Learning schools for toddlers: Preschool Programs for Ages 3

Опубликовано: January 26, 2023 в 3:12 pm


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Early Learning Programs

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 Southern Illinois families have a variety of quality early learning options from which to choose for their young children. These high quality  programs are designed to promote children’s optimal development so they will be ready to succeed when they start school. ​

ExceleRate™ Illinois helps parents  find an early learning provider who makes quality a priority. By supporting and recognizing continuous quality improvement in early learning, ExceleRate™ Illinois provides parents with an objective way to make quality a part of your decision making. ​
​Parents searching for quality early learning options can use a special ExceleRate™ search tool  to help find a quality early learning program in their community.

ExceleRate  learning programs for children ages 3-5 yrs of age in the region include:

  • Head Start
  • Pre-K
  • Bronze,Silver, and Gold Circle of Quality Child Care Centers and Homes

Head Start and Prek both have specific eligibility guidelines. Most of these programs operate only during the school year and some offer only part day programming . There is no charge to the family for their child to participate in these programs.
Private preschool and  ExceleRate child care centers are fee based programs. Most child care centers offer full day, full year programming.  Parents enrolling their children in these programs may be eligible for assistance through the IDHS Child Care Assistance (CCAP) program which is administered by CCR&R. For more information  on go to 
A variety of high quality early childhood programs and services are also available to best meet the needs of families with children under the age of three.

These include:

  • Prevention Initiative
  • Healthy Families/ Home Visiting Programs
  • Early Head Start​​, Bronze, Silver and Gold Circle of Quality Child Care Centers and Homes ​

Understanding the difference between all the different  programs can be confusing to families. Making a decision of what will work best for you and your child may be difficult and stressful. Call CCR&R at 1-800-548-5563 to speak with an Early Learning Specialist.  He/she can answer your questions and provide you with more information to help in your decision. 


Finding Child Care
​Paying for Child Care
​ExcleRate™ Early Learning 
​Developmental Screening
Resources and Links ​​


Head Start is a national program, which provides comprehensive developmental services for primarily low-income, pre-school children ages three-five and social services for their families. Specific services for children focus on education, socio-emotional development, physical and mental health and nutrition. The cornerstone of the program is parent and community involvement which has made it one of the most successful pre-school programs in the country.


​The Illinois State Board of Education provides funding for pre-school programs administered through local school districts and in partnership with child care centers. The majority of these programs are  half-day, although some programs have recently expanded to no offer full day services.  Pre-kindergarten focuses on school readiness with a high priority on family involvement. Often the program includes a home visit component. Criteria for admittance to these programs varies by school district/ program.


A private preschool can be  good program option for parents who are looking for a social and learning environment for their child on a morning or afternoon schedule. Preschools usually enroll children ages three years  to five years of age, and most run on a school-year calendar. There are various types of preschool programs available, from a traditional program to a program that follows a Montessori or Reggio Emilia approach. Knowing your child and his/ her needs will help you to determine what type of preschool environment will suit him/her best.



Child Care programs usually operate full day/ full year programs for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years.  Many times, child care programs will also have their own preschool and/or collaborate with the public school or Head Start to provide those programs in a full day setting.

How to Help Your Child Succeed at School – Smarter Living Guides

By Jessica Lahey

Illustrations by Henri Campeã

In the high-pressure, high-stakes game of school, it can be difficult to know which parenting strategies really promote learning. A successful experience in school is not only about report cards. Ideally your child will learn how to learn, retain information, think independently, ask questions and develop an increasing sense of competence. Here are some guidelines for making sure you start on the right foot and keep enthusiasm and momentum high throughout the school year. 

Key Values

There is so much to think about each school year, but above all else, these simple rules can help keep you focused on what’s most important for school success. 


  • Focus on the process, not the product.
  • Encourage kids to self-advocate.
  • Keep a long-term perspective.
  • Maintain a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Love the child you have, not the child you wish you had.


