Part time jobs how many hours a week: How Many Hours Is Part-time A Week?

Опубликовано: March 29, 2023 в 12:10 am


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How Many Hours Is Part-time A Week?

How many hours is considered part-time a week? It is an essential question to ask if you currently work multiple jobs or a full-time job while trying to earn some extra cash on the side.

  • What is a Part-time Job?

  • Benefits of Part-time Work

    • Hourly pay

    • More free time

    • Work-life balance

    • Improved physical health

    • Reduced financial stress

    • Time off

    • More flexibility

    • Less stressful

    • Health Benefits

    • More time with family

    • Higher productivity levels

  • Disadvantages of Part-time Work

    • No benefits

    • Less income security

    • Fewer opportunities

    • Lack of flexibility

    • You don’t get to take leave

    • It’s more difficult to advance your career

  • Do Part-time Employees Get Benefits?

  • How Much Does Part-time Work Pay?

  • Types of Part-time Work

    • Permanent

    • Contract

    • Freelance

    • Temporary

  • Take Away

Understandably, you want to know how much time you need to be spending each week if you want this side hustle to pay off. Because, let’s face it, your priority is to make sure your dreams of financial freedom and early retirement come true. And we don’t blame you for that!

Image – Mikhail Nilov

What is a Part-time Job?

A part-time job is where you work fewer hours than a full-time job. So, to answer the question – How many hours is part-time a week? The answer is less than 35 hours per week.

No specific number of hours makes someone full or part-time, but anything less than 35 hours is considered part-time. Part-time jobs are sometimes offered permanent positions and sometimes temporary or seasonal positions.

Benefits of Part-time Work

Part-time work has both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Here are 11 benefits of part-time work.

Hourly pay

Image – Mikhail Nilov

While the salary for a full-time job can be more than the hourly pay for a part-time job, you’ll know what your take-home pay will be each week when you’re on an hourly wage. There’s no need to wait for your next paycheck to learn how much you’ve earned.

This is a great perk for part-timers. You get paid by the hour instead of the day or week. That’s perfect for someone who can’t commit to working a certain number of days each week but might be able to pick up a 10-hour shift now and then.

Consider this scenario: You work four hours one day and then take time off the next day because your kid gets sick. You get paid for those four hours on hourly pay, even if you didn’t work 8 or 10 hours that week. Your part-time job can easily become a side gig when you need it most!

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More free time

One of the biggest benefits for part-timers is that they work fewer hours than full-time employees, which means they can devote more time to personal and family activities.

Some people want to work part-time because they want to reduce their total working hours — for example, parents who want to spend more time with their children or older workers who want extra time for hobbies or travel.

Others may choose part-time work to balance two jobs or meet other commitments such as caregiving responsibilities or pursuing a university degree.

If you’re thinking about working part-time, you must evaluate the pros and cons of the decision before committing yourself.

Work-life balance

Part-time work provides greater flexibility in managing your personal life and responsibilities, so you can make plans during evenings and weekends without worrying about the impact on your employment arrangements.

It’s an important benefit for many people, especially if they are the sole breadwinner in their household. For example, parents can pick up their kids from school without leaving work early or rushing. They also have more time for hobbies and downtime, essential for health and well-being.

Improved physical health

Image – Miriam Alonso

Working shorter hours gives you more time to exercise and eat nutritious meals, helping you stay fit and healthy in the short and long term.

Working less means less stress and more time for physical activity. According to the Center for American Progress, people who work fewer than 35 hours a week are four times more likely to report excellent health than people who work full-time or longer hours each week.

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Reduced financial stress

Part-time work can help you avoid the stress of financial hardship by providing sufficient income to meet basic living costs while allowing some financial leeway.

For the individual, part-time work offers lower costs for commuting and childcare. Part-time workers are usually paid less than full-time employees, providing cost savings in salary expenses for an employer.

If your living expenses are high, you may not be able to reduce your working hours without significantly reducing your income dramatically. However, it may be possible to cut back somewhat and maintain a stable financial situation. In addition, if you have family members who make more than you do, their increased income may make up for some reduction in yours.

Time off

Image – Kindel Media

One of the most popular benefits of part-time work is the amount of time off. Even if you’re only working a few hours per week, you might have every other Friday or Monday off or be able to work around a school or family schedule. This is an especially useful benefit for single parents who need to arrange care for their children.

If you’re working part-time just to make some extra cash, having a regular schedule that doesn’t require as much time off as a full-time job may be preferable.

You may not have as many paid vacation days as your counterparts who work full-time, but you’ll still get plenty of days off! You’ll also have more flexibility when scheduling your vacations, taking advantage of holiday pricing, and avoiding the peak travel season.

More flexibility

If you have kids, elderly parents, or other responsibilities that make a 40-hour week impossible, part-time work may be your solution. Part-time jobs can allow you to set your schedule, including evenings, weekends, or even just a few hours a day.

