Police officer salary chicago: Police Officer Salary in Chicago, Illinois

Опубликовано: January 11, 2023 в 1:25 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Police Officer Salary in Chicago, IL – $86,000

Mint salariesPolice OfficerChicago, IL

Average salary


Based on 978 income tax records




Average salary by age








How much do Police Officers make?

The average total salary for a Police Officer is $86,000 per year. This is based on data from 978 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Police Officer and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Police Officer salary can vary between $48,000 to $137,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location. Read more

Learn more about Mint Salary


Based on income reported to the IRS in box 1 of W-2.

From consenting TurboTax customers

Similar Occupations

Police Officer salary by location

View as a list

Police Officer salary by company


Average salary per year*

Salary range**

State Of Illinois, Cook County, IL

15 income tax records


$69K – $156K

City Of Evanston, Cook County, IL

14 income tax records


$61K – $123K

City Of Chicago, Cook County, IL

848 income tax records


$54K – $137K

Cook County, Cook County, IL

20 income tax records


$44K – $98K

Police Officer demographics in Chicago, IL

66% are single

34% are married

36% have kids

60% own a home

Effective Tax Rates for Police Officers in Chicago, IL

978 full-time salaries from 2019


The average salary for a police officer in Chicago, IL is $86,000 per year. Police officer salaries
in Chicago, IL can vary between $48,000 to $137,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses,
tips, and more.

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This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 978 tax returns from TurboTax customers
who reported their occupation as police officer.

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The following companies offer the highest salaries for police officers near Chicago, IL:
State of Illinois ($93,000 a year),
City of Evanston ($87,000 a year),
and City of Chicago ($86,000 a year).

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The following cities offer the highest salaries for police officers near Chicago, IL:
North Aurora, IL ($99,000 a year),
Geneva, IL ($97,500 a year),
and Lake Zurich, IL ($97,000 a year).

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Total salary amounts here include total taxable wages, tips, prizes and other compensation. Salaries here are not representative of the total population and may reflect different levels of experience or education. Learn more


Total salary ranges shown here exclude outliers.

Average Hourly and Annual Pay

Updated August 22, 2022


To create our salary estimates, Zippia starts with data published in publicly available sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Foreign Labor Certification Data Center (FLC) Show More

$27.10 hourly

Entry level Salary




10 %




90 %

How much does a Police Officer make in Chicago, IL?

The average police officer in Chicago, IL makes $56,366 annually. The average hourly rate for a police officer is $27.10/hr.
This compares to the national average police officer salary of $52,638. Below, we break down the average police officer salary in Chicago, IL by the highest paying companies and industries.
You can also compare different types of police officer salaries in and around Chicago and a salary history chart that shows how the average salary for police officers has changed over time in Chicago.

Highest Paying Companies In City


Highest Paying Cities In The Area

Arlington Heights, IL

What Am I Worth?

Highest Paying Companies In City


Highest Paying Cities In The Area

Arlington Heights, IL

What Am I Worth?

Highest Paying Companies For Police Officers In Chicago, IL

This chart shows how police officer salaries compare at nearby companies. To view companies in a different region, use the location filter below to select a city or state.

Highest Paying Companies For Police Officers In Chicago, IL

Highest Paying Cities Around Chicago, IL For Police Officers

Location can have a major impact on how much police officers get paid. This chart shows how police officer salaries can vary depending on where they’re located in the United States.

Average Police Officer Pay By Industry In Chicago, IL

The salary for a police officer can vary depending on what industry the job is in. Here is a breakdown of the average pay across different industries that police officers work in.

Highest Paying Industries in Chicago, IL

Rank Industry Average Salary Hourly Rate
1 Government $53,822 $26

Average Police Officer Salary Over Time In Chicago, IL

Compare the average police officer salary history for individual cities or states with the national average.

Average Police Officer Salary In Chicago, IL By Year

Real Police Officer Salaries Around Chicago, IL

Police Officer Salaries In Chicago FAQs

What Is The Salary Range For A Police Officer In Chicago, Il?

The salary range for a police officer in Chicago, IL is from $44,000 to $71,000 per year, or $21 to $34 per hour.

What Is A Liveable Salary In Chicago, Il?

A liveable salary in Chicago, IL is $56,400, or $27 per hour. That is the average salary for people living in Chicago.

What Is A Good Salary In Chicago, Il?

A good salary in Chicago, IL is anything over $56,400. That’s because the median income in Chicago is $56,400, which means if you earn more than that you’re earning more than 50% of the people living in Chicago.

