Preschool montessori near me: Montessori School of San Leandro

Опубликовано: January 14, 2023 в 5:07 pm


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Home – Montessori School of Durham

Welcome to Montessori School of Durham

Montessori School of Durham is committed to the joy of learning and seeks to educate the “whole child,” addressing each aspect of development. Our classrooms offer a highly individualized curriculum, tailored to the unique path of each child’s development. Since 1976, we have built our community on respect and trust and have embraced diversity in all its aspects. We were the first school in North Carolina to become an American Montessori Society accredited school and now also maintain accreditation with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

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MSD Open House: Prospective Families (opens in new window/tab)

Montessori School of Durham (MSD) is accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. We invite prospective parents to an Open House:

Sunday, January 8th, 2023 from 3-5pm
2800 Pickett Rd. Durham NC 27705
Register to attend

January’s Open House is a chance for prospective families to talk with teachers and explore the classrooms and playgrounds. MSD offers an authentic Montessori education for children ages 3 months through the 6th grade, and after-school care is also available. Current parents will be on hand during Open House to answer questions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Triangle Diversity Hiring Fair, January 28!

Triangle-area independent schools are seeking talented educators of color to fill full- and part-time teaching and staff positions in our schools. If you are a current teacher or interested in a career in a Montessori school, we invite you to join us! Check out the careers page of our website.

More than a dozen Triangle-area schools are participating in the hiring fair. Register to attend.

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MSD admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, age, citizenship, military status, and genetic information to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. MSD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, age, citizenship, military status, and genetic information in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan program, hiring policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


Programs — Stockton Montessori School

Our Programs

Half Day 8:30am – 12pm

Full Day 8:30am – 4pm

Before Care 7am – 8:30am

After Care 4pm – 6pm

    It is designed to take advantage of the toddler’s natural drive to “do it myself”. It allows the child to explore their world in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "Learn More", "buttonLink": "", "buttonNewWindow": false }, "imageId": "62d5a8b30d63fb4f0dd7db1d", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "image": { "id": "62d5a8b30d63fb4f0dd7db1d", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1658169523986, "updatedOn": 1658169527228, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1658169523986, "authorId": "611b30ea30789b23de639833", "systemDataId": "1658169525143-610LGBAYVZFZHZ85HSJF", "systemDataVariants": "600×595,100w,300w,500w", "systemDataSourceType": "PNG", "filename": "toddler. png", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "cacfb1", "topRightAverage": "9e9f78", "bottomLeftAverage": "ded3be", "bottomRightAverage": "c9c9c7", "centerAverage": "afa78b", "suggestedBgColor": "9f8e7d" }, "urlId": "ns43m6z75j5ozexns25ngkmfsdmd80", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "611b30ea30789b23de639833", "displayName": "Stockton Montessori", "firstName": "Stockton", "lastName": "Montessori", "bio": "" }, "assetUrl": "https://images.", "contentType": "image/png", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "recordTypeLabel": "image", "originalSize": "600×595" } }, { "title": "Primary", "description": "<p class=\"\" style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;\">3 – 4 Years<\/p><p class=\"\" style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;\">The five weekday program provides a consistent schedule and prepared environment with the freedom of choice. Students’ comfort, confidence, and enthusiasm grow daily! They progress at their own pace without competition.<\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "Learn More", "buttonLink": "https://www.stocktonmontessori. com/programs/primary" }, "imageId": "62d5a8ff136f1d4ce6da6ae4", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "image": { "id": "62d5a8ff136f1d4ce6da6ae4", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1658169599001, "updatedOn": 1658169603949, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1658169599001, "authorId": "611b30ea30789b23de639833", "systemDataId": "1658169599778-3AANQMJ3NSW83C7BV07E", "systemDataVariants": "2206×1767,100w,300w,500w,750w,1000w,1500w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPG", "filename": "IMG_41.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "a5683a", "topRightAverage": "b1784b", "bottomLeftAverage": "779d78", "bottomRightAverage": "6c9a6e", "centerAverage": "bd9e9c", "suggestedBgColor": "a2947e" }, "urlId": "24d331hi1be1zr4zz0ttlvvhxdkxhv", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "611b30ea30789b23de639833", "displayName": "Stockton Montessori", "firstName": "Stockton", "lastName": "Montessori", "bio": "" }, "assetUrl": "https://images.", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "recordTypeLabel": "image", "originalSize": "2206×1767" } }, { "title": "Pre-K/K", "description": "<p class=\"\" style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;\">5 – 6 Years<\/p><p class=\"\" style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;\">We prepare each child fully both academically and emotionally, for an excellent transition to elementary school. Students learn through hands-on experience, investigation, and research. 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  • Toddler

    18 – 36 Months

    The classroom is both child centered and child-sized. It is designed to take advantage of the toddler’s natural drive to “do it myself”. It allows the child to explore their world in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.

