Things to do when bored at home kids: 31 things to do when kids say ‘I’m bored’

Опубликовано: December 27, 2022 в 9:38 am


Категории: Kid

31 things to do when kids say ‘I’m bored’

Few things are more frustrating for a parent or caregiver to hear from a child than the dreaded “I’m bored!” Maybe it’s because we know there’s a pile of perfectly good toys in their room just waiting to be played with. Or maybe it’s because they’re clearly looking to us to solve the problem for them.

No parent or caregiver wants kids to sit around bored for hours, so what’s the right way to handle the situation? We spoke to experts to get their thoughts on the best ways to help kids get active and deal with boredom.

First, know that being bored can be good for kids

Experts agree that children today are overscheduled and over-stimulated and recommend parents and caregivers view bored kids as an opportunity, rather than a burden. Heidi McBain, a family and play therapist, says boredom is essential for kids because it leads to increased creativity and helps them to grow in important ways.

“When a child is bored, they are learning that they need to create their own fun and entertainment,” McBain says. “They need to explore their world. They need to learn new things on their own.”

When a child is forced to come up with their own ways to entertain themselves, it gives them the opportunity to look inside and think about their own interests and passions.

Ari Yares, a licensed psychologist and parenting coach, suggests that children who say they’re bored may also simply be looking for parental or adult engagement.

“It’s important to remember that a child saying that they are bored doesn’t really mean that they have run out of fun things to do,” Yares says. “It means that what they see in front of them isn’t stimulating or interesting. It may also be a sign that they just need some adult attention.”

Cuddling for a few moments on the couch with a child may be enough to reset their busy minds and recharge their batteries.

Then, create a ‘Boredom Jar’ 

Image via Kitchen Counter Chronicles

A “Boredom Jar” full of fun activity ideas, like this one from Kitchen Counter Chronicles, is one way to get ahead of the boredom game without completely solving the problem for kids. Work with the child to come up with a list of things they like to do. Write each item down on a slip of paper and put all of the papers in the jar. The next time you’ve got bored kids on your hands, tell them to choose a slip from the “Boredom Jar” and let them work on whatever idea they’ve picked.

Here are 31 ideas to get you started.

Boredom-busting ideas for active kids

1. Play a sport outside

This is such a simple idea, but sometimes kids just need someone to put it in their heads. You can make several list items out of this one — basketball, wiffle ball, soccer or football are just a few options.

2. Wash the car 

Kids love doing tasks that make them feel grown up and accomplished, and this idea fits the bill perfectly. The bonus, of course, is that you get  a nice clean car out of it, too.

3. Go for a bike ride

Depending on the child’s age, a bike ride can be up and down the driveway (with you keeping an eye on them) or around the neighborhood. Older kids with more freedom may even run into neighborhood friends along the way and end up having fun outside for hours.

4. Do ‘mindful movement’ videos

Apps like GoNoodle are full of mindful videos that are designed to release pent up energy in kids while helping them learn at the same time. Kids may be familiar with GoNoodle from school, and it’s easy for parents to create a family account ahead of time so that kids can use them whenever they need to dance their boredom blues away.

5. Play hide-and-seek

An oldie, but a goodie. This works for families with siblings and can be done inside or outdoors. If they are playing this outside, set parameters for how far they can go to find a hiding spot.

6. Make a fort

Image via Raising Paynes/Instagram

Kids love making blanket forts, such as this cute one from Raising Paynes, and it’s a great idea for summer or winter days when you’re all stuck inside. Let them use pillows, blankets and anything else that is hanging around to create their own private fort. Bringing in a flashlight and some stories will keep them busy for quite a while.

7. Have a dance party

Create a playlist with kids ahead of time and then put it on when they choose this option. By the time they’re done dancing and singing along to their favorite songs, they’ll be bored kids no more!

8. Make an obstacle course

Image via Hands on as We Grow

If you have a bored toddler or preschooler on your hands, they will need your help for this, but elementary-aged kids can handle making an obstacle course on their own. Older kids will feel accomplished creating it themselves and will be excited to show you what they’ve done. Looking for inspo? Hands on as We Grow has a simple-yet-challenging obstacle course for the backyard.

9. Clean and re-organize their room

Depending on the kid’s taste, you may hear some groans if they pick this one. If they seem less than excited to tackle it, offer up cleaning the kitchen as an alternative. Odds are they’ll make a beeline for their bedroom and end the day with a clean room that they feel good about. Another way into this one — propose some cool new storage ideas.

10. Do a yoga or fitness class

There are tons of yoga and fitness classes online that are geared toward kids of all ages. Make a playlist ahead of time so that it’s ready to go when they choose this option. Take a look at Cosmic Kids and Kidz Bop for child-friendly video options.

11. Go on a Lego hunt

You’ll need four pieces of paper and an assortment of Lego blocks that match in color for this Lego hunt activity. Start by laying out the four pieces of paper and hiding the Lego blocks somewhere in the home — or have older siblings hide them. Kids must then go find the Lego pieces and place them on the matching colored paper until all of the pieces have been found.

12. Go on a scavenger hunt

Have an older sibling create a scavenger hunt list that younger siblings have to find in or outdoors. If you’re playing with an only child or young children, you’ll have to make up the list yourself, but it will keep them busy scouring for a good amount of time.

Boredom-busting ideas for kids who love to be creative

13. Write your own story

Put together a box or jar of storytelling prompts ahead of time and tell the child to choose one to use to create their story. Ask them to make a cover picture for the story, as well.

14. Draw murals outside with colored chalk

Bring out a big box of colored chalk and let them go crazy on the driveway or sidewalk. If you have an elementary school-age kid who likes a challenge, tell them to draw you something that tells a story and then have them narrate it for you when they’re done.

15. Put on a play

In this activity, children can create simple plays (depending on their age) and use clothes from around the house to put on their show when they’re ready.

16. Do an art challenge

There are lots of art challenges on YouTube, such as the Three Marker Challenge, that kids will get a kick out of trying. There are also many channels dedicated to helping kids create their own art, such as Art for Kids Hub. Parents can set kids up with one of these to really get their creative juices flowing. If you’d rather not use electronics for this one, try printing out a 30-day art challenge template for ideas.

17. Get into a cool podcast

There are so many awesome kids’ podcasts — for toddlers on up to teens — including everything from storytelling and advice to cooking and science education and more. The perfect activity for downtime.

18. Make Play-Doh sculptures and put on an art show

A great activity for preschoolers, you can even put some glitter in a few of the play dough colors to make it a little more exciting for them.

19. Collect rocks and paint them

Image via Kid Friendly Things to Do

In this activity, kids can search for the most interesting rocks they can find in the backyard or driveway. Once they’ve gathered them, give them some paint and have them paint the collection in whatever way they want and then display their work in their room. How cute is this painted rock turtle from Kid Friendly Things to Do?!

20. Create chalk dolls and dress them up

Kids can trace each other’s bodies with chalk or you can do the tracing for them. Once they have the basic body shape, they can draw the faces, hair and other details and then use clothes from their drawers to dress up their chalk dolls.

21. Write a letter to a grandparent or older relative

In this activity, children will choose a grandparent or older relative to write a letter to. The letter can be about absolutely anything, and you can show them how to address and mail it when they’re done. Not only will kids be doing an interesting language skill-boosting activity, but you’ll have one very happy person when they receive their letter. These 20 questions to ask older loved ones can get them started.

22. Create a toothpick tower

Image via The Rural Headteacher/Instagram

The toothpick STEM challenge is an ideal way for kids to improve their problem-solving skills while doing something fun. All you need are some toothpicks and play dough or small marshmallows. This toothpick creation from The Rural Headteacher is pretty darn cool.

23. Do a puzzle

If you have older kids, make sure you have some puzzles around with lots and lots of pieces for this activity. Smaller kids will be happy doing several less complicated puzzles.

24. Create a ‘When I grow up’ poster

In this activity, ask kids to think about what they want to be when they grow up. Once they’ve decided on something, ask them to make a poster all about that career. Encourage them to use a computer, tablet or phone to look up facts about the career they’ve chosen.

25. Put together a time capsule

A time capsule project, like this one from Somewhat Simple, is so fun! Have kids collect items that they feel represent the time they’re living in. Older kids can also fill out simple questionnaires about themselves to put in the jar. Once it’s all set, ask them to put it in a hiding spot for you all to find and open up on an agreed-upon future date.

26. Make slime

Image via The Best Ideas for Kids

Yes, you may be tired of slime and all the slime-related messes, but there’s no doubt that this is a kid-approved project that takes up a good chunk of time. Plus, kids are learning about chemical composition, and it’s a fun sensory activity for them once it’s done. From this fluffy slime from The Best Ideas for Kids to stretchy slime, there are lots of recipes available for you to choose from.

