Question to ask at parent teacher conference: 6 Productive Questions To Ask at Parent-Teacher Conferences

Опубликовано: October 25, 2022 в 10:20 pm


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6 Productive Questions To Ask at Parent-Teacher Conferences

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Tips to improve one-on-one time with your child’s teacher.

By Rebecca Hastings

Conferences are around the corner, and with the ups and downs of school during the pandemic, it is especially important to make the most of this time to connect with the teacher.

As a parent I get excited about that fifteen-minute slot allotted to have a one-on-one with my child’s teacher. I look forward to hearing about progress, struggles, and strengths. Sometimes a conference goes great, but sometimes we walk away thinking we just heard a script that is being repeated for every student.


Asking specific questions gives you the opportunity to focus on what is important regarding your child. Areas of study covered or assessment scores can be done quickly and even in other communications. Addressing the following questions will give both you and the teacher a better understanding of your child throughout the year.
Here are six questions to consider, to help you get the most from those minutes with the teacher.

1. What do you see as an area of strength for my child?

This question focuses the discussion on your child specifically while still giving the teacher the opportunity to evaluate all subjects. Sometimes parents find this answer surprising as kids can show different abilities in the classroom than at home. Once you know these hidden strengths, you can help bring them out in the home as well as at school.

2. If you could pick one area to focus on improving for my child, what would it be?

Sometimes it is difficult to think about all areas of learning at once. Focusing on one area at a time for improvement helps define the priorities within the classroom. It also gives something concrete to work on at home.
It’s a good idea to revisit this question with the teacher throughout the year. Sending an email or utilizing school communication apps is a great way to check in regarding progress as well as give the teacher the opportunity to shift the focus to something new as your child improves.

3. How does my child contribute to the class atmosphere?

This may seem like an unusual question, but it can provide a lot of information. Different personalities shine in different ways independently, but as you blend 20 unique people together, new sides can be revealed.
This will give you an idea of how much your child may contribute to class discussions or how they may be a great helper for another student. Maybe you’ll discover that your child follows directions and models good behavior, or that they provide a funny idea to give everyone a laugh.
Asking this question gives insight on how your child’s character comes through in an academic environment. This is especially useful to understand as kids approach middle school, where issues like popularity can impact their learning experience.

4. Who does my child work well with?

Researchers at Vanderbilt University contend that increasing social skills results in students who are more responsive to academic learning. Giving the teacher the opportunity to look at the social element of learning is just as important as the academics. This can be a good barometer of how a child is doing socially.
Understanding who your child is able to work well with at school will help everyone create a more successful learning environment.


5. How is my child handling the emotional elements of the pandemic?

Beyond following pandemic guidelines, asking specifically about the mental health components of your child is essential. Frequent, open discussion about his or her mental health in relation to the pandemic and overall has never been more important. Talk about any emotional struggles you see and ask the teacher what they see in the classroom. This is a great opportunity to discuss resources like school counseling or lunch groups that may help your child process complex feelings.

6. Do you have any concerns about my child?

This question can never be asked too much. Sometimes we are so busy getting through the list of assessments, reading levels, and academic achievement that we can miss the bigger picture.

Giving teachers and parents both the pause to consider any areas of concern emotionally, socially or developmentally addresses the whole child in their learning environment.

It is important to note that a conference is not an invitation to debate pandemic guidelines or other policies. It is likely that the teacher has little say in what the guidelines are; those discussions should be between you and the administration. Likewise, if you have specific concerns that you know will take more than the time allotted, ask if you can schedule a conference at another time. Remember there is likely another parent waiting in line behind you who wants to get the most out of their conference, too.

Rebecca traded the classroom for writing when she stayed home with her three children. In real life, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate. You can find her at


This article appeared in the 2021 issue of Education Guide.

The 9 Questions Every Parent Should Ask at Conference Time



It’s mid-year, and parents that means it’s time for mid-year parent-teacher conferences. Walking into a parent/teacher conference can be exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time.  Cue the sweaty palms! What if your child isn’t doing well? What is the teacher going to say? It’s the moment of truth:  How is my child REALLY doing? This is your time to ask questions and get immediate feedback.  But, with so much to cover in a short amount of time, it can feel overwhelming.  That’s why today, I’m helping parents sitting on the other side of the teacher table be prepared and get the most out of their conference. Here is a list of questions every parent should ask when sitting with their child’s teacher this spring and most importantly-WHY YOU MUST ASK THESE QUESTIONS!

