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Опубликовано: August 20, 2023 в 3:11 pm


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Primary school Academic gymnasium on the metro Stakhanovskaya – reviews, photos, prices, telephone and address – Education – Moscow

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The elementary school of the Akademicheskaya Gymnasium network is located in a separate building, has its own closed territory, and is equipped with playgrounds. Primary school (grades 1-4), includes in-depth study of English from the 1st grade. From the 4th grade, part of the lessons are taught in English.

The program is strengthened by the gymnasium component, the study of basic subjects takes place according to an in-depth program. English is taught by English teachers and a native speaker.

The school provides 5 meals a day. Cooking at the Academic Gymnasium is carried out in its own specialized catering departments, equipped with combi steamers and electric steam boilers. The diet of pupils consists only of fresh, environmentally friendly products. Semi-finished products, canned food, frozen foods, pork and pork products are completely excluded from the diet.

The educational institution has a twenty-day menu cycle, when dishes are not repeated more than once in 20 days. For children with a special type of diet, according to the instructions of the attending physician, an individual menu is provided.

Video surveillance is carried out on the territory, passages to the territory are recorded. All safety measures are observed, a certified full-time medical worker and a child psychologist are present at the school.


+7 (499) 455-70-…
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15 photos
elementary school Academic Gymnasium on the Stakhanovskaya metro station

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Galileo Elementary School (grades 1-4) is a new generation private school with an enhanced academic educational program, including in-depth study of English from the 1st grade. from the 4th grade, part of the lessons are taught in English.

Frequently asked questions about Primary School Academic Gymnasium

  • 📍 Where can I find Primary School Academic Gymnasium?

    Elementary School Academic Gymnasium is located at 24 Zaraiskaya Street, Moscow, Russia.

    Official contact number: +7 (499) 455-70-01.

  • 🕖 What is the schedule of the Primary School Academic Gymnasium?

    Reception hours: Mon-Fri: 07:30 – 19:30.

  • org/Question”> ⭐ How do visitors rate this organization?

    On average, the establishment is rated by users at 4.6. You can describe your impressions of Primary School Academic Gymnasium!

  • 📷 How many photos and images are there on Primary school page?

    In the questionnaire of the Primary School Academic Gymnasium 15 images.

  • ✔️ Can I trust the information on this page?

    The manager of the Primary School Academic Gymnasium monitors the relevance of the posted information.

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– 4. 6
7 ratings

How can I find a place at school for my child?

School attendance is compulsory in Germany. If your children are over six years old, they must go to school. However, at present, in some federal states, compulsory schooling for children from Ukraine has been suspended for several weeks or months. The overview below gives a more detailed overview of the regulations in the individual federal states.

The vast majority of schools in Germany are run by the state. Your children can attend these schools for free. In addition, there are private and international schools that charge a fee, but the fee usually depends on the parents’ income.

Education at school starts from the primary level, i.e. from elementary school attendance to grade 4 (or grade 6 in Berlin and Brandenburg). The purpose of elementary school is to prepare kids for learning in secondary school (middle classes).

With the exception of North Rhine-Westphalia, primary school children are assigned to schools in their area of ​​residence. In justified cases, you can apply for retraining at the competent school authority

Primary education is followed by lower secondary education, which includes all secondary schools from grade 5 (in Berlin and Brandenburg from grade 7) to grade 9/10. There are very different types of schools in the Länder, which also have very different names: the original main school types were or are Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. The gymnasium is intended for high-achieving students, while the guard school is more for low-achieving students.

However, as fewer and fewer students attended the Hauptschule, in almost all federal states they were merged with the Realschulen. These “public schools” are called variously: Sekundarschule, Gesamtschule, Mittelschule, Oberschule or Werkrealschule . If it is preceded by the word “integrated”, for example, “ Integrated comprehensive school ” or “integrated Secondary school “, then this is a school that, like a gymnasium, leads to a matriculation certificate.

In all these schools, students in Germany can obtain a school leaving certificate, which is important for their further educational path. In principle, three qualifications can be obtained:

  • High school diploma or vocational certificate
  • Realschule or Mittlerer Schulabschluss (high school diploma) admission to university)

The choice of a secondary school for your child is not always entirely up to you, but in some Länder it is a mandatory teacher recommendation.