27. Plan and make your own lunch

Kids ages 7 and older can definitely do this activity. Ask them to come up with their own lunch menu (including dessert) and have them make it. Younger kids should stick with sandwiches or anything that doesn’t need to be cooked.

28. Bake cookies or brownies

Kids love baking and this is another activity that helps them feel useful and accomplished. They’ll need you or an older sibling to help, but the payoff is that you get to eat the goodies once they’re cooked!

29. Create some snack art

Image via Nadja Kvisgard/Instagram

Give little ones a few items to use to create their own snack art, like this “flower” from Nadja Kvisgard. Have them make one for you, too!

30. Create a gratitude or vision board

Have some large poster paper on hand in case the child chooses this option. Ask them to put together a gratitude board that is made up of things they’re grateful for, or a vision board that represents what they hope for themselves for the year. Once they’re done, hang it up in their room so they can see it every day.

31. Write a letter to a soldier

Go to Any Soldier to find a list of active-duty members of the military who would love to receive a letter in the mail. Have kids write their own thank-you note to a soldier and help them mail it off when they’re done.

200 Fun Things for Kids to Do When They’re Bored

See More:   Elementary Aged Kids Family Kids activities Parenting

Last Modified: by Tara Ziegmont Leave a Comment


Simple and easy things for kids to do when they’re bored. Options for girls and boys, mostly at home but some traveling away from home. Good ideas when you’re alone or with friends. Perfect for a summer night by yourself or a winter afternoon with buddies or anytime of the year! Some can be done on a rainy day and some with no money. Way more than 100 creative, fun, and cool ideas.


My dear children are with me just about 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Because we are homeschoolers, they don’t go off to school, and because I work full-time from home, I don’t leave for an office. We live and work and learn in the same space and, while I do shut myself in my home office from time to time (especially for important conference calls), I generally know what they’re doing throughout the day.

So, when they get bored I often know about it.

I personally think being bored is really good for kids. It requires them to use their imaginations and invent games and stories. It forces them to get out toys long hidden in the depths of the closet. It allows them to be creative and learn how to get along with each other.

My children, on the other hand, think being bored is a fate worse than death. They lie on the couch, boneless and shapeless, and they whine.

I don’t do whining.

I have weird children who don’t like to go outside unaccompanied (thank goodness for the little neighbor girl who meets them in one or the other backyard to play a few times a week), so “go outside and play” doesn’t work very well.

As a matter of fact, when I first started working from home, I forced them outside for an hour a day. They would go out onto our back deck, sit on the picnic table, and yell in my office window, “How much longer do we have to sit out here?” every three or four minutes.

I’m not even joking.

That went on for a few weeks, until I got tired of answering their repeated question, and I finally gave in and allowed them to stay inside all day which they do happily.

Gone were my delusions for a life lived in nature, a childhood like I had, full of worms and leaves and creeks.

Today’s kids spend a lot of time in front of screens, and mine are no exception. I allow far too much screen time for my own level of comfort, but I need quiet for working, and I cannot have squabbling children in the next room when I’m on a conference call. Quiet is non-negotiable.

Given that, when I am not working, I enforce a strict no screens rule. They get to be bored and play all they want, hence the need for this list.

Bookmark this list and return to it every time your kids say those dreaded words. Give them a choice (or maybe don’t give them a choice and choose something yourself). Most of the items are linked to a full description or tutorial, but some that are self-explanatory are not.

You can survive the summer and the year ahead, and please don’t forget that you don’t have to entertain them all the time. They can be bored, and they will survive.

Note: this list is most appropriate for kids in the 4-10 age range. If you’re looking for fun things for tweens and teens to do, check out this post instead.

If you’re looking for a way to get your kids to take charge of their own entertainment, click over to this post where I have created a unique, card-based list of 150 of the best screen-free activities for elementary kids up through teens.

The Ultimate List of Fun Things for Kids to Do When They’re Bored – 200+ Ideas

  1. Read a book. (101 best chapter books and 101 best picture books)
  2. Listen to an audiobook.
  3. Set up a seed experiment with gravity or light and water.
  4. Do an experiment with paper shapes.
  5. Play with perspective.
  6. Do paper chromatography.
  7. Do t-shirt chromatography.
  8. Build paper towers.
  9. Do an experiment with soda.
  10. Do an egg drop experiment.
  11. Microwave soap.
  12. Go to the beach.
  13. Go to the pool.
  14. Play Snakes & Ladders (free printable Snakes & Ladders game board here).
  15. Play a board game. (The best games for the elementary crowd and the best games for preschoolers and the best family game night games for non-readers and the best family games for tweens, teens, and adults)
  16. Make homemade root beer sherbet or homemade ice cream.
  17. Make colored salt dough.
  18. Make a terrarium.
  19. Make egg geodes.
  20. Interview each other.
  21. Make a geoboard.
  22. Do a random act of kindness.
  23. Go to the zoo.
  24. Go to the aquarium.
  25. Go on a rainbow scavenger hunt.
  26. Make fruit kabobs.
  27. Have a glow stick treasure hunt.
  28. Make a tape resist painting.
  29. Make a beaded butterfly.
  30. Make binoculars.
  31. Play glow in the dark ring toss.
  32. Make a fairy garden.
  33. Have a living room carnival.
  34. Make a mosaic using dyed rice.
  35. Make a yarn doll.
  36. Make astronaut pudding.
  37. Make marzipan piggies.
  38. Make a lamb of God mobile.
  39. Make a play mailbox.
  40. Make mud pies.  
  41. Make a picture with baking soda and vinegar.
  42. Melt beads for suncatchers.
  43. Paint with cookie cutters.
  44. Play in a creek.
  45. Explore colors with homemade play dough.
  46. Go to a children’s museum.
  47. Make a simple scavenger hunt.
  48. Read The Rainbow Fish and do some related activities.
  49. Go to an amusement park.
  50. Go to a water park.
  51. Build an island.
  52. Grow a garden.
  53. Do a giant word search.
  54. Grow a Venus Flytrap.
  55. Write in a journal.
  56. Read Little Cloud and learn about clouds.
  57. Test out paper airplanes.
  58. Play sight word Go Fish.
  59. Make slime.
  60. Make string art.
  61. Make washi tape butterflies.
  62. Cook with mom or dad (10 tips for cooking with small children and 11 tips for cooking with older children)
  63. Play water balloon dodgeball.
  64. Have a sponge relay race.
  65. Act out your favorite book.
  66. Play catch.
  67. Plant a tree.
  68. Bake cookies.
  69. Blow bubbles.
  70. Sing patriotic songs like My Country Tis of Thee, God Bless America, the Star Spangled Banner, and America the Beautiful.
  71. Play frisbee.
  72. Play bocce ball.
  73. Play lawn darts. (They’re not like they used to be.)
  74. Play croquet.
  75. Play horseshoes (you don’t need pits for this set from Amazon, and you can even play in the house).
  76. Go to the library.
  77. Make paper mâché.
  78. Homemade bowling – spray paint 2-liter bottles and set them up in the yard. Use a kickball or soccer ball to knock them down.
  79. Make macaroni necklaces.
  80. Learn how to tie dye.
  81. Go on a picnic.
  82. Go bird watching.
  83. Build a blanket fort.
  84. Explore a small area in your yard with a magnifying glass.
  85. Go geocaching.
  86. Go on a hike.
  87. Play balloon volleyball.
  88. Camp out in the backyard.
  89. Make toy parachutes.
  90. Make some homemade juggling balls and learn how to juggle.
  91. Play Simon Says.
  92. Play Duck Duck Goose.
  93. Open a movie theater in your living room, complete with tickets, buttered popcorn, and candy snacks.
  94. Make bath bombs using citric acid and baking soda.
  95. Make sock puppets.
  96. Write a letter to Grandma.
  97. Learn about constellations so you can find them at night.
  98. Publish a pretend newspaper.
  99. Learn origami.
  100. Try to replicate famous art.
  101. Learn the alphabet in sign language.
  102. Pick flowers from your garden and make a flower arrangement for your dining room table.
  103. Practice somersaults.
  104. Jump on the trampoline.
  105. Learn to hula hoop.
  106. Host a tea party. Bonus if you read poetry and serve brownies.
  107. Dress up in costumes.
  108. Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
  109. Make indoor s’mores – stack a graham cracker, square of chocolate, and marshmallow. Top with another graham cracker and microwave for 10 seconds.
  110. Draw with sidewalk chalk.
  111. Explore the world with Google Maps or Google Earth.
  112. Make friendship bracelets.
  113. Do some Mad Libs.
  114. Learn a new card game.
  115. Learn how to do Sudoku.
  116. Jump rope.
  117. Finger paint.
  118. Write a haiku.
  119. Make a card and mail it to someone special.
  120. Learn to play chess or checkers or both.
  121. Play charades.
  122. Learn a poem and recite it to your mom.
  123. Make a photo album.
  124. Organize your bedroom.
  125. Climb a tree.
  126. Play hopscotch.
  127. Visit a farmer’s market and try something you’ve never eaten before.
  128. Play musical chairs.
  129. Go roller skating.
  130. Play Twister. (Take this outside if you’re like us and lack living room floor space.)
  131. Make an indoor obstacle course.
  132. Take silly selfies.
  133. Write to a pen pal or sponsored child.
  134. Sew a pillow.
  135. Make a sundae bar with lots of toppings.
  136. Search the couch for loose change.
  137. Bathe the dog.
  138. Run in the sprinkler.
  139. Search for four-leaf clovers.
  140. Draw pictures.
  141. Learn a few magic tricks.
  142. Listen to music.
  143. Write a story.
  144. Write a letter to the president.
  145. Fix something that’s broken.
  146. Read a magazine.
  147. Go through your stuff and fill a bag with items to donate.
  148. Write in a journal.
  149. Try a new craft.
  150. Go to a playground or park.
  151. Search for cool rocks.
  152. Look at old pictures.
  153. Make pipe cleaner jewelry.
  154. Play with Wikki Stix.
  155. Take a bubble bath.
  156. Water the plants.
  157. Have a dance party. (My kids love these CDs.)
  158. Ride your bike.
  159. Ride your scooter.
  160. Wash the car.
  161. Create a comic book.
  162. Write a song.
  163. Put on a puppet show.
  164. Trace your body and make a new outfit on the outline.
  165. Do handprint art.
  166. Do footprint art.
  167. Have a staring contest.
  168. Blow cotton swabs through a straw at a bowl. (My kids love this!)
  169. Play badminton.
  170. Make a tie blanket out of fleece.
  171. Make a tie pillow out of fleece.
  172. Make up new rules to an old game.
  173. Build a bird house.
  174. Have a water gun battle.
  175. Paint with shaving cream.
  176. Catch fireflies.
  177. Melt crayons in the sun.
  178. Paint rocks with paint.
  179. Heat rocks in the oven and “paint” them with crayons. (Be super careful!)
  180. Build a bird house.
  181. Walk the dog. (Don’t have a dog? Walk the neighbor’s dog!)
  182. Have a scavenger hunt. (Search on Pinterest for a good template. )
  183. Climb a tree.
  184. Weed the garden.
  185. Make a stop-motion video.
  186. Build a volcano out of paper mâché or modeling clay and then explode it using baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and some food coloring.
  187. Hunt for animal tracks.
  188. Make a magazine collage or vision board.
  189. Have a living room picnic.
  190. Learn to crochet. (This is the YouTube video that I used when I first learned.)
  191. Wash the car.
  192. Make marshmallow and toothpick towers.
  193. Play with Magformers.
  194. Play hide and seek.
  195. Write a story.
  196. Redecorate your bedroom.
  197. Build with Lego.
  198. Have a Nerf Gun battle.
  199. Take some interesting photos.
  200. Challenge someone to an UNO championship.