  • Overschedule.
  • Worship grades.
  • Encourage helplessness.
  • Compare kids to one another.
  • Love kids based on their performance.

Value the Process Over the Product

Very young children are naturally driven to learn and explore. They are at the very beginning of their lifelong quest to understand and gain mastery of the world around them. As they reach out, fall and get back up again, they gain a heightened sense of mastery, competence and self-efficacy. Somewhere around kindergarten, however, parents and teachers begin to undermine this process by devaluing the process of learning and replacing it with a mad dash for the end products. Suddenly, the intrinsic motivators of natural curiosity, competence and self-efficacy are less valuable than extrinsic motivators such as stickers, points and grades. Unfortunately, extrinsic motivators undermine kids’ desire to learn over the long term. Want your kid to lose interest in school? Pay them for their A’s and worship at the altar of grades. If you’d instead like your kids to remain curious and hungry for mastery, here are some tips for re-orienting kids’ priorities.

  • Keep report cards off social media and the refrigerator. We can tell our kids that we value learning all we want, but when we gush over grades and stick them to the refrigerator, we show them that what we value most are the grades. Of course, grades are what most parents are stuck with, even if they are flawed and incomplete indicator of learning as well as what’s known as an “extrinsic motivator,” which has been shown to reduce motivation over the long term, undermine creativity, and encourage cheating. Some schools have moved away from letter-based grades and are using reports focused on mastery- or standards-based evaluations, which can help parents and kids focus on what’s being learned rather a grade. No matter what kind of report your child gets, humble-bragging about it on social media only feeds parental competition, raises the pressure for kids and teaches them that your love and approval is contingent on the content of their report card. 
  • Focus on the process they used to get that grade. When we invest less energy and emotion in the number or letter at the top of the page, we can begin to ask our children questions such as, What did you do to get this grade? Which study techniques worked for you and which ones did not? What are you going to do differently next time? 
  • Look forward, not back. The best question parents can ask when faced with a grade, whether high or low, is: How are you going to use this experience to be better next time? This technique works particularly well for anxious and overly perfectionist kids, because they can get stuck in a negative feedback loop, obsessing wholly on the numbers and grades. Helping them shift their focus back to the process can alleviate that anxiety, particularly when we help them prioritize the aspects of learning they can control. 

Model: Talk about your own failures and successes with your kids, showing them that you, too, are invested in the process of learning. If you berate yourself over failures, so will they. If, however, they see you being brave and learning from your mistakes so you can be better next time, so will they. 

Value Goals Over Grades

One easy way to invest in process is to set goals, both individually and as a family. Try to do this at the beginning of a new school year, the first of the month, or the beginning of a new season.  Keep the discussion light and low-pressure. This process isn’t about getting better grades, it’s about supporting learning as a family. 

Everyone (yes, that means parents, too) sets three short-term, achievable goals oriented around tasks and improvements under your control. For example, “I’m going to get all A’s this semester” is too broad and too difficult to control. Instead, try “I’m going to ask for help in math more often,” “I will plan one extra help session a week,” or “I will practice my multiplication three extra times this month.” 

One of those three goals should be a challenge. We can’t hope to convince our children to be emotionally and intellectually brave unless they see us do the same, so set some goals that get you out of your comfort zone. Take guitar or dance or Spanish lessons, try an activity you have never tried before, or pick up a new hobby. This is, after all, how we expand our cognitive potential and make new connections in our brains that can help us become stronger, smarter and more efficient learners.  

A few years ago, one of my sons’ goals was to make a few new friends, a goal that was both challenging and important to him. 

Before you set new goals, take the time to assess how everyone did on past goals. Review these goals once a month or once a semester. If you fail to achieve your goals talk about why, and what you plan to do differently next time. If you succeed, celebrate that achievement! 

Model: Watching a parent set a scary, ambitious goal and talk about the process of achieving it is the most direct way to teach children that learning and striving to be better are human goals, not just school goals.

Maintain a Long-Term Perspective

Education and parenting are both long-haul endeavors, and improvements don’t happen on a daily basis. 

