Excessive drooling infant: Drooling and Your Baby – HealthyChildren.org

Опубликовано: April 19, 2023 в 11:22 pm


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Excessive Drooling in Toddlers: How Chicago Occupational Therapy Can Help

Drooling is a typical stage of development for young children. Drooling is defined as the inability to manage one’s secretions. Infants have less volitional control over their head and neck area, so drooling is a common side effect of that lack of control. Infants begin to gain control of their swallowing and mouth muscles between 18 and 24 months. Drooling can contribute to skin irritation, aspiration, dehydration and frequent changing of clothes. If a child is older than 24 months, not teething and not congested, it is not expected that they should be excessively drooling. 

How Can Occupational Therapy Help?

Occupational therapists are trained professionals who work with people of all ages to facilitate participating in daily living activities. Occupational therapists can work with children who have trouble controlling their saliva through addressing sensory processing and/or oral-motor strengthening treatment.

Collaborating with a speech-language pathologist is another way an occupational therapist can address your child’s needs. Speech therapists work to assess and treat social communication, cognitive-communication and swallowing disorders in children and adults. Speech-language pathologists are skilled in oral-motor therapy, so they can also work with children who have excessive drooling by improving their chewing and swallowing skills.

What Can I do at Home?

Treatment options should be tailored to a child’s specific needs and may require further evaluation from an occupational therapist or speech therapist. Consulting with a trained professional is the first step in determining if any sort of formal or informal intervention may be necessary to reduce your child’s drooling. But there are things you can do at home to help increase your child’s control of their saliva:

  • Try an electric toothbrush. This oral stimulation may help “wake up” the sensory receptors in the mouth, increasing sensitivity to make a child more aware of their drooling.
  • Increase facial awareness by playing games imitating facial expressions. This can be done in front of a mirror to provide additional visual cues for a child. 
  • Include foods of different temperatures, tastes and textures to improve sensory stimulation inside the mouth. Children who lack sensory awareness in their facial muscles, don’t get the sensory feedback that saliva is near their mouth. Adding food with increased sensory input, such as sour and spicy foods or cold foods such as popsicles, will increase the sensitivity of the receptors in a child’s mouth. 
  • Encourage using a straw to drink. This will help increase strength of the lips, tongue, and jaw. A good exercise is to suck up thick liquids such as smoothies, milkshakes, yogurt or applesauce. Changing the length and width of the straw can be helpful to meeting the child’s needs. 
  • Introduce simple oral motor exercises such as blowing bubbles, blowing a whistle, or using a straw to blow a feather. Each of these will help strengthen lip and cheek muscles. 

Although an occupational therapist can address common causes of drooling including oral motor weakness or reduced sensory awareness of the mouth, it is very important to first check with your child’s pediatrician to make sure there is no medical reason why a child is continuing to drool. Contact Chicago Occupational Therapy or call (773) 980-0300 to learn more about our services and how we can help your child flourish and grow.

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What to Do When Your Child is Teething

What to Do When Your Child is Teething | Junior Smiles of Stafford

Teething is the process by which teeth emerge from a baby’s gums for the first time. In this period, both parents and babies can encounter frustration. Making teething a little less painful for everyone can be achieved by knowing what to expect during early signs of teething.


When Does Teething Start?

Teething occurs when a child’s first teeth emerge from their gums. It’s a major milestone for both the infant and the parents. The first tooth usually comes at the age of six months, though this can vary from kid to child (ranging from 3 months to 14 months).

The emergence of teeth varies from child to child, with some children gaining teeth one at a time while others gain teeth in groups. For your convenience, the American Dental Association has created a fantastic tooth eruption chart. It is perfectly normal for your child to have teeth that are coming in early. According to the American Dental Association, your child must see a dentist within six months of the eruption of their first tooth.

First Signs of Teething

Because every child is different, their reactions to the teething phase will be unique as well. Several indications to look out for if you’re wondering, “Is my kid teething?” include the following.

Crying and Irritability

Your baby’s mood may alter significantly when teething, which is one of the most prevalent indicators. Even the most contented infant might become irritated at any time. You may find your child more likely to cry or become easily irritated as a result.

Most of the time, this change in mood will be more noticeable in the weeks leading up to the arrival of their first tooth and will gradually improve with the appearance of other following teeth. When their teeth begin to erupt during their second year of life, you may notice that they grow increasingly irritable once again.

