Preschool daily schedule examples: Preschool daily agenda & visual schedule

Опубликовано: March 7, 2023 в 12:23 am


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Daily Schedule

Comfort- All of the infants will be given regular, physical and emotional comfort, as the need arises.  Positive interactions like smiling, laughing, cuddling are always encouraged!

Feeding- Infants will be fed on demand and work towards a regular schedule of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner depending on the child’s arrival and departure times.  Older infants who are weaned will have breakfast (if applicable), lunch and snack-on-demand as needed, generally once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Sleeping-Children in the infant room will nap on an as needed basis.  Our center uses floor beds, giving the infants and toddlers the freedom to move & choose when they would like to sleep.  The children will be given help to go to sleep, and to start recognizing when they need to lay down to give their body a rest.  We use 100% wool mattresses that feature an organic cotton fabric canvas cover.  They are completely breathable, with natural anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and temperature regulating qualities. The bedding is cozy and safe for your little one. 

Tummy Time-Infants will have 30 minutes of time on their stomach each day (until they are rolling over, crawling, etc.) to strengthen their necks and upper body.   This time will be broken into smaller increments as necessary for the children.

Outdoor Play- No matter the weather we make daily trips outside.  Depending on the weather we may go undercover to play, or spend less time outdoors, but we will always go out.  Make sure to dress your children accordingly. We do have clean clothes for the children to borrow just in case they did not come with the appropriate clothing.

Hand Washing- Washing up will occur often throughout the school day.  Children will wash before meals, after going potty, after brushing their teeth, or blowing their nose.  They will also wash after coming in from outside, before cooking, and after messy activities. We provide a mild, natural soap for daily use. 

Tea Time- Tea Time is another name for our snack time.  For drinks we provide milk and tea in addition to water. The tea is served at a very mild temperature for safety (or cold on hot days), and we only use herbal, child-friendly teas.  Fresh fruits, and vegetables (often prepared by the children), and other healthy items are served for tea several times a day. 
Baby Message- To aid in infant development and relaxation, daily messages are given by the teachers to promote trust, healthy physical growth, and security. See the video above for an example.

Cooking with Children- Montessori classrooms around the world begin offering simple cooking lessons to early toddlers as part of their practical life practice lessons. In our school, we prepare the environment to successfully host the activities at a developmentally appropriate level.  For example: When making bread, the teachers measure, and put out the ingredients before the children take part in the exercise.  The children then do all of the mixing, kneading, and shaping.

5 Schedule Examples From Special Education Classes With Free Download

Sometimes it helps to have examples of autism daily schedules to work from when setting up your own. So I wanted to share some examples and go over some main strategies I use in organizing the classroom schedule. The download includes 5 special education classes’ schedules and cover all ages from preschool through high school. They are all self-contained classrooms with one that also served as a resource classroom. I have a variety of posts that include tons of information about how to set up all types of special education classes. The best place to start is with the ultimate guide to setting up special education classes.

Steps in Creating the Autism Daily Class Schedule

Everything in setting up the schedule depends on knowing your students.  I review the students’ IEPs and determine what curriculum we need to use.  I use the Teaching Implementation Plan (TIP) for that. From that, I can then have some ideas about how long group activities should be, how many small group or individual instruction is needed, etc.  

Essentially when I set up a schedule I use a grid that has the day broken down into regular increments–usually 15 minutes (the freebie has blank times and 15 minute times set up for you).  I put the students’ names across the top and the times down the left hand side, like the pictures below.  Then, I follow these 5 basic steps when I do a schedule.  

I start with the things I can’t change, like specials times for each student (assuming they are different grades).  Then I schedule the student whose engagement and behavior would be most affected by the order of the schedule (that one that needs a work-break-work-break) type of schedule.  Then I schedule the students who can be more flexible.

5 Special Education Classes Schedules

Below are some schedules to check out.  For each classroom, I’ve written about them in a post to give you more context. I’ve included a link to those posts so you can can read about them there.

Preschool Full-Day (Some Part-Day) Autism Daily Schedule

This is a preschool schedule.  The greyed out areas are times when that student is not in the classroom.  In this case they are students who only attended part day.  You can get more details about this special education class schedule HERE.

