Nutrition 24: Energy & Fitness Sports | Herbalife Nutrition U.S.

Опубликовано: May 23, 2023 в 12:36 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

SO NUTRITION – 24/7 PWO 30serv. 570g

A blistering combination of ingredients designed to maximize training performance and optimise mental cognition.

Fuses together powerful dosages of performance-powerhouses including citrulline malate, arginine AKG, and beta-alanine for huge muscle pumps, unparalleled endurance and phenomenal strength increases.

Contains an array of stimulants to enhance mental cognition, ensuring you’re as mentally prepared as you are physically before attacking the weight room.

24/7 is a pre-workout nutritional supplement designed to boost focus, energy and strength during physical exercise, enabling you to push past your mental and physical limits.

The ability to generate powerful muscular contractions, sustain focus and concentration, as well as optimise the body’s physiological responses are all part-and-parcel of intensity. But most people don’t train with the correct intensity, leaving muscular growth poorly optimised post-workout with little reason for the body to adapt.
From the very first serving, a swift infusion of mental stimulants kick-in and get your neurotransmitters firing. Your focus and concentration improve markedly, as the guarana seed extract, caffeine, L-tyrosine, and green tea extract amplify your mental state. As you warm-up with unparalleled tunnel-vision, you’ll feel the next wave of ingredients engulfing every muscle fiber in your body: Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, and Arginine AKG combine to increase blood flow to working muscles, prolong endurance and blast overall strength levels through the roof.
More Beta-Alanine for increased stamina and Vitamin B3 for more enrgy.


  • 6000 mg Citrulline Malate for explosive Muscle Pumps and Improved Performance
  • 5500 mg Beta-Alanine for prolonged muscle Endurance
  • 4000 mg Arginine AKG for enhanced Strength
  • 500 mg L-Tyrosine for enhancing and fortifying the Mind-Muscle Connection
  • 350 mg Caffeine for increased Focus
  • Vitamin B3 and 3 natural extracts for relentless energy and fatigue reduction.


Citrulline Malate is a non-essential amino acid. It’s usually scarce in people’s daily diet, although it plays a very important role in many biological processes. Citrulline Malatedecisively contributes to optimizing the blood flow, which affects the performance of most bodily functions. When ingested, your body converts it into L-arginine and then into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is one of the compounds that makes the blood vessels wider when you exercise, thus bettering your blood flow. Improved blood flow means that more oxygen and needed nutrients are getting to the muscles.

Beta-Alanine is a beta-amino acid which can be found in vitamin B5. Beta-Alanine has been shown to have a significant increase in the muscle carnosine. By developing a higher level of carnosine, the muscle tissue is protected from oxidation. Thus, Beta-Alanine boosts performance by extending muscle endurance.

Arginine AKG is a compound amino acid that is primarily used to vasodilate and increase blood flow during resistance training. It increases nitric oxide production in the body, thus complementing Citrulline Malte regarding cellular nutrition and blood vessel dilation. Arginine AKG improves muscle growth and strength.

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is being produced naturally by the human body to synthesize proteins. L-Tyrosine is a building block for neurotransmitters within the brain and for the connection between the body’s muscles and the brain. It enhances alertness, attention, and focus. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that lowers your stress levels, so you can focus on your daily routine. L-Tyrosine will boost your dopamine and adrenaline levels so you will be more determined to stick to your diet and more focused while exercising.

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and the most used energy booster in the world. Caffeine acts as a stimulus for the cognitive actions and processes that the human body can go through. It improves concentration, focus, motor coordination, and overall reaction time. Also, is has been shown that caffeine improves the athletic performance for endurance sports.

Niacin or Vitamin B3 is a vitamin that helps the transformation and assimilation of food, nutrients, and other amino acids into energy for your body. This boost of energy can help you push past your limits and enable you to give everything you’ve got while training. Vitamin B3 also helps lower cholesterol, boost brain and skin function and improve joint mobility.

Green tea leaf extract is obtained naturally. Because it contains antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body, it is being used to increase alertness and lower cholesterol. Through its 55% Epigallocatechin gallate concentration, Green tea leaf extract helps reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning through fat oxidation and boost the metabolic rate. Several studies showed that green tea leads to decreases in body fat, especially in the abdominal area – waist circumference and belly fat.

Sweet Orange peel extract is naturally used as high blood pressure regulator for the human body as it contains large amounts of potassium. Also, it was scientifically proven that it can lower high cholesterol. Apart from those benefits, Sweet orange peel extract substantial amounts of Vitamin C. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system. It’s also helping white blood cells function more effectively.

Guarana seed extract stands out as a stimulant agent that reduces fatigue. Since it contains caffeine, it also provides an energy boost and improves focus. The Guarana seed extract has been showed to suppress genes that aid fat cell production and promote genes that slow it down. It also helps with activities that require high levels of endurance because of its antioxidant properties.