It’s also possible to split your time between multiple employers to have enough hours without any employer having to provide them. And if you choose to freelance or contract work, you can even decide how many weeks per month and months per year you will be available.

Less stressful

Part-time employment may also be less stressful than full-time work because there is more time away from work to pursue other activities that bring pleasure and reduce stress levels. The work itself may also be less demanding due to a smaller workload.

You don’t have as much time to focus on your job when working part-time, which allows you more time to relax and enjoy life outside of work. You can also reduce your stress levels and feel less pressured by deadlines at work and other projects by working less. You’ll also feel less pressure to perform well at work if you work fewer hours each week.

Health Benefits

Many employers offer health benefits only for working full-time hours (30+). If your employer doesn’t offer this benefit, consider your healthcare needs and whether short-term insurance would save you money.

Most companies require a minimum number of hours worked weekly to be eligible for health insurance benefits. This number varies from company to company but often ranges between 30 and 35 hours per week.

Because most companies only offer health insurance benefits to full-time employees, many part-timers must seek alternative health coverage options. However, some companies make this benefit available for part-timers, which can be ideal for those who work less than 40 hours per week on average but still need health insurance coverage.

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More time with family

Image – August de Richelieu

Many people work long hours because they have no choice. However, others work overtime simply to earn more money than they need. If you fall into the latter category, cutting back on your paid hours may be an excellent way to spend more time with your loved ones.

The overall quality of life is likely to suffer if you don’t spend enough time with those who matter most to you. Whether it’s your spouse and children or siblings and parents, finding ways to spend more time together is important for maintaining healthy relationships.

Higher productivity levels

Working fewer hours per week can increase your productivity levels. Because you’re working less, you’ll want to maximize the time spent on each project or assignment and make the best use of your time in the office.

When you have less time to complete a task, it often forces you to produce better results than someone who has more time.

Disadvantages of Part-time Work

Here are six demerits of working on a part-time basis:

No benefits

Many big companies don’t offer health insurance or other benefits unless you work at least 30 hours per week. If you’re working part-time at a big company and want health insurance, you’ll probably have to pay for it yourself — at least partially — and it won’t be as affordable as your employer’s plan.

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Less income security

Image – Karolina Grabowska

You might think that working 35 hours per week is plenty. Still, if something unexpected happens, like your car breaking down or an emergency room visit, you could find yourself in a bind very quickly if you don’t have savings or emergency funds set aside.

If your boss decides to cut back on the number of hours he gives you, you could find yourself in a similar situation, even if nothing unexpected occurs.

Doing part-time work can be a great way to supplement your income. You might want to earn a little extra cash for those bills and expenses that you didn’t expect to come up, or maybe you just want a bit of money in your pocket while you complete grade school.

Either way, the chances are good that if you’re working part-time, it’s because you need the money. But with the median wage for part-time workers coming in at just $10 per hour, it doesn’t leave much room for financial security or freedom.

Fewer opportunities

Working part-time can limit your opportunities. Even if you do well in your position, there are likely fewer opportunities for advancement in a part-time position. Additionally, if your company offers training or education, it may not be available to part-time employees.

Lack of flexibility

Image – fauxels

Another disadvantage of working part-time is that the flexibility that many people desire is not always available.

In many cases, employers schedule their part-time employees around their full-time staff to do most work during the daytime hours when most customers visit the business. This makes it difficult for parents who need to pick up children from daycare or school at a certain time each day.

You don’t get to take leave

In most jobs, if you want to take a day or two off, you just need to put in a formal request, and that’s about it. However, for part-timers, taking leave may not be as easy as it seems. You might have to work double shifts on other days to make up for the loss of pay from the day you took off.

It’s more difficult to advance your career

Part-time jobs typically don’t offer the same opportunities for advancement as full-time jobs do. And if you do manage to advance at a part-time job — say, from cashier to assistant manager at a retail store — you may find that all that extra responsibility doesn’t come with more pay or extra benefits like paid time off or health insurance.

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Do Part-time Employees Get Benefits?

Part-time employees may be entitled to some employment benefits. These benefits may vary from company to company and often depend on the number of hours you work per week.

For example, a company may offer health insurance to part-time employees who work more than a certain number of hours per week. Other companies may provide some vacation and sick time to part-time employees who work a minimum number of hours per week.

Some employers offer no benefits at all to part-time employees. They might offer part-time workers the same benefits they provide full-time workers, but only after the employee has worked for a certain amount of time.

If you are considering taking a part-time job, you should ask about health insurance, retirement plans, disability insurance, and other benefits when applying for the job.

Benefits for part-time employees are generally less generous than those provided by full-time workers. For example, you may be offered a 401(k) plan with an employer match but only after working for the company for two years.