Are you a teacher looking for some guidance on your side of parent-teacher conference? Check out this post!


Question 1: How is my child doing in the main subject areas (Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies)?

This is the question most parents are prepared to ask, and the easiest for teachers to show their data on.  Remember to ask the teacher to explain any assessment tools used to gather this data besides just the weekly tests/quizzes.


Question 2: What do you believe are my child’s strengths/weaknesses?

Children can be very different at home than at school. It is important to know the strengths and weaknesses at school. You can use this information to support from home. Teachers can use it as a part of educating the whole child (not just looking at the recorded grades/data)  This question can lead to discussions on social, emotional and behavioral feedback.


Question 3: How do you prefer to communicate? (Email, phone, text, planner)

With so many forms of communication, be sure to ask which mode is preferred. This helps to ensure a timely response. Need another way to communicate? Check here to see why I love this easy to use parent communication app!


Question 4: What can I do at home to support what is being done in the classroom?

Besides completing the required homework, asking this question gives the teacher a chance to give you ideas that are tailored specifically to your child’s needs.


Question 5: How is my child doing socially? (have friends, includes others, being left out, etc.)

Often, we think academics is the only thing that matters when it comes to school, but school is so much more than just academics.  Finding out the teacher’s perspective of how your child is doing on a social level can give important feedback.  Not all kids have open dialogue about their school day with their parents, so asking this can be very insightful.

I know it can be hard to remember all these questions, that’s why I made this handy-dandy quick print sheet! (Click here or the picture to download it!)

Question 6: How does my child compare to others on a behavioral, social, and academic level?

Finding out where they stand compared to their peers can help influence which areas you can focus extra attention on.


Question 7: What is being done to ensure my child is reaching his/her academic goals?

There are many resources available at school, be sure to ask about them.  This is a way to gain access to technology resources, find out about programs, check whether your child qualifies for services, and gain information on the type of progress monitoring tools being used.

Remember: you and your child’s teacher have the same goal: you both want your child to do well at school. Asking this question opens up the dialogue for a better partnership along your child’s educational path.


Question 8: How does my child contribute to the class community?

This gives the teacher a chance to mention all the ways your child contributes to the class, besides just focusing on their grades.   You may find out that your child is a great leader, helper, friend, raises their hand for discussions, and feedback on their work habits.


Question 9: Do you have any concerns about my child?

This is probably the hardest one to ask… and for good reason. Who wants to hear anything negative about their child. As a mama of two little angels myself, I dread having to ask this question. But, asking this simple question opens the door for your child’s teacher to mention any issues that might be uncomfortable to bring to a parent’s attention.  It shows you are open to hear about ways to help your child improve, or topics of conversation to have with your child after the conference.


When parents and teachers work together, the results are powerful!  Taking an initiative to become more involved in your child’s education can start with just asking the right questions. Do you have any other questions to add to the list? What about from the teachers?


I can’t end this post without sharing that this post was written in conjunction with a sweet friend of mine, Rayna Schuster. Rayna is a former elementary teacher and mama to three beautiful children. Her experience in education coupled with the love of her children makes Rayna one of my go-to people for all things parenting and education related! Thank you again, Rayna, for all your amazing work and gentle guidance through this parenting journey. 

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Parent Teacher Conference (20 Questions)

Having a parent teacher conference is important for students, caregivers and educators alike. By preparing in advance, parents can make the most of the time with their child’s teacher.

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With so many parents and guardians to see at these events, teachers don’t get to spend as much time as they’d like with each student’s parents. If caregivers identify what they want to focus on in advance, it can help to ensure parent teacher conferences provide value for all involved.

Questions about your child

Giving and receiving about your child is crucial at parent-teacher conferences. As well as obtaining information about what’s happening at school, parents can help teachers by providing them with key information regarding their child’s personality, strengths, weaknesses and home life.

