Programas despues de escuela: Programas después de la escuela y ayuda con la tarea: Qué buscar

Опубликовано: August 1, 2023 в 12:10 pm


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Programas después de la escuela y ayuda con la tarea: Qué buscar

Cuando esté buscando un buen programa de actividades después de la escuela para niños que tienen dificultades en la escuela es importante que explore cómo aborda el programa las tareas escolares.

Las tareas son clave para el éxito académico. Sin embargo, terminarlas requiere organización y saber administrar el tiempo, y es en estas áreas donde necesitan ayuda muchos de los niños que tienen dificultades en la escuela.

¿Cómo puede usted saber si un programa ofrece suficiente apoyo para que el tiempo que su hijo dedica a las tareas escolares sea productivo? Aquí le mostramos qué buscar.

Un espacio físico donde hacer las tareas

Un lugar para hacer las tareas de la escuela necesita ser tranquilo y bien iluminado. Además debe tener:

  • Una mesa (o idealmente, varias mesas) para que trabajen juntos grupos pequeños de niños. Ese lugar también podría ser donde su hijo obtiene ayuda si la necesitara.
  • Un área separada donde los niños puedan trabajar por su cuenta.
  • Un área de investigación con computadoras de modo que los niños puedan buscar información y escribir sus tareas.
  • Un lugar cómodo para leer.

Una rutina estructurada para hacer la tarea

Un buen programa dedica una cantidad específica de tiempo para que los niños terminen las tareas escolares. Esa cantidad de tiempo puede variar desde 30 minutos al día para los niños de primaria, hasta dos horas al día para los jóvenes de bachillerato. Si los niños terminan la tarea antes del tiempo estipulado, los buenos programas les permitirán que hagan otras actividades, como participar en un juego que utilice las habilidades matemáticas.

Algunos programas podrían ofrecer almuerzo y permitir que los niños jueguen afuera por un tiempo determinado antes de que sea la hora de comenzar a hacer las tareas. Si la cantidad de tiempo es importante para su hijo, asegúrese de preguntar cómo la tarea se adapta al horario.

Asistencia para ayudar a su hijo con la tarea

Los buenos programas tienen personal que supervisa las tareas y ofrece ayuda cuando es necesario. Esa o esas personas podrían ser maestros certificados (esto es probable si el programa está localizado dentro la escuela). Algunos programas contratan estudiantes universitarios.

Un proceso para comunicarse con los familiares

Los niños que tienen dificultades en la escuela tienen un mejor rendimiento cuando sus familiares y el personal del programa se comunican con regularidad. Pregunte si el personal informa a los familiares cuando los niños:

  • Tardan mucho en terminar una tarea.
  • Necesitan mucha ayuda para terminar una tarea.
  • Se distraen o simplemente no hacen la tarea.

También es buena idea averiguar si envían notas a la casa o si se espera que los familiares hablen con el personal cuando recogen a sus hijos.

Disposición a trabajar con los sistemas que usted o la escuela han creado

Los niños que piensan o aprenden de manera diferente pueden beneficiarse de los sistemas que los ayudan a hacer un seguimiento de sus deberes. Por ejemplo, usted y el maestro de su hijo podrían haber creado un contrato para las tareas. Este podría detallar las expectativas que su hijo tiene que cumplir, las consecuencias si no las cumple y las consecuencias si las logra. El personal del programa debe estar dispuesto a hacer cumplir el contrato, si les es posible.

Otra opción es que usted tenga un registro que su hijo utiliza para hacer un seguimiento de sus deberes. Si requiere una firma, el personal del programa debe estar dispuesto a firmarlo.

Asistencia para las adaptaciones

Es importante que los programas después de la escuela ofrezcan las que su hijo necesita. Por ejemplo, un niño que tiene dificultades con la escritura podría necesitar dictar lo que dice, en lugar de escribirlo. En ese caso, el programa necesita ofrecer acceso a un software de conversión de voz-a-texto, o tener a alguien que pueda escribir lo que el niño dicte.

Completar con éxito las tareas de manera regular puede aumentar la confianza en sí mismo de su hijo en la escuela. Un buen programa de tareas dirigidas después de la escuela puede ayudar, pero tenga en cuenta que hay otros temas a considerar cuando está buscando programas después de la escuela.

