New forever young: New Forever Young Day Care

Опубликовано: February 9, 2022 в 10:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

New Forever Young Day Care

About the Provider

Description: NEW FOREVER YOUNG DAY CARE is a Four Star Center License in FAYETTEVILLE NC, with a maximum capacity of 73 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 through 12. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Four Star Center License

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    0 through 12
  • State Rating:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • District Office:
    North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services – Division of Child Development
  • District Office Phone:
    (919) 662-4499 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Violations Rule
2022-07-11 Unannounced Inspection No
2022-05-12 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2022-05-12 Violation 807 10A NCAC 09 .0601(a)
A safe indoor and outdoor environment was not provided for the children. On May 11, 2022 staff members failed to provide adequate supervision when a four-year-old child left the facility unattended which placed the child in an unsafe environment and at risk of injury and/or harm.
2022-05-12 Violation 303 . 1801(a)(1-5)
Children were not adequately supervised at all times. On May 11, 2022 a four-year-old child was not adequately supervised when the child left the facility unaccompanied.
2022-03-15 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2022-03-15 Violation 1035 .0701(a)
Child care providers, including the director, uncompensated providers, substitute providers, and volunteers did not have the required Emergency Information Form on file on or before the first day of work, which included all the required information and/or the information on the form was not updated as changes occur and at least annually. Staff P.M. (DOH 3/14/2022) did not have Emergency Information on file.
2022-03-15 Violation 1032 10A NCAC 09 .0701(a)
Child care providers and uncompensated providers who are not substitute providers or volunteers, including the director did not have a medical report on file prior to employment that was signed by a health care professional and/ or the medical report was older than 12 months. Staff P.M. (DOH 3/14/2022) did not have medical report on file.
2022-02-10 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2022-02-10 Violation 1757 G.S. 110-90.2(b) & (d) & .2703(e)
A valid qualification letter was not on file and available to review at the facility. Qualification letters were not on file for Angel Jones and Quinshanta Prince. Qualification is current in the Criminal Background Check System.
2022-02-10 Violation 614 15A NCAC 18A .2821(e)
Bed, cribs, playpens, cots or mats were not placed at least 18′ apart or separated by partitions when in use. Cribs were placed in an ‘L’ shape. Cribs were repositioned to be end-to-end with plexiglass barrier or 18′ apart.
2022-02-10 Violation 705 . 0601(c)
Equipment and furnishings were not sturdy, stable and free of hazards. A/C return vent in Space #4 was covered in thick dust. The steps leading to lower playground were worn and boards were weak. Administrator stated steps are in process of being replaced. Smoke detector was beeping notifying that battery needed to be replaced. Battery was replaced during the visit.
2022-02-10 Violation 812 10A NCAC 09 .0604(c)
Electrical outlets and power strips, not in use, which were located in space used by children did not have safety outlets or were not covered with safety plugs unless located behind furniture or equipment that cannot be moved by a child. Outlets were uncovered in Space #2-3. The Director placed safety plugs in uncovered outlets.
2022-02-10 Violation 840 .2820(b)
All corrosive agents, pesticides, bleaches, detergents, cleansers, polishes, any product which is under pressure in an aerosol dispenser, and any substance which may be hazardous to a child if ingested, inhaled, or handled were not stored in a locked room or cabinet. Ajax cleaner was stored under sink in Space #2-3 – cleaner was discarded. Disinfectant wipes, glue (in classroom with children under 3 years old) and hand sanitizer was stored lower than 5 ft off the ground. Potentially hazardous materials were relocated to high shelf.
2022-02-10 Violation 899 GS 110-91
The child care operator did not comply with all State laws, federal laws and/or local ordinances that pertain to child health, safety, and welfare, as required by General Statute 110-91. Vehicle FBM-6721 used for transportation did not have current license plate tags – expired 11/2021.
2022-02-10 Violation 1324 .1804(c)
Signed and dated statement by parent that discipline policy received and explained at enrollment was not in child’s file. Child B.R. did not have signed discipline policy on file.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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On the Path to A Longer, Healthier Life

Though human progress is generally difficult to measure, there is one domain where we’ve clearly and consistently moved forward as a species: biological health.

Over the past 150 years, the average life expectancy has marched upward at a steady rate of about 2.5 years per decade, and today a newborn baby from anywhere in the world is expected to live more than twice as long as if they were born in 1870.

If these historical trends were to continue, we could see the average life expectancy rise another 5 years in the next 2 decades, from 73 to 78 globally, and from 79 to 84 in the United States – a remarkable achievement. But thanks to technology and our ever-growing understanding of the human body, some experts believe longevity could improve even faster.

“Ninety could be the new 40 in the near future,” says Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer emeritus at the Cleveland Clinic, author, and longevity expert. “And life expectancy could increase somewhere between 25 and 35 years in the next decade.” 

The longevity increases we’ve witnessed thus far have been due mostly to improvements in maternal health, surgery, and disease management. And today, most doctors point to fundamental lifestyle changes we can make that will help increase the odds of a longer, healthier life. Those fundamentals include exercise, sleep, stress management, nutrition, and human connection.

But technology also has a role to play. As we understand more about the aging process at a cellular level and what causes the human body to flourish (and falter), we’re uncovering new ways to help people live longer, healthier lives. Roizen and other longevity experts, including Dr. David Perlmutter, are studying what we might expect in the future from new health innovations.

“Not only will people have a better shot at living to be 100,” says Perlmutter, a board certified neurologist and author who serves on the board of directors and is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. “But in their later years, they will struggle less and still be able to participate in life.”

Existing medicine, emerging potential

In the world of innovation, it’s not uncommon to develop a new product or technology only to later find out that the ideal use for that technology is much different than the original intent. Bubble wrap, for example, was originally designed to be 3D wallpaper. Several years passed before its inventors realized it would be valuable as a packaging material.

The same holds with drugs and medication. Rogaine was created to help lower blood pressure, which it did. But it also had the unintended side effect of increased hair growth.

And recently, some drugs prescribed for other conditions have been found to have pro-aging support. Two medicines in particular, which alter metabolism on a cellular level, have shown early promise.

For instance, metformin — a drug taken by over 120 million people for prediabetes or type 2 diabetes — may indirectly increase longevity, researchers say, based on early studies in animals and humans.

Metformin helps lower blood sugar after meals and keeps baseline blood glucose lower. It also enhances insulin sensitivity, reduces oxidative stress, and has protective effects on your heart and blood vessels.

The potential of metformin to keep blood sugar levels low may help people avoid common chronic health issues, Roizen explains. High blood glucose levels are associated with fatty liver disease, the growth of cancer cells, inflammation, heart disease, stroke, and dementia, he adds.

Rapamycin is the other most talked about medication that’s shown promise as a pro-aging support or longevity drug. Healthcare professionals first used this drug in organ transplant recipients to prevent their bodies from rejecting the new tissue. People with certain cancers also take it to slow tumor growth.

Rapamycin also works at the cellular level to alter our bodies’ growth functions. The drug modulates our immune systems, which can have a positive effect when dealing with immune disorders, but could also suppress our body’s protection when we need it. That’s one reason medical experts are cautious of the more widespread use of rapamycin and why it’s always important to consult a medical professional before taking any medication.

“Does rapamycin have risks?” Roizen says. “Yes. It does suppress your immune system. Do we think it will prove beneficial over the long run? My gut feeling is yes, but we’ll know more in the future.”

The potential for drugs such as rapamycin and metformin is promising, especially considering the possibility of isolating the age-reducing effects and understanding how they work. But as of now, “most of the studies showing the longevity effects of these compounds are in animals,” says Jenny Yu, MD, FACS, senior manager of Medical Integrity at Healthline. “The emerging evidence is exciting, but we are not quite there yet for clinical application.”

Perlmutter points to natural ways of mimicking the effects of these drugs for the time being. For instance, proper nutrition and exercise can have a big impact on insulin sensitivity.

“I think job one is to keep your blood sugar in the optimal range,” Perlmutter says. “You’ll notice, I didn’t say in the normal range — we want the best. So lower areas like 85 to 90. Those are more optimal than a 100 to 105.” 

Perlmutter suggests reining in consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates and eating more healthy fat to avoid blood glucose spikes.

Though a pro-aging support pill hasn’t arrived yet, the journey to get there offers us valuable insights into how our bodies age and helps many live healthier lives.

The power of cold

As warm-blooded animals, we’re naturally not very big fans of the cold. But recent research suggests that exposure to cold can help slow the aging process and increase longevity. And some forward-thinking optimists are even exploring the possibilities of extreme cold to preserve our bodies until a time when medical advances have progressed enough to thaw them safely.

Dennis Kowalski, director of the U.S.-based Cryonics Institute, a nonprofit, sees the cold as a life-altering opportunity. Cryonics is a process in which a human (or pet) body is frozen at death at an extremely low temperature for preservation. Then, as medical technology advances, if a technique is discovered to reverse death, those bodies could be “resurrected.”

“A lot of people in the longevity field are interested in cryonics,” says Kowalksi. “It’s kind of like the real-life insurance policy behind all that because science is going to keep advancing.” 

It’s an expensive insurance policy, and as of now, it’s a long shot. Several medical and scientific breakthroughs would have to be made, some of which are highly dubious regardless of how long we have to work on them. And the roughly $30,000 price tag makes the practice inaccessible for most people.

But just because the plot of “Forever Young” remains firmly in the science fiction category, for now, doesn’t mean that cold can’t help us live longer. Cold exposure and hydrotherapy have shown real promise in several ways, from helping treat cancer and infection to stress, body composition, and even aging.

One of the ways that cold does that is through brown fat. Brown fat helps with blood glucose, body composition, and energy levels. When exposed to the cold, our body activates brown fat to adapt. Then, even when we’re no longer exposed to cold temperatures, we can continue to reap the brown fat benefits.

