Cut infants finger when cutting nails: Cutting baby nails & baby nail care

Опубликовано: December 27, 2022 в 6:33 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Clipped Baby’s Finger When Cutting Nails? (Do This!)

Few things are more anxiety-inducing than trimming baby’s nails properly while trying not to trim some of baby’s delicate skin! Those tiny, fast-moving hands and surprisingly sharp, yet thin little nails are hard targets for parents. However, keeping baby’s nails short is ideal so those little hands don’t cause scratches on baby’s face or elsewhere. So, if you’re carefully trimming baby’s nails and here a scream, what do you do next?

If your baby’s finger is clipped while trimming the nails you should wash your hands, clean your baby’s finger with soap and water, apply firm pressure to the bleeding with a sterile cloth, wait for the bleeding to stop, and then apply a bandage. Bleeding that does not stop or later signs of infection means your baby will need to see a doctor.

The only care that little fingers and toes require is regular trimming with appropriate tools, but accidents can happen even when you’re being extra careful. There are a lot of tips and tricks when it comes to cutting baby’s nails and some safety precautions you can take to eliminate cuts and crying.

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What to do if you accidentally cut your baby’s finger with the nail clipper

Ouch! There’s nothing more aggravating than cutting nails too short or worse cutting the delicate skin on the end of a finger while trimming them-especially for babies! The second you know you’ve trimmed more finger than fingernail you’re likely apologizing to baby while trying to stop the bleeding and the crying all at once (yes, that includes your tears too, mom and dad).

Despite your best intentions to trim baby’s nails carefully to prevent them from cutting or scratching themselves and, let’s be honest, you too you may have cut the skin. Those little fingers are fast-moving targets, which don’t mix with sharp objects, like nail trimmers.

If you accidentally cut a baby’s finger while trimming, follow these first aid steps to make that booboo all better:

  1. Wash your hands! Always use clean hands before administering first aid.
  2. Clean the baby’s hand with soap and warm water (nail trimmers may harbor lots of bacteria and germs).
  3. Apply firm yet gentle pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or gauze to stop the bleeding.
  4. Once the bleeding has subsided, which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes for a minor injury, you can wrap it up, if necessary.
  5. If the cut is minor and bleeding is controlled, don’t use a band-aid on the baby’s finger as they may put their finger in their mouth and accidentally swallow the band-aid.

If the cut doesn’t seem to be healing well or was fairly deep, keep an eye out for the following signs that you may need to put in a call or visit the pediatrician:

  • The cut becomes red or inflamed
  • Red streaks form around the wound
  • Baby is running a fever
  • The wound has discharge
  • Baby hasn’t had a tetanus shot yet

Remember, most of the time when this happens you’re likely feeling worse than baby is! As long as you clean and care for a cut properly, baby will be just fine. This is a great reason to always keep a well-stocked first-aid kit handy in the medicine cabinet.

Not sure what to keep in a first aid kit? Here are a few things that will help you be prepared for cuts and scrapes to big booboos:

  • Medical tape
  • Elastic bandages
  • Woven sticky bandages (Band-Aids)
  • Antibacterial spray or ointment
  • Hydrogen peroxide

If your baby’s finger won’t stop bleeding

Sometimes it can take what feels like forever for a cut on the finger to stop bleeding-we’ve all been there, and babies are no different. Try holding the finger above their head for several minutes and maintaining firm and gentle pressure while doing so. If bleeding doesn’t stop within 10 minutes then a call or visit to the pediatrician or clinic may be necessary.

How long does it take for a baby’s finger to stop bleeding?

Best practices suggest that if bleeding is not controlled within 10 minutes then a trip to the doctor may be necessary to properly care for the wound.

If you cut baby’s nail too short

Perhaps just as painful or aggravating as cutting your finger while trying to cut your nails is cutting them too short! Ouch! The reason this is painful is that under your nails is the hyponychium, which is more precisely located under the distal end of your nail bed near your fingertip.