Puntos clave

  • Comunicarse regularmente con el personal del programa después de la escuela puede beneficiar a su hijo.

  • Es importante que un programa después de la escuela tenga áreas separadas para hacer la tarea y para jugar.

  • Un buen programa después de la escuela puede ayudar a que su hijo se sienta más seguro de sí mismo en la escuela.

Un Programa Después de Escuela del Siglo 21 (Grados K-8)

Inicio › Más Allá de lo Académico › Deportes Escolares, Clubes y Actividades › Un Programa Después de Escuela del Siglo 21 (Grados K-8)

El Club Después de Escuela de Paul Cuffee (ASC) le ofrece a los estudiantes en la Escuela Elemental (Grados K-5) e Intermedia (Grados 6-8) una gran variedad de actividades divertidas y educativas durante las horas inmediatamente después de la escuela. El ASC funciona de lunes a viernes durante todo el año escolar para asegurarnos que los estudiantes tengan acceso a un programa supervisado y de alta calidad. (Los padres son notificados de antemano sobre los días que ASC cerrará, como son los días que los estudiantes salen más temprano de lo normal.) El ASC tiene una escala movible que determina el costo basado en el ingreso de la familia.

Las investigaciones demuestran que los niños que participan en programas después de la escuela que son dirigidos bien descubren intereses que les da propósito, establecen relaciones con adultos ejemplares, tienen más probabilidades de permanecer en la escuela hasta graduarse, y generalmente evitan conductas peligrosas que suceden durante las horas que están sin supervisión después de la escuela. Nuestro ASC está diseñado para promover el desarrollo físico, social, emocional y cognitivo de los estudiantes a través de actividades académicas y recreativas que fomentan cooperación y una actitud positiva hacia la educacion. Nuestra misión es ampliar el aprendizaje a través de programas de calidad, utilizando todos los recursos disponibles dentro de la comunidad escolar y la ciudad de Providence.

El ASC está autorizado por el Departamento de RI de la Infancia y la Juventud y la Familia. Mantenemos en todo momento la proporción de personal por niño en 1:13. El ASC es operado por un director del programa, un coordinador local y un equipo energético y amoroso de maestros del ASC que entiende las necesidades de los niños y recibe capacitación profesional continua.

Horario del programa:
Lunes – viernes
hora de comienzo: después de la escuela
hora de salida: 5:30 pm

Contactos del programa:
Catherine Edwards, Directora del Programa K-8 de Enriquecimiento – Escuela Elementa e Intermedia
[email protected], 401-453-2626

Charlayne Osborne, Coordinadora de la Escuela Elemental e Intermedia
afterschoolclub@paulcuffee. org, 401-453-2711



Average Class Size: 20
Current Enrollment: 820
Students of Color: 96%
Female Students: 51%
Male Students: 49%
Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility: 82%
Multi-Language Learners: 19%
Students Receiving Special Education Services: 13%
Total Employees: 168
BIPOC: 45%
Female Employees: 75%
Male Employees: 25%

A unified curriculum in schools: when the educational reform will begin in Russia – March 20, 2023

From September 1, schoolchildren will start studying according to a new program, it will be basic for all


On September 1, 2023, a new education standard will be introduced in all schools in the country. Children will be taught on the basis of a single program in order to equalize basic knowledge. 74.RU journalists asked the State Duma deputy, representatives of the Ministry of Education of the region, school directors and teachers what they think about this reform. Opinions were polarized.

Until this year, schools developed curricula on their own, focusing on the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Now, the Ministry of Education is proposing to transfer all schools to a single program from the new academic year.

According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Education Olga Kazakova, this will equalize the basic knowledge of children, regardless of where they study. According to her, before the programs were “exemplary”, and will be on the same federal model.

– We will have a gold standard for the quality of our children’s knowledge. The basic level below which knowledge cannot be given to a child, regardless of whether he studies in a metropolitan school or in a village in the Far East, in a public school or a private one, Olga Kazakova explained.

For this, new textbooks will be developed, their content will be approved by the Russian Ministry of Education. At the same time, schools will be able to create their own educational programs, the main thing is that their content should not be lower than the federal level.