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  • Primary

    3 – 4 Years

    The five weekday program provides a consistent schedule and prepared environment with the freedom of choice. Students’ comfort, confidence, and enthusiasm grow daily! They progress at their own pace without competition.

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  • Pre-K/K

    5 – 6 Years

    We prepare each child fully both academically and emotionally, for an excellent transition to elementary school. Students learn through hands-on experience, investigation, and research. They are actively engaged in their studies.

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The right program makes a world of difference!

Children’s Development Center “Novy Mir”

Network of Kindergartens and Developmental Centers “NOVIY MIR”

We create an environment where a child can show and express himself. We awaken and stimulate independence, responsibility and the ability to be yourself.

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Let’s get acquainted!

Why us?

Extensive experience

We are the only Children’s Center in Khabarovsk that has been operating according to the Montessori system for more than 12 years

We help children to reach their potential, believe in their own strength and go their own way to a successful adult future

Our goal

Create an atmosphere of love and care around the child so that he can express himself, be independent and responsible.
To teach children to form a positive attitude towards themselves and the world around them, to express themselves and develop their talents.

Obtained mandatory certification and create a comfortable space for development and learning in accordance with the age characteristics of each child

for a trial lesson


Our groups

Together with mom

Lessons for children from 3 months to 3 years

The class for toddlers has everything you need to develop speech, fine motor skills and fine motor skills , visual coordination and sensory. The main task of this age is to learn to take care of yourself, the space around you and the people who are nearby!

Nursery for children from 1.5 to 3 years old

In the nursery, we have created a special environment that allows them to grow up in an interesting and useful way. In a large and comfortable room, every child can develop their talents with pleasure and understand how much they can do.


Classes for children from 3 to 7 years old

In the kindergarten, 3-6 children expect full and comprehensive development: intelligence and emotions, communication skills and conflict resolution with peers, creativity and music, preparation for school. Classes are held in a bilingual environment: in English and Russian. Individual psychological support of the child is provided. nine0003

Primary school

Classes for children aged 6-11

The main desire of a schoolchild is to understand how the world around him works and everything that is in it. Writing and mathematics, reading and creativity, music, a foreign language and physical education – all this is in our school! Children master the curriculum in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, create projects, go on excursions, and participate in various events.

Parents’ School

Topical seminars for parents

Psychological seminars and trainings, discussions and master classes on the most relevant topics of child psychology and relationships with a child in our Parent Psychological Club “KRUG” will help each parent not to drown in a sea of ​​conflicting information about raising children and help the child become a man of his time and culture .

Cost and schedule

Our teachers



Andrey Lazko

My two sons have been attending Montessori Center Novy Mir for 7 years. Kindergarten and elementary school. nine0003

My wife just informed me that the children would come here. It was her choice. And I just had to agree. I didn’t know anything about the Montessori system. We were invited on a tour of the kindergarten. Going there, I expected to see a bunch of toys, walls painted with all sorts of cartoons. But…

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Elena Krinitsyna

Three years have passed since my son graduated from the NOVIY MIR Montessori school. Now he is in eighth grade.

Montessori kindergarten and school for me is a place where my son will not be “levelled”, “driven” into frames and norms, made “convenient” for the institution, for the system, labeled him. nine0003

Graduating from Montessori. ..

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Olga Belousova

My daughter studied at school for a year and a half (preparatory and first grade). Initially, there were problems with writing, dysgraphia.

During her studies at school, teachers developed in her daughter not only important skills in writing, but also the ability to self-organize, choose important things, and not be afraid of difficulties. It is important that there were no more than 20 students in the school, which allowed …

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Astashkina Maria

Do parents continue to see results from their child’s education in kindergarten and at school? If so, what are these results, the qualities of the child’s personality?