  • Don’t live in the daily emergency of this homework or this test. Instead, think about where you’d like your child to be in a year or five years in terms of competence and growth. Which is more important to you, that you deliver your child’s forgotten math homework today or that she develops a strategy for not forgetting her math homework tomorrow?

Model: When things go wrong in your own life, talk about them. Keep your focus on doing better next time and your long-term perspective. For example if you mess up at work, frame your discussion around improvement and long-term progress: “Well, this work project did not work out the way I wanted, but I still love what I do and want to be doing something related in five years. Here’s how I plan to learn from this so I can get there.” 

Help Them Find Balance

Kids are overscheduled, families are in a constant rush, but a few, strategic pauses in your family’s day can make a huge difference. 

Help Kids Create Effective Good Routines

Present mornings, chores and homework time to kids as a problem to be solved together. In a quiet, calm moment, say, “You know, mornings are really hectic around here and it’s hard for everyone to remember to get out the door with everything they need. How do you think we can make mornings easier and happier?”

Kids are more likely to stick with a plan they created themselves. Buy-in happens most often when kids have a hand in creating strategies, and sometimes it’s more important to be functional and efficient than to be right. 

Try asking, “What would your ideal morning routine look like?” or “What would a perfect homework day look like for you?” then help them come up with ways to make those visions real. 

Help kids operationalize the systems they create. If it’s a planbook, talk about setting intermediary deadlines. If it’s alarms on a virtual calendar, try different sequences of alerts ahead of a due date. Think of your role in this process like that of the training wheels on your kid’s bike. As our children get more sure of their strategies and systems, we can raise the training wheels up until they are no longer needed at all. 

Model: Talk about your own systems, when they fail, why they work for you. As I get older, I find I have to write more things down or I will forget them. When I do, I mention this to my kids, and they have even helped me brainstorm ways to get things down on paper before I lose them to the ether. 

Encourage Good Study Habits

  • Ensure quiet time in your home. Multi-tasking is a myth, especially for kids. Shut off the TV, and if they like to  play music, studies show that music with lyrics undermines concentration and productivity. 
  • Ask your kids what their perfect homework routine might look like. Help them create that vision. Some kids might want a break after school to blow off pent-up energy, others may want to get the homework done first so they can get on to free play. Let them choose the space, too. Just because you envisioned a central study location in your home when you designed it does not mean it’s going to be their preferred spot. 
  • Limit phones during homework time. Phones are a distraction when they are in the room, even when they are turned off, one study shows. If they are a distraction for adults, with their fully mature executive function skills, they are even more distracting for kids, whose frontal lobes (and the executive function skills that originate there) won’t be fully mature until their mid-20s. 

Model: Let kids see you working distraction-free, in an environment that promotes focus. As ever, kids do what we do, not what we say. Work on your projects the way you’d like to see them doing their work. 

Plan for Technology Use

Have a plan in place for family tech usage. This can be around minutes, data or context. If you want family dinners and homework to be tech-free zones, agree to that ahead of time. Then sign a tech contract. Some kids respond to the clarity of a signed contract you can point to for reference. Here are some contracts I love, from Juliana Miner, author of “Raising a Screen Smart Kid” and Devorah Heitner, author of “Screenwise.

Model: When I ask kids what they’d most like me to convey to their parents at my speaking events, one of comments I hear most often is something like: “If you want us to turn our phones off, or spend less time texting with our friends, then parents should do the same.” When we ask kids to make sacrifices we are not willing to make ourselves, they see us. 

More on establishing solid routines

Communication Between School and Home

When students, parents and teachers communicate openly and honestly with each other about what’s happening at home and in the classroom, everyone can stay focused on the learning. 

Keep School-Home Lines of Communication Open

The research is clear: Family involvement and positive home-school communication have been associated with improved grades, positive behavior and attitudes about learning, increased participation and increased attendance. Start by finding out how your child’s teacher would like to be contacted, and honor his or her preferences by sticking to that method.  

