5 years old activity: The 4-6 Year Olds Must Do List

Опубликовано: September 12, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Fun Activities For 3 Year Olds To 5 Year Olds

The kindergarten and preschool years are characterized as the age of pretend play… In the mind of a 3, 4 or 5 year old child, they can be anyone or anything they want to be. Whether it is an astronaut walking on the moon or a princess waiting to be rescued by a big, bad dragon, your child’s creativity is at its finest in these years!

So if you have been asking yourself, “What do I teach my 3 year old at home?”, use these learning activities as a guide for fun lesson plans for your little one through play.

The following simple learning activities for 3 to 5 years old are specifically targeted for your “little Einstein”, broken down into the appropriate domains of early childhood development. Be sure to also check out our thematic units page for activities broken down by theme (dinosaurs, transportation, apples, etc).

Wanting to prepare your child for Kindergarten? Find out what to teach a 3 year old in this post>>> 71 Things Your Child Needs to Know Before Kindergarten!


Please note:  These activities are simply suggestions for what the author believes is appropriate for this age. Please use your best judgement and consult your pediatrician when you have questions or concerns.












Language Development Activities for 3-5 Year Olds

Start with this…

How to Teach Your Child to Read

Alphabet Christmas Lights

Alphabet Crafts (by letter)

Alphabet Hop and Pop!

Alphabet Matching on Balloons

Alphabet Parking Lot:

Alphabet Pumpkin

Alphabet Sort & Match

Alphabet Squish

Alphabet Train Game

Alphabet Turkeys

b, d, p, q spinner

Beginning Sound Letter Hunt

Build-a-Word Magnetic Tray

Clothespin Matching Activity

Dr. Seuss ABC Letters in Shaving Cream

Flashlight Spot-and-Tell

Floor Tape Letters

Hide-and-Seek Alphabet Puzzle

Invisible Letters

Letter Boxes

Letter Pounding

Letter Recognition using Cheez-Its

Letter Scavenger Hunt at the Park

Magnetic Capital and Lowercase Letter Matching

Making Letters in Cranberry Sauce

Olympic Ski Matching

“One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” Fishbowl Craft

Outdoor Alphabet Track

Outdoor Fairy Tale Game

Playdough and Alphabet Stamps


Printable Journal for Kids

Reading Comprehension Beach Ball

Sight Word Activities for Kids

Sight Word Bingo

Sound It Out Parking Lot

Venn Diagram with Letters

Watching TV to Improve Your Child’s Reading Ability?

Wet, Dry, Now You Try

Word Family LEGO Buildings

Wordless Picture Books:  Their Hidden Value


Cognitive Development Activities for 3-5 Year Olds

Abacus (Make Your Own)

Apps for Preschoolers

Animal Cracker Counting and One-to-One Correspondence Practice

Apple Graphing

Apple Patterning

“April Showers” One-to-One Correspondence Activity

Bathtub Shapes

Biggest to Smallest with Dinosaurs

Best Board Games for 3 to 5 Year Olds

Bottle Cap Sorting

Caterpillar Counting

Chicken Beak Counting & Guessing Game

Christmas Box Counting & Number Matching

Christmas Memory Game

Christmas Pom-Pom Sorting

Christmas Present Patterning

Color Sorting Hunt

Conversation Heart Graphing

Counting Kisses Game

Counting Robots

Counting Sun Spots Busy Bag

Counting Up to Big Numbers with an Abacus

Do-A-Dot Number Activity

Domino Addition with Dot Markers

Early Graphing Activity

Flower Patterning

Giant Shape Sort

“Heart Breaker” Number Game

Icy “I Spy”

Interactive Counting

Invent Your Own Indoor Kite

Invent Your Own Bubble Wands from Kitchen Tools

“I Spy” Activity Bottle

“I Spy” Mats

Jelly Bean Guessing Game

Learning Based on the Interests of Your Child

Learning Walk

License Plate Rubbings

Making Shapes

Measuring with Dinosaur Feet

Mixing Colors

Mixing Colors {in a most unique way}

Mixing Colors with Water Balloons

Monster Finger Puppet

Number Detectives

Number Pound

Number Snake

Overhead Projector Learning

Paint Sample Rainbow Fan

Pattern Train

People, Places, Things Farm Sort

Plastic Baggie “My Shapes” Book

Pop ‘n Learn

Pumpkin Seed Puzzles

Pushpin Numbers

Sand Numbers

Science Kit for Kids

Seek and Find Color Hunt

Shape Chick

Shape Fire Engine

Shape Investigation

Shape Ornaments

Silver Bells Memory Game

Snowy Shape Hunt

Sorting a Snack with Dinosaur Teeth

Sticker Graphing

Sticky Learning

Story Sequencing {The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything}

Stretchy Band Shapes

Summer Math Fun for Preschoolers and Kindergartners

Supermarket Scavenger Hunt

Tape Shapes

Ten Apples Up on Top

What Puts Out a Fire?

