Pug pregnancy: Pug Dog Information Center | Pug Pregnancy Information

Опубликовано: September 7, 2023 в 10:50 am


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Pug Dog Information Center | Pug Pregnancy Information


Whether you are purposefully breeding or your Pug may have accidentally become pregnant, this page will guide you through the basics of what to expect, how to know a Pug is pregnant, the labor process and care. 

Signs that a Pug is Pregnant

You might be wondering if your Pug is pregnant and perhaps you can not get an appointment with the vet immediately. A dog’s pregnancy is a fast one compared to humans; therefore a dog will show signs of being pregnant very quickly.

The following are signs and symptoms that a Pug is pregnant:

Week 1 –

At this early stage, there will usually be no signs. Towards the end of Week 1, some dogs may have slight nausea that causes a decreased appetite. 

1.5 week old Pug newborn puppy

Photo courtesy of: Tammy Jones

Care for a Pregnant Pug Dog

Food – Pregnant Pugs will need to eat quite a bit more food than usual. Their appetite will increase around week 3 or 4. Do not be concerned about feeding her too much at this time; she will crave the necessary calories needed for her pups and it will be your job to supply them.

Everything that your Pug eats will be transferred to her growing puppies; therefore she should be allowed to eat as much as she wishes, when she wishes. Do please be sure to keep these meals and snack on the healthy side. While pregnant dogs do need a bit more fat in the diet, the goal is to increase nutrients while keeping food wholesome and healthy. Following home cooking suggestions, adding fresh raw baby carrots or steamed potatoes can be nutritious add-on ingredients to her diet.

Expect a pregnant Pug to eat 25 to 50% more than normal.

There is no need to offer her additional vitamins and mineral supplements; and in fact doing so can cause health issues to both her and the fetuses.

Do not give her extra calcium – This has been shown to:

  • Increase her odds of developing eclampsia – a dangerous, life-threatening condition involving seizures and high blood pressure
  • More difficult delivery
  • Joint abnormalities in the puppies

Your Dog Giving Birth At Home 

If it is determined by your vet that your Pug is able to give birth at home, you can prepare for this by sectioning off a quite corner in a room or creating a whelping box by placing a large canine bed inside a good-sized cardboard box with one side cut out for access.  

The bottom of the whelping box can have plastic layering placed down, followed by layers of clean newspaper; as the papers become bloodied and soaked with fluid, they can be quickly removed, revealing fresh paper. 


In the prepared room, be sure to have all supplies close at hand. you will not want to leave the dam to run and grab a necessary item. If possible, have an assistant with you since this is not a job that one should handle alone. 

The items that you should have are:

-Clean towels

-Sterilized thread


-Disinfection spray

-A suction bulb

-A small dropper (like the kind used to give babies medication)

-Heating pad

Signs it is Time

You’ll want to start taking her temperature twice per day, every day, starting on day 55.  This is done with a canine rectal thermometer. 

When your Pug dog’s temperature drops below
100 degrees (37.77 Celsius) she will be ready to give birth within the next 24 hours. . Sometimes the temperature will drop and then raise…while rare it does happen. 



Allow the birthing to take place naturally, offer her water but no food (she would most likely throw it up).

It will be normal for her to pant heavy and whine or whimper. Some dogs shiver. Active labor can last from 2 to 12 hours.


Each puppy will be born encased in his or her own amniotic sac; the sac may break or it may to be opened. It is canine instinct for the dam to tear it open using her teeth, if she does not do this, you must carefully assist. 

Crying and whimpering during labor is normal, however afterward the dam should be peaceful and rather quiet. Signs of distress after giving birth could point to an emergency issue and the veterinarian should be contacted ASAP.

Puppies may be born in rapid succession; though there may be up to 2 hours in-between each pup being pushed out.

It’s best to let nature follow its course, only stepping in if there is a true need. You may need to gently help pull out the puppies with extreme care. Have your vet on call, in case a pup becomes wedged.