Similarly, you may receive two weeks of paid vacation but only if you have worked for the company for five years. It is common for part-time employees to accrue PTO at a slower rate than full-time employees — for example, one hour of PTO per 40 worked vs. one hour per 20 worked.

How Much Does Part-time Work Pay?

Part-time work and flexible schedules are important parts of their overall financial plan for many people. The average pay for part-time work varies if you’re a non-exempt employee.

Not all minimum wage jobs pay the same. Depending on where you live and what kind of job you have, your wages can vary.

However, part-time jobs tend to pay less than full-time jobs, especially for younger workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent report on teen employment shows that average hourly earnings for 16- to 19-year-olds are about $10.45 per hour for part-time and $13.05 for full-time workers.

It’s also important to note that the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour (some exceptions). But many states have laws that require employers to pay more than the federal minimum wage.

California has the highest state minimum wage at $12 per hour, and Arkansas has the lowest at $8.50 per hour (again, exceptions).

Of course, there’s more to consider than just how much you make — you should also think about benefits like health insurance, paid time off (for sick days), etc.

Types of Part-time Work

If you’re looking for a part-time job, you can do many types of work. Many employers offer flexible jobs, including:


Permanent part-time jobs aren’t so much about filling up your work hours as they are about having a job that you can commit to long-term. These jobs can be in any field and industry, but they’re often found in retail, call centers, post offices, or restaurants.

You can receive the same benefits as full-time employees even though your hours may be fewer. This type of work is particularly popular with students who need money to pay off loans and college expenses but don’t want to spend all of their time working.


Image – RODNAE Productions

A contract job is one of the most popular types of part-time work that offers flexibility. Many companies will hire you as a contractor if you have a particular skill set.

A contract job can be an excellent way to supplement your income while working on your schedule. Contract jobs generally pay hourly and require no commitment, making them ideal for those who want to earn some extra spending money with flexible hours.


Image – Vlada Karpovich

Freelance work is great for people with existing skills and a portfolio of work. You can find opportunities through sites like or directly from clients in your network.

Freelancing can be a lucrative way to make money and boost your bank balance. By setting up your own business on a self-employed basis, you can utilize your skills while enjoying a flexible lifestyle.

You may choose to specialize in one area and become an expert in that field. Or, you could offer more general services, depending on what you are good at.


A temporary job is one where there is no guaranteed length of employment and is often used as either cover for maternity leave or as short-term help during busy periods. Companies can also use it to try out new staff before offering them a permanent role.

Take Away

Part-time jobs are typically a balance to the hours you spend at another full-time job. On average, part-time jobs require less than 35 hours per week. Because of this, they can be flexible, making it easy to work around other responsibilities. Part-time jobs are great if you’re still in school.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide what fits your life the best. Work less if you can, because spending time with family and friends matters the most. And in our opinion, there’s nothing wrong with working a few hours here and there from home.

Cassie Riley

Cassie Riley has a passion for all things marketing and social media. She is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, language, music, writing, and unicorns. Cassie is a lifetime learner, and loves to spend time attending classes, webinars, and summits.

How many hours is “Part Time”?

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There’s yet no official definition of part-time, so how many hours could be considered part-time? This varies from country to country – let’s look at the evidence

8 min read

12 Oct, 2021

The definition of part-time, for a long time, has been jobs that take “substantially less” than the M-F, 9-5 requirement. Part-time jobs can range from a few hours helping out at a family business, all the way up to covering a couple of shifts a week, but there is a nebulous middle ground between part-time and full-time that needs to be considered as an employer. Not to mention the growing list of companies shifting to a shorter work week.

So, how many hours is part time? How many hours is full time?

According to Statista Research Department, approximately 25. 13 million people in the US are working on a part-time basis; almost 20% fo the US workforce are employed on part-time contracts. This is a huge number which has slightly increased over the last 15 years as more people seek flexibility in their work.

There are many benefits to working party time but the most important is freedom and flexibility in your life. Working part time can help you escape from the stress of a workplace with long hours and from the constant pressure, helping maintain both your mental and physical health as this is often sacrificed by people working in full-time jobs. Furthermore, for people who have children, working part time may be the only option.

The laws defining part-time labour vary from country to country, however. For example, the definition (e.g. hours per week), benefits offered (e.g. healthcare), acceptability and availability vary widely across the world. In the following we review these laws and what it means for workers.

How many hours per week is considered Part-Time?

While there’s yet no official definition of part-time, how many hours would be considered part-time?

In the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics considers an employee as part-time if they “usually work less than 35 hours per week”.

That means anyone working between 1-34 hours is working part-time, and anyone working 35 hours or more is working full-time. These numbers are based on Current Population Survey (CPS) statistics, published by the BLS. Therefore, they are guidelines and are not official time limits for full-time or part-time working hours.