Examples of helpful questions include:
1. How is my child emotionally?

Ask your child’s teacher whether they appear happy at school and whether they’re playing an active role in class and in the playground. Ensuring your son or daughter is happy is vital to a fulfilling school experience so don’t be afraid to voice any concerns you may have.

2. What are my child’s strengths?

Teachers should tell you about any issues your child may be having but it’s important to hear the good news too. Ask your child’s teachers what strengths they’ve identified and in what areas they are performing particularly well.

3. How does my child perform socially?

Knowing how your child interacts with his or her peers is important so ask your child’s teacher how they’re getting along socially at school. Find out whether your son or daughter plays with other students in the playground and whether participation in an after school activity may help them to develop socially.

4. May I tell you what’s happening at home?

Any changes in a student’s home life can have an impact on their behavior and attainment in school. If anything has changed at home, let your child’s teacher know so that they can offer extra support when appropriate.

5. May I tell you a little more about my child?

If you’re son or daughter is starting a new class or grade, the teacher may not know them very well yet. Telling the teacher how well your child focuses, what their strengths are and when they might need additional support can help to foster a good working relationship.

6. What needs improvement?

Asking your child’s teacher to tell you what areas require improvement will ensure you can provide relevant at-home support. If your child is struggling with spelling, for example, you can spend more time on this at home.

Academic performance questions

Once you’ve obtained and disclosed relevant information about your child, you can begin to focus on their academic performance and attainment.

These questions may include the following:
7. What extra help shall we provide?

If your child needs help from a tutor, extra encouragement with homework or help staying on track, the teacher will be able to work with you to create an effective strategy. This will ensure you’re able to deliver the additional help they need, regardless of what area they’re struggling in.

8. Is my child staying on track?

Ask your child’s teacher what your child’s attainment goals are and where they are performing now. Find out if this performance is what the teacher expected and, if not, what you can do to help improve your child’s attainment level.

9. Is my child falling behind in any subjects?

If your child is struggling at school, it’s important to know as quickly as possible. By identifying any potential problem areas you can work with your child’s teacher to help them.

10. What do these results mean?

Students take various tests and carry out numerous assignments at school, so it can be hard to know which are most important and what the results actually mean. Always ask the teacher if you’re unsure what your child’s results mean and whether you need to take any action.

11. Is my child putting enough effort in?

Find out if your child is rushing their work, slacking off or putting minimal effort into their studies. If so, you can offer structured homework time when your child returns home from school and help them stay on track.

Special needs questions

If your child has been diagnosed with any special needs, a parent-teacher conference provides a great opportunity to ask specific need-related questions.

These specific special needs questions include:
12. Are you aware of my child’s IEP?

If your child already has an IEP in place ensure the teacher is aware of it and its contents. The IEP should set out your child’s objectives in school and strategies to achieve them so it’s vital their class teacher is fully briefed on what it contains.

13. How is the school accommodating my child’s needs?

Ask your child’s teacher how they’re implementing their IEP on a daily basis and whether your child is on target to achieve his or her goals. If you’re not happy with the existing routine, ask how it can be improved so that their IEP goals can be met.

14. How does the school deal with special needs?

Finding out how your child’s school responds to special needs diagnoses is essential. If your child doesn’t have an Individualized Education Program yet, ask your child’s teacher when the assessment will take place and what it involves. It’s a good idea to do this in writing as well, so you can keep track of when things should be underway.

Tricky situation questions

From time to time students may face issues at school and a parent-teacher conference may be a good time to raise them. Collaborating with your child’s teacher and taking a joint approach can help to resolve issues far more quickly than being combative, so work with school staff if you can.

When a pupil is facing a tricky situation in school, the following questions may help:
15. Can you tell me more about this situation?

Children aren’t always adept at giving their parents the full story so if your child is complaining about school you may want to check what’s going on. Asking a teacher to clarify the details will ensure you have the full picture and gives you a way to broach the subject without apportioning blame.