After Delivery

If the dam does not bite the umbilical cord, it should be “cut” by using sterilized thread. You will tie the thread around the cord and pull quickly on both ends.

Once the puppies are born, the mother will clean them. Her cleaning will help to stimulate their blood circulation. Once all of the puppies are out, the dam will push out the placenta. Once this is done, the birthing process is over. It may seem a bit disturbing, however sometimes a dam will ingest the materials that are pushed out of her including the amniotic sac, umbilical cords and the placenta.

You may need to use the suction bulb to take mucus out of the puppies lungs and throat the dam does not clear this herself.

Keep a close eye on your Pug and the puppies. Make sure that the puppies are breathing; if their tongues are blue, this means that they are in distress. In addition, they must be able to reach their mother’s nipples to nurse; you can gently move them over to this spot if they need help. 

In the event that a dam seems disinterested in her pups or shows any aggressive behavior, take the puppies to a warm, soft and safe area and supply them with much needed milk. This will be administered using a dropper.

Allow the dam to rest as much as she needs after giving birth. Most dogs bounce back fairly quickly after giving birth. Look for red flags signs such as bleeding, weakness and fever. These are red flags to bring her to the veterinarian ASAP.

As the weeks go by, she will need you to “babysit” her puppies more and more often as she takes much needed breaks.

Pug Pregnancy Symptoms & Stages (Complete Guide)

During the early stages of a Pug’s pregnancy, it can be hard to tell whether your Pug is actually pregnant or not. We spoke with many Pug breeders and below is a complete guide to help you determine if your Pug is pregnant or not.

We’ll also discuss signs of early gestation, the Pug pregnancy stages, how do Pugs give birth, and why Pug puppies are quite expensive. Continue reading to find out! 

Table of Contents

Pug pregnancy symptoms and early signs

Pregnant Pug symptoms

We understand how difficult it can be to determine whether your Pug is pregnant or not. Luckily, there are several early signs of a Pug pregnancy. Below is a list of pregnant Pug symptoms and early signs: 

  • A pregnant Pug will not eat as much as before. At times, she may not want to eat her meals at all. 
  • You’ll notice the stomach of the Pug is bigger than before. Each day that passes, the Pug’s stomach gets a little bigger. This usually happens around 2 weeks or 14 days after being inseminated. 
  • The vet could feel movement in the Pug’s belly, sometimes as soon as 15 to 30 days. 
  • You’ll notice a change in behavior. Instead of being energetic and playful, a pregnant pug starts to feel lethargic and tired.  
  • A pregnant Pug’s chest will become more red and enlarged to prepare them for nursing.   

These symptoms and early signs are just a few we listed. To confirm that your Pug is actually pregnant, you’ll want to contact your vet or bring your Pug to the vet for a physical examination or checkup. 

Many veterinarians and Pug breeders will perform a series of tests and exams to fully confirm that your Pug is pregnant, including blood work, ultrasounds, and x-rays. Let’s discuss this more in-depth. 

How can I tell if my pug is pregnant?

If you’re wondering, “is my Pug pregnant?” there are several ways to check and confirm whether your Pug is actually pregnant. Here, we will explain two main methods that will provide you with full proof that your Pug is pregnant. 

1. Pug ultrasound 25 days after conception

If you suspect your Pug is pregnant, call your vet and bring your Pug to the vet. At the vet, a Pug ultrasound will be performed. Usually, the ultrasound can be done as early as 3 weeks or 21 days after partnering. However, since this is a bit too early, there’s no guarantee that this scan will be fully accurate. 

Hence, it’s best to wait until at least 25 days after partnering to get a Pug ultrasound done for the most accurate result. 

There are pros and cons to using the ultrasound method. While it should be painless, it can also be uncomfortable for the pregnant Pug. Some Pugs may tense up and feel vulnerable with the vet touching their belly. 

Additionally, the Pug’s belly hair needs to be shaved off for the ultrasound scan to get clear results. All of this can stress out your precious Pug.   

