, what would it look like? 
  • Do you think you’re more creative or practical?
  • Do you think our family has enough money?
  • How important is family to you?
  • If you and your friends won a $100 prize, how would you spend it?
  • When you have free time what do you enjoy doing?
  • What is your favorite thing about yourself?
  • What motivates you?
  • Who is someone that looks up to you? 
  • What’s your favorite book?
  • How would you describe yourself in five words or less? 
  • Do you feel like you procrastinate?
  • How do you think the world will eventually end?
  • Do you feel like a responsible young adult?
  • What is a memorable act of kindness you witnessed? Why was it important?
  • If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
  • Who is your personal hero? Why?
  • What’s your favorite game to play?
  • What was the funniest thing that happened today?
  • What do you think about tattoos? Piercings?
  • Can you recommend any TV shows or YouTube videos?
  • What are your goals for this year?
  • Do you think you want to get married one day?
  • As a parent do I ever embarrass you?
  • If we could move to a different neighborhood or part of town, would you want to go?
  • What are your favorite family traditions?
  • What’s a career that doesn’t exist (yet) that you think should? Would you want the job?
  • What family activities and events do you enjoy?
  • How would you describe your own personality?
  • What is the most challenging part of your life right now?
  • What are your thoughts on teen alcohol use?
  • What do you look forward to most each day?
  • Do you know kids at your school who smoke? What do you think about that?
  • In your opinion, what is the most useful/entertaining app?
  • Do children at your school have parties? What do they do at the parties?
  • What is the best gift you have ever received/given? 
  • Do you think people should be married to have sex?
  • Do you think college athletes should be paid?
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  • Tell me about an achievement/ experience you’re really proud of. Why is it important to you? 
  • What are you proud of yourself for?
  • What is the worst food in the world?
  • What’s your favorite family recipe?
  • What would you most like to accomplish in sports/music/extracurriculars? 
  • What do you think about the most during each day?
  • What’s something you wish adults understood about kids today?
  • Who is the funniest person you know and why?
  • If you could, would you choose a different name for yourself?
  • How important is physical appearance?
  • Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
  • Do you have any bad habits?
  • If you could invite three people, living or dead, to your birthday party, who would you choose? What would you talk about/do?
  • What experiences do you think have impacted your life thus far?
  • If you could keep any animal, real or imaginary, as a pet, which would you choose? 
  • What animal represents you the best?
  • What is the coolest app that I don’t have on my phone?
  • How would you describe my parenting style?
  • Do you think aliens exist? How would you explain Earth/humans to them?
  • What do you think of my hairstyle?
  • If you had one year to spend one million dollars, how would you spend it? 
  • If you could switch places with any person, real or fictional, for a day, who would it be? 
  • What five items would you bring with you to a deserted island? Why?
  • What do you think makes your generation unique? 
  • If you could create any law that everyone on Earth had to follow, what would it be? What would you want it to accomplish?
  • Do you think there is too much/not enough technology in the world? What would you change? 

What questions would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments below!

Check out these other great posts to get your teens talking!

  • Would You Rather Questions For Teens
  • Never Have I Ever Questions For Teens
  • Trivia Questions For Teen

200 I Never Questions for Teens

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  • I Never Questions for Teens
  • Good I Never Questions for Teens
  • I Never High School
  • I Never Questions College
  • 5 I Never Questions College

    5 dirty teen

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I’m Never teen

You never know what questions you’ll get when playing I’m Never Never, which makes it perfect for teens! In one minute, people answer useful questions about their childhood. In the next minute, everyone is trying to reveal each other’s dirtiest secrets! And everything seems to be a matter of life and death!

Don’t overdo the questions, otherwise you might really fight with your friends! Always remember that this should be fun for everyone!

Looking for more questions not just for teenagers? We have lists of questions for other categories too! Check out more questions I’ve Never Never!


What piece of furniture are you?

Do you look like a simple chair or a chaise longue? Or are you more like a sturdy bookshelf or a majestic throne? There is only one way to find out!

Start the quiz

Good questions I Never for teens

If you want to play I Never Never for teens, you can start with questions from our list of good questions I Never for teens. There may be awkward questions here, but nothing too harsh so far. It’s good to start with simple questions and get everyone comfortable first.

Hint: just because these are not hard questions yet, don’t think you won’t roll on the floor laughing!