16. Can you tell me more about the teaching method you’re using?

If parents have concerns about the way their child is being taught, it’s appropriate to raise them at a parent-teacher meeting. However, criticizing a teacher may make them defensive and this isn’t the best foundation for a good parent-teacher relationship. Instead, ask your child’s teachers about their teaching methods and how they work in the classroom. If your child isn’t responding well to current teaching methods ask how you can support your child and whether any variations on content delivery are available.

17. What do you advise?

Asking your child’s teachers for advice is a great way to find out how you can support your child. It’s not unusual for children to face difficult situations at school and experienced teachers are familiar with the issues which may arise in a school setting. Getting advice on how to cope with a specific situation will ensure it’s resolved as quickly as possible.

18. May I tell you my concerns?

If you’re worried about your child or aware of a tricky situation they’re experiencing, share it with your child’s teachers. If they aren’t already aware of it, this information can help them to put a problem-solving strategy in place and if they are aware of any issues, addition information can be helpful.

General information questions

Before you leave a parent-teacher conference it can be helpful to confirm a few general details. It’s easy to forget these types of questions so you may find it useful to jot them down before the conference begins.

These may include:
19. Can I contact you?

Asking whether you can contact your child’s teachers and what their contact details are gives them the opportunity to tell you their preferred contact methods. Phoning the school may not be the best way to contact your child’s teacher, for example, as it’s likely they’ll be in class when you ring. In non-urgent situations, teachers may prefer you contact them by email so that they respond outside of teaching hours.

20. How can I help?

Ask your teacher what support you can offer your child, his or her class and the school as a whole. In general, schools require assistance from parents on a regular basis so there are likely to be numerous volunteer opportunities for you to get involved with.

Concluding parent teacher conference

Remember – parent-teacher conferences are usually limited by time and you may not have the opportunity to discuss everything you want to with your child’s teacher. If there is more ground to cover, ask the teacher if it is possible to have a follow-up meeting so you can discuss any issues in more detail.

Parental involvement in schools is a hot topic and students tend to perform better when their parents or caregivers take an active role in their education. If you’re unable to attend a parents’ evening or meeting, contact your child’s teacher and let them know why. In some cases, teachers will be able to offer you a meeting on an alternative day or at an alternative time.

Parent teacher meetings are an opportunity to discuss your child and his or her performance with school staff. Although this includes positive feedback, it’s also a chance for both parties to raise any concerns or issues they have. When doing so, remember to do so calmly and with an end-goal in mind. Your child will be under the supervision of their teacher for an entire academic year and it’s always best if parents, caregivers and teachers can work together in partnership.

5 Information Security Questions to Ask at Your Next Parent Meeting

5 Information Security Questions to Ask at Your Next Parent Meeting

school! Regardless of whether you are at work or at home, you are sure to experience feelings of relief and a little sadness at the same time: even if your child is always in your thoughts, you still do not see your joy for most of the day.

Children are spending more time in front of small screens than ever before. We are sure that you have taught them how to stay safe in the real world and on the Internet. Chances are you already have full control over their digital lives by installing a parental control program on their devices. However, children are not the only ones who need education in information security: school staff also need to improve their skills. Even if you are one of the lucky parents who sends their children to a school where the use of smartphones is prohibited on its territory, there are still a number of issues related to the safety of your children that you need to discuss with the school administration and your form teacher at the next parent meeting .

What information does your school keep about your children and who has access to it?

The school system holds a lot of information about your children. It often contains standard information about its students, such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, and various identifiers. All of this information is protected by federal data protection laws. However, many educational institutions sometimes provide access to such information to school staff who do not actually need it, but can still use it. It’s always worth asking this question!

What happens if a school becomes a target for a ransomware attack?

Educational institutions have always been one of the most desirable targets for hackers. Sometimes hackers demand a ransom. Be sure to ask what the procedure will be if your children’s personal information is stolen. It would also be good to know what the school is doing to prevent such attacks. Educational institutions often lack the resources to adequately meet the information security needs of their students. Therefore, if you have to choose a school for your child, then such questions should be on the list of those questions that you need to clarify.

How often do children and school staff change their passwords?