The unified educational program will include a curriculum, a calendar study schedule, work programs in subjects, and a plan of educational work.

As a result, the elementary school will have one program for all in the Russian language, literary reading and the world around. In secondary school, programs in the Russian language, literature, history, social studies, geography and life safety will become mandatory for use.

High school students are also waiting for innovations. From September 1, 10-11 grades will be specialized in all schools. High school students will begin to study in depth at least two subjects in their profile.

Schools will not have to change textbooks right away – the law establishes a transitional period of five years.

First Deputy Minister of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region Elena Kouzova does not see radical changes in education and believes that they are needed.

— The normal practice, the logic of the development of education is such that it is necessary to come to unified federal educational programs, — Elena Kouzova is sure. — These changes are not radical, they are gradual, calm. Experience and practice suggest that this should be done, and now it is simply regulated at the legislative level.

The clerk explains that students, for example, elementary school, will finish their studies according to their program, which is given by the school. First-graders will already be trained according to a single program, which is based on the “School of Russia” – the most common and easiest, it is often compared with Soviet standards.

At present, the elementary school teaches according to several programs, the most popular of them are “Primary School of the 21st Century”, “Perspektiva”, “School of Russia”.

— A unified educational space is a unified approach, but with modern technologies, modern solutions. It cannot be said that it was like in the Soviet school. No, this is the development of education at a new stage, but with common approaches. And unified approaches were just characteristic of the Soviet school, – Elena Kouzova added.

School directors and teachers have polarized opinions about uniform standards. But they agreed to express them only on condition of anonymity.

— So it used to be in the USSR, we are returning to this. Uniform textbooks for all schools. I think it will be a little easier,” one of our interlocutors said. – Recently, the methodologists of school and preschool education are turning to the origins of the founders of upbringing and education – Sukhomlinsky, Vygotsky, Ushinsky, Makarenko. Apparently, they will return to education and upbringing forgotten, but proven over the years. Since 2003, when Russia switched to the Bologna system of education, our education and upbringing has been oriented towards the West. Looks like big changes are coming in light of recent events. For example, a return to the education system 1970-1980s.

Existing textbooks will be used in schools for another five years


Many noted that they are concerned about the issue of textbooks.

— There may be a point to this whole event, but where will schools get so many new textbooks? the teacher is perplexed. – Fifth-graders, those who are studying now, they are already studying according to the new standards, but there are no textbooks. And this is a problem throughout Russia, there are no textbooks at the printing stage yet, but there is a program. It is clear that teachers get out in different ways. The feeling that this is another project to show the effectiveness of the work of the department, only little will change in schools.

While some are skeptical about innovations, others see it as a plus:

— Over the years, I have heard so many complaints from parents that all schools have different programs. Like, if translated, the child will have to catch up with his new classmates in his studies, hire tutors. And now, with a single educational standard, this shortcoming will be eliminated.

– Unified educational programs – the so-called “gold standard” – will set a certain “ceiling”, below which it is impossible to give a child knowledge. Thus, according to the idea of ​​the authorities, the quality of knowledge among children from all regions of the country will be equalized, another employee of the school agrees. – What’s bad about it?

At the same time, the teachers we spoke to are at a loss. They do not fully understand how to conduct lessons now.

— Big questions about what teachers should do. A good teacher leads a lesson not only according to the textbook and curriculum. And now it is not clear, for example, whether it is possible to give children something beyond this program, whether it will be possible to freely interpret individual topics. To say something on my own, – the teacher explains his worries. – The teacher not only transfers knowledge, but develops research interest in children, critical thinking.

— This trend towards unification, hidden behind the beautiful name “single educational space”, is disputable, — says another interlocutor. – Any unification denies guys with non-standard abilities. Children seem to be brought to a common denominator. Again, when passing the exam, for example, this is convenient: there will be a single textbook in which a common set of knowledge will be stuffed.

The Ministry of Education constantly introduces something new in schools. Starting this school year, for example, schoolchildren begin each week by singing the anthem and hoisting the flag. Students were banned from using mobile phones in the classroom, and the head of the Ministry of Education, Sergei Kravtsov, proposed new rules for religious words.

Beginning with the new academic year, schools will introduce a course in basic military training. Classes will be outside of class.

VKontakte will officially become one of the platforms that schools will use in the educational process.