Excessive Drooling

Excessive drooling is another frequent symptom of teething. This can begin as early as ten weeks of age in some babies and last throughout the entire teething phase in others, depending on the individual. While teething, it is typical for babies to drool so much that they soak through their shirt (or their parent’s shirt) in a short amount of time.

No one wants to spend the day in wet clothes, whether it’s a baby or a parent, which is why many parents use bibs to keep clothes dry during the day. The skin surrounding your baby’s neck, chin, and mouth may become inflamed due to excessive drooling.


An increased interest in biting is one of the first indicators of teething in a child. You could reduce the pressure created by the pain By providing counterpressure to the area when a tooth erupts. When teething, babies will instinctively seek objects to bite down on to receive counterpressure and relieve their discomfort.

You may have noticed that your child is chewing anything and everything they can get their hands on. This can be particularly unpleasant for older newborns who have already grown a pair of teeth if they attempt to bite down their breast milk.

Changes to Eating and Sleeping Routines

Teething is a 24-hour-a-day undertaking, which means it impacts all aspects of a baby’s development. A child may have difficulty nursing or drinking from a bottle during teething since sucking can be unpleasant to the teething gums. They may refuse solid foods that they enjoyed just a few days earlier if they are older.

Teething pain might cause sleep disturbances as well. Even babies who previously slept through the night may find themselves suddenly more awake during the night as a result of teething.

Read More: Teething Rashes: Symptoms and Treatments

Cheek Rubbing and Ear Pulling

During the teething phase, a teething baby may tug on their ears or massage the inside of their cheeks.  

The neural pathways that run through the ears, mouth, and cheeks are all the same. Therefore, pain in the jaws caused by teething may be felt in the cheeks and ears.

These feelings are particularly noticeable in babies who are developing their first molars. This particular teething symptom can also be a sign of an ear infection. It’s a good idea to consult with your trusted pediatric dentist if it lasts more than a few days, especially when it’s accompanied by other cold or flu-like symptoms such as congestion and fever.

Coughing or gag reflex

Babies can gag and cough from having their mouths constantly filled with spit. Provided your child is not showing any other cold, flu, or allergies indicators, there is no reason to worry.

Teething rash

The continual leak from your teething baby’s mouth, chin, and even his neck and chest may cause chafing, chapping, redness, and rashes in and around his mouth, chin, and even his neck and chest. Patting it away will assist in keeping it from irritating you.

You can also use Vaseline or Aquaphor to establish a moisture barrier around the affected region and then moisturize with a light, unscented skin cream as needed. Nursing lotions such as Lansinoh are also excellent for safeguarding the delicate skin of babies.

Gum hematoma

Does it seem like your infant has a bluish lump behind their gums? If there is blood or a gum hematoma under the gums due to the eruption of a tooth, it is not a cause for alarm, and it is not harmful.

A cool compress or washcloth applied to the gums can assist in easing the discomfort and may also aid in the healing of the hematoma. If the hematoma continues to grow, you should consult your trusted pediatric dentist.

Teething symptoms might vary significantly from infant to baby, but you can generally expect to see at least some (and possibly several) of them at some point. 

Read more: 5 Stages of Teething in Babies and Kids

How to Soothe a Teething Baby?

What soothes a friend’s baby may or may not comfort yours. It is essential to try different things. It is possible that you’ll need to try several other things to make your child feel better:

Massage the baby’s gums

Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger if it appears to be bringing them some relief. Apply hard pressure while remaining soft. Your baby’s gum tissue will receive more blood circulation as a result, which may help to lessen inflammation and pain.

Apply a cool compress

In addition, applying cold temperature to your baby’s gums helps relieve discomfort. Some parents would chill a teething ring in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) before handing it to their child to chew on while they are sleeping.

You can also apply a cold spoon to your baby’s swollen gums if they are particularly sensitive. If your infant hasn’t developed teeth yet, you should use a cold spoon as a safety precaution. They may accidentally chip their fragile teeth when chewing on a metal utensil.

Teething toys

Teething children are naturally drawn to chew, and for a good reason: chewing counter pressures the teeth as they push into their mouths, thus alleviating the pain they might experience.

Things such as bumpy rubber teething toys and your clean finger can be used as counterpressure during the teething process. A soft, wet toothbrush (without toothpaste) can also be used to rub the baby’s gums firmly.

The fact that it hurts first may cause your infant to resist, yet it is frequently the most effective natural cure for teething pain and provides relief quickly.

Consider pain medication

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which are available over-the-counter, can also be used to ease the pain. Pain medications are safe to give to babies if they are administered carefully. These drugs can help alleviate the discomfort associated with teething, but they should only be used temporarily.