When something comes up, go to the teacher first, and not to the principal. That is unfair to both the principal and the teacher. Besides, the principal most likely was not present in your child’s classroom to witness the events in question, so it puts him or her in an awkward position. 

Remember the good moments too. Thank teachers for their efforts on behalf of your child. Thanking teachers lets them know that you respect and appreciate what they do and how they do it. I have an envelope full of these notes accumulated over 20 years of teaching Latin, English and writing, and I often refer back to them when I’m having a bad day or feeling unappreciated. Gratitude matters. 

Model: Don’t bash or undermine a teacher in front of the kids. Kids hear what you say about their teachers, and it’s essential to preserve the student-teacher relationship at all costs. It can be confusing for kids when parents say negative things about their teachers, just as it’s upsetting when one parent speaks ill of the other during a separation or divorce.  

Promote Self-Advocacy

Starting as early as kindergarten, children need to be encouraged to speak up, tell adults what they need, and stand up to people who are not treating them the way they want to be treated. Self-advocacy is a key part of building a child’s sense of self- efficacy, or the understanding that they have the power to control and change their behavior, motivation and environment. 

When your children come to you to complain about how another child or a teacher treated them, ask what they said or did (or what they plan to say or do) to make sure they are heard and understood. Simply asking this question can help children reframe the situation and consider what they can do to effect change themselves.

Expect children to be a part of home-school communication from the first day of elementary school and increase your expectations for their involvement each year until your child is the main conduit of information between home and school. You can provide support, of course, but somewhere around the beginning of middle school, your child should take the lead.   

Get support for your efforts to boost their self-advocacy. Let teachers know you are making this shift so they can support your child’s efforts to be more effective in their communication. 

Coach your children through talking with teachers about problems and talk through the approaches they can take. You can write scripts or role play if a child is anxious about the discussion. This can actually be a fun way to dispel anxiety and play-act the conversation until your child is comfortable. 

If children are facing especially stressful challenges as a result of bullying, special education needs or mental health issues, school counselors can be parents’ greatest ally. Today’s school counselors are mental health professionals who are able to guide students in school and provide referrals as needed to other mental health and academic support professionals in the community. They can even direct parents to low-cost or sliding scale providers if needed, and ensure continuity between school-based services and outside providers.  

Model: Talk about how you ask for help and assert yourself even when it makes you nervous. Explain how you make sure your needs are heard and addressed. If you need to talk to your boss about a misunderstanding at work, make your kid a part of a dinnertime discussion about ways you could approach the conversation. We are, after all, our children’s first teachers when it comes to conflict resolution and self-advocacy. 

Work With Their Bodies, Not Against Them

As the best learning happens in the context of healthy brains and bodies, here are some ways to ensure kids are ready and able to learn. 

The Link Between Sleep and Learning

Sleep is integral to learning and memory consolidation, so prioritize sleep over other activities. If your child isn’t getting to homework until late, think about what else in the family schedule can move to make that a priority. Talk about scheduling before committing to a new extracurricular activity in the first place.  

School-age children need 9 to 11 hours of sleep every night in order to be physically and mentally healthy. And teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. But studies show that they are getting far less than that. This is partially because of two developmental changes during adolescence:

  • Sleep phase delay. When teens tell you they simply are not sleepy at night, they are not lying. Due to a shift in their circadian rhythm during adolescence, they get tired later than children and adults. In light of this, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that high schools start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. to account for teen sleep phase delay and promote teen mental and physical health. 
  • Less awareness of fatigue. Teens are also less likely to feel the effects of their sleep deprivation, which can lead to falling asleep in school or worse, behind the wheel of a car.

Remember, “catching up” on the weekend does not work because it can throw off children’s circadian rhythms further, compounding the problem.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adolescents try keeping a sleep diary to put the reality of their sleep habits in black and white. It’s hard to claim you are getting enough sleep when the numbers tell a different story.  

If your child asks for “just one more hour” for homework or to prepare for a test you can tell them that all other things being equal, an extra hour of sleep will likely be more valuable for memory consolidation than an extra hour of study. 