Proper password management procedures are a requirement for educational institutions that hold personal data and should therefore be applied equally to students and school staff. You certainly don’t want hackers to steal innocent kids’ credentials and ruin their lives before they even have a chance to protect themselves. Some data (for example, the number and series of a passport, etc.) changes quite rarely, so information stolen at the moment can be used even in a few years. The best experts say that the same password should never be used multiple times for different services, and each password should be changed every 3 months.

What data about students and school staff is kept at the school after they leave?

This question is also quite important, because after your child leaves school, in any case, information about him will remain in the school archives. And here it is also important to understand what specific information will be stored, for how long, who will have access to it and how it will be protected. In addition, educational institutions must deactivate the accounts of former students and employees who were connected to the school computer network. But sometimes this does not happen, and there are situations when accounts remain active for several more years after the employee has ceased to work at the school. Sometimes system administrators simply forget to do this. Such uncontrolled accounts can sometimes be used by hackers to penetrate the internal IT systems of an educational institution.

What is the school administration doing to prevent cyberbullying of students?

The fight against cyberbullying (Internet harassment), access to unwanted sites, online predators and dangerous games (such as the Blue Whale Challenge) begins at school – proper information security education should help students and teachers. Students will know how not only to protect themselves, but also how to report inappropriate behavior, and educators should improve their knowledge in identifying troubling situations. These issues need to be discussed on an ongoing basis, because. Tech trends are constantly changing and staying on top of it all is a very difficult task, especially in underfunded schools.

Some questions have neither right nor wrong answers. However, discussing these issues is vital because this will encourage educational institutions to always be at the forefront of combating IT threats and the negative consequences of digital developments, and will also provide you with a sense of peace for your child at school, which is, of course, urgently needed.

Original article: Five school cybersecurity questions you should ask on your next parent-teacher conference

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Events – Republican Parent Meeting 2018

February 7, 2019

Irina Platova: “In order for a child to realize his potential, you need to be interested in his hobbies and accept him as he is”

Love and understanding of parents, a warm atmosphere in the family has particular impact on the development of children. At the same time, it is also important for parents to develop mentoring competencies in order to build a trusting relationship with the child, learn how to correctly assess his achievements and help determine the profession. The University of Talents operates an open educational and communication platform for parents “Parent Education Laboratory”, where parents, together with experts, discuss key issues of raising children and undergo trainings. Irina Platova , a mother of two sons, told how to identify giftedness in her children, what questions she managed to get answers to at the Republican Parents’ Meeting (RPC) and why a child’s freedom should not be restricted.

– Were you familiar with the Talent University before? What activities of the University of Talents did your children take part in?

– This is my second visit to the RRS. My sons Vladimir and Alexander , students of the 5th and 7th grades of the Tatarstan Cadet Corps (Nizhnekamsk), took part in educational modules, professional tests. After these events, they got the motivation to study and the desire to choose a future profession. Now they are trying to participate in the Olympiads. The eldest son Vladimir chose biology, and the younger Alexander chose mathematics. They understand that this knowledge will be useful to them in life.

– Are you a mentor for your children? What does a parent need to do so that the child can realize his potential?

– I try to be both a mentor and a friend, and an impeccable mother. The most important thing is to be an example for your children, to fulfill the promise. It is important to be human, that is, to treat life situations like a human being. In order for a child to realize his potential, you need to be interested in his hobbies, accept and love him for who he is, support him in all endeavors. My sons like to do experiments, for example, chemical ones. They like sports: they both do taekwondo. Alexander this year became the champion of Kazan, and I hope that he will become a candidate for master of sports.

– What can you say about RRS? Did you receive answers to your questions?

– Fruitful communication at the meeting allowed parents to get answers to their questions. Even if we already know something, such events are a good reason to remind ourselves of this. Parents should be the authority for their children. I had questions related to the transitional age at 15-16 years old, and now I understand what can be expected of me and how to behave correctly. I think about the future and I am already ready for the fact that at this age children will want to express themselves more, so you need to be careful with them. I will help to fulfill their aspirations: to provide support and understanding. This is the age when they will face the choice of a profession, and here it is important not to force, not to interfere, to give freedom at arm’s length.