1. Never before have I been so afraid to leave the house at night so that I can run back.

God saves those who are safe!

2. I never cleaned by stuffing everything in the closet.

It’s called speed cleaning!

3. I have never been caught picking my nose.

This is not a moment of pride.

4. I have never been late for class.

Who has never been late for class?!

5. I have never gone on a family trip.

Family car trips are proof that you can love and hate people at the same time.

6. I have never been afraid of clowns.

At right angles, they can look downright intimidating.

7. I was never told that I had bad breath.

Brush your teeth after eating!

8. I have never built a fort out of blankets.

It’s so much fun! It’s like having your own secret world!




I have never cried while watching a Pixar movie.

It’s strange that children’s films can sometimes be so sad.

10. I have never dropped my phone down the toilet.


11. I have never pretended to be sick to play video games.

I hope that there are people who get away with it at least once.

12. I have never been in a fight.

Violence is not the answer.

13. I never pretended to be busy playing on my phone.

This is one way to avoid awkward situations.

14. I have never driven drunk.

We can drink and have fun without endangering people.

15. I never named a scarecrow.

Stuffed animals are the perfect childhood friends to play with anytime.

16. Never seen the Titanic.

Yes, I think Rose and Jack should have shared the raft.

17. I’ve never thrown Mentos into Coke or Pepsi.

It’s a science experiment! Welcome to STEM learning!


I have never recorded a video of me singing or dancing.

How will you know how talented I am if I don’t write it down?

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19. I’ve never returned an item I’ve used or clothes I’ve worn.

I don’t have the courage to return what I bought.

20. I have never ridden a bike on the sidewalk.

Nobody wants to accidentally bump into people on the sidewalk.

21. I have never sat in the shower and cried after a breakup.

Let yourself relive this emo moment and scream it out!

22. I have never eaten all my Halloween candy in one sitting.

It is quite possible.

23. Never screamed because of a bug.

I scream when I see bedbugs, cockroaches and clowns!

24. I never cried because I didn’t get the desired gift.

You may think you didn’t, but can you honestly say that you never threw a tantrum when you were a child because you didn’t get the toy you wanted?


I have never stolen from a store.

I hope you don’t do that anymore.

26. I have never spent hours watching funny YouTube videos.

Laughter is the best medicine!

27. I have never eaten ramen.

If not, good! It can be addictive!

👉 We offer you: A list of over 70 funny questions I Never Never

28. I never thought that a cartoon character was cool.

I’m sure you had cartoon characters that you fell in love with.

29. I’ve never tried anything I’ve seen on Pinterest.

But they look so easy…

30. Never tried to see how many marshmallows would fit in my mouth.

It’s time to play Chubby Bunny!

31. I never learned to ride a bike.

I feel like I missed a childhood milestone.

32. I have never met anyone in the bathroom.

Oh! Believe me. I didn’t want to see it!

33. I have never watched We Bare Bears.

They are adorable! The ice bear is my spirit animal.

34. I have never met celebrities.

Let’s go where famous people are.

35. I have never picked flowers in the neighbor’s garden.

They are so pretty!

36. I have never opened a push door.

We all did it. Admit it.

37. I have never harassed an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend on social media.

You know you shouldn’t do this, but you can’t help it.

38. Never seen a cassette tape.

That’s why we’re Generation Z! We live in the digital age!

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Naughty SMS Games

39. Never seen a dirty magazine.

Why do you need a magazine if you can find it on the Internet?

40. I have never stalked lovers online.

I want to get closer to him! I don’t look like a stalker yet?

41. I never smiled at someone when I realized that I wasn’t listening to what they were saying.

This is how I do a few things.

42. I have never envied my friends.

It’s an ugly emotion, but you need to know how it feels.

43. I have never been locked in a room.

I hope you are not claustrophobic!

44. I never blamed a friend for what I did.

A true friend goes to unreasonable deeds in the name of friendship.

45. I never borrowed what I kept for myself.

I hope the person I borrowed from has already forgotten about it.

46. I have never been afraid of the dark.

Darkness is still scary even when you become an adult!

47. I have never been chased by a cat.

Have you ever had a big cat hiss at you? You would run too!

48. I have never done anything I regret.

We all have regrets in our lives, but we must leave them in the past.

49. Never downloaded music illegally.

Who wants to support their favorite artists but did it?

50. I’ve never had a whole box of cola in one day.

That’s a lot of sugar!