“Why are there craters on the moon?” Experiment

“Why do I need to wear sunscreen?” Experiment

“Will It Slide?” Science Experiment



Fine Motor Development Activities

Apple Star Stamping

Bathtub Painting

Car Painting

Cloud Dough

“Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” Sensory Play

Christmas Sticker Letter Tracing

Dinosaur Fossils

Edible Playdough

Fine Motor Practice (Before Dinner)

Hot Air Balloon

I Love You To Pieces Craft

Lick-and-Stick Stickers (DIY)

“Little Cloud” Activity

Painting at the Pool

Peach Pit Painting

Pedicure Stegosaurus

Pounding Golf Tees into a Pumpkin


Sensory Tub with Shredded Paper

Spaghetti Designs

Tangled Pumpkin

Vertical Writing with Window Markers

X-Ray Playdough


Gross Motor Development Activities

Apple Toss

Balance Beam with Fiery Leaves

Hula Hoop Jumping

Indoor “Ice” Skating

Sponge Relay

Stoplight Beanbag Toss

Sword Fighting

Throw a “Snowball”

Turkey Toss of Thankfulness


Social and Emotional Development Activities for 3-5 Year Olds

Diffusing Temper Tantrums

“Feelings” Matching and Memory Game

Spiritual and Moral Development Activities


Apple Garland (The Fruit of the Spirit)

Apple Theme Sensory Tub

Apple Turkey

Autumn Tree

Balloon Terrarium

Beach Scene

Butterfly Tie-Dye Craft

Candy Wrapper Snowflake

Christmas Countdown to Santa

Counting Kisses Game

Ice “Fishing”

Indian Attire

Leaf Bracelet

Leaf Rubbing (Personalized)

Making Rain

Penguin Puppets

Race-Car Snack

Rain in a Jar

Red Hot Applesauce

Santa Says

Save, Spend Give Coin Bank

Snowflakes (Puffy)

“Spooly” Pumpkin

Submarine Art

Tangled Pumpkin

W is for Window



Learning Activities and Games for 3-5-Year-Olds

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In this post, I am sharing our update with activities and games for ages 3-5 years old and for children who are in the lower elementary age group. Our Montessori-friendly homeschool evolves and changes all the time. And it is only natural. Children, our circumstances and priorities evolve, transform, and adapt based on many factors.

One thing that never changes is our perspective and goal – to nurture a healthy, balanced, safe, engaging environment that calls to children’s intrinsic motivation of discovering the world through their senses.

By now I’ve gathered snippets of our daily homeschool morning activities following my two youngest children who fall under the 3-6 age range. I am describing learning that is defined by a homeschool setting, not strictly arranged around a set age group as it is done at school.

You won’t find many photos of my oldest daughter because she is very much well adjusted to working independently by now. She is considered upper elementary and I don’t stalk her with my camera during our homeschool morning activity cycle as I used to.

The best part about our homeschool activity cycle is that we use curricula to fit the children’s learning process not all the way around. Our homeschool routine commences as soon as children wake up. Once they completed the morning part of the day which includes self-care, breakfast, house duties, and exercise, children gradually transition to doing their morning work.

Fine Motor, Art, and Practical Life Activities

I will start by describing fine motor activities. Natural loose parts are fantastic tools for working on the sand. Children are free to create patterns, pictures, and prints – activities that foster creativity and prepare them for writing.

Finally, the poppers came in handy. The children were exploring colors. Here the child was squirting yellow water into a blue popper tray. As a result, she observed that the water slightly turned green.

Rainbow colors are such a happy theme for children to explore. I have noticed that transferring activities engage children and boost their concentration abilities in a major way.

Tracing allows children to practice drawing continuous lines and encourage establishing the habit to follow the correct direction of writing in the English language – from left to right. This printable is a part of the Compassion and Peace printable.

The cutting and coloring strips featured here are included in my Spring pack.