Expert of the University of Talents Marina Vladimirovna Belokurova (psychotherapist of the single European register, holder of the world certificate of psychotherapist (Moscow) – ed.), experienced specialist, gave smart advice, shared her experience with us. She uses a scientific professional approach to solving the problems of the younger generation.

– How should giftedness be detected in a child?

– From personal experience, I can say that giftedness manifests itself at the age of 4–5 years. I carefully watched what they do and are fond of, what they like to do and what they don’t. For example, since childhood, Vladimir loved to make experiments: he grew onions on the windowsill, looked through the development processes through a magnifying glass.

– What qualities should a parent have in order for a child to become independent and successful?

– The most important thing is not to interfere and guide, for example, with advice. If he stands his ground and wants to do something, let him do it, and then we’ll see what happens. It must be understood that the directive and rigid framework suppress all children’s initiative. To behave properly, a parent needs to educate himself and learn all his life.

Svetlana Kirillina,
Talent University Media Laboratory

January 10, 2019

Olga Volodina: “You need to be friends with the child and support him in any endeavors”

Parents are next to the child from the first days of life and play a primary role in shaping his personality. Therefore, modern parents often face the question of how to help their children reach heights and find themselves. In order for the child to become successful and be able to realize their potential, parents also need to learn a lot and develop the competencies of the mentor.

The parents of Tatarstan received answers to key questions in the education of talented and gifted young people at the Republican Parents’ Meeting, which was held by the University of Talents together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in December last year.

Member of the Republican Parents’ Meeting Olga Volodina , mother of two daughters – Anastasia (25 years old) and Angelina (13 years old), is convinced that a loving and caring family creates a favorable environment for self-realization and unlocking the potential of gifted children. We talked with her about the secrets of parenting and how a parent can become a mentor for their child.

– How did you get to know Talent University?

– My 13-year-old daughter is engaged in science and participates in various scientific and practical conferences and competitions. In 2017, Angelina became the winner of the III All-Russian (XIX Volga) scientific conference of students named after. N. I. Lobachevsky, organized by the University of Talents. This is an excellent platform for realizing the potential, the University provides many opportunities that show the child the way to his goal.

– Are you a mentor for a child?

– Of course, any parent acts as a mentor for their child, because children most often turn to their parents for advice. But often parents put pressure on the child with authority. I think this is wrong. It is at this moment that the parent loses the position of a friend, senior comrade and mentor for his child. We ourselves need to develop and improve our communication skills with children. We need to be psychologists to notice the positive changes in our children and help deal with the negative.

– What should a parent do in order for a child to realize his or her potential?

– You need to be friends with the child and support him in any endeavors. You need to guide the child, but not impose your opinion on him. Children need to trust their parents, and behind trust lies the right relationship. I learn a lot from my children, as they do from me. And even if there are some misunderstandings, we sit down and discuss the situation together, listen to each other’s arguments and come to a compromise.

– What was especially important for you at the meeting with experts within the framework of the Republican Parents’ Meeting?

– I am glad that I was able to attend this event. I had the opportunity to personally ask my questions and get a personal answer from competent people who really understand this topic. At the meeting, the opinion was expressed that parents are always satisfied with the achievements of their children and praise their child. I expressed my opinion and said that it is not so in our family. We are constantly “dissatisfied” with success and try to achieve the best result. This applies not only to our children, but also to us parents. At the same time, we always support any initiative, regardless of the circumstances.

Liliana Mullayarova,
Talent University Media Laboratory

December 11, 2018

Dmitry Polinchuk: “A child should see that we are interested in his development, we will always help and support him, you need to be interested in his life and not stand by »

Parents play an important role in shaping a child’s personality. The success of children in the future depends not only on their potential, but also on the comfortable environment that parents create for their development. At the Republican Parents’ Meeting, which took place on December 7 in Kazan, parents received answers to questions about how to identify and develop a child’s giftedness and become a mentor for him.

Dmitry Polinchuk , pensioner of law enforcement agencies, father of five children (Matvey – 10 years old, Elisha – 14 years old, Ilya and Vasilisa – 18 years old each, Polina – 24 years old), shared how the University of Talents influenced his children and how help children become independent and succeed.

– Were you familiar with Talent University before? What activities did you participate in?

