Que es un charter school: What is a Charter School?

Опубликовано: January 7, 2023 в 9:47 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

What is a Charter School?

What is a Charter School?

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools and enrollment is open to all students. They are independently operated schools that run with more flexibility than traditional public schools in exchange for increased accountability.

The “charter” that establishes each school is a contract detailing the school’s mission, program, performance goals, and methods of assessment. Every public charter school has an authorizer which, subject to state law, may be a district school board, university, Mayor’s office, or non-profit organization.  Authorizers are responsible for holding charter schools accountable for compliance with their operating agreements or “charters.”

5 Facts About Charter Schools 

Charter schools are public schools.

Charter schools are public schools, by definition and in practice. We are publicly funded and state-governed schools, open to all students who live in a given community. Our schools are governed by the same laws as any other public school, and our students must meet the same set of standards, including state testing and graduation requirements.

Charter schools are publicly funded.

Like any other public school, we rely on public dollars to sustain our work. Charter schools consistently receive less per-pupil funding than traditional district schools: a 2020 report from the University of Arkansas found that this gap is now wider than it’s ever been, with charter schools receiving an average of $8,000 less per student than district schools.

Ultimately, this shouldn’t be a zero-sum game. We need to ensure that all public schools—district, charter, and others—get the funding they need, so that students and families truly have choices when it comes to a high-quality public education.

Charter schools are tuition free and open to all.

Like all public schools, charter schools are open to any student who lives in the enrollment area. There is no entrance requirement, such as testing or prior academic record. At KIPP, if a school has more families wanting to attend than spaces available, we choose applicants at random through a blind lottery.

Charter schools are held accountable for their results.

Charter schools are held to the same district and state standards as all other public schools. Our students take the same standardized tests and must meet the same accountability measures. In addition, charter schools are held accountable to an authorizer—a district school board, university, nonprofit organization, or other overseeing body—that reviews their charter on a regular basis and determines whether they are delivering on their promises to students. A charter school that does not meet these academic or financial standards can be shut down.

Charter schools offer extracurriculars.

Charter schools are about more than just academics. Across the country, KIPP schools offer a wide range of extracurriculars including sports like football, volleyball, soccer, and cheerleading; performing arts programs like theater, dance, and music; visual arts classes; and clubs such as chess, debate, and robotics.

All KIPP schools are public charter schools. And yet, not all public charter schools are like KIPP. KIPP is a non-profit network of 280 college-preparatory, public charter schools educating early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students.

KIPP’s Approach

¿Qué son las escuelas chárter? ¿Cumplen los objetivos?

Los Vitales

Las escuelas chárter son instituciones con financiación pública y matrícula gratuita. Los administradores de estas escuelas aceptan un nivel mayor de rendición de cuentas a cambio de más autonomía. Aproximadamente tres millones de alumnos asisten a escuelas chárter en 43 estados y en el Distrito de Columbia. Resulta complicado determinar si este tipo de institución escolar funciona. Si bien los últimos cuatro presidentes estadounidenses (Clinton, Bush, Obama y Trump) se mostraron a favor de las escuelas chárter, el respaldo que se les concede se divide según líneas partidarias.

  • En 43 estados y en el Distrito de Columbia las escuelas chárter cuentan con cerca de tres millones de alumnos.

  • En comparación con las instituciones escolares públicas tradicionales, un porcentaje desproporcionado de los alumnos de las escuelas chárter son hispanos (33%) o negros (26%).

  • Resulta difícil determinar si las escuelas chárter funcionan, dado que para hacerlo es preciso conocer con claridad sus objetivos y contar con buenos mecanismos de medición del éxito de los mismos.


Los Detalles

¿Qué es una escuela chárter?

Habitualmente la gestión de las escuelas públicas está
a cargo de los distritos escolares locales, los cuales toman las decisiones
sobre la forma en que operan (en algunos casos mediante convenios colectivos de
trabajo con sindicatos de docentes). La mayoría de los alumnos se asigna a las
escuelas públicas tradicionales según el barrio en el que viven.