These definitions vary by country to country and state to state, however. For example, workers will be classified as part-time if they work less than:

  • USA: 35 hours
  • UK: 35 hours
  • Germany: 30 hours
  • France: 35 hours
  • Norway: 37.5 hours
  • Canada: 30 hours
  • Australia: 32 hours
  • California: 40 hours
  • Texas: 40 hoursis considered part time)

Many of these definitions are guidelines, however, and often it is the company’s responsibility to define these limits to their employees. For example, a company may consider 30 hours of work or more as full time while another may follow the limit by BLS and consider 35 hours or more as full time.

How long are Part Time Shifts?

The number of hours someone works per day in a part time job is typically the same as a full time job e.g. 8-10 hours. This can vary from business to business and industry to industry, however:

For example:

  • A part time teacher may expect to work an 8 hour shift, 2.5 days per week.
  • A part time sales assistant may expect to only work a 4 hour shift, a few nights per week.

Maximum Working Hours per week by Country

The workforce ensures that the economy is moving forward, however, the possible exposure to exploitation may reduce their productivity and, in the end, lower a company’s overall productivity. Therefore most countries implement laws to protect the workers rights.

By law, the maximum hours an employee may work per week, is as follows:

  • France: 48 hours
  • Germany: 48 hours
  • Canada: 48 hours
  • USA: 44 hours
  • UK: 48 hours
  • Spain: 40 hours
  • Italy: 48 hours
  • California: 40 hours
  • Texas: 40 hours

In most of these places however, you are legally allowed to work for longer hours – but if you do, you must be paid at a higher rate. For example, in Texas, all work which exceeds 40 hours per week must be paid at 1.5 x the employees regular hourly rate.

How “Basically Full Time” Became “Part Time” in the United States

Many factors influence the culture of overwork in the U.S., but some factors have more influence than others. The United States government made the choice to tie offerings of health insurance to full-time employment under the Affordable Care Act for companies with 50 or more full-time employees. For many years before that, it was already expected that qualifying for benefits happened at a full-time level, so such a ruling was in many ways a long time coming and actually was intended to protect workers.

Because of this legislation, medium and large companies pay very careful attention to the bottom-level cut-off for full-time employment: part-time employees are seriously reprimanded if they work more than 29 hours a week or 130 hours a month, because it could result in a fine for not providing health insurance to these accidentally-full-time employees.

In practice, some companies attempt to get around the law by hiring just as many full-time equivalents (FTEs) as other large companies, but refusing to let most of them work more than 29 hours a week. Many of these same companies also have frustrating labour practices, such as at-will shifts that can be called off all of a sudden, and very low pay.

The changing of schedules each week, in particular, makes calling this 29-hours-a-week job ‘part-time’ seem incorrect; if the person must wait until one or two weeks beforehand to know when they’ll be expected at work for 29 hours, there is very little remaining time for them to participate in the other ‘part’ of their lives, as mentioned above.

There are certainly companies that make 20-29 hours a week a truly free experience by offering competitive pay, flexible work hours, and even benefits, but the creation of a legal definition of full-time as 30 or more hours does offer a loophole to those who are willing to take it.

In the reality of exploitative labour, 28 or 29 hours a week isn’t part-time at all; it’s merely “not technically full time,” a way to deprive people who essentially work full time of the benefits of that commitment.

Protection for Workers: Canada’s Example

Putting a minimum on full-time work results, as we saw earlier, in the possibility for exploitation. Canada’s example offers another possibility. Canada’s legislation focuses on limiting overwork by placing an upper limit on ‘standard’ full-time workers of 40 hours per week or 8 hours a day, and a general upper limit of 48 hours a week, with 8 of those hours being considered overtime and qualified for higher pay. Exceptions exist, but the protections offered by this rule are substantial.

Protections and limitations on overwork are key; many workers are frustrated by the common trends in their offices where too many hours are expected for the same rate of pay, above and beyond normal full-time hours. Normalizing overwork isn’t actually good for employers, who experience higher turnover and burnout rates as a result, but the ever-upward creep of the definitions of part-time and full-time add pressure.

The European Union has made an even more broad claim, which helps employers focus on what they need rather than on cost savings: part-time workers are entitled to the same “pay, leave, notice periods, and other rights and benefits” that full-time workers are. The loophole, for them, is closed, which may not be the right way for the United States to handle it, but is certainly a case study to examine.

Part-Time Should Actually Offer Freedom

Part-time work is the kind of work that leaves you time for other pursuits. It could be 10, 15, or even 20 hours a week, but it shouldn’t be 29 hours with a schedule that changes every week. Calling this ‘part-time’ at the same time that working a single 10-hour shift and having six free days to do with what you will are simply lumping too many circumstances together into one umbrella term.

Freedom of some kind should come alongside the challenges of part-time work (chief among them is not bringing in a full-time level of pay, but there are others).