Remember to consult your doctor before administering medication to children under the age of two, or if you believe you may need to administer pain relievers for more than a day or two after delivering the drug.

What teething remedies should you avoid?

While you may be willing to accept any form of comfort for your baby’s teething pain, there are a few teething cures that are not safe and should be avoided. These include:

Numbing agents

Never put rubbing alcohol, benzocaine, or lidocaine on your baby’s gums since they can be irritating for them. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises against topical numbing medications because they can put children under the age of two at risk for low oxygen levels in their blood.

Over-the-counter teething gels

According to the FDA, parents should avoid using over-the-counter teething therapies, such as herbal or homeopathic teething gels, because they have not been proven to help children with teething problems. Belladonna is a component in some products that can induce trouble breathing and seizures when used.

Amber teething necklaces

Amber teething necklaces are not scientifically proven to be effective. Pediatricians generally advise against using them, mainly because they can choke or strangle children.

Why Teething Symptoms May Be Confused with Cold Symptoms?

Teething is believed to begin at the age of six months, according to research. This occurs in parallel as infants’ immunities, passed down to them from their mothers through the placenta, decline. This indicates that the infant’s immune system is beginning to take hold and develop. Infants are particularly susceptible to mild infections during this period. Because of these two changes, teething symptoms can be mistaken for those of a small illness or cold, and the reverse is true. 

This explains why only 70-80 percent of parents reported their infant’s teething symptoms; it is possible that the remaining 20-30 percent of parents connected the symptoms with a mild illness or cold.

How to Care for Baby’s New Teeth?

Even before your baby’s first tooth emerges, good dental hygiene is essential:

At least once a day, wipe the gums of your baby’s teeth with a wet washcloth or a piece of gauze until the teeth begin to emerge.

Once your kid has teeth, you should clean their mouth at least twice a day in the same manner. Immediately following feedings is an excellent time to do this.

A soft-bristled baby toothbrush with water and a tiny bit of toothpaste that does not contain fluoride can be introduced after the child’s first birthday. You can even begin flossing in between their teeth if you like.

The pediatric dentists will check your baby’s teeth for decay and determine whether or not a referral to a dentist is necessary before they become one year old. Most pediatric dentists can continue screening teeth until a child reaches the age of three.

Find a Pediatric Dentist for Your Child’s Early Teething Symptoms in Stafford VA

Dr. Azar and our team at Junior Smiles Of Stafford are experts in pediatric dentistry. We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding early signs of teething in Stafford, VA, and surrounding areas. Contact Junior Smiles Of Stafford today to schedule a free consultation. Call now (540) 699-2441.


90,000 symptoms and treatment. Signs, causes and diagnosis of false croup in a child.

False croup is an acute inflammatory process localized in the larynx. Accompanied by swelling of the subglottic region. This condition leads to obstruction. Inflammation is fraught with narrowing of the area under the vocal cords, which is manifested by noisy and labored breathing. A common cause is a viral infection. It differs from laryngitis by stenosis of the larynx.

This disease is most common in children aged 3 months to 5 years. As the child grows older, this condition ceases to be life-threatening, because the trachea becomes larger and breathing problems usually do not occur. Croup can appear at any time of the year, but is more common during the fall and winter months.

The etiology is usually viral – parainfluenza viruses, especially type I, cause the disease in 75% of cases. Relatively common causes of false croup in children are respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, and human coronavirus. The infection is usually spread by breathing contaminated air, or by contact with objects that an infected person has come into contact with.

Influenza is a relatively rare cause that requires longer hospital stays and has an increased risk of a second attack. Rhinovirus, enterovirus, and herpes simplex are sporadic causes of mild croup.

It is also possible to develop against the background of bacterial infection with mycoplasma, streptococcus, chlamydia, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. Diphtheria was the most common form of fatal stenosing laryngitis in another era, but at present this disease is practically absent due to vaccination of the population.

The illness may begin as a cold, with stuffy nose or coryza and fever. As the airways swell, the following symptoms may occur:

  • barking cough that worsens at night;

  • noisy, rapid breathing;

  • hoarseness or hoarseness of voice;

  • inspiratory type of shortness of breath;

  • excessive anxiety.

Symptoms of false croup in children appear 2-3 days after the onset of ARI (acute respiratory infection). As a rule, there is an increase in the cervical lymph nodes (lymphadenitis).