Las escuelas chárter funcionan de un modo distinto. Este
tipo de escuelas parten de una propuesta que describe su misión, programa de
estudios, estructura de gestión, finanzas y otras características. Dicha propuesta
se envía a un ente de autorización aprobado por el gobierno, como un distrito
escolar o una universidad. Los entes habilitados para brindar las
autorizaciones, al igual que muchos de los aspectos de la legislación que rige
las escuelas chárter, varían según el estado. Si el ente autorizador aprueba la
propuesta, celebra un contrato con la junta directiva de la escuela en el que
se describen los derechos, responsabilidades y expectativas de desempeño de la
institución escolar. Esta es la esencia de lo que se ha dado en llamar “el
acuerdo de las escuelas chárter”. Los administradores de la escuela aceptan una
mayor rendición de cuentas (por ejemplo, la posibilidad de cierre si los
niveles de rendimiento académico son deficientes) a cambio de más autonomía (es
decir, la capacidad de procurar una temática especializada).

Además de la autonomía y de la rendición de cuentas, la capacidad de elección es otro de los principios esenciales del modelo de escuelas chárter. Los alumnos no se asignan a las escuelas chárter según el lugar en el que viven, sino que sus familias solicitan una plaza en ella. Algunas ciudades recurren a sistemas unificados de matriculación que permiten que las familias soliciten plazas en varias escuelas al mismo tiempo según un orden de preferencia, tras lo cual los alumnos se asignan a las instituciones escolares mediante un algoritmo.

Los principios de rendición de cuentas, autonomía y posibilidad de elección se encuentran interconectados. Por ejemplo, la posibilidad de elección opera como un mecanismo de rendición de cuentas (dado que las escuelas deben atraer familias para poder seguir funcionando), mientras que sus administradores pueden usar la autonomía para diferenciarse y crear una variada serie de opciones para ellas.

¿Por qué resultan polémicas las escuelas chárter?

Desde los primeros tiempos de su formación a
principios de la década de 1990 las escuelas chárter lograron el apoyo de
coaliciones políticas inusuales: los diferentes grupos percibían en ellas oportunidades
distintas. Muchos conservadores se ven atraídos por la competencia de mercado y
el control gubernamental limitado. A gran cantidad de progresistas les complace
que todas las familias, no únicamente las adineradas, tengan la posibilidad de
elegir la escuela a la que asistirán sus hijos. Incluso para algunos dirigentes
sindicales resultaron inicialmente prometedoras, ya que le daban a los docentes
más posibilidades de expresar sus opiniones sobre las formas de administración

No obstante, la política en materia de escuelas chárter está cambiando. Desde hace ya mucho tiempo los sindicatos de docentes se han constituido los más acérrimos opositores a este tipo de instituciones escolares: se muestran escépticos de que los educadores que trabajan en ellas tengan efectivamente un mayor control, y frustrados de que solamente el 11% de las escuelas chárter emplean a docentes sindicalizados. En términos más generales puede decirse que el apoyo a este tipo de escuelas se divide según las líneas partidarias ya que los demócratas, especialmente los progresistas de raza blanca, han expresado cada vez más su oposición a ellas. Esta polarización es, en parte, anterior al gobierno del presidente Trump. Por ejemplo, muchos demócratas prominentes, como los senadores Elizabeth Warren y Bernie Sanders, entre otros, se opusieron al referéndum de 2016 de Massachusetts para permitir más escuelas chárter (el cual fue firmemente rechazado). No obstante, el surgimiento del presidente Trump y de la secretaria de educación Betsy DeVos como los partidarios más prominentes de las escuelas chárter ha acelerado la polarización en la opinión pública.

Las críticas específicas a las escuelas chárter varían. Por ejemplo, algunos ven con desagrado que estas escuelas atraigan fondos (y alumnos) públicos que de otro modo se asignarían a las instituciones educativas tradicionales. A otros no les gusta que en algunos estados haya entidades privadas de gestión educativa con fines de lucro que pueden operar escuelas chárter (en 2016 y 2017 cerca de un 12% de ellas tenía este tipo de gestión, según la National Alliance for Public Charter Schools). Hay otros que se preocupan por la falta de transparencia y de fiscalización pública, o incluso que estas escuelas no han logrado cumplir lo prometido.

¿Quién asiste a las escuelas chárter?

