Plantation prep academy: Plantation Prep Academy | Plantation FL Child Care Facility

Опубликовано: September 1, 2023 в 4:51 pm


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Plantation Prep Academy | Plantation FL Child Care Facility

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About the Provider

Description: It is our endeavor to exemplify principles as we serve children and families in our communities. Our award-winning centers exist to provide for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, after school and voluntary prekindergarten (VPK) children with a warm, loving environment where the children feel safe, secure and happy. Our staff members and child care providers are carefully screen and certified in early childhood education from infants through age twelve. Each learning center is licensed and adheres to the highest standards of security, safety, cleanliness and academics.

Our classrooms and after school programs reflect the spirit of children and support their developmental needs. We prepare the environment so that it offers stimulating, challenging materials and activities. Everyday we work to make education fun. We provide excellent early childhood classes that fully prepare our children for elementary school at a competitive tuition rate to our customers. We work in partnership with parents and families to build mutual understanding and always welcome parent participation. Throughout the year, we schedule parentteacher conferences and provide referrals to community resources.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations
    Accredited Professional Preschool Learning Environment
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    VPK Provider; After School;Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Half Day;Infant Care;Transportation
  • District Office:
    Judicial Circuit 17
    115.S. Andrews Avenue Room 119
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
  • District Office Phone:
    (954) 357-4800 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Hugs Kollege Inc – Bronx NY School-Age Child Care

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date

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Providers in ZIP Code 33325











Developmental Preschool and Kindergarten


Little Peek at Heaven

Day Care Centers Site

More and more in today’s world both parents have employment and need suitable day care centers for their children. These early stages in a child’s life are very important to their growth and development. Choosing a good child day care center is vital, one where the adult won’t just plunk your children down in front of a soap opera all day and feed them Top Ramen. You should look for day care centers that provide learning programs and playtime for your child, along with a safe and healthy environment. 

There are many different types of day care centers, ranging from basic nurseries to preschools that will provide more of a learning environment for your children. Some day care centers specialize in a specific age range, while others are more open. When you’re contemplating placing your child in a specific day care center, you should visit each one with your child. In this way, you can see how your child reacts to the other children who are there and to the caregiver. You want your child to be happy and comfortable.

While some day care centers provide a greater variety of activities than others, any good day care center is going to encourage positive interaction among all of the children. They will also have rules that promote good behavior, learning, manners, and child development. You certainly don’t want to have to worry that your child is going to develop bad habits from day care.

Our Most Recent Additions to the Child Care Provider Directory

Wee Care Three

809 Coldwater Rd
Murray, KY 42071
Phone Number: (270) 759-5425
Providing the child care and day care services:Day Care Center / Nursery, Child Care Provider


While you don’t need to go overboard in choosing suitable day care centers, you should approach the subject seriously and with thought. Your child is going to be spending a good-sized portion of his or her life in day cares and you want to make sure it is going to be a positive experience. Family is the most important thing in the world and you should make sure that your children are your first priority.
When you are considering a day care center, you should look at where it is located and how much it costs. There’s not much sense in putting your son or daughter in daycare so that you can work full time and spending most of what you earn on the day care center’s tuitions and your travel expenses. If that’s the case, you might as well stay home with your child. However, if you do truly need the money, there are usually plenty of day care services available and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one close by that is reasonably priced. 

Different Kinds of Child day Care Centers

While child day care centers are common, there is such a huge demand for this service that there are now quite a variety of options available other than basic day care. These include the following:

  • Home child care or family childcare
  • Child care services
  • Preschool
  • Nursery

Home child care tends to be the most popular option because it is generally more affordable and a smaller environment. While some day care centers are quite large and can provide better early childhood education, it is also more difficult for each child to receive personal attention. Day care centers that are based out of someone’s home are usually more personal and your child can receive more care and nurturing. Most parents want their children to be receiving love and affection, the care that they themselves would give them. They don’t want a day care business that is merely going to make sure that their child is still alive and adequately healthy.

Home child care providers are also more adaptable, generally speaking. This means that if your child likes a certain song sung to them before they take their nap each day, the home care provider is more likely to be willing to do that than someone in a larger day care facility. Most adult home child care providers are parents themselves, making them better able to understand and love your child.

