Cuidador de ancianos: Need elder care in Kolkata? Contact us

Опубликовано: March 19, 2023 в 8:57 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Need elder care in Kolkata? Contact us

Need elder care in Kolkata? Contact us | Rising Care

“One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value” – Jim Rohn

And, we do nothing less! 

Rising Care is lending their helping hands since 2013 and with experience and quality service, they are now a pioneer of geriatric healthcare.

Elder care at home is a melting pot of a plethora of services that suits all the requirements of the geriatrics patients.

Our services prove invaluable in helping the elderly with their day-to-day activities, coping up with physical and emotional trauma and finding a helping hand in times of emergencies. Besides, we lend our assistance to address the entertainment quotient of the elderly, arranging events or travels for them.   

Our services include –

  • Highly-trained ayah/nurse attendees (on 12/24 hours basis) to constantly monitor the health of our geriatrics patients
  • Emergency assistance (ambulance, hospitalization, visit to doctor’s chamber, discharge assistance, and more)
  • Assistance in daily chores (such as eating, bathing, clothing, toilet needs, etc. )
  • Medication and nutrition monitoring
  • Essential deliveries (such as medicine, groceries and food)
  • At-home doctors
  • Online consultation (assisted by our care managers)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychological counselling
  • Intellectual companionship
  • Dementia care
  • Outdoor work assistance (such as, utility bill submission, bank and pension relation work, life certificate assistance, grocery shopping and more)
  • Physical assistance
  • Life Saving medical equipment on rent (such as oxygen concentrators, ICU set up, BiPAP, CPAP, wheelchairs and more)
  • Home security 
  • Travel assistance (Leisure trip arrangement and more)
  • Entertainment Assistance (escorted visit to the cinema, mall, temple and more)
  • Essential services 

At-home services have proven to be helpful in cases where numerous senior citizens share the same fate of being left unattended for their physical, emotional & medical needs. In most of the cases, their children are stationed abroad and they are at the mercy of untrained ayahs.

Put an end to that! 

Contact Rising Care today and choose from a wide range of specialised services depending on the physical and mental condition of the elderly along with their other requirements.

Our team of doctors and nurse attendees will make sure that sufficient care is undertaken so that your aged parents can be at their best possible state.

From 24/7 health monitoring to mitigating emergency scenarios and also providing intellectual companionship, we provide a holistic elderly care service for the senior citizens in Kolkata.

Under the umbrella of elder care, you can avail –

  1. At home doctor visits with doorstep medicines delivery
  2. Emergency assistance
  3. Nursing care at-home
  4. Physiotherapy at-home
  5. Psychiatrists consultation and emotional companionship
  6. Dementia care
  7. Outdoor work assistance
  8. Physical assistance
  9. Home security
  10. Travel assistance
  11. Entertainment Assistance
  12. Essential services

Yes, certainly! Our years of experience says so. Our beloved members lived to their best with us by their side. We have been able to bring back their smile and confidence with love and care. We vouch to serve our geriatrics patients with the best possible care so that they can regain their strength and confidence in life.

Most certainly, yes! They are not only highly trained in their tasks, but are also well educated and have been a responsible and core member of the Rising Care family. The managers are intensively trained at our institute, ensuring quality service. Be rest assured; Rising Care only appoints the best of caregivers with the long association in geriatrics care for maximum effect. When you hire us for your aged parents or relatives; they are in the safest of hands!

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Tengo experiencia en el cuidado de ninos y ancianos, tengo referencias y puedo suministrar los moviles para que comprueben esto, soy educada, respetuosa y mi servicios estan bajo las normas del buen trato y el respeto a mis semejantes

Cuidadora de enfermos, ancianos, dependientes con demencias


Tengo experiencia en el cuidado de enfermos terminales con con cáncer y de ancianos dependientes
Soy muy cariñosa, paciente y firme.
Me encantan los animales.

Auxiliar de Enfermería para cuidado de personas mayores


Soy carismática y extrovertida, tengo muchas ganas de trabajar y de poder ayudar

Cuidadora infantil y personas mayores


Hola soy una chica trabajadora y activa tengo muchas ganas de trabajar y mucha experiencia en las tareas domesticas y plancha y todo tipo de limpieza y cuidado infantil y personas de tercera edad

Cuidado Personas Mayores


Mi nombre es Krismeybel, tengo 28 años de edad, me dedico al cuidado de personas mayores, porque me gusta pasar tiempo con ellos y brindarles la atención que merecen, soy bastante responsable, dinámica, paciente, cariñosa, puntual y muy dulce, me considero una chica optimista con capacidad de trabajar en situaciones de estrés y resolver circunstancias cotidianas aplicando plena dedicación. Poseo estudios relacionados a la medicina e inglés. Tengo disponibilidad inmediata y de tiempo completo para los cuidados necesarios.

¿Sabías que…?

La tarifa horaria media para cuidadores de ancianos en España va de 9 a 12 €

Cuidadora de Ancianos, y empleada del hogar.


Tengo experiencia cuidando ancianos dependientes y no dependientes, así mismo jóvenes con autismo dependientes, tengo recomendación, en mi país de origen soy maestra Jubilada, soy cariñosa, educada, discreta, responsable y muy puntual.

Ayudante de ancianos.


Me llamo Laura , vivo en San Cristobal de La Laguna, tengo experiencia cuidando ancianos y niños, ofrezco una buena compañía para nuestros mayores, hacer actividades que les diviertan como leer, charlar, hacer la comida si hace falta y la compra etc…

Cuidado de ancianos


Busco trabajo, soy cubana tengo experiencia en cuidar personas pues lo he puesto en practica con mi abuela de 93 años, soy universitaria, estoy dispuesta a aprender en caso de que tengan costumbres propias, soy prudente y educada.