Black Pepper fruit extract is extracted naturally from black pepper. It has been shown to increase the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract and increase the active nutrient delivery throughout the body.


Mix1 heaping scoop (19g) of powder with 250ml of water, 30minutes before your workout.

Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of young children. Not for use by those under the age of 18. Consult a physician before using this product if you have, or have a family history of, heart disease, thyroid disease, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, recurrent headaches, depression or other psychiatric conditions, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating, prostate enlargement, seizure disorder. If you are using a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), anti-depressants, or any other medication, dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter drug, consult with a physician. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Contains caffeine. Do not use in combination with other caffeinated products. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the supplement compounds. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and well-balanced diet. Beta-Alanine may cause a harmless, temporary tingling sensation on the skin for some individuals. Do not consume product with alcohol.


Serving Size: 1 heaping scoops(19g)
Serving per container: 30
Content Per 100g Product PER SERVING(19)
Vitamin B3 250 mg 47.6 mg (297%NRV**)
L-Citruline DL-Malate (2:1) 31.5 g 5985 mg
of whic L-Citruline 17.3 g 3292mg
A-AKG complex 21.1 g 4009 mg
L-Arginine 14.6 g 2679 mg
Calcium Alpha Ketoglutarate 6.1 g 1330 mg
Beta-Alanine 28.95 g 5500 mg
L-Tyrosine 2630 mg 500 mg
Green tea (Camellia sinesis) leaf extract 30:1 1320 mg 251 mg
Total Polyphenols 528 mg 100 mg
Caffeine 66 mg 13 mg
Sweet orange (Citrus sinesis) – 100% peel extract 980 mg 186 mg
Caffeine anhydrous 1840 mg 350 mg
Guarana ( Paullinia cupana) extract 210 mg 41 mg
Caffeine 46 mg 9 mg
Black pepper (Piper Nigrum) (25-35:1) extract 10 mg 1. 9 mg
Piperine 9.5 mg 1.8 mg
***NRV – Nutrient Reference Value of an average adult

24-hour Dietary Recall (24HR) At a Glance


To obtain detailed information about all foods and beverages consumed on a given day.


A 24-hour dietary recall (24HR) is a structured interview intended to capture detailed information about all foods and beverages (and possibly, [glossary term:] dietary supplements) consumed by the respondent in the past 24 hours, most commonly, from midnight to midnight the previous day. A key feature of the 24HR is that, when appropriate, the respondent is asked for more detailed information than first reported. For example, a respondent reporting chicken for dinner or a sandwich for lunch would be asked about the preparation method and type of bread. This open-ended response structure is designed to prompt respondents to provide a comprehensive and detailed report of all foods and beverages consumed.

In addition to other detailed descriptors, such as time of day and source of food, portion size of each food and beverage is captured. Food models, pictures, and other visual aids may be used to help respondents judge and report portion size and may improve [glossary term:] accuracy.

Dietary recalls typically ask about foods and beverages first, before questions on dietary supplements.

A 24HR usually requires 20 to 60 minutes to complete.

Standardized automated interviewing systems that include multiple passes, such as the USDA’s Automated Multiple-Pass Method, have been developed to facilitate complete recalls. These systems include nearly complete automated coding that is supplemented by manual coding for reported foods or beverages not in the database.

24HRs are typically administered by a trained interviewer, but automated self-administered tools, such as the National Cancer Institute’s Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA24), also are available.

Utility of Data

  • 24HR data can be used to assess total dietary intake and/or particular aspects of the diet:
    • The 24HR yields detailed information on foods and beverages consumed on a given day. The total amount of each specific food and beverage consumed is captured.

    • Similar types of food and beverage items reported, such as soups or sugar-sweetened beverages, can be grouped. Totals for each group can then be summed.

    • If data are linked to a nutrient composition database, nutrient intake from foods and beverages can be determined (Learn More about Food Composition Databases for 24-hour Dietary Recalls and Food Records). However, [glossary term:] total nutrient intake cannot be ascertained unless dietary supplement intake data also are collected (Learn More about Dietary Supplements and Estimating Total Nutrient Intakes).

    • If data are linked to a database that translates foods and beverages into food group equivalents, such as the Food Patterns Equivalents Database, foods and beverages reported can be disaggregated into their component ingredients, which can then be converted to equivalent amounts of relevant guidance-based food groups (For more information, read a factsheet on FPED products and associated data files or its application to dietary analysis. ). This provides information about the consumption of food groups of particular interest, such as total intake of fruits, vegetables, or added sugars.

    • If information such as names of eating occasions, timing and locations of meals and snacks, sources of food and beverages, and other activities such as TV and computer use during meals is collected, the 24HR can yield contextual information, such as meal and snack patterns, consumption of foods and beverage from home and away from home, and activities during meals.

  • 24HRs can be used to describe a population’s intake (e.g., the [glossary term:] cross-sectional study [glossary term:] What We Eat in America/National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) (see Choosing an Approach for Dietary Assessment).
    • [glossary term:] Mean usual intakes can be estimated with a single administration.