Cold-water stimulations have also been shown to reduce the frequency of infections, improve our lung health, and aid with anxiety, one of the biggest causes of chronic disease and aging.

Though we might not all have a cold lake nearby, we can dive into a fancy ice tub like pro athletes. Cold exposure can be as simple as lowering your shower or bath temperature to a level where your body is forced to adapt. You’ll notice the shift through shivering and a change in your breathing. Then it becomes a mental challenge to maintain deep, full breaths and push through the discomfort.

It may not be the most fun — or easy — experiment at first, but studies have shown that our bodies improve quickly in response to the cold, so your shivering should decrease and your breath settle down over time. Not to mention the mental resilience you’ll build!

Getting back to the basics

From one perspective, all of healthcare is about improving life expectancy.

Every patient who’s treated accurately, every new drug that works effectively, every vaccine, each new piece of technology that assists doctors, all these things help more people live longer. Every breakthrough might not be headline-worthy (though often they are), but the progress is an inspiring thing to witness when we can take a step back and acknowledge it.

And those pushing the envelope when it comes to aging may not create the breakthrough they anticipated, but at the very least, they inspire new ideas or could create something that’s later used in a new, unexpected way. Maybe cryonics won’t preserve bodies, but it could have implications in another area of health.

It’s also unclear whether we can extend our maximum lifespan, a metric distinct from longevity. Maximum lifespan refers to the oldest age a human being could hypothetically live to. In the past 50 to 60 years, the range hasn’t moved in one direction or another, with the oldest living person ranging between about 115 and 120 years old. Whether the human body can survive longer than that is a mystery.

But what we do know is that with good health practices, our society can move more people higher along the spectrum so that each new baby born has a better chance at a full and healthy life. “The cumulative effects of our lifestyle can alter our genetics,” says Yu. “It is the persistence of our daily habits that can prolong our lives.”

The future is bright when it comes to improving our global life expectancy. There are exciting, promising technologies that push the envelope of human aging and sound basics we can take advantage of today.

Award Winning Medical Spa Fort Lauderdale

Award Winning Medical Spa Fort Lauderdale | Forever Young MedSpa

Why Be Forced To Choose? Only Forever Young MedSpa Offers Patients Both EMSCULPT NEO & CoolSculpting Elite For Unmatched Results!


CoolSculpting Elite

Why Choose Forever Young Medspa

Message From the President:

Welcome to Forever Young MedSpa. Our goals are to provide the finest FDA approved Aesthetic Treatments available anywhere in the United States with a staff of professionals dedicated to outstanding results, patient safety and patient care. We specialize in “Natural Look” medical aesthetics to keep you looking your absolute best and have your friends saying WOW, you look incredible while guessing about what you’re having done…

About our Aesthetic Treatments

What’s New?

  2. PDO Thread Lifts
  3. Laser Hair Removal
  • Forever Young Medspa offers many services to trim the “edges” and contour the body.

    Forever Young Medspa is also one of the first centers in the nation to offer both EMSCULPT & CoolSculpting…


    EMSCULPT NEO Gallery

  • Looking younger through the use of Aesthetic Treatments such as PDO Thread Lifts is a great way to stay Forever Young!

    About PDO Thread Lifts

    PDO Thread Lift Gallery

  • We use the best laser hair removal machine on the market, The All New Motus AX Laser, to provide the absolute best services for our Greater Fort Lauderdale clients

    About Laser Hair Removal

    Laser Hair Removal Gallery


What Results Can I Expect?

While some degree of swelling and bruising is expected after surgery, women are able to fully enjoy fuller, more shapely, proportionate breasts after the tissues have healed. Dr. Wigoda and our medical team will let you know what you can expect after surgery, when you can return to normal activities, and how to care for your incision sites.

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Real Patient Testimonials & Reviews

Alyssa P.

I love forever young med spa. I drive from Brickell to go here. I’ve done restylane silk, juvaderm, raidesse and VI peels. VI peels are so helpful with my problematic skin & my dermatologist does not offer them at their office, so I come here. The staff is very professional, polite & soft spoken. The peels & fillers are painful, at least for me, and the staff is very comforting & understanding which I really appreciate. Also they are overall affordable & offer discount packages on skin treatments. I’m very pleased I found this med spa ! I can’t thank them enough for their professionalism.

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Now offering Pellecome Natural Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

About Pellecome


How Does it Work?

EMSCULPT NEO is a completely new device that is in a body-contouring class of its own. It’s the first FDA-cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass… EMSCULPT NEO contracts muscles beyond what is possible through physical training, yielding better muscle tone and enhanced fat metabolism.


BOTOX® Cosmetic has been used in the USA therapeutically for more than 17 years to treat a variety of medical conditions. It is approved in more than 75 countries and remains the most-studied botulinum toxin and one of the most widely researched medicines in the world.

About BOTOX® Cosmetic

Face: Laser hair removal for unwanted facial hair is common and you shouldn’t live another day with unwanted facial hair. It can be a detriment to your self-confidence and overall self-image if you have unwanted facial hair.

About Laser Hair Removal

RejuveLux IPL Photofacials system: After months of extensive testing of all the newest FDA-approved technology from Palomar, Cynosure, Syneron, Lumenis, Sciton, Alma, Lutronic & Quanta, we decided on the new Cynosure Icon Laser System. We are excited to bring this new world-class technology to our patients. It’s amazing to have been witness to the dramatic improvements aesthetic lasers have made over the past nearly 10 years

About RejuveLux IPL

About BOTOX® Cosmetic

About Laser Hair Removal

About RejuveLux IPL

Did you know that Forever Young MedSpa has earned the distinction of being a Magistris MD Center?

Why Choose a Magistris MD location?

The term “Magistris Aesthetica” means “Masters of Aesthetics” in Latin and that’s what you should demand when choosing a Medical Aesthetics Practice.

Magistris MD-affiliated Medical Aesthetics Practices use the most advanced and safest non-invasive minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure techniques, equipment, and products in order to ensure that patients achieve the most optimal outcomes while minimizing risk factors for complications.

Our commitment to excellence focuses on a “patient-centric” approach, combined with continuous medical education & expertise. A Magistris MD-affiliated Medical Aesthetics Center ensures the highest standards of excellence and above all, safety.

Practices under the Magistis MD banner are exclusively dedicated to providing Medical Aesthetics treatments however we recognize that besides the medical science aspect there is also art involved and therefore continuous education and training on the art and science of Medical Aesthetics is a hallmark of Magistris MD centers.

The anatomy of the face, the aging process, natural asymmetry, and each individual patient’s aesthetic goals all play a role in injection placement, technique, which lasers or energy system to use, best product usage, etc.

Our providers not only possess the medical aesthetics training and skills to provide excellent treatments we additionally provide our patients education in plain English terms. Then, together we will craft a realistic treatment plan based on the services best tailored to achieve your desired outcome within your budget and time frame requirements.

Schedule a Consultation

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IPL & Forever Young BBL in NYC & New York, NY | Marmur Medical

IPL, Forever Young BBL, & BBL Hero in New York City

At Marmur Medical, we know that attaining beautiful skin starts with providing our patients with the right treatment methods and skincare routine. Three state-of-the-art light-based treatments, IPL (intense-pulsed light),  Forever Young™ BBL (BroadBand Light), and BBL HERO® can alleviate skin conditions like age spots, sunspots, acne scars, rosacea, and more.

Founded and led by celebrity dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Ellen Marmur, Marmur Medical is home to the industry’s best IPL and BBL machines. Our highly-trained specialists will help you decide which option is best for your needs. Ready to see if IPL or BBL are your best route to clear, gorgeous skin?

Learn more about IPL and BBL treatments in New York City, NY, with Marmur Medical by reading on or scheduling your consultation. Call 212-996- 6900 or contact us online to get started today!

What is Forever Young BBL?

Forever Young BBL™ has been heralded worldwide for its ability to provide outstanding and consistent results. It’s clinically proven to turn back the clock by addressing the visible aging signs that appear on the skin. Forever Young + BBL is faster than standard BBL treatments and can help your skin look clearer, smoother, and overall revitalized! BBL addresses the underlying layers of your skin where much of the aging process occurs. Also, unlike many laser treatments, BBL is safe for almost all skin types (except Skin Type 6) and has virtually no downtime. To determine what skin type you are and if the procedure is right for you, we will assess your skin using the Fitzpatrick scale, a scientific skin type classification. More information on skin types can be found below.

Forever Young BBL effectively treats:

  • Pigmented lesions such as ephelides and dyschromia
  • Vascular lesions such as telangiectasia, cherry angiomas, and rosacea
  • Deeper lesions on darker skin types
  • Acne
  • Skin Firmness
  • Uneven Skin Tone
  • Unwanted Hair

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How do I know what skin type I am?

The experts at Marmur Medical will assess your skin using the Fitzpatrick scale. Your skin type will primarily depend on the amount of melanin pigment in your skin. This can be determined by examining color (white, brown, or black skin) and the effect of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (tanning):

Type 1

  • Features: Pale skin, blue/green eyes, blonde/red hair
  • Tanning ability: Always burns, does not tan

Type 2

  • Features: Fair skin, blue eyes 
  • Tanning ability: Burns easily, tans poorly

Type 3

  • Features: Darker white skin    
  • Tanning ability: Tans after initial burn

Type 4

  • Features: Light brown skin     
  • Tanning ability: Burns minimally, tans easily

Type 5

  • Features: Brown skin
  • Tanning ability: Rarely burns, tans darkly

Type 6

  • Features: Dark brown or black skin    
  • Tanning ability: Never burns, tans darkly

If you don’t know what skin type you are, don’t worry! We are happy to figure this out for you.

How Does Forever Young BBL Work?

