Preschool enrichment activities: 230 STEAM: Preschool Activities for STEM Enrichment ideas

Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 12:17 am


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5 Reasons Preschoolers Need Enrichment Classes

Through an intentional design process, The Gardner School has created a rich learning environment to stimulate a child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth. With our comprehensive and foundational curriculum, our preschoolers engage in exciting learning experiences each day to prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. To take learning a step further than the normal classroom environment, The Gardner School also offers a full suite of enrichment activities. These activities encourage students to be creative and practice their natural gifts, talents, and passions. Our supplemental classes and activities consist of various subjects such as foreign languages, sports, visual arts, performing arts, computer-based learning, and even cooking classes, which help students learn about health, nutrition, and fun ways to cook! The Gardner School offers these optional enrichment activities so that your child has easy access to fun subjects without parents needing to schedule additional classes and activities. Here are our top five reasons why preschoolers need enrichment classes.

New Experiences

In addition to giving children a front-row seat to completely new activities, enrichment classes are wonderful opportunities for them to build additional skills through small group learning experiences, where they can meet new friends who might not be in their regular classrooms. Enrichment classes provide children with the opportunity to see and do many activities that most would never experience until elementary school.

Healthy Challenges

A good variety of enrichment activities can pose healthy challenges that encourage preschoolers to practice resilience and stretch their creative abilities. 

Physical Development

With several enrichment classes focused on fitness and active participation, children can benefit from increased movement and exercise. Our athletics-focused enrichment classes are also a great way to gauge a child’s interest in specific types of sports. This can be helpful in navigating whether parents should enroll children in sports leagues as they mature.

Intellectual Stimulation

As parents choose the activities that best fit the needs or desires of their children, opportunities for mental stimulation are plentiful with enrichment courses like music, drama, art, and computer classes. While preschoolers receive a good balance of multiple learning activities during the normal day, enrichment courses expand the mind by offering children a deeper and more hands-on approach to a specific skill or activity that appeals to their unique interests.

Cost-Effective Convenience

Enrichment classes at The Gardner School are offered during regular school hours. This gives families more quality time after school, rather than rushing from work to school to extracurricular activities such as sports or music lessons that can not only be time-consuming but can also be costly.

Variety and Engagement at TGS

Take advantage of The Gardner School’s variety of enrichment classes to expand your child’s mind and physical development. Your preschooler will be excited about the many new skills and adventures that await them. To learn more about The Gardner School’s enrichment classes, visit our enrichment page or schedule a virtual tour!

Pint-Sized Pursuits: Enrichment Activities for the Preschool Crowd

Preschool and playgroups

Traditional preschool exposes children to many different types of enrichment such as art, music, games, cooperative play, drama and pretend play, as well as develop their social and language skills. While preschool may provide a well rounded enrichment experience, it may not be a good fit for some families due to schedules or finances. Play groups are another great way to expose your child to many types of enrichment experiences while giving them the social aspect that many preschools provide.

Individual sports

“I think dance or tumbling is a really good first organized activity for kids.” says Angela Leever, Olathe mom of three and preschool special education teacher. “You want to make sure you get them into an activity where the instructors are used to working with young children and their expectations are age appropriate.” Gymnastics, swimming, and martial arts are great sports activities for little ones to try because they work on their core strength and confidence. Kids who love to be active and are maybe even a little daring do great in these individual sports.

The wonderful thing about preschool enrichment is that there are several programs and opportunities in the Kansas City area and there are also countless chances to expose your kids to learning at home as well. “We are really into gardening right now. My son waters the plants every night and has to help pull weeds. It has been a great learning experience for him.” says Katlyn Purkapile, mom of two from Edgerton. Kids can learn by helping with chores around the house, exploring all the parks and museums Kansas City has to offer, and even visiting the local library. Mother of two, Stephanie Pratt, of Olathe says “Everything you do is a learning activity for preschoolers. My kids love to cook with me.” Get creative, make learning fun, and allow your child to explore and try new things both in organized programs and at home.