The ability to organize your leisure time. Organization of space. The ability to prioritize my actions (for example, today I will do a task for the day after tomorrow, so that tomorrow I would have free time)…

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Akulova Natalya

I have only positive impressions and memories. It is a pity that we are no longer with you, and me and Nastya felt good and comfortable with you. Good and easy, on the same wavelength. You have always treated us with understanding and support. nine0021 Nastya knows how to defend her point of view and is not afraid to do it. Easily makes contact with people, with adults, is not pinched…

Read more which cannot but rejoice. The daughter is interested in the activities of the teacher and other children. The teacher always tries to explain to the child how to work with the material correctly, and to give me useful information

Fedotova Lyubov

My daughter and I got acquainted with the Novy Mir Montessori Center when we started attending classes “Together with Mom”, then there were classes “I myself” in front of the nursery. The child is gradually immersed in the environment, gets acquainted with teachers and educational materials. She is very comfortable in the garden, she feels approval and acceptance. I am simply delighted with the approach, with the teachers. ..

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Evgeniya Novosyolova

I would like to thank the entire staff of the Novy Mir Kindergarten for their contribution to the development of my daughter Alice: for warmth, kindness, sensitivity, care! For those skills that Alice acquired in the nursery group. It is so important for a mother that a child who cannot speak yet be in contact with people with whom he spends all day. It is especially valuable that the desires and opinions of the child are taken into account…

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Merzlyakova Irina

My name is Irina, my daughter 2.2 we go to Montessori nursery since 1.8.
When the child was one and a half years old, we thought about a nursery. We only considered options for private kindergartens, as we wanted the group to be small. At that time, the Novy Mir center was opened and we went there for classes with my mother. We really enjoyed. And we decided to send Anya to their nursery…

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Nenuzhenko Lina

My son and I have been going to the center since 1. 3 years. I’m on my own,” and now, at 2.4, let’s go to the nursery. The adaptation was very soft, the kid was already familiar with the room, Montessori materials, with teachers who replace each other and are always in sight, and with the system itself and its rules. I really like the fact that here the baby can …

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Andrey Lazko

My two sons have been attending Novy Mir Montessori Center for 7 years. Kindergarten and elementary school.

My wife just informed me that the children would come here. It was her choice. And I just had to agree. I didn’t know anything about the Montessori system. We were invited on a tour of the kindergarten. Going there, I expected to see a bunch of toys, walls painted with all sorts of cartoons. But I didn’t see anything like it. White walls and shelves with educational materials. Everything is very discreet and neat. While they were telling my wife everything, I began to look at what kind of developments there were, and suddenly I caught myself thinking that if I were a child, I would not want to leave there. THERE IS SO MUCH INTERESTING! ON ALL THEMES! nine0021 In general, the decision was made.

What did I enjoy while the children were studying there? Unbeknownst to me, the children learned to read, write and count. I remember how this was taught to me and my sisters, or rather, how my mother “consolidated knowledge with us.” You know, as in a joke: “The child became deaf, the mother became hoarse, and the dog learned everything by heart and repeated it in human language.”

In general, everything was not so with us. Suddenly, the children began to give signed postcards. Tell what you read in books. Go to the store, counting how much and for what they need money. nine0021 Both of my sons are interesting to talk to. Not only because they are MY children. They have many different interests. There are stable hobbies and aspirations. Some abilities are more developed, some are weaker. Like all children. But only where they are not very successful has not become a label for them as a loser, as it often becomes in a regular school.

Having the most general idea of ​​what children are taught, how they are brought up in Montessori kindergartens and schools, I think that what my sons have become is largely due to the years spent at the New World Montessori Center, daily work educators and teachers. What is important to me and my wife in the upbringing and development of our children, what we invest in them so that they become independent, independent people, using their capabilities to the maximum, with an interest in life, with responsible behavior and with high-quality knowledge , in this center received 100% support. nine0003

And so, when our third child was born, we didn’t have a choice where he would go.

Krinitsyna Elena

Three years have passed since my son graduated from the Montessori school NOVIY MIR. Now he is in eighth grade.

Montessori kindergarten and school for me is a place where my son will not be “levelled”, “driven” into frames and norms, made “convenient” for the institution, for the system, labeled him.

Graduating from the NOVIY MIR Montessori School, Sasha possessed all the knowledge and skills necessary for a fourth-grader, but to this he remained an inquisitive and positive child, confident in his abilities, without any limiting beliefs about studies and himself. In general, he remained himself. And for me, his mother, this is the most valuable thing. nine0003

Olga Belousova

My daughter studied at school for a year and a half (preparatory and first grade). Initially, there were problems with writing, dysgraphia.

During her studies at school, teachers developed in her daughter not only important skills in writing, but also the ability to self-organize, choose important things, and not be afraid of difficulties. It is important that there were no more than 20 students in the school, which made it possible to pay attention to everyone.