📖 We offer you: 101 I Never Question for couples

I Never high school

Want to play I Never Never for teenagers? Here is our list of I Never Never questions that high school students can use. These questions are perfect for playing during sleepovers or house parties with friends! Bring snacks and get ready for the night talking about the craziest things you could or couldn’t do!

51. I have never sent a message to the wrong person.

I hope it wasn’t embarrassing!

52. I have never tripped in public.

When life fails you, you need to get up again!

53. I never apologized to my teacher for not doing my homework.

Sorry, but I lost my internet connection last night!

54. I have never broken a bone playing sports.

Was it football or basketball?

55. I have never eaten a whole box of ice cream in one sitting.

No regrets!

56. I have never jumped from a ski jump.

I’m afraid of heights!

57. I have never given myself a bad haircut.

You are not a professional. If you cut your hair, it will most likely turn out badly.

58. I have never won at Scrabble.

Nothing important!

59. I have never had diarrhea at a friend’s house.

After going through something like this, this friend became a lifelong friend!

60. I have never played Spin the Bottle.

What school party is complete without playing Spin the Bottle or Truth or Dare?!

🤓 We offer you: How to play Charade

61. I have never violated the school dress code.

That’s what you get when you try to be a little more fashionable.

62. I have never dressed like the opposite sex.

It’s always fun when you do it with classmates!

63. I have never met a person whom I thought was someone else.

They were looking at me!

64. I have never had a nightmare about zombies chasing me.

Sometimes I think a zombie apocalypse is possible and it scares me.

65. I have never played a ouija board.

I swear! I didn’t insist!

66. I never lied or told my parents that I stayed late at school and went to another place.

Sorry mom and dad!

67. I never took notes in class.

Sending notes makes class so much more fun!

68. I have never kissed anyone under the podium.

It’s hard to find privacy while you’re at school.

69. I never missed a high five.

Because I’m so cool, bro!

70. I never wrote a letter to a famous person because of a school assignment.

Would you write to President Obama?

71. I never thought that the movie was better than the book.

People who have read the entire Lord of the Rings series are amazing! They have pages of poetry.. in elvish! How are you supposed to understand this?

72. I’ve never seen an R-rated movie.

Everyone watches it too!

73. I never wrote notes on the table to use during a test.

This is just a little reviewer.

74. I have never been to a summer camp.

It makes me think about listening to scary stories and eating roasted marshmallows by the fire!

We offer you:
Trivia questions for adults


I never pretended to be a college student.

I had to do this when I snuck into my first college party!

76. I never pretended to have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

It’s not exactly like in the movies…

77. Never got an offer.

How many offers did you receive?

78. I have never skipped classes.

If not, then you are a very good student.

79. I never went to school in a suit.

Of course there is! School performances, projects and themed school dances are constantly held!

80. I have never been to a school play.

I have never caught an acting mistake.

81. I never missed an exam.

Is this something I should brag about?

82. I have never asked a friend to tell a loved one that I like them.

This is what you call a real follower / woman!

83. I have never been called to the principal’s office.

I always kept my head down.

84. I have never been rejected by those I liked.

Secondary school sucks. Later you will find someone amazing!

85. I have never been to a school dance.

Even if it’s none of your business, try it for yourself at least once.

86. I have never deleted my browsing history.

There is nothing wrong with protecting your privacy!

87. I never did anything just because my parents told me not to do it.

All teenagers go through the stage of rebellion.

📖 Here are 30 funny Trivia questions that will challenge your brain

88. I never copied someone else’s answers during the test.

I wish I didn’t.

89. I have never cried in a school toilet.

Being in high school sometimes really sucks.

90. I never fell asleep in class.

But the teacher’s voice is like a lullaby!

91. My parents never posted embarrassing pictures on social media.

I knew I shouldn’t have been friends with my parents on Facebook!


I never failed a driving test.

There is only one thing you can do – try again!

93. I have never been a teacher’s favorite.

Have you received any benefits?

94. I never once feigned having to use the bathroom to get out of a boring class.

Everyone needs a break!

95. I never failed a lesson.

I cried the first time I failed a lesson.

96. I’ve never had a problem texting in class.

The teacher didn’t believe me when I said that planning lunch was an urgent matter.

97. I have never dropped my phone on my face.

It’s perfectly normal to lie on your bed and use your phone. It still hurts though!