The hyponychium serves as a barrier to prevent germs and debris from making their way under your nail and it also contains white blood cells to help fight infections. Cutting your nails too short exposes this barrier and can make your fingertips sensitive, painful, or even irritated due to the nerve endings being exposed to pressure or sensations it’s normally protected from by the actual fingernail.

Just keep baby’s hands clean until the nails grow back and the redness is gone. If the area begins to look red, inflamed or is causing the baby excessive pain then head to the doctor’s office for a checkup to make sure infection is not a concern.

Should you worry about tetanus from nail clippers?

The CDC says that it’s actually pretty easy to contract tetanus-even from a seemingly harmless accident like getting a cut from your nail clippers. The average time from exposure to illness is anywhere from 3-21 days but averages about 10 days. Symptoms of a tetanus infection include:

  • Jaw cramping or “lockjaw”
  • Muscle spasms or involuntary muscle tightening
  • Painful muscles or stiffness
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Seizures (jerking or staring)
  • Headache
  • Fever and sweating
  • Changes in blood pressure and elevated heart rate

The best way to prevent tetanus infection is to stick to the recommended vaccine schedule, which would include a DTaP vaccine for children at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age, and again at 4-6 years old.

The best way to cut baby nails

The best way to cut baby’s nails is with a personal hygiene tool, preferably one made for babies, and not with your mouth to avoid spreading germs or causing jagged edges. Appropriate tools to use include:

  • Soft emery board
  • Baby nail clippers
  • Blunt-nosed toenail scissors (to avoid cutting the skin)

Baby nails tend to grow very fast, so you may need to trim them multiple times per week to avoid any scratches on your or baby. Steps to properly care for baby’s nails are as follows:

  1. Find a good position and angle to reach baby’s fingernails
  2. Hold baby’s hand and fingers steady with one hand while you’re working
  3. Use designated baby nail kits, which will have appropriate tools for safety
  4. Cut nails straight across and slightly rounded at the top

Other tips for trimming baby’s nails:

  • Try an emery board, which may be the safest but will take more time
  • Don’t use a metal file, which may be too rough for baby’s delicate skin
  • Use baby nail clippers because they have rounded edges to prevent accidents
  • Clip toenails straight across
  • Fingernails should be cut straight across and slightly rounded to prevent jagged edges
  • Clip nails while baby is asleep

It’s not rocket science, but it is something that causes a lot of anxiety for parents as they work to keep baby’s nails short and hygienic. Using proper tools and technique and following first aid steps if something does go wrong are the best ways to keep baby’s hands healthy.

Cut Baby’s Finger With Nail Clippers? What To Do & How To Prevent It Next Time

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Having a new baby is a scary time for parents. After nine long months of waiting, suddenly you are responsible for this tiny human being who depends on you for everything.

Life with a newborn baby is pretty terrifying, to say the least! One baby care task that may not seem like a big deal but is in fact extremely anxiety-inducing, is clipping your baby’s fingernails.

Clipping your baby’s nails is easier said than done and occasionally parents accidentally cut their baby’s finger with nail clippers. 

If you cut your baby’s finger with nail clippers, try not to panic. You will need to wash your hands quickly and wash your baby’s fingers using soap and water.

Once you have cleaned the injured area, you will need to apply pressure to the cut using sterile cloth. Once the bleeding stops you can then apply a bandage to your baby’s finger to help keep the cut clean and infection out.