Pug ultrasound can also be costly to owners on a budget. An ultrasound pregnancy test can cost anywhere between $300 and $500. 

Since this isn’t a cheap option, many owners or breeders will opt to just wait and look for more obvious signs of Pug pregnancy like a bigger stomach or body.

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2. Blood test at 35 days (5 weeks) after conception

Another way to fully confirm that your Pug is pregnant is by having a blood test. You’ll want to wait at least 35 days or 5 weeks after partnering to get the blood test done. The blood test is vital to confirm whether your Pug is pregnant or not because it can help to detect pregnancy hormones in Pugs. 

There are also pros and cons to getting a blood test. The pro is that it’s not as costly as the ultrasound scan. The con is that if the blood test is done too early on, it may not always be accurate. 

Take a Pug that is less than 5 weeks or 35 days pregnant as an example. If blood work is done, it may show a negative result even though your Pug is in fact pregnant, albeit at the early stages.

What is the most reliable Pug pregnancy test?

While the Pug ultrasound is more expensive than the blood test, it is definitely the most accurate way to confirm that your Pug is indeed pregnant. Keep in mind that it is best to wait 25 days post-partnering to get the ultrasound done or else the ultrasound scan might be a complete waste of money as it may give you an incorrect result. 

Many owners and breeders prefer the Pug ultrasound scan because they can actually see the puppies in the tummy from the scan images which gives 100% confirmation that their Pug is pregnant. 

The ultrasound scan images can also show you how many puppies your Pug is expecting. It’s important to note that the number of puppies in the womb can be a bit hard to tell because there may be puppies overlapping each other due to their size.  

By the 45th day of your Pug’s pregnancy, your vet may suggest getting an X-ray which allows the vet to count the number of skulls in the Pug’s womb. By this time, you’ll know exactly how many puppies are in this litter.

How long are Pugs pregnant?

How long are Pugs pregnant for?

Now that you know your Pug is pregnant, you’re probably excited and wondering, how long are Pug dogs pregnant. To answer this question, let’s take a look at the Pug pregnancy stages. Here’s what you can expect at each stage.

Pug pregnancy stages

Month 1

During the first month of your precious Pug’s pregnancy, you may not even notice that your Pug is pregnant at all. That’s because nothing really drastic is happening during the first month.

If your Pug isn’t visiting the vet during this time and without the aid of the vet or the ultrasound, you may not notice any physical changes in your Pug at all. 

So here’s what happens during the first month of the Pug pregnancy: 

  • Day 7 of the pregnancy: The embryos of the Pug puppy will get into their mother’s uterine horns. 
  • Day 14 to 16 of the pregnancy: The puppy embryos of the Pug will now attach themselves to the lining of their mother’s uterus.    
  • Day 22 of the pregnancy: By this day, the Pug’s fetuses will begin to form.
  • Day 29 of the pregnancy: Your pregnant Pug’s vet will be able to detect the fetuses’ heartbeats using an ultrasound scan.  

By the third week of the pregnancy, your pregnant Pug will start to show signs of pregnancy we mentioned before such as not eating as much, skipping meals here and there, stomach getting bigger, and feeling more tired and lethargic than before. 

In addition to these early signs, you can also expect the following in your pregnant Pug: 

  • Your Pug may have canine morning sickness.  
  • Instead of eating less and losing appetite that occurs earlier in the pregnancy, your Pug is now gaining back her appetite and may in fact eat more than normal. 
  • Your Pug may not want to walk, play, or exercise as much as before. 
  • Your Pug’s stomach are now larger than before. 
  • Seeking comfort and care during the pregnancy, your Pug may want you to pet her more and cuddle with her more.  
  • During the 4th week, you may notice a clear discharge from your pregnant Pug.  

Again, some pregnant Pugs may experience one of these symptoms while others may experience all of these symptoms. No two pregnant Pugs are alike so the pregnancy symptoms will vary. 

Since this is just the early stages, it can be hard to tell. 