What Is A Police Officer’s Salary In Chicago, Il?

Percentile Annual Salary Monthly Salary Hourly Rate
90th Percentile $71,000 $5,916 $34
80th Percentile $67,625 $5,635 $33
70th Percentile $64,250 $5,354 $31
60th Percentile $60,875 $5,072 $29
Average $57,500 $4,791 $28
40th Percentile $54,125 $4,510 $26
30th Percentile $50,750 $4,229 $24
20th Percentile $47,375 $3,947 $23
10th Percentile $44,000 $3,666 $21

Have more questions? See all answers to common questions.

Search For Police Officer Jobs

US police officer salary in 2022

According to official figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the highest paid profession in the United States is the doctor. For example, a plastic surgeon earns an average of $526,000 a year. Overall, the median annual salary for medical practitioners and medical technicians in the US is about $84,430. Anesthesiologists have the highest annual income of $271,440.

The profession of a police officer in the United States is not included in the list of the highest paid, nevertheless, representatives of the law enforcement system are entitled to many benefits, allowances, insurance, a decent pension, and so on. Plus, do not forget about the prestige and respect from local residents to law enforcement agencies. Many policemen serve overtime, which also significantly increases the level of income.

The average salary of a police officer in the US is $67,290 per year or $5,600 per month . This is 16,000 more than the country’s total national wage for all occupations ($51,180).

No. State USD per year USD per month
1. California 105 220 8770
2. Alaska 87 870 7325
3. New Jersey 86 840 7235
4. Washington 80 200 6685
5. Hawaii 78 720 6560
6. Illinois 78 350 6 530
7. New York 77 490 6460
8. Colorado 75 720 6 310
9. Delaware 73 740 6 145
10. Nevada 73 660 6 140

Note . Information about the salaries of police officers in the United States is based on official data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

No. State USD per year USD per month
1. Mississippi 36 290 3025
2. Arkansas 40 570 3 380
3. Louisiana 42 470 3540
4. South Carolina 43 520 3625
5. West Virginia 44 450 3705
6. Georgia 44 700 3725
7. Tennessee 45 370 3780
8. Alabama 46 510 3875
9. Kentucky 46 720 3895
10. North Carolina 47 340 3945

Official statistics show that police salaries in the US have increased significantly over the past five years across the country. Even Mississippi, where the police are paid the least overall, saw an increase of 8.8%, while Hawaii, one of the highest paid states, recorded a 21% increase.

It should be taken into account that all of the above indicators are indicated without overtime, which is a common practice in the activities of the security forces. Therefore, the income of most American police officers is at least 1.5 times higher than indicated in official statistical sources.

The author (expert) of the material is Anatoly V.


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As of December 1, 2022, the salary in Chicago is ₽265,980.
In micro-enterprises with up to 15 employees – the average salary is 159,590 ₽,
in small enterprises with up to 100 employees – 239,380 ₽,
and in medium-sized companies with more than 100 employees 292 580 ₽.

In large enterprises in Chicago, with more than 250 employees, the salary is 372,370 ₽.
In the public sector in Chicago, the average salary is 212,780 ₽.

Average salaries in Chicago in 2022 and 2021

The median salary in Chicago in 2021 was ₽258,000 and in 2022 it was ₽265,980.
The growth of the average salary in Chicago for the year amounted to 7,980 ₽.


Company size (number of employees)

Salary per month

Large companies (from 250)

372 370 ₽

Average companies (up to 250)

292 580 ₽

Small companies (up to 100)

239 380 ₽

Micro-enterprises (up to 15)

159 590 ₽

Budget sphere

212 780 ₽


The size of the company (number of employees)

Salary per month

Large companies (from 250)

361 200 ₽

Medium companies (up to 250)

283 800 ₽

Small companies small (up to 100)

232 200 ₽

Micro-enterprises (up to 15)

154 800 ₽

Budget sphere

206 400 ₽


Place is occupied by salary countries

salaries in the field of activity

We calculate the average salary in Chicago by line of work based on vacancies posted in the public domain,
as well as information from users living in Chicago.


The average IT salary in Chicago ranges from ₽203,510 to ₽490 840 ₽. On average, a go developer earns 490,840 rubles, a java developer – 481,240 rubles, an ios developer earns 435,760 rubles, a c# developer in Chicago earns 419,000 rubles a month, and a data scientist, respectively, 419,000 rubles.

Go developer


Java developer



On average, a ux/ui designer earns ₽325,880, a game designer ₽325,610, an interior designer earns ₽289970 ₽, a 3d designer in Chicago receives 270,810 ₽ per month, a web designer, respectively, 261,500 ₽.