Elementary Special Education Class Schedule With Inclusion Times

This elementary autism daily schedule was a pretty typical classroom schedule but we were lucky that all the students attended specials together and they were scheduled pretty consistently across the week.  That made it much easier to schedule.  You can read about this special education class schedule here.

Middle School Classroom with 1 Teacher & 1 Paraprofessional

I included 2 middle school schedule because sometimes I think they are more difficult because the way that scheduling in the school is so different.  This one is an example of a class that had 1 teacher and 1 aide, so there is a longer time in leisure after lunch to allow for lunch breaks.  Read more about this special ed classroom schedule here.

Middle School Mixed Classroom Schedule: Two Teachers

This one was a classroom that eventually was divided.  We found we needed to divide our group activities because they were just too large a group to keep everyone’s attention during a full group activity.  Read more about this special education class schedule here.

High School Life Skills Classroom

This classroom was a self-contained life skills classroom with a teacher and 2 paraprofessionals. I’ll come back and add a link with more information and a link to a floor plan of it when I get it finished. It was set up with 2 portables-an academic portable and a life skills / vocational portable that we used in the afternoon.

Read more about this schedule here.

So, I hope those will give you some ideas about setting up schedules for your classroom and some things to think about while you are sitting by the pool (or the ocean, or the mountains, or teaching ESY). If you are looking for more help with setting up your classroom, come try out the Special Educator Academy Setting Up Your Classroom course with a 7-day free trial here. Or grab one of the resources below for more ideas.

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Schoolchild’s daily routine. Making the right routine

The whole truth about how to choose a backpack for a first grader.

  1. Articles
  2. Schoolchildren’s daily routine. Making the right routine

Properly composed daily routine is a guarantee of excellent well-being of the student, academic performance in the classroom, good mood. If the child gets enough sleep, eats on time, does not get tired of studying, gets enough time to rest, we can say that the schedule is well drawn up. It is especially important to organize the correct schedule after the holidays, when the children are relaxed and not immediately ready for a clear hourly schedule. It can also be difficult to accustom first-graders who are accustomed to a relaxed pastime in the kindergarten.

How to accustom to the regimen?

Before compiling a regimen, you need to observe the pace that the child has chosen for himself: how quickly he wakes up, how long it takes him to wash, how long it takes for breakfast and the way to school, when it is easier to do homework. Based on these comments, allocate time in such a way that the baby has time for everything. Remember: what suits the neighbor’s peers will not always suit your son or daughter – all children have a different body, some need more time to rest, others recover faster. Take into account the wishes of the child himself, explain why it is important to make a regimen. Stick to the established rules with him – the example of the parents works better than explanations.

The student will quickly get used to and get involved in the educational process if his time is scheduled by the minute, but with breaks for the rest that he prefers (walking, sports, favorite hobby). It is important to take into account the age characteristics and hobbies of children, leave the possibility of free choice – do not overdo it with rules and restrictions. The most intense performance is observed from 11:00 to 13:00, and also from 16:00 to 18:00. Depending on age and psychological characteristics, these indicators may differ.

What must be on the agenda

To set a successful rhythm for the day, be sure to provide all the most important elements of the regime:

  • Regular meals – breakfasts, lunches, dinners.

  • Full sleep, based on the age and needs of the body.

  • Studying at school and doing homework.

  • Active recreation with walks in the fresh air, as well as exercise or sports.

  • Time for hobbies and games.

  • Strong help around the house.

Morning: getting ready for school and charging

Morning begins with washing, exercises, breakfast. It is recommended to prepare the form and collect the backpack in the evening, so as not to forget anything in the morning rush. It is better to take a shower in the morning – it is easier to get rid of drowsiness and prepare for the upcoming mental stress. If the shower is scheduled for the evening, remember to wash your face in the morning and brush your teeth. Gymnastics is best done immediately after waking up in the open air or in a ventilated room. The main thing is to include in the list of exercises that are useful for posture, muscles of the neck, arms, shoulders and legs. In addition, consult a physical education teacher, a doctor about this. Charging has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the nervous system, and general well-being. It is worth allocating half an hour for gymnastics and washing.