Review of curricula for first graders

Photos: Depositphotos / Illustration: Yulia Zamzhitskaya

Choosing a school is a headache for parents of future first graders. In order to provide children with the best conditions, they strive to take into account all factors: rating, reviews of other parents, material and technical equipment and, of course, the curriculum that the school adheres to. After all, the content, approaches and methods of training programs are different and you need to focus on the one that best suits the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. Together with Angelina Trofimova, director of the Lomonosov Primary School (Moscow), we tell you what curricula for first-graders exist in Russian schools and what you need to know about each of them.

GEF curricula and education systems

Curricula used by public schools must comply with GEF. The list of programs approved for implementation changes every two or three years, based on the conclusion of the expert commission. The school can develop the program on its own. The basis for this is the list of educational literature approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The list is a catalog of textbooks on subjects that are included in the educational and methodological complex (TMC) – a set of teaching aids for the implementation of the curriculum. In elementary school, these are textbooks on the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, the world around us and technology.

Curricula belong to different learning systems. There are traditional and developing systems.

  1. Traditional education system.

    Based on the experience and traditions of Russian pedagogy. It is implemented within the framework of the class-lesson principle, familiar to most Russians. The results of the students are evaluated by the teacher, who also makes the decision to transfer the student to the next class.

    The scheme of training in the traditional system: “training – consolidation of material – verification”.

    The system is used in elementary, middle and high schools.

  2. Developing education system.

    Indicates a high level of difficulty. In the process of learning, the child overcomes certain obstacles, learns to make decisions independently, work in a team and evaluate his own achievements. The teacher acts as an assistant or friend-mentor on the path to knowledge.

    Learning scheme: “study – independent analysis / conclusions – practice”.

    Only used in elementary grades.

Some of the existing curricula for the first grade are based on the traditional system of education, the rest are based on the developmental one.

Popular curriculum for first-graders

School of Russia

The most common curriculum in Russian schools. Exists since 2001. It was built as a synthesis of the traditions of Soviet education and modern methods. It is also called a modernized version of the classical Soviet school.

The program combines work for results with the spiritual and moral development of children, instills in them respect for the national culture. Attention is also paid to patriotic education. The value of the traditions of all the peoples of the Russian Federation is emphasized. In the fourth grade, “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” are added to the main subjects.

The program is criticized for its emphasis on repetition with a small number of logical tasks, because of this it is even called somewhat outdated.

Angelina Trofimova:

“School of Russia” is a traditional program that has existed for decades and has managed to establish itself in many schools. It is aimed at developing the basic skills that a child will need in high school: reading, counting, writing. The manuals develop speech and expand vocabulary, and the prescriptions make it possible to correct handwriting at different stages of learning. The program is simple and understandable, but many people criticize it for not meeting the requirements of the time – the “School of Russia” contains a small number of tasks for the development of the child’s emotional intelligence, imagination and creative abilities.”

Elementary school of the XXI century

The program of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N.F. Vinogradova is designed for a high level of preparation and strong students. It is based on the works of L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov.

The program aims to teach a child to be a researcher on a par with a teacher, to acquire knowledge independently. The lessons are structured so that schoolchildren learn to think, develop erudition and outlook, participate in active research work, where there is no place for “cramming”.

Learning according to the program implies a transition from simple to complex, many tasks are offered to develop logical thinking and imagination in a playful way.

At the same time, a large number of textbooks, workbooks, projects require the full involvement of parents in the educational process so that the child does not get confused and continues to acquire knowledge systematically.

Angelina Trofimova:

“Primary School of the 21st Century” (according to N.F. Vinogradova) is aimed at children who have already been trained before school and have certain skills. As practice shows, not everyone copes, since already in the first grade, students are introduced to the basics of multiplication and division. They also have a large amount of texts to read. Parents note the difficulty in memorizing the rules that are “dissolved” on the pages of the textbook and are not highlighted in a special way.

Planet of Knowledge

The program is characterized as a holistic one: textbooks in all subjects are divided into large sections, accompanied by a route sheet – a special spread with diagrams understandable for the student, the content of the section and the logic of its development.

