Implantation bleeding stories pregnant: 11 Heavy Implantation Bleeding Stories (You’re Not Alone)

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Real pictures of heavy implantation bleeding

Last updated on February 4th, 2023 at 05:56 am

During the onset of early pregnancy phase (1–2 weeks), women go through light bleeding or spotting. What we also face during period bleeding.

It seems fine!

However, the heavy implantation bleeding may also happen to many mothers.

I will anonymously show those images with stories. First, I will start with showing implantation bleeding pictures starting from normal to heavy.

By the way, mothers who don’t face intense bleeding and shared their implantation bleeding picture to me at my inbox, I sort out the condition of them as they are not ovulating or to test out Negative pregnancy dye stealer pregnancy test.

If you are worried about your pregnancy with implantation bleeding, then you must read between the lines step by step below:

Note: This article includes many real implantation bleeding pictures anonymously. I have permission to use them for the sake of helpful intent.

Table of Contents

Implantation bleeding pictures look pink or brown when you are pregnant.

implantation bleeding pics

Oftentimes, we get to see the pinkish blood color, lets see what such a pink implantation bleeding picture look like:

pink implantation bleeding picture

By the way, mothers who don’t face intense bleeding and shared their implantation bleeding picture to me at my inbox, I sort out the condition of them as they are not ovulating or not going to test out positive pregnancy.

Brown implantation bleeding pictures

They had to change their pads or tampons every hour because the bleeding was so much. They get to see bright and dark brown implantation bleeding pictures after wiping out.

Pinkish implantation bleeding picsDark brown implantation bleeding pictureLight pink implanting bleeding pics

Related post: plan b spotting vs implantation bleeding

Pink Implantation bleeding picture

The pinkish tissue pics has shown below: it is a clear sign that the mother is undergoing the ovulation period. It is the most obvious sign of a pregnant mother.

Picture: 1

Pink implantation bleeding real picture

Picture: 2

Implantation bleeding looks like very light or pink and brown, when you are having to change pads.

implantation bleeding pics on pad picture

On the other hand, it’s most likely looks like a period sign not implantation with red implantation bleeding on your pads or tampons. However, if it is only faint red, then things need to re-consider.

Picture: 3

a real heavy implantation bleeding picture of a pregnant mother

So the above period like picture tells the sign of a normal messes. However, you need to watch out for the number of days and bleeding quantity or flow. Because the flow will be either implantation bleeding or normal messes.

Picture: 3

light implantation bleeding photo before BFP

The picture 3 resembles the picture 4 but the only difference is with slightly yellow discharge.

Implantation bleeding pictures with mucus discharge:

Picture: 4

implantation light bleeding or spotting picture

The white discharge with heavy mucus is filled with fluid. It is a sign of ovulation too but the hCG progesterone level is at peaks in the body.

Picture 5

implantation bleeding pics on mucus dischargeimplantation light white mucus discharge picture on a tissue

Here we discuss all the reasons for heavy to light implantation bleeding pictures & stories. Afterwards, you will come to know of its sign for your consideration.

If you get to see such bleeding, then most probably you have heavy implantation bleeding with clot stories.

real picture of heavy implantation bleeding stories

See the picture below :

With tiny clots pass after heavy implantation bleeding. It seems like you can not pass tiny clots in normal blood flow or implantation bleeding unless the flow is heavier.

tiny clots pass after heavy implantation bleedingFetus comes out after heavy implantation bleeding!

Implantation bleeding pictures on pads or pants

Implantation is very light or pink and brown if your having to change pads it’s most likely a period as implantation is only a little as well as your blood being red. Look at the following picture with red blood.

implantation bleeding picsA soaked up real pad picture due to heavy implantation bleeding

Can implantation bleeding fill a pad?

Yes, implantation bleeding was enough to fill up a pad or tampon in just a few hours. So, it will fill a pad overnight. However, the bleeding may very from normal to heavy flow.

A real pictures of heavy implantation bleeding

Mothers are facing profuse bleeding, even they have passed 10 weeks of their pregnancy. Such heavy implantation bleeding pictures look very awkward and oftentimes it causes them a closed womb.

For example, if you took some light implantation bleeding pics that time, then it looks like watery discharge from underpants or pads

very light spotting from implantation bleeding pics on underpants

This is normal cervical mucus and sometimes it comes with watery discharge.

implantation bleeding pics with watery discharge

If you have the same condition then normally, you are not pregnant because Implantation bleeding pics in toilet are pink in color or brown in color while you are ovulating.

The below picture looks like red (Overlook the photo if it makes you uncomfortable)

implantation bleeding pics on toilet

For many mothers, the implantation bleeding occurs at early morning when they go to toilet and it disappears at the following night or the day after before sleeping.

Implantation bleeding vs period

The image below will give you the quick answer about implantation bleeding vs period bleeding pictures look like.

Implantation bleeding vs period infographic

Well, period bleeding color look like bright red to dark red which seems thick and sticky.

On the other hand, the implantation bleeding pics are look like brown/dark brown/pink in color.