Other Things to Think About

One of the first steps you should take after picking out a family day care center that you think will be suitable for your child is do a little investigating. This can involve talking to the parents of the other children that use the child day care center to see what they think about it. You should also always check to make sure the child care service you are considering is legally licensed to operate in your state. Licensing officials check criminal records and ensure that the child care provider has emergency response training and a safe and healthy environment for the children.
As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to visit the child day care center that you are considering. You should do this at least a couple of times, and try to go at different times of the day so that you can get a better idea of what kind of schedule they have. This will help you to see how your own child would fit in.
If you are having difficulties finding the appropriate child care environment for your son or daughter, there are some other options. Some people get family and friends to help out, while others hire a nanny. Adult nannies are a good option because they ensure that your child receives personal attention and quality child care. However, this also means that your child will not receive as much social interaction since he or she won’t have other children to play with like in a family day care center.

No matter what option you decide to go with, make sure that you know who you are leaving your child with.  Meet them, get to know them, and let your child do the same. Do some research on the internet to make sure that no one has had negative experiences with the day care center you are considering. Check to make sure that they are legally licensed. Once you have done all of this, you can feel more confident and secure in knowing that you have chosen the right day care center for your child.

Switching Day Care Centers

Choosing Another Child Care Provider

So you want to switch day care providers for your kids but you don’t know where to start or what to choose among the plethora of options out there in this world. It is fittingly one of the most important decisions of a young parent’s journey due to the fact that a child’s first formative years up until the age of six is critical. It is important for parents to not just consider the monetary impact of these choices but also the emotional, intellectual, and social future impacts the choice of a day care provider will have on their kids in the long term future. So let’s discuss some general tips to consider for the parent and the child to consider when one is looking to switch day care providers within a short time frame.

First, you must consider the cost of attending some of the more prestigious and rigorous day care provider centers in your area. In some areas, let’s face the reality that the more money per month per child spent; the better the facilities and the educational value experience offered for your child. Things such as using smart boards and I Pad’s to enhance the learning experience is a very real possibility in these places. However, if a parent is budget conscious they can still afford this experience but it would mean cutting back on all or most non-necessity spending. This would include curbing your eating out habits as well as any leisure entertainment or travel activity and place that money instead into your child’s future day care home. If an expensive day care sees that you are making an effort to keep up with the payments; then they will be more willing to work with you and not let your child leave that place. For a child going to this environment, they need to consider whether or not they will fit into this environment, things like playtime, feeding time, and individual care of the staff- is it received well by the child? These will make the difference between choosing these ones or a cheaper alternative. Cheaper is not all bad if the quality and availability of care is there for your child in the first place.

Secondly, you need to consider your travel times and distance of day care relative to your work and other important places like the hospital, grocery store, bank, and places that you frequent on a daily basis. Is it near enough that you can get to your child should he/she become ill or need special attention so that the day care center can contact you and arrange a meeting with you the same day if needed.

Furthermore, you need to consider the overall cleanliness and friendliness of the day care center provider. Do not underestimate a clean environment for your kid to play and learn in with other kids. Your kid will enjoy making new friends in a clean and safe environment. Plus you as a parent will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your child will not be being home any unwanted germs and diseases into your house. Parents must also consider if there is a dispute over payment and care; how does the management and staff deal with such requests? If there is a lackadaisical approach to your core issues; then that is a bad prelude of things to come concerning your child’s care. Your child will probably feel like he/she is being neglected or not fed on time and will start to complain to you ever so slightly that something is not right. When they do, do not hesitate to take them out of that day care center and find another one immediately.

In a recessionary economy, it is okay and permissible for both parents and kids to demand the best care for their dollar. Make your day care dollar stretch by reading all of the material and brochures and visiting every day center on your list until you find that perfect fit for your child. It’s out there; it is just waiting on you to find it!