Month 2

Things get more exciting and interesting during the second month. This is when the signs of Pug pregnancy really start to speed up. 

For instance, between the 32nd day to the 35th day, the fetuses will start to have toes and eyelids. The pregnant Pug is in for a ride because the fetuses are developing very quickly during month 2. 

Here’s what is happening inside your pregnant Pug’s stomach during day 40 and day 45. 

  • Day 40: Pug’s fetuses will have grown claws. 
  • Day 45: You can expect the Pug’s fetuses to have skeletal form and coat. 

On the 50th day, we highly recommend that you bring your pregnant Pug to the vet for an X-ray. This X-ray will inform you of how many puppies your pregnant Pug is expecting. This information is crucial because it helps you as the owner or breeder to prepare and plan according to the litter size. 

Here’s what may happen on day 58: 

  • Day 58: You may notice your pregnant Pup showing nesting behavior. This is normal behavior that pregnant dogs naturally exhibit because they are trying to look for a comfortable and safe spot to give birth to their puppies. 

We recommend that owners and breeders add comfortable and soft cushions and bedding for their pregnant Pug. This will help the Pug feel more safe and secure during her pregnancy and leading into labor. 

By month 2, your pregnant Pug’s belly is rounder and bigger. 

At this stage, here are some signs of Pug pregnancy you can expect: 

  • Eating more than her usual amount.
  • Around the 45th day, your pregnant Pug will lose her appetite for food again and eat less than usual.
  • A significant weight gain due to pregnancy.
  • Urinating more often than usual.
  • Between 45th day and 50th day, your pregnant Pug’s belly becomes more firm. 
  • By the 50th day, there may be movement in your Pug’s belly. 

Month 3

The third month is both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for first-time owners and owners that did not expect their Pugs to become pregnant. 

At this point, you know your Pug is definitely pregnant. During month 3, the Pug will be giving birth to her puppies. At this point (58th day), the puppies are almost fully formed and they will begin to move into position inside the pregnant Pug’s belly to prepare for arrival. 

During the last few days of the Pug’s pregnancy, the puppies will move into the birth canal. 

Here are some signs to look for during month 3: 

  • As the puppies inside the pregnant Pug move into position, her waist will get slimmer than before. 
  • As the pregnant Pug prepares for pregnancy during days 61 and 62, she may not want to eat as much as before.  
  • 1 to 2 days before the birth, you can expect the pregnant Pug’s temperature to drop a little. 
  • Instead of lethargy, your Pug will start to circle around, become restless, and may even get agitated.
  • You’ll notice your pregnant Pug shivering, panting, pacing, and digging as she prepares for labor and delivery.

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Pug pregnancy information and tips

Being aware of what to expect during your Pug’s pregnancy is crucial to making sure your pregnant Pug is feeling comfortable, safe, and healthy. We will share a bit more tips so that you are prepared and know what to do while your Pug is pregnant.

How long do Pugs stay pregnant?

Pugs will stay pregnant for about 58 to 68 days. You can expect a Pug to be pregnant for an average length of about 63 days and this is from the date of her conception to the date of delivery.   

Owners and breeders can expect both behavioral changes as well as physical changes. 

For instance, in the last 14 days of your Pug’s pregnancy, you will notice the following: 

  • Your pregnant Pug will ask for more cuddles and want to be with you more often. 
  • Pregnant Pugs does not want to see or socialize with other pets or dogs in the house.
  • It may seem that your pregnant Pug is lethargic, but she may in fact be calmer than usual and less tense than before.
  • Try to keep her space nice, tidy, and comfortable. Your pregnant Pug may look like she’s uncomfortable at times. 
  • Expect your pregnant Pug to sleep more often and in different places around the house.