UX/UI designer

$325,880 $

Game designer $325,610 $

Marketing On average, a marketer earns 227,460 ₽, an event manager – 213,090 ₽, a pr-manager earns 210,700 ₽, a director in Chicago receives 210,700 ₽ per month, and an smm specialist, respectively, 179570 ₽.


227 460 ₽

Event manager

213 090 ₽


Average salary in the accounting and finance in Chicago is from 220,270 ₽ and to 426 180 ₽. On average, a trader earns ₽426,180, an auditor – ₽316,040, a chief accountant earns ₽306,460, a credit manager in Chicago receives ₽292,100 per month, and a financial analyst, respectively, ₽260,980.


426 180 ₽


316,040 ₽


The average salary for administrative staff in Chicago ranges from 155,630 ₽ to 368,730 ₽. On average, an HR director earns 368,730 ₽, an assistant manager – 222,670 ₽, an HR specialist earns 213,090 ₽, a purchasing manager in Chicago receives 208,300 ₽ per month, and a housekeeping manager, respectively, 186,750 ₽.

HR Director

368,730 ₽

Executive Assistant

222,670 ₽


The average legal salary in Chicago ranges from 148,450 ₽ to 1,430,360 ₽. On average, a judge earns 1,430,360 rubles, a notary – 665,690 rubles, a realtor earns 373,520 rubles, a bankruptcy lawyer in Chicago earns 280,130 rubles a month, and a lawyer, respectively, 277,740 rubles.






0 ₽. On average, a university rector earns ₽1,311,790, a college principal earns ₽831,850, a school principal earns ₽447,910, a kindergarten head in Chicago earns ₽399,930 per month, and a college teacher, respectively, ₽339,150.

University President

1,311,790 ₽

Principal of the College

831,850 ₽


The average salary in medicine in Chicago ranges from 160 42 to 420 On average, the head doctor earns 462,090 ₽, the head of the department – 347,160 ₽, the dentist earns 299,280 ₽, a surgeon in Chicago receives 296,890 ₽ per month, an orthodontist, respectively, 287,310 ₽.

Chief Physician

462,090 ₽

Head of Department

347,160 ₽


On average, a chef earns ₽284,920, a cook ₽210,700, a waiter earns ₽181,960, a barista in Chicago earns ₽177,180 per month, and a bartender, respectively, ₽174,780.


Rs. On average, a sales manager earns 289,710 ₽, a store director – 263,370 ₽, a car salesman earns 253,790 ₽, a merchandiser in Chicago earns 210,700 ₽ per month, and a sales representative, respectively, 198,720 ₽.

Sales manager

289 710 ₽

Store manager

263,370 ₽


The average salary in the beauty industry in Chicago ranges from 143,660 ₽ to 282,520 ₽. On average, a massage therapist earns ₽282,520, a fitness trainer ₽282,520, a barber earns ₽277,740, a beautician in Chicago earns ₽251,400 per month, and a stylist, respectively, ₽198,720.


282,520 ₽

Fitness trainer

282,520 ₽


990 ₽ and up to 316 040 ₽. On average, an operations engineer earns 316,040 ₽, a chief engineer – 296,890 ₽, a design engineer earns 294,490 ₽, a quality engineer in Chicago receives 280,130 ₽ per month, and an ACS engineer, respectively, 270,550 ₽.

Operations Engineer


Chief Engineer



The average salary in transport and logistics in Chicago is between ₹124,064 and ₽30,500. On average, a logistics director earns 306,460 ₽, a maintenance engineer – 275,340 ₽, a driver earns 210,700 ₽, a taxi driver in Chicago receives 208,300 ₽ per month, an auto mechanic, respectively, 189150 ₽.

Director of Logistics

306,460 ₽

Maintenance Engineer

275,340 ₽


On average, an architect earns 402,240 rubles, a foreman – 301,670 rubles, a process engineer earns 296,890 rubles, a gas welder in Chicago earns 277,740 rubles a month, and a design engineer, respectively, 268,160 rubles.


402 240 ₽


301,670 ₽


The average salary in law enforcement agencies in Chicago ranges from 205,910 ₽ to 604,010 ₽. On average, a police colonel earns 604,010 ₽, a police major – 405,330 ₽, a lieutenant, a police ensign earns 285,980 ₽, a lifeguard, a fireman in Chicago receives 263,370 ₽ per month, and an occupational safety engineer, respectively, 251,400 ₽.