Art enrichment activities: Enriching Crafts For Kids – Art Enrichment Activities for Young Children

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Enriching Crafts For Kids – Art Enrichment Activities for Young Children

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – PABLO PICASSO

What is art? Art is a visual form of expression that brings out our imaginations and depicts our true self. There are plenty of things presently which can be distinguished as various branches of art such as painting, craft, music, dance, sculpture painting, etc. Today, every sector is struggling to progress and revamping itself with the help of different forms of art. Art is the most expressive way of communicating oneself to the world and there is always a room to improvise. We see that children of the new generation are super active, creative and grasp things before we know it. Many of us would’ve noticed our kids copying their parents or people they meet every day, murmuring things they over-hear while you were chatting with your family, mimicking their favourite cartoon characters or superheroes, etc. Whenever I ask my nephew his name, he enthusiastically responds, “I am Captain America”. It left me things how kids are so active and innovative with their responses. I believe that increasing speed in the growth of technology have surely started affecting the embryos and thus resulting in proactive tech kids. It is not uncommon anymore to see a 2 year old swiping the screen of a mobile phone or a tab and putting on his favourite videos. Instead of giving them such gadgets we must perceive that there are many crafty things that our children can do but over the little cost of our involvement and attention. Craft helps our children to evolve as thinkers, artists, designers and even strategists while working innovatively and intelligently on its different forms. Let us see why art and craft is so important and some art enrichment activities for young Children that can help you develop your children in the right manner.

Art & Craft enriches children’s and adults’ life experiences by increasing their responsiveness to stimuli based on information and understanding of various contexts, ability to imagine, artistry, individual and cultural values.  Indulging kids in craft activities enables us to understand our kids better by recognizing their interest and disinterests, their ideas to execute activities, their problem-solving spirits, and much more. By following different steps of art & craft exercises, children will learn to listen and adhere to instructions. Little things makes the bigger changes in life, is the essence of such creative activities. Here are few art and craft enrichment activity ideas to unfold the cloaked skills of the little tots.

Woodblock Craft

Provide them with different stickers and paints and let them design their own woodblock name tag or name plate for their bedrooms or playrooms. Take a small piece of abandoned log and cut it into slices and decorate it with beautifying ornaments and make a tag at the back of it by pinning a piece of ribbon or a rope with the thumb pin.

Handprint Paintings

Take a chart paper and let you child place his color dipped hands on it in different forms and then convert his handprints into a creative formation. Help him with ideas so that kids feel excited while doing it.


Get your kids a gardening tool and take them out in your garden, backyard or nearest park and just find a bare patch of ground. Teach them how to dig up soil, how to plant and enjoy tamping the soil down around the plant. Kids loves to play with water and mud , and what could be a better enriching activity for their best interest.

Cut and Paste

Collect colourful papers and cut them in different shapes. Paste them onto a chart paper and make interesting forms with it. This will enable them to learn and differentiate between colors and shapes.

Sculpture paintings

Grab any sculpture from market or make one from clay and glue it nicely on a sheet and create a scene. Then enjoy painting those with your little masters. They will love playing with colors and shapes.

Face Painting

If you are good with your strokes, paint the face of your child and turn them into their favourite characters and let them be the free spirit for the day !

If a thought of doing craft with your kid horrifies you, then it is worth knowing that how much skill your little one possesses and has the capacity to enhance. Try these Art Enrichment activities with your little ones and you may be surprised to see how much you enjoy doing things like this together!

Katie Morris Art: Elementary Art Enrichment Ideas

When we started our Continuous Learning Plan, Kansas’ response to Covid-19, it was decided that elementary specials would be offered as enrichment. Music and PE had two different Zoom sessions a week for PK-2 and 3-6 but I got permission to just do one for all elementary and to use Facebook live. I think it worked better for me with demonstrating (not that I was flawless) than Zoom would have. Why did I ask for one session? Well, besides that I had scheduled Zoom sessions with my middle and high school classes on the same day, I knew that I could present the same ideas and tell how younger and older kids could participate. I also know that with my own children, if the older kid is doing an activity, the younger kids want to do the same thing. All in all, it worked out pretty well.

Here are the themes I used for each week:

Week 1: Color

In the first week I talked about primary and secondary colors and how to mix them then we made a found object color wheel for the #colorwheelchallenge!

Does anyone else have trouble when downloading images from the Canva app? Sometimes I have to do a screenshot to avoid distortions like in the graphic above.