I hope you’ll be able to print out this list, laminate it, and hang it up somewhere in your home so that your kids can pick and choose things to do when they’re bored this summer (or anytime of the year!) without hounding you to entertain them. Good luck!

While you’re here, check out these other resources:

  • The Ultimate List of Fun Things for Tweens & Teens to Do When They’re Bored – 200+ Printable Ideas
  • The Ultimate List of 150 Screen-Free Summer Activities for Kids & Teens
  • 30 Best Quotes From Our Favorite Children’s Books
  • 27 Awesome, Inspiring Harry Potter Quotes

More Kids activities


Reader Interactions

100+ Awesome Things To Do When Kids Are Bored

Bored kids should be introduced to something interesting and engaging before they get whiny.

Image: Shutterstock

Children are filled with curiosity, and they can easily get bored with any toy, game, or activity. When bored, they can act irritable and fussy, and you begin hunting for things to do when kids are bored. We know how it gets confusing to find age-appropriate activities for children, so we brought you some interesting, engaging, and fun activities to keep them entertained and engaged.

The best part about these activities is that they need minimal involvement or preparation, making it fun for the child. Read on.

100+ Things To Do When Kids Are Bored

No matter what you’re looking for — something entertaining, creative, or educational — this list has everything you need to keep your children engaged. 

Creative things to do when kids are bored

1. Create art with bubble wrap


Image: Shutterstock

Do not throw away your latest delivery bubble wrap because you can create art with it! Your child can use paint and bubble wrap to create funky prints on t-shirts or wallpaper.

2. Make a sensory bag

Engage your little one’s senses and develop their cognitive skills by exposing them to different sounds, colors, and textures. Sensory bags are extremely easy to make and provide hours of mess-free play. All you need to do is fill a Ziploc bag with hair gel, glitter, toys, beads, and any other small items your child wishes.

3. Make paper flowers

Image: Shutterstock

Beautiful paper flowers are the perfect way to brighten up your home. With just a few materials such as crepe paper or tissue paper, scissors, and glue, you can create whimsical decorative pieces.

4. Enjoy doodling

Image: Shutterstock

Doodling is therapeutic. Moreover, it is a fun way to pass the time. It helps improve drawing and can be a great addition to your child’s portfolio. Your child can do this freehand or download free printable versions and doodle away.

5. Make friendship bracelets

Image: Shutterstock

Children of all ages can enjoy making friendship bracelets. Younger ones can make simpler ones, and older children can try complicated patterns.

6. Make and fly a kite

Image: Shutterstock

Your child can use materials lying around the house to make a kite. Once they’re done, you can join your child and enjoy flying it.

7. Make a fairy garden

Image: Shutterstock

Draw inspiration from one of these whimsical DIY fairy garden ideas to create one of your own. Gather a few supplies and get your fairy garden going!

8. Solve a tape maze

Get your child to use masking tape to create a maze on the floor and see if they can find their way out.

9. Create a story using stones

Image: Shutterstock

Your children can gather stones from the backyard or beach and then paint or draw characters and objects on each one. It is  engaging, and they can also use it as props in a story.

10. b Design a postcard

Image: Shutterstock

Buy a bunch of blank postcards and hand them to your child along with crayons, paints, stickers, and more for them to decorate. Your child can then design them and send them out to friends and family.

11. Create fairy jars

Image: Shutterstock

Fairy jars are extremely fun to make and look absolutely gorgeous. You’ll find easy tutorials online. A glow-in-the-dark jar works as a night light until the glow wears off!

12. Try finger painting

Image: Shutterstock

A piece of paper and paint are all a child needs to get creative and messy. Let them use their fingerprints to create different designs on the paper for your home.

13. Create edible necklaces

Image: Shutterstock

Edible necklaces are so easy and fun to make. Your child can grab a string and a few of their favorite snacks or candies and get stringing and beading!

14. Solve a maze


Grab a few sheets of paper and some pencils, and get your family together. Parents or older siblings can draw a maze on paper, while the younger ones can solve it.

15. Design a flipbook


Ask your child to draw a few silly pictures on cards and clip the cards together. The countless combinations will keep everyone entertained for hours.

16. Have fun body tracing

A child loves tracing their hands and feet. Instead, roll out a big sheet of paper and have them trace their entire body. Later, they can fill their silhouette as they please.   

17. Create a vision board

Image: Shutterstock

Let your child look at the future and use the vision board to write down their aspirations. Once they’re done, you can hang the board in their room for them to see every morning.

18. Have fun with photography

Image: Shutterstock

Hand your child your phone or a camera and let them photograph stuff around the house. Who knows what amazing, cool, and funny things they’ll come up with!

19. Create a pool noodle obstacle course

Image: Shutterstock

Have fun with pool noodles without jumping in the pool. You can use them to create obstacle courses around the house. They can jump over, balance on, crawl under, or climb through them.      

20. Create DIY paper frogs

Image: Shutterstock

Paper frogs can jump! Once your child folds the paper into a frog, let them take it out into the sidewalk or backyard and see which one hops the furthest.   

21. Make your own slime

Image: Shutterstock

Slime is trendy. It’s so easy and so much fun to make. Children enjoy playing with it. There are plenty of tutorials online, so you can look for one that’s suitable for your child.