Child Care Options for Low Income Families

One of the most frustrating aspects of being a working citizen is not having the ability to afford childcare. The majority of day care facilities charge as much as $300 per week for each child. That amount is difficult for middle-class citizens to pay. Low-income families cannot fathom paying such an expense. Luckily, the government and the various states have developed programs that help low-income families get the childcare they deserve. The following is some information on those programs:

Extended Day Program

The extended day program can assist low-income working parents during the regular school year. Many school districts offer this program. The school keeps children before and after school hours for a small monthly fee. A parent can drop a child off as early as 7:00 a.m. and pick the child up as late as 6:00 p.m. This program is excellent for low-income workers with daytime weekday jobs. The cost is approximately $150 per month for before and after school. The weekly rate is approximately $37.50, which is extremely competitive.

The attendants participate in various activities with the children before and after school. They help the children with their homework so that the parents have less stress when they come home from work. They give the children a full breakfast in the morning program and a snack in the evening program. Parents can opt to pay for the morning program only, the evening program only, or both programs. The evening program is the more expensive of the two because it lasts so many hours after the school releases the children. The evening program is $100 while the morning program is $52.

The Child Care Assistance Program

CCAP is a special program that provides childcare assistance to certain low-income families. People who are collecting TANF are automatically eligible to receive this assistance. Teenage parents who are working on obtaining their educations are also eligible for CCAP. Those who are not collecting TANF can still qualify if they are pursuing education that will improve their work skills and job opportunities. Parents can apply for CCAP assistance with the Department of Children & Family Services. The financial guidelines for qualification are along the lines of a $3,000 per month income threshold for a four-person family. The applicant must have proof of income, social security cards, birth certificates, and immunization records for all children. Application processing can take up to 30 days.

Head Start

Head start is a program for children between the ages of three and five. The program provides childcare services and medical services to the children who qualify. It is funded by the Administration of Children’s Services. The Head Start program covers childcare from 7 a. m. to 5 p.m. Teachers work with the children to fine-tune their social and developmental skills. Those who are interested in the program may apply online. Applicants go on a waitlist until there is an available slot in the program. It is best for an interested person to complete an application as quickly as possible since the wait may be extended.

Child Care Voucher Program

The Child Care Voucher Program is in effect in many states throughout the United States. It provides a subsidy of up to 95 percent of childcare cost to low-income families. Subsidy recipients will choose an eligible provider from the list of licensed providers. They may also select a relative or an in-home provider. The Child Care Voucher Program covers the childcare from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. This is known as the traditional childcare period. However, the program also covers non-traditional times for parents who work odd shifts. It covers nights, weekends, and evenings.

A wide variety of options is available for low-income childcare. Many stay-at-home moms also run small day care businesses in which they discount their services. There is a way to make working and taking care of your children affordable.

Academy courses, Academy subjects – St. Petersburg Evangelical Theological Academy

Academy courses, Academy subjects

The course examines the main doctrines of the churches (Orthodox, Catholic, Reformed, Lutheran). Possible points of contact in theology and practical ministry are determined. Includes participation of students in interchurch dialogue.

The course is a study of basic religious concepts, including Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and other Eastern religions. Their main dogmas are considered and defined in the light of the Christian faith.

The course provides an overview and study of Eastern religions, as well as effective methods of evangelism and missionary work among them.

Each student prepares and delivers one sermon per semester in the academic chapel in the presence of the administration and students, followed by a detailed discussion of the sermon from the point of view of the Biblical text, homiletics and oratory.

The course involves introducing students to the main traditions of the world’s leading religions – Christianity and Judaism. Familiarization will be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive comparison of Christianity and Judaism as part of the consideration of the concept of salvation and understanding of the image of the Messiah the Savior – both in the biblical and post-biblical periods.

The course defines the purpose, essence and objectives of Christian education, introduces educational principles. The course provides guidance on organizing a Sunday school for adults and children.

The course is a study of the basic concepts of Islam, familiarity with the Koran. The historical and anthropological roots of religion are studied, as well as the possibilities of practical dialogue with Christianity.

The course includes the study of the main qualities and characteristics of a minister; methods of training new leaders and workers: introduces the main types of church ministry, including church rites: baptism, Eucharist, ordination, prayers over children and the sick, marriage, burial, and more. Introduces various concepts of pastoral ministry: teaching, visiting, helping, counseling.

The course examines the processes that take place in the spiritual life of a Christian. The study helps to determine the role of the Holy Spirit and the role of man in spiritual formation, in this regard, much attention is paid to issues of self-discipline and dedication. The course includes discussions, seminars and practical exercises.