Week 2: The Creatrilogy
Peter H. Reynolds gave permission for teachers to read his books to our classes and since I’m a big fan, I read The Dot, Ish, and Sky Color from the Creatrilogy box set. Suggested activities were…
The Dot: Make dot artwork!
Ish: Draw ishly- use a marker so you can’t erase and embrace mistakes!
Sky Color: Observe the sky and paint what you see. Maybe even observe the sky at different times of day or different days of the week. Watercolor demo.

Week 3: Zoos and Aquariums
Have you seen all the zoos and aquariums that were offering virtual field trips and animal talks during social distancing? I showed 4 project ideas inspired by specific zoos or aquariums- a porcupine from the Elmwood Park Zoo, a jellyfish from the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, Fiona the Hippo from the Cincinnati Zoo, and a giant panda from the Smithsonian National Zoo. Check it out!

Week 4: Earth Week
Goldsworthy-inspired nature artwork, Patrick Dougherty-inspired stick art, nature faces, nature fairies, and stick weaving. I love nature art!
Here is the doc with the activities I suggested. Feel free to make a copy so you can edit!

Week 5: Fauvism
I thought of Matisse’s Open Window as soon as I knew we would be working from home. I wanted to talk to students about looking around them and how we all see different things out their windows. I said they could draw from observation what they see out their window or even what they would like to see! I went ahead and threw in some more art history and talked about setting up a colorful still life to observe.
Here is the doc I shared!

Week 6: Art Outside
This was my worst week! I paid attention to the temperature in the forecast but not the wind speed. And I live in Kansas! I tried to show using toys to draw shadows and doing texture rubbings but it was so windy that after 5 or 10 minutes I told the students watching it was a good thing they already knew I wasn’t perfect and gave up.

Week 7: 2D and 3D
I couldn’t really decide what to do for the last week so I asked on my facebook page what the students wanted. A first grader told her mom it would be “life changing” (LOL) if I would show how to draw 3D shapes since they were doing that in 1st grade math. We talked about the differences between 2D shapes and 3D forms (in art we have more specific vocabulary) and then I showed how to draw cubes, cylinders, and cones. I ended by showing how to do 1 point perspective letters since that is usually a hit with upper elementary students.

Art and aesthetic education and education at school.

Author: Styopina T.A.

Methodical piggy bank –

Extracurricular work

Art and aesthetic education and education at school.

Childhood is the time of acquiring knowledge about the world around, the time of formation of moral skills and habits.

The process of humanization and humanitarization of education, the growing role of the spiritual factor in the development of the individual puts forward artistic and aesthetic education to new positions in modern society.

The artistic and aesthetic development of students does not limit its tasks only to the formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic tastes, ideals, needs, views and beliefs of the individual. Artistic and aesthetic development gives the ability to perceive and evaluate the world in terms of harmony, perfection and beauty, it is an integral part of the aesthetic culture of the individual. The process of educating a person consists in developing in him the ability to creatively transform the world in accordance with his goals and desires.

Art and aesthetic education plays an important role in the formation of character and moral qualities, as well as in the development of good taste and behavior. The expression “artistic and aesthetic education” means the upbringing of a sense of beauty, the development of the ability to perceive, feel and understand beauty in public life, nature and art.

The task of artistic and aesthetic education at school is to preserve, enrich and develop the spiritual potential of each child.

Creativity and creative activity determine the value of a person, therefore the formation of a creative personality today acquires not only theoretical, but also practical meaning.

The effectiveness of the school is currently determined by the extent to which the educational process ensures the development of the creative abilities of each student, forms a creative personality and prepares it for a full-fledged cognitive and social work activity.

School is a workshop,
where the thought of the younger generation is formed,
you need to firmly hold it in your hands,
if you don’t want to let go of the future”
A. Barbusse

The current system of education and upbringing of children ensures continuity in the development of the artistic and aesthetic foundations of the individual.

The main goal of artistic and aesthetic education and education at school is to enrich the sensual, emotional, value, aesthetic experience of children; development of artistic and figurative thinking, abilities for artistic creativity. In accordance with this, 3 leading content lines are distinguished:

  • development of an aesthetic attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding life and art;
  • enrichment of the child’s emotional world;
  • development of creative perception of works of art.

At school, students get acquainted with different types of art, a variety of genres, the originality and richness of the artistic traditions of the peoples of the world and their native artistic culture.