Tasks are divided into blocks: information search, creative tasks, pair work, intellectual marathon. Information search involves the work of children with reference literature and the Internet. And the intellectual marathon includes difficult but exciting tasks for each topic. True, both methods require the help of adults.

The goal of the program is to create comfortable conditions for the cognitive interest of schoolchildren, in which new knowledge is acquired with pleasure.

The Planet of Knowledge is criticized for the lack of a theoretical base: there are no explanations and rules in the textbooks. To master the topic, you will have to spend a lot of time searching for information on your own. In addition, to pass the program, a first grader must already be able to count and read.

Angelina Trofimova:

“In the Planet of Knowledge program, tasks are divided into basic tasks that all children must complete, and more complex tasks that are aimed at broadening their horizons – they are optional. Electronic applications have been released for textbooks, which makes the lessons more interesting. The first year is an adaptation year, and first-graders are not loaded with a lot of exercises. In the second and fourth grades, the amount of work increases. It may take longer to complete, and children often need help. In general, Planet of Knowledge pays great attention to project activities and the active involvement of the child in the learning process.”


RHYTHM means: Development — Individuality — Creativity — Thinking. The development of these skills is the goal of the program.

The authors assumed that “Rhythm”, first of all, should reveal the individual abilities of students, so the tasks vary in complexity. The subject textbooks themselves are designed for children with different “points of reference” in their preparation. This gives teachers more freedom of action in working with the class.

The educational process includes multimedia technologies designed to maintain cognitive interest and develop the ability to search and analyze information, independence and creative thinking.

Particular attention is paid to moral education, ethical standards, respect for other peoples and cultures.

Among the disadvantages of the program is the unhurried pace of learning topics and the constant return to the past, which makes children bored. In textbooks there is a clerical language – a language that is difficult to understand.

Angelina Trofimova:

“The program is designed in such a way as to arouse a child’s sincere interest in learning, to motivate them to learn. Tasks of different levels of complexity allow you to find such a task for everyone that he can handle. For example, several textbooks have been developed for the Russian language and literature. Texts and exercises are aimed at the formation of personal qualities and moral values ​​of the child.


The author of the program is Lyudmila Peterson, Doctor of Pedagogy, mathematician, laureate of the Presidential Prize in Education. The program is based on her favorite “activity approach”, where the teacher acts as an assistant and mentor, and the child must open himself to knowledge on his own.

“Perspective” does not provide ready-made algorithms, answer options, the student seeks and offers solutions in the process of research work and communication with adults and classmates. Any topic poses a certain problem, solving which, students gain knowledge. This reveals the principle “I want to learn!”: the main engine of learning is the curiosity of children.

There are other principles: the development of communication skills in children, assistance in cultural and moral self-determination.

The program is quite difficult not only for children, but also for teachers. They will have to study a lot of new methodological material and take a special training course. They also note the inconsistency in the presentation of educational material in the program textbooks.

Angelina Trofimova:

“Perspective” pays more attention to the student’s individuality, which is valuable. The textbooks are filled with game exercises, it is interesting to study them. The program places particular emphasis on developing the speech skills of first-graders: the ability to write, read, listen and understand others, and explain themselves. However, in some places the program involves additional work aimed at repeating or consolidating the material covered. Adult assistance may be needed.

Elkonin-Davydov system

The only developmental program included in the list recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard. The authors of the system are the Soviet teacher and psychologist D. B. Elkonin and his student and associate, professor, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education V. V. Davydov. In their works, they started from the importance of the game in teaching younger students.

The program aims to teach children to independently determine learning tasks and methods for solving them, to conduct self-analysis. Children gain knowledge in the process of didactic games, discussions and experiments. Therefore, homework has been reduced to a minimum: the process is based on the joint work of schoolchildren in the classroom.

The students themselves determine the evaluation criteria and evaluate the achieved results according to them, and the teacher assigns points according to the scale invented by the children. The task of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the program is to build partnerships with the class and rally the children.

The disadvantage of the program is that when moving to the fifth grade, students may have difficulty getting used to traditional educational and methodological complexes. The game format and the lack of assessments cause bewilderment among parents focused on the traditional education system.

Angelina Trofimova:

“The main advantage of the Elkonin-Davydov program is that it prioritizes not getting grades, but the development of the child, teaches you to analyze and evaluate your work.