– I have known the University of Talents since its very foundation. My wife Anastasia Viktorovna Polinchuk works at gymnasium No. 8 (Kazan) as a mathematics teacher. In 2015, her school received a letter with an invitation to a parent-teacher meeting, and I became interested. Sergey Sergeevich Gil spoke at that meeting (co-chairman of the Scientific and Expert Council of the state program “Strategic talent management in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2015-2020” – ed. note). We were introduced to the opportunities that the University of Talents provides. After the meeting, I came home, told and interested the children, showed them the booklets and said: “You are there.”

– What activities of the Talent University did your children take part in? How did they influence them?

– In 2015, my twin children Ilya (1st year student of KNRTU-KAI named after A. N. Tupolev) and Vasilisa (1st year student at K(P)FU) took part in the Youth Talent School (MShT), then began to participate in other events. They came home with burning eyes. When my eldest daughter Polina was at school, there was no University of Talents, and I am glad that Ilya and Vasilisa were involved in its activities. They began to relate to life in a completely different way: they are interested in everything, they strive to develop, their grades at school have improved. Ilya, for example, has repeatedly participated in and won scientific conferences.

My wife and I do our best to help our children in their activities, so that they succeed everywhere and in everything. As a teenager, I worked as a laborer at a factory and brought my parents a salary, albeit a small one. My wife did exactly the same. This became an example for our children, and in the summer they got a job. Ilya teaches children at the House of Entertaining Science and Technology, and Vasilisa works as an animator. These areas are related to their future profession: Vasilisa works with children and studies in the field of “Psychology of children”, Ilya studies in helicopter engineering and conducts various experiments with equipment, aircraft, etc.

– Are you a child’s mentor? What does a parent need to do so that the child can realize his potential?

– A parent needs to participate in the upbringing of a child and support him in his endeavors. As a parent, I need to hear and see what my child is interested in. If he comes with new information, I show that I am ready to help him. In childhood, people lay “bricks” that will affect his future. Starting from school, my wife and I have always been active. I was head boy at the university. We believe that life at school and university is not only study, but also active social activity.

My son Elisha was terribly afraid of water as a child, at that moment the youngest son Matvey was already boldly jumping into the water and swimming. My wife and I decided to give Elisha to water polo and told him: “Let’s try, son.” Six months later, we saw that our child swam the pool back and forth. Then I shed tears of happiness. Now he is engaged in rowing, and he likes this sport.

– What skills should a parent develop in order to be an effective mentor to their child?

– To be interested in oneself and offer the child various opportunities for development – ​​now this is possible thanks to the Internet. Follow the initiatives of children and participate in their endeavors. The child must see that we are interested in his development, we will always help and support him. You need to be interested in his life and not stand aside. I attended the Republican Parent Meeting with pleasure, because such events help me develop and be in the “trend”.

Svetlana Kirillina,
Talent University Media Laboratory

December 8, 2018

A parent is a competent mentor.

What is the role of the parent in the professional and personal self-realization of the child?

A parent is the first and most important mentor, a “navigator” on the path of a child’s development. Parents play a significant role in the intellectual and personal development of their children. It is important that a comfortable environment is created in the family that would allow the child to open up, start making the right independent decisions and choose his favorite profession in which he can realize his potential.

On December 7, at the annual Republican Parents’ Meeting, the parents of Tatarstan, together with leading experts and mentors, discussed the development and realization of the potential of young people. The meeting, which was held on the basis of the showroom of Kazan Federal University, was attended by more than 50 parents, and over 10,000 parents from all over the republic took part in the parent meeting online – through online broadcasts on social networks and on the youtube channel.