A pesar de la atención que reciben estas escuelas, en 2016 y 2017 solamente el 6% de los estudiantes estadounidenses de escolarización pública asistieron a una escuela chárter. Como lo indica la línea azul claro en la figura siguiente , si bien ese porcentaje ha crecido desde el fin de siglo, la tasa de aumento parece estar disminuyendo.

Cabe notar que un porcentaje desproporcionado de alumnos de las escuelas chárter es o bien hispano (33% de la totalidad de los estudiantes que asisten a ellas) o negro (26%). En la escolarización pública más del 10% de los alumnos negros y el 7% de los hispanos asistió a escuelas chárter en el periodo 2016-2017, en comparación con el 4% de los de raza blanca.

En parte, esta situación refleja que un porcentaje mucho mayor de las escuelas chárter (54%) que de las escuelas públicas tradicionales (25%) operan en ciudades. En muchas ciudades, como Detroit y Washington, D.C., la mayoría o casi la mayoría de los alumnos en escolarización pública asisten a una escuela chárter. En el otro extremo del espectro se encuentra Nueva Orleans, que tiene un sistema de escolarización pública comprendido en su totalidad por escuelas chárter.

¿Funcionan las escuelas chárter?

A fin de determinar si las escuelas chárter funcionan
o no es preciso conocer con claridad sus objetivos y contar con buenos
mecanismos de medición del éxito de los mismos. No queda claro que tengamos
ninguna de esas dos cosas.

Los estudios más comúnmente difundidos comparan el
rendimiento académico de los alumnos de las escuelas chárter con los de las
demás instituciones escolares. Estas comparaciones imponen desafíos
metodológicos dado que las diferencias entre los estudiantes de las otras
escuelas públicas y los de las escuelas chárter podrían afectar el desempeño de
estos últimos. Es preciso que los investigadores encuentren grupos de
comparación razonables.

Uno de los enfoques consiste en analizar las loterías
aleatorias que se utilizan habitualmente cuando una escuela recibe más
postulantes que las vacantes que posee. En general los investigadores han
hallado que el rendimiento de los ganadores de la lotería es mucho mejor que el
de los perdedores, aunque estas comparaciones están acompañadas de salvedades
considerables. Las únicas escuelas que realizan loterías son las que tienen un
exceso de postulantes, por lo que no sorprende que el desempeño de los
estudiantes que ingresan a los establecimientos más deseados sea bueno.

El Centro de Investigación sobre Resultados Educativos (CREDO) de la Universidad de Stanford ha optado por un enfoque diferente. Tras recoger datos de alumnos de varios estados y distritos, el CREDO hace una correlación entre los estudiantes de las escuelas chárter y los de las escuelas públicas tradicionales que parecen tener varias similitudes (es decir, misma raza, género, nivel de pobreza, puntajes similares en exámenes y que anteriormente asistieron a las mismas escuelas). Tras ello comparó los puntajes de los exámenes de los alumnos de las escuelas chárter con los correlacionados de las demás instituciones educativas. Si bien esta metodología no es infalible (por ejemplo, las variables utilizadas para realizar la correlación podrían estar omitiendo algún elemento importante) probablemente constituye a la fecha el mejor método para comparar escuelas chárter con las que no lo son y que representan la población estudiantil general de las chárter.

La siguiente figura presenta algunos resultados notables de los estudios del CREDO. La conclusión clave es que, en general, los alumnos de las escuelas chárter tienen un nivel de rendimiento prácticamente similar al de sus homólogos de las instituciones públicas tradicionales, aunque existen variaciones en los diversos tipos de escuelas y de grupos estudiantiles. Por ejemplo, el rendimiento de los alumnos de las escuelas chárter de zonas urbanas es generalmente mejor que el de los de las demás escuelas utilizadas en la correlación (probablemente por diversos motivos) en tanto que los estudiantes de las escuelas chárter en línea presentan un desempeño mucho peor.