How to prepare for a Pug pregnancy

Preparation is key when your Pug is expecting. Owners and breeders alike can help their pregnant Pug feel more comfortable during her pregnancy and birth by doing the following: 

  •  After the first month of pregnancy, you’ll want to add some puppy kibble into her diet. Puppy kibble is great because they are nutritious that would be helpful to the developing puppies inside her. 
  • Expect your pregnant Pug to feel lethargic and tired and may not want to walk or exercise as much. This is natural so owners and breeders should not over-exert their pregnant Pug.  
  • Your pregnant Pug may also have a difficult time breathing and may pant heavily so avoid over-exerting your precious pregnant Pug. 
  • On month 3, start preparing and make her crate comfortable and secure. This way your Pug feels more comfortable, secure, and safe and knows that the place she’ll give birth will be safe for her puppies as well.

Pug pregnancy and birth: How do Pugs give birth?

Since Pugs are naturally small dogs, it’s pretty rare for them to give natural birth and one of the most common ways for a Pug to give birth is via a C-section. Let’s take a look at both. 

1. C-section

If you’re wondering, “Do pugs need C sections?” the answer is yes in most cases. That’s because the puppies’ skull is larger than the width of the pregnant Pug’s birth canal and this can lead to risks and complications which we will discuss next. 

If you’re concerned or worried, don’t be. Your vet will help you determine whether C-section is the best option. He or she will use an X-ray to look for the number of puppies the pregnant Pug is expecting and find out how large the puppies’ skulls are.  

C-sections can be costly for those owners on a budget. It can cost anywhere between $640 and $1,300. Before the C-Section, the vet will administer the anesthetic first. 

This costly birthing method is one of the reasons why Pug puppies are so expensive.

2. Natural birth

So, can Pugs give birth naturally? Yes, if after consulting with your vet, both you and your vet agree that the natural birth is fine.   

If natural birth is the route to go, then you’ll want to continue to monitor your pregnant Pug closely and find out when she is ready to give birth.  

By this time, her nest should be ready for her to give birth in. You’ll want to make it comfortable by adding towels as padding or cushion. You can expect your Pug to head over to her nest several times a day and adjusting the towels you’ve added in there. 

She will then lie down and pant heavily as if she was just running. This is normal. She is breathing heavily and her heart rate starts to increase. Labor can be strenuous and long. Sometimes the first puppy may not appear until 12 hours into labor. 

Once she has delivered her puppy (one at a time), the mommy Pug will immediately nibble at the sack and lick the gooey sack away from her puppy. This is important because it allows the newborn puppy to breathe. 

While mommy dogs will naturally do this, it doesn’t hurt for the owners to stay close by and help if necessary. 

Some mommy Pug may start to eat away at the umbilical cords and sack. This may seem alarming but it isn’t to our dog because they contain nutritional elements that can help the dog.  

When the puppy is free from its sack and is breathing, you can place him or her on the mother Pug’s chest to start nursing.

Final thoughts

If you suspect your Pug is pregnant, try your best to figure out when your Pug first became pregnant. This way, you can prepare and feed her accordingly. 

Giving birth is usually the main concern and most vets and breeders I’ve talked to recommend having a C-section instead of the natural birth since Pugs are small dogs. 

If you have a pregnant Pup, I hope this article was helpful and I wish you both all the very best!

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.




Linda L

I’m a pet lover who has years of pet sitting and grooming experience. I thought it would be a great idea to share my experience with all pet owners so they can also keep their canine companions healthy, happy, and clean!

everything a good owner needs to know about this period

A pug in the house is always a joy. I want to babysit a small puppy again and again, but any dog ​​grows up. Breeding pugs can be a solution. This is a big responsibility, but also an abyss of positive emotions.

It is more interesting, but also the most difficult for the owners of pug bitches, because it is the ladies who do all the work. The first step will be to find a male for your girl. Finding a potential partner of the right type can take time. It is best to contact the club or the breeder: they know other owners and will be able to suggest where to look for a good male.

When it is found, it is necessary to make sure that both animals are healthy. For this, vaccinations, tests, and treatment against parasites are done ahead of time. Every breeder has a different list, but it includes general vaccinations for the most common dog diseases and testing for infections that can be transmitted to the dog or cause pregnancy problems and illnesses in puppies.