In the acute viral form, the onset of symptoms is usually gradual, beginning with rhinorrhea, mild cough, and fever. Progresses after 12-48 hours, typical symptoms appear, dysphonia, dog cough. Stridor (whistling noisy breathing) at first occurs only when excited or crying, but with increasing severity it also manifests itself at rest.

The clinical course is usually fluctuating, with a remission of 2 to 7 days, although the cough may persist for longer. Unlike laryngotracheitis, false croup always occurs at night – the onset and cessation of symptoms are abrupt. Fever is usually absent. Episodes may be repeated over two nights.

Alveolar gas exchange is normal and there will be hypoxia only when almost complete obstruction occurs. Excessive pallor, cyanosis, and deterioration in general well-being require immediate medical attention.

In case of respiratory failure, which is characteristic of the II and III stages of the disease, the addition of bacterial flora is possible. At the same time, a film of purulent-fibrinous type is formed on the walls of the larynx.

In the absence of timely treatment, the infection spreads lower, which is fraught with the development of tracheobronchitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Common complications include sinusitis, purulent meningitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, and otitis media.

As a rule, the diagnosis is clinical, and no additional examinations are required. A rapid assessment of general well-being, vital signs, and mental status should be performed to identify children with severe respiratory distress and respiratory failure. Diagnosis should be carried out in a calm environment.

The severity of illness is determined by the presence of stridor at rest, chest wall retraction, the presence or absence of pallor or cyanosis, and mental stability.

Additional diagnostic methods:

  • Pulse oximetry is of limited utility because the pulse may be normal even with a significant degree of airway obstruction. It is recommended to control the pulse in severe condition.

  • A radiological evaluation is usually not required. A neck x-ray may show the typical progressive and symmetrical narrowing of the trachea in subglottic stenosis. It is prescribed for a dubious diagnosis, atypical course, suspicion of the presence of a foreign body.

Nasopharyngeal aspiration to look for a possible infectious etiology may be useful in hospitalized patients and to control infection. The differential diagnosis should be made primarily with spasmodic laryngitis, epiglottitis, and bacterial tracheitis and with other causes of acute obstruction. Foreign body aspiration may present abruptly but should also be ruled out in children who do not respond to treatment or have a long recovery.

The presence of chronic symptoms, persistent or recurring, and the absence of catarrhal signs or fever should raise the suspicion of congenital anomalies of the respiratory tract (laryngomalacia, vocal cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis, subglottic hemangioma, etc. ).

A retropharyngeal or periamillary abscess may be mistaken for a false croup. In this case, a CT scan (computed tomography) is prescribed, which allows you to determine the exact cause. Dysphagia and excessive salivation may indicate epiglottitis, a foreign body in the airway or esophagus. Allergic angioedema can also mimic the disease, although it usually occurs in conjunction with other anaphylactic manifestations.

If a respiratory pattern develops, parents should consult a pediatrician or otolaryngologist as soon as possible. Corticoids are the most effective drugs. A single dose of oral dexamethasone is effective in all cases, regardless of the severity of the disease. Doctors are faced with the task of reassuring the child and parents. To improve the patient’s well-being, painkillers and antihistamines are prescribed.

Inhalation with a nebulizer and fresh air help to reduce the dryness of the mucous membranes, which improves well-being. If there is respiratory distress and O2 saturation is less than 94%, then there is a need for additional oxygen therapy.

Treatment includes the use of the following medications:

  • Corticoids. They reduce swelling and have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as relieve the intensity of symptoms. There are no side effects with short-term use. Corticosteroids eliminate the need for adrenaline and intubation.

  • Adrenalin. Also proven to be effective, especially in moderate to severe cases. Reduces the need for intubation. The effect comes in 10 minutes.

Children with mild croup can be treated at home. The patient should be in a comfortable position, drink a lot and stay in bed, because fatigue and crying aggravate the disease. Home-use humidifiers (such as cold mist vaporizers) reduce upper airway dryness and make breathing easier. Recovery occurs, as a rule, for 3-4 days.

First aid for false croup in children includes taking measures that are aimed at opening the airways. To do this, you need to provide an influx of fresh air or take the child outside. Steam inhalation gives a good effect.

Children with increasing or continuing respiratory distress, tachycardia, fatigue, dehydration, or bluish discoloration of the skin are hospitalized. Oxygen treatment is given. If the patient feels better, the patient can be discharged home.

The use of antibiotics is limited to rare cases where the child also develops a bacterial infection. The viral nature of the disease requires the appointment of antiviral drugs.