Seeing little fingers at work makes my heart sing. Simple jewelry-making activities with beads and, in this case, pipe cleaners foster a sense of beauty, encourage children to practice counting, and allow children to imagine different patterns they can create in the process.

Dressing frames foster perseverance in a child’s character. Often it takes a couple of goes for a child to completely master them as they need to follow specific steps to tie ribbons or laces into a bow.

This is another example of a prewriting activity. This worksheet is a part of my Busy Book for preschool children.

When children are calm and our work cycle flows, I invite the youngest to work on push pinning as I know I won’t be distracted when supervising her work. This printable is included in the North America Preschool Pack.

This butterfly painting activity presents so many fun learning opportunities as children learn to identify different species of butterflies, enjoy painting experiences, and learn about symmetry and symmetrical forms.

This was done by the upper elementary child

Whenever we get an opportunity, we take advantage of gallery and museum exhibitions. After the visit for the next couple of days, we draw our homeschool study inspiration from there. It helps the children to process and internalize what they’ve experienced during their excursions.

I used laminated sheets of Van Gogh painting replicas to inspire children to create their own and then I make a puzzle for the youngest to assemble. In case you are looking for activities that involve famous European artists, you may like to check out my Famous Artists printable.

You can download Free DIY Winter Puzzles from our Resource Library. These include coloring pages along with different puzzles you can use with your preschooler to enhance her concentration and problem-solving skills.

Often I find children follow their own agenda and they need very minimal involvement from me. The metal insets are always there to inspire children to learn the properties of 2D shapes, trace, create designs, color, and draw lines.

We emphasize in our home the importance of taking good care of our belongings for our own benefit and for the benefit of the planet and the environment. Here is one of the Practice Life lessons in action.

Language Activities

We don’t have many pictures on the walls. However, I found that having student helpers right above the desk is very helpful for children who are learning to read and write. It cuts the urgency to ask for help when he gets stuck sounding out or decoding words.

After using these cards to pair capital letters with lower case letters, the child decided that he wanted to copy them. This printable is included in the Sports Themed Unit.

This is another example of the child working on mastering capital letters. These puzzles can be found in one of my Spring Packs.

Whist the child is in the process of learning to read and write independently, we often work on building words and sounding them out. This time the child was learning to spell colors. I prepared index cards with the correct spelling for each word next to a group of letters included in the word. The child’s task was to identify colors, sound each word out, and self-check. You can find the moveable alphabet in our shop – click here for cursive and here for print.

My preschool children work with 3 part cards practically every day. We use them to learn new vocabulary, practice reading, create stories, make student booklets, and do copy work. This set is included in the Sports Pack I created with preschool children in mind.

Children love learning about rhymes as it helps them to discover a whole new world of poetry they can create all on their own. This printable set with picture cards that rhyme is a helpful preparation step for making up their own silly rhymes.

We used these picture cards from the Spring Pack to play a memory game and learn new garden vocabulary with my 3-year-old child.

My youngest child who is gaining phonological awareness enjoys working daily on identifying initial sounds. This is an example of a picture set included in my Phonics – Initial Sounds Printable.

Activities on Mathematics and Logical Thinking

In this post, I share activities that I present to my children who are 2 years apart. This activity was very engaging for my youngest. I gathered a couple of groups of items that had one odd object that did not belong to the group.

We love classic Montessori materials but children also enjoy wooden puzzles they can use to work independently. So many of them allow young children to self-teach many fun educational concepts.

These number cards are included in my Dinosaur Pack. I use them for teaching one-to-one correspondence, number recognition, matching numbers to quantities, and playing maths games, eg. “I spy with my little eye number that is one more/less than.. or greater/less than..”.

Sequencing cards with flowers fit the nature of a 3-year-old girl just perfectly. You can grab this free printable from our Resource Library here.

Example of greater than.. less than exercise with color beads – extension to activities from the Shiller Math curriculum.

This set of plastic geometric solids also belongs to the Shiller Math curriculum set. The matching cards with 3D shapes are included in the Sports Pack for preschoolers.

Here is what we did to extend this activity as the children were exploring shape properties and specifications.

Children also enjoyed observing the colors of shadows and the colorful shapes dropped on the concrete in the sun.

Colored sand is always a hit with my young children when it comes to learning to write letters and numbers.

Once all 0-10 numerals have been mastered, it’s time to have some fun with number rods.

This printable with spring-themed clip cards is included in the Montessori-inspired Spring Pack.