It is important to choose the right time for the first mating of a pug. It should not take place in the first estrus and not earlier than 15 months from the birth of the bitch.

The pregnancy of pugs lasts about 2 months. Lethargy, frequent sleep, increased appetite, weight gain, less frequent urination are all the main indicators of a pug’s pregnancy, but it’s better to play it safe and visit the veterinarian a few weeks after mating to do an ultrasound.

During this period, it is worth closely monitoring your dog, its entire body is completely rebuilt and begins to work to maintain future offspring.

How many puppies pugs can have is the main question that interests the owners. Usually this number ranges from 2 to 5, but there are exceptions to the rule: sometimes up to 7 puppies are born.

Pug false pregnancy

False pregnancy in pugs is not uncommon. Heat is always hormonal changes in the body. Sometimes after its completion, the bitch may show all the signs of pregnancy, even if there was no fact of mating. She becomes infantile, lethargic, gains weight, the size of her abdomen increases, even milk may appear.

In some cases, the simulation of childbirth begins: attempts, groans, the bitch begins to organize a place for this process. After that, she can choose for herself an object for “adoration”, which she will take for a puppy, and will take care of him. This cannot be allowed. It is necessary in the first 3-4 days after the “birth” to limit the food and drink of the dog, remove imaginary puppies and dismantle the den that she built. Otherwise, the pug may begin to show aggression in order to protect his fictional offspring. In more serious cases, it is best to seek the help of a veterinarian.

Pugs giving birth

It is worth preparing well for the birth of pugs. As a shelter for a dog, you can build a house from a TV box or refrigerator, cover it with clean towels or sheets, build a door so that the animal can go out if necessary.

The day before the birth, the dog becomes restless, the stomach drops, she refuses to eat and asks for more attention, following on the heels of the owner. She can also start digging and settling in secluded corners of the apartment. The owner should show maximum patience, care and affection, now his pet is very necessary.

The onset of childbirth is easy to determine. First of all, the waters break and contractions begin, while their intervals and intensity, just like in humans, gradually increase. Before starting the process, it is worth preparing a clean rag, processed scissors, water, brilliant green, a second small box for puppies, a heating pad.

“How to take birth in a pug on your own?” – many people ask. Someone is inclined to believe that it is better not to interfere in this process and let the dog do everything on its own. But the structure of the teeth and the respiratory system of pugs does not allow to properly bite the umbilical cord in born puppies, in this case the dog will need the help of the owner, and scissors are prepared for this purpose.

During childbirth, the dog needs attention and affection. If she allows, she can be stroked and soothed with her positive emotions and attitude. As soon as the first puppy has appeared, it is necessary to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsing and transfers blood to the baby, only then it can be cut. If the mother pug does not lick her firstborn herself, then you need to take the puppy, wipe it with a dry cloth, remove the remnants of the bubble from the nasal passages and mouth, and then you can hear his squeak, which notifies you of the first breath of air and that everything is fine with the puppy. okay. Within 20 minutes after birth, he is placed to the nipple so that he can take a sip of life-giving mother’s milk, this is a very important moment for immunity.

When the urge to give birth to the next puppy begins, the first-born is moved to a separate box with a heating pad and clean bedding so that the mother does not accidentally crush him.

The birth of a pug is an exciting process that must be carefully monitored, but there can be complications, everything is different for every dog. Therefore, just in case, it is worthwhile to arrange in advance with the veterinarian about his emergency arrival home or admission to the clinic if unforeseen circumstances arise.

Pugs after giving birth will definitely want to eat, this signals that the process is completed and everything went well. You can take the newly-made mother outside, rinse it with warm water or wipe it with a damp cloth and put it in a box with the puppies, and then all that remains is to watch how the offspring grows up.

See also


Pug can be a great friend, even if you have a child in your house. In case of danger, dogs of this breed will protect you to the very last.