Here is another picture shown below about period bleeding color

implantation bleeding color

If it is heavy Implantation bleeding then the bleeding would look like dark or red at the early stage or first few hours and then it turns out light bleeding (pink, brown, and dark brown)

normal menstrual bleeding has a dark red color in the first few days and gets it brighter red color over time. On the contrary, the implantation bleeding has a deep brown or pinkish color.

On the other hand, identifying which is implantation bleeding, and which is normal periodic bleeding is the most important thing to track while early pregnancy. Because both of them have some similar signs. 

I will tell you some of the parameters which will distinguish between them easily.

Heavy implantation bleeding look like red bleeding and it is close to period bleeding color picture.

Real pictures of heavy implantation bleeding

Heavy implantation bleeding duration last for only a day and then the test comes out positive!

red heavy implantation bleeding pictures

During the heavy bleeding the color may becomes red and a mother only get to see such bleeding only a day or 2. Afterwards, it turns out brown or light red just like the following brown implantation bleeding picture.

brown implantation bleeding pics

Heavy implantation bleeding picture of miscarriage

A real picture of heavy implantation bleeding during 10 weeks of pregnancy

Heavy implantation bleeding picture of miscarriage

If you have ever come to experience heavy blood flow during pregnancy, then don’t fret. There are many heavy implantation bleeding stories of mothers. They overcome it as it doesn’t last very long.

From American Pregnancy Journal depicted the common stories of implantation bleeding:

Most women experience some degree of implantation bleeding when they become pregnant. This is when the embryo implants itself into the lining of the uterus and can cause light spotting or bleeding. However, in some cases, the bleeding can be heavier

Editor. (2022, July 1). Early signs of pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

But it will be a matter of concern if the implantation bleeding is heavy as well as continuous for more than 2 weeks.

Because it is a sign of pregnancy loss, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, and some other reasons.

I saw many heavy implantation bleeding pictures and heard stories from my mates since I’m 42.

Heavy implantation bleeding stories with twins

When you carry a twin baby, your body is under stress that creates implantation bleeding with twins

So, many mothers run 4-5 weeks pregnancy test for twin pregnancy detection

they either run a 5w5d ultrasound or 6w5d ultrasound test. It is because for the better safety.

5w5d ultrasound

Even if you are singleton pregnant, you may face the problem of heavy bleeding.

Implantation bleeding occurs when the blood vessels burst into the line of the uterus. So while you carry twins, it would be much bleeding.

In addition, If you use a tampon, it’s no need to change it multiple times as the implantation bleeding tampon not get wet very soon all the time. However, if the tampon gets wet then you must replace with a new one unless, you may face bacterial infection.

What Should I do when heavy implantation bleeding occurs?

Don’t be panic since having heavy implantation bleeding doesn’t last long usually. Here are 3 simple tips for you at the beginning while you are having trouble with it:

  • The best thing to do is to relax and take it easy.
  • Avoid strenuous activity and intercourse.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible.

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If you’re not experiencing moderate implantation bleeding, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. However, if the bleeding is accompanied by severe cramping or pain, you should speak to your doctor.

Heavy implantation bleeding and positive pregnancy test

By the way there would be some exception like you have the positive pregnancy test but bleeding and cramping are signs. Hence, you should visit to your OB-GYN if it persists for more then a few days.

I recommend you to keep testing and get to know about what was your implantation bleeding like before BFP (Big Fat Positive).

Make sure, the sooner you will detect the positive pregnancy during the implantation occurs, the better you will understand and tell the good news to your husband.

A implantation pictures of heavy flow during implantation and the test comes out positive!

Lets say, it could be start from your 5 dpo symptoms success stories, 10 DPO, 12 DPO, 13 DPO, and chances are high during 14 or 16 DPO.

Some BFN (false negative test) would turn out BFP too at 8 DPO BFN success stories.

It is because, the more days are passing due to the ovulation, the more likely you will find test line darker then control line during pregnancy test.

Find the best way to run your ovulation test according to what FDA says.

Why does implantation bleeding occurs

When it occurs?

Implantation bleeding occurs due the overlapping status between fertilized egg to the uterus line, turns out it causes light to tough spot of bleeding.

After a fertilization process, the fertilized egg starts growing in the fallopian tube. Then it is divided continuously and converts to a blastocyst. Now it will become the embryo.

During Early Pregnancy:

light bleeding is the most common sign of an early pregnancy but heavy bleeding also occurs during that time which is normally last for only few hours like 2 or 3 (maximum).

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg doesn’t latch on the uterus line and mistakenly latches outside of the womb, it starts to bleed. It is an ectopic pregnancy. While you are bleeding, you may have such symptoms

About 90% of ectopic pregnancies happen when the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube. Then when it may burst, it creates unusual life-threatening internal bleeding.

Many women have heavy implantation bleeding stories with ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is not a normal and common problem. It has some signs. 