This is another example of Spring Pack activities that was a lovely addition to our Color Unit.

As preparation for learning the multiplication table, we started to practice skip counting. This student helper came in very handy. You can download a copy from our Resource Library for free!

This is another freebie with sum facts you can use with color beads in your classroom I have available in the Resource Library.

Many preschool math books come with wonderful activities on logical thinking we often incorporate into our morning cycle.

Geography and History Activities

When we explore continents, young children enjoy tracing the continent’s outline. We take turns drawing outlines from memory for each other to guess what they are or children compare sizes after tracing them next to each other. You can find my continent printables here.

We had this activity with animals of the world living on our shelves for at least 2-3 weeks. The child took so much interest in sorting, identifying, and drawing animals. You can download this freebie from the Resource Library for your classroom too!

In my experience, geography is best received when it is taught through hands-on exercises. This activity was a part of the Africa Study when the child was exploring various biomes found on the continent. This printable is a part of the Africa Printable.

When learning about Africa, we encompass holistic learning by making connections that tie continents, history, and biodiversity of the world together. With this printable, we were looking at grassland biomes all around the world, I encouraged the child to observe the pictures and distinguish similarities and differences between them asking questions. He came up with his own ideas on why the flora and fauna of the regions were alike and what made them appear different from each other. This activity is more suitable for children in the lower elementary age group.

This is an example of a child-led activity that I wholeheartedly encourage. During the Africa study, the child expressed interest to learn more about Ancient Egypt.

Children use different techniques to process the information they learn. Here he used building blocks to create a storyline describing the life of Egyptian people at the time and the way he interpreted it.

General Science Activities

Since children find the animal world infinitely fascinating from a very early on, the mention of all kinds of animals is constantly ever-present throughout our homeschool studies. This activity is a part of the Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates printable that can be found here.

Children are great at finding and focusing on the tiniest details when it comes to learning about the natural world. This particular activity with matching fragments of butterfly wing patterns to the butterflies they belong to was revisited over and over again. Soon it turned into a memory game which was a wonderful way to keep her focus engaged for an extended period of time.

Even though the spring season is not very well defined where we live, the children still enjoy working with sorting activities when it comes to nature and its inhabitants. This sorting activity is a part of the Spring Pack.

I didn’t manage to snap a good shot but I thought it is worth mentioning here how much sensory play benefits young children. This is particularly an effective strategy to engage children who are reluctant to start their morning work cycle routine.

In the middle of our hot spring, this simple water freezing experiment and color exploration exercise was welcomed with cheer.

It was followed by the Walking watercolor mixing experiment. To conduct this experiment, we poured water into two glasses (blue and yellow colors) and left the middle glass empty. We placed paper towels inside the glasses so they met in the middle. We left the water to make its way up to the middle glass and turn green. As with every experiment, children are encouraged to record their discoveries.

I find that the conversations about space and the solar system never phase out when it comes to these early years. Children love to observe the moon, and night sky and ask millions of questions. Hence space printables are always on-demand here.

Home sometimes is just not enough when it comes to satisfying curious minds. The local science museum is our beloved place to spend a morning, especially during a school term when we often get the whole place to ourselves.

Physical activity in a child’s life and its deficit – European Gymnastics Center

The topic of physical activity in the life of a child is very relevant at the present time. In this article, we will answer the most popular questions of parents, namely, we will talk about the benefits of playing sports for children, the norms of physical activity, at what age to start it and how to choose the right one, how the lack of physical activity affects the health of the child. We also made a selection of various sets of exercises for children from 1.5 years old and for children from 3 years old, which can be performed at home or on the street.

It’s worth starting with the fact that physical activity is inherent in human nature, this is our biological need, which is necessary for the development of the child, just like good nutrition and sleep. From the very birth of a child, the development of all physiological processes in the body is associated with movement. These include: sensory perception, knowledge of one’s body, training in gross and fine motor skills, as well as the formation of immunity, positive work of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Thanks to physical activity, the child actively learns the world around him, develops intellectually and psychologically. Speaking of intellectual development, we mean the development of logic and thinking, the acquisition of new information and experience in the process of performing various exercises.

In the middle of the 20th century, the famous American physiotherapist Glenn Doman even introduced the concept of motor intelligence. He dealt with the issue of early harmonious development of children and proved in practice the close relationship between mental and physical development. Glenn Doman talks about this in detail in his book Harmonious Development of the Child.

So, when should you start playing sports?