Training and education of a pug

Training is an important part in its education. Knowing the commands and rules of dog behavior makes life easier for the owner.

History of the pug breed

Ancient manuscripts tell about dogs with a square body, flat muzzle, small stature.

Features of the character of the pug

There is not a single dog of this breed on the planet. These are always cheerful, positive, good-natured dogs.

Pug care

Like any animal, this breed requires some care. These rules are not as complicated as they seem, they are quite unpretentious dogs.

Pug: description of the breed standard

The breed has its own standards. To begin with, it is worth deciding for what purpose the dog is started.

Pug mating

The first estrus begins at the age of 6-10 months. What is interesting: the smaller the breed of the dog, the earlier it comes into heat.

Dog feeding

Dog bowls and feeding area

The feeding area is your dog’s private, untouchable space.

How to feed a dog

Dog nutrition should be balanced in terms of fat, protein, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements.

Natural dog food

By choosing natural dog food, you will need both quality products and time for
their preparation.

Dry food for dogs

Ready dry food must be of high quality and balanced in content.

Keeping dogs

Keeping hunting dogs

It is necessary to educate and develop the hunting instinct in dogs from the first days of the appearance of the dog.

Walking dogs

For the normal development of the dog, walks in the fresh air, outside of its territory, are very important.

How to separate dogs in a fight

Don’t panic, scream hysterically, or run nervously around fighting dogs.

Dogs and other animals

If you decide to get a dog, but there are already other pets in the house.

Dog health

Veterinary first aid kit for dogs

Every veterinary first aid kit for your dog must have…

First aid for a dog

Only a veterinarian can prescribe effective, timely treatment.

First Aid for Dog Injuries

Injuries are often fatal, especially among small dog breeds.

First aid for a dog with wounds and bleeding

Wounds – damage to the skin with a violation of its integrity …

Dog training

How to teach a dog to a leash

First, the puppy will “protest” the collar and will try to pull it off in every possible way.

How to train your dog to muzzle

Do not use a muzzle unnecessarily and do not put it on to punish your dog.

Education of dogs

It is necessary to start training a dog from the first days of the appearance of a pet in the house.

Puppy training

Puppy education and training should be purposeful and systematic.

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Some of the images are taken from open sources. If you are the author of the photo, we can link to the authorship or remove the photo at your request.

Pug pregnancy, how long does a pug pregnancy last?


  1. Precautions and nuances of mating
  2. Normal and false pregnancy. Features of the behavior of a pug
  3. Home birth procedure

What could be more interesting and enjoyable than a pug’s first pregnancy? Nothing, but this is preceded by a long process of finding and selecting the best pug for your girl. In addition to supporting the bitch during the gestation of puppies, it is important to choose a healthy partner, the health of future offspring largely depends on this.

Precautions and nuances of mating

Do you want to breed puppies? You can start looking for a cable even before the pet is ready. Because the choice of a worthy partner is a long process, there are no guarantees that he will be found quickly.

Mating should be done when the “girl” is 15 months old and in heat. It should not happen to the bitch for the first time, this is important! Acquaintance is best done in a safe place where you and the dogs will not be disturbed by strangers.

In advance, it should be cleaned of any parasites, deworming, treatment for fleas and ticks. The most important is the availability of all vaccinations required by age, this applies to both ladies and gentlemen.

Pugs should be vaccinated to prevent known and dangerous diseases. Representatives of this breed are extremely sensitive and the lack of necessary vaccinations can adversely affect the offspring. But, as usual, we repeat, it’s up to you.

A healthy pregnancy in a dog lasts about 2 months, 58 days to be exact. How to know if a pug is pregnant? You can contact the veterinarian 2 weeks after mating. He will do an ultrasound examination and report the result.

Unfortunately, tests like in humans have not yet been invented for dogs. You can visually check this yourself, usually in this breed the onset of an interesting state is expressed: in lethargy and apathy, they often sleep, go to the toilet and eat a lot. So the body is rebuilt so that the puppies are subsequently born healthy on time.

