Can allergies in toddlers cause fever: Does Your Child Have Allergies, RSV or COVID-19?

Опубликовано: September 26, 2023 в 10:50 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Does Your Child Have Allergies, RSV or COVID-19?

Editor’s note: This article originally ran September 2, 2021, and was updated October 27, 2022.

Fall has always meant more sniffles, colds and flu, but these days parents have a lot more to worry about. There are still colds and flu, of course, but also COVID-19, which continues to circulate, and RSV, which is spiking much earlier than normal this year.

“Fall time has always been prime time for illness because kids are getting back together after spending the summer apart, and the close quarters at school make it very easy for them to start transmitting all kinds of infections and viruses to each other,” says UNC Health allergist Edwin Kim, MD. “This was less of a problem over the past couple of years with masking and social distancing, but with people much less likely to wear masks this fall, and the fact that the immune systems of many children may be less primed to fight infection without them having the usual exposures during the pandemic, we could be in for a really tough time this fall and winter.

Public health officials are reporting a spike in RSV cases and hospitalizations in many parts of the country. Respiratory syncytial virus is a common childhood illness that generally causes mild, cold-like symptoms but can be serious, especially for infants. While RSV typically occurs in colder months, current cases of the illness have been severe enough to require many children to be hospitalized.

All of this has Dr. Kim concerned as a physician and a father—but also as an expert in pediatric allergies, because those are going full-throttle too.

Fall allergies can cause symptoms that are similar to symptoms of RSV:

  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Itchy, watery eyes

Of course, several of those symptoms are also indicative of a possible COVID-19 infection. It’s a lot to wade through for any parent, which is why talking to your child’s doctor is always a good idea.

In the meantime, here are four ways to tell the difference between allergies, RSV and other infections such as a cold, the flu or COVID-19:

1. Allergies won’t cause a fever.

The symptoms of RSV, fall allergies and COVID-19 can look very similar with one major exception—a fever.

“Allergies, RSV, COVID and other viral infections can cause significant runny nose, congestion, eye irritation and cough as well,” Dr. Kim says. “So, on the surface, they’ll look very, very similar. One very clear difference is going to be fever. Allergies should not cause any type of temperature at all. If parents detect a fever of 100 or higher, that is an infection as opposed to allergies.”

2. A hallmark of allergies is itchiness.

Allergies typically cause very itchy eyes, itchy nose, maybe even itchy skin.

“An infection may be a little itchy or irritating as well, but this will be very minor compared to the significant congestion, cough and other symptoms that they are having,” Dr. Kim says.

In other words, with allergies, one of the most common symptoms is itchiness, while in infections such as RSV, itchiness in the eyes and nose can occur but other symptoms such as congestion and cough are most noticeable. For example, in a child with allergies what will be most noticeable will be how much they are rubbing his or her eyes and nose and sniffling and clearing their throat. With infections, they might rub their nose a little, but it will be the significant congestion and coughing, as well as fever, that will be most noticeable.

3. Symptoms of allergies last longer than symptoms of RSV.

Usually RSV and other viral infections clear up after one to two weeks.

“If it’s allergies, you are probably looking at least a couple of months’ worth of symptoms or at least until the season ends,” Dr. Kim says.

Fall allergy season usually starts in September and lasts until the first hard frost, which can be December or sometimes even later.

4. Allergy medicine won’t help with symptoms of RSV or other viral infections.

If you think your child has allergies and give him or her allergy medicine and it has little effect on his or her symptoms within 12 to 24 hours, your child might have a viral infection.

“An antihistamine that you can get over the counter should do really well for allergies but likely would have very little effect on infection,” Dr. Kim says. “So, if you have a kid who’s got a lot of those symptoms like a really bad runny nose and cough, and Zyrtec and Benadryl aren’t touching it, it may be because it’s not allergies—it’s an infection.”

If your child has cold-like symptoms and you’re not sure what it is, your child’s doctor can help you figure it out. Don’t send your child to school or other social settings until you’re sure it’s “just” allergies.

If your child isn’t feeling well, talk to your pediatrician or find one near you.