Forever Young + BBL is a proprietary multi-pass approach to treating aging skin. The 3-4 pass procedure addresses the signs of aging on all levels of the skin. From visible pigment using the 515 nm filter to the deeper 800 st filter, Forever Young BBL has an integrated step process that makes it the best in the game.

The four-step process involves:

Step 1: Base Pass

Step 2: Corrective Vascular Pass

Step 3: Corrective Pigment Pass

Step 4: Optional SkinTyte Pass

Step 1: Base Pass

Step 2: Corrective Vascular Pass

Step 3: Corrective Pigment Pass

Step 4: Optional SkinTyte Pass

What Can I Expect During my NYC Forever Young BBL Treatment?

BBL utilizes pulsed light energy, so we will first ensure your eyes are protected with comfortable safety shields. The technician will then pass the BBL device over the targeted areas, and during this time, you may feel a brief warm sensation as the areas absorb the light. Depending on the scope of your treatment, the process will take anywhere from half an hour to just a few minutes. Just sit back, relax, and let the machine do what it’s designed to do.

Forever Young BBL Aftercare

Forever Young BBL is non-invasive and requires virtually zero downtime. The majority of our patients are able to return to work and their other activities on the same day as their treatment. You will likely experience some redness after your treatment, but this can be easily covered with makeup. After your treatment, you will be sensitive to UV light, which means you need to protect yourself from the sun. Our experts can give you a full list of aftercare instructions to ensure you get the most out of your Forever Young BBL treatment.

How Many Forever Young BBL Treatments are Required?

In general, most people will need an initial series of four to six Forever Young BBL treatments and then 1-2 additional sessions each year for the next several years. However, the number of treatments will vary from patient to patient. Our team will personalize your treatment plan to reach your desired level of improvement.

Forever Young BBL Results

Our patients love Forever Young BBL because it works wonderfully and requires little to no downtime. Patients often see their initial results within the first week. The skin will continue to improve over the next several months. According to long-term clinical studies, patients who underwent regular BBL treatments looked eleven years younger than their actual age!

Learn more about NYC Forever Young BBL by calling 212-996-6900 or contacting Marmur Medical online today!

What is BBL HERO®?

In the past, IPL or BBL treatments on the face, and especially on the chest, arms, or legs, were tedious and could lead to patches of uneven skin. This is largely due to handpieces that had limited ability to deliver consistent amounts of light energy quickly—even when utilizing flawless technique. Additionally, treatments had to be done with multiple platforms (i.e., combine the IPL or BBL with Clear + Brilliant® or Fraxel®) to achieve optimal results. Now, BBL HERO has changed the game with its speed, convenience, and effectiveness!

High Energy Rapid Output (HERO) broadband light (BBL), (BBL HERO) lasers combine the power of our traditional BBL lasers with 4x the speed (faster than IPL), 3x the Peak Power (more effective), and 2x the Cooling Effect (more comfortable than IPL). The specially designed BBL HERO attachment enables our team to treat almost all areas of the body (face, hands, neck, chest, arms, legs, etc.) far more efficiently, even working on tanned skin. After BBL treatments, your skin will look smoother, clearer, and younger. Imagine having ten years of sun damage and brown spots vanish after a few laser treatments!

BBL HERO effectively treats many conditions, including but not limited to: 

  • Small facial veins
  • Freckles and age spots
  • Small blood vessels and rosacea
  • Age and sunspots 
  • Aging Skin
  • Redness
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation
  • Loss of firmness

How Does BBL Hero Work & What Can I Expect During Treatment ?

BBL HERO delivers precisely targeted light energy to gently heat the skin’s upper layers. A BBL HERO pulse can take as little as three milliseconds, which means you can get 1,200 to 1,500 pulses in a single face session versus 250 to 350 pulses with the original BBL. In practicality, this means that we can administer treatments much more swiftly with BBL Hero than with older platforms. 

BBL HERO treatments are administered much like other IPL treatments. During a BBL HERO treatment session, patients typically feel a flash of warmth that accompanies each pulse. Many patients tolerate BBL HERO without a topical anesthetic, but we do have them available for those with sensitive skin.

BBL HERO Aftercare

Despite the procedure requiring no downtime, treated skin will most likely appear and feel lightly sunburned for several hours afterward. If you had blood vessels treated, you might have some post-procedure bruising. Over-the-counter pain medications (such as Ibuprofen) and cold compresses may allow most patients to resume their regular routine quickly, but normally you only will need topical skincare that we will recommend based on your skin. It is essential to be extra diligent with your sunscreen application, as the skin will be sensitive to the sun for two weeks after each appointment. To ensure your recovery is as smooth as possible, you will be given a comprehensive list of aftercare instructions following your treatment.

BBL HERO Results

Our patients have been highly satisfied with the results they see from HERO BBL. Although patients do experience results after a single BBL HERO treatment, they often require two to five treatment sessions, depending on the conditions being treated. Our average is three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. One session is unlikely to fix sun damage entirely — it’s a journey!

What is IPL?

  • Nicknamed the “lunchtime laser,” intense pulsed light treatment is virtually painless, with little or no downtime — you can go right back to the office after your treatment! IPL improves the overall appearance of sun-damaged skin and removes age spots and freckles, most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries.

    IPL treats:

    • Acne
    • Birthmarks
    • Stretch marks
    • Liver or age spots
    • Broken blood vessels
    • Brown spots, also called liver or age spots
    • Dark spots from hormonal changes
    • Discolored skin
    • Fine wrinkles
    • Freckles
    • Redness from rosacea
    • Scars
    • Spider veins
    • Unwanted hair

How Does IPL Work?

During treatment, IPL fragments unwanted pigment cells without damaging surrounding tissue. The body absorbs these shattered melanin particles over the following few weeks so that little or no trace of them remains visible.

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What Can I Expect During my NYC IPL Photofacial Treatment?

Upon arrival, a technician or dermatologist will clean your skin and apply a gel. You’ll also be provided with dark glasses to shield your eyes. A technician will then use the handheld applicator, gently guiding it along the treatment area. The session will probably last 20 or 30 minutes, but larger areas may take an hour or more.

Most patients have no problem with the light pulses, but the treatment may sting a little for some. The sensation is most often compared to the snap of a rubber band on the skin. Fortunately, we can administer a numbing cream prior to treatment to ensure your comfort. You can resume your regular activities after your treatment with minimal restrictions.

IPL Aftercare

As with Forever Young BBL, protect your skin when going outside into direct sunlight. Use sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, hats, etc., as needed. We will give you a list of aftercare instructions to ensure you are prepared for the best recovery possible.

Number of Treatments

Typically, the improvement is subtle and accomplished over a series of treatments so that the patient’s skin does not appear obviously treated. We often recommend approximately 5 treatments to achieve the best results. Those treatments should be spaced about one month apart to let the skin heal in between.

NYC IPL Results

It only takes a week to see the initial results of an IPL treatment, and it usually only takes 4-6 weeks to see the final results of a given session. In all, your IPL results should continue to improve for 3-6 months.

Schedule Your Appointment at Marmur Medical Today!

Marmur Medical is home to a variety of state-of-the-art dermatology treatments and technologies administered by some of the most highly trained professionals in New York City. Our world-renowned dermatology and aesthetics practice invites you to come in for a consultation with one of our friendly professionals. To get started, please contact us by calling 212-996-6900 or scheduling a consultation online today. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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  • Wifi

Gas Fireplace Details:

Available: 1/1-3/27;10/9-12/31

Private Pool Details:

Open Dates: 4/24-10/8
Pool Size: 10×20

Beach Chairs Details:

Chairs Provided: 5

Bed & Bath

  • Pool Table

  • Wifi

  • TV & DVD Player


  • Blender

  • Dishes, Utensils, & Cookware

  • Dishwasher

  • Drip Coffee Maker

  • Microwave

  • Pod Coffee Maker

  • Toaster


  • Gas Grill

  • Hot Tub

  • Screened Porch


Show all amenities

Home details


5 bedrooms

2 K, 1 Q, 2 T, 1 BS

6 bathrooms

5 Full 1 Half


Saturday, 4:00pm



Saturday, 10:00am


Parking for 5

New pool table for the 2022 season!

New to Twiddy for 2022!

Relax and enjoy a “Forever Young” feeling as you vacation at this lovely Corolla beach house! Situated high on a hill, this home is surrounded by vegetation and offers a private setting. Located five houses back from the oceanfront, the beach is a short walk away via the community beach access. This pet friendly home has a lot to offer, during the day and at night.

The main living space can be found on the top floor. In the morning when the sun rises, the intense morning light permeates through the great room, making the entire room glow with yellow light. Spend time catching up with loved ones or watching TV in the living area, which features a gas fireplace for use during the chilly months of the year. There is a lofted crow’s nest area, which can serve as the perfect reading nook. Hear the ocean waves from the expansive third level deck that faces the ocean and overlooks the pool area. After dark, head outside to the deck and gaze up at the stars in the dark night sky, while listening to the nearby ocean waves for a truly exceptional Outer Banks vacation experience. The home’s kitchen is appointed with all equipment needed to prepare meals during your stay. Enjoy meals together in the dining area nearby. A half bathroom is also included on the top floor. There is one master bedroom on the upper level, which includes a private bathroom.

An additional master bedroom can be found on the second floor and also features a private bathroom. There are two additional bedrooms and one full bathroom on the middle level of the home. There is an office on the second level, perfect for those who need to focus on work or school during vacation. There is a screened porch adjacent to the office on the second floor.

One additional bedroom is located on the ground floor of the home, as well as two full bathrooms. Many hours of fun are to be had in the rec room, which includes a pool table. Cold drinks and snacks can always be handy as the rec room features a second kitchen (minus a dishwasher). The laundry room, with two washers and two dryers, is also included on the lowest level.