The course is a study of the very important question of the place of the Mission in the life of the local church. The most effective methods of missionary work, the principles of preparing missionaries and conducting effective missionary activities are studied.

The course examines the importance of pastoral ministry in the church; spiritual guidance and guidance. The church of the course is the coverage of all types of activities of the clergyman (organization of worship, coordination of the work of individual services of the church, etc.).

The course is a review of the classics of public speaking. He studies the history of oratory in ancient Greece and Rome, the main methods of communication in society today.

The course introduces the biblical basis for church growth, considers it as an effective method of evangelism, and defines the strategy and patterns of church growth.

The course introduces the various challenges facing the Church in fulfilling the Great Commission. It provides historical perspectives on intercultural missions, the methods and objectives of contemporary missiology, and defines the basic concepts of mission, ministry, and intercultural evangelism.

The course introduces the biblical concept of the role of women and her ministry in the Old and New Testaments, considers the importance of women in the Jewish, Greek, Roman traditions; studies the basic principles of the New Testament view of the ministry of women in the church and her role in society.

Course defines the meaning of evangelism, biblical guidelines for evangelistic work; studies the techniques and methods of personal evangelism, teaching the church these methods. He studies various forms of evangelism, including mass campaigns, street ministry, evangelism in the army, prisons, hospitals, schools.

The course includes a study of the principles of communicating the Gospel through a sermon. Textual, thematic, edifying and evangelistic sermons are analyzed from the positions of construction, rhetoric and biblical explanation. Particular attention is paid to the character traits and characteristics of personal spiritual life that form a minister.

The course is a reflection on the basic elements of godliness, spiritual growth, prayer, Bible study and active participation in church life. Includes seminars and practical training.

The course is a review of the classics of public speaking. He studies the history of oratory in ancient Greece and Rome, the main methods of communication in society today.

The course includes a study of the principles of preaching the gospel. Textual, thematic, edifying and evangelistic sermons understand the principles of construction, rhetoric and biblical explanation. Particular attention is paid to the qualities of character and characteristics of personal spiritual life that form a minister.

Students study the history of the worldwide missionary movement, from the Acts of the Apostles to the modern Lausanne movement.

The course deals with a wide range of issues related to family and marriage. The principles of Christian counseling are studied from a biblical point of view, as well as techniques and methods for improving family relationships in the light of the Bible and science.

The course examines the biblical concepts of leadership (philosophy of leadership), defines the relationship of the leader with the church, and also examines the calling, preparation and ministry of the leader of the church.

The course includes the study of the history, doctrines, liturgical practice of the main Christian traditions. A special place is occupied by the analysis of common and different in the dogma and practice of traditional and Protestant churches.

The course includes the normative phenomena of the New Testament Greek language as a whole and involves the assimilation of a more complete volume of lexical, morphological and syntactic material necessary for working with New Testament literature in the original.

The course includes a study of ecclesiology (the doctrine of the Church): its nature, government, power; the meaning of Grace, the operation of Grace through the sacraments. The doctrine of the end times – eschatology – studies the issues of personal eschatology (physical death, immortality of the soul) and general (the second coming of Christ, the Millennial Kingdom, the Resurrection of the dead and judgment).

The course includes advanced training in reading and translation of agreed and non-consistent Old Testament texts; writing technique training; gives knowledge on the paleography of Hebrew writing and the history of the language at different stages of their development.

The course includes the study of the doctrine of Christology and soteriology – the covenants of Grace and Atonement, the problems of Christology, the tripartite ministry of Christ. Salvation in Christ is viewed from the perspective of Arminius, Calvin and John Wesley. Ordo Salutis – the order of salvation is considered in detail.

This course provides a historical and exegetical study of the Sermon on the Mount. The focus is on the study of the historical background, structure and reasons for writing the Gospel of Matthew; exploring the role of the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel; attention is paid to the interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount in church and theological traditions.

The course examines the basic concepts of Systematic Theology – the doctrine of God in the Trinity and Unity, the attributes of God, the creation of the world, man. The problems of theodicy are considered.

The course provides a critical study of the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, familiarization with the literary relationship between the Gospels. The purpose of the course is to promote understanding of the messages of each writer of the synoptic gospels, as well as help in understanding important critical issues pertaining to gospel research.