No obstante, debemos considerar si, en principio, la comparación entre las escuelas chárter y las tradicionales es el elemento de medición adecuado. Parte de la justificación de la existencia de este tipo de escuelas es que deberían crear instancias de innovación y de presión competitiva que implicarían mejoras tanto para ellas como para los demás establecimientos educativos. De concretarse dichas mejoras (y hay algunas pruebas de ello) estas comparaciones podrían subestimar los beneficios de las escuelas chárter. Si, por ejemplo, dañan a las escuelas públicas tradicionales al reducir el financiamiento o generar incertidumbres al respecto (también existen algunas pruebas en este sentido) esas comparaciones podrían subestimar los costos de este tipo de escuelas.

Independientemente de esto, las comparaciones de los puntajes de los exámenes nos presentan una imagen incompleta del desempeño de las escuelas chárter. Nos importan una serie mucho más amplia de resultados, tales como la forma en que estas escuelas afectan la segregación racial, la medida en que crean opciones para las familias desfavorecidas y si en verdad están generando modelos escolares innovadores. Si bien las investigaciones conexas resultan demasiado extensas para la presente reseña, puede hallarse un buen resumen de ellas en un informe del NBER de 2015.

¿Qué pueden hacer los formuladores de políticas a nivel federal?

Los comentarios de los candidatos presidenciales sobre las escuelas chárter se refieren más a cuestiones políticas que normativas, dado que la educación es algo que se deja en gran medida en manos de los estados. No obstante, el gobierno federal desempeña una función. Por ejemplo, el Departamento de Educación administra el Programa de Escuelas Chárter (PEC) que proporciona fondos de ayuda para su constitución, adquisición de instalaciones y duplicación. En el ejercicio fiscal 2019 el Congreso dedicó 440 millones de dólares al PEC, cifra que registró un aumento considerable durante el gobierno de Trump. Los formuladores de políticas a nivel federal podrían aumentar o disminuir el financiamiento general, además de agregar o eliminar las estipulaciones al respecto (por ejemplo, al impedir que los fondos federales lleguen a las escuelas chárter que operan con fines de lucro).

Con frecuencia los formuladores de políticas a nivel estatal y local toman decisiones trascendentes en materia de escuelas chárter. Dichas decisiones incluyen una amplia gama de cuestiones, tales como fórmulas de financiamiento, topes a la cantidad de escuelas o vacantes permitidas, determinaciones relativas a las escuelas (o tipos de escuelas) que se abrirán, normas sobre los alumnos a los que se les conferirá el ingreso prioritario a las instituciones con mayor demanda, así como requisitos para que las reuniones y archivos sean de carácter abierto.

The education system in Spain

  • CIS countries. Through the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of Spain, more and more programs of international cooperation are being developed for teaching a language in Spain, obtaining higher education, or studying in Spain for a master’s degree. nine0015

    The activities of institutions such as the Instituto Cervantes or public foundations such as SEACEX , the Society for the Propagation of Spanish Culture, are the result of a thoughtful and consistent policy of Spain to promote and strengthen Spanish culture in the world.

    According to the Organic Education Law of 2007 in Spain, education for children from six to sixteen years of age is considered compulsory.

    General basic education in Spain includes:

    preschool education,

    Primary school,

    Secondary education (implies compulsory secondary education, upper secondary education or secondary vocational education)

    Higher vocational education

    Higher university education

    In recent years, Spain has become the third most popular country after England and Ireland’s training center in Europe, education in Spain is of interest to young people from all over the world. Studying in Spanish colleges provides good opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as a broad academic base for students and students. The structure of the educational system, especially secondary education in Spain, allows the student to independently decide on the choice of a future specialty. Studying in Spain, unlike in Russia, is personally oriented, that is, the personal qualities and aspirations of the student are taken into account. nine0015

    According to statistics, about 66% of children in Spain study in public schools, 25% attend the so-called “charter schools” (Escuela concertada are schools that are funded from public funds, but have the structure and independence of private schools) and 7.5% attend private schools. Classes are free at public and charter schools, although charter schools may introduce additional paid classes. The cost of studying in Spain in a private school in the primary grades will be from 1750 euros per year. Senior classes in a private school will cost from 2150 euros per year. To this must be added the cost of transport, food and school materials. nine0015

    Spanish or English?