However, if after applying pressure for a while the cut does not stop bleeding, or you notice signs of infection, you will need to get your baby seen by a doctor.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How To Safely Cut a Baby’s Finger Nails?
    • 1.1 Use a baby nail clipping kit
    • 1.2 File doesn’t cut
    • 1.3 Make sure you have good lighting
    • 1.4 Hold baby’s hand still
    • 1.5 Cut them while your baby sleeps
    • 1.6 Cut straight across and around the edges
    • 1.7 Stop if you need to
  • 2 What To Do If You Cut Baby’s Finger With Nail Clippers?
    • 2.1 Wash your hands
    • 2.2 Clean baby’s finger
    • 2.3 Apply pressure to the cut
    • 2.4 Dress the wound
  • 3 Cut Baby’s Finger While Clipping Nails and It Won’t Stop Bleeding 
  • 4 Does My Baby Need a Tetanus Jab For Cut On Finger?
  • 5 What To Do If You Cut Baby’s Nails Too Short?
    • 5. 1 How Can I Tell If My Baby’s Cut is Infected?
  • 6 FAQs
    • 6.1 How long does it take for a baby’s finger to heal?
    • 6.2 How long does it take for a baby’s finger to stop bleeding?
    • 6.3 Can you put Vaseline on a baby cut?
  • 7 The Final Thought 

How To Safely Cut a Baby’s Finger Nails?

Cutting baby fingernails and tiny toenails is not easy. It is a fine art, it takes a lot of concentration and precision to cut your baby’s nails without causing any accidental harm.

Baby’s nails are small but deceptively sharp and when they are not regularly trimmed, they can cut your baby’s delicate skin. It is very common for babies to scratch their faces if their nails are not kept short.

Babies accidentally scratch the smooth skin of their cheeks when they wave their arms around; newborns are yet to develop their coordination and will often rub their hands across their faces by mistake. 

I know this task seems impossible, cutting your baby’s miniature nails with a pair of baby nail clippers or scissors, but it is possible.

If you want to avoid cutting your baby’s finger while cutting their nails, follow this guide on how to trim your baby’s nails safely: 

Use a baby nail clipping kit

Do not try and cut your baby’s nails using your regular nail clippers or a pair of nail scissors that you use to cut your own nails.

Your baby’s nails are tiny and delicate and will need to be trimmed using equipment that is designed specifically for baby fingernails.

Using standard size nail clippers is just asking for trouble, if you want to keep your baby out of harm’s way buy a baby nail clipping kit. You could also check out our 10 Best Baby Grooming Kits for 2021 here for some other options.

File doesn’t cut

If your baby’s nails aren’t too long, gently filing them down with an emery board may be your safest and easiest option. Avoid using a metal file as this will be too hard for the soft skin surrounding your baby’s nail.

Instead, use an emery board. This method will take longer than just trimming your baby’s nails with clippers but if you are gentle, there is very little chance you are going to end up hurting your baby.  

Make sure you have good lighting

Don’t try and trim your baby’s nails if you are struggling to see in a dimly lit room. To keep those clippers away from your baby’s skin, you need to be able to see what you are doing. Make sure you are in a well-lit room and can easily see your baby’s nails.

Hold baby’s hand still

It is very difficult to get a baby to stay completely still while you trim their nails. Try holding your baby’s hand steady with one of your hands while you carefully trim them with the other.  The stiller your baby is the less likely you will be to accidentally cut them. 

Cut them while your baby sleeps

The best way to make sure your baby is still while you trim their nails is to do it while they sleep. If your baby is sleeping their hands will likely be relaxed, making it easier for you to safely trim their nails. 

Cut straight across and around the edges

You will need to cut your baby’s nails straight across the top and round off the edges. Baby nail clippers are often rounded making it really easy to get the correct shape and to avoid any jagged edges on your baby’s nails. 

Stop if you need to

If your baby is getting distressed or you are finding it very difficult to keep them still, stop trying to trim their nails. You can always return to the task when your baby is calmer or when they are asleep.

Continuing to cut your baby’s nails when they are wriggling and upset is just asking for trouble. It is much safer to leave your baby with long nails for a little while longer than it is to risk cutting their skin while they are finding it hard to remain still. 

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What To Do If You Cut Baby’s Finger With Nail Clippers?

Accidents happen and you may have followed all the guidelines above and still ended up cutting your baby’s finger with nail clippers. Firstly, try not to panic or let the mom’s guilt set it. It was an accident and your baby is going to be ok. 

If you cut your baby’s finger with nail clippers, here is a list of the steps you need to take: 

Wash your hands

Quickly wash your hands so you are clean and free from germs, ready to clean and dress your baby’s wound.  