Children’s creative experience expands in different forms of art. Artistic and aesthetic activities at school are carried out in the following areas:

  • fine art
  • artistic speech
  • musical
  • choreographic
  • cultural mass

Widespread use of various types of aesthetic activities contributes to the awakening of artistic interests, the development of artistic and creative abilities of schoolchildren. The success of all diverse aesthetic activities depends on how students master various types of art and experience the needs and pleasures of artistic and creative activities.

The educational plan of the school has been adjusted for a thorough study of the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, while the educational areas are sustained, and the maximum amount of teaching load does not exceed the norm.
Experience shows that the upbringing, education and development of schoolchildren is carried out most successfully if it covers all types of communication between children and art. Through various methodological forms: a story, a dialogue, a game, an experiment, an analysis and playing out of life situations, the process of learning the ethical norms of an educated person is carried out. Lessons are held in a fascinating form, emotional, full of examples and concrete facts. In the game, the behavior of children is sociologized, the foundation of morality is formed, conditions for the aesthetic and spiritual development of the individual .

Therefore, the following circles and sections are included in the plan of extracurricular activities of the artistic and aesthetic cycle.



Full name




Academic choir of junior and middle classes

Vasrukhina O.S.

MBOU “Secondary school No. 35 named after. K.D. Vorobiev


Vocal skill circle


Artistic Stage Word

Zorina N. S.

MBOU “Secondary school No. 35 named after. K.D. Vorobiev


Vocal and variety studio

Fedorovskaya E. V.

Regional budgetary educational institution add. Education of children of the regional center for creative development and humanitarian education of children and students


IZO – studio

“Young Artist”

Bartenyeva E. A.

Regional budgetary educational institution add. education of children of the regional center for creative development and humanitarian education of children and students


“Artistic knitting”

Sorokoletova S.A.

House of children’s creativity


Entertaining Rhetoric

Goryachkina D. V.

House of children’s creativity


Fabric painting

Igina I. Yu.

Regional budgetary educational institution add. Education of children of the regional center for creative development and humanitarian education of children and students


Vocal and variety studio

Ovchinnikov N.S.

House of children’s creativity


« Literature lessons »

Kargalova M.A.

MBOU “Secondary school No. 35 named after. K.D. Vorobiev


“Technical creativity”

Vulikh V.Kh.

Regional budgetary educational institution add. Education of children of the regional center for creative development and humanitarian education of children and students


Living Soul

Panova N. M.

MBOU “Secondary school No. 35 named after. K.D. Vorobiev



Shchuleva I. E.

House of children’s creativity

Making art accessible to absolutely every child is the main thesis that underlies all educational activities.

The material and technical support of the programs used fully complies with the regulatory framework (equipment of the music room, technical skill rooms, workshop). Significant didactic material prepared (including slides, audio and video information, internet links)

The introduction of integrative lessons into school education leads to a decrease in the psychological burden, contributes to the formation of a special type of thinking. Therefore, teachers in artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing have developed integrated lessons and educational blocks that are successfully introduced into the educational process. Such thematic lessons as “Music on an easel”, M.P. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”, Nature and music in the theme “My sadness is bright”, Literature and art, creative meetings and joint events with groups Children’s Art School No. 2, Children’s Children’s Theater, design work, participation in city and regional events.

In the field of musical education and development, schoolchildren acquire the experience of an emotionally holistic attitude to musical works, get acquainted with the genres and forms of music, its intonational basis, expressive means, with the main features of the music of their native country and other peoples of the world. Choral and vocal singing, listening to musical works of composers, expressing their impressions in words, drawings, in the artistic movement, composing their own melodies, extracurricular activities about fellow countrymen – composers and countrymen – artists, visiting exhibition halls, museums, art galleries followed by a discussion of what they saw and heard.

MUSIC is the energy field of the personality. To understand music means to understand another person, to feel his mood and inner state. Music creates a certain emotional mood that calls for reflection. Children learn to express their feelings, experiences, realize the connection of music with life and painting. For example, as part of the events of the Year of Culture, school-wide events were held: “Literary and musical composition “There is a memory that will not be forgotten, there is a memory that will never end”, a meeting in the music room “Our great contemporaries”, “We are proud of you, our countrymen” , “The path to the light of Alexander Deinek”.