There are no drugs that prevent stenosis of the larynx. It is useless to give the child immunomodulating agents. Even those children who are distinguished by good health are not immune from false croup.

To prevent the disease, it is recommended:

1. Ventilate the apartment more often.

2. Provide daily wet cleaning.

3. Dress the child according to the season.

4. Take a walk in the fresh air every day.

5. Limit allergenic foods for colds.

At the first signs of illness, contact a pediatrician or ENT medical center. We employ qualified professionals with extensive practical experience. Self-medication is unacceptable, because there is a risk to health and life.

We offer to use the service of calling a doctor at home. The specialist will arrive at the address specified in the application, diagnose, provide first aid and tell you how to treat the disease. If necessary, the patient will be invited to the clinic. You can also consult with a specialist online.

We promptly respond to additions and price changes in the price list. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to clarify the full list of services and their cost at the clinic’s reception desk or by calling 8-495-104-35-35.
The price list posted on the site is not an offer. Medical services are provided on the basis of a concluded contract.

typical symptoms and useful tips

Published: October 20, 2018

The appearance of a baby in a family is always a joyful event. Parents try to do everything possible so that the child grows up strong and healthy. Unfortunately, not everyone can protect babies from colds. Defense mechanisms in young children do not work to their full potential. During this period, the baby can easily pick up an infection. Therefore, many mothers and fathers are wondering how to treat SARS in children 3 months old?

Contents of the article

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

A cold in babies is a serious test for parents, especially young ones. If the baby is naughty, eats poorly and sleeps restlessly, he is probably sick. The following symptoms help to determine SARS in children at 3 months:

  • rise in body temperature,
  • nasal congestion,
  • cough,
  • stool disorder,
  • redness of the throat,
  • swollen lymph nodes,
  • excessive salivation,
  • lethargy,
  • lacrimation,
  • small rash.

The child’s condition worsens suddenly. The usual picture: in the evening, the baby lies quietly in the crib and smiles at others, and in the morning wakes up the parents by crying, snotty and breathes badly. In such a situation, it is necessary to call a doctor at home as soon as possible. An experienced specialist will prescribe suitable medicines for the baby according to age and give recommendations for care.

Useful tips

Until the doctor arrives, you can help the baby on your own. To help ease breathing difficulties, clear your nasal passages. Use a soft aspirator or blower to remove snot. Make sure the baby’s head is slightly raised. Strong tilt increases the risk of suffocation. A small pillowcase folded in half is enough. To prevent drying of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, carry out wet cleaning in the morning and evening. Regular thorough ventilation of the children’s room will help to humidify the air and drive away the accumulated viruses.

Offer breasts according to your usual schedule. Do not overfeed: large amounts of food can cause vomiting. If the baby does not eat well, apply it for a short time, but more often than usual. Mother’s milk is necessary for a growing body, because. it contains immunoglobulins. These substances help fight viruses. In no case do not bring down the temperature with harsh methods, for example, rubbing with vinegar. Wait for a doctor to prescribe a safe antipyretic. And before that, change your baby into “breathable” clothes, for example, a cotton vest and sliders, remove the diaper. Do not wrap the baby, so as not to violate thermoregulation.

What remedy will help?

The drug for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children 3 months old is prescribed by a therapist. Doctors usually prescribe nasal drops. Thanks to their convenient form, they are easy to dose and use. For babies, doctors often recommend Derinat. A modern drug works in several directions at once:

  • actively fights the root cause of the disease: viruses, bacteria and fungi;
  • restores damaged areas of the mucous membrane – the first barrier to insidious infections;
  • strengthens the body’s own defenses – cellular and humoral immunity;
  • reduces the risk of complications, including the addition of a secondary infection.

Derinat drops are allowed to be used from the first day of life. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions.

Preventive measures

To avoid SARS in children at 3 months and subsequent years of life, you need to take care of prevention. It is enough to follow simple rules.

  • Prolonged breastfeeding will help protect your baby from colds. There is nothing better for babies than mother’s milk.
  • Fresh air is good. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes. Walk more often in parks and squares, away from highways.
  • Excessive wrapping increases the risk of getting sick. Outside, dress your child according to the weather, and at home – in “breathable” sets. For a sweaty baby, even a light breeze is dangerous.
  • Take air baths. The optimum temperature is 21-23 degrees. Let the child lie down naked for half an hour after a night or daytime sleep. This will strengthen the protective functions of the body and improve heat transfer.