Children and Allergies | Symptoms & Treatment

Common Allergic Conditions in Children


Seasonal allergic rhinitis also is known as \"hay fever,\" a disorder which causes sneezing, itching, a runny nose and nasal congestion."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":8963,"3":{"1":0},"4":[null,2,16777215],"11":4,"12":0,"16":10}">Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the nose, often due to an allergy to pollen, dust or other airborne substances. Seasonal allergic rhinitis also is known as "hay fever," a disorder which causes sneezing, itching, a runny nose and nasal congestion.</span>” rel=”tooltip”>rhinitis (hay fever)

Allergic rhinitis is the most common childhood ailment caused by allergies. Symptoms include a runny and itchy nose, sneezing, postnasal drip and nasal congestion (blockage). A child with allergies may also have itchy, watery, red eyes and chronic ear problems. Even though it’s commonly known as “hay fever,” allergic rhinitis isn’t triggered by hay and doesn’t cause fever.

Nasal congestion

Allergies are the most common cause of chronic nasal congestion (a stuffy nose) in children. Sometimes a child’s nose is congested to the point that he or she breathes through the mouth, especially while sleeping. This may also cause the child to not get a restful night’s sleep and then be tired the next day. If the congestion and mouth-breathing are left untreated, they can affect the growth of teeth and the bones of the face. Early treatment of the allergies causing the nasal congestion may prevent these problems.

Ear infections

Allergies lead to It is a characteristic of allergic reactions in the nose, lungs, and skin.</span>” rel=”tooltip”>inflammation in the ear and may cause fluid accumulation that can promote ear infections and decreased hearing. A baby whose hearing is impaired for any reason while learning to talk may develop poor speech. Allergies can cause earaches as well as ear itching, popping and fullness (“stopped-up ears”). Anyone with these symptoms should see an allergist for possible testing and treatment.

Food allergies

As many as 6 million children in the United States have some form of food allergy.

If a new mother is breast-feeding, some especially sensitive babies can have allergic reactions to foods their mothers eat. Babies can be tested for allergies. Eliminating these foods from the mother’s diet may provide relief for the child.

The most common allergies in children are to peanuts and milk; other frequently seen triggers include eggs, fish, shellfish (crab, lobster, crayfish and shrimp), soy, tree nuts (for example, pecans, cashews and walnuts) and wheat. The most severe reactions are typically to peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish — all allergies that can last a lifetime. Children often outgrow allergies to milk, eggs, soy and wheat.

All parents of a child with a food allergy should be aware of the possibility of anaphylaxis — a potentially life-threatening reaction that impairs breathing, causes a sudden drop in blood pressure and can send a body into shock. For that reason, most children with food allergies are prescribed It is one of two chemicals (the other is norepinephrine) released by the adrenal gland. Epinephrine increases the speed and force of heart beats and thereby the work that can be done by the heart. It dilates the airways to improve breathing and narrows blood vessels in the skin and intestine so that an increased flow of blood reaches the muscles and allows them to cope with the demands of exercise. Epinephrine has been produced synthetically as a drug since 1900. It remains the drug of choice for treatment of anaphylaxis."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":8963,"3":{"1":0},"4":[null,2,16777215],"11":4,"12":0,"16":10}">Epinephrine is a naturally occurring hormone, also called adrenaline. It is one of two chemicals (the other is norepinephrine) released by the adrenal gland. Epinephrine increases the speed and force of heart beats and thereby the work that can be done by the heart. It dilates the airways to improve breathing and narrows blood vessels in the skin and intestine so that an increased flow of blood reaches the muscles and allows them to cope with the demands of exercise. Epinephrine has been produced synthetically as a drug since 1900. It remains the drug of choice for treatment of anaphylaxis.</span>” rel=”tooltip”>epinephrine (adrenaline), administered with an auto-injector as soon as symptoms develop.

Allergies and school

Your child’s school should be informed of any allergies. If your child has People with asthma have acute episodes where the air passages in their lungs get narrower, and breathing becomes more difficult. Sometimes episodes of asthma are triggered by allergens, although infection, exercise, cold air and other factors are also important triggers.</span>” rel=”tooltip”>asthma or a severe allergy, give a copy of your child’s action plan to the school nurse or the administrative office. Also, discuss your child’s access to medication, including epinephrine (adrenaline), in case of an emergency.