  • Heavy or light v*gin*l bleeding with dark brown color
  • Severe stomach pain that occurs suddenly or gradually
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Rectal pressure
  • Severe pain the time of using the bathroom
  • Feel pain at the end of the shoulder and beginning the arm

Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy may be another sign of heavy implantation bleeding in the first trimester of your pregnancy.  

When any genetic error occurs in the processing of fertilization, then abnormally, the placental tissue grows and creates molar pregnancy. In this case, the fetus cannot grow at all. It is a cause of miscarriage.

However, a molar pregnancy is a rare but serious problem. Only 1% of pregnancies occur in molar pregnancy.

  • Deep Nausea
  • V*gin*l bleeding that may be bright red to dark brown
  • Pressure or pain in lower stomach or pelvis
  • Cysts like grapes come from the v*gina
  • Vomiting
  • Ovarian cysts
  • The unusual size of the uterus
  • An overactive thyroid
  • Anemia

If someone experiences this problem, they should early go to a doctor.

Miscarriage and pregnancy loss

pregnancy loss and implantation bleeding

Generally, most miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Up to 10 to 20 percent of miscarriage occurs in this period with heavy implantation bleeding.

If you face heavy bleeding with pain, it can be a symptom of miscarrying. However, it’s not your fault. Instead of this sign, most pregnant women carry their baby with a healthy pregnancy.

  • Heavier v*ginal bleeding with clots and tissues
  • Lower stomach pain
  • Deep pain in the lower back
  • Stern cramping
  • Brown or dark red in color of heavy bleeding
  • Start to flow with spotty, then grows heavier.

If you face these symptoms in the first trimester of your pregnancy, you should call a doctor as soon as possible.

Implantation cramping sign

Light implantation bleeding picture before bfp tells you are having signs or symptoms of implantation cramping, spotting, and bleeding which does not last longer.

More Signs

It may be heavy and cause serious health problems for these women. Mainly this v*ginal bleeding happens due to v*ginal infection, Subchorionic Hematoma or SCH, molar pregnancy, tubal ectopic pregnancy, Yeast infection, etc. 

When the egg is implanting for example, during 6 days of blastocyst, then heavy bleeding occurs. It is a sign of early pregnancy and the heavy implantation may happen at the very first moment and then it will turn out to be the sign of normal implantation.

While the mother wiped and she observed light pink blood on tissue, she was having the following signs:

  • Soreness of breast
  • mild nausea and morning sickness
  • Implantation bleeding smells like bad
  • Awful dream that you won’t experience before
  • Cramping mild to painful

It’s most likely a period due to the normal implantation. If the flow is heavy too at first, so the blood will turn pink from red.

Yet, if you have no idea at all, then the heavy blood flow will surprise you. But once you get to see then run a pregnancy test during period. Afterwards, most of the time the heavy bleeding will go away within 2 days maximum.

It’s a simple sign and every woman experience it during period/pregnancy and, no need to worry about at all 🙂

But, you must know about implantation bleeding during pregnancy as it is the early sign of pregnancy.

It starts and gets well on its own. So it’s no need to worry at all. 😊

I got to see some signs as they told me it was just light spotting with mild cramping. The cramping comes and goes and never last so long.

Symptoms of normal and heavy implantation bleeding Stories

Normal and heavy implantation bleeding both happen in the first trimester of pregnancy. Among these, implantation bleeding is the first sign of pregnancy. But it may be the sign of some serious complications.

Symptoms of normal and heavy implantation bleeding

Sign of heavy bleeding

  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Unable to keep down the flow of bleed
  • Severe cramping
  • Lower abdomen pain or heaviness
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating

The symptom of normal implantation bleeding:

Here is some symptom of implantation bleeding. If you experience this problem in the first trimester of pregnancy, be tension-free. It will get well on own.

  • Nausea
  • Mood swing
  • Light cramp
  • Headache
  • Sore breasts
  • Lower back pain

Subchorionic hemorrhage and infections may create heavy implantation bleeding and that miscarriage may occur.

25 of 198 pregnancies (12.6%) without subchorionic hematoma resulted in miscarriage 

Şükür YE, Göç G, Köse O, Açmaz G, Özmen B, Atabekoğlu CS, Koç A, Söylemez F. The effects of subchorionic hematoma on pregnancy outcome in patients with threatened abortion. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2014 Dec 1;15(4):239-42. doi: 10.5152/jtgga.2014.14170. PMID: 25584033; PMCID: PMC4285213.

Subchorionic hemorrhage

Here is some symptom of subchorionic hemorrhage:

  • Lower stomach pain
  • Light to heavier bleeding
  • Severe cramping
  • Pink, red or brown color bleeding, etc
  • V*ginal bleeding
  • Discharge of white mucus
  • Itching
  • Burning in the time of urinating
  • Stomach pain.

Has anyone had heavy implantation bleeding and still was pregnant?

If anyone had heavy implantation bleeding that last for only two days, then there is good chance to be pregnant.

About 10 to 20 percents of women has had heavy implantation bleeding and still was pregnant.

During heavy bleeding the pictures of implantation color would be light, brown or pink.