By this definition, we believe that 30 hours a week, and under certain conditions, 25-29 hours a week, constitutes a full-time job. The commitment needed to get the requisite rest, handle one’s home duties, and still be at work, ready to be productive for 25-30 hours a week is a full-time commitment.

The grey area between part-time and full-time should be put to the test by asking whether someone could reasonably get a second part-time job and thrive in both of them. If that isn’t possible, it is likely that the first job was really much closer to ‘full-time’ in its impact on the worker’s life.

Socially Responsible Labels: Keep Part-Time Truly Part-Time

With the many technological resources and organizational tools available, United States workers are more effective than they’ve ever been; 30 hours of work in 2020 can accomplish what would have taken dozens, sometimes hundreds, of hours in the past.

29.99 hours does not make a part-time job, especially without protections like benefits or consistent schedules. As you interrogate whether to call a job part-time or full-time, consider not only the hours the person must commit to the work itself, but also the level of commitment by the employee to make this part-time job work: can they maintain their work-life balance at a part-time level, or are they really giving way more to work?

“Can I request Part-Time hours”?

If you are currently employed, the easiest way to get a part-time job may be to ask your current manager to cut down your working hours. In many countries this request must be granted by law.

For example, the Netherlands recently announced the Flexible Working Hours Act in 2016 which gives employees the right to request for reduced hours in their job. The law states that the employer is obliged to accept this request, unless there is “a significant business reason” which justifies that they cannot accommodate this.

As a result, the Netherlands has the highest percentage of “part time workers” in the world. Other countries at the top of the list, such as Switzerland, Austria & Germany, have similar laws which make it easier to request part time work.

In general, European countries tend to have more progressive laws in comparison those in North & South America, with respect to employer rights and working hours. This effect can be seen as all the countries with the least “hours worked per day” are all from Europe.


  • Part time usually means a job which is contracted for less than 35 hours, but this varies from country to country
  • In the US, anything below 35 hours per week is considered part-time by law
  • In the US if you’d also like to be eligible for health insurance, you need to work at least 30 hours per week
  • Most part time jobs in the US don’t offer health insurance, but many 4 day work week jobs do
  • In many European countries (e. g. Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Germany) requests to drop your hours to part time often must be granted by law
  • The best way to find a part time job is:
    • Freelancing
    • Asking your boss to drop your hours
    • Finding a 4 day work week job

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How many hours of work is required for a part-time job? : Current School News

Filed in Articles, Jobs
by TMLT Editions
April 28, 2022

How many hours part-time work –

Lately part-time work is in vogue. Now people are learning about new ways to earn extra money and learn new skills through the opportunities they get while working part-time.

This article will tell you what it means to be a part-time worker.

What is part-time work?

A part-time job is a job where a person works fewer hours per week than their employer considers full time.

However, depending on the employee’s definition of casual work may differ.

If an employee works less, for example, the employer may consider them as part-time employees.

How many hours per week are part-time?

Part-time work can be defined in different ways.

Ancillary workers are characterized as those who work less than , according to . However, for statistical purposes only.

The company, on the other hand, defines a full-time job as working more than 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month.

To qualify for benefits under , the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) uses the same criterion of 30 hours per week.

Many firms list part-time employees in their employee handbooks, which list Work Week.

For example, divides employees into three categories to determine who is eligible for certain benefits.


  • Best Targeted Part-Time Job
  • Part time job for students
  • Full and part-time

Full or part-time

To further complicate the distinction between part-time and full-time work, full-time work hours can vary.

While normal work used to be defined as 40 hours per week, the situation has changed: some organizations require fewer hours, while others require more.

The company, like a part-time job, does not define full-time employment. Overtime compensation is provided for insured employees who work more than 40 hours per week in accordance with the law.

What are the benefits of part-time work?

You may be wondering what are the key benefits of part time work now that you know how many hours they counted as part time. Part-time work can be good for you for a number of reasons, including:

1. Flexibility and stress reduction

Workers may find working during regular hours exhausting. If you work in a position in which you constantly experience stress;

this can have a significant impact on your entire productivity and possibly your health.

Part-time work can greatly reduce the stress you experience at work because you may be less responsible.

2. Improve Your Time Management Skills

Because you have fewer hours per day to complete tasks when you work part-time, you will be better able to develop time management skills.

To make the most of the time you have, you must be able to manage your time effectively, make wise decisions, and solve problems effectively.

3. New knowledge and innovation

Part-time work provides experience and training in various industries.

If the new employee is less experienced, some employers may be hesitant to hire them full-time.

However, if the candidate is motivated and willing to learn, they may be more inclined to hire them part-time.

Part-time work also allows you to work for several companies at the same time, which allows you to gain new experience and acquire new skills that you might not otherwise have.

4. More money

If you can combine multiple part-time jobs, you may be able to earn more money overall than if you were working full-time for the same company.