The course analyzes the main biblical doctrines as an integral part of practical theology. The doctrine is defined as the most important part of understanding the Bible, as a source of the formation of theological concepts.

The course involves studying the epistles of John, Peter and James, analyzing the Greek text and making a semantic analogy of the material.

The course includes an overview of the formation of the Canon, a summary of each book (author, time, main content). The course includes discussions on critical issues of the evangelical confession, and also determines the historical, cultural and social significance of each book.

The course involves an in-depth study of the composition, content and theology of the message, deals with issues of authorship and addressee.

Introduction to the Old Testament considers the concept of the Canon, its formation, Divine revelation, a summary of each book (author, time, historical overview). The course involves discussions on various issues of historical cultural and practical significance of the book.

The course begins with a study of the cultural-historical background. In accordance with the acquired knowledge, an analysis of each book of the New Testament is carried out. The main attention is paid to the following issues: authorship, doctrine, peculiarities of style and composition, basic theological doctrines and problems of criticism. The course also includes information on the formation of the New Testament canon.

The course includes a study of the modern evangelical movement, the history of the great revivals, an assessment of modern Protestantism.

The course examines the contribution of archeology to biblical interpretation, including an introduction to archaeological methods of studying Scripture. Conducts a study of the text of the Qumran manuscripts and analyzes the vocabulary of the biblical language of ancient searches.

The course includes the study of the development of the Church during the Middle Ages and the Reformation of the 16th century, the study of the life and works of Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, the origin and formation of Protestantism.

The course presents the study of each book of the Torah individually and considers the contents of the corpus as a whole from the point of view of the unity of tradition and theology in the cultural, social, religious and political context of the Middle East. The course introduces students to modern critical Torah study and aims to develop students’ research abilities while analyzing the history and traditions that underpin the Pentateuch.

The course includes a study of the history of the early apostolic Church and the early period of Christianity, as well as the process of formation of doctrines and emerging forms of ministry

The course provides information about the general historical and cultural background of the Old Testament, as well as a brief overview of all the books of the Old Testament. The course shows the connection between the Old and New Testaments, the development in the New Testament of the main theological concepts of the Old Testament.

The course includes the history of the origin of the evangelical movement in Russia and its development. He conducts a deep analysis of the reformist movements in the depths of Russian Orthodoxy, considers the early troubles in the Orthodox Church as harbingers of the spiritual awakening of Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. The life and work of the leaders of the evangelical movement Pashkov, Korf, Prokhanov and others are studied in detail.

The course studies the basic laws of the development of the church in society and the state, helps to comprehend these processes in the biblical sense and determines the historical, theological, practical connections between the studied objects.

The main part of the course is based on the principles of exegetical research. The material of this subject is studied both in lectures and in independent classes, where passages from the Gospel are analyzed, followed by a joint discussion of the results.

The course involves studying the origin of Christianity in ancient Rus’, the processes of the formation of the church and its shrines, as well as the emergence of evangelical ideas in the bowels of Orthodoxy. the course introduces students to various reformist ideas in the Russian church and the peculiarities of spiritual awakening in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries.

The course includes the study of the message in Russian and Greek, with a special focus on the biblical doctrine of reconciliation (Reconciliation).

The course is dedicated to the rich, but still unclaimed theological and philosophical heritage of A.S. Khomyakova, P.A. Florensky, S.N. Bulgakov, N.A. Berdyaeva, S.A. Frank and others. Particular attention is paid to their social theology.

The course examines the basic principles of the Torah, its structure and content. Acquaintance of students with the whole complex of historical, political, social and religious background of Israeli society and Divine revelation to mankind.

The course is devoted to the many-sided philosophical thought of V. Solovyov, his worldview, theology, legal, socio-political, and historiosophical views. The relevance of his philosophical heritage is shown.

The course gives an idea of ​​the historical, lexical features of the book. Students get acquainted with the features of the early and late periods of the author’s life, and also get a clear idea of ​​the prophecies of the coming Messiah.

The course studies analytical and polemical issues of religious knowledge: the existence of God, knowledge of God, miracles, religious language. Particular attention is paid to Christian theism.