Many women who experience heavy bleeding go on to have healthy pregnancies too.

On the other hand, if the bleeding last for several days like 7 to 9 days. If anyone experience implantation cramping, and other symptoms, then chances are pretty low to become pregnant. On the other hand, you are having a tired tubes for late period complication.

You can easily come to know when you can see more bleeding compared to normal. Because, normal implantation bleeding does not last long even though it is very light.

Yet, you may face bleeding and some sign of miscarriage. But it will not be risky and miscarriage.  In that case, it can call a threatened abortion.

This abortion occurs for some reason. If you have an yeast infection or fall on trauma in the area of the ureter, you can face the threatened abortion.

Normal implantation Heavy implantation
It does not last long during pregnancy It doesn’t occur during pregnancy, if occurs then barely last long. However, it last long as a sign of miscarriage, ectopic/molar pregnancy
light implantation blood color includes pink and brown or dark brown heavy implantation blood color looks red

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normal vs heavy implantation bleeding differences chart

Implantation bleeding vs period bleeding vs heavy bleeding

It is usually tough to find the difference between the bleeding of the period cycle and implantation bleeding because both have almost similar signs. 

But both have some differences to be a consideration. Even heavy implantation bleeding carries some typical signs from them. Below are some differences between all of them.

Regular menstrual: Implantation bleeding: Heavy implantation bleeding
The regular period lasts at least 7 to 8 days or less, obviously may differ by age. Implantation bleeding last for a few hours or couple of days The heavy Implantation bleeding lasts only a day or 2
Its bleeding is heavy at first, then too light at the end of the menstrual period. Its bleeding is lighter than menstrual bleeding. It is heavy and sometimes may happen with clotting
In this bleeding, you may look at clots and tissues. In this bleeding, there are no clots or tissue. There are clots with heavy bleeding
Before starting the period, you may face uterus cramping. It can occur several days in a time period. The color of implantation bleeding may be brown or pink. The color of this v*ginal bleeding is bright red
Period bleeding smells like sweet or fishy odor sometimes Implantation bleeding smells mild and oftentimes is has no odor. Heavy bleeding may smell foul odor when you are infected.
It is a sign that you are not pregnant for the next cycle After all, it is a sign of early pregnancy. It is a sign of having twins, miscarrying, ectopic pregnancy

Implantation bleeding vs period bleeding


typically you can notice the cramps in the menstrual bleeding but the implantation bleeding doesn’t contain along with painful cramps.

I have written another article on how long does implantation cramping last where you will get to know more about it. Even if you may notice some cramps during pregnancy, they will not be more intensive than periodic bleeding.

Clots and consistency:

normal implantation bleeding does not discharge clots at all.

On the contrary, heavy implantation bleeding may look like viscous and contains thick blood clots through blood discharge. Sometimes the developing fetus comes! (see the picture below)

A fetus comes out due to clotting and bleeding after many days

Bleeding flow

The bleeding amount of menstrual is more than the implantation bleeding. The menstrual bleeding is enough to soak the tampon or pads while the implantation bleeding is a little noticeable. It is quite enough to damp the pantiliner.

Duration of bleeding

Menstrual bleeding may last for at least 7 to 8 days while heavy implantation bleeding only takes a few hours or up to 2 days, if you have no serious issues like molar and ectopic pregnancy signs (I’ve told it the signs already).

Bleeding type

Menstrual bleeding becomes heavier over time. But the implantation bleeding is not heavier. It will be very pale over time and even you may not be able to notice it. 

Could a heavy implantation bleeding be a symbol of pregnancy loss?

Pregnancy loss may be the cause of heavy implantation bleeding. Generally, pregnancy loss occurs before 24 weeks of pregnancy. About 10% of pregnancies, it can see.

When to seek a doctor?

So, If someone has such bleeding stories in the first 1 to 2 weeks after their conception, they should emergency seek a doctor.
As such bleeding is not a simple complication, you must seek a bit of professional advice when you face any problem, as mentioned above.

Your doctor sees the heavy bleeding seriously and recommends some tests if you need them.


  1. Harper MJ. The implantation window. Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1992 Jun;6(2):351-71. doi: 10.1016/s0950-3552(05)80092-6. PMID: 1424330.
  2. Şükür YE, Göç G, Köse O, Açmaz G, Özmen B, Atabekoğlu CS, Koç A, Söylemez F. The effects of subchorionic hematoma on pregnancy outcome in patients with threatened abortion. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2014 Dec 1;15(4):239-42. doi: 10.5152/jtgga.2014.14170. PMID: 25584033; PMCID: PMC4285213.
  3. Robinson GE. Pregnancy loss. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2014 Jan;28(1):169-78. doi: 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2013.08.012. Epub 2013 Sep 3. PMID: 24047642.

Implantation Stories!! – Trying to Conceive – RollerCoaster Discussions

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As implantation bleeding is often discussed on these forums I wondered if it’d be best to have a thread whereby any of ye that experienced this type of bleeding could share your stories as a centre for any of us with doubts could refer to?!