98. I’ve never done anything super shameful in class.

Too many awkward moments that I can’t remember!

99. I have never spilled ink on a pen in my pocket.

I feel like such a freak!

100. I have never kissed anyone on a bus.

It was only once…

I Never College Questions

College gives you a whole new set of experiences that are completely different from what you did in high school. Before you are fully grown up, make the most of your student life and try anything! Your new experience will serve as a great source of inspiration the next time you play Never Never With Friends.

📖 Here are some I Never Never Questions – the best and funny list of

Here are some Teen I Never Never Questions that are perfect for college students.

101. I never forgot my friend’s birthday.

I made up for lost time!

102. I have never gone into the wrong bathroom.

I totally regret it!

103. I have never been in love with a professor.

A hot person is a cool person, even if he is a professor. Not that I acted on it or anything like that.

104. I have never had food stuck in my teeth all day.

Why didn’t anyone tell me?!

105. Nobody has ever come into my bathroom before.

Get out!

106. I have never created a fake social media account.

Aha! I can’t use my real account if I want to track down my ex. He/she might think that I am crazy.

107. I never sang in the shower.

This is a great way to start the day!

108. I have never made a wish at a fountain.

Of course I wanted a happy life!

109. I have never sold lunch to classmates.

This is a mutually beneficial agreement.

110. I never tried to be a cheerleader.

Team Go!

111. I have never been in love with my sister/brother’s friend.

Aren’t they just dreamy?

112. I have never laughed at anyone.

I hope I didn’t hurt them.

113. I have never brushed my teeth for more than 48 hours.

I felt so dirty.

114. I have never checked my boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s phone.

I trust my partner, but I don’t believe in flirting with him/her.

We offer you:
Deep questions What would you choose?

115. I have never doubted my heterosexuality.

College – research time!


I never fell asleep when I corresponded with a loved one.

I wanted to write all night long!

117. I never told the secret I was supposed to keep.

My mouth is locked.

118. I’ve never made a duck face while taking a selfie.

This is the best selfie post!

119. I have never vomited at an amusement park.

I knew it was a mistake to ride the roller coaster after that milkshake…

120. I have never climbed a tree.

If you did, your childhood was amazing!

121. I have never studied K-pop dance choreography.

Amazing music to dance to knows no bounds!

122. I never dated anyone in college.

I was too busy preparing for my bright future.

123. I have never dated anyone younger than me.

The important thing is that we had fun together!

124. Never drank before I was 21.

I may have had a beer at a house party once…

125. I have never driven a car without a seat belt.

A seat belt can save lives!

126. I have never been in love with Henry Cavill.

I liked him as Superman. I loved him in The Witcher!

127. I’ve never had to call the cops on anyone.

I don’t want to cause trouble over trifles. Let’s talk about it ourselves.

128. I never learned to play a musical instrument.

Listening to music is much easier!

👉 Here are the 35 most frequently asked questions trivia

129. I’ve never lost a swimsuit bottom on the beach.

It was a strong beach wave!

130. I have never had a watch.

I have a phone if I need to know the time.

131. I have never practiced public speaking in front of a mirror.

Practice makes perfect.

132. I never pretended to know a stranger.

I was trying to get rid of my goosebumps, so I had to resort to drastic measures.

133. I never pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t understand.

Just laugh. laughing!

134. I have never voted.

We are doing our civic duty!

135. I have never tried to be an extra in a movie.

The correct term is background artist. Basically, you can stand in the background all day long!

136. I have never jumped from a moving car.

I’m not an action star!

137. I have never made a keg stand.

My mother will be so proud!

138. I have never had sex on the beach.

It doesn’t look like what you thought!

139. I never wore pajamas or pretended to be clothes.

How do you know it’s sleepwear?

140. I have never played beer pong.

Every college party should have beer pong!

141. I have never played poker at home for money.

Welcome to low stakes poker!

👉 We offer you: Who am I? 80+ Funny Ideas Who Am I Game

142. I have never pretended to text someone while secretly taking a million selfies.

Finding the perfect selfie angle takes time!


Not once have I put a worm on a hook.

I am not interested in fishing.

144. I have never dyed my hair.

What better way to experiment with hair than in college?

145. I have never given a present given to me.

Garbage for one person is a treasure for another!

146. I have never been drunk in public.

If I zigzag on the street, does that mean I’m drunk?

