Negative pregnancy test 10 days late: Late Period, Negative Tests & Pregnancy

Опубликовано: January 5, 2023 в 12:55 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

What a Missed Period and Negative Pregnancy Test Could Mean

For couples trying to conceive, the missed period is often the first exciting sign of a positive pregnancy. But what should you think, then, when the pregnancy test is negative?

There are a several possible explanations for a negative pregnancy test with a missed period that may occur in the absence of pregnancy.


When you are trying to conceive, it is important to determine whether you are successfully ovulating each month, as ovulatory dysfunction or anovulation may play a role in your missed period and can affect your ability to conceive.

There are many causes for ovulatory dysfunction or anovulation. Just a handful of these causes include:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Being over/underweight
  • Stress

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

Some women may have a condition known as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). In POI, the symptoms experienced are similar to those of menopause. As the ovarian follicle count is depleted prematurity, falling estrogen levels lead to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and an absence of menses as the woman prematurely enters menopause.

Miscalculating Your Period

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but far too often we forget to note day 1 of our cycle. Additionally, cycles can sometimes vary in length from month to month. Charting Basal Body Temperature or using Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPKs) can help you get a firm grasp on your menstrual cycle to predict when you are most likely to conceive.

Second, there are a few reasons why your pregnancy test may read negative when you are, in fact, pregnant. Some reasons for this may include:

Home Pregnancy Test with a Low Sensitivity

A home pregnancy test will only detect pregnancy when the level of “pregnancy hormone,” also known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), reaches a certain threshold, and it simply may not be sensitive enough to produce a positive result. Certain brands state that they can detect lower thresholds of hCG; depending on how soon you are taking the pregnancy test after the missed period, it may be worth trying again with a more sensitive brand, ensuring you are using the first morning urine for your test (hCG concentrations are highest in the first morning urine).

Taking a Home Pregnancy Test Too Soon

Another reason for a false negative pregnancy test may simply be that you took the test too early. Pregnancy tests vary in how soon they can detect hCG in your urine. It is possible that although an egg may be fertilized, your body has not started secreting enough hCG to register as positive on a test. Your body needs time for the hormone to rise to a high enough level to be detected. Most brands instruct you to wait until the first day of your missed period to test. Remember, hCG rises differently in each woman. If you suspect you are pregnant, even though the test is negative, the test should be repeated in one week.

If you are trying to conceive and your period is more than one week late with a negative pregnancy test, you should consider consultation with a fertility doctor so that you can be properly evaluated and treated, if necessary.

Dr. Jenna Friedenthal is a Fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York. Dr. Friedenthal completed her undergraduate education at Yale University. She went on to complete her medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine with Distinction in Research. While in medical school, she received the Senior Research Fellowship award for her research accomplishments in reproductive endocrinology and immunology. Dr. Friedenthal then completed her residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University. During her residency training, Dr. Friedenthal received the Mortimer Levitz Best Basic Science Award for her research on pre-implantation genetic testing.

4 Reasons It Could Happen

  • A false-negative pregnancy test may happen if you don’t take the test first thing in the morning.
  • It could also occur if you take the test less than 10 days after conception.
  • Checking the results too soon or using an expired test could also show a false negative.

Home pregnancy tests are usually accurate, but researchers estimate that up to 5% of tests give a false negative — meaning the test says you aren’t pregnant when you actually are.

There are a few reasons why you might get a false negative. You might be taking the test too early or after drinking too much water.

The best way to ensure an accurate at-home pregnancy test result is to carefully read the instructions on the box and follow them correctly.

Here are several reasons why you might get a false negative and how you can properly take a pregnancy test.

1. You took a test too early in the pregnancy

Pregnancy tests work by measuring the levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. The amount of hCG in your body starts to increase once a fertilized egg implants in your uterus, and can be detected about 10 days after conception.

Where you are in your cycle also matters. “Most pregnancy tests will perform well if it is at the time of your missed period, which would typically be 2 weeks after ovulation or 28 days after your last period started,” says Pamela Berens, MD, an OB-GYN with UT physicians and the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth in Houston.

If you take a pregnancy test before this time, you might get a negative result, even though you’re actually pregnant.

2. You checked the results too soon

Your pregnancy test should come with instructions about how long you will need to wait between taking the test and checking your results — the wait time is usually about one to two minutes. This is because the antibodies in the test need time to sense the hCG in your urine and display a result.

If you check the test before the waiting time is up, you may see a negative result even if you’re pregnant.