Students’ singing skills are more thoroughly formed in choral singing lessons. In the course of teaching choral art, schoolchildren develop an ear for music, memory, voice, emotional responsiveness to art is brought up, artistic views and ideas are formed, and an aesthetic taste is developed.

No less important in the system of art and aesthetic education is the development of children’s fine arts. Visual activity, due to its specificity, provides great opportunities for the aesthetic development of the individual. Fine art develops visual memory, observation, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, eye, perseverance, a sense of rhythm and harmony, teaches children to see the beauty of the world and strive for improvement in their work.

Children’s imagination knows no bounds: children draw with watercolors, gouache, wax crayons, charcoal, pencil, sculpt, design, appliqué, embroider, use natural materials. How interested are students in these lessons? They act like good magicians, skillfully using various means of artistic expression to reveal the richness and depth of the artistic image. In the conditions of collective work, each child can be convinced of the reality of the results of his creative work and correlate them with the results of the creative efforts of the entire team. When analyzing children’s compositions, one can see how thematic drawing with the help of observations, travels, and excursions of children replenishes their stock of knowledge about life, enriches their memory, fosters love for their native nature, gives rise to a sense of pride in their native land.

The main principle of making crafts or drawings by children is the development of creative individuality. Developing creative thinking, the teacher seeks to avoid any patterns and schemes in color, in form and in the ability, as an artist, to perceive the world around him in his own way. The works of children always attract attention with their spontaneity, originality, richness, and brightness of color. The role of the teacher is not to violate the originality of the child’s vision, to lead the children to a true image of life.

Exhibitions of drawings, crafts, socially significant projects, traditional creative competitions, charity fairs serve as an incentive for the further development of children’s creativity. The best works of young artists are awarded with diplomas and diplomas.

The school has created such a variety of activities that allows each student to do their favorite thing.
Performing aesthetic and educational functions, cultural events are held: traditional holidays, thematic concerts, competitions, reviews, quizzes, performances, exhibitions of children’s creativity. Of course, the degree of artistic success of the participants in such events is different, but they are united by mass character, the opportunity to join the world of beauty, as well as the opportunity to reveal the individual creative potential of the student.

The unity of classroom and extracurricular work contributes to the expansion and deepening of the knowledge and skills of students, the development of their cognitive interests, forms independence and creative activity, gives all educational and educational activities a purposeful, integrated character.

The high quality of our children’s training in musical, visual and arts and crafts has been repeatedly noted at the level of the district, city, region.

Technology teachers constantly take part in arts and crafts competitions:

1. Dedicated to the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

2. “Easter chime”;

3. “Christmas Star”;

4. “I give my heart to children”;

5. Golden Hands.

Fine Arts teachers take part in the following events :

– district and city competition “Magic Palette”;

– “Easter joy”;

– “Favorite city”;

– “War through the eyes of children.”

Teachers of technology, fine arts, music and their pupils took an active part in the events held at the school throughout the school year:

– Knowledge Day

– Teacher’s Day

– Mother’s Day

– New Year’s lights – Meeting of graduates

– March 8

– Last call

– charity fairs

Students of our school with music director O. S. annually participates in the district and city competition of pop soloists, choirs, amateur art shows of children and employees of educational institutions, outdoor concerts.

Students participating in all the listed competitions are winners and prize-winners.

Every child has an artistic beginning. And the teacher needs to see in this creative beginning – two sides – social and moral – and stimulate their development at the same time. Developing creativity, the teacher opens the way for children to the knowledge of beauty, emotionally enriches children, leads to a deeper understanding of the world.

Thus, the system of educational work, built on the basis of the complex impact of art, contributes to the development of the child’s multifaceted creative abilities, fully forms the need to communicate with art and, due to its effectiveness, is one of the leading links in the continuous educational process.

The role of works of art in the formation of emotional responsiveness in children of primary preschool age

Authors :

Galich Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Makarimova Aliya Sabirovna

Heading : Pedagogy

Posted by

young scientist

№18 (308) May 2020

Publication date : 05/03/2020

Article viewed:

131 times

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Galich, T. N. The role of works of art in the formation of emotional responsiveness in children of primary preschool age / T. N. Galich, A. S. Makarimova. – Text: direct // Young scientist. – 2020. – No. 18 (308). – S. 486-487. — URL: (date of access: 11/20/2022).

This article deals with a problem that is increasingly common today in the development of children – the problem of emotional distress. To solve these problems, an attempt was made to use works of art in the educational process.