Doctors prescribe the first physical exercises for a child from 2 months old, this is exercise and massage. It mainly consists of stroking movements of the legs, arms, back, as well as exercises to strengthen the neck muscles, develop a grasping reflex. It helps to streamline the movements of a child who has not yet mastered his body.

As the child grows older and learns new skills, the activity of the child increases. By the age of 1, many children already begin to walk well, become energetic and inquisitive. Therefore, developing gymnastics from the age of 1 in the gym is an excellent opportunity for physical activity for kids. Moreover, they are very beneficial for their health and harmonious development. At our Center, classes begin at the age of 1.

But many parents ask why at this age to go to the gym, if all the same can be done on the playground. In fact, the difference is enormous. Firstly, in the classroom, the coach selects a large number of various physical exercises for children. They are performed under the supervision of a trainer. The children also work with their parents. Secondly, at gymnastics there is a huge space for movement, various modules and apparatus are completely safe conditions for the development of a child’s motor skills, even if he still does not walk well.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, then you can do it yourself, for example, at a home sports complex or on a playground, but under the strict supervision of your parents.

We bring to your attention various sets of exercises for children from 1.5 years old, which can be performed at home or on the street.

1) Home set of exercises for children from 1.5 years old – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/24.html.

2) A set of exercises during the summer holidays (from 1.5 years old) https://www.europegym.ru/articles/54.html.

3) A set of exercises “learning to jump on two legs (from 1.5 years old)” – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/22.html.

As an additional activity, it is useful for a child from 1 to 2 years old to walk a lot, walk, crawl, climb stairs, play active games, for example, dig snow with a shovel.

It is important to note that the most favorable period for the accumulation of various skills is from the first year of life to 6 years. There is a scientific explanation for this: there are many more neurons in the brain of a newborn child than in an adult. If neurons are stimulated, they will create and strengthen new neuronal connections, otherwise they will die. At the age of 5 – 6 years, there is an active formation of new neuronal connections, and their best support is sports. And the sooner classes begin, the more opportunities the child will have for all-round development.

Therefore, doctors prescribe developmental gymnastics for neuro-atypical children as a therapy. It is most suitable for the harmonious physical development of a person. And the period from birth to 6 years is the most productive for the successful rehabilitation of special children.

For the same reasons, doctors advise older people to lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity helps prevent the process of dying of nerve cells, tones the nervous system and improves mental activity.

If children are deprived of the biological need for full-fledged movement, then they will cease to develop not only physically, but also intellectually. There are a number of cases when small children, deprived of movement for a long time, became mentally underdeveloped.

And, on the contrary, children who go in for sports from early childhood are physically perfect, have strong immunity, proper physique, good thinking and psyche.

Which sport is better to choose?

Gymnastics must be in the life of every person. Objectively, this is the most harmonious type of physical activity of all existing, since it simultaneously develops all human abilities: strength, endurance, speed, coordination, flexibility, and is also accessible to people of any age and ability. Gymnastics can be practiced at least 1 year old, at least 60 years and older.

Swimming in terms of age and ability is also a universal sport. But, it has a number of disadvantages: these are allergies, frequent colds, as well as the difficulty in preparing for training: changing clothes, drying, going outside steamed, especially in winter.

All other sports still do not develop a person as harmoniously as gymnastics. In addition, enrollment in any other sports starts at the earliest at 4 years old. And with regular gymnastics from 1-1.6 years old, a child by the age of 4 will already have an excellent base of physical skills. With gymnastic training, the child will be successful in absolutely any sport.

What kind of physical activity can replace classes in sports sections?

It will not be possible to completely replace classes in sports sections, since there children receive specialized and in-depth skills from professional trainers. However, as a good additional physical activity, you can practice in the summer: riding a balance bike, scooter (you can start about 2 years old), rollerblading, cycling, playing ball, badminton, jumping rope, swimming, running, walking a lot, walking on rough terrain , engage in sports complexes, play on the playground, ride the slides.

In winter, you can ski, skate, sled, ski, snowboard, walk a lot, play on playgrounds. Ideally, it is good to alternate all these types of activities, in total no more than 2 hours a day. For children aged 2-3 years, it is recommended to ride a bike, a balance bike no more than 1-1.5 hours a day, so as not to overload the spine. A balance bike, a bicycle, a scooter, rollers develop balance and coordination of movements in young children well.

We have also compiled various sets of exercises that are useful for children from 3 years old at home or in the summer.