    • Collecting a recall for at least two non-consecutive days allows application of statistical techniques to estimate [glossary term:] usual dietary intake distributions for a group (for example, to answer research questions such as the proportion above or below some threshold) (Learn More about Usual Dietary Intake).
  • 24HRs can be used to examine relationships between diet and health or other variables, in which diet is the [glossary term:] independent variable (see Choosing an Approach for Dietary Assessment).
    • Sometimes, they are used as a [glossary term:] reference instrument to [glossary term:] validate or [glossary term:] calibrate estimates when another less detailed assessment instrument, such as a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), is used as the [glossary term:] main dietary assessment instrument.
    • With the advent of self-administered automated 24HRs, 24HRs potentially can be used as a main dietary assessment instrument with or without an FFQ for diet-health studies, including in large [glossary term:] prospective studies.
    • The number and timing of the 24HRs needed depends on the objectives.
  • 24HRs can be used to examine relationships between some factor and diet, in which diet is the dependent variable (see Choosing an Approach for Dietary Assessment).
  • 24HRs can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of an [glossary term:] intervention study to change diet. The potential for [glossary term:] differential response bias due to the possibility that the intervention group and control group may report their diets differently, especially following an intervention should be considered. However, while this type of [glossary term:] bias is a concern for all self-report instruments, it may be less problematic with 24HRs than with other instruments (see Choosing an Approach for Dietary Assessment).
    • The number and timing of the 24HRs needed depends on the intervention design and the objectives.

Limitations of Data

  • The requirements of completing a 24HR may limit participation in some groups, leading to potential [glossary term:] selection bias.
  • Because a single administration of a 24HR is unable to account for [glossary term:] day-to-day variation, two or more non-consecutive recalls are required to estimate usual dietary intake distributions. Multiple administrations are also recommended when 24HRs are used to examine diet and health or other variables.

Salient Features Compared to Other Self-Report Instruments Methods

For an at-a-glance comparison of the major features of self-report instruments for assessing diet, including the 24HR, see the Comparing Dietary Assessment Instruments table.

  • Captures current short-term diet (in contrast to FFQ and screener).
  • Typically interviewer-administered (in contrast to FFQ, food record, and screener), but automated self-administered 24HRs are available and becoming more widely used.
  • Relies on [glossary term:] specific memory (in contrast to FFQ and screener, which rely on [glossary term:] generic memory, and food record, which does not rely on memory).
  • If recalls are unannounced, they are not affected by [glossary term:] reactivity (in contrast to food record) (Learn More about Reactivity).
  • Its major type of [glossary term:] measurement error is [glossary term:] random versus [glossary term:] systematic (in contrast to FFQ and screener) (see Key Concepts about Measurement Error).

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Power supply unit BP-24-10.M2 from SKB Promavtomatika


Parameter Meaning
Rated output voltage 24 V
The voltage deviation from the nominal value does not exceed 2%
Maximum load current no more 400 mA
Maximum load capacity no more 170uF
Electronic short circuit protection Available: 120 … 180% of maximum current
Galvanic isolation between input and output circuits Available: 3 kV AC for 60 sec leakage current max. 0.75 mA

Operating conditions

Degree of protection against influence of environment of IP20.

Power is supplied from an alternating current network with a frequency of (47 . .. 440) Hz and a rated voltage of (100 … 264) V or from a DC voltage source (120 … 370) V.

Current consumption at input voltage 220V at maximum load no more than 0.3A

The power supply is designed to operate under the following operating conditions:

– ambient air temperature from -40°С to +60°С;
– upper value of relative air humidity at +35°С and lower temperatures, without moisture condensation, 95%.


Name Designation Quantity
Power supply unit BP-24-10.M2 KGPSh 466514.036-BP TU 1
Passport CGPSh 466514.036-BP PS 1


Design – DIN rail 35mm x 7.5mm.

Overall dimensions, mm, no more than 90 x 34 x 32 mm.

Weight not more than 100 gr.


The warranty period is 5 years from the date of sale, subject to the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

Uninterruptible power supplies 24V – VIDEOGLAZ Moscow


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1 413 saving

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28 Feb

Code: 7732


Uninterruptible power supplies 24V

Redundant secondary power supply, 24 V, 1. 5 A. Housing for 2 batteries 12 V, 4.5 Ah. Complies with Federal Law 123 and GOST 53325-2012: 3 indicators and information output “Transfer to reserve”, output protection0005

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1 708

1 898

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Sources of uninterrupted power 24V

AND AND AND AND AND DAY 24V 6 or 10A, depending on show another

22 496

23 680 9000 1 184 Economy

to clarify the wholesale price



28 Feb – 1 Mar


28 Feb

-10% with promo code


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Uninterruptible power supply in a housing for two batteries 17 Ah, 24V, 3A.