Model: Let kids see you value sleep. Allow the house to get quiet an hour before a reasonable bedtime, put your devices away, pull out a book and keep good sleep habits yourself. 

How Kids’ Brains Work

Until fairly recently, scientists believed that because childrens’ brains are done growing by the age of 10, their brains are mature by 10 as well. This could not be further from the truth. Kids’ brains are still developing on a cellular level, in a process that won’t be completed until their mid-20s.  

Children’s brains develop in fits and starts, with a first period of massive growth and development between the ages of 1 and 3, and a second during adolescence (between 11 and roughly 25). During these periods of heightened change, their brains are said to be highly “plastic,” meaning they adapt and grow rapidly in response to their environment.  

Increased brain plasticity also means increased potential for learning because brain cells morph from their immature, inefficient “gray matter” state to their more mature and efficient “white matter” state, while building up to 100,000 new synapses per second. Brain cells talk to each other via synapses, and it’s a “use it or lose it” situation. The more brain cells talk to each other via these new connections, the greater the brain’s potential to process and learn.

The last part of the brain to mature is the frontal lobe, where organization, time management and all those other executive function skills happen, so be patient. Middle and high school kids can’t possibly manage all the challenges school and society throws at them, so support kids as they try, fail and try again. 

Model: Brain power is built through challenge and so-called “desirable difficulties,” learning tasks that lie just a bit beyond our ability level or comfort zone. The more our kids see us take on challenges and learn from our mistakes, the more likely they will be to do the same.

More on child development

Choosing a children’s development center | 74.ru

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“We found black mold in my head”: daughters are trying to prove that their father was ruined by Samara doctors never get tired of playing. Developing children’s centers offer a lot of useful games that will help children learn a foreign language, strengthen their muscles, unleash their creativity and make new friends. Educational programs are aimed at children of various ages – from the first days of life to senior classes. nine0003


Children’s club “Ptitsa Govorun” is a cozy nest for children from 1.5 years old and schoolchildren. For each age, special programs have been developed here aimed at developing the personality, revealing the talents of the child.

“Bird Govorun” will help children to speak not only in Russian, but also in English. The club uses a unique teaching method with immersion in the language environment. The first lessons can be started even from a year and a half. During the game, kids begin to get used to the new language environment and easily absorb new knowledge, which in the future will allow them to effectively learn a foreign language. nine0003

From the age of 3-4, group English classes are held according to programs developed by specialists from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

From the age of five, a child can be taught to construct. Classes are taught by a teacher with a physical and mathematical education. In a simple form, he teaches children to assemble various models from metal parts in an interesting and exciting way. All this helps to develop motor skills, imagination, the ability to read diagrams, follow instructions.

Girls will surely like beading, when real masterpieces are created from small beads. nine0003

The club pays great attention to the health of children, so there are fitness classes “Baby and Mom”, which can attend mothers with children from one and a half years old. This is a unique area of ​​study that takes place in tandem with one of the parents. To a greater extent, this training is associated with physical activity and includes elements of yoga, Pilates, dance and gymnastics, which has a very positive effect on the physical and psychological health of children. And from the age of three, children can independently attend the “Children’s Fitness”, which includes elements of choreography, aerobics, gymnastics and dancing. They take place in a spacious gym under the guidance of professional instructors-choreographers. nine0003

Comprehensive school preparation programs are available for preschoolers. They are designed for children who have to go to school in three years, two years and one year. Classes are conducted according to the program for preschoolers “Kindergarten 2100”, supplemented by their own developments and methodological findings of experienced club teachers. Children learn to read, write, count, gradually get used to doing homework. All this helps the children to tune in to study and not lose interest in gaining knowledge. nine0003

In the near future the club will have its own children’s library.

“Bird Talker” will gladly take under its wing the kids whose parents need to leave for a couple of hours. While moms and dads are busy, children will be able to have an interesting and useful time and even draw on a huge wall.