    Before going to study in Spain, we recommend sending your child to a Spanish language course in Russia. This will help smooth the process of adaptation and make education in Spain long-awaited and effective. If you want your children to go to study in Spain but study in English, you need to look for private international schools. Some of the private schools have a program entirely in English, some international schools teach in two languages ​​in parallel. Studying in Spain in a private school will cost more than in a public one, and the average cost will be 300-400 € per month. nine0015

    If you decide to send your heir to an ordinary public school, prepare your child for the fact that all school subjects will have to be mastered in Spanish. Young children learn foreign languages ​​much easier and faster than adults. Depending on how engaged and motivated the child is, usually after three to six months of intense learning and exposure to the environment, your child will already be able to speak Spanish with confidence.

    Spanish peers are usually hospitable and friendly towards foreign “newcomers” in their school. Often, especially in small schools, a foreign “guest” becomes the center of attention among peers and teachers, who are happy to help the child quickly get used to the new environment. nine0015

    Some schools in Spain offer their own intensive Spanish courses for foreign students. In Andalusia, the regional government initiated a special project to teach Spanish to foreign students. So far, this project has been introduced only in Malaga and Almeria, but about 6,000 children from 122 countries of the world have already completed the courses.

    Before entering school, language proficiency is tested and the child is placed in a group according to their level. Children who cannot read and write Spanish may be enrolled a year or two below the class. Do not be upset, this is done so that children can easily master the language and, if necessary, fill in the gaps in knowledge in other subjects. As soon as the child begins to speak and write Spanish well enough, he is transferred to a class appropriate for his age. nine0015

    In some autonomous provinces, you may find that in the regional education system in Spain, subjects are taught in local languages ​​or dialects (Basque, Catalan or Galician). For example, schooling in Catalonia and Valencia (which also includes the Costa Blanca) for children from 3 to 12 years old is conducted in the Catalan dialect, and children study Spanish several times a week as a separate subject. If you think that the parallel development of both Spanish and the regional language will be too much of a burden on the child, then it makes sense to opt for private schools in Spain. nine0015

    Lesson timetable in Spain

    Each school may have its own lesson timetable, but most of the time classes are held from 9 am to 4 pm. At 12.00 there may be a break for lunch. Sometimes schools refuse a lunch break, and then the lessons last until 14.00. As in Russia, schools in Spain usually set lessons no longer than 45 minutes.

    Many schools in Spain have their own transport, which brings and takes children from distant areas. Some schools open earlier (for example, at 8.00) or have an after-school group or extracurricular activities that can last until 17-18 hours. After-school groups, just like in Russia, are created so that working parents have the opportunity not to worry for the child after school. nine0015

    In Spanish schools, children are not allowed to miss classes without reason, unless the children have an appointment with a doctor, in which case the teacher must be warned in advance that the child will not be able to come to class.

    School holidays in Spain

    The school year in Spain lasts from mid-September to mid-June, with a break for the New Year, Easter and summer holidays. The academic year consists of 3 trimesters lasting approximately 11 weeks.

    Trimester length is constant throughout Spain, however, in some autonomous provinces, the length of the trimester may be changed to take into account regional holidays and important events of a regional scale. In Malaga, a week of holidays is added in the middle of the spring trimester (in February), these holidays are called “blank week” semana blanca. In high school in Spain, students sometimes add 2 extra weeks of summer vacation, which are set aside for an organized trip as a whole class. In order for parents to plan joint trips and holidays in advance, vacation dates in Spanish schools are usually published in advance. nine0015

    On Spain

    Visa to Spain

    Studying in Spain

    Work in Spain

    Banks of Spain

    Taxes in Spain

    Putation in Spain

    Business in Spain in Spain in Spain in Spain

    Lawyer in Spain

    Nota Simple

    Charter schools are our right!