  • School pets: Furry animals in school may cause problems for allergic children. If your child has allergy or asthma symptoms while at school including coughing, difficulty breathing, a rash, runny nose or sneezing, it could be the class pet.
  • Asthma and physical education: Physical education and sports are a big part of the school day for many children. Having asthma does not mean eliminating these activities. Children with asthma and other allergic diseases should be able to participate in any sport the child chooses, provided the doctor’s advice is followed. Asthma symptoms during exercise may indicate poor control, so be sure that your child is taking controller asthma medications on a regular basis. Often medication administered by an inhaler is prescribed before exercise to control symptoms.
  • Dust irritation: At school, children with allergic problems may need to sit away from the blackboard to avoid irritation from chalk dust.

Do you suspect your child has an allergy? The symptoms could be a sign of a serious issue. Don’t delay: Find an allergist today.All

Why does the temperature increase in children with allergies? 5 Causes


  • 1 Five causes of fever in children with allergic reactions: how to recognize and prevent?
    • 1.1 Infectious process
      • 1.1.1 What is it?
      • 1.1.2 How is infection related to allergies?
      • 1.1.3 What does an allergen reaction look like?
    • 1.2 Allergic shock: symptoms, causes, treatment
      • 1.2.1 What is allergic shock?
      • 1. 2.2 Symptoms of allergic shock
      • 1.2.3 Causes of allergic shock
      • 1.2.4 Treatment of allergic shock
    • 1.3 Drug reactions in children with allergies
    • 90 005 1.4 Related videos:

    • 1.5 Q&A:
        • What symptoms may accompany a fever in a child with allergies?
        • How can an allergy cause a child to have a fever?
        • Should a child with a fever for allergies take antipyretics?
        • Can a child’s fever due to allergies lead to more serious complications?
        • What diet should be followed in case of allergies to avoid fever in a child?
        • What measures can be taken to prevent a child from developing a fever due to allergies?
    • 1.6 Irritants
    • 1.7 Allergies: disease progression and consequences for children
      • 1.7.1 What is an allergy and how does it manifest itself?
      • 1.7.2 Progression of allergies in children
      • 1. 7.3 Effects on children

Find out why allergies can raise children’s temperatures. Read about the 5 main causes that can cause hyperthermia and how to deal with it.

Allergic reactions are one of the most common diseases in children. They can cause many unpleasant symptoms, including fever. This can lead to anxiety in parents, so it is important to understand what causes fever in children with allergies.

In this article, we will look at five main causes that can lead to fever in children with allergies. We will try to figure out why this happens and how to help your child alleviate the condition.

Some of the causes may be minor and others may be serious, so it is important to know when to see a doctor. It should also be noted that allergy symptoms can manifest differently in each child, so it is important to be alert to any changes in your child’s health.

Infectious process

What is it?

An infectious process is the process of developing an infection in the body caused by bacteria or viruses. The infected body begins to fight pathogens and in response to this, it secretes a large amount of proteins that can affect the child’s body temperature.



Hormonal failure


Wrong skin care


All of the above


How is infection related to allergies?

Allergy is the body’s response to various allergens that cause an allergic reaction. At the same time, an immune system reaction also begins in the child’s body, which can lead to a temperature. The infectious process in the body of a child already struggling with allergies makes it even more acute and can lead to an increase in temperature.

What does this reaction to allergens look like?

Reaction to an allergen can manifest itself in many ways: red spots, itching and rashes may appear on the skin; in the nose – congestion, runny nose, cough; in the eyes – lacrimation and redness; etc. The response of the immune system can also lead to a rise in temperature, as the child’s body begins to fight allergens as a possible health hazard.

Allergic shock: symptoms, causes, treatment

What is allergic shock?

Allergic shock is a dangerous condition of the body that can occur in response to contact with an allergen. As a result, the immune system produces a large amount of histamine, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and impaired respiratory function.

Symptoms of allergic shock

The main symptoms of allergic shock are:

  • redness of the skin
  • itching and burning of the skin (especially on the face and neck)
  • urticaria
  • rapid breathing
  • severe sweating
  • nausea and vomiting

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, which can lead to death.

Causes of allergic shock

Allergic shock can occur in response to contact with any allergen, such as plant pollen, food, drugs, insects, etc. Allergic shock can also occur when allergic to medications or during medical procedures (for example, with the introduction of a radiopaque substance).

Treatment of allergic shock

Treatment of allergic shock should begin as early as possible. The first step is to stop contact with the allergen. Antiallergic drugs should then be given, which may include adrenergic agonists, glucocorticoids, and antihistamines. If the patient’s condition worsens, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Allergy drug reactions in children

Drugs are one of the most common causes of allergic reactions in children. Most medicines contain some kind of chemical compound that can cause unwanted effects in children.