In addition, the club is ready to organize a fun birthday or any children’s party.

Ptitsa Govorun has a flexible system of discounts. All details can be obtained from the club administrator. nine0003


In the new development club “Keys” a team of professionals is ready to take care not only of children, but also of parents. Now moms and dads will not be bored in the hallway while the child attends classes. Adults can also usefully spend time and get a lot of pleasant emotions in dance lessons, yoga, strength training.

The club “Keys” has a program of joint classes. For example, postnatal yoga. This is a great option for moms looking to recover from childbirth and toddlers 0-9months. In these classes, not only muscles are strengthened, but also the relationship between mother and child, they become more harmonious.

For older children, a joint comprehensive development program is offered. Together with their parents, children play useful games, dance, sing, and do creative work. At the same time, parents are not distracted by household chores and are completely passionate about the process of communicating with the child. By the way, psychologists say that such joint activities compensate for the whole day of separation. nine0003

There are quite a lot of musical directions in “Keys”. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, children from the age of 3 learn musical instruments, develop their hearing and vocal abilities. For those wishing to learn foreign languages, there is also a workshop. For children from 7 years old and adults, teachers can learn English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese and even Chinese. There is a separate program of preparation for school.

The club employs a child and family psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist. nine0003

“Keys” works not only as a development center, but also as a kindergarten. The club provides all the conditions for a full-day group stay. All teachers, including junior staff, have higher professional education. They carefully and carefully organize classes for children from 1.5 years old.

In addition, there is a children’s room where you can leave your child for a couple of hours. During this time, your baby will not only play with toys, but also learn a lot of new things in developmental classes. nine0003

In September, the Klyuchi Club hosts presentations of programs in the form of free master classes. Their participants will be able to participate in the classes and personally assess the high level of the club’s team.

Already now you can book a club card, which will become an entrance ticket to various events held in the “Keys”, and will provide discounts on tuition fees.

View the schedule of free workshops here.


“Why did we choose such a name for our center? Yes, because all children are the best in the world! Unfortunately, adults sometimes forget about this and begin to compare their children with others. But every child is an individual, and he is the best. It’s like an axiom that is not proven,” the center explains. nine0003

Children’s Development Center “The Best” is a team of professionals that ensures the individual harmonious development of your child. The center has all the conditions for its successful mental and physical development, personal qualities, cognitive interests and creative forces.

The center has developed programs for children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers.

Toddlers will be delighted with complex classes, including sensorimotor development, creativity, fitness with mom. For a year now, the center has been offering a course in logorhythmics, which will help to avoid speech therapy problems in the future. nine0003

Older children will be able to fully prepare for school, expand their horizons and discover the world of knowledge.

The speech pathologist will comprehensively assess the state of the child’s speech: whether the child pronounces the sounds of speech correctly for his age, whether he knows enough words, whether he constructs phrases correctly, whether he is able to communicate well enough with the help of speech.

The center pays special attention to the physical development of children. A spacious gym allows you to conduct classes in exercise therapy, the Brazilian national martial art of capoeira, oriental dances (for children from 6 years old), incendiary ZUMBE. nine0003

In the cozy atmosphere of the children’s club, creative workshops are held: quilling, drawing, ribbon embroidery, felting, beading, modeling.

The Best is a family center, so the whole family can do it. For mothers and grandmothers, creative workshops on decoupage, soap making, and ribbon embroidery are held. And dads will be able to go to training and learn the basics of capoeira.


Each of us loves to solve mysteries, wishes to be successful in the realization of our desires and projects. And everyone secretly dreams of having superpowers. These desires are overwhelmed not only by adults, but also by children! For such children, the “School of the Young Intelligence Officer” is open – one of the divisions of the School of Speed ​​Reading and Memory Development “Memory-74”. nine0003

Children from 6 to 14 years old are admitted to the “School of the Young Scout”. Each age category has its own level of preparation. Gradually, during the game, the guys train memory, attentiveness, learn to encrypt information and crack cipher codes – use mnemonics; perceive the instruction from the first reading; to anticipate the development of the situation – the thoughts of the author. With such skills, any study will be easy.