Clean baby’s finger

Using mild soap and water, gently wash your baby’s finger and the skin surrounding the cut. Nail clippers can be covered in several bacteria and germs so you will need to clean the cut as best you can to prevent infection. 

Apply pressure to the cut

It is important to try and stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. Apply gentle but firm pressure to the wound using a clean washcloth or a fresh piece of gauze. Keep applying pressure until the bleeding stops. 

Dress the wound

Once the bleeding stops, which should take only a few minutes for a minor injury, you can then dress the wound if you feel it is necessary. It is not always essential to wrap up a cut.

However, if you want to keep the wound protected from germs and catch any blood, you may choose to wrap it. It is advised not to use a Band-Aid on your baby’s finger when possible as your baby may suck on their hands and accidentally swallow it. 

In most instances, if you cut your baby’s finger with nail clippers the cut will rarely be deep enough to require any professional medical attention. Following the steps above will help you to keep your baby’s wound clean and it should not take too long to heal.

However, occasionally nail clippers can cause deep cuts or even remove a chunk out of your baby’s skin. If this happens to your baby, you will need to take your baby to have the wound properly treated by a doctor. 

Cut Baby’s Finger While Clipping Nails and It Won’t Stop Bleeding 

When you apply pressure to a cut on your baby’s finger, the bleeding should cease quite quickly. The general rule is a cut should stop bleeding within 10 minutes.

Ideally, you want to stop the cut from bleeding as quickly as possible and most bleeding will subside after just a few minutes when gentle but firm pressure is applied. 

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However, if the bleeding hasn’t stopped after a few minutes, there are a few steps you can take to try and stop it: 

  • Hold their hand up above their head.
  • Continue to apply firm yet gentle pressure.  

If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after ten minutes, you will need to call a doctor for advice. Your baby may need to have their wound dressed professionally or they may even need stitches or a tetanus shot. 

Does My Baby Need a Tetanus Jab For Cut On Finger?

According to the CDC, it is easy to contract a tetanus infection, even when cut with household objects like nail clippers. However, you do not need to go rushing your baby to the doctor’s for a tetanus jab if they are up to date on their vaccination program. 

Your baby will receive a DTaP vaccination when they are 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age. They will then receive a booster shot when they are 4-6 years old.

If your child is not up to date with their inoculations or you are concerned they have developed tetanus from a cut on their finger, here is a list of tetanus symptoms to look out for: 

  • Jaw cramping or “lockjaw”
  • Muscle spasms or involuntary muscle tightening
  • Painful muscles or stiffness
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Seizures (jerking or staring)
  • Headache
  • Fever and sweating
  • Changes in blood pressure and elevated heart rate

Following cutting your baby’s finger with nail clippers, if they develop any of the above symptoms of tetanus you will need to get them seen by a doctor to avoid serious infection.  

What To Do If You Cut Baby’s Nails Too Short?

Accidentally cutting your baby’s skin isn’t the only damage you can do with a pair of nail clippers. Sometimes parents can unintentionally cut their baby’s nails too short too – oww!

Cutting nails too short can be really painful for your baby as you may expose the hyponychium beneath their fingernail. The hyponychium acts as a barrier, preventing germs and dirt from getting into the deeper parts of your nail bed.

When nails are cut too short, this protective barrier can be exposed and without the protection of the top of a fingernail, the hyponychium can be easily irritated, become sensitive, and cause a lot of pain. 

There is not much you can do if you cut a baby’s nails too short. It is important to keep your baby’s hands and finger clean to prevent germs from potentially infecting the exposed skin and the damaged protective barrier.

Keep a close eye on your baby’s nails and make yourself aware of the signs of infection. If you are concerned the nail or skin has become infected, contact your doctor for advice. 

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Over time your baby’s finger will heal and their nail will begin to grow back. Next time you clip your baby’s fingernails, make sure you are careful and don’t cut them too short.

