Kinder rock: Kinder Rock – Ages 2-3

Опубликовано: April 18, 2023 в 12:10 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Name Rocks – Simply Kinder

Kids love rocks! Practice names and fine motor skills with this fun activity. Learn more here and get a free printable to use with your class!

Name Rocks!  How much fun are these?  Rocks are the latest crazy it seems like and so it only seemed like a fun activity to help students learn their own name and the names of their peers!

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We wanted our rocks to have a clear name put on them, so we added some lines so the kids can see the correct placement of the letters.  We planned on using them in centers, so I wanted the kids to be able to have that model and not try to decipher other students writing.

But what is super fun is the backs of the rocks. We let the kids decorate them on the back.  They got to draw things that were meaningful to them or things they liked, or whatever!

What you need:

  1. Rocks.  We got ours at Home Depot.  They are small size river rocks.  They are about the size of my hand.
  2. Paint to give them a base coat.  I used both tempera paint and spray paint.
  3. Paint Pens. Red, blue, and black.
  4. Lots of Sharpie Markers.

Prep your rocks:

  • Wash your rocks and let them dry. They will be dirty and you need a clean surface for the paint to stick to.  We just washed them in the front yard with our hose and let them dry!  Very technical.
  • Paint the rocks with a base coat.  We started with tempera paint.  It worked but we needed to do 30 so we ran out and bought a can of spray paint.  It was much faster!
  • Draw lines on one side of the rock.  Blue top and bottom and red dotted line in the middle.
  • Write the kids names in black.

We prepped our rocks and home and headed into Ms. O’Bannon’s (The Kinder Garden on Instagram) first-grade classroom!

Introducing your kids to the activity:

We showed the kids the rocks with their names and they got really excited!  We told them NOT to write on the side with the name but they could decorate the back however they wanted!  They could make it into an animal, a person, draw things they like, etc.  We told them their imaginations could go wild.  We had them think and then started handing out materials.  

Each student got their rock and we put the permanent markers around on all the tables. (I have a class set of permanent markers because we do project with them all year).  I always tell the kids (1) it’s permanent, so be careful), (2) they can’t erase so think before you write, and (3) if they need a color they don’t have at their table they can get up and quietly go get it.

(Be sure to keep reading to see what I would do differently).  

The kids did an amazing job on their rocks still!  Here are a few of my favorites:

(Get it?  It’s a YouTube Symbol and star! LOL)

I have read online that it is best to finish them with a glaze.  But, as busy as we are I didn’t see the need for that.  The permanent markers go onto the rock very nicedly.  You could finish them with a clear glaze or Modge Podge, but we did not it is seeming to be AOK.

What would I do differently?  

  • I would have shown the kids samples of rocks on Pinterest.
  • I would have had the kids plan their rock FIRST.  I gave them the My Name Rocks page after they finished their rock.  In hindsight, I should have given them that first so they could plan.  The markers are permanent, so you can’t undo something so planning is important!

Turning it into a center:  

We placed all of our rocks into a very sturdy bin and they will become a place for kids to practice writing all the fantastic names we have in our class.  (This bin came from Target several months ago).

Students can use the free printable to write the names and record what they drew on their rock!  (Keep reading for the printable).

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Better yet, grab this inside Simply Kinder + instantly (yes, no more entering in your email and waiting for it to arrive!) Get My Name Rocks printable here!

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Mädchenröcke – Kinderröcke günstig online kaufen

Kinder möchten gerne die Erwachsenenwelt nachahmen und greifen dabei zu lustigen Kinderröcken. Die Mädchenröcke engen kaum ein, sind angenehm luftig und sehen hübsch aus. Dank der Vielfalt der Röcke bei den Materialien und den Schnittmustern findet Dein Kind garantiert seinen Lieblingsrock.

Mädchenröcke bestechen durch ihre Vielfalt

Klassische Jeansröcke, verspielte Blümchenröcke, bequeme Röcke aus Sweatstoff oder lustige Sommerröcke mit elastischem Bund: Die Kinderröcke gibt es bereits in kleinen Größen für die jüngsten Mädchen. Damit sich Dein kleines Mädchen in ihren Kinderröcken gut bewegen kann, sollte der Rock maximal bis zum Knie reichen. Als Faustregel gilt dabei eine Länge bei der Größe 86 von maximal 22 cm ab der Taille. Für jeden Größenzuwachs solltest Du mit einer Längenzugabe von 2 cm rechnen. Ein Mädchen mit Kleidergröße 116 fühlt sich in einem Rock mit maximal 32 cm Rocklänge meist wohl. Die Rocklänge ist abhängig vom Stoff und der Schnittführung des Rocks. Ein Rock, der in Falten gelegt ist oder einen weit schwingenden Saum hat, darf länger sein. Je schmäler ein Rock ist, desto kürzer darf er sein. Um in einem geraden Rock viel Bewegungsfreiheit zu haben, greifen viele Mädchen lieber zu Miniröcken.