    Quote from Meaning of the Game 39:
    Charter schools are not private. First, it is necessary to use and private. But private ones are bad because they need money. They do not have enough money for ordinary people. And a charter school means that an ordinary person has the right to contribute his share of the budget allocated for the education of his child, connecting with others, to the school he wants to go to. Do you understand? He chooses this school, and this is a deadly method of fighting juvenile justice. People are gathering. They have the money (finally) to teach the children, and they control how the children are taught. They! Made in America, somewhere else. In America, excuse me, they invented another computer – and now what should be done? Trample it with your feet? The task now is precisely to turn this mechanism into a powerful real weapon for the rights of the patriotic majority, ordinary patriotic people. So they don’t need it! They don’t need it! They need to have a school that will collect a database for each of your children and that you can no longer come to with a broken knee. Do you even know this? Do you even know that you can’t go to the emergency room? That a complete case, a complete dossier, is immediately started. nine0015

    And when we say for the first time that there is real civil action, that it is possible to really oppose it at the level of laws, that it is possible to intercept their logic… You know, I even showed… sports mediocre person, but I had good teachers, including Kharlampiev. And Kharlampiev told me in sambo: “The heavier and more powerful your opponent is, the more painfully he will fall if you use Newton’s laws. Because when the opponent moves his leg, he loses his stability. If you remove the foot with a sweep, then the enemy flies. And the more weight he has, the more painfully he falls. And that’s it!” In this case, we are talking about using this system here. This is at least some fresh, normal idea! If you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you! You sit as if spat on! So this is a thought! Now: “No-o-t! No-o-t!” And who are we so offended by? What’s wrong? And they hurt something basically, precisely when the People’s Assembly was done! Did not notice? That’s when they started to hurt. nine0097
    “… there will be a creation of a “free… zone”… It’s just a piece of paradise… there are… charter… schools… Where does the money come from to create these schools and kindergartens?”
    From the camel! This money comes from the budget. By the way, according to our non-existent laws, private schools should still receive budget money. And we have to fight for how they will enter. So even a charter is the next stage. This is a facilitation of the procedure for planting budget money for ordinary … ordinary people with the prohibition of any right to use this money not for a child and for his education. With a ban. This is a check entered, not money that can be converted, nominal, with a number. Here you use it on a child. nine0015

    But if there are 100 of you and you used these checks… And I was talking about something else, I was talking about fixed assets, about schools. Because you will collect the budget share 10 times, but until you get a state house for this education, called a school, you will not be able to do anything there. Therefore, the citizens of Russia have the right to a share in the fixed assets allocated for the education of children – this is the most important thing. Do you have any children here [addressing the audience]? Here you are in Moscow, you have gathered together, you have come and declared that one school is yours. Here you go, please! nine0015

    Imagine what process will begin the next day! And why, in the conditions of the conservative majority of the people, who do not want all this filth, should we grab onto a dictatorship, which obviously has a juvenile component? Why? Where does it come from? And, by the way, you perfectly understand that if all these guards start behaving so stupidly, then all the energy of civil protest will only be in the hands of the destroyers.

    This is a process that applies to the entire country. I spoke about the fact that there should be a legislative initiative, a general civil protest, the use of active law (that is, the possibility of introducing a legislative initiative) and civil self-government. nine0015

    The current moment, the current logic is to demand the expansion of people’s democracy, the expansion of people’s democracy and active rights, the expansion of civil freedom zones. Because they will inevitably find themselves, firstly, in the hands of the majority and, secondly, they will become the support of the majority. Because this majority is a beggar! Beggar! And without transferring these opportunities to him, the minority will wipe their feet on him as they please. But if these opportunities are given to him, the picture will be completely different. And when this logic turns out to be unacceptable for our elite, then this elite declares itself as dictatorial. So let her eat everything inedible that is allotted to her in the case when she recognizes herself as a dictator. Instead, you have to yell all the time. We just want to be whipped by some whip, we just want to become serfs. Whose? More on this later. This is the logic of serfdom. Only whose? What kind of serfdom are we talking about in this case? Who is claiming this status of serf-owner? Who does not like the fact that we are engaged in civil society? nine0015

    There will be no parallel space, because then the children have to go to universities and all over the world. Please, let this one be – how is he? – USE. Since the state creates some standards, all these standards will be mastered by 110%. And the fact that other standards will be mastered (and I, without looking ahead, I will say: there will be not one, but three languages, and there will be another teaching of mathematics, which will create a higher level of mastery of the subject, and there will be parallel teaching of history and literature, and so on ) is that bad? nine0015