22. Make glow bubbles


Make bubbles that glow under a black light. Use some bubble solution and ink from a highlighter, and get ready for some glow-in-the-dark fun!

23. Make bookmarks

Image: Shutterstock

If you have children who read, making bookmarks is an excellent idea. Take a large colorful paper clip and tie some ribbons to it. You can use different materials, such as tassels, duct tape, and fabric, to make fancier ones.

24. Create a DIY race track

Use washi tape or masking tape to create a colorful, customizable race track for tiny cars and a place to park them when playtime is over.

25. Make a sundial

Image: Shutterstock

Before clocks, people used sundials to tell time. Teach your children how to make one. All you need is to find the direction, ‘north,’ and put a stick in the ground in that direction. As the sun moves, its position changes and the shadow it casts helps you tell time.

26. Have fun with paper mache

Image: Shutterstock

A bottle of glue, balloons, and pieces of paper cutouts are all your child needs to have endless fun for hours! Quickly browse online and pick from the many tutorials.

27. Make a paper bead necklace

Image: Shutterstock

There are several crafts you can do with newspapers. Use newspaper, colorful magazine clippings, or wrapping paper and roll them into bead shapes. It is an easy craft you can do without going to the store.

28. Make box monsters

Image: Shutterstock

There’s a chance you have empty boxes lying around the house. You can easily paint them and turn them into cute monsters. You can even use the box for a game. Grab a small ping-pong ball and play “feed the monster” by throwing it into the monster’s mouth.

29. Create a DIY jellyfish

Image: Shutterstock

Transform strands of yarn and paper plates into a creature from the deep blue sea. You can paint them with glow-in-the-dark paint and see them come to life when the lights are off.

30. Make an art collage

Image: Shutterstock

Let your child’s inner Picasso out with the help of a bunch of old magazines, scissors, and glue. Let them cut up pieces and create a magnificent collage.

31. Create a boredom jar

Image: Shutterstock

Write different activities, games, chores, crafts, arts, things to do, etc., on ice cream sticks. Put them in a jar. Whenever your child says “I’m bored,” let them pull out a stick from the jar and do whatever it says.

32. Make a comic strip

If your child enjoys drawing, you can ask them to draw a creative comic strip with drawings, a storyline, and everything else!

33. Paint rocks

Image: Shutterstock

During a stroll outside, let your child pick up rocks and come home and paint them. You can use them to decorate your home or garden.

34. Put on a show with sock puppets

Image: Shutterstock

Put all those single, lonely socks to use by transforming them into sock puppets. Cut out a mouth and draw a face. Let your child host a puppet show!

35. Make your own Play-Doh

Image: Shutterstock

With a few common household items, and in absolutely no time, you can make your own Play-Doh sets. Save money and involve the kids in this thrifty kitchen craft activity.

36. Build a fort

Image: Shutterstock

Building a fort is one of the most fun playtime activities for children. Bring out all the pillows, chairs, boxes, blankets, and sheets, and let your child create their own magical fort. After all the hard work, sit in the fort, play games, and sip a cool drink.

37. Create sidewalk art

Image: Shutterstock

Sketching on paper is standard. Take it a notch higher by letting your child sketch on the sidewalk. Give them a few colorful chalks, and that’s it! It will lead to hours of fun and entertainment.

38. Teach them cross-stitch

Image: Shutterstock

Let your child delve into arts and crafts with cross-stitch. Get a few special kits, such as blunt needles, for youngsters and beginners and teach them some easy patterns. It’s time to put their hands to work!

39. Write a story

Image: Shutterstock

Whether it’s a funny story, an imaginative adventure story, or a real-life incident, writing gets the creative juices flowing and stirs children’s imagination.

40. Enjoy a scavenger hunt

Image: Shutterstock

Write down a list of a few items, such as something soft, something yellow, or something triangle, and let them run around trying to decipher the clues. The clues can be easy or hard based on the child’s age.

41. Make a miniature garden

Image: Shutterstock

Create a beautiful mini garden using foil trays. Use rocks, twigs, succulents, toy figures, etc., to make your mini garden more lifelike. Add sand for a beachy scene and thermocol for a snowy backdrop.

42. Create something fun using junk

Image: Shutterstock

Use glue, tape, scissors, and old things, such as plastic bottles, cereal cartons, egg boxes, and more to create something fun and innovative.

43. Make bath bombs

Image: Shutterstock

Whether you want to unwind after a hectic day, or your little ones want to splash around and have fun, bath bombs are perfect for everyone. Rather than spending a lot, indulge them in a fun and easy DIY project and make your own!


Get crafty with toilet roll tubes

Image: Shutterstock

Every household will have a few toilet roll tubes. They’re the best for doing different crafts. Whether it’s a new decoration for the kitchen, a pen holder for the office, or cute little toilet roll animals, your options are endless!

45. Grow an indoor herb garden

Image: Shutterstock

A tin can is all you need to grow herbs such as mint, basil, and parsley. With the right care, they thrive indoors.

46. Build a terrarium

Image: Shutterstock

Terrariums are easy to make, require minimal materials, and even come in kits. Spend an evening making a few with your child and decorate your home.

47. Make picture frames

Image: Shutterstock

DIY photo frames are perfect for your living room. Look up some ideas online and create them with your child to transform your home.

48. Make paper airplanes

Image: Shutterstock

Paper airplanes have your child’s back when they’re bored. There are plenty of paper airplane designs and templates online. Pick one, get building, and start racing!

49. Create pasta jewelry

Image: Shutterstock

Children will have lots of fun making colorful pasta accessories. In the process, they’ll learn about different shapes and colors and develop their fine motor skills.

50. Make your own soap

Image: Shutterstock

With a few ingredients, you and your children can make natural soaps that are better for your skin and the planet! Do not forget to customize your designs and create different shapes. You can insert small plastic toys inside the soap bars to let your children have a fun bath time experience.

51. Try origami

Image: Shutterstock

Talking about paper planes and paper frogs, you might as well hone their origami skills. From turtles to hummingbirds and dinosaurs, your child can create nearly anything and everything they imagine.

52. Make bird feeders

Image: Shutterstock

Bird feeders attract different birds into your backyard. Youngsters can make a simple feeder with a plastic bottle, while older children can create complex and artistic ones.

53. Create a family time capsule

A family time capsule lets you and your family look back at different years. Include a variety of things such as magazines, letters, photos, and more. Put everything in a box, hide it away somewhere safe, and set a date to open it up!

Academic Things To Do When Kids Are Bored

54. Make your own flashcards

Image: Shutterstock

Let your child design creative flashcards that you can use later to teach them math, English, or science!

55. Practice instruments

Image: Shutterstock

Encourage your child to play an instrument, and ensure they put in the hours every day to master it.

56. Start a collection


Collecting stuff is an old-school tradition. Indulge your child in it. You can pass your collection down to your child and let them add to it or encourage them to start something new. They could collect painted rocks, seashells, stickers, coins, or stamps.

57. Go birdwatching in the backyard


Image: Shutterstock

Birdwatching lets your child catch sight of the pretty little and adorable birds and unveils their unique personalities. Let them take notes and learn about different species.

58. Learn a new language

Image: Shutterstock

There are plenty of web platforms for children to learn a new language. They can also learn ASL (American sign language).

59. Help them learn topics that may not be taught in school

Image: Shutterstock

Focus on topics beyond the curriculum, such as how to deal with rejection or racial inequality. It will help them in the real world.

60. Teach them about different character traits

Image: Shutterstock

Different positive character traits help your child go a long way in academic life, personal life, and work life. Help them learn about dependability, grit, honesty, courage, and more.

61. Help them learn about a new country or culture

Image: Shutterstock

Your child can experience different cultures without leaving the comfort of their home. From learning the basics of a new language, learning a dance or song, or trying new cuisine, there’s plenty your child can do to learn about different cultures.

62. Try different STEM activities

Image: Shutterstock

You’ll find a host of STEM activities and science kits that will help your children have fun while learning about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

63. Listen to podcasts

Image: Shutterstock

Do some research, pick some kid-friendly podcasts, and let your child enjoy hours of entertainment.

64. Start a book club

Image: Shutterstock

Reading is certainly thought-provoking, but you can take it up a notch. Encourage your child to start a book club. Book clubs can stimulate your child to discuss books, ask questions, and understand things from a different perspective.

65. Download and print fun worksheets

Image: Shutterstock

Browse the Internet, and you’ll find a host of different worksheets for different subjects and age groups. Pick a few and keep your child occupied for a few hours.

66. Practice spelling

Image: Shutterstock

Spellings aren’t easy, especially for complicated-sounding words such as ‘frightened,’ ‘gnaw,’ or ‘reign.’ So, a little practice in the form of games, such as scrabble, goes a long way.