Allergic reactions to drugs can manifest themselves in many ways – skin rashes, itching, swelling of the tongue and throat, respiratory failure, vomiting, etc. The reaction to drugs can be acute or delayed – it depends on the individual case.

If you experience an allergic reaction to a medicine, stop using it immediately and consult your doctor. In some cases, a drug allergy may require urgent medical attention to prevent serious complications.

  1. To avoid an allergic reaction to medicines in a child, it is necessary to be vigilant when using any medicine and watch for possible unwanted effects.
  2. If the child has already had an allergic reaction to any medicine, the doctor must be informed and recorded in the child’s medical record.
  3. When prescribing new drugs, it is always necessary to clarify their composition and possible side effects.

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What symptoms may accompany a fever in a child with allergies?

Various symptoms may occur, such as red and inflamed eyes, runny nose, cough, nasal congestion, skin rash, itching. There may also be swelling of the throat and tongue, leading to difficulty breathing.

How can an allergy cause a fever in a child?

An allergic reaction leads to the release in the child’s body of substances that are in the immune system and affect the thermoregulatory centers in the brain, which leads to a change in body temperature.

Should a child with a fever for allergies take antipyretics?

If the temperature increase is not too high and is accompanied by mild symptoms, then you can limit yourself to taking general measures to strengthen the body, in particular, the drinking regimen. However, if the pediatrician considers that the use of antipyretic drugs is necessary, then the recommendations of the specialist should be followed.

Can a child’s fever with allergies lead to more serious complications?

In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, which is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate medical attention. Therefore, if there are signs of anaphylaxis, you must immediately call an ambulance.

What diet should be followed in case of allergies to avoid fever in a child?

If you have an allergy, avoid foods that cause an allergic reaction in your child. In addition, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. To select the optimal diet, you need to contact a pediatric allergist.

What measures can be taken to prevent fever in a child with allergies?

In the first place, it is necessary to avoid contact of the child with allergens that cause a reaction in him. It is also important to maintain proper nutrition, strengthen the child’s immune system, regularly ventilate the premises, take care of pets, etc.

Irritant substances

Irritant substances can lead to an allergic reaction in children. These substances can be present in many foods and objects that children interact with on a daily basis.

One of the most common irritants is dust. House dust can contain allergens that cause allergic reactions in children.

Items such as toys, clothing, bedding and carpets may also contain irritants. Some of the materials used for these items may cause allergic reactions in children, especially those with sensitive skin.

  • Chemicals such as dyes and preservatives can also be irritants. They are often used in foods and cosmetics that children use on a daily basis.
  • Medicines may cause allergic reactions in children. Some children may be allergic to certain ingredients used in medicines, so it is important to consult a doctor in time to determine the appropriate dose.

In general, irritants can cause not only allergic reactions in children, but also fever and other symptoms that can be unpleasant and shocking for children and their parents. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the foods and items your child uses and take steps to reduce exposure to irritants.

Allergy: progression of the disease and its consequences for children

What is an allergy and how does it manifest itself?

Allergy is the reaction of the immune system to exposure to external allergens. Allergy symptoms can be different and manifest at different levels. Some of them are itching, runny nose, skin rashes, swelling of the larynx and even anaphylactic shock.

Progression of allergies in children

If allergies are not treated or prevented, they can only get worse over time. With age, the body reacts faster and more strongly to allergens, which can lead to serious health consequences for children.

In addition, we should not forget that allergies can be combined with other diseases, such as bronchial asthma or atopic dermatitis, which also increases the risk of complications and progression of the disease.

Consequences for children

One of the main consequences of the progression of allergies in children is an increase in temperature. This happens because their immune system fights off the allergen by producing antibodies and raising their body temperature. In addition, constant exposure to the allergen on the body can lead to weakness, apathy, insomnia and a deterioration in the quality of life of the child. Therefore, it is so important to detect and treat allergies in children in a timely manner in order to prevent its progression and complications.

Allergy fever in a child

After eating a product or taking a medicine that our body cannot tolerate, we usually observe an allergic reaction in the form of habitual symptoms. Usually this is a skin rash, redness, runny nose, intestinal disorders and other manifestations that are known to everyone who has at least a little contact with an allergic person or is one himself. This is a normal reaction of the body to the intake of histamine.