Eat varied, healthy meals. Breakfast should include hot and hearty food, take place measuredly, without haste, talking, watching TV. You should walk to school without rushing. If you take the children by car, stop before reaching it anyway – leave 10-15 minutes for a walk.

So plan your morning like this:

  • 07:00 – awakening.

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    07:00 – 07:30 – exercises and washing.

  • 07:30 – 07:50 – breakfast.

  • 07:50 – 08:20 – road to school.

School, lunch and afternoon nap

During the break between classes, do not neglect the hot school breakfast, even if the student does not like it too much – this is an opportunity to relax, spend time with peers in the dining room. School time for students looks like this:

  • 08:30 – start of classes.

  • 11:00 – hot breakfast.

  • 12:30 / 13:30 / 14:30 – end of lessons (depending on the class), drive home.

  • 13:00 – 13:30 / 14:00-14:30 / 15:00-15:30 – lunch (depending on when the lessons ended).

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    13:30 – 14:30 – afternoon nap for juniors.

After school: rest, walks, afternoon tea

After school, students of all ages need to take a break from books, computers, TV. It is not necessary to force a student to sleep, if his natural regimen does not provide for daytime sleep, it is quite enough just to lie down a bit. After that, it is worth taking a walk in the fresh air, playing outdoor games. For physical development, it is active rest that is important – when one activity is replaced by another. It is better that the student himself chooses an activity to his liking – in summer it can be ball games, roller skates, in winter – sledding, skiing, skating. You can send your child to a sports school if he seriously gravitates towards a particular sport.

During the day, junior students should spend 3-3.5 hours outdoors, including the way to school and back, high school students – at least 2-2. 5 hours. After active games in the fresh air, it is important to set aside 15 minutes for a light snack, afternoon snack. The order can be set up like this:


After an active rest and an afternoon snack, it is worth taking the time to prepare your homework. The correct alternation of mental and physical labor is the key to the health of the student. With mental stress, clean air is needed, which improves brain function. Therefore, when doing homework, you should take 10-minute breaks after every 30-40 minutes of work, ventilate the room. If weather permits, leave a window or vent open.

Make sure the work area is well lit, with light from a window and a lamp on the student’s left. Remove tall flowers from the window, move the curtains apart – this will also affect performance. For more information on how to organize a workspace for a child, read our article “How to equip a workspace for a student”.

Encourage your child to do lessons in difficult subjects on the same day that they were assigned. It is better to start not from the most difficult, but from the most beloved subject. Nothing should distract from classes – turn off the TV, put your pets away.

How successfully the student will cope with homework depends on other factors of the regime – whether he managed to completely relax, whether he ate well. The framework for doing homework is calculated individually – everyone copes with tasks, reads, and performs creative tasks at different times. In addition, it all depends on the amount of homework. Junior students will need 1.5-2 hours, middle school students – 2-3 hours, high school students – 3-4 hours. It is better to start after 16:00. If the student completed the tasks faster, free time can be spent on a favorite hobby or another walk in the fresh air, which is especially important for the younger ones. The mode will look like this:

Always help your child with assignments, as this stimulates interest in learning and strengthens relationships within the family. Previously, we have already considered the topic “How to do homework with a child”, in which we set out in detail the conditions for successful preparation of lessons.

Dinner, hobbies and help around the house

Schoolchildren should be taught to do housework from an early age. The younger ones can be instructed to water the flowerpots or wash the dishes, the older ones can vacuum or go shopping. This is useful for educational purposes – so that children understand the importance and complexity of homework, learn to clean up after themselves. It’s also another way to move around a bit after sitting at a desk. Household duties teach responsibility, so you should not neglect them, even if you think that your student is still too small for such work.

Optimal dinner at 19:00. Make sure that the food is high in calories, contains vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Dinner should be at the same time every day. Getting used to such a routine, a person feels an appetite closer to a certain hour, which means that his gastrointestinal tract is prepared in advance.