Google tells us that implantation bleeding is uncommon and only occurs in about 20-25% of women, and yet within that small percentage there also seems to be a massive degree of difference amongst the women who do experience it.

For any of you who have had this experience please do share your stories and hopefully we’ll all gain perspective and have a measured amount of optimism as we await our BFP’s




Topic starter
Posted : 02/04/2016 6:56 pm

NCOK and NCOK reacted

I had implantation cramps not bleeding at 9&10 dpo then got bfp


Posted : 02/04/2016 9:29 pm

Thanks roller chick. Was it similar to AF cramps or different in any way?

Ive been reading up on it and apparently women with twins have slightly heavier implantation bleeding than those who experience it with single children. Hmm…


Topic starter
Posted : 02/04/2016 9:34 pm

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant on my second and had a implantation bleed the day before my period was due (I actually thought it was my period staring early) – I think I was about 13 dpo. It was basically only there when I wiped. Had a lot if cramps on one side too.

Never had one on my first!


Posted : 02/04/2016 9:58 pm

NCOK and NCOK reacted

Congrats babyboy, thanks for your story.


Topic starter
Posted : 02/04/2016 10:06 pm

Hi all on my first & second ds no implantation bleed or pain but on my angel baby I had the worst pain in my left had side about 6 days after my ovulation and I knew it had to be implantation 5 days later bfp ! So far this month nothing as yet but it’s early days I will let you all know !


Posted : 02/04/2016 10:38 pm

Aug thanks for your story and so sorry that particular pregnancy ended. Do you mind me asking about the pain, was it intense cramp or ov type stitch?


Topic starter
Posted : 02/04/2016 10:44 pm

For me it felt like period cramps for two days then stopped


Posted : 03/04/2016 9:51 am

Hi, on my 1st I remember I was due AF on the Thurs. The Monday before this (would have been 10dpo) I was in work went to the bathroom and i noticed there was dark brown spots in my underwear. I was raging and started crying because I always got spotting before my AF and thought this was it again. It was our 1st time ttc but I was so positive that I’d be pregnant there was NO WAY I wasn’t. When I saw that I was so frustrated!!!

Anyway a short while later(maybe later that day or the next) I got really bad cramping and what felt like my AF. Went to the toilet but no AF, it was just (sorry tmi alert) some creamy cm.

Anyway Thurs passed with no AF so by the Sunday I did a test and it was positive.

On this pregnancy (I’m currently 7 weeks) I didn’t notice any of that but they say every one can be different.


Posted : 03/04/2016 2:53 pm

Heh purple gem and roller chick thanks for adding your stories.

Congrats purplegem on this pregnancy!

With the creamy cm you experienced on your 1st, was it a once off experience or did it continue for some time?

It really is a very individual thing, the only thing that is linking the stories so far is the timing of the implantation, a week before AF is generally due.


Topic starter
Posted : 03/04/2016 3:46 pm

Hey thekat I would describe it as a deep stitch like pain nearly a burning pain it was all eve and night on the 17th Jan and eased the next day first time every experiencing this pain ! Left side a bit niggly again today actually but I am not thinking to much about it I am afraid too !


Posted : 03/04/2016 6:53 pm

Thanks TheKat! To be honest I can’t remember! That one time stuck in my mind because I was expecting AF had come with the cramps but didn’t get it and saw that creamy cm instead. I’d say it probably did continued though based on this pregnancy.


Posted : 04/04/2016 10:58 am

I had it on my unhealthy BFP.

It was light brownish spotting that lasted 3-4 days and stopped. The first time I wiped it was pinkish but turned brownish then. It was heavy at times so I didnt think it was IB.

Didnt get it on this one but this have a pinchy achy feeling at the time that it should of been inplanation.



Posted : 04/04/2016 12:04 pm

Thanks Aisling, so nice to see you’re still coming to visit us all x


Topic starter
Posted : 04/04/2016 5:20 pm

@aisling81 I’m having this exact thing I wasn’t ment to get period for 10 days and I was on 6DPO and I started bleeding very light pink only when I wiped but it turned brown the next day and continued going back and forth between colours and today will be 3 days of bleeding and it’s more red but still more watery and not heavy enough for my period I’m getting cramps in my lower stomach also 


Posted : 13/02/2021 11:12 am

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What you need to know about bleeding in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Bleeding or spotting occurs in 20-30% of women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although any bleeding before 20 weeks of gestation is by definition a “threat of miscarriage”, the type of bleeding present is of great importance. Some causes of first trimester bleeding are serious and others are not. Since it is difficult to tell the difference between “normal” and serious bleeding during pregnancy, consultation with a doctor is essential in every case.

Possible causes of bleeding in the first trimester.

Implantation bleeding is a non-hazardous bleeding that occurs when an embryo is implanted into the lining of the uterus (endometrium). This happens during the expected day of menstruation, i.e. even before a woman realizes that she is pregnant. In fact, this type of bleeding is often mistaken for a scanty period. It is quite difficult to distinguish between implantation bleeding and menstruation, since they have similar symptoms: mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, headache, mild nausea, breast engorgement. But the discharge from implantation bleeding is scant in quantity, usually lighter than during menstruation – from light pink to dull brown, and, as a rule, short – from several hours to several days.