Outside, soak up the sunshine as you play in the private pool. The large fenced yard nearby is perfect for pets. Located in the Whalehead community, this home is centrally situated close to the best restaurants, shopping, and entertainment options in Corolla. Historic Whalehead is approximately a 10-minute walk from the home. Vacation memories are waiting to be made during your stay at “Forever Young!”

Dogs welcome (2 max under 40 lbs each, no cats). No additional fee or deposit required.


Map images may be relied upon for directions and locations of homes only. These images may not contain accurate details of homes and beach accesses.

1055 Corolla Drive, Corolla, NC 27927

Guest recommendations

5 guests recommended this home

Carol   ·  Stayed June 2022

Hot tub
Puzzle room
Layout of house”

Lisa   ·  Stayed May 2022

“Clean, spacious, private, every amenity imaginable. Loved the fenced yard for the dog. Close to the beach. Beds were super comfortable. Bottom level perfect for the teens. Had its own kitchen, living room, bedroom and two baths. Second level had second master and an office. Master on top floor was gorgeous. We’ll be back next year!”

Sally   ·  Stayed April 2022

“The pool and the flower garden sitting area were lovely and relaxing places to spend time. We enjoyed the deck area off of the living area too.”

Allen   ·  Stayed April 2022

Corrie   ·  Stayed April 2022

“Beautiful, clean, lots of space, wonderful amenities”

Frequently asked questions

Other homes you may like


Placitas, NM

_Forever Young Race

(Charlie Young Memorial Run)

_This race
is a
celebration in memory of our member Charlie Young, an avid runner, cyclist and outdoorsman, who was killed in a bike accident in Colorado in August 2004. Since Charlie always ran without a shirt even in the dead of winter, shirtless (not topless) participants are given a two dollar refund at the finish line. 

Charlie lived in Placitas, so the race is held on a dirt loop course in Placitas with rolling hills in a beautiful pinon/juniper area. Choose from a 6 mile run and a 3 mile run/walk. 

A portion of proceeds benefits the Placitas Community Library.

From Albuquerque, take I-25
north to Exit 242. Go east on Hwy 165  toward the village of Placitas.
About 2.6 miles east of I-25 on the south side of the highway will be
located a small trailhead/parking area (approximately 1/2 mile east of
Homestead Village shopping mall). This will be the location of the race
start, packet pickup, and race day registration. Parking is along the
shoulders of the highway.

Race Director
Alan Overmier  |  505 254 2218  |  runoverraces@gmail. com

Sunday, April 12, 2015

6 MILE RACE – Award Winners

Todd Nickerson    26   38:00

YOUTH   0-29 
Byron Yepa      23    54:20
Keith Toshewana    27    58:08
Byron Tafoya    25     1:08:55

MASTERS   30-39 
Mark Ruggiero     38     43:37
Dave Doyle    39    48:02

Ruben Martinez    43    46:31

SENIORS  50-59 
Bill West     59    41:57
Steven Nickerson    56     47:09
Larry Barela    57    51:06

Jeff Rienstra     60    45:25
Richard Knapp     62    47:45
Dan Tallon     60     49:35

Shawna Winnegar    24   40:11

YOUTH   0-29 
Kellie Nickerson   29   43:35 
Paige Kinucan   29   50:06 
Melissa Watson   25   50:47

MASTERS   30-39 
Anna Hoard      35   52:28 
Rachel Kinney   30   52:47 
Amy McQuitty   34   52:49

Kerri Dankocsik   42   47:02 
Shannon Zanelli     43     51:14 
Christy Dafter     44     52:46

SENIORS  50-59 
Kristy Ott-Meyer     57     55:50 
Carol Rogers    51     1:00:59 
Linda Cage    55    1:03:38

Linda Stiles   64    1:00:07 
Catherine Kirkwood     65   1:06:57 
Irene Terronez   71    1:09:07

3 MILE RACE – Award Winners

Noda Kazuki    24    15:34

YOUTH   0-29
Rafael Colon   17   42:54
Juan Beltram   17   42:54

MASTERS  30-39
Evan Blackstone   39   30:56
Michael Smith   34   56:34
Jason Weaks   35   57:07

Cornelius Puiulet   42   17:29
Michael Haranzo   46   20:02
Gary Jaramillo   43   22:16

SENIORS  50-59
David Dunlap   58   35:45
Marty Deford   57   50:21
Martin Haagmans   57   56:31

Chuck Fuller   68   24:32
Arthur Glassman   73   26:17
Steve Rospopo   63   42:33

Caroline King    24   21:46

YOUTH   0-29
Rachel Grueber   22   23:07 
Mayumi Kanai   26   24:22
Isabella Rudolfo   12   45:24 

MASTERS  30-39
Johnette Sanchez   30      26:40 
Melissa Sousa      32   26:45 
Justine Fox-Young    36   30:55

Jennifer Pontzer   45   22:13 
Wendy Wiggins    45   26:24 
Paula Baca   40     33:09

SENIORS  50-59
Carole Roybal    50   29:22 
Kathy Daly   57   32:49 
Marsha Dunlap   59   35:45

Nadine Mahres   65   40:30 
Lucy Fox   62   45:43 
Leonora Forslund   64   47:37

ARR Donates Forever Young Race Funds 

ARR was pleased to present a big check for $1000 to the Placitas Community Library, recipient of a portion of our Forever Young Race proceeds. Marian Frear accepted the award from Gwen Walker (ARR president) and Alan Overmier (Race Director) at our June 2014 Club Meeting.

April 6, 2014


Photo slideshow below results!

COMPLETE RESULTS:      3 Mile      6 Mile


3 Mile Run/Walk

Winner:  Darryl Armstrong – 21:27
Youth   1-39
       Jason Weaks – 27:50
       Feather Valencia – 27:57
       Nate Franks – 29:30
Masters    40-49
       Conrad Valencia – 26:25
       Jesus Macias – 31:32
       Drew Setter – 46:58
Grand Masters    50-59
       Steven High – 26:57
       Rod Rinehart – 28:07
       Herman Begay – 43:23
Seniors    60-69
       Charles Fuller – 27:00
       Rod Adair – 28:47
       Alan Overmier – 30:22
Geezers    70+
       Earl Roenfranz – 56:49

Winner:  Lisa Palmeri – 24:39
Youth   1-39
       Julia Downs – 28:58
       Katherine Boyle – 29:24
       Justine Fox Young – 29:54
Masters   40-49
       Carole Roybal – 27:41
       Alberta Manhamer – 34:03
       Laberta Dempsey – 36:48
Grand Masters   50-59
       Christine Ford – 29:37
       Beth Davenport – 33:37
       Kathy Daley – 33:42
Seniors   60-69
       Amy Marash – 38:40
       Pam Kennedy – 55:59

6 Mile Run

Winner:  Steven Rodgers – 38:58
Youth   1-39
Paul Parazzoli – 44:19
       Likhaya Dayile – 44:29
       David Doyle – 44:44
Masters   40-49
       Peter Falk  – 43:43
       Derek Surka – 46:15
Grand Masters   50-59
       Arne Leonard – 47:17
       Chris Schultz – 49:53
       Dan Tallon – 51:08
Seniors   60-69
       Richard Knapp – 44:29
       Jimmy Cheykaychi – 45:58
       Steve Mahieu – 48:15
Geezers   70+
       Dennis Muirhead – 51:01
       Norm Gagne – 1:10:32

Winner:  Shawna Winnegar – 40:14
Youth   1-39
       Kellie Nickerson – 43:25
       Sarah Askey – 45:01
       Gwen Walker – 46:26
Masters   40-49
       Susie Rand – 51:17
       Charrissa Lin – 52:31
       Wendy Wiggins – 54:41
Grand Masters   50-59
       Joyce Fafard – 51:18
       Lauri Dodge – 1:00:04
       Robyn Greenley – 1:00:34
Seniors   60-69
       Kathy Kirsling – 51:18
       Glenda Muirhead – 53:30
       Cece Niemczyk – 56:00

Photos by Glenda Muirhead



April 7, 2013

Photo slideshow below results!

3 Mile Run/Walk

Winner:  Mark Magdalena – 20:08
Youth   1-39
       Patrick Hudson – 22:43
       Nathan Marquez – 27:27
       Noah Darling – 31:54
Masters    40-49
       Sean Trujillo – 24:35
Grand Masters    50-59
       Steven High – 27:04
       Rod Adair – 28:23
       Richard Overmier – 28:45
Seniors    60-69
       William Wiley – 26:27
       Rodger Sack – 34:47
       Dan Weaks – 38:45
Geezers    70+
       Tony Garcia – 41:02
       Dale Goering – 41:46
       Jack Lynch – 42:58

Winner:  Carol Roybal – 27:43
Youth   1-39
       Justine Fox Young – 28:51
       Janel Anderson – 35:50
       Olivia Carpenter – 36:29
Masters   40-49
       Wendy Wiggins – 30:44
       Carolyn Petersen – 34:29
       Rebecca Lahti – 39:02
Grand Masters   50-59
       Karen Rogers – 38:00
       Pat Rogers – 39:15
       Donna Rospopo – 39:19
Seniors   60-69
       Debbie Yamato – 41:51
       Lucy Fox – 45:33
Geezers   70+
       Linda Patterson – 56:18
       Mary Kirsling – 1:28:29

6 Mile Run

Winner:  Steve Roger – 39:51
Youth   1-39
       Dan Vortolomei III – 44:45
       Josh Gordon – 46:47
       Arne Tafoya – 48:35
Masters   40-49
       Arne Leonard – 48:17
       Joe Howard – 48:39
       Chris Howe – 50:00
Grand Masters   50-59
       David Garrett – 45:32
       Randy Miller – 49:02
       Gerald Quintana – 51:47
Seniors   60-69
       Richard Knapp – 45:13
       Larry Ruggles – 49:18
       Chuck Fuller – 52:29
Geezers   70+
       Dennis Muirhead – 49:20
       Richard Harris – 1:16:15

Winner:  Jean Herbert – 45:40
Youth   1-39
       Nicole Rushton – 53:19
       Jenny Wernersbach – 1:12:27
       Erika Roesler – 1:33:02
Masters   40-49
       Julie Donovan – 51:11
       Robyn Greenley – 1:00:14
       Kim Bamburg – 1:04:30
Grand Masters   50-59
       Michelle Holland – 49:56
       Cindy Clark – 1:02:15
       Maripat Glover – 1:04:09
Seniors   60-69
       Kathy Kirsling – 54:12
       Glenda Muirhead – 54:56
       Cece Niemczyk – 55:51


Photos by Dennis Muirhead

song history, interesting facts, text, content

Semantic hallucinations “Forever young”

“Semantic hallucinations” are known to virtually every fan of Russian rock music. Their sound, ideally balancing between electronic and guitar, is the hallmark of the band, but not many people know that at the beginning of their career, SG were not at all the group that they became famous for, and their most famous songs partly belong not only to the pen of the soloist. The latter also applies to the famous composition “Forever Young”, released at the dawn of the new millennium.