3. Your urine is too diluted

To get an accurate positive result from a pregnancy test, you need to have a high concentration of hCG in your urine, which can be affected by several factors.

  • Your urine has the highest concentration of hCG levels first thing in the morning. “If you can’t take a test in the morning, try to use urine that has been sitting in your bladder for around four hours.
  • Drinking lots of fluids can dilute your urine and lower the concentration of hCG, so it’s best to avoid drinking too much water or other drinks before taking a pregnancy test.

4. Your pregnancy test is expired or faulty

If your pregnancy test is expired, it might give a false negative result. This is because the antibodies in the test that react to hCG hormones slowly evaporate over time — eventually there will be too few antibodies to accurately sense hCG.

You should always check the expiration date on a pregnancy test before using it to make sure you’re getting an accurate result — they will often expire after a year or two on the shelf.

Pregnancy tests may also be defective. However, this is more the exception than the norm since many tests come with a control indicator to prove that the pregnancy test is working properly. This indicator may show up as an additional line that appears next to the test line or a symbol that appears in a window, depending on the type of test you take.

How to properly take a pregnancy test

To get the most accurate result on a pregnancy test, it’s important that you follow the instructions that come with the test. Here’s a round-up of what to remember before taking the test.

  1. Wait until at least 10 days after your last unprotected sex session to take the test.
  2. Take the test first thing in the morning or after holding your urine for at least four hours.
  3. Before starting, check the expiration date on your pregnancy test.
  4. Read all the instructions that come with the test to make sure you’re using it correctly.
  5. Pee on the test stick for the recommended amount of time.
  6. Place the test stick down and set a timer for the number of minutes the test requires.
  7. When reading the test, first look for the control indicator to make sure the test is working.
  8. Read the test, carefully following the instructions for how to interpret it.
  9. If the test results are unclear, wait a day before trying again with another test, or reach out to your doctor for a follow-up.

Next steps

If you aren’t pregnant, your period should usually come about 28 days after your last period started. If your period is late, it may be a sign that you’re pregnant, but there are many other reasons for a late period.

“If [a late period] is unusual for you, then you should probably see a doctor,” Berens says, adding that weight changes, thyroid disease, and hormone imbalances could also be to blame for an irregular period.

Your doctor can also conduct a pregnancy blood test, which is more sensitive to hCG and can double-check your urine test result.

Insider’s takeaway

Getting a false negative on a pregnancy test is relatively rare, but it is possible, particularly if you take a test soon after ovulation. To reduce your risk of a false negative, take the test first thing in the morning and follow test instructions carefully.

False negatives are usually caused by testing errors, and medications like birth control or antibiotics shouldn’t make any difference.

But certain fertility drugs, such as Novarel and Pregnyl contain hCG, which can lead to a false-positive result, where the test says you’re pregnant when you really aren’t.

Madeline Kennedy

Madeline Kennedy is a health writer for Insider covering a wide range of topics including reproductive and sexual health, mental health, nutrition, and infectious disease. Before joining Insider, Madeline worked as a health news writer for Reuters, and a domestic violence therapist. She has a master’s degree in social work from UPenn and is interested in the intersection of health and social justice.

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Questions about pregnancy tests

Delayed menstruation, signs of pregnancy. What is the most reliable pregnancy test? How many days after conception can ultrasound detect pregnancy? What is HCG? The doctors of medical clinics “Art-Med” answer the questions of patients.

Ask a Question

I am 22 years old. I have a week delay. I took 2 pregnancy tests, both positive, for two weeks it hurts and my breasts swell. The pregnancy was not found by ultrasound, but a corpus luteum cyst was found in the left ovary. Can i be pregnant? Or is it a corpus luteum cyst affecting the test result.

To clarify the diagnosis, you need to take a blood test for c-CG (pregnancy hormone). It is possible that the gestational age is very short, in such a situation, ultrasound will not help.

The last menstrual cycle for today is 89 days. I measure the basal temperature to calculate the moment of ovulation for fertilization. Cycle: 36.5 36.5 36.6 36.5 36.4 36.4 36.5 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 38.0 36.4 36.3 36.3 36.5 36.5 36.6 36.6 36.5 36.3 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.6 36.6 36.8 36.4 36.4 36.6 36, 6 36.5 36.6 36.8 36.7 36.6 36.5 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.3 36.4 36.4 36.6 36.6 36.4 36.6 36 .4 36.6 36.5 36.5 36.4 36.7 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.4 36.5 36.5 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.5 36.4 36.6 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.8 36.4 37.1 36.6 36.7 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.7 36.8 36.936.8 37.0 36.9 37.1 37.2 37.0 37.1 37.1 37.2. Can such a cycle indicate pregnancy? Can I already do a home pregnancy test?