Bleeding due to changes in the cervix. In early pregnancy, the cervix becomes loose and its blood supply is greater than before pregnancy. Anything that can irritate the cervix, any physical impact (vaginal examination, swabs, exercise or sexual intercourse) can lead to bleeding from the cervix, which can be considered an injury. This type of bleeding does not pose a threat to pregnancy and, as a rule, they stop by the end of the first trimester, when the woman’s body begins to get used to all the changes that occur during pregnancy. In very rare cases, bleeding from the cervix after physical impact may be due to cervical cancer.

Bleeding due to cervical polyp. A cervical canal polyp is a benign growth of tissue that occurs in approximately 2 to 5% of women. Bleeding can be triggered by sexual intercourse or vaginal examination. In addition, polyps can become inflamed and lead to bright spotting. They are often not dangerous for pregnancy, and are easily diagnosed during a routine examination of the cervix in the mirrors.

Bleeding due to infection. Any infection in the vagina, such as bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or herpes, can cause first trimester bleeding. In addition to pink to red blood spots, there may be other symptoms such as: itching; burning sensation when urinating; slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen; soreness in or around the vagina. While this bleeding has nothing to do with pregnancy, the infection must be treated as soon as possible to stop the bleeding.

Bleeding from the urinary tract or rectum. These bleedings are often mistaken for vaginal bleeding, although they are not related to pregnancy. They are found on toilet paper after visiting the toilet. Bright red blood from the rectum or urethra may be caused by a urinary infection, a bladder or rectal polyp, hemorrhoids, or a fissure in the rectum. Although such bleeding is not a cause for concern regarding the safety of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and choice of treatment.

Bleeding associated with chemical pregnancy. A chemical pregnancy is a type of miscarriage in which bleeding and lower abdominal pain occur immediately after a very early positive pregnancy test. A miscarriage occurs because the fertilized egg has not been fully implanted in the uterus. If the fetal egg is completely out of the uterus, then only dynamic control is carried out to reduce the level of beta-hCG. In case of incomplete miscarriage, medical or surgical removal of the remnants of the fetal egg is carried out.

Subchorial hemorrhage or subchorial hematoma occurs when the chorion (placenta) peels off slightly from the wall of the uterus, and a cavity filled with blood forms in the gap between them.
These hematomas vary in size. The most common are small hematomas, which dissolve on their own and have little effect on the course of pregnancy. Large – can cause severe bleeding, lead to a significant detachment of the chorion, and in the future – to a miscarriage. These hematomas are often asymptomatic and are detected only by ultrasound.

Bleeding associated with spontaneous miscarriage is one of the most serious bleeding problems in the first trimester and occurs in 15-20% of women. In addition to severe bleeding, the symptoms of a miscarriage are severe cramps in the lower abdomen and lower back, radiating to the vagina. While miscarriage is most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, however, bleeding doesn’t always mean it will happen. If the ultrasound determines the fetal heartbeat and the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bclosed, then at 90% of cases manage to keep the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy – when the embryo is implanted outside the uterus (in the fallopian tube, ovaries, abdominal cavity). This type of pregnancy cannot develop normally and can lead to life-threatening bleeding for the mother. Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy causes a beta-hCG level above 1500-2000 mIU per ml, but according to ultrasound, a fetal egg in the uterus is not detected. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include bleeding, cramping, and sharp pains in the abdomen. In these cases, careful monitoring is necessary, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, surgical treatment is necessary.

Bleeding due to gestational trophoblastic disease (also called hydatidiform mole). This is a very rare condition when an anomaly occurs during fertilization in which a fertilized egg forms in the uterus without an embryo, and abnormal tissue grows inside the uterus. Sometimes this tissue is cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body. The diagnosis of hydatidiform mole can be suspected when the level of beta-hCG is high, not appropriate for this gestational age. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound scan is performed, in which abnormal tissue in the form of bubbles is detected in the uterus. The only treatment option is surgical removal of the abnormal pregnancy followed by treatment with special drugs.

What to do if there is bleeding in the 1st trimester:

  • be under the strict supervision of a doctor, following all his recommendations;
  • conduct dynamic ultrasound examinations;
  • sanitary napkins are preferred over vaginal tampons to control the amount of bleeding and type of bleeding;
  • avoid sexual intercourse;

implantation bleeding what it is – 25 recommendations on

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Male contraception

In addition to the contraceptive effect, the condom also protects the woman from infections. The latter is important in the first months after childbirth, when the woman’s body is still very weak, and in the first 1-2 months there may be bloody discharge from the uterus (at least in small amounts), and the cervix remains slightly open. This creates a risk of infection of the uterus and serious complications. By the way, this is why it is not recommended to resume intimate relationships before the discharge from the uterus stops.