Read the history of the creation of the song “ Forever Young “, as well as interesting facts, text and content of the composition on our page.

A Brief History

The song first appeared as a single in 2000, when the band already had an impressive listening audience, but was not yet truly famous. According to some sources, the composition was announced as a single, later appearing in the fourth studio album of SG called 3000. It is believed that the text and arrangement for the single were written by Sergey Bobunets (soloist) and Oleg Genenfeld (the group’s director, who often helped her with lyrics and music), but in order to get to know the real author of the song’s semantic line, we should go deeper into the “punk » the past of the group, into the seething Sverdlovsk underground of the late 80s.

The group’s birthday is August 21, 1989, when the future members of the new punk-rock formation in a noisy discussion about the naming of their “gang” came to the conclusion that it would be called “Semantic Hallucinations”. The first line-up of the group included a certain Vladimir Burdin, whose name is now mentioned only by a modest line in the list of former members of the Wikipedia biography of the group. Burdin wrote the lyrics and music for the first songs for SG, played the guitar, sometimes sang as part of a group and on his own. His solo hit “Youth is alive” can now be found on the Internet.

The early work of the Smyslovs could hardly be compared with the songs that the group is famous for now, and as a result, only the permanent Buba (Sergei Bobunets) “survived” from the composition of the old group. And yet, it was to this period that the group partly owes its main hit. In 1991, two members of the group, among whom was Burdin, decide on a desperate step: steal sound equipment from a local music school in order to use it in performances. Bobunets then flatly refused to participate in this more than dubious undertaking, but the 17-year-old Burdin and his partner Dmitry Shiltin were quickly caught and sent “where necessary”: one – to jail for two years, and the second – to a mental hospital.

It’s hard to believe, but the line “Forever young, forever drunk” originated in Burdin’s mind during his stay in places not so remote. It was in 1994, when the former musician and member of the first SG was serving another term in the southern colonies for theft. A long poem with the main refrain, coinciding with the name of the future hit, was sent by a letter to a mutual friend of Buba and Burdin, who introduced the frontman of the already greatly changed Smyslovs to the next work of their former participant. However, Burdin himself confirms that he has nothing to do with music or the rest of the text of the composition, and in no way claims authorship, noting that he has a “full suitcase” of such texts.

The rest of the song’s history sounds almost classical: after the release, the composition somehow falls into the hands of Mikhail Kozyrev, the general producer of Nashe Radio, who at one time was engaged in the selection of soundtracks for the famous crime film directed by Alexei Balabanov “Brother-2”. It was Kozyrev who influenced the fact that the track got into the final version of the film. In one of the interviews, the director of Semantic Hallucinations, Oleg Geninfeld, was even asked if Forever Young would really be included in the tracklist of the Brother sequel, to which he replied something like “Yes, you guys, we are with Bi-2 confused!”

A little later, the band members found out that their director had made a mistake, and the song that fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the tape made the band wake up all-Russian-famous the very next morning after the premiere. A few months later, “Forever Young” got its own video, the main role in which was played by Viktor Sukhorukov, who played a killer nicknamed “Tatarin” in the second “Brother”.

Interesting facts Official copies of this album are now considered rare.

  • Sergey Bobunets mentioned in his interviews that when he and other members of the group first watched “Brother-2” in “Pushkinsky”, he could not take his hands off the chair because of excitement. However, by the time the final credits appeared on the screen, the vocalist of SG had already realized that the film was destined to go down in history.
  • In addition to “Forever Young”, the song “Pink Glasses” also got into Balabanov’s film from the work of “Smyslovy”.
  • Vladimir Burdin currently lives with his mother and wife in Yekaterinburg. Still far away 19On the 96th, he made an attempt to return to the group, but disagreements with Sergei Bobunts did not allow him to play again in the famous Russian team.
  • At their first punk-rock festival in Tyumen, the newly minted band met the leader of the “Civil Defense” Yegor Letov and his companion Yanka Dyagileva.
  • The video for the song “Forever Young” was filmed in autumn Yekaterinburg.
  • Content and lyrics of the song “Forever Young”

    For some fans, the main line of the song may be associated with a wild lifestyle, but it is unlikely that the authors of the composition set themselves the goal of promoting alcoholism and presenting it as a panacea for aging. “Forever young” tells, rather, about the growing up of a person, his passage of the inevitable path of gaining a bitter and bright life experience. The first verse identifies a young person with the element of water: a hero who is able to drink the sea and become a river with dark (and therefore deep) water, which holds many secrets, appears ambitious and powerful to the listener.

    A short verse about youth is quickly replaced by a melancholy and in its own way “painful” refrain, as if regretting the wasted time. The next couplet puts everything in its place: the person in it is already identified with a stone or earth (“I could become a rock”). Someone may understand this as hardening from life’s losses, while for someone such a metaphor conveys the “ossification” of a person in his own principles or everyday routine. The line about “already different” reminds the listener of the continuity of generations, that it is necessary to realize one’s dreams and hopes before a person becomes a “rock”.

    All this is just one of the possible interpretations that does not claim to be the ultimate truth, because such music can be compared with expressionist paintings, which can be interpreted in virtually any way. In addition, such compositions as “ Forever Young “, according to many music critics, do not need interpretation at all, and it is enough just to listen to them.

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    Semantic hallucinations “Forever young”

    Forever young, forever Pyongyang – Mir – Kommersant

    At the initiative of the United States, the UN Security Council will hold a meeting on the situation with North Korean missile tests on Wednesday. Against the background of the accelerated development of North Korea’s missile programs and a nuclear test expected in May, Washington is seeking tougher sanctions against Pyongyang. On the eve of the meeting of the Security Council, the new President of South Korea, Yoon Sok-yeol, at his inauguration ranked the DPRK among the global threats, urging her to take the path of denuclearization and “solve the problem peacefully.” The United States and South Korea are developing a new strategy to contain the DPRK, which will be the main topic of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Seoul scheduled for May 20-22.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

    Photo: Reuters

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

    Photo: Reuters

    to diplomatic sources at the headquarters of the world organization. The request of the American side was preceded by the DPRK on May 7, the 15th test of this year, a ballistic missile that was launched from the North Korean port of Sinpo in the province of Hamgyongnam-do towards the Sea of ​​Japan. According to South Korean and Japanese military experts, a short-range ballistic missile (SLBM) flew about 600 km and fell off the east coast of the DPRK in the Sea of ​​Japan, outside the exclusive economic zone of Japan.

    “North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile violates UN Security Council resolutions and poses a serious threat to the Korean Peninsula, the entire region and the international community,” said the South Korean National Security Council, which met for an emergency meeting in connection with a new North Korean missile test.

    Photo: Lee Jin-man / AP

    Photo: Lee Jin-man / AP

    Just three days earlier, on May 4, North Korea conducted another test of a ballistic missile that flew 470 km. The test launch of the Hwaseong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile, which took place on March 24, became the most resonant this year. According to Seoul and Tokyo, the range of its flight can be 15,000 km, which allows it to cover the territory of the United States. The Hwaseong-17 missile was in the air for 71 minutes, covering a distance of 1,100 km and reaching a maximum flight altitude of more than 6,000 km – these figures set a record for North Korean missiles.

    Considering Pyongyang’s active military buildup, which last year abandoned a four-year moratorium on missile tests, the US is making it clear that it will seek tougher international sanctions against Pyongyang. “We have a resolution on the DPRK, which is being discussed in the Security Council. We plan to move forward with this resolution this month. We are very concerned about the numerous violations of UNSC resolutions by the DPRK,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on May 3.

    South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol

    Photo: Jeon Heon-kyun / Pool Photo / AP

    South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol

    Photo: Jeon Heon-kyun / Pool Photo / AP

    the vision of the problem of security on the Korean peninsula and relations with Pyongyang was outlined during the inauguration ceremony on May 10 in Seoul by the new President of South Korea Yun Sok-yol. “The development of North Korea’s nuclear program threatens not only the Korean Peninsula, but also peace in the Asian region and on the planet. However, the door for diplomacy will remain open so that we can resolve the issue peacefully,” the new South Korean leader said in his speech. “If North Korea stops the nuclear program, really starts denuclearization, we will cooperate with the international community and develop ambitious plans that can improve their economic situation and the quality of life of the population,” Yoon Suk-yeol added.

    With a new president coming to power in Seoul who comes from the power structures and takes a tough approach towards the DPRK, the main question is what changes his policy towards North Korea will undergo. “The new government will make a complete reassessment of the nuclear missile threat in the North. The government will quickly develop fundamental measures against North Korea’s provocations and create means of practical deterrence of the nuclear missile threat, ”promoted the candidate for the post of director of the national security department of the presidential administration, Kim Sung-han.

