Energi manager: EnergyManager | Enøk Total

Опубликовано: April 3, 2023 в 11:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

EnergyManager | Enøk Total

Vi som energirådgivere har hele tiden savnet et helhetlig system som kunne tilby noe mer enn et tradisjonelt EOS-system. Derfor har vi de siste syv årene utviklet programvaren EnergyManager som gjør akkurat det. SaaS-løsningen kommer med flere nyttige moduler som er utviklet i tråd med ISO 50001 for energiledelse.







Alarm og avvik

Oppgaver og tiltak


ISO modul



Sjekklister og prosedyrer

EnergyManager er utviklet i Norge over de siste syv årene, Da vi utviklet softwaren hadde vi stort fokus på å gjøre det tilpasningsvennlig til ulike typer virksomheter og skalerbart fra de minste til de største. Systemet er delt opp i 12 ulike valgfrie moduler/fokusområder



Fra vår Self Service-modul kan vi eller kunden kjøre spørringer direkte mot Elhub, og hente inn alle målere knyttet til et ogr. nr. sømløst og relativt enkelt. Dette krever ingen fysiske installasjoner i byggene og håndterer alle strømmålere fra alle selskaper.

Vi kommuniserer med alle APIer, skyløsninger, SD anlegg, ulike filformater, 4G gateaways.
Internt i byggene/anleggene har vi også gode løsninger som kommuniserer med Modbus. M bus, Bacnet, Pulsutganger, Lorawan og flere løsninger. Trådløst eller trådbundne løsninger.

Energy Manager benytter ulike data til ulike behov /formål.
Her kan nevnes noen
Energidata fra ulike energibærere ( Strøm, vannbåren, sol, vind, fjernvarme, gass mm )
Inneklimadata / Temp, Co2, Fukt, lys

Effekt uttak får et stadig større fokus og koster stadig mer i form av effekleddet i tariffer for overføring av kraft. Energy Manager har derfor laget en egen effektmodul som gir innsikt i effektutvikling, effektprofiler mm. Dette er et hjelpemiddel for å få ned effektkostnader og dokumentere resultater av effektiltak.

Vår EOS-modul er utviklet basert på lang erfaring med energiledelse og bruk av ulike systemer, men ikke minst har vi lagt til mange nyttige funksjoner vi ikke har funnet i andre systemer. Kort fortalt brukes dette til følgende formå.:
Finne potensialer, oppdage avvik, analyse av årsaker og dokumentere resultater.

Energy Manager inneholder en egen modul for logging og visualisering av inneklima. Det kan være luftkvalitet, temp, CO2, radon, fuktighet mm. Ved å logge dette kan man dokumentere og sette opp aut alarmer ved avvik. Alt som kan logges kan visualiseres og logges. Også mer spesielle behov som prosessdata, vannkvalitet osv, Ingen begrensninger så sant det er målbart

Energy Manager har også lagt til rette for måling og overvåking/alarmering på vannforbruk. Små lekkasjer kan medføre store kostnader som ikke oppdages. Vann handler om miljø, knapphet og har en kostnad på linje med energi.

Ved å knytte opp kommunikasjon med ulike avfallsselskaper kan vi i Energy Manager tilby en god oversikt over avfallshpåntering mm. Denne modulen er under utvikling og kan enkelt tilpasses kundens behov.

I systemet er det mulighet til selv å administrere når systemet skal varsle om avvik. Det kan være energibruk, vannforbruk, effekttopper, inneklimaparametre, prosessparametre osv. Brukeren kan selv administrere dette og sette inn betingelser, hvem som skal få alarmen mm. Alle alarmer loggføres automatisk og man kan tildele oppgaver relatert til alarmer/avvik mm.

Daglige oppgaver, Ad Hoc-oppgaver, gjentakende oppgaver mm.