67. Plan and prepare meals together

Image: Shutterstock

Cooking is a combination of art and science and involves communication, time management, and planning skills. Sometimes, when your child thinks of new ways to create old dishes, it encourages creativity.

68. Write a letter

Image: Shutterstock

Writing a letter to a grandparent, uncle, aunt, parent, friend, or even Santa is an excellent way to improve children’s writing skills. It also helps them express themselves and is a great mental exercise.

69. Create a “when I grow up” poster

Image: Shutterstock

Children dream of becoming astronauts, air hostesses, and actors. There is no limit to their imagination. You can get them to imagine their life and draw it out on a poster and include family members, pets, cars, and more.  

70. Do fun science experiments

Image: Shutterstock

From chemical reactions to crystals, reflection and refraction, and volcanoes, science experiments are super fun while also encouraging learning. Sometimes, exciting projects help children learn difficult concepts.

71. Write a story about your week

Have your child recollect everything that took place during the week and then weave it into a story and draw it out or write it. With time, you’ll have enough material to make a book!

72. Tend a vegetable garden

Image: Shutterstock

Tending a vegetable garden teaches your child where food comes from. Besides, they also learn a few science lessons, such as the different parts of plants and the benefits plants have on earth. Moreover, they get their daily dose of vitamin D!

73. Read a book

Image: Shutterstock

Reading has no downsides. From stimulating curiosity to piquing imagination and developing concentration, books have so many advantages. Get them started today!

74. Make math cue cards

Turn your child into an A+ student with the help of cue cards. They’ll help them practice, memorize, and learn multiplication, formulas, and more.

75. Learn via games

Image: Shutterstock

Children love the iPad and other gadgets. So engage them creatively by learning with games. There are many games and activities that can help them learn and play.

76. Join an online program

Image: Shutterstock

Children can enroll and learn from the comfort of their homes. They can pick anything that interests them. Whether it’s a skill or something academically inclined, it will be beneficial one day.

77. Put on a science show

Image: Shutterstock

Let them learn different science tricks and put up a show to entertain the entire family!


Practice opposites

Image: Shutterstock

For younger children, the opposites game is an excellent way to keep them engaged. You can say a word such as ‘in’ and let them say the antonym. For older children, you can use tougher words such as ‘abstract,’ ‘arduous,’ or ‘grueling.’

79. Practice mindfulness

Image: Shutterstock

Children of all ages benefit from mindfulness. You can use different apps or activities to practice mindfulness. It’s beneficial as it helps improve attention. It also helps them become more patient and better listeners.

80. Teach them chess

Image: Shutterstock

From improving attention span to visual memory, reasoning ability, and critical thinking, chess offers a host of benefits. Plus, they will enjoy it!

81. Enjoy stargazing

Image: Shutterstock

Stargazing helps children learn all about different constellations and the night sky. You can even play a game or two to enhance learning. For instance, you could try spotting different shapes. If you’re not well-versed with the sky, use the help of apps. You really can’t go wrong while stargazing with kids.

82. Learn a new skill

Be it photography or a craft, children can put their spare time to better use by learning a skill that will help them in the long run.

83. Learn how to code

Image: Shutterstock

If your child is a computer genius, maybe coding is for them. Children can start at a young age and hone their skills. It’s a low-stress activity and ensures your child is occupied for a few hours.

Collaborative things to do when kids are bored

84. Guess what’s in the box

Cut out circles on the sides of a cardboard box so your arms can fit through. Place different items inside the box and let someone stick their hands in and guess what’s in the box! It’s a fun game for the entire family.

85. Do a puzzle together

Image: Shutterstock

Puzzles take patience and skill, so your child may need a little assistance. Pick a puzzle and complete it together. If you can’t finish it in one sitting, get back to it after a few hours or the next day.

86. Color together

Image: Shutterstock

Who says coloring is only for youngsters? Both adults and children can indulge in coloring. Children can pick Disney–themed printable sheets online, while adults can choose adult coloring books.

87. Create a family journal

Image: Shutterstock

Sit together and create an ornate diary or a simple journal about the family. You can either decide on a topic, such as ‘honesty,’ or just enter your thoughts daily. Today, it’s a way of connecting with children, and in the future, it’s a cherished possession.

88. Map out a family tree

Image: Shutterstock

You and your children can get to know about your roots with the help of a family tree. Sit together and start mapping out your family. In no time, you’ll have a complete family tree.

89. Host a paint night

Older children, younger children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and everyone can participate in a family paint night. A few canvases, paints, brushes will yield a night of laughter and fun!

90. Organize a treasure hunt

Another activity for the entire family is a treasure hunt that’s easy and super fun. One person can hide 10 to 20 items around the house while the others look for them.

91. Enjoy bike rides

Image: Shutterstock

There’s nothing more fulfilling than riding a bike with your children around the block or the nearest park. The activity can boost the mood and clear their mind of boredom.

92. Re-organize the room

Image: Shutterstock

When children are bored, entice them with a good reward to clean and re-organize their room. They can move furniture around or add pieces of décor for a fresh feel.

93. Bake something

Image: Shutterstock

Children will need your help to bake, so work together and turn this into a fun activity! From pizza to cakes and cupcakes, there’s plenty to do. They can help you with the dough and toppings.


Indulge in a fun workout

Image: Shutterstock

There’s nothing more energizing than a fun workout with your kiddos. Switch on your laptop, play a workout video, and get moving together! Youngsters need not stick to the rules.

95. Go on a mindful walk

Image: Shutterstock

Unlike a regular walk, a mindful walk is where you take time and notice the little details that you will otherwise not notice. Closely observe birds and animals, different sounds, the colors, the direction of the wind, the pattern on the pavement, and the smell of the air.

96. Camp in the backyard

Image: Shutterstock

What’s more fun than camping in the backyard with your family? Set up a tent, light up a fire, and enjoy different games and activities that will keep you entertained all night!

97. Enjoy themed picnics

Give a twist to your regular picnics. Pick different themes for your picnic, such as “Mexican,” where the entire family dresses up in Mexican attire and carries along Mexican food, such as salsa, guacamole, nachos, and tacos.

98. Have a movie night

Movie nights with the family in the backyard is as good as it gets! Set up a projector and screen in a cozy spot. Place a comfortable mat and pillow, pop up a lot of popcorn, and you’re good to go!

99. Have a fun photoshoot

Image: Shutterstock

A family photoshoot is a memory you’ll treasure for the rest of your lives! You can dress up or just lounge around in your PJs and make funny faces.

100. Fun Indoor picnic

Image: Shutterstock

If you cannot step out, set up a picnic spot indoors. It’s cozy and perfect for the entire family to enjoy.

101. Creative tea party

Image: Shutterstock

Ready for an afternoon treat? A tea party is your best bet. Pick some crackers, tea cakes, freshly brewed tea, fancy cups, and saucers and set up the table.

102. Travel together, virtually


You can always travel virtually. It’s a fun and easy learning method for children. Many museums, zoos, and more offer virtual tours.

1. Why is boredom good for children?

Boredom may be good for children because it gives them an opportunity to explore their interests and hobbies. It also helps develop new skills, creativity, and self-esteem (1).

2. Why are children bored easily?

Children may often complain about being bored. However, sometimes boredom may be a sign of hunger, need for attention, or curiosity about your work. You may help children manage their boredom by encouraging creativity and teaching them to be involved in productive activities (1).

Parents and caregivers struggle to keep the children occupied and entertained when bored since they can be less obedient and naughty when they have nothing to do. Painting, crafts, gardening, photography, or some activities or games are the best things to do when kids are bored. Engaging in activities may help children develop creativity, self-esteem, and thinking skills. Creative activities also improve thinking and imagination skills in children. Although some amount of unstructured time is beneficial for their brain development, it is not the case if they are free for a long time.

Key Pointers

  • Introducing your children to some educational and creative activities might help improve their learning and developmental skills, besides killing their boredom.
  • Involve them into making simple DIY items such as bracelets, accessories, greeting cards, or paper designs.
  • Put their minds to work with innovative worksheets and story-writing activities.
  • Teach them about various skills such as cooking, gardening, or bike riding.

MomJunction’s articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

  1. The Benefits of Boredom.
    https://childmind. org/article/the-benefits-of-boredom/#:~:text=Kids%20often%20complain%20about%20beingball%20and%20run%20with%20it.