Die bunte Welt der Mädchenröcke

So unterschiedlich die Art der Röcke für Mädchen ist, so verschieden präsentieren sich die Röcke in punkto Farbe und Schnitt. Lässige Jeansmodelle können im destroyed Look erscheinen, einen Latz aufweisen oder sich verspielt mit einem gezogenen Bündchen an der Taille zeigen. Der robuste Jeansstoff aus reiner Baumwolle wird durch die Beigabe von Elasthan geschmeidig und dehnbar. Eine angenehme Weite haben kreisrund geschnittene Röcke oder Kinderröcke mit Stufen. Die Stofffülle wird in der Taille zusammengefasst und mit einem hübschen Stoff- oder Gummiband verziert. Wenn sich Dein Mädchen wie ein Kreisel dreht, dann kann es die Schönheit dieser Rockart bestaunen und fühlt sich wie eine kleine Prinzessin. Die bedruckten Baumwollstoffe mit lieblichen Blumen, lustigen Fantasiegestalten oder Glitzerelementen passen zu dieser Rockart. Deutlich sportlicher zeigen sich Röcke aus unifarbenen Sweatmaterial mit Stickereien oder aufgenähten Patches. Das hautfreundliche Baumwoll-Mischgewebe ist sehr robust und langlebig. Röcke mit angesetzten Volants werden die Romantikerinnen überzeugen.

Für jeden Anlass den passenden Mädchenrock

Die Mädchenröcke können zu jeder Gelegenheit getragen werden. Im Kindergarten und in der Schule sind schlichte und robuste Modelle zu bevorzugen, damit Dein Kind genügend Bewegungsfreiheit zum Toben in der Pause hat. Dein Mädchen kann sich für Karos, Streifen, einen Cargoschnitt mit großen Taschen oder einen Cordrock entscheiden und jeden Tag einen anderen Rock wählen. Wird hingegen ein Familienfest gefeiert oder begleitet Dich Dein Kind zu einer Hochzeit oder einer eleganten Veranstaltung, dann darf der Rock aus mehreren Lagen und einem schimmernden Material bestehen. Glitzerelemente vervollständigen das Aussehen des Rocks und ziehen die Blicke an sich. Kombinieren kann Dein Kind seinen Rock mit einem lässigen T-Shirt, einem hübschen Top oder einer Bluse. In der kalten Jahreszeit passen Pullover und eine dicke Strumpfhose zu den Röcken für Kinder.

Die Röcke sind pflegeleicht

Obwohl Dein Kind stolz auf seinen Rock ist, kann ein kleines Malheur passieren. Gut, dass die Röcke für Kids pflegeleicht sind. Du kannst den Rock bei niederer Temperatur in der Waschmaschine reinigen. Je nach Modell entfällt ein Bügeln und ein Trocknen im Trockenautomat. Bitte beachte die Pflegehinweise bei jedem Modell.

Aussehen wie eine erwachsene Frau können kleine Kids in den bunten und vielfältigen Rockmodellen. Die Röcke sind aus hautfreundlichen und pflegeleichten Textilien gefertigt und überzeugen mit Stufen, Volants, Taschen, Lätzen oder einer geraden Form. Die Röcke sind für alle Gelegenheiten geeignet und werden mit einem hübschen Oberteil getragen.


Good Rock. Music that pulls certain strings in a person’s heart

After several years of domination and the consequences of the global COVID-19 pandemic, when many areas of human activity were literally on the verge of survival, the concert and festival industry is starting to work at full capacity again.

The main adventure of the summer – this is the established slogan of the rock festival “Invasion”, known throughout the country, this year will not be. But many more local festivals of varying degrees of scale are planned throughout the country. The slogan “Pskov will accept! Pskov is waiting! invented and brought to life by Andrey Semyonov, the organizer of the Good Rock festival. Read a frank interview on “Sensations. No”.

Andrey Semyonov — organizer of the Good Rock festival — collage by Andrey Zaitsev

Sensations.Net: So, how many years has Good Rock been around?

Andrey Semyonov: The first concert of Good Rock took place in June 2013 and was dedicated to Children’s Day. In theory, the festival that will be held this summer near Pskov will be the tenth in a row, but because of the coronavirus, I do not focus on this, since for obvious reasons nothing has been held for two years.

“Sensations. Net”: Was there any calculation of how many teams performed during this time on “Good Rock”?