147. I never forgot where I left my car.

Just in case, I’ll take a picture of where I park the car.

148. I have never researched a blind date.

You can’t trust anyone these days. Better to be safe!

149. I never ruined a surprise party.

Shouldn’t I have told the birthday boy about this?

150. I have never shared my Netflix password with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

We can Netflix and Chill even when we are apart!

I Never Dirty Teen Questions

Make your friends sweat a little while playing with these I Never Never Dirty Teen Questions! It’s time to lighten the mood with naughty I Never Never teen questions that will make you and your friends blush or scream! These questions are sure to make you ask, “Is it me or is it getting hot in here?”


I have never taken or sent a suggestive selfie.

Must look good!

We offer you:
Gaming Trivia

152. I have never done a sexy dance / striptease for my boyfriend / girlfriend.

Hello! I thought it looked sexy!

153. I’ve never been on Tinder.

I’m not looking for connections.

154. I have never pierced incomprehensible places.

I won’t mention it.

155. I have never had a French kiss.

such is life!

156. I never had a crush on my college professor.

Well, I thought it was love, but maybe not really.

157. I never stayed in a hostel while in college.

Wow! My house was too close to my school!

158. I have never been on a blind date.

I prefer to be friends first.

159. I have never doubted my heterosexuality.

College is a study time.

160. I have never thrown a drink at anyone.

How dare you?!


I never went to a college sports game.

You will fall into an energy trap!

162. I have never tried skin-tight dipping.

It’s for fun!

163. I have never asked anyone out on a date.

I’m too shy to invite someone!

164. I have never been afraid of myself in the mirror.

I didn’t shower before bed after a night’s rest. My face completely shocked me!

165. I never woke up in a strange place.

Woke up in a strange place with a stranger next to you!

🤓 Here are 30 common Trivia questions to test your knowledge

166. I never woke up with bruises and don’t know how they got there.

What did I do and where was I last night?

167. I have never worn a padded bra.

There’s nothing wrong with a little extra push!

168. I have never worn underwear.

It looks like a naughty secret!

169. I never got stuck in an elevator.

I tried not to let my imagination wander, but I secretly prayed so hard.

170. I never had lunch or ran away.

It was a challenge!

171. I have never had sex in a tent.

Would you say it’s rough and wild sex or more like sex with bugs?

172. I have never had sex with other people in a room.

Sounds strange!

173. I never looked up Britney Spears’ secret messages on Instagram.


174. I’ve never had a threesome.

This is a college! Why not?

175. I have never faked an orgasm.

Are you telling me it’s like fireworks every time?

176. I have never had a sexual dream about someone in this room.

No comments.

177. I have never been to a scream.

This is an excited time of the month.

178. I have never had sex with a person of the same sex.

Love has no limits.

179. I have never bought a sex toy.

Buy it yourself if you want!

180. I have never had sex with anyone.

This is one way to spice things up.

181. I have never had sex during a breakup.

Let’s remember only the good times!

🤓 Here are the top 5 kissing games for teens for a party

182. Never heard of anyone else doing this at night.

For love – let people sleep!

183. I have never had bad sex.

Identify bad sex.

184. I have never seen anyone naked.

The human body is beautiful.

185. I never suffocated.

Make sure you have a safe word!

186. I have never worn someone else’s underwear.

I must have had no choice!

187. Never bought condoms.

My partner buys this!

188 I have never experimented with my sexual orientation.

It’s okay to deviate from gender norms.

189. I have never looked at myself naked in the mirror.

No way!

190. I have never kissed a stranger.

Kissing a stranger is the beginning of a great story.

191. I have never kissed anyone in a hot tub.

Hot, wet and wild!

192. I have never taken a step of shame.

This is your body. Call it a step of pride!

193. I have never tried a flavored condom.

Blueberry or strawberry?

194. I have never used anything from home as a sex toy.

This is called resourcefulness!

195. Never have I ever watched porn.

Some say it’s educational viewing.

196 I never left the house without underwear.

It’s a liberating experience!

We offer you:
Dirty truth or bold action

197. I never took an exam that I didn’t study for.

You need to make an effort!

198. I have never been handcuffed.

I hope you mean in bed and not handcuffed by the police.

199. I never tried to make a quiet fart, but instead it sounded out loud.

I was not myself! I will deny it no matter what!


I have never secretly dated two people at the same time.