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  • Author

Advaitaa is a digital marketing and content writing specialist with around seven years of experience. She’s worked on a variety of genres including travel, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and health and wellness. For MomJunction, she writes on kids’ activities, learning and development. Having completed her graduation in business management, Advaitaa went on to study fashion merchandising from the Fashion Institute of Technology,… more


Below is a list of things to do to make your child happy. I tried to translate creatively. True, I didn’t understand something, so if you find a clear inconsistency with the meaning, write comments.

I must say right away that some items are clearly suitable only for Americans. For example, point 90. Although our children change with the culture, suddenly you will like it, try it 🙂

color with pencils.
4. Read jokes to each other
5. Rearrange the room, decorate the room
6. Make a volcano
7. Make a papier mache monster
8. Play board games
9. Go camping
10. Come back from camping 🙂
11. Go on a spider bug safari in your backyard (park, etc.)
12. Start planning your next Halloween costume (New Year, Christmas)
13. Prepare something delicious (cookies, cake, etc.)
14. Make a gift for mother’s or father’s day.
15. Make the world’s coolest paper airplane.
16. Make a short film (including: story/plot, dialogue, filming, editing)
17. Guess the figures in the clouds (this cloud looks like a heffalump)
18. Have a picnic
19. Go for a walk or excursion somewhere
20. Go swimming
21. Do a science experiment
22. Write and illustrate this story
23. Build a castle http://www.colestoyblog. com/2008/02/cardboard-castles.html
24. Draw with crayons on the road
25. Arrange a bike ride
26. Make dough figures
27. Look at the -thread on DVD, but in another language or completely muted, substituting your own words
28. Invite more friends and arrange a game show with prizes and gifts
29. Fly a kite
30. Play cards
31. Give mom a holiday (child helps/serves/indulges mother in everything)
32. Go to the playground (oddly enough! ;-))
33. Go to visit
34. Go to the “Children’s World”
35. Go to the library (American children, apparently, stop being bored by visiting the library 🙂 )
36. Wash the car
37. Vacuum the house
38. Organize a scavenger hunt for your friends (a game in which participants must find and collect certain items (without buying them) in a limited amount of time)
39. Make a scrapbook. [approx. per. “I don’t know what it is. Like a book for notes)
40. Plan your visit to another country
41. Take pictures
42. Play music. tools.
43. Interview someone.
44. Invite grandparents
45. Come up with and implement some business idea.
46. Write a letter (perhaps to a pen pal)
47. Design your own board game
48. Make ice cream at home
49. Build a fortress in the room
50. Put on some music and dance (yourself if you have to)
51. Ask parents/friends/neighbors if they need help with anything
52. Gather leaves/weed
53. Clean all mirrors and windows in the house
54. Play with a spray bottle
55. Play mummy (with toilet paper)
56. Put on a puppet show
57. Make a wall mural out of wrapping paper
58. Roast something in your fireplace (hot dogs, marshmallows, etc.)
59. Bury the treasure with mom and/or dad
60. Go to the museum
61. Play hide and seek
62. Play Sardines (play hide-and-seek in reverse – one hides and the others look for him, the one who found him joins the first in a secluded place. Pretty soon this place will become crowded, like in a can of sardines)
63. Arrange a battle with water balloons
64. Dress up
65. Make a detailed plan of what you would do if you had a million dollars
66. Play a game with letters
67. Print mazes from the net and solve them
68. Play knock-outs
69. Collect old toys and clothes to donate to charity
70. Make decorations out of cereals, popcorn and pasta
71. Play with mom’s cosmetics
72. Play mini golf
73. Play with a ball
74. Read a book
75. Take the dog for a walk (rent it if you don’t have your own)
76. Catalog your books, CDs, or movies
77. Learn to sew, if you know how, rummage in the pantry for buttons and sew them somewhere
78. Make paper dolls /snowflakes
79. Learn to origami
80. Play hangman (I don’t know what it meant. Some strange games in the USA :))
81. Play charades
82. Try to name all 50 states. In Russia you can stupidly play cities 🙂
83. Play in a grocery store
84. Show your children your graduation photo album
85. Look at family photos
86. Blow up balloons
87. Play with your brothers (sisters) – the youngest drive
88. Have a pillow fight
89. Try talking with an accent
90. Practice farting with your armpits (if you can, try the same with your legs)
91. Write to a celebrity asking for an autograph
92. Write a message to posterity and bury it in the garden
93. Plant a family tree
94. Put the puzzle together
95. Build an outdoor racing track for radio controlled cars and play with friends
96. Get some sleep
97. Plant some flowers
98. Organize your own Olympics with friends
99. Plan a birthday party
100. Go to the pet store (but don’t buy anything)
101. Go to

Have fun!


  • Excellent ruler!

    BIORHYTHMS for alexborodin, June 9, 2008: ▕▅▏↗ Physical (slightly above zero)…

  • I’m a patstalom!

    An employee of 58 years old recorded by phone :))))) I advise you to read with an accent :)))))

  • Tolstoy, damn it!

    This morning my son described me. .. described or described me. Damn writer 🙂 Now I’m sitting described by my writer. Happy and clean from going to the morning shower!…





Anna Babina

Teacher, project manager “Parents at MAXIMUM”

In this article:

Quite often children say that they are bored, but it is not so easy to understand what is behind these words. The reasons that a child is bored and says that he has nothing to do are different, therefore, you need to respond to these words in different ways. Boring is both lonely, and there is no motivation, and “leave me alone, you don’t understand me.” We deal with typical situations when a child is bored and does not know what to do with himself.

The child says that he is bored and has nothing to do. Why?

Boredom is a rather heavy emotion that reflects a lack of interest in any particular business or in general anything that comes to mind as an opportunity. In the everyday sense, boredom is when it’s not fun. And the problem is that a child in pre-adolescence or adolescence himself cannot explain what he means when he says that he is bored. Because in order not only to declare discomfort, but also to understand its shades and causes, one must be more experienced and more conscious. The task of parents is to help the child understand their own feelings and their causes.

Yes, boredom is when there is no interest, enthusiasm and just a feeling of emotional uplift, inspiration. Why is the child bored? The reasons for this condition may be different.

  • Physiological state. The child is generally malnourished. In order to be interested and to be on the rise, you need strength. They may not be there simply because he lacks sleep, vitamins or trace elements. A general and prolonged loss of strength is an occasion to consult a doctor and check if the child needs help from this side.
  • Prolonged stress. A long stressful situation can exhaust a person. Constant pressure at school, sluggish conflict with classmates, worries about conflict in the family.
  • Response to severe stress. If a misfortune has happened in the personal life of a child or in a family, this is a blow from which it is not always possible to recover quickly and without loss. If there was a divorce in the family, you experienced the death of a loved one, the family moved and the child lost friends – the body could not cope. It makes sense to seek psychological help rather than blaming or trying to cheer up the child.
  • Problems in society. Often the feeling of boredom is connected not with the fact that the child has nothing to do, but with the fact that he has no contact with people. Human motivation is based on the fact that we want to see the result of our work, present it to people and receive support and approval. If a child does not know how to do this or is in a society where his interests, successes and merits are not valuable, his motivation decreases.
  • Relationship problems. A person is a very social being, but a close circle, trusting relationships are even more important to him, people to whom you can not only show how cool you are, but also share weaknesses, fears and other negative things, but at the same time hear that everything is fine with you , relations from such frankness did not deteriorate and did not break. If the child does not have close friends, it is difficult for him to be in the resource. This is especially true for adolescents who are separated from their parents and, due to their age, must build their own close circle outside the family.
  • Problems with self-esteem. It is difficult for a child to find an occupation to his liking and get rid of boredom when he does not understand himself well. He does not know what to do, but at the same time he is afraid to try new things if he is not confident in himself. It’s hard to want something when you can’t imagine yourself in the process or with the result in your hands.
  • Response to a specific case. And of course, a specific case can be boring and uninteresting, in which the child does not see the potential to get pleasant emotions or satisfy his need.

In a word, boredom can be caused by various reasons. Let’s try to try them on specific life situations in which people find themselves every day, and find effective solutions.

If the children are bored at home – what to do?

If you are bored at home, you need to leave the house. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if the child is sick or the family is in quarantine.

It is important for parents to understand that “bored at home” is not about the fact that the child does not love his home or his family. It’s about his need to get new experiences. A small child explores the world on a walk, older children communicate, teenagers try society for strength and learn to be independent and live in a society without guardianship. And yes, they want autonomy and risk – this is also the norm.

What to do with a child at home?

If a child is bored at home in elementary school, he can be occupied with what arouses his natural interest. It is extremely important that the lesson be creative in the direction where the child succeeds and enjoys the result.