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Preschool Enrichment at Home

You do not have to spend a fortune on classes to give your kids great enrichment experiences. Here’s some ideas to incorporate at home or explore in your community.

  • Gross motor – visit a park, play in the backyard, create an obstacle course using household objects, or have a family dance party
  • Fine motor – create a sensory bin, play with puzzles or blocks, allow your kids to draw and practice with scissors
  • Language – sing, read, and use cooperative play
  • Social development – host playdates, explore the city, go on a scavenger hunt
  • Self awareness – dress up, cook, have them help with chores and gardening


Sarah Lyons is a stay at home wife and mother of six children, including 18 month old triplets. Using creative consequences with her kids has improved their behavior and encourages healthy relationships with each other.


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Developmental classes

When a small child appears in a family, the place and role of the center of the universe is prepared for him in advance. There are no such goods that parents can refuse him – toys, walks, games, entertainment, sweets – all this is evidence of their boundless love and wishing their child all the best. Children, on the other hand, absorb all this uncontrollably, they gladly accept the diversity of life around them and actively participate in it.

A child learns the world around from the very first day of birth. The baby’s brain is unique, it absorbs information like a sponge, filters it, leaving only the most necessary for further use.

At present, development centers have been created for children from the first year of life, where the little baby is taught to learn about the world around and show the abilities inherent in it by nature. Children in such centers develop memory, speech, imagination, prepare for school. Educational activities for preschool children have proven to be a necessity, an obligatory stage in their development and education. And the meaning of the classes is not only to make a child prodigy out of a child, but that being busy playing and involved in the creative process, he learns to interact with children, finds his place in the team and declares himself.

Educational activities at the Children’s Center Joy is a new word in the formation of the personality of a preschool child.

The development of a child is exactly that happy childhood that each of them can only dream of, because the essence of children is rapid growth and physical development, indefatigable curiosity, activity and mobility, splashing out emotions and the energy inherent in them. Being involved in the process of developmental learning, they receive maximum attention, reveal their natural potential, grow confident and open to communication and the world around them.

Developmental classes are held exclusively in the form of a game, the main role in which is assigned not to the teacher, but to the student. Thanks to this, the child does not just receive information, as is customary in a standard school.

The tasks that the teacher puts in the foreground can be summarized in a few words: to captivate the baby, involve him in active work with other children, give him the opportunity to feel like an “adult” and significant.

Educational activities at the Children’s Center JOY include the basics of reading, Russian, mathematics. The child learns to add his first letter combinations, count, draw circles in the copybook. Children draw, listen to music, learn children’s songs with the teacher…

Developing classes , held at the Children’s Center for preschool children, are thought out taking into account their age and are aimed at developing hand motor skills, a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, physical development, and communication skills. Children learn to draw, sculpt from plaster, clay and plasticine, master role-playing games, play musical instruments, solve puzzles, show and develop their creative abilities. In classes organized in the form of a game, the natural restlessness and activity of the child is used – classes always end before he feels tired.

Developing classes is the key to the successful adaptation of children in any team, to the development of their creative abilities and independence.

Our programs

Educational classes



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Developmental classes

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Educational game “We count” (5-7 years)

Developing classes

Author: Ladygina Natalya Aleksandrovna

11/22/2022 06:06

Educational game “We count” (5-7 years)

PURPOSE: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers aged 5-7 years

Guidelines for the manual:

  1. Put the numbers from 1 to 10; 10 to 1
  2. Connect the numbers with a string from 1 to 10; 10 to 1
  3. Name the neighbors of the number 4, 6, ……
  4. Solve the example and find the answer
  5. Compare numbers using signs =
  6. Planar orientation:
  • Find the number between the blue and red numbers, say it; between blue and orange, etc.
  • Say the number in the upper left corner, in the lower right, etc.