At the same time, after giving birth, many women experience changes in hormonal levels, causing dryness in the vagina. Therefore, the condom “rubs”, its use causes discomfort to both spouses. Use lubrication – and gradually everything will return to normal. Just do not forget that the latex of the condom can crack when in contact with oils, so you should use only gel lubricants, and not Vaseline, not hand cream and similar substances that are at hand at the last moment. Even if the integrity of the condom is intact, oil lubricants can lead to the formation of microcracks in its wall, which increases the risk of unplanned conception.

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Time to stop

Interrupted intercourse is a sexual intercourse in which a man removes his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This method of contraception is considered the most ineffective. Even before ejaculation, sperm can be contained in a man’s lubricant – and the closer to the moment of ejaculation, the higher this risk. Even if you used this method before pregnancy, now is the best time to say goodbye to it forever.

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Natural methods of contraception

Calendar method. This method is based on the fact that in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) is most likely, sexual intercourse is excluded or additional methods of contraception are used these days. It is better not to use this method after childbirth – even if you personally didn’t have a single “misfire” with it before pregnancy. The restoration of menstrual function, the unpredictability of ovulation days, sometimes the shift of these days from cycle to cycle – all this makes the calendar method extremely ineffective in the first year after childbirth for most women. And of course, it is wrong to count the days of the cycle from the day of birth (some women for some reason equate it with the first day of menstruation). That’s when the cycle is fully restored – then, perhaps, it is worth returning to the calculation of “fertile” and “barren” days. That is, under the condition of breastfeeding, it will be possible to return to the calendar method only at the end of lactation.

Basal temperature measurement. This method allows you to more accurately determine the day of ovulation (on this day the temperature in the rectum rises). But measuring basal temperature (BT) cannot be considered a reliable method for breastfeeding women with a child under 1-1.5 years old. On the one hand, BT depends not only on the level of certain hormones, but also on the state of the genital organs. Postpartum processes in the uterus and ovaries can mimic BBT fluctuations, which leads to errors in assessing the picture and to the risk of unwanted conception. On the other hand, BBT should be measured after at least 6 hours of restful sleep. And for a nursing mother and even for many mothers who do not breastfeed their babies, a dream of such duration is a dream, a sweet fantasy … So the effectiveness of the method does not exceed 50%, which, of course, is very small.

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Hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraceptives traditionally occupy the first place among the means of preventing pregnancy and provide the highest percentage of protection. Hormonal contraceptives suppress ovulation, i.e. interfere with the development and release of the egg from the ovary. Under the influence of these drugs, the structure of the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, also changes, as a result of which the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus. Hormonal contraceptives thicken cervical mucus, making the cervix impassable to sperm.

Minipill. For use after childbirth, special preparations are recommended that do not affect feeding. Such drugs are called “mini-pills” (low-dose oral contraceptives). These include, for example, Continuin, Exluton, Femulen, Microlut, Charosetta. They contain only one hormone – progestogen, which acts at the level of the uterus and does not change the properties of mother’s milk (if the mother is breastfeeding). Mini-pills must be taken daily, without interruption, at exactly the same time to maintain a constant concentration of hormones in the body (plus or minus 1 hour). You can stop taking the drug at any time. These drugs are designed specifically for nursing mothers, they are also suitable for women of older reproductive age (after 45 years). When used in other cases, they can cause menstrual irregularities (shortening, intermenstrual bleeding).

Injections. There is another form of progestogen contraceptives – injectable. This is Depo-Provera, which is administered intramuscularly once every 2 months. You should not skip the time of the next injection: the effectiveness of the method is sharply reduced. The drug, as well as any other hormonal contraceptives, can be used only after consulting a doctor.

The effectiveness of contraception
In 1939, the American gynecologist Raymond Pearl proposed an index for numerical expression of fertility and evaluation of the effectiveness of contraceptives. The Pearl Index is equal to the number of conceptions in one year in 100 women using a particular method of contraception and characterizes its contraceptive effect.

Female sterilization 0.4
Male sterilization 0.15
Mirena Intrauterine System 0.1
Intrauterine devices (spirals) 1.0
Combined oral contraceptives less than 0.5
Mini-pill less than 4.3
Implant contraception (Norplant) 0.3
Injectable contraception (Depo Provera) less than 1.0
Condoms 12
Spermicides 21
Coitus interruptus 19
Without contraception 85

Implant contraception. Finally, with the help of the implantable form of the progestogen contraceptive, it is possible to solve the problem of pregnancy for the next 5 years. Such a drug (Norplant is the most famous) is injected by a doctor under the skin in the form of small capsules and is gradually released from them, creating a contraceptive effect. It is clear that this path is the least troublesome, but requires clear plans for the future, although the removal of the capsules is possible at the request of the woman at any time. Against the background of Norplant, the nature of menstruation changes: they become scarce, rare, and possibly irregular. Not all gynecologists are proficient in the technique of setting and removing Norplant, therefore, when setting up a contraceptive, it is advisable not to lose contact with a doctor who owns this technique during the entire period of validity (5 years). The introduction of Norplant is, although a small, but still a surgical intervention, after which infectious and inflammatory complications are possible. It cannot be said that this technique is widespread in our country.