  • Active children need to create favorable conditions for an outburst of energy. This is both a home sports complex and a space for “freaking out”. It makes sense to encourage wild games and crazy dancing. In general, the child’s self-expression is in motion.
  • You can offer the child games and activities when he can extract the sound and have a good time. The expression of emotions through sound, the permission to scream, knock, ring – this is a very powerful resource in order to throw out emotions and feel yourself. And no, this is not about piano lessons for a music school – this is free creativity that should not be interrupted or condemned.
  • Board games. The game must be a game, that is, a struggle, and gambling at that. This is training the stability of the nervous system, and emotional involvement in the process. Educational games can also be used if the child is interested in them. For example, museum board games or board games on ecology.
  • Creative activities. Remember that the child does not have the same experience as you. He just doesn’t know what to do. Try different kinds of creativity from kits for creating robots to sticking sequins on a picture. The main thing is not to demand from the child to follow the model – this is not creativity. Do not condemn for the fact that he “hassles” threads, paper and other materials – this kills motivation. It is not necessary to praise the result, but it is extremely important to be interested in it kindly.
  • Home theatre. It’s great to introduce any kind of acting into the family culture, try out different roles and support the child in his experiments. If a child can create different images – you are lucky. Just do not interfere and communicate with these cats, dogs and pirates – play along with him. If the child does not know how to do this himself, support him, just play in everyday life – you will not get bored of such a process.

A teenager is bored at home

Parents subconsciously feel that behind such words of a teenager is “I’m bored with you”. This does not mean that parents are bad. It’s just that a teenager in the first place has friends, love and tests of independence. So he is not bored at home, but to communicate with friends, and this is normal.

Statements about boredom can also be hidden aggression towards parents. If a teenager does not openly show his claims to his parents, he can show in this way that not everything is in order in the relationship and he feels resentment. In this case, it is important not to put pressure on him and not to condemn, but to help sort out his feelings.

Ask him to explain exactly what he means. Here are some leading questions to help keep the conversation going:

  • You don’t want anything, ok. Is there anything you’d like to try?
  • What would you like to do if you had the right company?
  • What would you like to do if you had a lot of your own money?
  • What would you do if you were smarter, stronger, etc.?
  • What would you do if you had as much free time as you wanted?

Questions like these can help you understand where the adolescent sees limitations that prevent them from doing or trying things that they actually find attractive.

The child is bored without a phone. How to find an interesting activity without gadgets?

The modern generation has their whole life in a smartphone. This includes contact with friends, relevant news for a teenager, entertainment, and an opportunity to relieve stress. Remember that the modern teenager gets into a stupor when trying to figure out how to live without a phone. Children seriously do not understand how, for example, to arrange a meeting and meet without constant correspondence. Or how to find out what’s going on with friends if you haven’t looked at stories. Children simply do not understand why the phone is a cause for conflict and react aggressively to restrictions on gadgets.

It is normal to use the phone all the time. Take a closer look at what the child is doing on the phone, and do not blame the gadget. On the phone, you can watch videos on needlework, ask friends for advice on a topical issue – and this is not at all harmful and is not a symptom of psychological distress.

It is also important to understand that a modern teenager is, as it were, constantly connected to the Internet with all his context. So the conversation started about something, the association slipped through the child, and he takes the phone to share a funny picture or video. This is the norm in communication, so without a phone it can be boring for him to talk – he seems to be cut off from the world.

It is wiser not to panic that the child is on the phone or that he is uncomfortable without a phone, but to find other activities that are also interesting. Help your child choose an interesting hobby or start learning interesting professions. In all these activities, the phone will come in handy, but it will be a tool, not a thing that distracts from loneliness or painful thoughts.

The child is bored alone. What does it say and what to do?

This is normal for children and teenagers. They are in contact with each other either on the phone or in real communication. Of course, it is very important that a person knows how to be with people and alone with himself in order to comprehend everything that happens in his life. And if a child’s anxiety goes off scale when alone, it’s not a fault, but a task that needs to be solved.

A child feels bad when he is alone when he has increased anxiety and self-esteem is unstable. Without contact with people, he experiences fear. This applies to children who need increased attention in communication. They seem to be constantly afraid that they are not visible.

Such children also worry that they will be forgotten about, and everything interesting will pass by. Outside of contact with a person, they lose confidence that everything is in order with the relationship. Not seeing a person, they are worried about the connection with him.

In this case, the problem with boredom should be started by dealing with the teenager’s self-esteem. This helps relieve underlying anxiety.

A teenager is bored without a specific person

If a teenager is in love, he wants to spend as much time as possible with the object of love. But if without this person he turns into a ghost, as if life had come out of him, this is an alarming symptom.

The reason is not that he got in touch with whoever. And not that falling in love has deprived him of his mind. The reason is that he does not see the value and his own resource in himself. He expects the object of love to be a source of emotions and interesting things in life. Sometimes this happens, but often such an attitude leads to a broken heart.

Again, this is not the fault, but the child’s misfortune. Reproaches or demands to “get busy” will not help him. But to understand yourself – it is very useful. You can start by discussing short films—children with shallow self-esteem tend to show themselves quite clearly when they discuss characters and external situations. And it is through art that they can find themselves.

It is also great to offer the child acting activities, in which he can find interesting images and understand and express himself. Modern theatrical forms are very teenage in their flashy sincerity and help children a lot to cope with the problems of adolescence.

The child is bored with doing what needs to be done. What does it really mean?

It’s not worth saying that everyone is bored, but everyone does it. This does not increase motivation, but kills it. The whole life is ahead, but it only consists of one continuous “must”. So there will be no incentive to grow up, since life is a continuous violence against oneself.

Much more important is to recognize the child’s right not to enjoy routine. Household duties are not interesting, fact. However, they can be approached creatively:

  • A game element can be inserted. Wash the dishes to the music and in the image of a pop diva – you will not notice how time flies.
  • You can come up with a mission and reward system. So you can turn into a game developer by practicing regular cleaning of the apartment.

Through the word “bored” a child can show his “I don’t want” when he does not dare to contradict his parents or is sure that his wishes will not be taken into account. This is such a weak protest, but in fact a request to hear and take into account the interests, to understand his feelings. It makes sense to resolve conflicts not by pressure on the child, but by discussing what really worries him. It is boring to do something for loved ones when there are claims or grievances that have not been expressed otherwise.

The child is bored at school. What to do?

School is often boring. Longing in distance learning. However, not everything is so simple here either. Bored at school when there are relationship problems in the classroom. Simply because teenagers in school find ways to distract themselves during the most boring lessons if they have friendly relations with their peers.

  • If a child does not want to go to school because he is “bored”, it makes sense to look into the situation. After all, this can be a symptom of problems with peers.
  • If the child is bored in a particular lesson, check to see if there is a conflict with the teacher. Or maybe the teacher does not teach well, the child does not cope with the subject, but is afraid or embarrassed to tell you about the problem.

In general, the problem of boredom is not so simple. It’s like laziness – there is a word, but there is no laziness. But there is a problem with self-esteem and motivation. Be attentive to the child, deal with the reasons why he is bored and help solve them.

Read more?

How to overcome the fear of the exam?


Causes of child inattention and hyperactivity


Gold medal at school: conditions for obtaining, benefits and conflict situations


90 What to do with children at home!

Allowing a child to sit at a computer all day is a bad idea. Of course, interesting pictures, games, educational applications – all this is entertaining and interesting, but you risk your eyesight and deprive the growing little man of physical activity. Therefore, you need to initially allocate time for mobile activities and activities that require perseverance. It is much easier for adults to find things to do at home: most likely, a lot of things have already accumulated, which, due to lack of time absorbed by work, was shelved. And in order to redo all these things, you have to do something for the child during school quarantine:

  • Make a list of household chores in which the child can help parents.

  • Inspect all board games in the house; if necessary, put them in order (glue, tint frayed places, etc.).

  • Recall all outdoor games suitable for indoor use.

  • Download from the Internet simple recipes for “snacks” that are easy to cook at home.

  • Think about what kind of needlework to master with a child, and see if there is everything for this in the house.

In order not to turn household chores into a routine for a child, you need to approach the process creatively. For example, start a competition between family members, who will quickly cope with their cleaning area. Each of the children needs to allocate a scope of work that will be within their power. If the child is small, but really wants to wash the dishes, then you need to pick up unbreakable and not sharp serving items for him. These can be spoons, metal or plastic bowls, plates, cups, etc. An older child can be assigned to wash the sink or vacuum the carpets. If you want, for example, to wash the walls in the kitchen, then you need to distribute rags or sponges to the children and allocate places below. The upper part of the walls and the ceiling should be washed by the parents. Since this is difficult to do at the same time, you can, for example, mark the time with a stopwatch and see how quickly each of the family members washed their area.