It was fun at first. Do you think I’m the worst? It’s OK. I hate myself too.

I’m Never Online

Don’t have time to make a list of questions? Get random questions that you can use right away. Check out our free app I Never Never:

I have never been

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App Store

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200+ Best Questions For Teens “I’ll Never”


  • How to play
  • 200+ Never asked teenagers questions

The I Never Will game is great for teenagers to start a conversation, learn more about each other, or just have fun together. It will also help you know what others have or haven’t done in their lives.

We provide you with a comprehensive list of never-before-seen teen questions that you could be inspired to create your own set of questions.

How to Play with a Teenager

The rules of the game, which I have never played, are quite simple and can be customized according to the convenience of the participating players. Here is one way to play.

Players take some sweets with them, sit in a circle and take turns talking about something they have never eaten or done.
Sentences must begin with “Never seen.” For example, “I’ve never tried kayaking.”
The rest of the group who tried kayaking should have a bite of sweets.
If only one person has tried kayaking, you can ask him to provide you with detailed information.
In the end, the winner is the one who eats the most candies.

200 games or questions for teenagers

Depending on the topics you are comfortable with, choose any question from this list.

Funny, I never had questions
With this set of funny questions, you can expect your friends to laugh out loud.

1. I have never eaten food that has fallen on the floor.

2. Never have I accidentally spelled my name wrong.

3. I have never slept in regular clothes.

4. I have never mistakenly worn a shirt inside out in public.

5. I never pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t understand.

6. I’ve never seen the Ghostbusters remake.

7. Never eaten a beetle.

8. I have never watched SpongeBob SquarePants and Masha and the Bear cartoon.

9. I have never caught anyone picking their nose.

10. I have never eaten what I knew was someone else’s food.

11. I have never made faces at myself in the bathroom mirror.

12. I have never gone to a public toilet.

13. I have never cried while watching a Pixar movie.

14. Never have I laughed so hard that I didn’t get wet.

15. I have never dressed like the opposite sex.

16. I never accidentally called a teacher “mom”.

17. I have never been in love.

18. I have never opened a push door.

19. I have never rubbed someone else’s toothbrush with something other than toothpaste.

20. I never tried to see how many marshmallows would fit in my mouth.

21. I never wore my parents’ clothes.

22. I’ve never “cleaned up” by putting everything in a cupboard.

23. I have never been arrested.

24. I have never hidden food under my bed.

25. I never went to bed before three in the morning.

26. I have never encountered a sliding glass door.

27. Never sang karaoke.

28. I have never been without a bath or shower for more than a week.

29. Never have I ever done something so bad in public that I still cringe when I think about it.

30. I have never eaten chalk.

31. I have never tripped or fallen in public.

32. I have never dropped my phone down the toilet.

33. I have never spoken to a child who was not a baby.

34. I have never watched the Gangnam Style music video.

35. I have never been electrocuted.

36. I have never shoplifted.

37. I’ve never been high.

38. I never made stupid faces at my parents and teachers.

39. I never dyed my hair and regretted it terribly.

40. I have never been afraid of shadows.

41. I never pretended to know a stranger.

42. I have never broken anything expensive out of anger.

43. I never used the men’s room at the club because the line to the women’s room was too long.

44. I have never been called because of dandruff.

45. I never sang badly in the bathroom.

46. I have never worn pajamas or pretended to be clothes.

47. I have never spilled a drink on a stranger.

48. I have never shared my dishes with a dog.

49. I never made my way anywhere.

50. I have never shaved my eyebrows.

51. I have never danced in front of a mirror.

52. I never said “I’m sorry” when no one was around.

53. I have never turned my underwear inside out.

54. I have never been afraid of myself in front of a mirror.

55. I have never dyed my bath water.

56. I have never walked for more than 12 hours.

57. I have never practiced speaking in front of a mirror.

58. I have never pulled loose teeth or shown them to others.

59. I’ve never missed a high five.

60. I have never tried to be an extra in a movie.

61. I never sang in the shower.

62. I have never been chased by a dog.

63. I never went into the yard to use their pool.

64. I never wondered what it was like to be a dog.

65. I have never had a tattoo.

66. I have never been attacked by a goose.

67. I never secretly dreamed of becoming a wizard at Hogwarts.

68. I have never dressed like a monster.

69. I have never done something impolite because of peer pressure.

I have never had questions for friends

Ask your friends these questions and see what their answers are. They will surprise you.