Combined oral contraceptives (ok). These are exactly those oral contraceptives that are better known to most women. The number of their names approaches two hundred. Unlike mini-pills, which contain only one type of hormone – gestagens, combined oral contraceptives contain estrogens and gestagens. Such a tandem allows you to maintain the hormonal background at a natural level, characteristic of women outside the period of breastfeeding, providing a sufficient contraceptive effect and regular menstrual bleeding. A gynecologist will help you choose pills, taking into account the general and hormonal condition of the woman, the presence of certain diseases of both the genital area and other organs and systems. Do not risk buying on your own what a friend praises: these pills can cause side effects for you.

In addition, combined OCs are used only after breastfeeding has stopped. The fact is that these drugs contain two components – gestagens (they are also in the above-described mini-pills, injectable and implant forms) and estrogens. Moreover, in oral contraceptives, these hormones are contained in large quantities. In turn, the hormones enter the child’s body with milk, which is unsafe.

Finally, OCs have enough contraindications that a woman does not always know about. Therefore, before taking them, it is advisable to undergo a certain examination, especially if such contraindications existed before.

Postcoital contraceptives. Such contraceptives, such as Postinor, which contain very high doses of hormones, are used already “after the fait accompli.” They “work” on the same principle as any other hormonal contraceptives. In the postpartum period, these funds are best not to be used and used only in emergency cases. In addition, postcoital contraceptives often cause complications in the form of bleeding – and it is not clear whether it is associated with the drug or with complications after childbirth. The amount of hormones supplied with milk to the child, in this case, will be very large. So postcoital contraception remains, as it should be, emergency – that is, in the most extreme case.

Thus, of all hormonal contraceptives, mini-pills can be considered the safest for lactating women. Women who are not breastfeeding can use any medication after consulting a gynecologist.

Once again, it is worth emphasizing that taking any hormonal drugs should be discussed with a doctor. Contraceptives can aggravate the course of various chronic diseases, and therefore are contraindicated in vascular thrombosis (if it was before, during pregnancy or is present), jaundice or severe liver disease, tumors, bleeding from the genital tract and many other conditions. Sometimes a gynecologist conducts an examination before recommending one or another OK to a woman.

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Intrauterine contraceptives

An intrauterine device (IUD) is an object that is placed in the uterus to prevent the embryo from attaching to its wall, that is, the onset of pregnancy. The spiral does not prevent fertilization, but causes an early miscarriage. There are contraindications for the use of the IUD, so this issue should be discussed with the gynecologist. In addition, the IUD is installed no earlier than 6 weeks after natural childbirth, which proceeded without complications. The IUD is not installed after a caesarean section: the scar in the uterus is regarded as a “weak link” that can be damaged by the constant presence of a foreign object in the uterus. In addition, there are many contraindications for the installation of the IUD (inflammatory diseases of the uterus in the postpartum period, endometriosis, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.).

The IUD does not affect the quantity and quality of breast milk. A woman is recommended to take a break of at least 6-12 months from stopping the use of the IUD before trying to conceive – so that there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

Wearing an IUD involves monitoring the condition of the coil. In addition, if you wear a spiral, then you need to visit the gynecologist 2 times a year as a preventive measure, since the spiral can provoke inflammation of the uterus and appendages – and this condition must be prevented or diagnosed as soon as possible.

The coil can be worn up to 5 years, longer wearing greatly increases the likelihood of inflammatory complications.

Intrauterine contraceptives also include the Mirena system, which, like other intrauterine contraceptives, is inserted into the uterine cavity, but has an additional effect due to the fact that it constantly releases small amounts of gestagens that have a local effect. Due to this, menstrual flow decreases, up to the complete temporary disappearance, and the greatest contraceptive effect is achieved.

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Topical preparations

Spermicides are locally active substances that are introduced into the vagina in a certain form. These are preparations in the form of suppositories or vaginal tablets, such as Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, Contraceptin, Gynecotex. They are inserted into the vagina 5-10 minutes before intercourse. The foam generated by body heat immobilizes spermatozoa and also kills some pathogenic bacteria. Spermicides break down rather quickly, and are also removed from the vagina during frictions. Therefore, before each repeated intercourse during one meeting, it is necessary to introduce a new candle.

Spermicides help women overcome postpartum vaginal dryness without resorting to additional lubricants.

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Surgical methods

Extreme forms of contraception are rare: they require either a strong indication or a woman’s serious intentions. Such methods include, for example, surgical sterilization, i. ligation of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the union of the egg and sperm cell that occurs in the fallopian tube becomes impossible: as a result of an artificially formed barrier, the female and male sex cells cannot meet. The effectiveness of the method reaches 100%, but it may happen that after many years of a quiet life, a woman wants to become a mother again. And the solution to the problem will be very difficult: it is impossible to restore the patency of the fallopian tube after ligation, and pregnancy can only occur through IVF (“test-tube baby”).