Also, since many employees work 50 or more hours a week, part-time work may allow you to work fewer hours.

5. Time to work on other programs and tasks

One of the most attractive aspects of part-time work is the freedom to pursue other interests in your spare time.

For example, if you are looking for a degree, a casual job might be appropriate.

A job can give you experience, but it also allows you to earn a degree. A combination of education and experience can lead to more advanced opportunities.

6. Health insurance

When it comes to benefits in the United States, health insurance is often at the top of the list. Some employers provide health insurance to some or all part-time workers, while many do not.

However, under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, every business with more than 50 full-time employees is required to provide health coverage to individuals who work more than 30 hours per week or 130 hours per calendar month , or a penalty.

You may be legally entitled to health insurance even if your company considers you a part-time employee because you work less than 40 hours a week.

7. Overtime pay

When you work more than 40 hours a week, they are entitled to overtime pay that is at least one and a half times your regular rate. When non-tax-exempt part-time or full-time employees work more than 40 hours in seven days, they are eligible for overtime pay.

(They pay explicitly excluded executive, administrative, technical, software, and external sales professionals with responsibilities who meet certain criteria and who earn more than $684 per week or $35,568 per year. )

Other Benefits of Working Overtime

While part-time employees are unlikely to work more than 40 hours a week on a regular basis, this is possible if there is a busy season or if they are replacing a colleague.

Check your local employment regulations because some states and localities have higher wage requirements for eligible employees and/or a set number of hours worked on a given day before overtime starts.


(FMLA) is a federal law that allows employees to take up to 12 weeks without losing their job if they have given birth;

Adopted or adopted foster children must care for a close relative with a serious illness or have a serious illness themselves.

You have the legal right to take an FMLA for termination, even if you are part-time worker, if you have worked 1,250 hours in the 12 months prior to the holiday (or approximately 25 hours per week) and your employer has more than 50 employees, according to Reynolds .

Types of part-time work schedules

Part-time employees have the opportunity to work fewer hours at work or fewer hours per week than full-time employees. Employees interested in casual work can choose from a variety of work schedules.

Here are some examples of common part-time work schedules:

1. Freelance Schedule

Freelancers are almost always hired on fixed-term contracts. They may work remotely or on site, depending on the role and business requirements.

Although freelancers do not usually have access to benefits, they may have more freedom and control than regular employees.

2. Alternative schedule

Alternative schedules are those that are different from any other schedule already in use by the employer.

In addition, an alternate schedule can accommodate special or temporary needs of employees, such as pregnancy, family obligations, or medical needs.

3. Split schedule

Split schedule is when an employee has a lot of days off between shifts. For example, an employee might work from 8:10 am to 9:00 pm and then again from 10:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This is ideal for people who cannot work shifts due to outside duties.

4. Duty Schedule

When an employee is on duty, he or she must work at any time the employer requires.

The staff’s duty schedules usually alternate between them, so they didn’t need someone to be on call all the time.

Occupations in emergency services such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, paramedics, and social services often require a duty schedule.


  • Good jobs in Dubai
  • Work and career advice
  • Early morning work

Benefits of a half day job

Part-time work is a fantastic alternative for people who need a steady income but don’t want to work full time. Here are some of the benefits of working part-time:

1. Versatility

Our shortened work is often more varied than regular work, and sometimes you can set your own schedule.

If you have other responsibilities, such as taking care of a loved one, doing other work, or attending school, this is beneficial.

2. Additional income

Part-time employment provides a regular stream of income that can supplement other full-time or part-time jobs.

You can also get a half hour job to supplement your income while pursuing other goals such as starting your own business or going to school.

3. Opportunity to pursue other interests

Part-time work allows you to explore other interests or career opportunities while you are not working full-time.

Disadvantages of part-time work

Although part-time work may be beneficial for some people, there are a few things to consider before deciding on this career path:

1. Advantages of

While some organizations provide benefits to part-time workers, many do not. During the interview, ask about any you wish, such as paid sick leave or off.

2. Possibility of lower income

Occasional work may pay less than regular work, depending on whether you pay a reasonable wage or by the hour.

3. Less chance of growth

Many higher positions require a full-time job. Some promotions may not be available if you are unable to work full time.

Examples of part-time jobs

Here are some examples of high-paying part-time jobs:

1. Accountant

Accountants deal with the analysis and management of a company’s finances, including cost accounting and taxation, in addition to the day-to-day monitoring and management of a business’s financial operations.

Accounting firms, organizations and even individuals may hire auxiliary accountants during tax season.

2. Programmer

Programmers use coding languages ​​such as or to create computer software.

Programmers should be able to navigate through the back end of computer software, improving the user experience on the interface.

Many companies employ part-time employees. help with special projects or solve tasks that their regular employees cannot handle.

3. Graphic designer

Logos, email templates, websites and marketing materials such as banners, advertisements and postcards are created by graphic designers.