Normal and false pregnancy. Features of the behavior of the pug

How many puppies will be born – it is not possible to know this at an early stage. A pug can have up to 7 puppies. If the offspring is small (2 puppies), then the puppies are usually larger. But after birth, they develop in the same way as puppies from numerous. In the case when the puppies are 7, they are small, but quickly gain weight and growth, do not lag behind in development.

15 days after conception, try not to disturb the pregnant woman over trifles. It is important to pay attention to the diet. The one she had before does not suit her, you need to choose food for pregnant pugs if she is on dry food, or introduce vitamins for pregnant women if she is on natural food.

Recommendations for Pugs on a natural diet: Now is the time to diversify your diet with foods containing calcium. These include kefir and yogurt, cottage cheese. Also include eggs, cheese, fruits, vegetables in the diet of a pregnant pug.

Walk your dog more, but it should not run fast, try to keep the walks calm. Walking is a must, because the pet needs fresh air.

If you live in an apartment, you should carry your pet up the stairs in your arms. Bring in gently supporting the chest and tummy with both hands. After a walk, the pug needs to eat and rest, sleep well.

At the 5th week, the tummy is usually rounded, the skin is stretched, the nipples turn pink, discharge appears from them. The babies in the stomach are already developed, only they are not covered with hair. The dog may show nausea, and she will not be able to eat for several days – this is toxicosis. Hungry fainting is also not uncommon for this period of pregnancy, your task is to establish a diet.

False pregnancy can also appear, when the dog feels like such after estrus and mating. Hormones are raging, milk is secreted, such “imaginary” persons of an interesting position walk back and forth, not finding a place for themselves, trying to equip a house for puppies.

They can even find an imaginary puppy and feed it, do not allow this behavior. And make sure to do an ultrasound scan, if it turns out that all this is a bluff, the doctor will prescribe drugs that normalize the dog’s condition.

Home birth procedure

Before giving birth, a pug will not find a place for herself, she can dig holes, whine, lick herself. Also at times there is lethargy and apathy, lack of appetite. All these symptoms are a sign that she will give birth soon.

Just before the birth, the body temperature drops, so by the time 58-59days, measure it every day to be fully armed, it will be 37. 5 – 36.7 degrees. 6 hours after the temperature drops to a minimum, the dog will give birth to the first child, how the birth will go is up to you.

To avoid possible problems, consult a veterinarian, take his phone. So you can call the doctor for help, in which case, or ask him questions. During contractions, the dog whines very much, experiencing pain, childbirth can go up to 12 hours.

To properly take delivery, follow some rules:

  • Insulate the room, you can turn on the lamps, they will warm, if there is a heater, get rid of drafts;
  • Prepare a box where the pug can rest between contractions and the birth of puppies, lay a heater there, it should be large, since you do not know how many puppies will be born, make an entrance door there;
  • The surface on the floor is comfortable for the dog, but you don’t, you need to find a place to comfortably hold it, helping with attempts. From strong jolts, the pug can fall, so the table should be fenced, a sofa against the wall or with a small fence is best;
  • Prepare also gloves, plenty of sheets and clean towels, warm water. You don’t have to bathe the puppies, but you need to wipe the mucus and blood, tear the place and cut the umbilical cord yourself. For this, scissors will fit, since the pug will not be able to gnaw through the “thread” connecting it with the baby;
  • When the first puppy is born, wipe it, clean the nasal passages, mouth, eyes, so that all organs open safely and the baby lets out a squeak. Then let it lie down for a while, put it in a separate box;
  • After 20 minutes, the puppy must be attached to the nipple to develop a sucking reflex;
  • You can tag puppies and find out how much each weighs.

After delivery, rinse the mother with warm water, dry and place all puppies in a box nearby. The nutrition of children now consists in sucking milk, if the reflex is absent, this indicates possible problems, inform the doctor about this. The birth is over, you can breathe easy, the pug is resting, the puppies are drinking milk, and you just have to watch the process and enjoy.