Such a prolonged increase in rectal temperature may occur during pregnancy or in the presence of a corpus luteum cyst. In this situation, it is best to take a blood test for β-CG (pregnancy hormone), since test strips can make mistakes in diagnosing short gestations.

I am 7 days late. On the day of the start of the alleged menstruation, she was tested for beta-hCG, but it turned out to be negative (0.5 at the rate for pregnant women from 5). Could it still be pregnancy?

If ovulation in this cycle occurred later than usual, then on the day of the expected menstruation, the level of β-CHG will be low. In such a situation, it is recommended to retake a blood test for β-CG in a week.

I have been taking Diana-35 for three years, this month I have a 4-day delay, before (during the reception) my menstruation was the same day. I did 3 pregnancy tests (test strip), all negative. What could be causing the delay or am I still pregnant?

In some women, after stopping oral contraceptives, it is not restored immediately, but within three months. To exclude the presence of pregnancy, take a blood test for β-CG (pregnancy hormone), since the test strips are not very sensitive.

I have been late for a month already, I have no signs of nausea, but my breasts have noticeably enlarged, I would like to know if this is pregnancy or not?

Enlargement, a feeling of engorgement of the mammary glands is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. Take a blood test for hCG (pregnancy hormone) and do an ultrasound of the pelvis to clarify the diagnosis.

I am 32 years old. The cycle is usually even, 25-27 days. Delay 10 days. Pain in the lower abdomen. I took 3 pregnancy tests, all the results are negative (tests from the same company). She was examined by a gynecologist, the doctor said that the uterus was slightly enlarged, with an ultrasound scan she suggested waiting 10 days. Last month she drank duphaston from 5 to 25 days of c. With what such situation can be connected?

You need to have a blood test for c-CG (pregnancy hormone) and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Such a delay is most often associated with the presence of pregnancy (uterine or ectopic) or ovarian cysts.

I heard that at the initial stage of pregnancy (the first few months) there may still be menstruation. Is this true and how many months can there be no delays? After how many days (weeks) can you more or less accurately determine pregnancy using a test?

Some women may have menstruation at the expected time during pregnancy. Usually it happens 1-2 times. Sometimes this can happen over several months. However, such a situation should be differentiated from detachment of the fetal egg (beginning miscarriage). Pregnancy can be determined by a blood test (the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is detected in the blood 8-9 days after conception.

My girlfriend is late. But we cannot determine how long this delay lasts, because 2 months ago my period was on the 5th, and a month ago they came on the 12th. Used a pregnancy test – one band was bright, the other pale. Is my girlfriend pregnant? How accurate is this test? What should be done in this situation?

To answer the question of whether a woman is pregnant, she simply needs to be examined by a doctor. This is the easiest way out of this situation. It is simply impossible to solve such a question in absentia, on the Internet, and tests do not always provide objective information. In this regard, you should, without wasting time, make an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination.

7 days after intercourse, I took hCG, the results showed 1.2. What does this mean?

It doesn’t mean anything. It makes sense to take an analysis for v-CG only against the background of a delay in menstruation or at least 14-15 days after ovulation.

I am married, we will not protect ourselves for 3 months. I have an irregular cycle. Today – a delay in menstruation for 4 days, the chest has filled up and hurt for 10 days, the nipples have become coarse and sore. Yesterday I had a severe headache and felt sick, like with a migraine, I drank analgin and everything went away after 1 hour. There was an appetite. Could this be pregnancy or are these symptoms of PMS?

The symptoms you listed are very typical for short-term pregnancy. To clarify the diagnosis, take a blood test for c-CG (pregnancy hormone).

If only a week has passed since conception, can a pregnancy test give a correct answer or should I wait until the next menstruation?

It all depends on the quality of the test itself. However, if you do become pregnant, you probably won’t have your next period. It is more reliable to determine the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin in blood from a vein. A similar analysis is currently available in any laboratory. You can get all the necessary consultations and examinations at the medical center “ART-MED”.

I never complained about menstruation, that is, like a clock, I know in advance that on this day they will “come”. Therefore, during sexual intercourse, it was not protected before and after menstruation for 5 days. But this month they “did not come”, the delay is already more than a week with a 26 day cycle. I also suffer from pain (burning) when urinating and small mucous discharge. I observe hygiene of a sexual life, inflammations were not at me. Permanent partner (husband). What does this mean, if not pregnancy, then inflammation? What should be done at home?