I prosjektmodulen kan man holde oversikt på prosjekter, underprosjekter mm. Herunder tildele roller og ansvar, sette tidsfrister mm. Dette er en enkel modul om man sammenlikner med fullverdige prosjektverkøy.

Når det oppstår alarmer i form av overforbruk mm så kaller vi dette for et energiavvik. Da kan man direkte i systemet tildele en oppgave til en person med å se nærmere på dette problemet med mål om å lukke dette før det rekker å koste mye penger eller medføre andre problemer.

I løpet av et år er det ulike høytider, ferier, sesongskifter mm. Vi har derfor laget et årshjul der man kan holde ordne på hva man gjør hvor, for å redusere forbruk i disse perioder. Det er nyttig å sette dette i struktur og gjøre seg mindre personavhengig ved jobbytte, sykdom mm.



















ISO 50001 er en standardisering av energiledelsessystem. ISO 50001 følger planlegg-utfør-kontroller-korriger (plan-do-check-act, PDCA)-syklusen for kontinuerlig forbedring. Dette er en metodikk som er gjennomført i flere ISO-standarder, og en ISO 50001 vil være gjenkjennbar for organisasjoner som er sertifiserte innen ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, og andre.

EnergyManager ivaretar ISO 50001 gjennom flere moduler, bl. a. med sporbarhet og brukerkontroll på tiltak og oppgaver. Energy Manager AS kan også bistå bedrifter som ønsker å se nærmere på en sertifisering.

Kr Sand Kommune er som første byggeier i Norge sertifisert på plattformen EnergyManager

EnergyManager er utviklet av energiledere. Etter mange år som energirådgiver og energileder, fikk Rune Rosseland en idé om at det manglet et tilgjengelig og helhetlig software-verktøy for utøvende energi- og miljøledelse. Det som fantes var kun relativt enkle systemer for monitorering av energiforbruk(såkalte EOS-systemer). 

Meet our Portfolio Managers | International portfolio team

Christopher Kurish
Portfolio Manager
+45 3544 0410
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Cand.merc.mat in statistics and finance from Copenhagen Business School


Christopher has recently finished his Masters degree where his focus was on mathematical finance and statistical analysis, where he has gained experience with financial instruments, analyzing risk inherent in trading markets and programming in a variety of programming languages. His former job was as an economist at the environmental and biological department at Aarhus University. He has been a part of Energi Danmark Securities since the beginning of 2020.


Christopher manages portfolios for clients in the Danish region. Furthermore, he is responsible for hedging and risk management strategies and risk analysis. He maintains and develops in house-models and is responsible for programming in Energy Denmark Securities.

Jan Rigtrup
Director, Energi Danmark Securities
+45 3544 0409
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Economist – HD U (international trade) from the Copenhagen Business School and also a commercial education in marketing business.


Originally, Jan started as trainee in DONG Energy in 1996 with focus areas such as sales, financial trading, production, analysis and risk management. From 2000, he was employed as Market Analyst at Elektra Energihandel (today: Energi Danmark Securities). In 2005, he was promoted to Portfolio Manager with focus on the most important portfolio customers in regime of Elektra. Today he has built up more than 20 years of experience in the energy sector.


Develops and optimises hedging portfolios, risk management strategies and is on a daily basis working out various analyses, which are used in the whole group of Energi Danmark as well as own customers around Scandinavia. These analyses are also used externally in connection with the “One Stop Shop” concept.

Kresten Therkildsen
Senior Portfolio Manager
+45 3544 0406
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Investment Manager in Sydbank 1990 – 2001.


Kresten is educated in the banking system with almost 20 years of experience within financial areas as Stock trading, Bond trading, Currency trading, Portfolio Management and Risk Management. Subsequently Kresten was employed in 2001 at Elektra Energihandel as Portfolio Manager with the responsibility to the company’s most important customers, among these the owners of Elektra Energihandel. At the merger in 2005 with Energi Danmark, he was employed as Managing Director and Head of Portfolio management to make sure that this area of competence was proceeded into the new merged company.