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Developing classes

Author: Osnitskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna Mekhtieva Valentina Grigorievna

12.11.2022 21:45


  • Osnitskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna Educator 1 qualification category
  • Mekhtieva Valentina Grigoryevna Educator 1 qualification category

MBDOU Kalinka Kindergarten Ust-Abakansky district

We all know that the subject-developing environment is one of the main components of successful work. The issue of organization of subject

developmental environment DL today is particularly relevant. This is due to the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

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Developing classes

Author: Fonova Olga

11/10/2022 05:18


State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 19 of the combined type of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Author: Fonova OA St. Petersburg 2022

Purpose: to conduct an integrated event with children with elements of music therapy, sand therapy and fairy tale therapy.


  • develop children’s cognitive interest in music, fairy tales; develop imagination, fantasy
  • promote stress relief, relaxation
  • activate speech activity in the process of cognition, writing a fairy tale
  • develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills of hands
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional background in children with the help of sand technique, music, word creation

Participants: older preschool children, teacher

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Scenario of the holiday “Journey on the Mary Poppins Umbrella”

Developing classes

Author: Smirnova Yulia Mikhailovna Babak Svetlana Nikolaevna

08. 11.2022 16:55

Scenario of the holiday “Journey on Mary Poppins Umbrella”

Purpose: to give the child as much joy as possible, to form in him a kind of festive culture, an integral part of the life of any person, and at the same time enrich him with new, vivid impressions. Provide an opportunity for self-realization, self-affirmation, self-disclosure of the child.


  • develop creativity
  • to form the ability to behave emotionally and liberated on stage; work in a coordinated and efficient manner as part of a team.
  • to teach a child to play games with the audience.

Music from the movie “Mary Poppins Goodbye” sounds, Mary Poppins appears.

Hello adults! Hello children! Recognized me?

My name is Mary Popins

I am the best nanny in the world.

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Developing classes

Author: Grozdeva Elena Viktorovna

08.11.2022 14:31


E.V. Grozdev

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form an independent active person with a broad outlook. In this regard, educational institutions face an important task of developing the search and cognitive activity of the younger generation, which in turn requires the improvement of the educational process, taking into account the psychological patterns of the entire system of cognitive processes.

Preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation of all spheres of the psyche. Among the various motives of preschoolers, a special place is occupied by the cognitive motive, which is one of the most specific for senior preschool age. At the same time, it is obvious that cognitive activity is not a direct consequence of age, and not all modern preschoolers have this valuable quality.

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Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment for young children “Who lost their feathers?”.

Developing classes

Author: Stepanova Olga Nikolaevna

07.11.2022 22:36

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment for young children “Who lost their feathers?”.


  • To form the skills to recognize animals by their distinctive features and name them.
  • To form the ability to answer the teacher’s questions, pronounce words, phrases, nursery rhymes, verses, songs together with the teacher.
  • Enrich children’s vocabulary with verbs: laps, gnaws, pecks; to consolidate the concepts: soft, fluffy, warm, fur, feathers.
  • Raise interest in pets, the desire to care for them.

Equipment: Fence screen, house, dog, cat, bowl, chicken, cockerel, feathers according to the number of children, bones, grains.

Course of the lesson: 1. Motivation. Surprise moment.

– Children, look here, what did I find, what is this?

– Feather. (2-3 answers from children) . We’ll look for more feathers with you.

(Each child finds a feather prepared by the teacher in advance.)

– Dima, what did you find?

– Feather. (Child’s answer) .

  • Feather was found by Katya, Roma

Look how fluffy, light and fly they are. Now I will put a feather in my palm and blow on it – a feather has flown.

-Let’s play with a feather together. Children blow, play with a feather.

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Developing dialogue “Venus flytrap”

Developing classes

Author: Vacker Svetlana Aleksandrovna

04.11.2022 15:14

Educational dialogue “Venus flytrap”

Purpose: development of creative, productive, dialectical thinking of preschoolers.