I remember very much the holidays at school, where parents always took part. It is very unifying. It was valuable to have such classes as Workshop and Music (Orff pedagogy), English. nine0003

The daughter still remembers the school with warmth, maintains friendship with former classmates.
I think that this year was very important for us to adapt our daughter to a comprehensive school.

Maria Astashkina

Do parents continue to see results from their child’s education in kindergarten and school? If so, what are these results, the qualities of the child’s personality?

The ability to organize your leisure time. Organization of space. The ability to prioritize your actions (for example, today I will do a task for the day after tomorrow, so that tomorrow I would have free time). Self-discipline (sometimes). Now she collects / disassembles things for school, focusing on the schedule for lessons (I do not help). Quickly finds friends / girlfriends. Ready to help friends when help is needed. nine0003

What emotional trace did the parents have from that time?

Positive emotions and memories!

And, if possible, did the child have any memories of that time? What is the brightest and most important thing for a child to remember?

“I remember and miss Alice and Tanya and Lena” Kristina.

Akulova Natalia

I have only positive impressions and memories. It is a pity that we are no longer with you, and me and Nastya felt good and comfortable with you. Good and easy, on the same wavelength. You have always treated us with understanding and support. nine0003

Nastya knows how to defend her point of view and is not afraid to do it. Easily makes contact with people, with adults, is not pinched and is not afraid of anyone.

According to knowledge, it seems to be good too, in Russian I doubt only, until now under elementary phrases like: congratulations on your birthday, writes with mistakes, doesn’t use test words, I don’t understand how she got fives, but time will tell, it’s too early to draw conclusions, probably .

Fedotova Lyubov

My daughter and I got acquainted with the Novy Mir Montessori Center when we started attending classes “Together with Mom”, then there were classes “I myself” in front of the nursery. The child is gradually immersed in the environment, gets acquainted with teachers and educational materials. She is very comfortable in the garden, she feels approval and acceptance. nine0003

I am simply delighted with the approach, with the teachers, with the friendly atmosphere that prevails in the group. I like that the daughter perceives the garden not as an overexposure while her parents are at work, but as an interesting place for games and friendship. I feel that she is psychologically comfortable in this kindergarten.

Evgenia Novosyolova

I would like to thank the entire staff of the Novy Mir kindergarten for their contribution to the development of my daughter Alice: for warmth, kindness, sensitivity, care! For those skills that Alice acquired in the nursery group. It is so important for a mother that a child who cannot speak yet be in contact with people with whom he spends all day. It is especially valuable that the desires, opinion of the child, his choice within the framework of the proposed are taken into account. nine0003

The lessons themselves according to the Maria Montessori system are unique, in the kindergarten “New World” there is a wide variety of materials that are constantly changing and made in such a way that the needs of the child and his capabilities are taken into account.

Thanks to the materials of the Montessori environment, my daughter began to concentrate on what she was doing, became more diligent, and completed everything. Before, it was difficult in general, they couldn’t even read a book, all the time I jumped off and ran away. I really liked the music lessons with the teacher, the child still repeats the movements and generally fell in love with music and dancing. Unfortunately, due to family circumstances, they were forced to stop classes at the Novy Mir, parted with tears – it turned out to be a very touching farewell. Until now, the child remembers the kindergarten and teachers with warmth

Merzlyakova Irina

My name is Irina, my daughter 2. 2 we go to Montessori nursery from 1.8.

When the child was one and a half years old, we thought about the nursery. We only considered options for private kindergartens, as we wanted the group to be small. At that time, the Novy Mir center was opened and we went there for classes with my mother. We really enjoyed. And we decided to give Anya to their nursery.

I’ll tell you in order:
1. Atmosphere. In the center, everything is very cozy and beautiful, just like on Pinterest pictures. Everything is new and very clean. All classes are divided into zones, the child himself chooses what he will do today, and the teacher directs him. nine0003

2. Teachers. I can sing odes about teachers forever! Very attentive, polite and kind. Our Julia is just a diamond. Her daughter loves her, when we go to the garden, we always take something from the toys to show Yulia. We receive a lot of feedback, advice on parenting, what to pay attention to, etc. The center holds seminars with a child psychologist and is absolutely free for parents whose children attend nursery!