Try not to self-medicate. Take a blood test for V-CG to unequivocally establish the presence or absence of pregnancy, take a general urine test and be sure to visit a gynecologist, he will take the necessary smears.

I was late for a month, I had an ultrasound scan – no pregnancy was found, I passed a blood test to determine pregnancy – it was negative, after which I went to the state clinic – I gave urine and they told me that I was pregnant. Can there be a mistake, who to trust? Where to apply?

Get a blood test (not urine!) for c-CG at a state licensed facility.

I made the first attempt at IID (because my husband has infertility), from the first day the basal temperature has been 37. 0 for a week. Is it possible to consider that the pregnancy has come.

After the basal body temperature remains at 37 degrees and above for 15 days (and only after that), it is necessary to take a blood test for β-CG to determine the fact of pregnancy.

My expected pregnancy is 3.3 weeks. All tests are positive. At a period of 2.8 weeks, an ultrasound scan was performed – nothing showed. The doctor said that I have a corpus luteum cyst, which can secrete the pregnancy hormone progesterone, and the cyst also causes a delay. I have had it for a long time, and there were no delays before. My uterus is plump, but not enlarged. Also, according to the same doctor, there may be too little pregnancy, which is not yet visible. Is it true that a cyst can secrete such hormones and give such a big delay? Delay 10 days.

Perhaps you really rushed to perform an ultrasound scan and did it at a time when you can’t really see anything. Usually, a fetal egg in the uterine cavity can be confidently seen after 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. The embryo in the cavity of the fetal egg begins to be detected even later at 5-6 weeks. pregnancy. In this regard, it is advisable for you to repeat the study in terms of pregnancy after 6-7 weeks. If there is a cyst of the corpus luteum, then it is also possible to delay the onset of menstruation, and even for longer periods.

I’m afraid I’m pregnant. On September 4, I had unprotected sexual intercourse and today, September 10, I feel nausea all day, some dizziness and fatigue. I just bought a pregnancy test, can I already check if I am pregnant or not ?. On the test itself, it says that you need to check after 1 day of delay, and your period should only come around September 25, but I’m already going crazy! I am 18 years old, I just entered the 1st course at the institute …

Everything is written correctly in the instructions for the test, and it will not be possible to find out about a probable pregnancy before the first day of a missed period. In addition, it is too late to take any preventive measures. Wait for the cherished day – September 25th. And in the future, consult with a gynecologist for the selection of adequate contraception.

I am 2 days late. Menses always come on time. My husband and I use nonoxynol candles for protection. Could I have gotten pregnant? If so, will such a conception harm the child. I want a second child and if I am pregnant, I am very worried about this issue.

Pregnancy can occur in any woman of reproductive age, and even against the background of the use of various contraceptive drugs, since none of them protects against pregnancy by 100%. The duration of the delay in menstruation in this case does not really matter. Unfortunately, it is not possible to evaluate in absentia on the Internet whether you have become pregnant. The contraceptives used by you for protection, pregnancy most likely will not hurt. However, to begin with, before deciding what can harm pregnancy, it would be advisable to find out if it has come. To do this, you can contact a doctor for examination, use various test systems that are freely sold in pharmacies. You can do an ultrasound or determine the level of beta-chorionic gonadotropin in the blood.

Last menstruation 08.07, 2 days late. Tests (3 different ones) – positive since 02.08, basal temperature 37.0-37.1 for more than 10 days. Today I had an ultrasound, but it showed nothing. Is it worth doing a second ultrasound and when? Can you donate blood for hCG and is it necessary? How likely is pregnancy?

Try an ultrasound in a week. A fertilized egg in the uterine cavity will be visible. If not, then an ectopic pregnancy must be ruled out.

I am 23 years old, the cycle is well-established. What could be the reason for the delay? Already 3 days. There is pain, there is no discharge, and the stomach seems to be swollen. Sexual life began to live a month and a half ago. Until now, a virgin, practiced only petting, masturbation and oral sex. The pregnancy test showed a negative result.

In your situation, there are at least two possible reasons for a missed period. 1) Pregnancy. To exclude or confirm it is necessary to become a blood test for β-CG (pregnancy hormone). 2) Functional ovarian cyst, such as a corpus luteum cyst. It is necessary to do an ultrasound to assess the condition of the ovaries and endometrium (uterine mucosa).