  1. Develop the ability to find opposites.
  2. Be able to identify the distinctive properties of an object.
  3. To form the ability to compare an object with others, to determine similarities and differences.

Equipment: bell, magnetic board, paper, pencils or felt-tip pens, pre-prepared pictures, paper butterfly on a fishing line.

1) Conventional horn (bell)

Educator: Mischievous bell,

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Sensory development of older preschool children

Developing classes

Author: Naumkina Irina Nikolaevna

25.10.2022 12:48

Sensory development of older preschool children

Every person, having just been born, is already ready to perceive the surrounding world: he is able to see, hear, feel heat and cold.

The system, aimed at the perception of the surrounding world, is called sensory (feeling) , and the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding world is sensory education. Its main task is to help the child accumulate ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, etc.

In its centuries-old practice, humanity has created certain standards of size, shape, color tones. Mastering these standards, the child receives, as it were, a set of standards with which he can compare any newly perceived property of an object and give it a proper definition.

The accumulation of sensory representations involves familiarity with color, shape, size, and, if possible, with the main varieties of these properties.

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Development of research abilities through experimentation.

Developing classes

Author: Bireva Tatyana Yurievna

04.10.2022 12:21

Development of research abilities through experimentation.

The modern educational system is increasingly turning to innovative methods of education and upbringing, among which a special place is given to the research activities of children. This fact is due to the fact that search, or research, activity is an innate human need, and it is thanks to it that the child comprehends the world around him. Research activity aims to transform the innate children’s curiosity into a stable cognitive interest, actualizing the child’s need for an independent search for information, as well as the search for ways to acquire it. And one of the components of the transformation tools is research abilities, which include: search activity, divergent and convergent thinking.

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“The use of fiction in the process of sensory development of young children”

Developing classes

Author: Melchanova Irina Evgenievna

09/30/2022 16:28

“The use of fiction in the process of sensory development of young children”

Developed by: teacher Melchanova I. E. municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 6” Arzamas, 2022

Sensory development is central to the full development of young children.

Sensory development, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience.

There are many ways and exciting games that help the sensory development of pupils.

One of these methods is the use of fiction.

Sensory education is the basis for the speech development of pupils:

– Improving the functions of fine motor skills of the hands is one of the components of the process of touch. The well-known teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said that the mind of a child is at the fingertips

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“The role of play activities in the development of preschool children”

Developing classes

Author: Maslova Olga Evgenievna

27. 09.2022 18:38

“The role of play activities in the development of preschool children”

The child’s world is intricately intertwined with various senses: sight, hearing, touch, emotions. The sense of perception of the surrounding world captures the child, completely masters it, encourages research activities and reveals the creative abilities inherent in childhood.

The time of preschool childhood is special in the development of the child, during this period ideas about the world gradually mature, and this process A.N. Leontiev calls “playful exploration of the world” . We can call it the process of game development of society – game socialization; childhood is the time when the game is the focus and foundation of all children’s activities and hobbies, a way of knowing the environment, showing activity. The game is considered one of the main activities for preschool children. The sense of perception of the surrounding world captures the child, completely masters it, encourages research activities and reveals the creative abilities inherent in childhood. The game refers to cultural forms and activities.

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More articles…

  • “Educational games with Marbles for children with speech disorders”

  • Synopsis of an open integrated lesson using educational games by V.V. Voskobovich “Return of the gnomes to the purple forest”

  • “Didactic games for sensory development”

  • We develop the right hemisphere of the brain.


  • Didactic game “Magic Box” (for a subgroup of children)

  • Formation of personality, motivation and abilities in the process of physical development of children of primary preschool age

  • Summary of a lesson on the development of graphic skills in the preparatory group? on the topic: “Mushrooms”

  • Educational games “Miracle Caps” as a comprehensive development of young children.