Key words: emotional sphere, emotional responsiveness, work of art, preschool age.

In the age of endless innovation and technological progress, the daily life of an adult is arranged in such a way that parents have less and less time for full communication with their children. Behind the veil of a large assortment of various educational circles and sections, adults often forget that their child does not need anything as much as simple parental love, attention, protection, and daily emotional communication with them. Hence, the problem of emotional distress in children is becoming more and more common today. The child finds himself alone with his experiences and emotions, as a result of which the formation of emotional responsiveness requires special attention, since it is considered one of the main components of the humane feelings of the child [1].

The development of children’s ability to voluntary regulation of their emotions occurs during preschool childhood. It is difficult for a child to hide fear, surprise, anxiety or joy. It is during the period of younger preschool age that sensory knowledge of the world prevails, therefore it is most effective to promote the formation of emotional responsiveness of children starting with the younger group of preschoolers, whose emotions are distinguished by their immediacy [2].

Under the emotional responsiveness of a preschooler is meant the child’s ability to respond to the phenomena and events occurring around him. The emotional responsiveness of children is expressed in the emotional response of the child to various feelings of another person or animal, phenomenon or action.

In order to contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness in children of primary preschool age, the teacher needs to create such conditions and organize such a type of activity for preschoolers that would not only contribute to the enrichment of the emotional experiences of the child, but would also evoke emotional reactions, such as sympathy and empathy [3] . The use of works of art in the educational process contributes not only to the formation of emotional responsiveness of younger preschoolers, but also introduces them to various types of art and the creative activities of great people, thus developing the aesthetic side of the child’s personality.

At a younger preschool age, a child is emotionally dependent on adults, so it is worth remembering that the behavior of others has a great influence on the behavior of preschoolers. The positive emotional development of younger preschoolers is influenced by the support of an adult and his empathy for the achievements and failures of a preschooler. Affectionate attitude of an adult to a child, recognition of the rights of the baby, showing attention to him are the basis of emotional well-being and cause a feeling of confidence and security in the younger preschooler, which contributes to the normal development of the child’s personality, the formation of positive qualities, a friendly attitude towards people around [1]. Sociability and friendliness of an adult is considered one of the conditions for the formation of emotional responsiveness in children of primary preschool age. It is this interaction between an adult and a child that forms a positive emotional background, thanks to which the younger preschooler is not afraid of failure and is ready for any circumstances, because he knows that he will always be helped, supported and understood [4; 5].

The cooperation of the educational institution with the family ensures the maximum enrichment of the emotional sphere of younger preschoolers, the development of the ability for arbitrary self-regulation and self-control, in other words, the child is able to control his emotions and actions.

Thus, in order to form and develop emotional responsiveness in children of primary preschool age, the teacher needs to organize various types of joint activities of younger preschoolers with adults and peers. Meanwhile, in the joint activities of children with each other and with adults, such pedagogical conditions should also be created, such as the implementation of a personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with children in the course of their joint activities; enrichment of the emotional experience of younger preschoolers in the process of playing activities; cooperation of the teacher with parents based on their readiness for the formation and development of the emotional responsiveness of the younger preschooler in the family, in addition, the inclusion of the child in a variety of life situations in which he could show the emotional experience he has already acquired.


  1. Vartanyan, G. A. Emotions and behavior / G. A. Vartanyan, E. S. Petrov. – Leningrad: Nauka, Leningrad branch, 1989.
  2. Dyachenko, O.M., Bulycheva A.I. et al. Psychologist in a preschool institution.—M.: New School, 1996.
  3. Pavlenko, T. Communicative aspects of the emotional development of children / Palette of the teacher, 2003.
  4. Shirokova, G. A. The development of emotions and feelings in preschool children.—Rostov n / D.: Phoenix, 2005. -304 p.
  5. Emotional development of a preschooler: A guide for educators for children. garden / A. V. Zaporozhets, Ya. Z. Neverovich, A. D. Kosheleva and others; Ed. A. D. Kosheleva. – M .: Education, 1985. – 176 p.

Basic terms (automatically generated) : emotional responsiveness, younger preschool age, younger preschooler, preschooler, educational process, child, joint activity, emotional responsiveness of children, emotional sphere, emotional experience.


emotional area,

preschool age,

piece of art,

emotional responsiveness

emotional sphere, emotional responsiveness, work of art, preschool age

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