Graphic designers often work for multiple clients at the same time or in-house for a specific firm.

4. Business Consultant

looks at the company’s procedures to see where they can improve and maximize efficiency.

usually work to increase the organization’s profits by reducing costs and increasing revenues.

If you have been a general manager for a long time, you may be qualified to work as a business consultant.

5. Market Research Analyst

Industry research analysts identify market trends by analyzing the buying habits of a target population.

Companies can use this information to better target and sell to their customers by sharing it with them. may be hired on a full-time, half-day, seasonal or contract basis.

6. Material transporter

Item transporters, sometimes referred to as “”, transport materials from one area to another. They usually work in production or warehouses.

They are often responsible for moving goods around the warehouse, as well as packing and unloading. This is physically hard work.

7. Network administrator

If you have If you are in computer science or information technology, a career as a network and computer systems administrator may be right for you.

Network administrators must create and maintain an organization’s internal network systems. They are responsible for the smooth and secure operation of networks.

When problems arise, many organizations hire part-time IT consultants as needed.

8. writer

A half-hour writer can work on a variety of projects, including writing for blogs, websites, magazines, advertisements, books, songs, and movies.

Some writers work within a firm or organization, while others work for multiple clients on a contract or freelance basis.

9. editor

Editors must create, coordinate, review, and edit content for newspapers, books, emails, websites, and magazines. Editors can also evaluate topic proposals and guide editors.

How to calculate how many hours you will work per week

Before accepting a part-time job, make sure you know what the job entails and whether it is right for you. When you are hired for a part-time job, there are several ways to find out how many hours you will be working.

1. Read the job posting

Read the job description carefully before applying. You can determine how flexible the employment is, as well as how many hours and days per week they expect you to work.

2. Know when you are available

On your job application, they may ask you when you are available to work (days/hours), so check your availability before applying.

Many employers are accommodating and will work on schedules for students, parents, retirees and those with other obligations.

3. During the interview, ask

It is permissible to ask about working hours during a job interview if the interviewer does not ask you about your employment in the first place, if the schedule is not mentioned in advance.

Schedule when you will be available for exchange (and when you will not be). Flexibility is always positive because it makes it easier to plan coverage for a company.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many hours a week do you work part-time?

Regular employment is generally considered to be between 30 and 40 hours per week, while casual employment is usually less.

2. How many days and hours per week do you work part-time?

Occasional work often takes less than 30-35 hours per week, however this is highly dependent on the firm, the role and the agreement reached between employer and employee.

With so much variety, finding odd jobs that fit your schedule requirements can be difficult.

3. What types of work are suitable for part-time work?

Ancillary jobs have traditionally been the preserve of retail, fast food and hospitality workers as they require flexible hours to meet changing demand.

However, more and more professionals are increasingly working part-time to give both the employee and the business more freedom.

4. Is working 32 hours a week considered irregular?

While most businesses define full-time employment as 32 to 40 hours per week, the Affordable Care Act stipulates that a part-time worker works less than 30 hours per week on average.

A 32-hour work week is considered a regular work week under the Affordable Care Act.

5. Can a handyman become a permanent employee?

Temporary accommodation may turn into a long-term one, and a part-time worker may be forced to work full-time for an extended period of time.

You will need a policy that determines when a part-time employee becomes a full-time employee so that you can consistently offer benefits across your organization and avoid any potential IRS and ERISA violations.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions about how many hours are part-time

6. Can non-regular employees work 8 hours a day?

The number of hours an employee must work to be classified as a support worker varies. on the other hand, irregular workers are those who work an average of approximately 20 and 29 hours a week.

However, hours may vary by position, organization, and agreement.

7. How do I apply the overtime policy to my part-time employees?

Part-time employees may be required to work overtime or sometimes more than 40 hours a week.

This can happen during the company’s busiest season, when a staff member is unable to work, or when other circumstances change.

FLSA exempt and non-exempt employee limits apply to part-time overtime work. You will likely have to pay a part-time employee for overtime, but be sure to read the instructions ahead of time.

8. Are part-time employees entitled to holidays?

Employers are not required to grant leave to part-time employees.

Their employers often gave part-time workers time off. Typically, this is done on a pro rata basis.

9. What are part-time workers entitled to?

Part-time workers often do not have access to the same health and retirement benefits as full-time workers.

They are entitled to the minimum wage and to intervals between meals and rest proportional to the length of their shift.

Still on FAQ about how many hours part-time work

10. How many sick days do part-time employees get?

mandatory laws are only in effect in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

Although there are no federal rules requiring sick leave, state policies vary from five to fourteen days.

11. How many hours do part-time students work?

Many schools advise or even require students to work 10 to 15 hours per week.

In most states, high school students work up to 18 hours a week during the school year, according to the Department of Labor.