    However, betting on containment of Pyongyang, the new president of South Korea does not exclude his meeting with Kim Jong-un, recalling that, despite the hostile relations between the two states, the inhabitants of the DPRK and South Korea are one people. “There is no reason to avoid such a meeting. But if the summits are organized for show and do not bring results on denuclearization or on the issue of our economic assistance to the North, they will not be useful, ”Yun Seok Yeol said on the eve of his inauguration in an interview with the Voice of America radio station (recognized as a foreign media agent in the Russian Federation) .

    The country’s previous president, Moon Jae-in, who made a decisive bet on the normalization of inter-Korean relations, could not achieve his goal, since Pyongyang did not receive a denuclearization proposal acceptable to it, which would include security guarantees.

    The previous US President Donald Trump, who began rapprochement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, refused to provide such guarantees, after which Pyongyang headed for the accelerated development of nuclear missile programs.

    On the eve of Yun Seok-yeol’s inauguration, director of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea Park Chi-won made a loud statement about the future of Pyongyang’s nuclear missile programs in an interview with the South Korean newspaper Joseon Ilbo. In his opinion, the North Korean leader, even under growing pressure, will not give up nuclear weapons and will play for escalation. So, already this month, he can conduct a new nuclear test in the third tunnel of the Phungeri test site, which, presumably, can be timed to coincide with the visit to Seoul of US President Joe Biden, scheduled for May 20-22.

    Tokyo is also getting louder about the threat of a new North Korean nuclear test. “The Japanese Ministry of Defense believes that North Korea may be ready to conduct a nuclear test as early as this month. In the future, North Korea may go for new provocations, therefore, in close cooperation with the United States, we are collecting and analyzing information, ”Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said late last week in an interview with the Washington Post. According to him, Pyongyang’s latest missile tests served as an impetus for starting a discussion on the advisability of Japan developing a military capability that would allow it to strike at a potential enemy’s defense facilities using its own fighter-bombers.

    When asked if a North Korean nuclear test could disrupt or complicate President Biden’s visit to Seoul, which should be followed by his visit to Tokyo, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki limited herself to stating that “North Korea will be on the agenda and the US is unwaveringly committed to security Republic of Korea and Japan.

    Meanwhile, on the eve of the aggravation of the conflict with the West, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made a new gesture towards Moscow, congratulating Russian President Vladimir Putin on Victory Day. “I express firm solidarity with the cause of the people of Russia in order to radically eliminate political and military threats and blackmail from hostile forces and protect the peace and security of the country, continuing the tradition of immortal Victory,” the North Korean leader said in a message distributed by the KCNA news agency.

    Sergey Strokan

    Forever young, forever drunk? | Russian Orthodox Church, Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service

    Valery Doronkin’s article for the Day of Sobriety on the website “ Ekho Moskvy” – about the alcohol epidemic in Russia

    Remember how at the beginning of the epidemic there were rumors about the benefits of alcohol as a disinfectant before the coronavirus? Many picked up this news as a funny joke, while others took it seriously as a guide to action. However, epidemiologists, narcologists, pediatricians, therapists refute this myth with one voice. Alcohol does not alleviate, but exacerbates the consequences of the coronavirus, weakens the immune system.

    What am I all for? September 11 is Sobriety Day in Russia. And yes, in addition to virus threats, there are threats of a different nature. Alas, the alcohol epidemic in our country is also a reality. According to the official data of Rosstat alone, over 50,000 people died from alcohol in Russia in 2020 – this figure has grown compared to 2019. People infect each other with tolerance to alcohol addiction, spread rumors about the harmlessness of alcohol. In folklore, there are already quite a few jokes that mislead people with their seeming harmlessness, remove protective psychological barriers from them in the face of the danger of alcohol.

    Human health depends on many factors: food, daily stress, habits, ecology, love for sports, stress. The fact that smoking and drinking is harmful, we are told in childhood from the school bench. But often our brightest and most active period of life – the period of youth – is far from a healthy and sober lifestyle. Sobriety has not yet become a separate value, it has not yet become fashionable.

    The latest VTsIOM poll showed that 38% of the population in Russia do not drink alcohol, mostly the older generation, although 81% of respondents say that alcohol is harmful. Also, according to Forbes, strong alcohol sales in Russia in the first half of 2021 broke last year’s record. This hardly speaks in favor of raising awareness in our society.

    For several years now, there has been a discussion in Russia about the need to raise the age for selling alcohol. In August, the Ministry of Health introduced a new bill, according to which drinks with a strength of more than 16.5% can only be bought by those who are 21 years old. The idea of ​​raising the age for the sale of alcohol is supported by many public and religious organizations, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Specialists, sociologists, doctors understand that raising the age of selling alcohol will help reduce alcohol consumption in the country. Such initiatives were supported by Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko and other officials. They proceed from the fact that the reduction of alcoholism is necessary to preserve health and increase life expectancy of people.

    There are, of course, those who oppose it. But against the backdrop of what happened in the 80-90s, we would hardly like to see the old pictures of wholesale alcoholism again. Famous scientists, writers, actors drank themselves, alcohol became the norm for schoolchildren, intellectuals, politicians, many families and careers collapsed, alcohol led to frequent fights and stabbings. Not only drinkers suffer from alcoholism, but also relatives nearby. Alcoholism is a common cause of divorce around the world.

    In the 1990s it was cool to have a drink in a company, to get behind the wheel in a deranged state, and then on the way home to pay off the traffic police. It looked like heroism, like a feat. Today, fortunately, this is almost non-existent. However, it is difficult to say that society today has developed a strong rejection, intolerance towards drunkenness. In my opinion, such reckless, thoughtless behavior, when a person drunk drives, should be perceived as a very serious crime. It is necessary that such an attitude of rejection be formed in young people from childhood and school.

    The attitude towards alcohol in Russian society can be called infantile. There are misconceptions about the harmlessness, permissibility and safety of regular alcohol consumption. However, alcohol is fraught with many dangers to human health: disorders of the nervous system and brain, thrombosis, heart attacks and other bouquets of diseases.

    Knowing the pain of this problem – destroyed families, loss of life, long difficult rehabilitation – I advocate drastic measures. My family also suffered from alcohol – grandparents died due to the fault of a drunk driver, an uncle died from alcohol, many friends died … However, restrictive measures alone are not enough. We need to talk about this problem, encourage people to a healthy and sober lifestyle.

    The “sober curiosity” movement is gaining momentum in Western countries. A person accepts a challenge – how is it: to spend a weekend without alcohol? What happens if you don’t drink alcohol for a few weeks? A few months? Such curiosity does not interfere with each of us.

    It is important for a person to learn how to cope with depression and difficulties without alcohol. When problems with socialization begin, problems with alcohol often begin: this happens already in high school. Through alcohol, people try to join a new company, to become “their own”, interesting, funny.

    In connection with alcoholism, the problem of family dysfunction is also born – these are alcoholic families, where problems are not discussed, not solved, where family members and children live in tension, anxiety, and fear. Addiction problems affect the whole family and give rise to psychological problems.

    Children from such families have impaired healthy, adequate adaptability to life. When they enter adulthood, they are in more stress, tension, their communication skills are muffled. They are afraid to communicate and start strong relationships, they become closed, notorious, distrustful of other people. This develops into neurosis, panic attacks, increased anxiety and other psychological problems.

    Unfortunately, young people are not concerned about the dangers of alcohol on their health and their future. There is such a psychological effect: a teenager considers himself immortal, is not afraid of death, is not afraid of illness. Most of all, it can be influenced by inspiring environments and examples. And instead of promoting alcohol through films and modern music, it is important to have samples of sobriety, which gives an incentive to develop, happiness, solid ground under your feet.

    Sobriety is like a foundation in a house. If the foundation is weak, the house will crack. Similarly, a person immersed in alcohol problems, with the highest degree of probability, will not be able to get a good education, build a strong family, or a good career. On a strong foundation, the house will withstand the most severe storms and earthquakes. We all need such a strong foundation.

    Article on the Ekho Moskvy website.

    Forever young Strakhov, Samburskaya in leather and playful Sysoeva: New Season festival

    • News

    The first New Season festival continues at the Rosa Khutor resort. Despite the round-the-clock rains, artists, journalists and representatives of the film industry regularly attend the premieres of films and series.

    September 23 202223 365

    Daniil Strakhov

    Every day there is a replenishment in the star cast of the review. Even such a rare guest of social events as Daniil Strakhov flew to the show of the “God Complex” project. “Yes, indeed, I think that the conversation with the viewer in this picture is quite serious, despite the general wording. That’s why I’m here. There is employment, there are some performances, even though I quit the theater on Malaya Bronnaya a year ago, ”the actor explained his appearance in Sochi.

    A handsome man hardly changes over the years, except that now he has grown a thick beard. For the green carpet of the festival, he chose a laconic total black bow. And he admitted that, in principle, he never carries a large amount of clothes with him – he took only one small suitcase here.

    The actor was satisfied with his work in the film “The God Complex”

    In the serial film, which will appear on the KION platform, Strakhov played a “curious patient” who comes to see a psychiatrist (Kirill Kyaro) and asks to get rid of his obsession – desire hurt the child. Considering that in all the news they talk about the disappearance of the daughter of the famous pianist (Shamil Khamatov), ​​this makes the doctor suspicious.

    “I can’t say that my character is soft and fluffy. He is provocative, difficult, the more interesting it was to play him. This, indeed, is the kind of work when you understand that in your profession, perhaps, you exist for a reason. Especially when, in the course of studying and mastering the hero, there is a feeling that you have flown. This picture can put a mirror in front of the audience, in which they will not only watch the plot, but also see themselves. They will see how unfair they are to each other, cruel not only to those who are far away, but also to those close to them. And at some point in the work on the role, this mirror appeared in front of me, ”Daniil shared his impressions of the role.