In the daily routine, there should be room for your favorite creative activity. It can be drawing, reading, music or any other activity of his own taste. For the younger ones, it is enough to allocate 1-1.5 hours, for the older ones – 1.5-2 hours. There is no need to force anything – if your child prefers sports rather than creativity, arrange his regime in such a way as to allocate more energy for active pastime. You can plan dinner, housework, rest like this:

  • 19:00 – 19:30 / 20:00 – 20:30 – dinner for juniors / seniors.

  • 19:30 – 20:30 / 20:30 – 22:00 – helping parents with housework, creativity for younger / older.

Preparation for the next day of school and sleep

After your student has rested, doing what he loves, remind him to prepare for the next school day – fold his backpack, prepare clothes, as well as brush his teeth, wash his face. Evening toilet should take no more than 30 minutes.

You should go to bed according to the regime, at the same time every day. 7-year-olds should allocate up to 12 hours a day for sleep, which is why it is so important to sleep in the afternoon. For children 8-11 years old, it is enough to sleep 10 hours, 12-15 years old – 9 hours, for the oldest – 8-9 hours. Before going to bed, the room should be ventilated. The most favorable temperature for sleep is 18 ° C. The schedule for the evening is as follows:

The schedule may change depending on the season, and on weekends and holidays, the plan of the day should be drawn up differently. The main thing is to put the interests of the student first and take into account his wishes when drawing up the daily routine.

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Daily schedule for a student: how to create a daily routine for a student

What is a daily routine

If the concept of a school schedule, that is, a training schedule, is clear to everyone, then there is confusion with the concept of a routine.

The daily routine is the hourly daily routine, which also includes the lesson schedule.

Why does a child need a regimen

  • Discipline. Without a mode, the child will be furious from idleness or stick to gadgets. nine0006
  • Saving parents’ nerves. Without a routine, you will spend more energy trying to organize your day smartly than you could.
  • Learning effectiveness. Without a regime, the child will receive jerky knowledge.

To prevent this from happening, the family establishes a clear and correct daily routine for the student. Here are some guidelines for this.

How to create a school day routine

Step 1. Take a sheet of paper or use the application

Some people find it more convenient to plan in paper format, others in electronic format. On a sheet of paper, it is enough to draw the current week. An ordinary school diary will do as well. If it is more convenient for you to work with the school timetable electronically, you can use special applications.

Step 2. Set the time to go to bed and wake up

Work out the same time – this way the body will be more comfortable and familiar.

According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, elementary school students should sleep at least 10–10.5 hours, and first-graders are recommended another 2 hours of daytime rest. The same rules apply to students in grades 5-7. At 8–9class sleep norm – 9-9.5 hours. High school students, graduates and adults can sleep for 8-9 hours.


Step 3. Write down all the lessons for the week

Then start planning your wake time – calculate how many hours a day your child should spend studying. See if there are any days when the lessons are more than three or four hours in a row. If yes, distribute the workload evenly. Keep in mind that you need time for homework and perhaps a joint discussion of current lessons. This way you will understand how much time it takes to study. nine0163


Step 4.

Enter sections or hobbies

The main thing here is not to overload the child with additional activities. If you do school assignments every day, do homework, and even go to the section, the load will be excessive.

Ask your child where and how often he wants to go. If you see that he is too tired, reduce the load and adjust the mode.

Step 5. Add rest time

If you allow your child to use gadgets, set aside special time for this. Children should have free time for games and simple “doing nothing”.

Be sure to include walks in your daily routine – children need physical activity and fresh air.

Features of the daily routine in elementary school

Start by developing a sleep routine. According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, elementary school students should sleep at least 10-10.5 hours. In addition, it is recommended to add two additional hours of daytime rest to the daily routine of a first grade student. nine0163

Here’s how to set up a daily routine for a regular elementary school student.

An example of the daily routine of a primary school student in a regular school

Everything is different in family education – you can get up later and get enough sleep, have more time to relax and devote time to hobbies. See how the online school student mode is different.

An example of a junior high school student’s daily routine in an online school

It’s easier to get enough sleep, relax and engage in hobbies during family schooling, because the study load is lower. nine0003

Thus, the study load at Foxford Online Elementary School in grades 1 and 2 is 9 and 10 hours per week, respectively, and in grades 3 and 4 it is 12 and 13 hours per week with lessons of 45 minutes each. This is significantly lower than the traditional mass school.