Kresten has the overall responsibility for the whole group in connection to Portfolio Management of power and related products. He has built up a great experience regarding the Nordic power trading market, including Portfolio Management and Risk Management.

Mattias Hellberg
Head of Portfolio Management
+46 70 440 60 02
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M.Sc in economics (Finance) at the University of Lund.


Mattias started as a Junior Trader at Stockholm Energy 1998 with special focus on options. From 1999-2002 he worked as Trader and Portfolio Manager at Alfakraft. Mattias is co-founder of the company Shepherd Energy AB – a company under the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. Here he worked as Analyst and responsible Fund Manager for Shepherd Energy Fund/Portfolio. The analysis service is today one of the leading services in the Nordic power market. Since December 2016 Mattias has been working as Portfolio Manager at Energi Sverige with focus on the Swedish clients.


As Head of Portfolio Management at EDS, Mattias is organizing the daily work at the desk and make sure that all the necessary routines are in place. Part of the work is also to continuously develop the portfolio management services and to communicate that both internally and externally. Customer-wise most focus is on the active customers in mostly the Swedish market.

Michael Gesterling
Portfolio Manager
+46 70 698 37 23
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MBA (Finance) from Hawaii Pacific University, MScBA (Finance) from Jönköping International Business School.


Michael has more than ten years’ experience from different positions within the Nordic energy market. Additionally to portfolio management, his experience from strategic business development and market intelligence gives him wide knowledge of energy markets and risk management. Michael has been employed in Energi Danmark Securities since 2014.


As Portfolio Manager at Energi Försäljning Sverige AB (Energi Danmark Securities), Michael makes market analysis, risk analysis and gives advise to Swedish portfolio management customers. He also develops risk management and hedging strategies.

Stefan Andersson
Portfolio Manager
+46 76 108 45 70
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Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Control and Maintenance.


Originally, Stefan worked for Öresundskraft as a production engineer. During 1999 and 2000, he worked as Portfolio Manager at the company ELISA A/S. From 2001 to 2007, Stefan worked as Product Manager (large customers) at E ON. Before he started at Energi Försäljning Sverige AB (Energi Danmark Securities) in May 2009 as Portfolio Manager, he worked since 2007 as Portfolio Manager at Halmstad Energi och Miljö.


As Portfolio Manager at Energi Försäljning Sverige AB (Energi Danmark Securities), Stefan makes market analysis and risk analysis and gives advice to Swedish portfolio management customers. He also optimises and trades the companies’ environmental related product portfolios, power certificates and Guarantees of origin.

Lotta Vedenpää
Junior Portfolio Manager
+358 45 844 0661
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Bachelor In Financing and Economics, 2017 Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.


Lotta started working in Energia Myynti Suomi Oy in 2013 as a back-office assistant while studying. In 2017, Lotta started as a Client Coordinator having responsibilities as customer invoicing, reporting and supporting sales. In 2020, she joined Energi Danmark Securities as Assisting Portfolio Manager supporting other portfolio managers and having administrative tasks. In 2021, Lotta took on more responsibilities as a Junior Portfolio Manager.


Lotta is responsible for portfolio management and reporting for Finnish customers. She has a long history working with the Finnish customers and handling different responsibilities and has an in-depth view of the different company/country team processes.

Maija Ahola
Portfolio Manager

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M.Sc. in Economics (major Finance) from Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration in Helsinki, Hanken


Maija joined the Nordic electricity market in 2010 after a few years in the stock market. She has specialized in financial portfolio management in roles at Vattenfall and Energi Danmark Group with a profound understanding of the market, its mechanisms as well as the customers need for risk management. She has managed customer portfolios for a wide range of complex customers over the years within all the Nordic countries.


Maija manages the Group’s Finnish customer portfolios, and provides Finnish speaking customers with market intelligence, analysis, risk assessment as well as market access. She also consults in developing hedging and risk management strategies.