70. I’ve never cheated on a test.

71. I have never disliked the opinions of others.

72. I have never left the country.

73. I have never taken part in protests.

74. I have never jumped into a pool with my clothes on.

75. I have never eaten raw fish.

76. I have never used swear words.

77. I have never given a gift card again.

78. Never smoked.

79. I never cut my own hair.

80. I have never cried in public.

81. I have never traveled out of state alone.

82. I never fell asleep in public.

83. I have never lived alone.

84. I have never shaved my head.

85. I have never skipped class.

86. I have never flown in a helicopter.

87. I never lied to my teachers.

88. I never watched TV all day.

89. I have never swum with dolphins.

90. Never tried sushi.

91. I have never spoken to my lover.

92. I have never been on stage in front of a crowd.

93. I have never lost my wallet.

94. I have never broken a bone.

95. Never been to a concert.

96. I have never eaten an alligator.

97. I have never been in love.

98. I never sang in public.

99. I have never feigned illness to miss school.

100. I’ve never had a Halloween party.

101. I have never had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

102. I never thought about what kind of dog I would become.

103. I have never played a musical instrument.

104. I have never been to Mexico.

105. I have never shaved my legs.

106. I have never watched children’s cartoons.

107. I have never snowboarded.

108. I have never unfollowed a friend on social media.

109. I have never touched snakes.

110. I have never done Sudoku.

111. I never forgot the sunglasses I was already wearing.

112. I have never skied.

113. I have never performed in front of a crowd.

114. I have never picked up a spider.

115. I never lied to a friend to avoid a greater evil.

116. I have never locked my keys in my car.

117. I have never been to a foreign country.

118. I have never run a marathon.

119. I have never tried a recipe from the Internet.

120. I have never stolen money from my father’s wallet.

121. I never tip in a restaurant.

122. I have never learned a foreign language.

123. I have never lifted weights for training.

124. I have never ridden an elephant.

125. I have never consumed alcohol without parental consent.

126. I have never given money to a homeless person.

127. I never played truth or dare

128. I have never gone viral on the Internet.

129. I have never worked in a fast food restaurant.

130. I have never played in the bottle.

131. I never tried to look at the sun.

132. I have never texted or called the cinema.

133. I have never lost consciousness.

134. I have never bungee jumped.

135. I have never donated an organ.

Pure questions that never happened

Ask your friends these clean never-ending questions and learn more about them.

136. I have never saved someone’s life.

137. I have never donated blood.

138. I have never met celebrities.

139. I have never had surgery.

140. I have never lied to a law enforcement officer.

141. I have never made a recipe from a blog.

142. I’ve never auditioned for a talent show.

143. I never bet on anything.

144. I have never jumped from an airplane.

145. I have never gone vegan.

146. I have never seen celebrities on the street.

147. I have never run away from home.

148. I have never flown in an airplane.

149. I have never made a wish at a fountain.

150. I have never used a fake ID.

151. I never lied to my best friend.

152. I have never been chased by wild animals.

153. I have never worn a strange costume to school.

154. I have never accidentally eaten a bug.

155. I have never lied about my age.

156. I never pulled all night at school.

157. Never cooked.

158. I never put candy on pizza.

159. I have never tried to open someone’s phone.

160. I have never had chickenpox.

161. I never made up a story to impress anyone.

162. I have never slept with my pet.

163. I have never driven a car.

164. I have never read a single Harry Potter book.

165. I have never shortened the queue on purpose.

166. I never cheated on a test.

167. Never been to a circus.

168. I have never withheld important information from the person who should know.

169. I have never been to a library.

170. I never let slip what I swore to keep secret.

171. I have never shared my location with a friend.

172. I have never made a snowman.

173. I have never given money to a homeless person.

174. I have never had caries.

175. I have never tried a fad diet.

176. I have never been on a cruise ship.

177. I have never watched TV upside down.

178. I have never broken a bone while playing sports.

179. I have never seen an elephant in real life.

180. I have never snooped on a friend’s room, office, or possessions.

181. I never made up a story about someone that wasn’t real.

182. I have never kissed my pet.

183. I have never lost my valuable possessions.

184. I have never been to Disneyland.

185. I’ve never had friends on welfare.

186. I have never baked my own bread.

187. I have never ridden a motorcycle.