Prosper calendar: Here are Prosper ISD’s school calendars for the 2022-2023 and the 2023-2024 school years | Cities

Опубликовано: March 14, 2023 в 12:10 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

New year Prosper calendar – Prosper Press

Claire Stanley Prosper Press

Welcome to 2023! There are so many exciting events already planned for the year. As Prosper continues to grow, so does the calendar. While there surely will be more events planned, this is a tentative list of the upcoming events by month.

January includes children returning to school on Jan. 4. Additionally, the district will induct members into the Athletic Hall of Honor this month.

In February the town of Prosper will host the annual Fishing Derby on Feb. 18. Baring bad weather, Prosper ISD students do not have school Feb. 17-20.

March includes spring break for students from March 6-10. The Town’s Discover Downtown series kicks off with a Moonlight movie on March 31.

April begins with the Spring New Resident Mixer on April 6. The Mayor will host coffee with residents on April 12. Citizens’ Academy begins April 20. On the calendar for Prosper ISD, students have a break on April 7 and a bad weather make up day on April 10.

The Discover Downtown series continues on May 6 for Tunes on Broadway. May 24 is the last day of school for Prosper ISD students. Graduation for Rock Hill High School is scheduled for May 24. Prosper High School graduation is scheduled for May 25.

Prosper will host the second annual P Town Throw Down on June 3. This is the Town’s annual pickle ball tournament.

Pride in the Sky, the Independence Day celebration and fireworks show, is at Frontier Park will be on July 1. The library also hosts a patriotic parade around Town Hall near Independence Day.

Prosper ISD is opening four schools in August 2023. The district typically hosts ribbon cutting events as schools open, which allows students and parents to see the schools, as well as a chance for the district to honor the person for whom the school is named. The district begins school on Aug. 9.

Sept. 9 is the scheduled date for Paws on Broadway. This event is for dogs and their families and is located in the Downtown area.

In October,, the district has conferences and professional learning scheduled for the 5 and 6, and a student holiday on Oct. 9. The fall new resident mixer with the town is scheduled for Oct. 5. Celebrate Prosper, the annual barbecue and festival held at Frontier Park is scheduled for Oct. 7. The mayor will host a lunch for the active adults on Oct. 18.

In November, the town will welcome the Scouts and members of the community to participate in the Arbor Day celebration on Nov. 4. The second annual Veterans Day 5 will be on Nov. 11. Thanksgiving break for Prosper ISD is from Nov. 20-24.

Finally, in the town’s Christmas Fest and parade is Dec. 2, and the Light the Night winners will be announced Dec. 13. The district has Winter break from Dec. 18 to Jan. 3, 2024.

More events will be announced as the date draws near. Information regarding these events will be in the Prosper Press and on the town and school district’s social media.

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ProsperMeredith Butterfield2023-01-06T11:18:42-06:00