Sometimes, or rather rarely, the body reacts non-standard and instead of the usual symptoms listed above, the body temperature rises. This is a fairly rare occurrence that doctors and patients often mistake for a cold or other fever-related illness. With allergies, this is considered a non-standard reaction, and therefore the temperature with allergies deserves special attention. Let’s take a closer look at this topic.

Yes, with allergies there is a temperature, that’s a fact. Any increase in it indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. And the higher the thermometer column, the stronger the body fights the infection or virus that has arrived. On the issue of allergies at a temperature, even doctors cannot come to one common opinion. Most of them believe that the usual intake of an allergen should not cause an increase in temperature. In this case, they say that at the same time as the allergic reaction, the person caught a cold or got a viral infection. The doctors’ opinion would have remained the same if such cases had not recently become more frequent. It is clear that in connection with the increase, research began to be carried out and this issue was dealt with more closely. Scientific work and experiments have shown that with allergies there is a temperature and called such an allergy atypical.

Most often, with allergies, the temperature occurs in the following cases:

  • taking medications containing an allergen for a single person. In this case, the temperature with allergies is most often observed. At the same time, it can be accompanied by itching, swelling, redness of the mucous membranes, as well as in the mouth, nose and eyes. Intoxication is also often observed. For this reason, the doctor may not immediately determine the allergic reaction, taking the case for food poisoning or a complication of a viral cold;
  • allergic reaction due to ingestion of an allergen. In this case, it is even more difficult to determine an allergy than when taking medications. After all, the doctor will ask what medications you are taking, and based on the answer, he can at least suggest what you may be allergic to. But in the case of food allergies, everything is complicated by the fact that often of all the symptoms, fever and abdominal pain. Of course, this can be accompanied by pain in the intestines, diarrhea, metabolism and other symptoms. If you put them together, you get food poisoning. This is if an additional rash or other symptoms appear that are more suitable for the description of an allergy, then the probability of a correct diagnosis increases significantly. And it happens that even for weeks the doctor cannot determine the source of the disease;
  • reaction to foreign substances such as serum, plasma, vaccine, protein, etc. In this case, the body, for obvious reasons, does not want to accept foreign substances and fights against their invasion by raising the temperature. These are special cases that, until recently, were dismissed and considered normal. This attitude can be compared with the transfusion of blood of different groups. A similar reaction of the body in medicine is called serum sickness. As a rule, it appears after a while. Usually from several days to several weeks. An itchy rash appears at the injection site of foreign proteins, nearby lymph nodes may become inflamed, body temperature rises, the face may swell and the stomach may ache. There are exceptions when the body produces antibodies to the administered proteins very sharply and serum sickness can manifest itself right during the injection. In this case, the disease proceeds very rapidly and the patient must be under the constant supervision of specialists. The reason for this is the risk of anaphylactic shock with subsequent death. But these are extremes, and usually the body temperature rises to 38 degrees, fighting with a foreign protein;
  • if you are allergic to the hair of a certain animal or to the pollen of a single plant. According to one theory, the temperature occurs more due to irritation of the mucous membrane. Note that allergies to pollen or wool are much more likely to cause a runny nose, cough, frequent sneezing, and profuse watery eyes. However, do not panic. In such cases, most often, the raised temperature during allergies in a child is insignificant and very rarely crosses the mark of 38 degrees. In adults, it is generally considered rare;
  • temperature for allergies caused by insect bites. This is a fairly common phenomenon, which rarely entails a serious consequence. There were cases when, from a bee sting in the side in the area of ​​​​the liver, the entire torso and shoulders swelled and swelled in a person, and after two days there was no trace left. The temperature, as a rule, rises to 38-39 degrees. This is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance, however, you should not neglect such symptoms. It is better to immediately contact an allergist in order to prevent possible complications and take appropriate measures.

How to deal with a temperature due to allergies? Doctors say that the temperature, which has not reached 38 degrees, should not be brought down. If the mark is crossed, then it is better to knock it down with standard medicines. However, you should be careful, because an allergic reaction along with a temperature can be caused precisely by taking medications. You need to be sure that the patient is not allergic to the components of the drug. The best and proven method is a plentiful hot drink. But here we should not forget about the danger.

Allergies can be caused by lemon or honey, which are often added to tea and milk respectively, especially in children. By the way, about them. The temperature with allergies in a child clearly signals the presence of any infection or complications in tandem with an allergic reaction.