The course is fundamental in the study of the New Testament: the Synoptic Gospels, the main parables of Jesus Christ, the Sermon on the Mount. Introduces students in detail to the chronology of events in the life of Jesus Christ. Conducts an analysis of the identity of the gospel narratives of the weather forecasters and John.

The objective of the course is to form high moral principles of behavior in students’ thinking, to teach them to operate with ethical categories. As a result of studying the subject, students should be aware of personal responsibility before God, before themselves and others for making decisions or for advice in making a decision, and also take into account the era, culture and subculture when resolving complex life problems.

This course includes the study of the basic elements of Biblical Hebrew – the alphabet, grammar, constructions and expressions. The student learns to read the main Jewish texts in the original.

The aim of the course is to develop methods for the thorough investigation of a particular problem in the proposed Bible course.

The course assumes familiarity with the Greek language of the New Testament. In the process of learning, vocabulary, knowledge of grammar and syntax, as well as practical translation skills are acquired. Students learn to read and translate simple New Testament texts.

The course deals with a wide range of issues related to family and marriage. Helps to explore the principles of Christian counciling from a biblical perspective. He studies the techniques and methods of improving family relationships in the light of the Bible and science.

The course examines the principles of Bible interpretation, focusing on exegetical and real-life usage of the text. Various methods of biblical criticism are explored and discussed during the course.

This course analyzes church revivals of the 17th-20th centuries, the driving forces and tools of revivals.

The course explains the main religious terms of the New Testament using the Greek text. Differences in the New Testament are considered and methodological solutions to the issues of unity in diversity are proposed. The course deals with issues such as the relationship between history, revelation, and charisma; the authority of the Bible and the history of biblical theology.

The course includes the study of the theological heritage of Martin Luther and John Calvin, analyzes their era and reforms.

The course involves an introduction to the fundamental religious terms of the Old Testament, based on an exegetical analysis of the Jewish text. The subject focuses on the study of the exceptional elements of Jewish thought and its contribution to biblical revelation.

The course studies the spiritual heritage of John Chrysostom, analyzes theology and trends in the early church of that period. The course includes a study of the history of the early apostolic Church and the early period of Christianity, as well as the process of formation of doctrines and emerging forms of ministry.

The course is a study of historical evidence of the truth of the person of Christ and the Gospels, determines the philosophy, religious foundations of the main opposition points of view. He studies such philosophical alternatives as rationalism, fideism, pantheism and polytheism, monotheism, atheism, Marxism and deism.

The course includes a study of the doctrine of the end times. Issues of personal eschatology (physical death, immortality of the soul) and both (the second coming of Christ, the Millennial Kingdom, the Resurrection of the Dead and Judgment) are studied.

This course of Hebrew grammar considers the language in a certain historical state: from the period of its calculation from the general series of Semitic languages. It contains the doctrine of sounds and the method of their graphic expression, teaches the correct pronunciation of written characters.

The course includes the study of the covenants between God and man, from the creation of the world to the present. Eschatological events are viewed from the point of view of the development of the covenants.

The course introduces human psychology, including an overview of the various schools and approaches to the study of human behavior and thought processes. This course is integrated into the biblical view of genetics, sin and salvation.

The course examines the sovereign action of God in the salvation of man. The doctrine of predestination as expounded by Blessed Augustine, D. Calvin, Arminius and Karl Barth is analyzed.

The course is a presentation of the foundations of philosophical knowledge, the history of the development of philosophical ideas, corresponding to the leading sections of philosophy: ontology, epistemology, ethics, anthropology. Particular attention is paid to the specifics of philosophical thinking as such.

The course studies the types of church plantation as a fulfillment of the Great Commission. Includes the study of factors that influence successful planting of churches in different social circles, ethnic backgrounds and intercultural relations.

The course is a study of the most important elements of the Greek language, including the alphabet, the rules of the language, the rules of grammar and construction, elementary syntax.

This course examines various concepts and practical forms of church organization, church government and activities. It acquaints students with international models of church structure of various orientations.

The course is a broad overview of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, the principles of its government, basic doctrines and liturgical practice.

The course deals with important issues of Christian church life and the process of formation of Christian character. Students learn the biblical principles and methods of discipleship in local churches.

