Average bank teller salary: Bank Teller Salary in New Hampshire – $39,000

Опубликовано: July 11, 2023 в 6:54 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Bank Teller Salary in New Hampshire – $39,000

Mint salariesBank TellerNew Hampshire

Average salary


Based on 446 income tax records




Average salary by age








How much do Bank Tellers make?

The average total salary for a Bank Teller is $39,000 per year. This is based on data from 446 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Bank Teller and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Bank Teller salary can vary between $18,500 to $163,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location. Read more

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Based on income reported to the IRS in box 1 of W-2.

From consenting TurboTax customers

Similar Occupations

Bank Teller salary by location

View as a list

Bank Teller salary by company


Average salary per year*

Salary range**

Bank Of America, New Hampshire

15 income tax records


$33K – $156K

TD Ameritrade, New Hampshire

55 income tax records


$19K – $130K

Mascoma Savings Bank, New Hampshire

13 income tax records


$31K – $196K

Meredith Village Savings, New Hampshire

11 income tax records


$31K – $108K

Bank Of New Hampshire, New Hampshire

17 income tax records


$18K – $249K

Citizens Bank, New Hampshire

43 income tax records


$23K – $113K

Santander Holdings USA, New Hampshire

13 income tax records


$20K – $284K

People’s United Bank, New Hampshire

24 income tax records


$24K – $84K

Northeast Credit Union, New Hampshire

10 income tax records


$24K – $51K

St Marys Bank Credit Union, New Hampshire

13 income tax records


$17K – $79K

Bank Teller demographics in New Hampshire

60% are single

40% are married

33% have kids

48% own a home

Effective Tax Rates for Bank Tellers in New Hampshire

446 full-time salaries from 2019


The average salary for a bank teller in New Hampshire is $39,000 per year. Bank teller salaries
in New Hampshire can vary between $18,500 to $163,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses,
tips, and more.

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This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 446 tax returns from TurboTax customers
who reported their occupation as bank teller.

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The following companies offer the highest salaries for bank tellers in New Hampshire:
Bank of America ($60,500 a year),
TD Ameritrade ($47,000 a year),
and Mascoma Savings Bank ($47,000 a year).

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The following cities offer the highest salaries for bank tellers in New Hampshire:
Exeter, NH ($54,000 a year),
Dover, NH ($42,000 a year),
and Concord, NH ($42,000 a year).

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Total salary amounts here include total taxable wages, tips, prizes and other compensation. Salaries here are not representative of the total population and may reflect different levels of experience or education. Learn more


Total salary ranges shown here exclude outliers.

Bank Teller Salary By State: Highest-Paid Bank Tellers by State [2023]

Research Summary. After extensive research by the Zippia data science team, we identified these details of bank teller salary by state for the United States:

  • Massachusetts has the highest bank teller salary of $36,505

  • Tennessee has the lowest bank teller salary of $26,677

  • The national average salary for bank tellers is $32,043

  • The national hourly pay for bank tellers is $15.41

You can read more on the specific methodology.


Without fail, in surveys across basically every demographic, the number one most important aspect of a job for most people is the salary — how much do bank tellers get paid where I live?

And while there are many things to go into how much you, specifically, can expect to make, there’s really good data for average salaries for bank teller by state across America broken down by seniority level. So while your city may be slightly different than the state average, these averages give you a rough sense of what to expect for your salary.

The state with the best salary for bank tellers after this adjustment? That would be Massachusetts.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the top ten states for bank teller salaries:

  1. Massachusetts (Jobs)

  2. New Jersey (Jobs)

  3. California (Jobs)

  4. Connecticut (Jobs)

  5. New York (Jobs)

  6. Hawaii (Jobs)

  7. New Hampshire (Jobs)

  8. Minnesota (Jobs)

  9. Oregon (Jobs)

  10. Rhode Island (Jobs)

Let’s take a look at how we got here and a full ranking of all the states.

Highest-Paid Bank Tellers By State

Rank State Average Bank Teller Salary 10th Percentile 90th Percentile
1 Massachusetts $36,505 $31,000 $42,000
2 New Jersey $36,368 $30,000 $43,000
3 California $35,875 $29,000 $43,000
4 Connecticut $35,460 $29,000 $42,000
5 New York $35,331 $29,000 $42,000
6 Hawaii $35,141 $30,000 $40,000
7 New Hampshire $34,909 $29,000 $40,000
8 Minnesota $34,616 $28,000 $41,000
9 Oregon $34,603 $28,000 $41,000
10 Rhode Island $34,401 $29,000 $40,000
11 Washington $34,349 $28,000 $40,000
12 Alaska $34,071 $30,000 $37,000
13 Maine $34,065 $29,000 $39,000
14 Maryland $33,982 $27,000 $41,000
15 Vermont $33,790 $29,000 $39,000
16 Virginia $33,695 $27,000 $41,000
17 Delaware $33,589 $27,000 $40,000
18 Arizona $33,545 $27,000 $40,000
19 Colorado $32,806 $27,000 $39,000
20 Nevada $32,673 $26,000 $39,000
21 North Dakota $32,227 $27,000 $38,000
22 Wisconsin $32,200 $26,000 $38,000
23 Utah $32,058 $26,000 $38,000
24 Michigan $31,860 $26,000 $38,000
25 Florida $31,717 $24,000 $40,000
26 Pennsylvania $31,460 $25,000 $38,000
27 Georgia $31,455 $24,000 $39,000
28 Wyoming $31,295 $26,000 $37,000
29 Montana $31,125 $26,000 $36,000
30 North Carolina $30,788 $24,000 $38,000
31 Iowa $30,775 $25,000 $37,000
32 Idaho $30,737 $25,000 $36,000
33 Nebraska $30,621 $25,000 $37,000
34 Illinois $30,611 $25,000 $37,000
35 South Dakota $30,510 $25,000 $36,000
36 Kansas $30,441 $24,000 $37,000
37 West Virginia $30,297 $24,000 $37,000
38 South Carolina $29,567 $23,000 $37,000
39 Alabama $29,272 $23,000 $36,000
40 Ohio $29,195 $23,000 $35,000
41 Missouri $29,179 $23,000 $35,000
42 Mississippi $28,855 $22,000 $36,000
43 Arkansas $28,646 $23,000 $35,000
44 Louisiana $28,347 $22,000 $35,000
45 Indiana $28,274 $22,000 $34,000
46 New Mexico $27,984 $23,000 $33,000
47 Texas $27,457 $22,000 $33,000
48 Oklahoma $27,337 $22,000 $33,000
49 Kentucky $27,008 $21,000 $33,000
50 Tennessee $26,677 $21,000 $33,000

Methodology: Bank Teller Salary By State

To better understand bank teller pay by state, Zippia has aggregated data across a multitude of channels including the BLS, FLC, and OPM. We then supplement that data with actual listed salaries from job posts. Finally, the data science team calculates a weighted average of these inputs to create an average pay for bank tellers by state.

We took the average annual salary data for bank tellers from these estimates and ranked every state on this criteria with the state with the highest salary ranking as highest average salary for bank tellers.

  1. What is the highest-paid state for bank tellers?

    The highest-paid state for bank tellers is Massachusetts with an average salary of $36,505 per year.

  2. What city pays bank tellers the most?

    Sunnyvale, CA pays bank tellers the most with an average salary of $36,215 per year.

  3. What is the worst state for bank tellers?

    The worst state for bank tellers is Tennessee with an average salary of $26,677 per year.

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