Lorents Hansen
Senior Portfolio Manager
+47 97 70 64 13
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M.Sc. in Economics and Candidat Magisterii from the University of Tromsø


Lorents has in-depth experience from the energy market. He started at Alpiq and later moved to Norsk Hydro and Equinor covering positions within analysis, portfolio management and sales. From 2016, he has been employed as Senior Portfolio Manager at Energi Salg Norge.


As Senior Portfolio Manager at Energi Salg Norge, Lorents makes market and risk analysis and develops risk management and hedging strategies to Scandinavian customers. Lorents also conducts the weekly market update to Norwegian customers.   

Roar Hoset Ansnes
Senior Portfolio Manager
+47 99 28 15 28
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Master of Science in Business, Bodø Graduate School of Business
Master of Management, BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo


In 1998, Roar started in a trainee programme in Sparebank and continued as a business advisor in the banking sector until 2003. Since then he worked almost 18 years at NEAS as Power Trader/Analyst and later as Product Manager Energy with changing responsibilities for Trading portfolio, Production portfolio, end-of-sale portfolio and large customers.


Roar is responsible for portfolio optimisation and market analysis for Norwegian customers as well as advising and helping them to develop hedging and risk management strategies.

Dirk Hegermann
Portfolio Manager
+45 3544 0413
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Graduate in Business Administration (Diplom-Betriebswirt BA) from Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein.


Dirk is looking back on more than 15 years of experience in the energy sector. Following a vocational training at German regional electricity supplier WEMAG AG and parallel with the studies of Business Administration, he spent an internship at the European Energy Exchange, EEX, in Leipzig before joining Vattenfall Energy Trading as a Young Professional acting in various roles. Before joining Energi Danmark Securities in the beginning of 2016, he has been responsible for logistics and position management regarding coal and biomass and was involved in the procurement process for internal and external customers.


As a German speaking Portfolio Manager, Dirk complements the team by being responsible for portfolio management for German customers, providing market and risk analysis and helping them to develop hedging and risk management strategies.

Profession: Energy manager – description, salary and where to learn


  • Type

    Profession after diploma

  • Specialty

    Business Administration, Management / Administration, Economics, Energy

  • Salary

    4604-5819 € per month

Energy managers develop and implement energy efficiency concepts of all kinds and manage economic energy projects.


Responsibilities of an Energy Manager

Energy managers perform analysis, design, business management, and consulting tasks in the field of energy supply.

For example, in the energy management of energy-intensive industrial companies, they create concepts for the optimal use of energy and thus optimize energy consumption in order to reduce operating costs in the long term. They evaluate machines and systems in terms of their economic viability and evaluate energy processes in order to be able to assess the necessary investments. They evaluate future energy consumption and enter into contracts with energy supply companies. General business tasks, financing planning and control are part of everyday life and also deal with legal issues. In the field of energy consulting, energy managers, for example, record energy consumption data in government agencies on behalf of cities and municipalities and evaluate building technologies from an energy technology perspective. They develop appropriate concepts for the implementation of energy saving measures. Energy managers advise citizens and municipal companies on the implementation of energy saving measures. In the case of construction projects, they evaluate planned energy efficiency and thermal protection measures in advance.

Where Energy Managers work

Energy Managers find jobs, for example:

  • in energy supply companies
  • in public administration
  • in energy intensive companies in different areas
  • in consumer organizations
  • in engineering offices

Salary of an Energy Manager

The salary level received by Energy Managers in Germany is

  • from 4604€ to 5819€ per month

(according to various statistical and employment offices in Germany)

  • Tasks
  • Statistics

Tasks and responsibilities of an Energy Manager in detail

What is the essence of the profession of an Energy Manager?

Energy managers develop and implement energy efficiency concepts of all kinds and take over the management of economic energy projects.