Since most children want to grow up and mature as quickly as possible, they will cheer for such quarantine ideas. Especially if they wash, clean and clean the “pirate ship”, “submarine” or “space station”. By the way, this approach will allow you to play with isolation from the outside world in your own way: “overboard” – the open sea, outer space, the absence of an atmosphere, etc.

It is preferable to use bright household items in such “cleaning games”: buckets, rags, sponges, mops and other equipment.

Walking game

Every adult today is familiar with walking games. If there is a large sheet of paper at home, then it is easy to come up with a plot and draw, for example, an entertaining journey of a hedgehog in the fog or a monkey’s hike through the jungle. The main thing is that the drawings for the game are bright and beautiful, and the game itself is extremely understandable. If there are no chips from other games, then you can pick up multi-colored buttons of the same size. It remains the case for the cube. There are two ways to do this:

Borrow one from a set of cubes and draw on it with a white or black marker a certain number of dots on each side.

Draw an unfolded cube on the cardboard (do not forget about the valves for connecting parts) and glue it.

Dress-up game

You can create another board game, especially for girls, with your own hands – dress-up. To do this, you need thick cardboard and paper. From the cardboard you need to cut out the character to be dressed. According to the classics of the genre, this is a doll-girl. But show your imagination: a little fox, a bear, a pony, a puppy, a kitten, a hippopotamus, an elf, a goblin, a humanoid can become the heroine of the game … Yes, why not play a little hooligan?! After all, the ideas of games for children at home can be the most fantastic, and only you and your children make up all the rules, invent heroes, their clothing style and lifestyle.

When the hero is ready, he will have to think of suitable outfits, including accessories and even wigs. For greater naturalness, the latter can be made voluminous – from threads.

Playing skittles and towns at home

Children’s outdoor play is not only track cars or a railway. It’s also skittles. Home bowling, or a bowling alley will give an opportunity to move a child who has been sitting too long. When there are skittles among the toys, this is good, but if there are none, then you should use plastic bottles of 0. 5–0.6 liters. If the ball is heavy enough, then improvised pins should be partially filled with water or sand: so they will not fall spontaneously.

You can also use plastic bottles to replace the chocks for playing towns. Of course, not all famous urban figures can be folded from bottles, but you can come up with some of your own and break them. It is difficult to make a “machine-gun nest”, “sentinels” and “shooting range”. They can be replaced by “approving” at the family council other figures that are easily obtained from bottles. An item used as a bat at home should not be too heavy, otherwise you risk parting with furniture.

Move outdoor games to apartment

Let’s think about what to do with the child at the weekend at home, if he (or she) is a very mobile creature. For a “little rocket” sitting in four walls is a real torture. Indefatigable energy must be used for peaceful purposes. When it gets warmer and warmer outside, when the sun is peeping through the window more and more often, I want to go out into the yard to “chase a spotted one” or take a net, rackets and a ball with me to play a game of ping-pong.

Table tennis

If you have a big table at home, everything else for ping-pong will follow! Let us turn to the past, to the experience of the Soviet years. Not everyone had an openwork net for table tennis, so even in the parks, instead of it, players used a board laid on an edge. If there is nothing like such a board at home, then you can build a “fence” from books. Recently, boys have done this, thinking about how they can spend quarantine with benefit and fun.

Even the absence of rackets should not stop them: Soviet children often had them replaced by… general notebooks in calico covers. It is desirable that the notebook be from 48 to 96 sheets. Of course, it’s not very convenient to keep such a “racket” around the corner for a long time, but if you play in turn, then this is quite tolerable. The most important thing is to have a ball. If you want to have even more fun – put a cat (cat) on the tennis table. The animal will take an active part in the game, and although it will break the rules a little, it will give it an unprecedented flavor.


Table tennis not for you? Do you love basketball? Surely at home there is some kind of nail in the wall, on which you can hoist a plastic bucket instead of a basketball basket. At an old, leaky bucket, it is worth cutting off the bottom with a hacksaw so that the imitation of the ring is complete.

If there is no suitable bucket, then remember the origin of the name “basketball” from the words “basket” and “ball”. So, we are looking for an old basket on the farm and attach it with several layers of adhesive tape to the wall. Now all that remains is to pick up the ball of the right size and start practicing throws.

If there is no bucket and basket, but there is some kind of ring, then you can adapt a string bag to it, with the bottom temporarily cut open. Such nets can either remain with grandmothers from time immemorial, or be bought as a retro accessory. If there is no net at home, then at the same time you can master the macrame technique and weave a basketball basket from twine or twine.


When the boys have a couple of clubs at home, it is quite possible to start home hockey. And let there be only two goalkeepers in this game – that’s all, but the size of the corridor will allow playing in such a composition. Goals are made from chairs or stools, the lower part of which is covered with a net so that the puck stays in them. It is not even necessary to have a washer itself: a cream box that has the shape of a flattened cylinder will do.


Classics, the favorite game of Soviet schoolgirls, can also be transferred to an apartment. If the floor in the corridor is covered with large porcelain tiles, then you don’t need to invent anything: stick stickers with numbers in the corner of each tile out of 10, and instead of a cue ball, use a box of cream, shoe polish, etc. If the house has poor sound insulation, then the child can jump on the carpet, and the cells for the classics can be “drawn” with paper masking tape. Here you can dream up and “draw” non-standard round classics.

Rubber band

Often, moving inside the entrance is not prohibited by quarantine conditions, so a friend or girlfriend can come to the child. Of course, if someone in the family is really sick, then such attempts will have to be stopped, but if you only fulfill the conditions of quarantine, then why shouldn’t the children talk? Just what do daughters do at home with a friend? For example, jump into rubber bands, as their mothers and grandmothers did at school. You don’t need a lot of equipment for this. Enough of the usual skirt elastic 2.5–3 meters long, sewn or knitted into a large ring.

If the girl is alone at home, there is no one to keep the rubber band on her feet. You can use chairs on which to put something for weighting, for example, two-liter plastic bottles filled with water. In addition to exercises that are found in pictures on the Internet, there are even more complex options:

  • “puts”, when the rubber bands are mixed up several times with your hands, then you jump on them and jump off so as not to get confused;

  • “coffee”, when in a jump you need to have time to twist both parts of the elastic band together into a bow and land.

In any case, it is better to jump on a carpet and in socks: the neighbors will not hear so much, and the child will not slip.

Rubber band rules


It turns out that homemade cakes are not only healthier, but also tastier, because you can vary the ingredients in your own way. There are a few recipes that don’t require anything to be baked, and this comes in handy when it’s hot at home.

For example, the Curd Roof cake is prepared only with a mixer and a refrigerator. For him, it is enough to take cookies soaked in milk, fold them in three rows, thickly grease with the curd mass of one color, and then put another same layer of cookies on top, and then grease with a mass of a different color. Then it remains to roll everything up, like a roof from a hut, lifting the extreme rows of cookies and connecting them with their free sides. All these operations can be easily done by a younger student. You should get a triangular prism, which must be sent to the refrigerator for at least half a day. All these operations can be easily done by a younger student. After cooling, the prism is cut into triangles.

But what should a teenager do at home while a younger brother or sister is preparing the Curd Roof? To begin with, the older child will have to work hard to get a colored curd mass. This is where a mixer comes in handy. In part of the curd mass, you will have to carefully mix cocoa powder for a beige color. Instead, you can mix jam, and then you get a pink, light orange or lilac hue, depending on which fruit or berry the ingredient is made from. For taste, you can add cinnamon or vanilla sugar. Ready-made mass options can be transferred to the younger child, and the older one at this time can knead butter, condensed milk, cocoa and breadcrumbs to make a Potato cake out of all this, which will also have to be in the refrigerator for several hours.

In addition to sweets, you can learn new recipes for salads, first and second courses. There are a lot of culinary sites now, and no one limits you in using the World Wide Web.

Needlework will help pass the time

If you have already tried everything, but you are still bored, then the best thing you can do with your child in quarantine is needlework. A safe type of lace making that even a fidget will be able to master is macrame. Lessons of this skill can be peeped on the Internet. This Spanish art of rope weaving is good not only for girls who are accustomed to painstaking work, but also for boys. Only here a different approach is required: you need to start with sea knots …

Features of macrame are that piercing and cutting objects are practically not used here, and if you take a thick rope and a simple scheme, you can quickly get the result: the finished thing. It will be interesting for boys to try their hand at making, for example, nets for an impromptu basketball basket, nets for small hockey goals.

More diligent children can be shown how to knit or crochet, string beads on a fishing line or wire.

It is good to master the application of colored paper or plasticine modeling with little ones.