Baby’s nails don’t need to be trimmed right down, you just need to remove the sharp edges and trim them enough that your baby won’t be able to scratch themselves (or anyone else!).

Baby nails grow very fast so it shouldn’t take more than a week or two before you will need to be trimming that once damaged nail again. 

How Can I Tell If My Baby’s Cut is Infected?

Your main concern when it comes to cuts is infection. Even the tiniest cut on your baby’s finger can become infected. It is essential you clean your baby’s cut as soon as possible and keep it clean throughout the healing process. 

To help you determine whether the cut on your baby’s finger is infected, here are some common signs of infection to look out for: 

  • The cut is red or inflamed
  • Red streaks begin to form around the wound
  • Your baby is running a fever
  • The wound has a discharge

All of the above are signs that an infection is setting in and you will need to take your baby to see the doctor. Your little one may need to have a tetanus shot if they are not up to date with their vaccinations or their doctor may prescribe medication to clear up the infection. 

An infected cut will be painful so if you notice your baby is more irritable or upset more than usual, it may be due to the cut on their finger. Most infections aren’t serious when treated quickly, if you are concerned about your baby it is always best to get professional advice from a pediatrician. 


How long does it take for a baby’s finger to heal?

Most minor cuts heal within 2-4 weeks. During the healing process, you should be aware of the signs that the wound may be infected or not healing as it should.

How long does it take for a baby’s finger to stop bleeding?

Most cuts will stop bleeding after around 5 to 10 minutes of applying direct pressure to the wound. If after this time it is still not stopping it may be time for a trip to the ER.

Can you put Vaseline on a baby cut?

Yes you certainly can a Vaseline-type product will help to keep the wound moist and moisture has been shown to help speed up the healing process.

The Final Thought 

Baby nails grow quickly and it is important parents regularly trim their little ones’ nails to prevent them from scratching and hurting themselves. However, sometimes accidents will happen and you might cut your baby’s finger with nail clippers.

In this article, we have highlighted what you need to do if you cut your baby’s finger while clipping their nails.

In most circumstances, all you will need to do is clean the wound and monitor the cut for infection. If the cut is very deep, doesn’t stop bleeding after 10 minutes, or is showing signs of infection, you will need to take your baby to see the doctor. 

Emma Davies

Hi, I’m Emma and I’m a mother to 5 beautiful children aged from 1 to 21 years old- life is hectic! I have learned so much along the way, not only from my own children but also through my professional life. In my positions as a Childminder and Teaching Assistant, I have studied Child Development and The Early Years Developing Practice. I wish to share all of this knowledge and help you with your own parenting journey!

How to cut nails for newborns: technique for performing the procedure

Newborns need to cut their nails almost from birth. In infants, they begin to grow during fetal development. Babies are born with long nails. And they can scratch themselves, since they still do not control the movement of the handles. When to start doing a manicure for a newborn?

When to start cutting

You can cut the nails of a newborn on the tenth day of life. The baby’s nails are long and thin, soft. Cutting them immediately after birth is not recommended – the risk of skin injury is high. So that the baby does not scratch himself in a dream, special mittens or clothes are put on the handles that completely cover the handles of the baby.

Which tool is needed

Do not use scissors with sharp tips. Since the movements of the arms of the baby are chaotic, injury can be caused. In addition, the whole family uses these scissors, which is also unacceptable for a baby. preference should be given to special scissors for babies. Their tips are rounded, which reduces the risk of injury.

Some mothers prefer to bite off their child’s nails with their teeth. It is unacceptable.

Clipping is also not recommended. There is a high risk of injury to the delicate skin on the fingers.

After each procedure, the scissors are washed with warm water and cleaned in a separate place.

Selecting the time for the procedure

Some kids are quite calm about cutting nails. You can cut your baby’s nails while you are awake. If the baby protests against the procedure, then the best time is his sleep. This reduces the risk of injury.

You can cut your hair after swimming. But here it is worth considering the fact that water makes the nails softer. Therefore, only dry nails are cut.