The purpose of the event is to give parents a clear understanding of how to properly interact with their children, how to help them decide on the development vector, taking into account their abilities and preferences, since parents are key figures in the process of self-realization of young people. Parents got acquainted with the best methods and practices for developing the talents of their children. During the meeting, parents received questions that were answered by invited experts:

  • Marina Vladimirovna Belokurova , psychotherapist of the single European register, holder of the World Psychotherapist Certificate, General Director of the consulting and training company “Hi-Human Technologies” (Moscow)
  • Stanislav Robertovich Andreev , Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Tatarstan
  • Dmitry Albertovich Tayursky , Vice-Rector for Educational Activities of the Kazan Federal University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  • Olga Vladimirovna Antipina , Mentor of the University of Talents, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Resource Management, Kazan National Research Technical University named after. AN Tupoleva – KAI

Marina Belokurova spoke about the key factors influencing the development of a child’s potential:

– A parent must first of all follow the child’s nature. The child does not have to fulfill our parental expectations. If the parent looks at him with a certain disappointment, then he causes great trauma to the young man. There must be deep acceptance to help him develop and discover his talent. All children are talented, you need to be able to find the right approach. The path to talent is different for everyone. To unlock the potential, you also need a system, you need to know the age characteristics and take into account the interests of children.

Most of the parents’ questions were related to the development and realization of talent, behavioral characteristics and socialization. The following questions were also raised:

  • How can a parent become a mentor for their child?
  • What mentoring tools can parents use?
  • What skills should a parent have to help a child become independent and successful?
  • How to help a child choose a favorite and profitable business?

Stanislav Robertovich, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, noted the importance of training parents and holding similar events:

– The Republican Parents’ Meeting is a great opportunity to get answers to pressing questions on the development and support of gifted children in our republic. The family plays a huge role in the formation and development of a child’s talent, so it is very important for us to work not only with children, but also with their parents in order to create a favorable educational environment for children to unlock their potential .

Parents had the opportunity to talk not only with experts, but also with a student of the University of Talents, a student of the 11th grade of gymnasium No. 28 (Kazan) Yaroslava Vikhareva , who spoke on behalf of young people and spoke about the importance of parental support to the child grew up independent and became successful:

– I think that parents need to support their children in any endeavors. Direct their activities in the right direction, help them look for opportunities, tools for realizing talents and give them freedom of choice. With this freedom, we become more independent. A parent should be a friend to his child, he should instruct him, but not impose his position in relation to certain things.

One of the main tasks of the University of Talents is to create, together with parents, a favorable environment for the development of gifted and talented young people. To this end, the Parental Education Laboratory (PLE) was created at the University of Talents. Before the start of the parent meeting, the LRO program passed an examination, which was carried out by Marina Belokurova , expert of the University of Talents, Aidar Akmalov , executive director of the University of Talents, Razina Nigmatullina , head of the “Expert and analytical support” direction of the University of Talents and Venera Fazullina , representative of the parent committee of the University of Talents.

The LRO educational program consists of 10 trainings that will allow parents to understand the nature of the child, build trusting relationships with him, instill an interest in family values, teach him to cope with the challenges of life and help the child make the right professional choice. The educational program was created taking into account the opinions of parents and finalized by the joint efforts of experts. Parent training will start in 2019year.

Valentina Burakova , a parent of three children (7, 7 and 12 years old), shared her experience of raising children:

– You need to be friends with your children. A naughty child is usually a dissatisfied child, so I always take his side and try to understand the motives of his behavior. I start from my observations, so that later I can make a common decision together.

Gulnaz Khabibulina , a parent of two children (6 and 14 years old), spoke about the conclusions made after the parent meeting:

– At the meeting, I learned about many methods of working with children, about their upbringing, expanded my knowledge about their psychology and talked to experts. I will be happy to attend such events in the future for the general development. At the meeting, I realized that you do not need to impose your opinion on the child and insist on your own, you need to be a friend to him. Tel.0003

November 17, 2018

Kazan will host the Republican Parent Meeting

The role of parents in the professional development and realization of a talented schoolchild and student is very significant. In many ways, the child is guided by his parents in making decisions about his future profession, attitude to achievements and life tasks. Therefore, on December 7, Kazan Federal University will host the annual Republican Parent Meeting, where parents, together with leading experts and mentors, discuss important issues related to the development and realization of the potential of young people.

Participants will be able to answer the following questions:

  • How can a parent become a mentor for their child?
  • What every parent needs to know in order for a child to become in demand and successful?
  • How to help a child choose a favorite and profitable business?
  • How to help a child become independent and ready for action?

Participation is free.