1) Affordable gymnastic exercises for home (from 3 years old) – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/9.html

2) A set of exercises during the summer holidays
– https://www.europegym.ru/articles/54.html.

3) Gymnastics and treatment of flat feet – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/51.html

4) Forming the correct posture – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/36.html

5) Learning to pull up – https://www.europegym.ru/articles/14.html

What is the optimal physical activity for children of different ages?

If we are talking about the regularity of gymnastics training, then for children from 1 to 3 years old, you need to do at least 1-2 times a week. This is due to the fact that the child must get used to classes, memorize exercises, and develop discipline.

From 3 to 5 years, the regularity of classes should be at least 2-3 times a week.

From 5 years old, the regularity of classes will be optimal at least 3 times a week.

You can combine different sports. The main thing is that the child has at least one day off.

In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, high intensity training for children from 5 years old should last 60 minutes, 3 times a week.

In general, physical activity should be in a child’s life every day for a total of at least 60 minutes. More is welcome.

When choosing the intensity and regularity of sports activities, it is important to monitor the well-being of the child and not overload him, that is, do not force the load. Sports at the limit of possibilities lead to injuries.

But it is also worth considering that with an improvement in physical fitness, a person has better endurance, the load can be increased.

In our Center, classes are held for 50 minutes with high intensity, children have time to do absolutely everything: endurance, strength, coordination, flexibility exercises. After 50 minutes, they leave the hall very sweaty, tired and happy. This time is enough for them to get a good all-round load, but at the same time it does not exhaust, but brings pleasure. This is very important, especially for young children who need to instill a love of sports!

If you do gymnastics regularly, i.e. at least 2 times a week, then after 2-3 months the result will be noticeable, regardless of age: this is the strengthening of the muscles; formation of correct posture; improvement of coordination of movements, balance, work of the vestibular apparatus, and as a result, the appearance of self-confidence; improved flexibility and endurance.

It is especially important to pay attention to the physical activity of schoolchildren . According to statistics, more than half of schoolchildren have poor health. Among the most common problems of students are frequent colds, curvature of the spine, myopia, gastritis, excess weight, neurosis. These diseases occur due to weakened immunity, great mental and psychological stress, malnutrition, and a passive lifestyle.

Sports, a balanced diet and a daily routine will help your child improve their health, develop resistance to stress, and improve school performance. This is especially important for children of primary grades, since they have an active maturation of the body, the development of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Sport provides the best support in this. However, scientific studies have found that 50% of children aged 7-9 years have a lack of physical activity. The older the class, the more children tend to skip physical education classes, and parents often support them in this, not realizing the importance of physical activity for a child’s health.

Physical activity of preschool children | Physical activity

To the population > For parents about children > Lifestyle ( ● daily routine, ● how to bring up a clever man, ● physical activity, ● mental health) > Physical activity > Physical activity of preschool children

Physical activity of preschool children

Physical activity of a preschooler

Motor activity satisfies the natural need of children to move and is a means of understanding the world around them.
It is at preschool age that the foundations of good health are laid: resistance to diseases, proper physical development, high performance, endurance, coordination of movements.
Unfortunately, the need of children to move is not always realized. Currently, children spend a lot of time playing computer games, designing, watching TV shows. In kindergarten, due to the increase in the duration of training sessions for children, static load began to prevail.

What should be avoided when organizing physical education for preschool children:

    – low mobility during the day, frequent periods of inactivity,
    – monotony or stereotyped movements, their aimlessness,
    – lack of creativity in motor activity,
    – high mobility with high intensity of movement.

    The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children 3-7 years old should not exceed 5.5-6 hours.

    Motor activity of preschoolers should account for 50-60% of the period of wakefulness, while 90% – medium and low intensity, 10-15% – high. Fulfillment of these requirements will ensure the prevention of child fatigue throughout the day, will create conditions for proper physical development.

    The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to physical culture and health classes : morning exercises, exercises during walks, classes in the pool, physical education minutes. Second place belongs to physical education classes , which are held at least three times a week (one in the air). The third place is given to independent physical activity initiated by children.

    !!! When introducing a child to classes, consider:

    = his state of health and individual characteristics
    = initial level of physical fitness
    = weather conditions,
    observe the principle of gradual increase in loads , the principle of regular exercise.

    Try to involve children in active activities, participate with them in Health Days, sports holidays, competitions, because exercises performed together and with pleasure will bring more benefits!

    Regular physical activity is also the prevention of posture disorders.