Young people who successfully complete a Hauptschule or Realschule or one of the various multi-course schools and obtain a Hauptschule or Realschule diploma usually continue dual or school-based vocational training or move on to an upper secondary school, an integrated comprehensive school or an integrated secondary school. At the Gymnasium, pupils can obtain an Abitur or Fachabitur at the end of the 12th or 13th grade by successfully passing the exam. This qualification entitles you to further study at a university or university of applied sciences. However, they can also choose a direct path to practice through vocational training.

In Germany, so-called welcome classes are usually created for children and youth from the war zone in Ukraine, but they can also be called differently. The purpose of these welcome classes is to teach foreign children and teenagers in these study groups the first basic knowledge of the German language, so that the students can then integrate into regular classes as quickly as possible. The refugee class gathers people from different nations, different age groups and different levels of education. Generally, staff at the Primary Reception Centers provide support in applying for a place at the school.

The following is a brief description of the regulations in force in the 16 federal states:


Refugee children have the right to attend school immediately upon arrival. The country has created a website to answer the most pressing questions:,Lde/startseite/service/faq-ukrainie-krieg-auf-ukrainisch


Compulsory schooling officially begins in Bavaria three months after arrival, but children can be enrolled in school earlier. The state has collected important information here:


Parents or guardians must first register their children with the coordination office of the local school authority. The school administration decides which school and grade the child will be enrolled in. This takes into account the age, language test and school medical examination of the child. After that, parents personally register their child at the specified school. For children who do not yet speak German, 250 new welcome lessons are planned.


In Brandenburg, compulsory education is suspended for the first six weeks after arrival. The Ministry of Education offers voluntary language courses for the first three months at all reception centres.


age 18) is administered centrally through the Senator for Children and Education. Please send an email to [email protected] with your personal details such as first name, last name, date of birth and current address, and telephone number. Colleagues Ms Ugrar (comprehensive schools, tel.: 0421 361 56603, [email protected]) and Mr. Hallmann (vocational schools, tel.: 0421 361 12561, [email protected]. de) are ready to provide you with information. (also in Russian and Ukrainian)


Newly immigrated children and young people under the age of 16 with little or no command of German are prepared in the basic or international preparatory class (IVK) for regular classes. The School Information Center (SIC) is responsible for enrolling the vast majority of children and adolescents under the age of 16. She checks the officially declared age and directs them to the age-appropriate basic classes or IVK. Personal reception in PPE is not required; a copy or legible photo of your ID card or birth certificate (important: age information) and current address will suffice. ([email protected]) Below is a document in Ukrainian containing all the necessary information:


The first point of contact – after the registration office – is the reception and roasting center of the local responsible state education authority. The state has collected contacts of school offices and additional information here:


As a rule, all Ukrainian students are accepted to a local school. Parents or legal guardians must contact the appropriate school and bring their identification documents (identity card, passport or equivalent certificate), proof of registration, child’s birth certificate, school records and health certificate. Depending on how well the child can communicate in German and can read and write, the school management decides whether the child can stay at school or should be transferred to a local school with intensive support in German as a second language (DaZ) . (German only)

Lower Saxony

The Federal State has compiled the most important information here: fur-eltern-aus-der-ukraine-allgemein-bildende-schulen-209709.html (mostly in Ukrainian)

The school in Lower Saxony is concise and understandable:

North Rhine-Westphalia

Space allocation in school for children and adolescents of school age is administered by the state’s local education authorities. As part of the distribution process, incoming families from Ukraine are also provided with advice on the appropriate schooling for their children. WDR has put together a very comprehensive overview with information that is updated regularly:

General information about the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) school system can be found here: jugendlichen-aus-der-ukraine The information is available in PDF format in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian (scroll down a bit, see “Information about the North Rhine-Westphalia school system”).


From the moment they are assigned to the municipality, children and adolescents are required to attend school. The state government has collected frequently asked questions here: Information about the Rhineland-Palatinate school system can be found on this page: https://migration.


Compulsory schooling for refugee children and youth also applies in the Saarland. The state has collected the most important questions about the school system here:


Arrival classes are formed in the country, in which training is conducted in German and Ukrainian. To register at the school, you need a certificate of registration and a current confirmation of a medical examination passed in Germany.


The State Office for Schools and Education is the central point of contact for Ukrainian parents applying for help. Registration at the school is carried out electronically through the registration portal: https://www.