My husband and I really want to have a baby. Now I have a delay of 1.5 weeks, the test shows a negative result, the basal temperature has been holding for several days 37.1. The cycle was regular, especially nothing to worry about. What could be the reason for such a delay, could it be a reaction to the weather, we have unbearable heat in our city? Is pregnancy possible?

In your situation, there are 2 options: either you have a short gestation period, which is not determined by the test, or a cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary. You need to take a blood test for β-CG (pregnancy hormone) in dynamics with an interval of 1 week and do an ultrasound. After receiving the results, decide on further diagnosis and treatment.

Can strip tests be negative at 3 weeks gestation?

There is a possibility of home tests being wrong. In the situation, it is better to sort it out with a doctor – donate blood for hCG and do an ultrasound. In addition, if the test result is negative and there is no pregnancy, but there is a delay in menstruation, then it is necessary to find out its cause, since various diseases can be hidden behind this.

On the 21st day of a 30-day cycle there was sexual intercourse without contraception. Literally on the second day I felt a characteristic malaise, nausea, drowsiness, increased sensitivity to smells. It’s too early to do the test – there hasn’t been an actual delay yet. Can I be pregnant? And how can this be determined as early as possible?

The symptoms you describe are connected, of course, with other causes, but the onset of pregnancy is not excluded. Pregnancy can be determined only with a delay in menstruation (according to the content of hCG – from the second or third day of delay, by ultrasound – from 7-10 days of delay).

I am 11 days late, various pregnancy tests show either a negative result or a barely visible second line. It’s too early for an ultrasound, but I don’t want to donate blood. 1 day before the delay, my bladder became inflamed (cystitis), I drank 2 tablets of pimidel. What to do?

A weakly positive test can be in a normal pregnancy with a threatened miscarriage, and in an ectopic pregnancy, and in a number of pathological conditions. Therefore, urgently make an appointment with an ultrasound doctor (the delay is sufficient to visualize the fetal egg) and an appointment with a gynecologist who will deal with your situation.

I am 21 years old, 13 days late. Last month I was sick and took antibiotics. After 3-4 days of delay, my husband and I did a test – negative (basal temperature 37. 2). We decided that the delay was due to antibiotics. But yesterday (on the 12th day) they did another test – one bright strip and one pale pink (temperature 37.5) appeared. Could this be pregnancy?

The test result is weakly positive. Most likely you are pregnant. With such a delay, the fact of pregnancy can already be confirmed by ultrasound.

I am one week late. I did an ultrasound, but showed nothing, the uterine mucosa is 2 mm in total. I did an examination, the gynecologist also said that I was not pregnant. But I did 3 pregnancy tests and they were clearly positive – 2 sticks! Well, I should think, does pregnancy happen with such a thickness of the uterine mucosa? And in general, maybe all the tests are not accurate?

Unfortunately, home pregnancy tests often fail. Your situation is really not clear. We recommend that you contact a gynecologist in the near future in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, as well as a blood test for beta subunits.

Delayed periods: when and why to worry

February 13, 2021LikbezHealth

You may be taking pregnancy tests too early.



What is a missed period

A missed period is when a period does not start when expected. Every woman has her own. To determine it, that is, to understand whether there is a delay, two parameters are taken into account.

  • Individual cycle time. According to Your first period of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a typical menstrual cycle (the so-called interval between the first day of this and the previous or subsequent periods) lasts 28 days. However, cycles lasting 21–40 Stopped or Missed Period days are also normal options.
  • Cycle regularity. In adult healthy women, menstruation, as a rule, occurs after a strictly defined number of days. For example, every 28 or every 35. In young girls who have menstruated no more than 6 years ago, the cycle may be irregular. In one month, the blood on the pad will be, let’s say, 25 days after the previous time, and in another – after 29. Such fluctuations are normal.

Now for a simple example. Your last period started on March 3rd. Today is April 4th. Is there a delay? There may be several answers.

If your cycle is, say, 28 days, your period is 4 days late. But if 35, there is no delay yet: according to your individual schedule, menstruation is expected only on April 7th. And in the event that you are a young girl with an unsteady, floating cycle, the delay is in question.

If there is no menstruation for a long time, more than three months, doctors speak of amenorrhea Amenorrhea – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic. This condition is normal for pregnant, lactating and menopausal women. Everyone else needs to be examined to find out for what reasons menstruation does not start.

But let’s suppose that the idea of ​​amenorrhea has not yet come to the fore. And you, finding a delay of several days, just want to find out what it means. Lifehacker has collected several options.