And these are not simple words. The Speed ​​Reading School “Memory-74” has been operating in the Chelyabinsk market for more than 10 years. During this time, teachers and students have proven the effectiveness of the methods used. Entire school teams train at the “School of the Young Scout”. According to school director Vera Samoilova, human potential is very great, and such classes help to reveal it as much as possible. If ordinary people read 150 words per minute, then after studying at Memory-74, you can increase your reading speed by two or more times. At the same time, speed reading is not an end in itself, rather, it is a pleasant bonus to memory training and the ability to quickly analyze the information received. Young scouts are able to memorize 30 or more objects of information from the first presentation: images, numbers, symbols, words, etc.

Effective methods of mnemonics (remembering information through associations) and eidetics (creating an image) lead to these miracles of human capabilities.

The School offers a unique diagnostic to identify the leading channel of information perception. Specialists will not only help determine how the child learns the material better, but also give recommendations.

School of Speed ​​Reading and Memory Development “Memory-74” offers several training options for children and adolescents: the main course, individual lessons and consultations, express training during the holidays. In addition, it is possible to work with children on request, that is, classes aimed at eliminating specific gaps, such as poor memory for names and surnames, addresses, numbers, and so on. The lessons themselves are interesting and fly by for the child unnoticed. nine0003

All children are tested before enrolling in classes. It allows you to determine the level of the child and assign him to the group where learning will be most effective.

Enrollment in the “School of the young scout” is carried out throughout the year, you can start at any level of education.


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    Developmental Courses for Children – Advance Distance Learning

    Developmental Courses for Schoolchildren

    School plays an important role in family life. It is with the school that most parental anxieties and expenses are connected, by the way, too. What are the main school problems?

    • The child does not want to study;
    • The child is trying, but learning is not given to him; nine0195
    • The child does not have the ability to learn independently;
    • OGE or USE is approaching;
    • The need for tutors is growing.

    Children are overloaded with studies, and the older they are, the more willingly they use any loophole in order not to study.

    “If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!” – this statement of Bernard Shaw fits perfectly with our “exhortation” conversations with children about learning. nine0003

    Fortunately, there is a way to unravel this tangle of school problems. Children’s courses that develop learning skills will not only solve knowledge problems, but also give the child all the tools for independent learning. And as a bonus, you will get the child’s interest in learning and your good relationship with him.

    Online course “Learn to Learn”

    If you look at the root of educational problems, the reason is always the same – schoolchildren do not know how to learn. Every day more and more new learning tasks fall on them, but no one explains what tools are needed to cope with them with feasible means. Does your child know:

    • how to memorize rules, formulas, definitions, historical dates, foreign words, poems without cramming?
    • how to read faster, better understand what you read?
    • how to take notes correctly?
    • how to take the essence of the program and not get bogged down in the details?

    The unwillingness to study grows in proportion to the number of school problems. To come out of them as a winner, we recommend that you purchase the online course “Learn to Learn”. Of all the child development courses, this is the most comprehensive program with which the child will master the technologies of accelerated learning. nine0003

    “Learn to Learn” graduate can:

    1. In 2–4 days, independently pass any school subject of the annual volume;
    2. Learn foreign words at a rate of 100 or more per hour;
    3. Concentrating for a long time on study sessions;
    4. Prepare for olympiads, exams, tests.

    How Advance Courses Help

    Learn Learn is not the only Advance Education Center course designed for children. For younger students, we also recommend the program “Teach Kids to Read” – exciting activities that the child takes with the help of parents. And for the senior classes, the “Family course for the development of memory and attention” is well suited. What opportunities does each of these programs give children? nine0003

    • Develop intellectual abilities: memory, attention, logical thinking, imagination;
    • Develop learning skills: firmly memorize large amounts of information, read meaningfully and highlight the main thing;
    • To increase one’s working capacity, purposefulness, independence.