Andrey Semyonov: Definitely more than two hundred. But then at some point I began to recalculate, lost my way, spat and never returned to these statistics.

“Sensations. No”: Has it become bigger since it all started?

Andrey Semyonov: Initially, at that very first concert, which was positioned as a single phenomenon, there were eleven bands from Pskov. In 2014, we already had about thirty teams from all over the northwestern and central regions at the April preselection.

The first poster of the Good Rock festival is a collage by Andrey Zaitsev

Sensations.Net: Quite often at festivals, the selection of participating teams is rather strange. In the course of frank protection of some groups by the organizers, ridiculous Internet voting full of cheating, and so on. How are things going with this at Good Rock?

Andrey Semyonov: I watch the teams only myself and directly in action, that is, on stage.

“Sensations.Net” : But now it’s quite easy to look on the Internet for a live performance of any little band.

Andrey Semyonov: From personal experience, almost all videos are embellished in one way or another. Either this is a beautiful montage, or a corrected sound, or both taken together. Of course, from the point of view of a simple listener, there can be no complaints – just watch and enjoy. But I have to look at it as an organizer. In addition, for the sake of objectivity, I throw off the materials provided by the groups to other organizers and well-known musicians with whom I am friends, so as not to focus on my personal vision. After that, the final decision is made whether the group goes to the festival or not.

Good Rock Festival — Andrey Zaitsev’s collage

“Sensations. No”: But what about simple videos “on the phone”, where there is no editing?

Andrey Semyonov: Theoretically, it could just be the most successful number of some concert. But the whole concert itself may not be so successful. Therefore, Dobryi Roka has pre-selection concerts so that I can understand how a conditional band can work live here and now. As far as the collective, as they say, is ready to do what is required of it and to enter the festival stage.

Sensations.Net: Good Rock is very closely connected with charity. For what? After all, you could just hold a commercial music festival.

Andrey Semyonov: From the very beginning of the festival’s existence, it was conceived and embodied as a charitable one, since there was a link to the Children’s Day. The collected money was directed to the families of children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. To avoid gossip, we took an old large marching drum, put transparent plastic on one side, and made a slot on top, in the manner of a piggy bank, where those who wish can donate money. This “good drum” is sealed during the festival and is constantly in front of hundreds of people. After the end of the event, almost immediately, in the direct presence of journalists and representatives of the fund where the money will be sent, we open, recount and give this money against an inventory to the organization that distributes the funds raised.

“Good Drum” at the festival “Good Rock” – collage by Andrey Zaitsev

“Sensations. No”: Can’t you just raise funds without all these rock festivals?

Andrey Semyonov: You can. But as practice shows, people love positive musical events. In addition, quite a large number of these people gather at such events. And here the principle “from the world on a string” already works and a large number of positively minded people who are simultaneously in one place, where it is easier to imbue the idea of ​​​​help.

“Sensations.Net”: Now and then there is a fuss about the dishonest work of some fundraising funds …

Andrey Semyonov: People can think whatever they want. And in personal conversations, and in “these Internets of yours” I had to observe fat holivars on this topic, both among musicians and among listeners. In addition to Good Rock, I also have the Kind Pskov movement in parallel, which I have been working on for all these years. The festival did not previously pursue any commercial goal at all.
Initially, the goal was to support young musicians, who at some point everyone forgot about. Now the festival has grown from just a charity into an international festival of live music, but the charitable component still remains. But as I said a little earlier, after collecting the money, we officially transfer it to our partner funds, and they are already distributing and directing funds to people in need.

Transfer of funds at the Good Rock festival — collage by Andrey Zaitsev

“Sensations. No”: As they say in the news, there is no smoke without fire, and not very pleasant details begin to come out about some well-known charitable foundations. During the existence of Good Rock, were there any temptations to get involved in money laundering or to take bribes from the performers at the festival?

Andrey Semyonov: Friends of some young musicians asked several times if it is possible to get to the festival by paying certain expenses of the festival. There was such an offer, I do not hide it, but everything ended with a reference to preliminary qualifying concerts. The group on the stage must represent something and squander the dynamics of the festival because of the money – it will come out more expensive for itself in the end. As for conditional money laundering, I repeat: we are not a fund! Such is the self-restraint in order to exclude this temptation and do what is intended – the organization of “Good Rock”. Now, undoubtedly, the festival is more and more becoming commercial, as there is already a solid history, name and even adherents all over the country. But in one way or another, the charitable component will be present.

“Sensations. No” : Adepts of “Good Rock”? Sounds pretty provocative. Without detracting from the seriousness and quality of the festival, the scale is clearly not yet on the level of “Invasion”.