Why there is a delay in menstruation and what to do about it

Here are some of the most common reasons Stopped or Missed Period.

1. You are pregnant

This is perhaps the most popular reason for delay in healthy women who are sexually active.

If you do not have sex, pregnancy can be ruled out. Otherwise, wait another couple of days (and preferably 5-7, if you have enough patience) and take a pregnancy test. In order not to wait, you can go to the laboratory and donate blood for hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin. Such an analysis is able to fix pregnancy after 11 days What is HCG? after conception.

What to do

If the result is positive, see a gynecologist as soon as possible. Pregnancy can also be ectopic, and this is a serious threat to your health and even life.

2. You are stressed

Acute or chronic stress significantly affects the hormonal balance, so the monthly cycle can become longer or shorter. And in some cases, menstruation stops altogether.

What to do

The most obvious and simple advice is to try to calm down. Learn to breathe deeply, abstract, rest more, think about the good – there are many relaxation techniques. If you understand that you can’t pull yourself together on your own, contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

But it’s important to remember this. It is not at all a fact that the delay in menstruation is associated with stress. It is impossible to exclude other reasons (the same pregnancy). Therefore, if menstruation does not return for several weeks, still consult a gynecologist.

3. You have lost too much weight

If there are not enough calories, the production of hormones that are responsible for ovulation and start menstruation stops.

What to do

Delayed periods due to insufficient weight (this can be determined by calculating the body mass index) is a serious reason to contact a therapist as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor may refer you to a nutritionist who will help you normalize your weight. Or see a therapist if you have an eating disorder.

4. You have gained too much weight

Accumulated adipose tissue in the body increases the production of estrogen, a hormone that also regulates the monthly cycle. Excess estrogen can make periods less frequent or stop them altogether.

What to do

Go to a therapist. Your doctor will advise you on how to lose weight faster and safer. You may be referred to a more specialized dietitian.

5. You overtrained

Excessive exercise also causes stress. And stress, in turn, affects the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.

What to do

If you suspect that the delay may be due to intense training, reduce activity. Professional athletes should consult a doctor who specializes in sports medicine. The expert will advise you on how to keep fit without disturbing the menstrual cycle.

6. You are taking birth control

Some oral contraceptives, birth control injections, and even insertion of an intrauterine device can cause your period to stop completely.

In addition, menstruation is sometimes delayed even while taking conventional hormonal contraceptives. And after the abolition of such pills, it will take time for the cycle to stabilize.

What to do

If you are on birth control pills or have recently had an IUD, talk to your gynecologist about the delay. Follow his advice.

7. Menopause is approaching

Menopause is a natural part of aging in women. These are hormonal changes in which the ovaries stop producing eggs, and periods are delayed, become irregular, and then stop altogether.

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. However, it occurs in about 1 in 100 women before the age of 40.

What to do

Consult your gynecologist. In menopause, in addition to the cessation of menstruation, there may be other unpleasant signs: vaginal dryness, sweating, problems with sleep and libido, regular sensations, as if throwing a fever. Your doctor can help make your symptoms less severe.

8. You have polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a condition in which cysts (cavities with unreleased eggs) form on the ovaries and the androgen hormone increases in the body. As a result, polycystic ovary syndrome can cause menstrual irregularities. Including missed periods.

What to do

Only a gynecologist can deal with polycystic disease. The doctor will listen to your complaints, conduct an examination and offer to do an ultrasound and take a blood test. All this is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

If the syndrome is confirmed, you will be prescribed medication. Sometimes, surgery is needed to restore ovulation and the disturbed monthly cycle.

9. You have another medical condition

Your menstrual cycle can say a lot about your health. Understand how to start tracking your menstrual cycle and what to do about irregularities.:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammation can appear both due to sexually transmitted infections, and due to those that are not related to sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Uterine fibroids and other neoplasms. Various tumors sometimes lead to cycle disorders. These may be benign processes, but you still need to check.
  • Premature ovarian failure. This is a disease in which menopause, in theory, is still far away, but the ovaries have already ceased to produce eggs normally.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. For example, diabetes or thyroid disorders.
  • Celiac disease. This is an autoimmune disease in which the intestines do not respond adequately to gluten (gluten) – proteins found in the seeds of cereal plants. Celiac disease causes the intestinal walls to become inflamed, preventing the body from absorbing essential nutrients. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can also lead to disruption of the monthly cycle.
What to do

If it seems to you that you have ruled out almost all the reasons for a possible delay, and there are still no periods, go to the gynecologist.