    Quote from the Meaning of the Game 38:
    we have the right to schools, kindergartens and everything else free from this evil. We want it – we should have the right to it! And here those principles that exist in the West work perfectly, they only need to be disassembled, one should not be afraid to use them.
    If you have the concept of “charter school”, then it means the following. First principle. The first principle is a private school. If I collect a private school, and fulfill all the requirements of the state to the minimum, then the state itself told me that I can work to the maximum, right? Nobody connects me further. They told me: “Here, at least!” And I want Latin, Greek and four other languages. Well, I’m just talking now, offhand. Or such higher mathematics that there is nowhere else, or new methods of parallel study of the subject – I want all this, no one here can prevent me, this is a private school, right? What is the harm if it is a private patriotic school, if there is a Soviet education, if we develop Ushinsky there? What is the only sore point? Because it’s a school for the rich. nine0015

    So, my dears, here is the charter law: every person is entitled to the share of state funds that is allocated to a child! If two hundred, one hundred, or as many people as needed, have collected charters and want to go to a school free from dirty tricks, no one has the right to interfere with them! And this is public money, so here, in the charter, the principle of private, rich schools, and the principle of schools for the poor, are equalized. Moreover, they have the right not only to the share due to the child (and no one can withdraw this share from the child, no one can transfer it to the dachas of mother or father) – this is given to the child so that he eats, so that he drinks, so that he had textbooks so that he had a rest, and if his parents are still infringed in something (in alcohol, for example), this does not mean that they cannot transfer money in this way. nine0015

    But this is not the only thing. The right to fixed assets, that is, to school premises, without which this right is nothing.

    A charter right is not only a right to working capital, it is a right to fixed assets.
    And then we say: all power to parent committees!

    Ron Paul in the United States said a long time ago that “we are now not so interested in who will be the president of the United States, as in who will be elected to municipal parent committees.” All power to parent committees! Maybe somewhere there will be a semi-gang parents’ committee (although the bandits don’t want anything bad for the children). But in most cases, other committees will arise and these committees will put things in order in the schools, if we believe in our people and consider our people to be citizens. Even if the people are not completely civilly ready for this now, they will quickly prepare for this. Then there is a space of civic action (shows on the blackboard). nine0097 WE are creating a civilian territory, and on this civilian territory there will be a lot of other schools, yes, with expanded programs, with a return to the Soviet-Russian tradition, with the cleaning of all this from moral evil spirits, with such a suppression of attempts to shove drugs and other things into children that everyone they will be afraid and everyone will move away from these schools, very far away. That’s when civil action and civil protest will be combined.

    We do not delegate everything to citizens. We perfectly understand the functions of the state, we sacredly honor the principle of a great centralized state and territorial integrity, we perfectly understand what a great army is, all that, we perfectly understand what frame structures are, but if here, in order to enter a reasonable state, you need 5 more years, then we CANNOT give a whole generation into the hands of hidden or explicit juveniles for these 5 years. And also all the others. And reduce yourself to protest. We say: civil action. And if we, as the “Essence of Time”, do not begin to implement this program of civic action ourselves, but only trample on this political territory, and if we do this for more than six months, WE HAVE ALREADY LOST, and the Kolesnikovs will turn out to be right. The point is not that there is an imitation, there is no imitation, but that this territory is necessary, but not sufficient (points to a blackboard on the field of civil protest). You have to go here, here, a specific civic action (shows on the board on the field of civic action). nine0015

    We have the right to museums.
    We have the right to schools.
    We have the right to cultural and leisure centers.
    WE DO NOT KNOW what the houses of the new culture are. I have been involved in culture almost since the age of 15, every year after 15 I staged performances. My halls are still full, I don’t know what the new culture is and I don’t want to know! I know what houses of high culture and education are. I know that they are obsolete, that they are destroying everything higher that was achieved in the country of Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vakhtangov, Meyerhold and others. Eisenstein, Pudovkin, etc., all this is swept away and populated with cattle, and it doesn’t matter to me , as it will be called, new or old culture. I want to have houses of high culture, and as a citizen of the country, I have the same right to this as someone to houses of low culture, and I will ask the citizens how many of these citizens, like me, want to have the appropriate houses, the corresponding pioneer camps, the corresponding part civil territory.