With a systematic procedure, the baby will get used to it over time. If you have any questions, please ask our doctors. At a remote consultation, they will explain the rules for cutting nails to a newborn, and help you choose the right tools.

How often is the procedure done

Trim nails as needed. All children’s nails grow at different rates. For some, once a week is enough, for others, two or three times in 14 days. Toenails grow more slowly than on the hands. They can be trimmed once a month or as needed.

How to cut your nails properly

To properly cut your child’s nails, you must follow simple rules:

  • trimming is carried out only in good light;
  • before use, rinse the scissors under water or treat with alcohol;
  • do not cut your fingernails too short;
  • scissors are held so that they are perpendicular to the nail;
  • nails are given an oval shape. Uncut corners can dig into the skin, causing inflammation;
  • on the legs, the nails are cut in a straight line;
  • the burrs do not come off, but are carefully cut off.

To cut, they take the child’s hand, firmly fix the finger, push the pad away and cut off the regrown nail platinum with smooth movements.


A newborn baby was not given to parents in any way to cut their nails. As soon as the mother took the scissors, approached the baby, took her by the hand, the baby began to scream and kick heart-rendingly. It was also impossible to divert the attention of a one-month-old baby. Then mom decided to resort to this procedure while the baby is eating. The baby was so passionate about the feeding process that he did not notice the manipulations of his parents.

Consequences of improper care of the nails of an infant

With improper care, the following complications are possible:



Suppuration of fingers, redness

Treated with antiseptics, wound healing ointments

Ingrown nail

Most often found on the legs. For treatment, antiseptics, antimicrobial ointments are used.

Important! Self-treatment of an ingrown toenail is not desirable. You need to contact the experts. If the pathology is accompanied by suppuration, severe inflammation, you do not need to open the abscess yourself and try to cut the nail.

What to do if the baby is injured

Sometimes, no matter how carefully parents try to cut their hair, small accidents still happen. When traumatizing the skin with scissors, it is necessary to apply a bandage moistened with an antiseptic. Press down for a couple of minutes. Once the blood has stopped, the procedure is no longer carried out. It is better to postpone it for a couple of days.


Why is it impossible to cut the nails of babies in the hospital?


Nail trimming is unacceptable in the first days of a baby’s life. The fact is that the nail plate is very soft and can be injured. This can lead to deformation of the nail in the future.

When should a newborn’s nails be trimmed for the first time?


The first time it is recommended to cut the nails of the baby at 14 days of age. And up to this point, be sure to use special mittens or clothing that covers the handles.

How to properly care for the nails of an infant?


The main rule when leaving is the timely trimming of the nails on the hands and nails. It is important to ensure that there are no hangnails, ingrown nails, suppuration.

Until what age do children cut their nails?


There is no exact age. Some children learn to cut their nails as early as 4 years old by biting their teeth. Someone at the age of five skillfully wields scissors, and someone at the age of 10 asks their parents for help. Everything is relative in this matter.

How to teach a child to cut his own nails?


Children are very observant. Sometimes they do not need to be trained, they carefully look at the manipulations of adults and repeat them. If it is necessary to teach, then they explain the correct location of the scissors relative to the nail, allocate their own scissors for the child, which only he will use. The task of the parent is to show exactly how the regrown nail plate is trimmed.

Expert opinion

You can cut your nails for the first time for a baby only two weeks after birth. For this procedure, safe scissors with rounded ends are chosen, but, here, the wire cutters will have to be abandoned. They can injure the nail. It is better to cut nails while the child is sleeping – this reduces the risk of injury. The procedure is carried out as the nails grow. On the legs, they grow much more slowly than on the hands.

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Article author

Pruzhinin Mark Yulievich


Experience 30 years

Consultations 1572

Articles 104

An experienced pediatrician with extensive experience and clinical experience in various medical organizations in the field of general pediatrics, resuscitation and anesthesology and neuroinfection. Works with leading experts, attends international and Russian conferences.

How to cut the nails of a newborn? | Nutrilak


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