    Sabina Akhmedova

    Nadezhda Sysoeva

    One of the interesting novelties is “Black Spring” from the OKKO online service with Gleb Kalyuzhny and Artem Koshman in the lead roles. The boring measured life of guys from a small seaside town changes dramatically when they get a pair of dueling pistols. First, 17-year-old Mel, with their help, defends the honor of his friend Angela, whom he has been in love with for a long time, and then the guys decide to use them to fight for justice – for this purpose, a closed club “Black Spring” is created.

    Kalyuzhny, a rising star of Russian cinema, despite his 24 years of age, still easily fits into the role of a “kid from the neighborhood”. The actor often embodies difficult teenagers on the screen and honestly admits that he has not yet thought about what will happen when he leaves this playing age. “I’m Peter Pan, I don’t want to grow up,” Gleb laughs. The artist also admitted that he himself had repeatedly held a weapon in his hands, and he had to fight for the girl (soon on StarHit, read a long interview with a young star).

    Gleb Kalyuzhny

    Olga Medynich with her husband Dzhemal Tetruashvili

    Yesterday the festival day began with watching the TV series “Clinical 13” with Danila Kozlovsky, Paulina Andreeva, Victoria Isakova and Vladimir Steklov. Only 74-year-old Vladimir Alexandrovich flew in to Sochi to take the rap for the cast. “Now we have finished filming this project, there are new proposals for filming, so everything is fine in the work, I’m not complaining. In October, however, there will be more free time, so I’ll rest, ”Steklov shared.

    In the film directed by Klim Kozinsky, he plays the head doctor of a mysterious clinic where people are treated for unexplained diseases. The protagonist, performed by Danila Kozlovsky, is a surgeon himself, but he catches a strange illness, ends up in a hospital bed and enters into a whirlpool of struggle with supernatural forces that threaten the lives of patients. If you love the naturalistic look of blood, spiders and get high from the image of the internal organs in the section, then this movie is definitely for you. By the way, it’s a funny coincidence that the name of Danila’s character in the series is Akinshin (at that moment there was laughter in the hall).

    Irina Gorbacheva

    Vladimir Steklov

    Among the new faces in Rosa Hall were also seen Aleksey Uchitel, Nastasya Samburskaya, Sabina Akhmedova, Artem Tkachenko, Anna Banshchikova, Arseniy Robak, who got married a month ago with his wife Evgenia, Renata Piotrovsky and, it seems even more emaciated Nadezhda Sysoeva. By the way, her former lover, Ilya Bachurin, who attends almost all premieres, is also at the festival now.

    Vladimir Khotinenko and his wife, Katerina Shpitsa, Liza Shakira, Anna Aleksandrova, Anna Slyu, Maryana Spivak, Irina Gorbacheva, Gavriil Gordeev, Olga Medynich and many others are already regular spectators.

    In the evening, almost all representatives of the film industry went to the mountains – a large-scale annual party of the KION online cinema “Shining Emptiness” was held in the panoramic restaurant KAURI in the Akhshtyr Gorge. Under the musical sets of Mishin, BATU OZER and Pushkin, even a serious man Alexander Tsypkin started dancing. And even the rain, which has been pouring non-stop on Rosa Khutor for the fifth day, did not prevent the stars from having fun until the morning.

    Nastasya Samburskaya

    Artem Tkachenko

    Sabina Akhmedova and Ekaterina Shpitsa

    Pavel Chinarev

    Alexander Tsypkin


    Vladimir Khotinenko with her wife Tatyana

    Lisa Shakira

    Renata Piotrovski

    Zhora of Kryzhovnikov

    Gavri Gavriel Gordeev

    representing the project “Kungur”

    Ilya Bachurin

    Nadezhda Sysoeva

    Vadim Galygin

    Team of the series “Liberia: Treasure Hunters”

    Photo: press service

    Text author: Olga Pleteneva

    Forever young, forever drunk? How not to sleep in anticipation of old age – Orthodox magazine “Foma”

    Approximate reading time: 10 min.



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    People are afraid of old age. To verify this, it is enough to conduct a small thought experiment. Imagine a child dreaming of becoming an adult. Quite a common picture, isn’t it? A young man who sees himself in the future as a mature and accomplished man will look just as natural. But the image of a mature person who dreams of becoming an old man is a complete absurdity that is impossible to believe.

    Gray in the beard

    People do not like to think about old age and try their best to push back its approach. Which, in general, is not surprising: after all, the fear of old age is actually nothing more than an indirect fear of death, approaching a person at a minimum distance. And no matter how much we internally resist such an explanation, no matter how many other reasons we come up with, the essence of the phenomenon will not change from this. We are afraid of it, because we know for certain one unpleasant truth: entering this time of life, we are entering the finish line, at the end of which we are not expected by thunder of applause, but by a mourning march.

    Old age is a harbinger of death. This is a very painful thought, and it is human nature to avoid pain. Therefore, a very curious substitution takes place in his inner world: he, as it were, “hides” from old age, continuing to realize himself young in his soul, even if gray hair has been silvering in his beard for a long time, and a bald spot shines on his head.

    Moreover, all this happens unconsciously, and the person himself may not even guess that this mechanism of protection from traumatic thoughts has worked in his psyche. He just lives, growing old, but not accepting his age. And neither the date in the passport, nor the ruthless mirror, nor the growing grandchildren can shake his inner conviction in his youth. The fact is that our psyche has an amazing ability to “reshape” reality. We perceive the world around us and ourselves in this world not directly. Our senses provide only some disparate primary information, on the basis of which our consciousness builds a complete picture of the world. But it will be determined not only by the information that our five senses provide us, but to a much greater extent by the experience of our entire previous life, already formed ideas about things, phenomena, processes. And everyone has their own experience and ideas. Therefore, the images of the world and oneself in this world are also deeply individual. And the unconscious “escape from old age” that we are talking about is just one of the many options for a distorted perception of reality.

    In the Orthodox tradition, such a perception “reshaped” by our consciousness is called charm, but not in the lyrical and poetic meaning of this word, but in the sense that a person is seduced by false ideas about himself. Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) writes about it this way: “Charm is the assimilation of a lie by a person, accepted by him for the truth. Charm acts initially on the way of thinking; being accepted and perverting the way of thinking, it immediately communicates to the heart, perverts the sensations of the heart; having taken possession of the essence of a person, it spreads over all his activities, poisons the very body as inextricably linked by the Creator with the soul. The Church explains this substitution of truth with a lie in our minds by the damage to our nature that happened after people fell away from God, therefore not a single person is free from delusion in one form or another. And such facts as a person’s psychological rejection of his own old age are a convincing illustration of this.

    Change, we are waiting for change

    Photo by Gabriel Molina

    It is difficult to find a person who would adequately perceive his age, say, after forty years. Most people “get stuck” somewhere in the period of early adulthood and even in old age continue to perceive themselves as 20-25 years old. For some reason, such “eternal youth” is perceived by the public consciousness as something positive. Poems are dedicated to her, she is sung in songs, and a person “who does not grow old in soul” has long become a kind of standard for a healthy and correct entry into old age. Meanwhile, there are subtle but very significant differences in this definition.

    Old age is a period of cessation of active social and productive activity. A person can internally resist this, desiring to continue to be useful in the area where he has most realized himself.

    So, the famous cardiac surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov developed his own method of overcoming old age through extreme physical activity. And thanks to this, he was able to operate on patients already at the age of eighty, saving dozens, if not hundreds of lives. Such “agelessness in soul” evokes only the deepest respect and gratitude.

    But there are other options for dealing with old age, when a person at one time simply could not realize himself correctly at a certain age, “stuck” in it, and remained “young” forever in his soul, categorically not wanting to accept his real years. After all, each pore in a person’s life has its own tasks, only peculiar to it and relevant to it. For example, if he was not taught to walk and talk before the age of six, then he will never be able to learn it later, because the time for the formation of these skills is limited. By the way, that is why the heroic Mowgli was possible only in Kipling’s fairy tale. In fact, children who grew up in the jungle continued to run on all fours and could not master the language even after they were returned to human society.

    But other, less prominent qualities are formed in a person only at a certain age. For example, a teenager faces a difficult task – to correlate his views on the world with the real manifestations of this world. On the one hand, thanks to books and films, he has already formed quite clear ideas about “how everything should be.” On the other hand, he understands more and more that the life of adults does not correspond very much to their own ideals. Naturally, this causes protest, which is one of the most striking manifestations of the teenage crisis.

    And if this crisis is not overcome constructively, such a teenage protest reaction can become the main way for a person to relate to the world. It is precisely such, eternally protesting, urban “Mowglis”, who have not learned how to react to adults, turned out to be the main audience for Viktor Tsoi’s famous song “Changes”, where a completely adult lyrical hero in pathos declares that he is sitting in the kitchen, smoking, and waiting – when the big uncles will finally change the world for the better.

    This psychological flight from entering the next age found its maximum development in the well-known thesis of Jim Morrison “Live fast, die young”. True, the fear of aging and death was supposed to be suppressed by heroin and LSD, but the essence remained the same – to remain forever in youth, afraid of becoming not only old, but even just an adult.

    Kitty, don’t teach me how to live!

    “Stuck” at a different age stage – at 20-25 years old – turned out to be the victim of yet another crisis. Here, a young man faces several important tasks at once, one of which is to meet a loved one, create a family. And if this does not happen, then the person runs the risk of psychologically “hanging out” at this age for many years. In relations with the opposite sex, his behavior will look like two extremes. Either – a dizzying romance with an endless change of partners, or – isolation, shyness and fear, gradually turning into defiant rejection.