Andrey Semyonov: I agree about the scale, but I’ll explain about the adherents, of course. I mean people who are finally ready to listen to young and new music for them. Well, or not young and not new, but a little forgotten or undeservedly missed the opportunity to be heard. Take at least Igor Semenov with the group “Rock State” – a kind of Russian “Pink Floyd” …

“Sensations. No”: Relative?

Andrey Semyonov: No. Just like Alexander Semyonov from the Leningrad Rock Club. But note that all the Semyonovs are in rock! (laughs).

Good Rock Festival — collage by Andrey Zaitsev

Sensations. Net: Previous years, due to the pandemic, were difficult for the concert industry. What can I say, the life of the organizer of mass events has never been easy. Have you thought about giving it all up?

Andrey Semyonov: There have been more than once. But, again, seeing how, in such conditions, young and unknown bands continue to make some kind of movement with album recordings, concerts, Internet broadcasts, you think: “Oh, okay … I’ll pull it again!”.

“Sensations. No”: What are the hopes for “Good Rock” this year?

Andrey Semyonov: I really look forward to the festival once again reaching a new level. We went from a one-time concert to a “red date”, through regular club selection concerts for six months to a two-day rock festival in the center of Pskov. Now the next round of our development has begun, so Kind Rock is moving to nature to become a full-fledged multi-day interesting musical event in the region. But the priority still remains with young groups. It will not be an assembly of twenty proven well-known bands that are already bright representatives of live music and rock culture of our country, on which money is stupidly earned. It will be something else. Here we will continue to show not only those who are afloat and are already known, but also young bands that will perform on the same stage with them. After all, fame is a combination of many causes and actions, which does not always depend on musicians. It exists today and not tomorrow. But the quality and level can in no way be inferior to their more eminent colleagues.

Good Rock Festival — Andrey Zaitsev’s collage

Sensations. No: Boris Grebenshchikov once sang about “Rock and Roll is dead…”. In light of all current events, is that so?

Andrey Semyonov: All this gradation is “alive”, “dead”, “rock”, “jazz”… Speaking about myself, I personally like this trend the most. It is alive, more or less developing and significantly more multifaceted than the imposed, which is considered to be pop music. Rock has a different task both in sound and in lyrics … I like music that pulls certain strings in a person’s heart. I’m not only interested in “foot music”. Therefore, the “Good Rock” happened, as such.

Good Rock Festival — collage by Andrey Zaitsev

Subscribe to our Telegram channel “Sensations.Net” and don’t let the news deceive you!

In St. Petersburg “Good Rock” will hold a charity concert to help little Petersburgers – February 14, 2023 sick children. This time, support will be provided to brother and sister – Maxim and Masha Shcherbakov.

Seven-year-old Maxim has autism, and six-year-old Masha has mental retardation. According to the mother, the kids grew and developed like all ordinary children. But then the parents noticed deviations. In particular, there was a rollback in development. Numerous examinations were carried out, the children underwent rehabilitation courses, but there was practically no improvement. Moreover, children were given more and more new diagnoses.

Photo: Courtesy of the organizers


Now Maksim and Masha were recommended to take courses in hippotherapy – this is rehabilitation through horseback riding. This method is used for the rehabilitation of patients with neurological and other disorders, such as autism, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, behavioral and mental disorders, etc. Hippotherapy has long been used all over the world and has been developed in Russia.

In St. Petersburg, classes are conducted by specialists from the Regional Public Organization “Center for Mutual Integration “Akkord””. But you have to pay for them. Not all parents have such an opportunity, so a few years ago, Akkord employees teamed up with musicians and organized the Good Rock charity festival. Within its framework, concerts are held monthly, at which well-known and emerging musicians from St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia perform for free, and the funds raised are used to pay for hippotherapy classes. In 2022, thanks to the festival, 12 children received a full course of hippotherapy classes, according to Accord.

The next concert will take place on February 16 at the club-museum “Kotelnaya Kamchatka” on Blokhin Street. Alisa Gratsianova, Alexander and Polina Simonov, Kirill Matveev (groups “Monastyr”, “1.8.7” and “Ratibor”) and Denis TerOzerov will take the stage. The concert starts at 19:00. Details can be found in the group of the festival in the social network.

Photo: Courtesy of the organizers

Akkord Center for Mutual Integration is a socially oriented non-profit public organization. The main activity is hippotherapy, adaptive riding (carrying out health-improving, rehabilitation, psycho-correctional, developing, recreational and sports activities using a horse). Target audience – people with disabilities, people in difficult life situations, members of their families. Akkord conducts hippotherapy classes for children and adults, as well as informational and educational meetings about the use of hippotherapy in the complex rehabilitation system for specialists and leaders in the field of rehabilitation and social protection and support for the disabled, for parents of children with disabilities, for students of specialized universities.