The course begins with a brief historical overview of the emergence of the first educational institutions, the development of educational systems in theology, as well as the formation and transformation of theological education in Russia. Students get acquainted with the directions of various theological schools, and then – with the purpose and objectives of education at the Academy and with the unique features of the educational institution they have chosen.

Full cycle coffee business from plantation to cup

Viji Siddharta grew up on a family plantation of more than 160 hectares and first studied at home and then at a small boarding school in the remote rural area of ​​Chikmagalur. Later, while studying economics at the Jesuit College of St. Aloysius in Bangalore, he flirted with left-wing politicians. “I thought I should be Robin Hood, robbing the rich and giving everything to the poor,” laughs Siddhartha. “But then I realized that there is no money in this country. There is nothing to steal. The economy is too small. So I said to myself, “Okay, I’ll get into business.”

In 1983, although he was skeptical, his father gave him Rs 750,000 to finance his business. In Mumbai, Siddhartha came to the office of Mahendra Kampani, then the most famous investor in the stock market, and persuaded him to hire him. After working as an analyst for two years and learning all the details of securities trading, he returned to Bangalore and opened a successful brokerage firm. In 1993, he bought shares in the information technology company Infosys and made about $500,000 when he sold it a few months later. Siddhartha says the quick sale was the “greatest mistake” but then he began making strategic, long-term investments in Indian tech companies through his holding company Global Technology Ventures.

Against the White Elephant

The young entrepreneur also invested in coffee plantations and in 1985 purchased his first estate. Today, he owns almost 4250 hectares and is the second largest coffee producer in India after Tata Group.

At that time the coffee trade was monopolized by the state Coffee Board. But in 1990, economic reform began, and Siddhartha sponsored a trip to New Delhi by a group of coffee growers to persuade Manmohan Singh, the current prime minister and then finance minister, to end the monopoly. “The monopoly was a big white elephant, not protecting the interests of the producers,” he says.

Within a few months, advertising and coffee exports were opened up to the private sector. Siddhartha organized the Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company (ABC) to export coffee beans from his own and other growers’ plantations, but this was not his main job.

By 1995, ABC had become India’s largest exporter of raw coffee. Then, inspired by a conversation with a member of the Hertz family, who owns the German coffee brand Tchibo, and the autobiography of Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks, Siddhartha decided to create his own brand of coffee and add value to his beans: “I thought: branding will give me four times more money than sales in the wholesale market.

Expensive cup

ABC opened 10 small Coffee Day Fresh and Ground shops selling homemade coffee. However, Siddhartha’s idea to open a cafe on Bangalore’s busy shopping street was rebuffed by the management team. “The MBA guys told me it wouldn’t work,” he recalls. – I wanted to sell coffee for 25 rupees per cup, but 30 meters away it was sold for 5 rupees. They told me, “Don’t waste your money.”

But Siddhartha insisted on using the internet as bait, even though it took him a week to convince bureaucrats in New Delhi to put the internet into a coffee shop. “In India, ordinary citizens didn’t have access to the internet back then,” he says. “We were among the first.” Coffee Day Cyber ​​Cafe opened in 1996, and by 2001 there were already 20 cafes of this chain in southern India. This activity remained secondary to Siddhartha until 2001, when the Internet companies collapsed and another coffee shop chain, Barista, appeared in India. “Everyone started talking about them, not about us. It hurt us a lot, we made a mistake in business,” the businessman throws up his hands.

Competitors can’t keep up

Now Siddhartha is focusing on coffee shops. He rebranded them to Cafe Coffee Day, raised $12 million in 2001 from GTV, which he then sold, and $20 million in 2004 from Sequoia Capital, a private equity firm, and began to expand rapidly. Today, Cafe Coffee Day is refurbishing the interiors and menus of coffee shops to be ready for what Siddhartha sees as Starbucks’ upcoming Indian market launch.

Over the past 10 years, a 50-year-old entrepreneur from coffee plantations in the southern mountains of India has created the country’s most widespread brand of coffee and coffee houses. Annual revenue is around $222m (£142m) and is growing at around 33% a year. Last year, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, a private equity firm, led a consortium with a $200 million investment in Coffee Day Holdings, the parent company that owns all of the cafes, and Siddhartha plans to double the number of stores over the next three years.