Energy Efficiency

In energy-intensive industrial companies, energy managers are primarily tasked with optimizing energy consumption. They plan and implement energy efficiency concepts that help reduce operating costs and protect the environment and climate. To do this, they create estimates of past and expected energy consumption, conduct research on cheaper energy sources, enter into contracts with energy companies, evaluate processes in terms of energy technologies, or develop and implement new production processes or procedures. Because energy managers have knowledge of energy technology and business know-how, they often act as a bridge between engineers and management. Energy managers also perform general business, controlling, financial and accounting tasks, or they work in the areas of marketing and process or product development.

Renewable energy sources and energy markets

Energy managers take into account applicable environmental and climate protection guidelines and laws in their work. Regenerating energy sources are becoming increasingly important for a sustainable energy supply. That’s why energy managers are looking to get the energy they need from solar, wind and hydro, rather than nuclear or coal-fired power. Since the transition to an environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly way of using energy usually cannot be done immediately, energy managers also consider a combination of different energy systems. Energy managers who work for energy supply companies are involved in the company’s pricing policy. By observing the competition, they calculate energy prices and prepare proposals for both industrial companies and end users. They analyze energy consumption data, position their company in the market, and open up new markets.

Energy assessment and consulting

Energy managers are also active in energy consulting. For example, on behalf of local authorities, they collect data on energy consumption in public institutions and create concepts for the implementation of energy saving measures. In the case of construction projects, they evaluate planned energy efficiency measures, thermal protection measures in advance or check and evaluate the construction technology of existing facilities in terms of energy technology. In the field of urban energy supply, they enter into contracts with energy suppliers. In addition, energy managers may advise citizens and companies on energy conservation measures and possible financing, or they may be involved in international energy projects, including development cooperation.


Sign up for a consultation on admission to a university in Germany by profession

Energy Manager

Examples of highly paid Energy Manager vacancies in German companies

Current Energy Manager vacancies: https://www.ingeekomenge/ energiemanager

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What is an energy manager?

May 29 of 2013 – 00:00

Maria Teresa

Recently, we have heard a lot about the figure of the energy manager, and for companies involved in energy research us in our home and workplace for us to save on bills for electricity, but what exactly is an energy manager? We spoke with Seneria, a local company in the sector, to give us clues on the matter.

– What is an energy manager?
An energy manager is a specialist in all matters related to the energy consumed by a company.

Although there are some products for individuals (eg the Autoconsumo system), it is normal for an energy manager to be a professional job for other companies, because a small change in these companies’ energy management can make huge profits. A manager or energy consultant is not unlike, for example, a financial or labor consultant, in the sense that the larger the company the most necessary is, because the more technical and the consequences of their actions the whole enterprise is greater.

– How can we find out if we need an energy consultant job?
If you have a business, regardless of size, you can ask the following questions:

Do you understand your electricity bills? Do you have time to learn how the energy market works? Do you know what kind of energy you carry your business? Do you know how much energy you are wasting? Do you think you could pay more on your bills? Are your tools outdated or ineffective? Do you know what you can save but don’t know where to start?

An energy consultant has the answer to these questions, he is a person who knows and understands that everything else is a labyrinth: the lifetime of energy, i. e. knows electricity bills, supply contracts, facilities, equipment, taxes, fines, Yuso consumer habits, spending, savings, waste…

– Can it be expensive to hire an energy consultant for a mid-sized company?

No, mainly because it is sealed spending budget no surprises. There are many different things you can do to save money on a business and no two businesses are alike: you can have a store, a factory, an office complex… energy saving products and solutions are also diverse.

En SeneriaFor example, research and budget are free and personalized. You will be free to decide what to do, when you do and how you invest.

You should also keep in mind that most energy solutions are self-financing, depreciating, that is, paying for yourself with the money you save. For example, the Autoconsumo system can save you up to 80%! on the invoice, that is, 3 and a half years more than paid off the installation investment, which will last about 20-25 years.