12. How many hours do part-time workers have at Best Buy?

On average, you can work 8-9 hours a day or 5.5-7 hours a day. The number of working hours is determined by your weekly budget or how well you sell.

Frequently asked questions about how many hours are part-time

13. How many hours are part-time in college?

I called college students who take less than 12 credit hours part-time. In some schools, you can only attend one class at a time.

I signed up the typical part-time college student for two classes at once.

14. How many hours does it take half a day and a full day at Walmart?

As such, we consider anyone who works 34 hours or more per week at Walmart a full-time employee, although anyone who works 30 hours or more per week is eligible for health insurance.

Walmart employees will have a fixed 39 to 40 hour schedule due to team schedules, the store said.

They generally define regular employment as working 30 to 40 hours a week, and they define casual work as working less than 30 hours a week.

15. What are Walmart’s regular hours of operation?

Odd jobs at Walmart range from 4 to 5 hours every day, 3 days a week.

Half hour flexible. In a three-month sliding calendar, the standard answer is between 8 and 34 hours. There is no such thing as a fixed schedule.

16. How many hours per day do you do odd jobs?

Handymen often work in shifts of 4 to 5 hours. They can also give you 8 hours for Saturday and Sunday. However, never work more than 20-25 hours a week.

When you work part-time, hours may fluctuate because there is no set number of hours each day or week.

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Types and forms of employment |

Forms of employment

What are the forms of employment, the basic labor standards according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and what you need to know about the rules of remote work in 2021 – everything was told in detail

What is employment

Some general information. According to the Labor Code, employment is an activity that does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation and generates income. In a word, work.

on the city of the We offer 5 forms of employment:

  1. Full employment
  2. Partial employment
  3. Watch
  4. Internsation

Complete employment

or full -time.

This is a work schedule that involves permanent full-time employment. According to the classical scheme, working time lasts 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. This is the norm.

However, full-time employment can take non-standard forms, such as irregular working hours and shift work. In this case, the duration, payment and frequency of working days is set individually. We wrote a long article about shift and night work schedules – we advise you to read it.

The law also identifies categories of citizens, the duration of the full working week for whom is reduced:

  • Persons under 16 years old – up to 24 hours per week
  • Persons from 16 to 18 years old – up to 35 hours per week
  • Disabled people of groups I and II – up to 35 hours per week
  • Employees of harmful and dangerous enterprises – up to 36 hours a week
  • Women working in the Far North and rural areas – up to 36 hours a week
  • Medical workers – up to 39 hours a week
  • Teaching staff – up to 36 hours per week

Part-time work

Part-time work has become quite a popular form of employment in recent times. In Europe and the West, half of the workers choose part-time employment.

In Russia, only 10% work part-time. Usually the duration of a part-time work week is from 15 to 20 hours.

Day length and part-time pay are discussed individually. A lighter work schedule is always agreed and negotiated with the manager, but there is not always a choice.

Employer cannot refuse the right to incomplete working day:

  • Pregnant women
  • to a parent or a guardian of a child up to 14 years old
  • to a parent or a guardian of a disabled child up to 18 years old

Watch of work

Caterts-Vakhta-Vakhti This is a form of employment in which the worker works in the territory of the employer, which is significantly remote from the place of residence.

The shift work schedule can be symmetrical – 15\15 (when you work 15 days, 15 days off) and asymmetrical – 90\30 (when you work for 3 months, you rest for a month). The travel time to the place of stay and back is taken into account as working time. A daily work shift on a watch should not exceed 12 hours.

Payment is set individually depending on the specifics of the work and agreements. Place of residence, travel to the destination are usually organized and paid by the employer.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, cannot work on a rotational basis:

  • Persons under 18 years of age
  • Pregnant women
  • Women with children under three years old
  • Persons with medical contraindications

Remote work

Not to be confused with freelancing.

The remote worker is on the staff of the company, has a set of job responsibilities and a cycle of tasks. The only difference is that such an employee does not work in a stationary office. Otherwise, everything is as in full employment – the working day lasts a set number of hours.

And in 2020, remote work has become the main form of employment – in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic 90% of Russian companies switched to remote work.

On January 1, 2021, a law regulating labor relations during remote work came into force in Russia — here are the basic rules: work or vacation, dismissal – can be sent by e-mail (only paper sick leave will have to be sent by registered mail)

  • Everything you need for remote work must be provided by the employer or the company must reimburse the expenses
  • Salary remains the same
  • If an emergency occurs and you do not have the conditions to work at home, the employer is obliged to issue a downtime and pay you according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • If the employer has not determined a specific working time, for example, from 9.00 to 18.00, you have the right to choose a schedule yourself for remote work on their own initiative
  • A remote worker cannot be fired for absenteeism
  • A remote worker is entitled to overtime – if you work more than 8 hours a day, ask for a raise
  • Internship

    Not to be confused with probation.