3. Adaptation. The adaptation went very smoothly, for which many thanks to Yulia. In the first week, the daughter went to the garden with her dad, the child was studying, dad was sitting in the corner. Then, for a while, dad was released; for 15 minutes, then for 30 minutes, then for 1 hour) then for a couple of weeks we visited the garden until lunchtime. When Anya was ready to stay to sleep, the teacher told us and we began to stay to sleep, but that’s not all) at first we took our daughter right after sleep, and only after that she began to stay for a full day, when she was completely ready. In general, adaptation took us a little over a month, but it was so soft that I don’t even remember that it was very problematic and nervous, as mothers usually say. nine0003

4. Diseases. This is a very important aspect – the child does not get sick. There are orvi in ​​a mild form, but for a child not to go to the garden for weeks, there is no such thing! And looking at other children, it also seems that they are not sick. This is also due to the fact that they really feel very good and emotionally comfortable there!

5. Classes. Classes in the nursery are aimed at developing motor skills, starting speech, and self-service. When our child came to the garden, he did not drink from the mug himself, he could not get dressed. What was our surprise when, a month later, Anya began to do everything herself, and with great pleasure))) in the classroom they set the table for receiving food, cut a banana themselves, put flowers in vases perfectly, that in addition to basic skills, children are taught aesthetics, comfort) more this nursery is bilingual, at the same time the teacher Rukia is studying English with him! nine0003

In general, this system of upbringing and development of children touched my soul very much. I am very glad that we decided to send our daughter to such a nursery, I advise you to try this system for yourself and I assure you after that you will never send your child to a kindergarten with a system left over from Soviet times! Here children are taught the beautiful, they are very kind to the personality of the child, respect and appreciate his personal boundaries!

Nenuzhenko Lina

My son and I have been going to the center since 1. 3. in the nursery. The adaptation was very soft, the kid was already familiar with the room, Montessori materials, with teachers who replace each other and are always in sight, and with the system itself and its rules. nine0003

I really like the fact that here the kid can choose his own activity. There is no such thing that everyone sculpts or everyone draws. The son was very fond of water and everything connected with it, it was here that he poured it as much as he wanted. A lot of material and activities with water. Teachers see the desires and aspirations of each individual child and help him exactly what he needs at this moment of development. Completely individual approach to children. In our city, there are no analogues of such classes for kids and such a kindergarten. nine0003 WhatsApp

Kindergarten No. 235 in Izhevsk: not to teach, but to help learn

According to the Maria Montessori system, this is the first female doctor and teacher in Italy – not many budget kindergartens work. In Izhevsk, the only institution of its kind is kindergarten No. 235, where children are not taught from an early age, but are helped to learn. We are talking with its head, Nadezhda Lukinykh.

Nadezhda Lukinykh , head of MBDOU No. 235

– Nadezhda Leopoldovna, what is the difference between the Montessori methodology and traditional pedagogical approaches in preschool education? nine0239

– There are six groups in our kindergarten, all of them are formed according to the principle of different ages, and each of them has a Montessori teacher and an educator. Such a grouping of children provides significant advantages. Firstly, kids get sick less, as they enter a team that has already developed immunity to infections. Secondly, they adapt more easily and quickly, since an older brother or sister often goes to the group next to them. If we talk about the teaching methodology, then it is based on helping the child learn. When a child is immersed in an organized educational environment, a teacher is connected to him, but only as an assistant. We implement the fundamental principle of Montessori pedagogy: “Help me do it myself.” That is, we create conditions for development in those areas in which the baby is interested, and explain how they can gain knowledge. nine0003

Along with Montessori thematic classes, our children have many additional areas for development. Our kindergarten is probably the only one in the city where they teach playing the flute, and this is not only the development of musical abilities, but also strengthening health through breathing exercises. We have clubs for rhythmics, drawing, testoplasty, a theater studio, an IT club and others…

– What new forms of work have been introduced into your practice lately? nine0239

– Under the federal project “Ecolytes – preschoolers”, an ecological trail was created on the territory of the kindergarten with cedars, firs, Manchurian walnuts and other plantings. Small oaks have already grown from the acorns that the teachers and the children planted in the ground. Each plant has information plates that the children study with the help of adults.

Another new project is Lean Kindergarten. In fact, we have been working on a similar program for a long time, since our main task is to provide a safe environment for children, understandable for parents. For example, in order to quickly dress the youngest children for a walk, we must teach parents how to properly fold their things in a locker, and the kids themselves how to dress correctly according to this pattern. The same principle applies to other areas as well. nine0003

– Your kindergarten was one of the first in Izhevsk to switch to outsourcing in the organization of preschool meals. What are its main advantages?

– When I agreed to work with Domashnaya Kukhnya as an experiment, I was able to solve all the problems in this area almost at once. There were no qualified chefs – they were provided to us. The equipment broke down often – now it is being repaired online.