    Describing these behaviors is not very pleasant. Suffice it to recall the 52-year-old Kisa Vorobyaninov from “The Twelve Chairs” with his vulgar courtship of a young girl, ending with the sacred formula “Let’s go to the rooms!” and a drunken brawl in a restaurant. Poor Ippolit Matveyevich could not accept the idea that his train had already left. He still imagined himself a young socialite in the full flowering of his masculine charm. And although Kisa lied to the girl that he was 38, but in his soul he probably felt even younger, a maximum of 25 years old.

    We have all seen an example of another extreme in the behavior of a person who is “hanging” at this age in the film “Office Romance” by Eldar Ryazanov. Dry and callous Mymra, for whom nothing exists in life but statistical reports to the ministry, suddenly turned out to be just an unfortunate lonely woman, deeply suffering from her loneliness. And if it were not for the desperate male impudence of her negligent subordinate, she would have remained Mymra. Myagkov’s character managed to awaken the woman in her. But using the example of their office romance, it is easy to see that Mymra did not magically turn into a charming lady, but finally got the opportunity to successfully work out the scenario of behavior that she could not realize once, at the age of twenty.

    It is very difficult for such people to enter old age, because in addition to the fear of death common to all people, they will be repelled from it by tasks not yet realized at an earlier age.

    And immediately drank

    Another way that makes a person “forever young” is known to everyone by a line from a popular song. There is such a sad dependence: a person stops in his development at the age level at which he begins to regularly consume strong alcoholic beverages. It is important to emphasize here: regularly, and – strong.

    To put it simply, you started drinking vodka at 22 – you live your whole life as a “twenty-two-year-old”. I started at 30 – accordingly, I “stuck” at the level of development that I had reached by that moment. I started at 16 and have always remained a teenager, with childlike forms of response to any everyday difficulties.

    The explanation for this is quite simple: a person develops in the process of solving his problems. Life puts another obstacle in front of him, and in order to overcome it, you need to “grow up” at least a little over your former self. So, from problem to problem, the experience of a person expands, his personality is formed. And one of the “motors” of this movement is the feeling of inner discomfort that accompanies any life situation that needs to be addressed. The desire to get rid of it and restore peace of mind gives a person a powerful impetus to move forward, to personal growth. But what happens in this sense to a drinking person? And nothing happens to him. After all, he found a truly universal way to relieve discomfort for any problems. It’s just that the problems themselves don’t go away from this, but only accumulate with each year of such “alcotherapy”.

    And a person in his development, accordingly, remains in the same place where he met with alcohol. This may be quite high. But it was on him that the alcohol “cut-off” occurred and personal growth stopped. After all, now he has nowhere to grow and there is no need. This means that old age, as a natural stage of such growth, no longer threatens him. And the words of the song “… forever young, forever drunk” from a strange poetic allegory turn for him into a statement of a not very cheerful fact.

    The dead man on vacation

    Photo Fabian

    So what to do with all this ageless eternal youth that obscures all other periods of his life from a person, preventing him from fully surviving his mature years and calmly entering the sunset time of old age? The answer to this lies on the surface: if psychological problems are the cause of “stuck” in earlier periods, then they need to be solved with the help of psychologists, who, by the way, are quite successfully working in this direction. But accepting your age is not the most difficult task for an aging person.

    The fear of approaching death cannot be completely eliminated even by the most qualified psychologist. Because the main question that worries an aging person is “what will happen to me next after I die?” And psychology has no answer to it. Here the realm of scientific knowledge ends, and the territory of faith begins. Therefore, believing people and … convinced atheists most calmly accept their old age. After all, atheism is also a belief in the complete and final disintegration of a person’s personality after his physical death. But for most people, this is incredibly difficult to believe, because the mind refuses to accept the idea of ​​its own non-existence. This means that the answer must be sought in another faith, which claims that the human soul is immortal and physical dying opens only a new stage of its existence.

    There are wonderful words in the old song of the Resurrection group:

    It makes me sad to see how the years go by,
    It hurts me to see that my friends are
    Petty hardships age so early.
    The trouble is getting old without becoming wiser.

    Genuine old age must certainly be accompanied by wisdom — as a generalization of the experience of a lived life, summarizing its results. But the main component of wisdom is still turned not to the past of a person, but to his future. Saint Basil the Great defined this component as follows: “The essence of philosophy is that it gives a person the remembrance of death.” And philosophy, translated from Greek, just means love of wisdom. And most of the spiritual problems of people who are psychologically on the verge of old age, but do not dare to cross it, are precisely in this – in the absence of wisdom. And this wisdom is not just readiness for physical death, but readiness for the future Life.

    The choice here is up to each of us: either to believe that you are just a “dead man on vacation” on this earth, disappearing forever after brain death, or to believe the words of Christ, who said before resurrecting his dead friend Lazarus: I I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die .

    Tags: Theme of the issue Theme of the issue Theme of the issue “Old age awaits” Theme of the issue “Old age awaits”

    “Forever young, forever Batman”

    • Cinema

    Debuting on March 30, 1939 in a comic book series called Detective Comics, the character named Batman was the result of artist Bob Kane’s desire to capitalize on his talents and replicate the commercial success of Superman. Since then, Kane’s business strategy has proven itself time and again in comics, fan merchandise, cartoons, TV shows and, of course, films, making DC one of the media giants of the modern market.

    The latest cinematic appearance of the hero living in the fictional city of Gotham and advocating the triumph of law and order is unsophisticatedly called “Batman” and carefully avoids any parallels with previous films by Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder. The behind-the-scenes story of The Batman is hardly less entertaining than what is happening on the screen, where the protagonist is a genius, billionaire and playboy named Bruce Wayne, who fights crime while working through childhood trauma and paying for the political sins of father Thomas Wayne. Opponents of a much less brutal than ever before hero played by Robert Pattinson are Paul Dano, who is in charge of the incarnation of the Riddler, and catwoman Zoe Kravitz has moved away from the sexual appearance, replacing latex with a kind of leatherette, and cat ears with a knitted hat .

    The film has virtually no close-ups and panoramic shots, and this visually distances “Batman” from the noir, which is hinted at by the very plot of the story, which unfolds in a city steeped in corruption and vice. In addition, the picture is not saturated with special effects. Therefore, “Batman” is original except for the fact that its main character and his partners have lost their glamorous gloss. However, this directorial idea caricatures the character of the butler (Andy Serkis) and the aristocratic flair traditionally associated with Wayne’s character.

    Every viewer who has never even heard of the existence of “Man-Bat” will understand the film, no special knowledge and study of the history of comics is required. In “Batman” all the main nuances of the traditional plot are revealed, except that now Batman is driven more by post-traumatic stress syndrome than by the desire to establish order and legality. Director Matt Reeves systematically demonstrates the corruption of Gotham (for which Colin Farrell, unrecognizable in the role of the Penguin, and mafia leader Carmine Falcone – John Turturro are responsible), the venality of politicians (here, Rupert Penry-Jones, the idol of adherents of ITV series, comes to the fore, albeit for a short while). and the BBC – the actor you least expect to see in a Hollywood blockbuster) and the loneliness of the orphan Bruce Wayne, which grew into a manic desire for universal justice. There is a feeling that the creators of the new “Batman” deliberately forget that the production of the picture is carried out within the framework of the DC comics.

    It should be noted that “Batman”, although such insinuations were at the stage of writing the script, is not directly related to the triumphant “Joker” by Todd Philips, despite the fact that both works are formally part of the same metaverse. Both films have in common that they seek to interpret comic book archetypes, resorting to realism (as far as it is possible in this genre), but Matt Reeves transforms the story of an apparently perfect hero into a grunge epic, where Robert Pattinson physically cannot even give the hero a size 52 clothes, spray paints on antique parquet floors, wears overly dirty bangs, sunglasses from 90’s, and most importantly, he allows himself to break the mystery of the transformation from Wayne to Batman, openly demonstrating a backpack with a suit and makeup a la the Winter Soldier.

    In 2013, DC made the decision to restart the franchise, which was last seen on the big screen in 2005-2012, with Christopher Nolan in the director’s chair, turning his Batman trilogy almost into a philosophical struggle story by the end. good and evil, and actors – inaccessible stars. After another reboot, the visionary Zack Snyder stood at the helm, increasing the degree of epicness and scale and presenting Batman as a wise man with gray hair at the temples performed by Ben Affleck. Then the franchise was supposed to go down the path of stylization for the work of David Fincher, which was repeatedly openly stated by both Snyder and Affleck, who claimed to combine the positions of the lead actor and director.

    However, DC’s plans changed as a result of behind-the-scenes discussions unknown to the public, Zack Snyder was allowed to edit the director’s cut of “Justice League”, uniting DC’s most iconic heroes Batman and Superman, after which the studio parted ways with him. And the place of the main director of the film franchise was briefly taken by Todd Philips, who turned the banal figure of the crazy criminal Joker into a truly tragic character, a victim of the modern capitalist world and an indifferent society.

    Snyder’s fan-favorite and critically acclaimed epic (winning two Oscars), Joker is fundamentally left out in the context of Matt Reeves’ new work. In “Batman” there are no grandiose battle scenes, no identification of heroes with some abstract titans of a fantasy world, and “Joker” has nothing to do with what is happening on the screen, and the story about the hero played by Joaquin Phoenix does not continue.

    In three hours of screen time generously allocated to the director, the viewer is presented with the saga of Bruce Wayne, who has lost his typical athletic form and gentlemanly gloss, but has acquired nervousness and a penchant for listening to Nirvana. “Batman” looks like a big experiment, including from a commercial point of view. The so-called “theatrical window”, traditionally long for all blockbusters, was less than two months, and already on April 18 the film became available online on HBO Max. It was also decided to abandon the successful innovative move of Todd Philips in interpreting the figure of a superhero in the format of everyday realism.