Features of the regime in middle and high school

The older the child becomes, the more responsibility for compliance with the regime rests with him.

A high school student should be told about time management techniques. Time management is an integral part of preparing for the OGE and the USE. Try not to impose requirements, but to discuss in a friendly way what schedule is better to follow so that everything works out. nine0163

Be sure to say “sanctions” for violating the regime. For example, if he does not go to bed at the conventional 22:30, then he does additional housework on his day off. You can even make a colorful memo and hang it on the refrigerator – this way the teenager is easier to control.

Here is a rough plan for organizing a typical high school student’s day.

An example of a daily routine for grades 7-8 in a regular school

And if you study at an online school, you can sleep longer, save time on the way to and from school, and have time to relax between classes. nine0003 ‍ An example of a daily routine for grades 7-8 in an online school

Peculiarities of a child-athlete’s routine

For children who are professionally involved in sports, training and competition are paramount, so classes are usually distributed between them. Be sure to include time for lunch and the way to the sports complex and back. It is best if the study schedule allows you to combine sports and study. So, in our home school, classes can be viewed in the recording at any convenient time. nine0163

When organizing the daily routine of a student who is keen on sports, make sure that the child gets enough rest. Physical and mental overwork is fraught with injury and burnout.

Features of the creative child mode

Get creative with the process of scheduling – let the child draw his own schedule on paper or in a graphics editor. Direct participation motivates the student to follow the agreements later.

If your child’s hobby, like an athlete, involves travel and regular rehearsals, be sure to schedule rest time between tours. If the hobby is related to painting or applied arts, and the child has to sit for a long time, be sure to include physical activity in the student’s daily routine. nine0003 Source: unsplash. com / @tim_arterbury


How to keep track of your student’s daily routine

If you enjoy writing by hand, draw the resulting daily routine on paper or fill out a ready-made template. We have made a beautiful preparation for you.

A paper timetable is convenient because it is always in front of a student’s eyes. And to track the progress of the child, you can use stickers. For example, a child went to the pool on Monday – sticks a sticker. The child has done project work in English – he glues another sticker. For a week or a month, a certain number of stickers for all the tasks should be accumulated. And you will visually evaluate the results of the work at the end of the week or month. nine0003


Daily Schedule Applications

If you prefer digital solutions, take advantage of one of the many electronic planners. The advantage of apps is that they can be synced across devices and shared.

We’ve already covered the top 10 school timetable apps. The programs below can be used to plan the entire day, week, and even month of a child. nine0163

  • Google Calendar is the easiest way. Synchronizes with Gmail and sends reminders of business.
  • Microsoft To-Do is a scheduler with reminders and notes. Integrates with Outlook.
  • TickTick is an app that includes a Pomodoro timer.
  • Trello is a service where tasks are divided into cards and columns. It can be used for the whole family – this is what Platon Biryukov, a student of the Foxford home online school, does.
  • ToDo is a scheduler where tasks can be sorted and searched for. Integrates with iCloud and Dropbox. nine0006
  • Planner Plus – especially suitable for those who have an Apple Watch. The to-do list can be viewed directly on the watch screen.

Is it necessary to observe the daily routine during the holidays? On the one hand, this is a time of rest, and you can relax a little. On the other hand, it is easy to break a student’s daily routine in the summer, but it is difficult to restore it in the fall.

So it’s best to keep going to bed and waking up at the same time (adjusted for longer daylight hours). And do not abandon your studies – in the summer you can watch individual courses and documentaries. nine0003

Psychologist’s opinion: Of course, switching to night mode is fraught with consequences. Such a question will not confront you and the child if you yourself understand and in understandable words convey to the child all the consequences of such a lifestyle. That is why sleep at night is so important for the body:
1. An important hormone of physical growth (including the brain and puberty) is produced at night. You need to sleep from 00:00 to 7-8 in the morning.
2. The mode helps the brain not only to rest, but also to process correctly all the information received by the brain during the day. The brain sends us signals or decisions in the form of dreams. Outside the regime, dreams are bad, we don’t learn to analyze them, which means we miss important “letters” from the brain.